Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 12-1948 UA99/6/2 T 'n' T December Bowling Green Business University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Recommended Citation Bowling Green Business University, "UA99/6/2 T 'n' T December" (1948). WKU Archives Records. Paper 128. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/128 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. 1, No.1 ~ l} 'I< • el ~ 'tt ~ ' ''C~J1l'Ol tt * 100 -It 'J} ~ Prince Albert S~~~ The colorful, Christmas-packaged one-pound tin of Prince Albert is just the gift for pipe smokers and those who roll their own cigarettes. Long known as the National Joy Smoke, P. A. is America's largest­ selling smoking tobacco. R. I . ReYllold. Tobacco Company. Winston-Salem. N. C. GREETINGS Guys and Gals. you have seen it advertised, what h ave y ou. talked about, and t he wh at h ave you; well, Right now our staff is not complete and that here i.t is--A magazine publish ed for the hurts. You people who are interested in work­ students of Western and B. U. ing with us come on around and talk shop w ith The editors of this magazine and its staff are us. The more the reporters the more gossip, goin g to try and present to you each month a and we all love that gossip. little 'bit of the latest gossip about the students This great 'book of humor will be ready for going to school around here and all the good distr ubution on the first of every month, ten jokes we can get our hands on. We hope to ::, e months 'a year. That means that ten times each able to give you a little bit of alumni news, year everybody will be rolling in the aisles sports, and club activity. We want to add, if from the humor that is going to appear on the you have any thi.ng that you want to see in pages of this work of ????? Besides giving a p rint or any good ideas 'an d suggestions, don't little cash for naming our good book, we will be h esitate in send in g it to us or just drop it it runni.ng different contests each month w ith a the boxes that will be sitting around with our few pieces of pewter for the winning contest­ name on it. D on 't forget, just anything that en­ ant. ters your mind we want to know about. The success or failure of this magazine is all We don't h ave a name for this great periodi­ up to the students of this area. If you all th ink cal and it is going to be up to you cats to name that it is a good thing and that it is wh at we this gre'at work of journalism. 11here is going need, fine. Everybody is asked to give h is to be t wenty-five hogs, dollars that is, to the suggestions and bits of news to our reporters student that suggests the best name for it. a nd the gossip you h ave on mind will be of There is more to be said about this on page great help. In case one of the reporters can't be 13, so you intellects get on the ·ball in order found; just w rite it on any kind of paper and that we may have a n ame for this thing. d rop it in the boxes t hat will be arou nd the IWe, the editors and staff, sincerely h ope that schools for this purpose. this magazi.ne will cre'ate a great and lasting This is about all we have to say except, that friendship between the students of Western we si.ncerely h ope that you will enjoy this and B. U. , and th at we can all ,get together and magazine and you will cooperate w ith us in have socials and all kinds of fun together. We making it one of the best college humor ma,ga­ know that it w ill t ak e a little time, but it can zines in this count.ry. Now all the bla bla is ,be done. Through this magazine, the students over prepare yourself for the rolling. of the schools will know what other students Thanks are doing and who is going w itlh who's gal and The Editors and Staff CHRISTMAS 1948 (Editorial) that same Chr istmas Eve, ·but they will ,go to We all h ave plenty of time for joy a nd ,bed with a h eavy h eart, for there will be no laughter, but never do we give any thought to real Christmas for these t ots. No toys, no the other side of life. Everyone in America gifts, only Vhe horror of trying to s'truggle will celebr ate Christmas, but will they think through another day. on that day of happin ess? Yes, we h ave plenty to be thankful for. We What will Christmas mean to most of us in hope that each end everyon e of you will re­ America- It will mean a day of rejoicing and memlber that on Christmas day in all of your exchange of gifts-a day ·of plenty. We know joy and laughter. It will n ot only be Christ­ what our Christmas will be, ·but do w e know m as, but it will ,be a day of thanks for every what Christmas will be to the people all over the person livi.ng in America. world w.ho are not fortunate enough to Eve here in ou r ,great land of plenty? No we don't, but you can be certain it will be one of misery MERRY CHRISTMAS in every respect. And A 'Children in our country will go to bed Chr istmas E ve knowing that when they aw.ake, HAPPY - PROSPEROUS the n ext morning many gifts and toys will be under the well decorated Christmas tree for NEW YEAR them. The youth ·of other nations will go to bed b 2 December, 1948 The Staff PAUL R. MA DDOX, Editor-In-Chief BERRY B. DOBSON ...... ........ .... ........ .. B. U. Editor, Business Mgr. JIAMES CLEGG . .. ... ......... .. ......... .. Western Editor, Sports Editor BETTIE HARJDIISON . ....... ........................... Associa'te Society Editor VlLCKI RATCLI<FF ...................... ....... .. .. ... Associate Society Editor MARY LOU W,AID ...................... ...... ......... Associate Society Editor DUTCH ISERT ....... ..... ....... .... .. ...... .......... .... Noted Columnist BENNY MURP,HY .. .. ..... .. ... ... .. ........ ... .... Circulation Manager MART W.IILLIAMS .......... .. .... .. ... ..... .. ........ .. .. Technical Advisor JAMES LEGRlA'NDE ...... .. ....... .. .. ......................... F aculty Advisor ? ? ? ? ....... ..... ..... ... ..... .. .. ... ..................... Madtam-U-.Ask-It The magazine is privately owned by the C. D. M. P ublishing Co., and a priv.ately publish ed ,periodical, and is not responsible to any organization, or individual for ma­ terial presented within. Contributions g·ladly accepted from outside sources but will not be re­ turned unless accompanied 'by self addressed, stamped envelope. Right is reserved to alter con­ tributions to meet publication qualifications. All communications should be addressed to P,AUL R. MiAlDiD OX, EDI'I10R, Business University, Bowling Green, Kentucky. Steaks. Chops. Chicken. Country Ham Maple Lanes Regular Dinners Bowling Green's Top Recreation ARCH WAY INN 527 State Street And Entertainment Spot Bowling Green. Ky. BOWLING We Cater To Private Parties, And Banquets, Dances and Club REFRESHMENTS Luncheons UNDER NEW MiANtAGEMENT Arnold Creson. William McClave. ,Mgrs. % M lliES WIEST ON HIGHWAY 68 PHONE 968-W December, 1948 3 Mr. Meany: Now thats for free . .. * :to: * want some gnapes for my sick husband­ COMPLIMENTS do you know if any poison has been sprayed on these you have? No, Ma'am-you'll h a.ve to get that at the of drug.gist's. * * .. How did the lightening bug feel wh en he flew backward into the fan ? 'ID e-lighted-no end" Pushins * :;: * A chinaman opened a laundry ·between a chemist's and a restaurant. The chemist had a The Governor of the state one day appeared sign : ''We never close." The res'tau rant a n­ before the convicts of the state prison to make nounced : "Open at all h ours .. " So within a a speech.. Forgetting his a,udience, he began few days, the laundry exhibited this sign : " Me in the usual manner: "F ellow Citizens"- -a No Sleepy Too". murmur of laughter ran a·bout the hall. The * :;: * Governor became confused, and began: "'Fel Notice in a Scotch Church: Those in the habit low Convicts". The lau ghter increased-"Oh, of putting ·buttons instead of coins in the col­ you .know who I mean." h ~ stamm ered "I lection plate will please p ut in their own but­ mean I'm glad to see so many of you here." tons and not buttons from the cush ions on the UPROAR. pews. .. * .. A woman trying to maneuver her sedan out 'Dazed F at her Cloo king at triplets the nurse had of a parking space banged into the car ahead, just brought out): then into the car behind and finally, pulling "We'll take t he one in the middle." into the street, struck a bypassing delivery * * * truck. A policeman who h ad been watching THE CONCEIT OF MAN approached her. "Let's see your license," he Woman (in subway): "I wish that good-looking demanded. young man would get up and give me his seat." "Don't be silly, officer," she said archly.
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