with John Gough <
[email protected]> Gemblo and Polyhex Blokus Blokus joined together whole-edge to whole-edge. Gemblo is one of the possible polyhex Blokus is an abstract strategy board game games that might be invented. Why for 2 to 4 players. It uses polyominoes obvious? Because both Blokus and Blokus WHicH are plane geometric lgures formed Trigon used families of shapes made from by joining one or more equal squares edge regular polygons that tessellate. How many to edge refer &igure . 0olyominoes HaVe are there? been described as being “a polyform whose cells are squaresv and they are classiled Gemblo according to how many cells they have. ie. number of cells. Wikipedia, 2017 March In 2005, Gemblo was created by Justin Oh 19). Polyominoes and other mathematically in Korea. It is an abstract strategy board patterned families of shapes were invented game with translucent, coloured pieces, by Solomon Golomb, and popularised by each of which is made up of one to lve hex- Martin Gardner. agons. The six colours are clear, red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Despite the obvious similarities to Blokus, Oh has stated that when he was inventing Gemblo he did not know about Blokus. The name is based on the word ‘gem’, alluding to the gem-like colours used for the play- ing pieces and ‘blocking’—a central feature of playing. The size of the playing board depends on the number of people playing. Figure 1: Examples of polyominoes With players using a hexagonal shaped board that has sides of 8 unit-hexagons. Blokus—using squares—has a sister- game called Blokus Trigon that uses poly- Playing Gemblo iamonds, those families of shapes made s Gemblo can be played as a one- from unit-sided equilateral triangles joined person puzzle or solitaire, or by whole-edge to whole-edge.