~ Theodore Turley Faxli'ly VOLUME 110 JANUARY, 199~ ,-., ............ Editorial In 1991 we united 1.$ a Turley family and n:ached our goal. II is a wonderfui llol:tomplisbmem to now have a beautiful marker on the grave Qf Theoclo:m: Turley in the Beaver. Utah Cemetery. Now all who desire. as they go through Beaver. can go to the cemetery and in the Sooth cenlJ'al ~ near the bridge over the canal. pause and pay tribute. Howappropria!<: we accomplish:d this goal during !he SC'squicemcMiaJ Year of 1997. Our next gnal as a family is 10 have a log t~bin on lhe silC of lhe fi rst home built;n Nauvoo by TIleodo~ Turley. Mayall Qf yOll iiCI goals thaI will enrich your lives and make life better in 1998. My prayer is that all of you woo helped in any way 10 make life belter for someone in 1997 will enter 1998 with God's cooice ble~ings. $;n""",ly, Jay Turley B\lSine~ Manager Message from the Editor In this edition of the 1beodon: Turley Fami ly NewsJencr we ••• are I'le~ 10 prccsenl another installment of Richartl E. Turley • Jr. 's biography of Grandfalhe. Turley. We honorlUcm cousins who have p;woed away and ""Iic" yoo. hr:lpin finding the preci", IN nils ISSUE r<:lalionship of Turley cousins recently born . Also in !his ncw$leuer an: a number of Slalcmonts wriuen about Theodore Tb<:<ldon: Turley I>iovap~y insW!mea1 ........ 2 Turley by his coor.:mporaries. I si ncerely hope you find the WboA~ Wc ? .• , •................• ,. 6 SnIolll Miracles .•.. , .......•.•.... ,.,. 8 informatiQn p"",idcd litre informative and illSflir.llionaL Please Cootemporanrous Aa:ouDIS of shan: with US your news. l1>oodo", Turley ,.".,.,.. ....... LO Obinaries ............ ,., .......... IS Rick Pyper utters (rom OIIr ruder$ .,." •.• . •.•. 8.9, I. 824 E. Hampton Ave. Mesa. AZ 85204 (602) 813·7 142 rpy~r@a:;:I'g .sliJlt ./IZ .1<S •••• Theodore Turlry: A Biography Richard E. Turley. Jr. (COniinued) {Thi, i• ....,..,.,. in a conIinIIing ICn... of ".,..,It\ler ankles tlw IOJelltr will make Ill' the !if$! roup draft of a biovapby of Theodore Tllrley. The dnfl will u!lllergo considerable f'elI i,ion befme beini publi.\IIW in book form. I invile 11l fl/llily OI(mben '0 read i, erilic>l1y. make ""WMiOlU. and offer additionlJ informlltion f(l< po$.ible inchuion. Ple..... ICIId com","alS and iaform.o..ion tI) me I. 7 4 )~ South 24O!1 Wes,. Ww lordan. Utah 84084.1 8 Fleeing Far West, 5-\8 April 1839 Theodore TII'ley and Hebe, C. day of April "",XI. 011 tie building.""" of be fulfilled.' Kimball arrived in Fir WCSI , Missouri. my boo .. , Llillllbl: Lord. Some in the room !:IlIgbed 11 his on ~ April 18)9 with orders from loseph 6 Le, my ",.. lilt lohn T.ylor. and declmWao. Jobo Whitme •• apparen~y Smilh.o mo ... the remaining La.ler-day al$O my IClYIfII Iolln E . Page, and also shamed by TheaIore·. OOIIfIjI" bUIIg his Sain" from the to"'" .. quickly as my ICtvIII' Wilfo.d Woodruff, and also head. The more def"," in the lroup poMibl •. ' By the spring of 1839. the my ""'""' Willard Richards. be threal<ned. "If they (!lie: T ....lv. ) come. loainlS who rtmailll:1l in Far West were oppoinled 10 fill 1lH: p1ac:eo of those who they "'ill gel mllrdered; they ..... IlOl primarily rtf_gee. "'" poo< 10 move ho,'. falln>. and be offICially notified o f """'" to IW: their lea,,, Itore ; "",,;, like further and m<:mb<:rI of the Commiuee '"' their appoinlment. all the ",., of Inc Smith', defendal!.-n Removal, tbe i"'Jp charged "'th belping The: day Theodon: TII.ley arrived propba:ics. • The an~on iru kepi III' Ihc poor .-It ..fely . Tl!codore and t..ck in town f.om biJ vi'; • •0 JO<qlb their wooting. uying 10 penuade Hebo, ""'re Im<II\Il!be Iauer group. The Smith. eipl men COIlfronled him Illille TlIeQclnre 10 r-.notIIICO h;, faith . Thoy day they arrived back in Fu W.,l .fl .. off.... used by the Commin« On poin~ "'" tha, John Corrill. a INsIed vi.;.ing Ihc 1'ropbe1. OO""iliOll! for the RrmovoJ. Among 1ho eighl ••l1ago";W Chun:h orrltial ",bo had reeemJy born ..ints in nonhlV<:llem Missouri grew "'er' Sam",,! Bogan. one: of the Ain'" ucommunicaled. planned 10 ....-i.< an even mo ... seriou •. dlkf"",,=nors, and John Whitmer. on: expost .boul the Chllrrli under the 1;0." Artording 10 !be publi<bed IIw{Jt'y 0( of eig!ol wilnCSlCl ""bo bad !eMilied that MomllHliJm Fairly DeUfW1/td. '1 11 ", ;, • the Church. 'This day • company of Joocph Smith had silo",,, bim 1lH: pia, .. sensible OWl,' tbey loaded. 'and you hal abou, liflY = in Dayies:! couolY 'WIl«' from "'1Iid> the Book of Mormon was beller a>slst him." 1lI1' they """Id ncver eal at drink. unlil tramlatod, In 1ho difflcultieo of 1838, Tbeodo", ,efused 10 budge. they had murdered 'Joe Smith: Their Whllmer ho.d be<:om< ICparaled from the · (;oo~emen. " be .aid, ' 1 P""""'" thore apoain. Will ilm 8oWltWl. 'WIl«'. in lilt main body of It.. Churdl and was are men hen: who hove be.ud Corrill ..y. p,u(ncc of Theodo", Turley. tlw be considered an oposlIto, thll ' Mormoni"'" ""'" 1nIO. thaI lOICJIh would ' ncvet eal or drink. after he bad When the eipl men confronled Smith WI$ • prophcl. and i"-'Pired of IUn Ill< Smith. Wltil he bad murdered ~. !bey IIhmonIIilin !be ......laIio> God. I nowc:aJl_paoyou. klho ~ him ..• , .. illl ilS ln$1I\IC.jon. for the ...mbe,.. of you ..y CorriU ;, a mo .... and • gond TI>eodon: and the <><be, $lin" ... ho the T ....lve 10 depan on their lrans· man; do you believe him wb(n Ito gy. ",mained in Far W.. , fto<ed ""...".Iion ""eanic mi ..ions from tho ""'ple lot in thc: Book of Mannon;'~. or ",ben "" 01><1 the threal of death if they did "'" Far Wesl on 26 April 1839. Wbc:n say. i. i, "'" 1nI<? The", an: many 1hIn&s leave. One montrwed 10 !<aInl them ..... confronted ill the ",velalion, Theodo", publiUled tha, tbey ..y are 1nIO. and 1pI! • ",... 1&000 Jooq>b Smith had received m re.ponded, "Goollemen. I am .... U rum""",nd and ..y they "'" f.h".· 8Jwy 1838. Theo-....IaOOn. now know as acquainled with il .· J>ricked by !hi, cormnclll. Wbi"",,, ..., ion 1 l8 of tIM: Docmnc and The eip' replied, ' Tllea you , 1$ a ask<:d, "00 you bin, II ....1· COV=U". was djrccled 10 tIM: mcmbe,.. rationallJWl, will ,i\le up J"""f1I Smith·, Tlleodore ........ red. 'If the ClIp lilS of the Quorum of T ....I ... Apos~es , being. ~ and an inspired mati? I-t you .....at i~: all I know i, wl you hay. The luI lhrtc Y.1lC:J of the ",velaOOn and thc: T .... I... Ill: now seonered all ova­ publiJ.hed 10 the "",rid llta. an IIIgel did read as fallOWl: creation; let them rome hen: if they "'re; p",.. nl lh<>so J)\a1U 10 l nocpII Smllb• • 4 And "",xl opring lei them dep>n 10 if Ihcy do.tbey will be .....<lered . AI; tba Whitmer . ffirm<d bi, P\lbli~ go ovet the grea. wlto,... and there ",ve!:l.ion canno< be fulfilled. you will Ieilimony: ' 1 no'" say, 1 handled those prOnllllgato my BO'P"I. tho: fulncu DO" ,'ve up your f.ith. · pIat£o: then: ~ r"", engravingson bod> Ihcreof. and bear recos-d of my IWIIC. Un",;lling" acced< 10 their requeSl. ,i.... 11wldled Ihml. · He de$cribed tIM: S ~ them IW: lea ... of my .anlS in Theodore Japed to biJ ft. and declared. pill" funhor o.nd ackno",IedJed !hal the city of FII Wesl. on !II<: I.... oty · si ~ th ' 10 !lie: name o f Gad tlw ",velation will · they "",re .ooWl! to "'" by • , ... po ....... "'D! P""'''''' Far W$ II> TtrIDO!)"'l 0_. I $<UItmmI I joufllt}" ...., .."" ired kim 10 J",lm ......., ttos \QUmOfIy . Tbt:odore lbou. ''''''''Y·five mila lIU ..icIt of Far ....mol sunllll. ~1artbam tatIIcd IIIc llhd. '\\"hr is POI lilt ~ ....... WCSI." prUonm T\ondIy aficmooo. briDp", ~, . Oa Suacily. 7 April. lilt commincc ";Ih him I ropy of I iIIft>I< ~ by .... I'-': Wh'I/1IeT cculd _. .,...y ilia. ...... Tboodor. TllrIqt·l. Ea$nIJ S ........ Mi ......,; Icpll.u.. ilia, "wid """• .me. be cculd "'" teId Ill: m , flIvinp I)fI vibo had btaI ..'" 10 ,.rr,f1IOII Ci,y 10 pouibl< I <1wIJo of V"""" fM Ibtm tht &QId pll~ . lie couldn·. be su~ tht vi,i, ;ud!<S I.hc,.. rt"pOmd 10 Ihe ba§cd on !hel, O.. n l (fidavi ..... naf\SII,ion .... as correc •. • comrnl, ... on hi ••rrOMS . Tbc romm;l ... On W...mc.doy. 10 "pril. Ma,kham ThIe _ eveolful day. tht a110 U.~1IOd 10 tht ODIUCIIU 01 I 1c1! .. """,,'10 prov\dt .vidence 10 COWl •• ' Ibr Comm;n.. 011 RcIllO.-al . of "bleb ...0' by Joxpb Smhll &lid his fello ... """.s.idcd IffiIIllOflY ilia, tht Jrand jury 11IwdrK< ... I 1IICfIIbn . mel 1O....a...e pril(lllCrf.. T""" ..... mbcrs of !he ..... Icari"'. bu, be was flO! aIJoMd 10 Ib ;u wort.. c-:c...... DOlI """'1 ........ eolIItIIi_. Dar\id SIItam and llebe. C. 10. ThIe ...a . dor. TbIof"$day. lie ... poor wIlD ........",... ill F.. Wctt 1101'"00 KimboIl . ....... appomoool II> fIIId Itpl aiod rmalty aIlcroo-cd II> ICilify. bu, after he diG tht Cbolfdllaoktl ....,.,SOIIed ia Ubcny for Ibr pli...... 11 .bn\ Ibty ...... Iritd ill 10. lilt capWn of Ibr ...... ruard. _100 ar>d RitIom<N>d. Mluouri. Ihe commillCC Do.ins C.... ncy. C"""" ...... lbou. Ibr was • __ 1DObb<r.
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