January 22, 1975, at Probate Courtroom, St
" 4 22 Pages ' SsowinfiluL CEpbmlQtoSL Sinai 1856 January 22,1975 v ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN 4887a '/V * 11. Factions clash at watershed meeting 'By Debbie LaParl The farmers cited several treasons why in Clinton,'Gratiot, and Shiawassee Coun- 'recreation development, and conservation , County News Writer Environmental Protection ' Council 1 the project should' continue, and the en- ties, The improvements consist of 9.1 miles land treatment, suggested an alternative to dredging the It was essentially a battle between en vironmentalists explained why it should not. of levees, 7,8 miles of collection channels vironmentalists and farmers that raged at The. impact statement handed out at the river, She said the counties should forget the the Jan 16 meeting of the East Upper Maple What they were concerned with were with 2 pump stations, 1 mile of floodway, meeting stated that these proposed im- costly project,.which,would save only a River Watershed Project. proposed improvements designated for the 54.2'miles of channel work, 1 flood retention provements yvould adequately treat 31,825 small portion of land* and save a larger East Upper Maple River Watershed, located , structure, fish, and wildlife development, a acres sof crop and pasture la'nd against portion of farm land by re-zoning larid now ' erosion, and reduce the gross erosion rate to. designated for development. She said the 2.5 tons 'per acre. Among a long list of river could be cleaned out by a team of benefits were the reduction of sediment load people who could manually remove the logs in the channels to 60 to 70 percent, the and debris, reduction of Hood drainage on 13,600 acres, The estimated cost for both projects is $17 and the improvement of drainage on 23,500 million, with the East watershed costing $13 acres.
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