Washington DC, Paris, 04.08.2015, 04:34 Time

USPA NEWS - Florent Manaudou won her first individual world title in large pond on Monday in on 50 butterfly. He lunged toward the water in this event that is not his "specialty" - butterfly swimming stroke- by winning after a last surge last moment with a time 22 "97.

The French athlete Florent Manaudou made singing the Marseillaise (French Anthem), a second time by winning the gold medal in the 50m butterfly swimming stroke event the day after his world title with a 100m relay 4X Kazan.The is both the most exhausting of the swim strokes. But he did it in a very short time ! (Voir article THE FRENCH WORLD CHAMPIONS AGAIN IN RELAY 4 X100 M FREESTYLE IN KAZAN SINCE 2012 IN THE FINAL SWIMMING WORLDWIDE 2015 - See more at: since-2012.html#sthash.iByCDUvz.dpuf ) A NICE PALMARES FOR A SO YOUNG SWIMMER, FLORENT MANAUDOU The French swimmer, age only 24, already touches the stars with a dip in the water basins of the great Olympic swimming pools. He is since then and now a double champion winner at Kazan; because his 22 "97 best time enabling of outpacing the Brazilian Nicholas Santos (23" 09) and the Hungarian Laszlo Cseh (23 "15). Florent Manaudou was already Olympic champion in the 50m in in 2012, triple European champion in individual in 2014 and double world champion short course last winter. He scored his own score in the footsteps of his sister's prestigious courses "" who is triple gold medalist of World 2005 (200 m) and 2007 (200 and 400 m).

FLORENT MANDAUDOU EXPRESSES HIS JOY INTERVIEWED BY TV CHANNEL------Florent Manaudou, wins, knowing that he had the fastest time of the semifinals in 22 ". 84. He said:" The 50m butterfly is a test that I control, I knew I was favorite, but I also knew it would be swimming differently for the final, "" When you know you are lined 4, and that we did 22 "8 yesterday (Sunday), we know we are favorites, I'm happy to 22" 9 to pass under 23. " At this high level of the competition la même tenth of a second major is. Hence the notion of relativity of time. With France TV Channel

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