~ Theodore Turley Faxli'ly VOLUME 110 JANUARY, 199~ ,-., ......


In 1991 we united 1.$ a Turley family and n:ached our goal. II is a wonderfui llol:tomplisbmem to now have a beautiful marker on the grave Qf Theoclo:m: Turley in the Beaver. Utah Cemetery. Now all who desire. as they go through Beaver. can go to the cemetery and in the Sooth cenlJ'al ~ near the bridge over the canal. pause and pay tribute. Howappropria!<: we accomplish:d this goal during !he SC'squicemcMiaJ Year of 1997. Our next gnal as a family is 10 have a log t~bin on lhe silC of lhe fi rst home built;n Nauvoo by TIleodo~ Turley. Mayall Qf yOll iiCI goals thaI will enrich your lives and make life better in 1998. My prayer is that all of you woo helped in any way 10 make life belter for someone in 1997 will enter 1998 with God's cooice ble~ings.


Jay Turley B\lSine~ Manager

Message from the Editor In this edition of the 1beodon: Turley Fami ly NewsJencr we ••• are I'le~ 10 prccsenl another installment of Richartl E. Turley • Jr. 's biography of Grandfalhe. Turley. We honorlUcm cousins who have p;woed away and ""Iic" yoo. hr:lpin finding the preci", IN nils ISSUE r<:lalionship of Turley cousins recently born . Also in !his ncw$leuer an: a number of Slalcmonts wriuen about Theodore Tb<:iovap~y insW!mea1 ...... 2 Turley by his coor.:mporaries. I si ncerely hope you find the WboA~ Wc ? .• , •...... • ,. 6 SnIolll Miracles .•.. , ...... •.•.... ,.,. 8 informatiQn p"",idcd litre informative and illSflir.llionaL Please Cootemporanrous Aa:ouDIS of shan: with US your news. l1>oodo", Turley ,.".,.,...... LO Obinaries ...... ,., ...... IS Rick Pyper utters (rom OIIr ruder$ .,." •.• . •.•. 8.9, I. 824 E. Hampton Ave. Mesa. AZ 85204 (602) 813·7 142 rpy~r@a:;:I'g .sliJlt ./IZ .1

Richard E. Turley. Jr.


{Thi, i• ....,..,.,. in a conIinIIing ICn... of ".,..,It\ler ankles tlw IOJelltr will make Ill' the !if$! roup draft of a biovapby of Theodore Tllrley. The dnfl will u!lllergo considerable f'elI i,ion befme beini publi.\IIW in book form. I invile 11l fl/llily OI(mben '0 read i, erilic>l1y. make ""WMiOlU. and offer additionlJ informlltion f(l< po$.ible inchuion. Ple..... ICIId com","alS and iaform.o..ion tI) me I. 7 4 )~ South 24O!1 Wes,. Ww lordan. Utah 84084.1

8 Fleeing Far West, 5-\8 April 1839

Theodore TII'ley and Hebe, C. day of April "",XI. 011 tie building.""" of be fulfilled.' Kimball arrived in Fir WCSI , Missouri. my boo .. , Llillllbl: Lord. Some in the room !:IlIgbed 11 his on ~ April 18)9 with orders from loseph 6 Le, my ",.. lilt lohn T.ylor. and declmWao. Jobo Whitme •• apparen~y Smilh.o mo ... the remaining La.ler-day al$O my IClYIfII Iolln E . Page, and also shamed by TheaIore·. OOIIfIjI" bUIIg his Sain" from the to"'" .. quickly as my ICtvIII' Wilfo.d Woodruff, and also head. The more def"," in the lroup poMibl •. ' By the spring of 1839. the my ""'""' . be threal. and be offICially notified o f """'" to IW: their lea,,, Itore ; "",,;, like further and m<:mb<:rI of the Commiuee '"' their appoinlment. all the ",., of Inc Smith', defendal!.-n Removal, tbe i"'Jp charged "'th belping The: day Theodon: TII.ley arrived propba:ics. • The an~on iru kepi III' Ihc poor .-It ..fely . Tl!codore and t..ck in town f.om biJ vi'; • •0 JO the Book of Mormon was beller a>slst him." 1lI1' they """Id ncver eal at drink. unlil tramlatod, In 1ho difflcultieo of 1838, Tbeodo", ,efused 10 budge. they had murdered 'Joe Smith: Their Whllmer ho.d be<:om< ICparaled from the · (;oo~emen. " be .aid, ' 1 P""""'" thore apoain. Will ilm 8oWltWl. 'WIl«'. in lilt main body of It.. Churdl and was are men hen: who hove be.ud Corrill ..y. p,u(ncc of Theodo", Turley. tlw be considered an oposlIto, thll ' Mormoni"'" ""'" 1nIO. thaI lOICJIh would ' ncvet eal or drink. after he bad When the eipl men confronled Smith WI$ • prophcl. and i"-'Pired of IUn Ill< Smith. Wltil he bad murdered ~. !bey IIhmonIIilin !be ...... laIio> God. I nowc:aJl_paoyou. klho ~ him ..• , .. illl ilS ln$1I\IC.jon. for the ...mbe,.. of you ..y CorriU ;, a mo .... and • gond TI>eodon: and the <><1 the threal of death if they did "'" Far Wesl on 26 April 1839. Wbc:n say. i. i, "'" 1nIb Smith had received m re.ponded, "Goollemen. I am .... U rum""",nd and ..y they "'" f.h".· 8Jwy 1838. Theo-....IaOOn. now know as acquainled with il .· J>ricked by !hi, cormnclll. Wbi"",,, ..., ion 1 l8 of tIM: Docmnc and The eip' replied, ' Tllea you , 1$ a ask<:d, "00 you bin, II ....1· COV=U". was djrccled 10 tIM: mcmbe,.. rationallJWl, will ,i\le up J"""f1I Smith·, Tlleodore ...... red. 'If the ClIp lilS of the Quorum of T ....I ... Apos~es , being. ~ and an inspired mati? I-t you .....at i~: all I know i, wl you hay. The luI lhrtc Y.1lC:J of the ",velaOOn and thc: T .... I... Ill: now seonered all ova­ publiJ.hed 10 the "",rid llta. an IIIgel did read as fallOWl: creation; let them rome hen: if they "'re; p",.. nl lh<>so J)\a1U 10 l nocpII Smllb• • 4 And "",xl opring lei them dep>n 10 if Ihcy do.tbey will be ..... Ihcreof. and bear recos-d of my IWIIC. Un",;lling" acced< 10 their requeSl. ,i.... . 11wldled Ihml. · He de$cribed tIM: S ~ them IW: lea ... of my .anlS in Theodore Japed to biJ ft. and declared. pill" funhor o.nd ackno",IedJed !hal the city of FII Wesl. on !II<: I.... oty · si ~ th ' 10 !lie: name o f Gad tlw ",velation will · they "",re .ooWl! to "'" by • , ... po ...... "'D! P""'''''' Far W$ II> TtrIDO!)"'l 0_. I $I< ~ by .... I'-': Wh'I/1IeT cculd _. .,...y ilia...... Tboodor. TllrIqt·l. Ea$nIJ S ...... Mi ...... ,; Icpll.u.. ilia, "wid """• .me. be cculd "'" teId Ill: m , flIvinp I)fI vibo had btaI ..'" 10 ,.rr,f1IOII Ci,y 10 pouibl< I <1wIJo of V"""" fM Ibtm tht &QId pll~ . lie couldn·. be su~ tht vi,i, ;ud! fIIId Itpl aiod rmalty aIlcroo-cd II> ICilify. bu, after he diG tht Cbolfdllaoktl ....,.,SOIIed ia Ubcny for Ibr pli...... 11 .bn\ Ibty ...... Iritd ill 10. lilt capWn of Ibr ...... ruard. _100 ar>d RitIomd. Mluouri. Ihe commillCC Do.ins C.... ncy. C"""" ...... lbou. Ibr was • __ 1DObb(: on dlis day u foU ...... : rommi .... orr.... d. marll/Ilny dollarJ if ReMoval mc1 and mi,ned U.be, C. br woold convey I I.'~, 10 III. 1'ri.Kmc .. Kimball '0 ,",vel 10 Daviess Coun'y 10 Th~ comm;lIcc [0<1 I"t1I>OVal of lilt &lid briol hxk I rnp wu ill I"'YC pby.lcal di~ . arid lilt propriety of ",IldlD, from ..,.mil I fe ... montlll nr1irr. The dan,"" Ea,1y Friday momi"'. as ,.." bmhrtn \0 Libeny. 10 rnau sal.. of l uard del;v.rtd tht prisoners ;n'o "'" _led by the PropbcI. Marlbom 11fd Iancb . 90">0 LO.I:oo UP. ""d Elde .. II. k. ""ng of !he ccun'y .ht,it( om! bit 110m OIVIe,. C""IIIY ~Iuding flU"""" otId.U:. Sbt,.ood and n ...... <1\I.1oy ""rd. wIIic:II included William 8Qwman. wbo iII'\shidI Wltil "" bad ....nioruIlaim .' quickJy as pouibk . ~ 10 10 UbnIy...... Ibty,..;p. proNII: the Ao do< pard frDIII U1c'l)"""'" las 511urday . M""",- 1m lot JOOOb 011 Ihe sala of Iaod.' way hxk II> Cloy CouNy dill nip• . pm IDdtpclllk .... 10 ..-np up lilt a...rt~ · . or the """I' "'" RplflIItd from Ibt ..... al"falf1 thm:. 1bc ..,XI doy. !he The ,,"x, day. Sarun:lly. 6 April. ' ..... oM otrived in Fat W... . They.,. CIIIp. Commi11cc OIIl!crt>u>'al ..... 10 filii ...... <,'00" QCCU.rtd ilia, """'Id pr(:'.' wa. poor omd tbrm ..nil 1Il10 Doyiess C.... Ny bad ,,"linea 10 Ibr COfDmi.... 01> and ~nabk 10 fmel fM cbcmocl ..... Ihc ...... , I pard 0I 1e11 ...... Secoad. III< Removal ...... Ibt doli"")" d Ibis Icuer. tommOIIle ~ • ,...." """ 10 fundi ....",., for 1tcJq. _ T1IfO\'"KIm& food fM """" UJIIiI Ibry could ieIov< before tht folio""", Friday. ThIe tomnIi'''' dUp.ol<:hod 8to1be. c..... the stile and d>c Missi ..ippI Rlv ... The 1111<' e""''I'D<)" prom~ !he MIfiJIam 10 Daviesl COlInI)' ... illl means '0 l).,iN;Y. Illinois. where Ihe latl(,-Ilay Comm1llcc "" Removal 10 ....., again. .0 help ... Iieve "'" p,;...... (rom !heir Soin' refll.... bill &raduaUy bc:cn "t1I(" commll... d..idtd '0 defcr 5<","", deililUl( coodiliOCl . M...... "Ioil • • I pmd pthtrinl. Mu... while. lIebe. C. Eld< .. Sbtf"Olood and Turk)' 10 1J1lefl)'. Jury. cb<:ribcd 10 "'" llWorJ af w Kimball. bcioIl n>embt. of Ihe QIooNm l.-.d. Eide' Sbtnoood was ..N 10 Owrdt:as beinJ dtullkn. btpa -u....: of lilt TWcI"" . 1Iad bto:Jme I ..... of 1h< 'lIi_ 10 born>w ...... (rom lilt Ai"" II Elilb> B. C..... u..on:·. I!Iouw III:lf _ . 11< had 10 hide ill Ibr """""'1<11 . MUllwtlik. TbwduI. and lilt GalI1un. ThIe pDd;'ry -'d iIIdic:Ili", duJU& \be doy U1d ..... 1riIb d>c 0tIIcr 0Ihcn would try 10 U alilhe lCamSlhq' of lie "' ...... for rial ...... bu,JIary. (:OOIIIIi1lOO ...... ben II Ili&b!." cculd 10 ....., !he """";Iliq saiaa f...... 1SaIon. and ...,.,""" ...... AI'IcI- By MOIIdoy. I~ "priI ...... y I fe .. , """ .. II..... Una",,-y Saioo lilmilia tmIIincd ill F., ~ II) eor.:ludc 1Iki. busi ..... """ ...... p- 10 fUtftl Ills borx...... est. n.. c-m... lin Rcnooval ..... n n... ro. Ihrir llYn. AI Iw: crnued the I cow W, ..... """"in8 """. _ ...1ill< make tII\al atnIIItmmlI fOf movial public square 10 delive. this ...... una. 1 dw: poor animal " "as yeI IIN&lI"" in tho6c familia. MranwI!lle . JoKp/I Smith , roup of Nff..... on bond>ock ....111. he CUI 1 suip of 110. IUd< from her j , ond tho OIb:m d>ote ..f fucd ...... r Ill< prevWs 1ftOIUba. Ilyrum Smith, .IooItpb ., bave 1 mlnd 10. TIl ... bu1>mn; and 1001 •. In addl'lon. be others or Ill< JIW(h dnnk preny freely d They broto ",,<, n>mlbttI of Ihe Comminec on ~ .nd Ihe OIhc:r rom",in~ ul fmm!he [u1ojlWiI: or I111III .... TlIoualt ~ "ll who mnaincd in Far W...... membr ... pllw:rod up ... Iw lhey oould &Ill dri ..n , \bey were DIll def..a ..d . And from Ieriow 10 critical. pctl\apl ~ Ief1 10 ..... within &1\ bour. n.. rnnbtw:n brfcm ka",,,, !he vicioil)' for aooo. word or JoscopII Smllll·,.,.,..,. had b:pn thm IooIed and pillqed. ~ """,,1<1 mum 10 .... dw: 10 sprc:ad. (kI ThursdIIy momirIa . 18 n.. HimJIy ef rJo~ ChtdI """"""'. fulfillmal' of ~ SmltlI ', poophc>..") April. _ C. KiaIbolI c:unc oul of tlIaI 110 bod ... .,jom'n/Iy .foDdal. IIldiq 10 -.-a the ...... Iw:n of Ihe

2. HiftoIJ efrll~ 0uudI. J:106. A11bou1h if. is e6ffoc:uJ, 10 pII" b.ow ...... "" ...... !he 0MI0. 1aIt. tmu:s St&UQI th.u 10< "",y!save 'WOOl "",ply 10 1nIpm.a!tis _&II f ...... or 10 friJblea!he Alau iDro kaviq !he illite bri.... \bey .... n: bma pqoored. Bo..-maa""11 """"" dIoIc ..-bel app&mIIIy al'-cd Jostpb Smith and !be GIbe. prioonors 10 est.IOpc from the illite w.,. in the mantb. HiSlIN)"D/w OIMrd!!. ) :)21. In ...Y cue. .. Ill< lime. Throdon: and Ihe ocht:. III!~IS bad JIO .... y or knowinl Bowman would DOl fulf,lI bis murdolO.l' MO.

1. HiftoIJ eflM nord!!. 1:n-7. CorriU', booI< ..... publilbcd!hal)'Of in .51. Louil .. A B~ HiJuNy ef 1M Ou.rdt ef Ottist ef lJJn~, Day SoWou. (c--J, CdJd Mor.-.:/11IChtditt8 A~ A.-- ef71uir DMriM tJN! DiJdpjiM: .....M R~ D/ dot Alit"""for Lnni,.., 1M OIMrd!! . · ,...... __ .. -.-.k • """oj ,,,,,., 4. HiJlI1ty c/ /Itt o..l'c/ll. 1;)07-1.

S. HIsl"" C/ Ill' 01.. ,..". l :lOB.

6. JlWtN"j of ,h. Orlln:h. 3:308·9, 319.

I . HistMy '" lilt 01,,"*. 3:)06. )1)9.

9. Hisw<) C/W 01 .. ,..". 3:309.

10. IIUttN"j of th~ OIUdl. 3:109· IS; Dean C. Jcuoc. cd .• n, l'.... oNlI Writi",. of Jostpll $miIh (SaIl w~ Chy: Ikoo:M 1IooIt , 1984). 431.

II. Hu-yC/w ChrdI. 3:310. 31J.16.

13. HiSltN"j of 1/.. O il""'. 3:319.

14. JlIsltN"j '" th, 0..,... 3:319: .Ieioft. l',rJDfI4l Wrin..,J. 431 .

IS. H)T\IIn SInitII. Arr..;lavit. I July 1843. as qoowI ia Hu-y '" tilt 00Iudt. 3:321. 423.

16. HisltN"j '" du OIl/rd!. 3:322; ""sid"., JI~r C. KimboJl'J J""mol (SaIl W. Cil)': Ju,enik IruUut:lor OffICe. 1882). 71.

11. HisI<1ryc/w O ..rd! . 3:322·23. ct. I'rrJUkru H~ C. ~'I JOIJ.mol, 13. aDd Onan F. 'NIIi",">, . Ufo '" JltMf C KilMiJll (Sai, Lak£ City: J u~cnile IMllllCCOl OffICe. 1188). 261-62. in ..1\icII. \be i(lralino of dIiI. nmt is dut. ibcd as Ibt ""llliD& booat<-. "

18. Thtodooe l\ork:y pclilion ''''''"' 1 Mly 18)'.1 Wort \be elm: of &be circuil ooun of Aduns COWl<)'. Illinois. WI')' of ori,ifllli in my pouess;on. This poIilion Jus bmI priftttd ift Out V. .IoItnocxI. ed .• M~ RMtnr hririJNu: Don

A fe .. _ IalCf. bo: IWIllIWizcd his Iouc:s ill. bio tniaiaa journal as fol\c)ws: "r loft ia Corwdl ICaId"",11 C"""'Y11 Dwcllifll Hou$c MId SlIbk: (;ardia; "",II of nncr wi1It alYUliDCel • ""IlIt Sbop wdI ronal up Tm ao:=ofTombn Laad &:: Two TOWII I.0Il •• Tbo:odoool\orlry MiJSioao Joumal. p. 2. Spocial CoIlonioas. Sri&bam Y""", Uni>'Cnity. Provo. Ullb.

19. 1bo

, from OIl. P""w ..W5lener : Emeil and Sarah ' Tenny' TUrlt!y arc i

The Life Story of Ernest Turley

Emcbome pair. They had cona:mcd for Bernice IUId Anthon ... 1>0 was born in Ileaver. UI2h \0 Isaac Turley len children. Ihl' ... nf \Io'boIn: CbruI<:e ... CfC in the ""'gon wilb him. II. told and Cl.o. .... AnD TollOll. Like his (albcr Vcre. Glady •• IUld Helen. w..I )'Will. them 10 JC1 In back of \be "",on and bofon: him. be wu ~ircd 10 lake fIW\I Once in Santa Cruz. C.!ifontia Emeal _up with \be laI'lI. Qlat... tbty wen: ~bili\iQ .. ." tally age. At II>< 109< and Cenlenna ""~re ' peUing of ,,"'hal on lh< fl-I.a lhc,. was no plAc<: to £0 (or of thirteeo be helped driy ...... flmily boauliful childmt Ven: and He! ...... n:. Ihcllef 10 Eme>l slowly ~,ocecded inlO canle from Snowf'lal:e '" J.... ru. ~. and bo", il hun ",ben !bey died IS the W>mI . AI the IIOmI hit the r:oilI Wa< Ifter I k>n.r; (by's Irlvel. 00 .... le, coold ","dk ... Whon.ul>ed if ill1!i!! hun .flef SO bad 111:1. bc couldn' t ICC his animal.! at be found . Sloadfa.u Ernie IIo'tnl ~k in fifty )'Carl. bo!h Imilcd and commenled the fronl of the .... gon , Suddenly Ihc nighl \0 .....U . Uk. ~ in IN thll il !wi nol hun for a long time and liJbtnmg llrud Enal. Berni"" Boot of Monnoo, whose ...... ,,'cnl on. tbal !bey"""... llappy 10 bave 111m: rcmcmbcl'$ him Ippcariog .... ry pal. 100 dangerous ",ission 10 Jcru ..Icm, 1IlOlh<", celell!ial childmt. ...,.,Iy ]lUliog ""'. Al thaI poinl they Cbn AM wq>I and kntw II0 buill "'"'" for the WJnn 10 ", ~ de. I time period of wale •. rock dams for tbt DDkIly in MeJ.ico. The aboul. half boor. Thi•• "I"' ~ was • 1}'pC of biJ children n:mo:mber him poold .. Pearson which Wa< 9 milct OOlIlh as ovcrseer of fony-live Mnican5 in the I .... y with !be Muicans and .pote of Juare •. millH. Evcnlllllly. Wlliie OWly of lb. nUClll, Ihough vcmocuw. SpanWI . On 0Ile $lIch trip from ~ son coIotIi$&$. \be TurleY' rewmcd I) Colollil In 189S. Ernt$l married lbc p ..nicSi Bernice ... memben a time ... -ben Eme>l Jua,n where lbcir lAnd and """'" gIrl in die «Iioni.. : Sarah CenlCnna ..... "rock by liglluti",. As !bey let! mnainro. The .wo 1I0ry n:d brick home Wilson of C"lonia DiaL Her.....,. wu Pl;arsoo 10 rc\\Im ""me !bey ..w a had been vandaliwl and all the windo .... 1;= to mmHlri.1izc: Ihe centennial )'<'ar terrible >lOml on the 1111$ wWIJdI JUIttt we« knocked .... 1. of !he Un;'.d S...... Sb< was u.waJJy Se ...... 1 people !wi died aIonl1.lme fl-I.u Gfllldpa """ I nne linger know '" 'Tenny," These IWI) wen: an from liJbmi"l 51rikct. Ernest was erojoycd bc:itl& in the ward cOOi- for many , )eaf1. WhctI • "'... O'iPIJ in Mao. tao bIWPt IIIlDOhino and dlta-IO hi> fwily • family pcbcrinc>. Befon: pI~rWlII irllO ....,O'i ...... a *f' I.ho tnuo;b man: ~ and "",ie!. bIeued i.1b< _ .."be> lias Iris qui'''' lr1l accompani ..... ftl of Spanis/!pilaf1. Early m tilt 1940',. Emw IIIOVed II> or Ill...,." II. fell blesltd lhal hi. 0"''' lie Ud 1 ready 1nIilo.-.d. ","""""hie M... 10 be • I<1IIplc ordi",.,.,. 1'IOrb, ., qui ... ,.11 filiI. Af,... bi& DlUI it ct"",kle lind !<'11M: of bumor. AI ...... '" be tilt "'il.Olll Temple . nd Ce.,.ntII )\.Iyed "",,,,,', "ncommon (01' him '" 1ft 0"" Qr .,ruy ...,nl II> IIIc third pado in Utah Ind in MuiC1l II> fiNI;.., IIIc Ale of Ibcir C...... I1N·. biU a1 miAing bowls. fill ;, loa! "",... tood """lIer. ItiJ """,llIc'. I""PCny . H" was on...... n wall ";111 "Com Flakes" md cal. lie was. bi& lie",,",. Ayl tao bad. IlllUral ...... (or IIIc ..... pie and .isi~", ";111 IIIc widows ..... bavin& Iarp: ...... and feel (o.urir& I.ho beau1y of ~ and upresoed in IIIc nei&bbulb",,". lie was ~ by I wieIe..;ddr ....) md was WI II ....11. 1Ii"",,1 ( ",,,II. e •• ry ..... bcauJe of his frierodly .... u"'. EmaI died in Mao in 1~11f1ef ... Emo:so of""" Aid. "Wc .. '* iuo"C IItll ...... Ioo:~ t>e iU-of....-I )'<>In. 0..... in IIIIl tire for Nmd or """bIe " It:

' . .{.~ ~~, .~ ;t ,...h ' '~ 'f , 1".::... •

The icImtity 0( ltUl coopie "';11 be ",valecI in 0'" lin, ~

, Small Miracles

Al,'s,a Turley, Kimberly lklnap, and M' Kenzie Osterhout must bave pla nned thi!< nuni(lo in huve n. These th rh' girls arT in tht 5~ ",C rl'llirie b t Ward Sunbeam Clan. Tllty were born a few days and monlhs a part in different citi" but all ended up togelher in Wes t Jordan , Utah. Tht)' indutanlly related 10 Ihe u rn .. man. Th'Odore Turley. Though "'e don' , know for sure how Alyssa is rtlated, we know Ihal her gmt. gr:andf~lh e r , Syh'e!ller Turley wa, born in Ongon and his family still ball a I'lIncb run by bd brother Daniel Sy l\"f ~ I l' r taler mo,'ed 10 California. He dies st,·tral yUl'I l go. Michael, " 'ho is .. COO"frt 10 Ibe Church, Ihinks Ihal his rel ulivQcamc from Ibe Easl Co.m and his ramily is . tillirying 10 find Oul how Ih ty may.bt "laled to ThrodnrT. If .. nyonc ca n belp fLDd Ib e rest Oflh .. li"e, II would make thill fanrulie coincidence enn mOrt so. It '~ .. mning Ih .. , in Ih" 150lh }'ur oflhe pio"ccrs coming 10 Utah . "d on Ih e 126th yurorTheodon's dealh and tht redcdiution of hi s gnlve, thallhis sman minde happened. I.f anyone would care to conlact us, thtst li re nur .. dd resse~:

BrTlI a nd Mdl.. n; Belnap Ty and lIu ther Oslerhout Miehad and Mary Lou Turlty 5565 W. Lnpalena Cir. 557J W. Blut n;l 0. 5585 Lopalena Cil". West Jordan, UT 84084 Wn t Jnrd. ", UT 84084 We!lt Jordan, UT 84084 (801 )%7· 2861 (KOI ) 967·5294 (801)957-0815 • ,-______T~""""" T • ...,.-,-LI .." .'",KIo____ " ..... Ki.berIy______'

I.... Tu.lty Ch ...... '. T.rIey , ~lJ No,'...... 111.11 15 Ap'. lSolO I I r...... n! r",alif M.n. o.l1.rflou, A~ Koltly. Turlry 16Jllly. 1911J 2J M... " b. 1996 6 M.... b . 1996


O.... tlltyeor 1196. .... porto.,.. 1It1...... J .... T.,.loy(_ Irt.,,, """n.ys but .OI ofTlooodo ... T .....)'~ ioo Torley r •• ;ty N_t..,.1/S. po U) III ...... to T"loo. 0IJ0_. COII.ty. lie ...... t ••d bloekJ .. hll. TN ...... hod cuo"lood lor &",,111, .nd ... b•• oil " 'OS IOIO.~ In 'bls part 01 01<1.""",. JI", Turlry', lon,,,", "'I, IMI4 ""ly lurro.. nd«l by f."", but .b


The 1I",,_i, oflioft Mel in r.- W.... W..-.sdoy. Dm:mbe. [April.t. l.l9].-1Jrocbr:<\ Kimball MId T .....,. called ... J.... III. ,.It. "'illa. ... boo ..... -C'Y aI their "'..... 0lP T~ .. T ••Iry .~; Solomon HMcock. 6: John '*'I'" 7; John Kimball onod T • ....,. to be of &ood ...... "r...... shall be Murdock.': 1l1fio1o· RodrICId. II; Gc

J~ Smith. 1Ii""'Y of lite Clturch. Vol. 3. p. 48 Brothers Kimball and T. rley 10, ,,, I\Ol pmtIitttd to enter thoo priIon. and 011 "'" .x.:nm""i(ation .... had .. illt tit .... IO U through [Jonuuy 26. 1.)9jSe ....'I""'Iemie IIIId .....hnloru in ...... , ... llIt the Abu ~ilJr' men-CapUlin I.Ioprt. who _ thoo ..... nty judae. Or_ rorqam, ..n.imen .. to be presctr.c«linl for 'Mir L.. ff llY, .IohtI Whitmer. and ro "" odtera-Onr ... offlC. of .h. com",I:_ on """o"al) ""d "..-ntcd to llotOdon T u...,.. the I'll'"' eonw.irtr; Ihe ..v.wion Tlw: fol ...... in& " 'orctl>cn oppointed. viL._John Taylor ...... of July I. llll.'" losqIIr Smidt. diral, , am well b it. - They said. '11Icro you...... raboaaI ...... ill 1"... *<1 by Elias Smith. Seamr)'] INc lip Joseph Smith's bein& I poq>hct and .. inspRd ...... 1 He and the T_lve ...,.-. _,ed oIl ...... aalion; "" Ibo.m com. 1lr. commince .. ho had beat appoirIted r...... inl the poor beft if ih

IM...,h II, II)ql--Tlw: ...... , Mel in "'" _ ofthoo Olld jails. \\1titmer. )'0" JaY Corrin is 0 mrnl ond 0 IDOd "'III; do yOlO bel ..... him ..""" he "'Y" the Book ofMotmOl'l iI ...... wItcn he 1-.1 'Imory of thoo Chun:h. Vol.3. p. 2.S II)'S ~ iI "'" lIVe? """" .. mony th.." publb/ted ibM they $&)' " .. ~. UId agom IUm...,..OO and say 1hqI .... f.iser l,I,'IIitrn(IIhrir ...... 1IJ'$C'I and spilled them do"n Ihe bank of Iht ., ~ ed. "Do yOII hi",., me!" TUflcy replifd. ' Irlhe cap fitS YOll. river. Eidm Smith and Tu."'y ,"'''' wW>Ic IOCCI""" noI boco_ " .... ~ : alii "'-' i. tIw yOll hI~.l"'blW>cd 10 .... wuld t1w." of any inj..n.. they load r«Ci~ bill bocai .. oflbcir weakened ...., oJirt ~ dIOK pbIe:s 10 Jooeph SIn .....• "''bitrMt tq>Iiod: cnocIihon from iIWIL ElcIcr Hcdlod:: bolpcd Ihom inIo the ...... ""I """. say. I handled Ihoso plalos: ~,. .... Ii". ...*"'~ing> on and Ihcyn!$Wllcdlheir jownoy, ThC)' had _ poO .... hU"i- ond "1hcy ...... """'" 10 .... by 0 ""!'CfN'uial power." ... ~. """_ ... hOI p1I ... ~ hi.... you bcon .....r Tho ~ ..~Icdg<:d on...... ,iciIcd by the p.oody...... ,. oflho tIdcn ... I'OUIC fOf Enlland. Tllrlfy ..wed him, "WIly;' n(JI .... II'2rISWion now !NOT H. """­ 8.11. Robm&. Compre ...... ,"" IHOIOI)' of the "I could _ rnd it [in .... "';'inal1 and I do _ blow " ...... ~ Chwdl. Vol. 1. pp. 2 ~· 2~ [L 0...... ~ionl is ~ u nolL" Wllllrncrlnlirled all this in Ihe pn'SCnCO of o'&hl m... . [N""ember 17. 1139) IIroIha Briat>-m pruehcd in the f..... """" and BroIhcr Jolin 1'oyb- in "'" Iftcmoon. In the .....ing 8toolIcr Brip"", _imed 8toIha Toyb- ill the llouM of the I.otd. bo h.~in. P""'iootsIy ...asbcd hinuclf in I"'rt""'. n...... all [J ...... I I. IIJ9)_1 commenud dictal'"I my h'IIOf)' fu my clerk...... ,10 "'" ..... p ... I _ o;aIloullhiJ lim. Elder T~todo .. pray ...... Sri","", _inled him .. ith oil and 8toIha T.rlfy ",lied .... r.... bow.e buih by .... Sainu in "'is plac. ~ such bl .... cs upon hirll l$lbc spirit p '" 1III

[Jul)' 2. 11l9) In .....Ilomoorl mtl with theTw.lv. and $OfI1< of IIcbct Kimball JooumaI in 1\0 .... Whitney. Wom.,,', .... Sn'mlits ,,110 .. obouIlO pn)fCcd on Ihrir..u..ion 10 Europt. ExponorII9 ( 1 "(I~p.26 ond the _ions oflhe ...... ond islandsof lhe sea. Aft .. spending Ii. dly' in N. ... York. Eid

lSq:umber 20 ond 21. 1I391.- A. home 0lI0fId"" 10 do:omesIie and IIndrew Jca-. CII\IIdI ~ Chu.ch busil'lIhof Itcdlock h.:I .o lill ""'" iII"pin. Sooa Iller. _ ...... ­ [I ...... ,. 11, 11401- A sphins the bury ... If'U>d-t<> m~ Elder Willard Riehank, in 1'rQIoft, Jooeph Ficldin .. prcsidcM. ",.. ,h.i, apptll3llCe th""'g/I lickne!$, Tbcodoro T ....y . scri"'. I'>ucm, Wilford Woodruff. John TII)'Ior. I ...... C..... ond WIllard Rkh&rds.. c.o..nc'l da:idcd that Eidm Woodruff II>d T • • ..,. )hould IG 10 the SIIf"fordohn ponoriu; Elders Toylor ond Ficldin.. 10 Llv.rpooI; EIdcr CIarlc.. The Ikponu.c of Ekins Ge

" Sam ...1 Mull .... in bland..wI hold no tmeRl DDnf/: T ...el ... "";we, To.1oy 10 preside. wilk she COUftOOIor1..

Iowph Smith. lIiYoryoflhcClMcll, V oI , ~ , p. 76

Min COMlI~in& "PO" lilt beoI «M>C for., 10 pun.uo, it " .• [MardI 10, I 11-111 1 IOId ,...."...".., T.rlry thai I had 110 objocIion r.wly rnoh,d !hal E.kIc< Jotuo T~1or ond Jooeph fieldin& I" 10 '" bis bIIiklin&' iftwccy. Li ..npooI. [Ida' WoodNlT,o ScaITonhhiR: PoIIeriu. TlMoIIon T an.y 10 R,""in~. EIda' Riclwd< "hon.. II>/: SpiriI ... lpII "*Ph Smioh. lIiMory of.... CIuclI. Vol 5. p_ lOll di ..., him, ond ..... W .... Cia)...... ptnMIc 0 ..... II>/: Inn

Io.:'ober 16. 1S4SJ In Ihe nKlnlinl ...... 1 10 !Ie< • lor of 100 Bri"""" YOIII1J, Hi>iU)' of the Church. I m~ ...... lht requ

" Som~m .. it's Nkt' to Know is in Our Family

I Patricia Lee S.... 'a/"l5OIl. was born Sep!embeT IS. 193510 Vernon Edward S..... all5O!l and Francis Evelyn Giles liter father 1Ir.I.~ a grandson fJf Mary Ann Turley Cook. I~ daughter ofllJ::odorc: Tw-ley- see Mary Ann Turley piclure in the Theodore Turley New ~lel1e r n. fronl pagc.] I had three sislers and lWO brothers. I \\'as !he }'O\mg~'M of six cbildren. My l i f~ as a young ehild was not a happy one. At !he age of 19 I met my wonderful husband. Roben Allen Hamm. We only knew eacb other three ..... ccks and got married on Sqm:mbcr 10. 1955 . Til our union was bom four daugbtC1"S. Our last two wac: twins and one of them died soon after biMbo We now han' dght won

" Obituaries

lIomllM McC1cl ..... FuU., was boo! $eplcmbe. n, 1900 In CololllJ. J~., Mulco 1Jld died 00. I)eQember 2, I 'lin III CIoDCkln. los AnadH. C;tlifQmia. Sbe wu \he 4&0",'" of EsIlIer 1\I.loy I

"'-""'­Id al IdihO and Te,.ho, ,~ , ~illOn AI.iII ROftIDO)' ...... a JlUl.-lrandooII ofTbeodo.., Thrley, HiJ rnotber ...... fIe)'.- IIII'... n,. FrI/ICa Th,Iey Romatr. wbo..., \he 4&0", .., of...... , Turley. wlS bOrn In

.-..J\lilrez. Chj. hulhuI. Mexico and relocated 10 M.... Pat!< In 1950. AMI _ Iamw, ranc:t.. and m.nl~'/ownar 01 Romnay Live in such a way that Implement Co., I John OM" dHI-""P, In Amhony. EI Puo and F...... Teua. He S8Md 81 those who know you, ~~-:r~~ rn'~1=~,":.,~r! Mexico, w.. P,askienl 01 ...... tiona" u."lng In Uma, Peru but don't know Christ, aJong with \/Irioua d'llltdl1ead· aflllip potJlIona Ioeally. He II ~ by hie wile Anna luCiII TIIfIey Romney...... L.any....:l will want to know Pe'" 01 Thald>er, At\l., C/'rta 01 c.o.. CIry, Vtah" Mark....:l Mil· IOn 01 Lu CruceI, N.M .. de~ Christ because they lars Patrice 01 BMldele, Utah, and Mln)lOll of Mesa, All,. $lI). 1100- ehl~" and KeIIh 01 La e,ven, Oenniion Ind Mu­ know you. gUlfl" 01 UUlh. A"'in hn 301 cIliIcI'...",.idCIIiIttoen. and 5 gruI~. F...... """' ... 0 byGq. ~m '.Momwy,

" Dues for the newsletter are $10.00 per year. payable \0 the Turley Family Organization, 235 S. Pioneer, Mesa, AZ. 85204. Check your address label fOf expiration date. Newsletters are sent only to tOOse with paid ducs. When paying dues or making submissions for the newsletter. ple,ase use the ronn below so thai we can be sure \0 properly identify you and communicale with you .

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Turley Family Organization 235 South Pioneer Mesa. Arizona 85204