Federal Register/Vol. 86, No. 33/Monday, February 22, 2021/Notices
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices 10567 responses. EPA will consider the over the next three years. Second, the questions about individual applicability comments received and amend the ICR growth rate for this industry is very low determinations, monitoring decisions, as appropriate. The final ICR package or non-existent, so there is no or regulatory interpretations, refer to the will then be submitted to OMB for significant change in the overall burden. contact person identified in each review and approval. At that time, EPA Since there are no changes in the individual document, or in the absence will issue another Federal Register regulatory requirements and there is no of a contact person, refer to the author notice to announce the submission of significant industry growth, there are of the document. the ICR to OMB and the opportunity to also no changes in the capital/startup or SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: submit additional comments to OMB. operation and maintenance (O&M) Abstract: Section 1414(c)(3)(A) of the costs. There is a slight increase in costs, Background Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) which is wholly due to the use of The General Provisions of the NSPS requires that each state (a term that updated labor rates. This ICR uses labor in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) includes states, commonwealths, tribes rates from the most recent Bureau of part 60 and the General Provisions of and territories) that has primary Labor Statistics report (September 2020) the NESHAP in 40 CFR part 61 provide enforcement authority under the SDWA to calculate respondent burden costs. that a source owner or operator may shall prepare, make readily available to request a determination of whether the public, and submit to the John Dombrowski, Deputy Director, Office of Compliance. certain intended actions constitute the Administrator of EPA, an annual report commencement of construction, [FR Doc. 2021–03480 Filed 2–19–21; 8:45 am] of violations of national primary reconstruction, or modification. 40 CFR drinking water regulations in the state. BILLING CODE 6560–50–P 60.5 and 61.06. The General Provisions These Annual State Public Water in part 60 also apply to Federal and System Compliance Reports are to EPA-approved state plans for existing include violations of maximum ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY sources in 40 CFR part 62. See 40 CFR contaminant levels, treatment 62.02(b)(2). The EPA’s written responses requirements, variances and [FRL–10017–01–OECA ] to source or facility-specific inquiries on exemptions, and monitoring provisions in parts 60, 61 and 62 are requirements determined to be Applicability Determination Index Data commonly referred to as applicability significant by the Administrator after System Posting: EPA Formal determinations. Although the NESHAP consultation with the states. To Responses to Inquiries Concerning part 63 regulations [which include minimize a state’s burden in preparing Compliance With the Clean Air Act Maximum Achievable Control its annual statutorily required report, Stationary Source Program Technology (MACT) standards and/or EPA issued guidance that explains what AGENCY: Environmental Protection Generally Available Control Technology Section 1414(c)(3)(A) requires and Agency (EPA). (GACT) standards] contain no specific provides model language and reporting ACTION: Notice of availability. regulatory provision providing that templates. EPA also annually makes sources may request applicability available to the states a computer query SUMMARY: This notice announces the determinations, the EPA also responds that generates for each state (from availability of applicability to written inquiries regarding information states are already separately determinations, alternative monitoring applicability for the part 63 regulations. required to submit to EPA’s national decisions, and regulatory interpretations In addition, the General Provisions in database on a quarterly basis) the made by EPA with regard to the New part 60 and 63 allow sources to seek required violations information in a Source Performance Standards (NSPS); permission to use monitoring or table consistent with the reporting the National Emission Standards for recordkeeping that is different from the template in EPA’s guidance. Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP); promulgated requirements. See 40 CFR Form Numbers: None. the Emission Guidelines and Federal 60.13(i), 61.14(g), 63.8(b)(1), 63.8(f), and Respondents/affected entities: Entities Plan Requirements for existing sources; 63.10(f). The EPA’s written responses to that are potentially affected by this and/or the Stratospheric Ozone these inquiries are commonly referred to action are States that have primacy Protection Program. as alternative monitoring decisions. enforcement authority and meet the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: An Furthermore, the EPA responds to definition of ‘‘state’’ under the SDWA. Respondent’s obligation to respond: electronic copy of each complete written inquiries about the broad range Mandatory under Section 1414 (c)(3)(A) document posted on the Applicability of regulatory requirements in 40 CFR of SDWA. Determination Index (ADI) data system parts 60 through 63 as they pertain to Estimated number of respondents: 55 is available on the internet through the a whole source category. These inquiries (total). Resources and Guidance Documents for may pertain, for example, to the type of Frequency of response: Annually. Compliance Assistance page of the sources to which the regulation applies, Total estimated burden: 4,400 hours Clean Air Act Compliance Monitoring or to the testing, monitoring, (per year). Burden is defined at 5 CFR Website under ‘‘Air’’ at: https:// recordkeeping, or reporting 1320.03(b). www.epa.gov/compliance/resources- requirements contained in the Total estimated cost: $530,000(per and-guidance-documents-compliance- regulation. The EPA’s written responses year), includes $0 annualized capital or assistance. The letters and memoranda to these inquiries are commonly referred operation & maintenance costs. on the ADI may be located by author, to as regulatory interpretations. Changes in Estimates: There is no date, office of issuance, subpart, The EPA currently compiles EPA- change in burden from the most recently citation, control number, or by string issued NSPS and NESHAP applicability approved ICR as currently identified in word searches. For questions about the determinations, alternative monitoring the OMB Inventory of Approved ADI or this notice, contact Maria decisions, and regulatory Burdens. This is due to two Malave, Monitoring, Assistance and interpretations, and posts them to the considerations. First, the regulations Media Programs Division by phone at: ADI on a regular basis. In addition, the have not changed over the past three (202) 564–7027, or by email at: ADI contains EPA-issued responses to years and are not anticipated to change [email protected]. For technical requests pursuant to the stratospheric VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:48 Feb 19, 2021 Jkt 253001 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\22FEN1.SGM 22FEN1 tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES 10568 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices ozone regulations contained in 40 CFR of the content. Complete copies of these provides a brief description of the part 82. The ADI is a data system documents may be obtained from the subject matter. accessed via the internet, with over ADI on the internet through the Also included in this notice, is an three thousand EPA letters and Resources and Guidance Documents for abstract of each document identified memoranda pertaining to the Compliance Assistance page of the with its control number. These abstracts applicability, monitoring, Clean Air Act Compliance Monitoring are being provided to the public as recordkeeping, and reporting website under ‘‘Air’’ at: https:// possible items of interest and are not requirements of the NSPS, NESHAP, www.epa.gov/compliance/resources- intended as substitutes for the contents emission guidelines and Federal Plans and-guidance-documents-compliance- of the original documents. This notice for existing sources, and stratospheric assistance. ozone regulations. Users can search for does not change the status of any letters and memoranda by author, date, Summary of Headers and Abstracts document with respect to whether it is office of issuance, subpart, citation, The following table identifies the ‘‘of nationwide scope or effect’’ for control number, or by string word database control number for each purposes of CAA section 307(b)(1). For searches. document posted on October 22, 2020 to example, this notice does not convert an Today’s notice comprises a summary the ADI data system; the applicable applicability determination for a of 59 such documents added to the ADI category; the section(s) and/or subpart(s) particular source into a nationwide rule. on October 22, 2020. This notice lists of 40 CFR part 60, 61, 62, 63 and 82 (as Neither does it purport to make a the subject and header of each letter and applicable) addressed in the document; previously non-binding document memorandum, as well as a brief abstract and the title of the document, which binding. APPLICABILITY DETERMINATIONS, ALTERNATIVE MONITORING PLANS AND REGULATORY INTERPRETATIONS UPLOADED TO ADI ON OCTOBER 22, 2020 Control No. Categories Subparts Title 1900024 ....... NSPS ............................. OOOOa ......................... Applicability Determination