Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM OMB No. 1124-0002; Expires May 31, 2020 U.S. Department of Justice Supplemental Statement Washington, dc 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended

For Six Month Period Ending 06/30/2019

(Insert date) I - REGISTRANT

1. (a) Name of Registrant (b) Registration No.

The Fratelli Group 5867

(c) Business Address(es) of Registrant 1300 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 950 Washington, DC 20036

2. Has there been a change in the information previously furnished in connection with the following? (a) If an individual: (1) Residence address(es) Yes □ No □ (2) Citizenship Yes □ No □ (3) Occupation Yes □ No □ (b) If an organization: (1) Name Yes □ No 0 (2) Ownership or control Yes □ No [x] (3) Branch offices Yes □ No [Yl (c) Explain fully all changes, if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above. N/A

IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN INDIVIDUAL, OMIT RESPONSE TO ITEMS 3,4, AND 5(a). 3. If you have previously filed Exhibit C*1, state whether any changes therein have occurred during this 6 month reporting period. Yes □ No 0 If yes, have you filed an amendment to the Exhibit C? Yes □ No □ If no, please attach the required amendment.

1 The Exhibit C, for which no printed form is provided, consists of a true copy of the charter, articles of incorporation, association, and by laws of a registrant that is an organization. (A waiver of the requirement to file an Exhibit C may be obtained for good cause upon written application to the Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20530.)

FORM NSD-2 Revised 05/17 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM (PAGE 2)

4. (a) Have any persons ceased acting as partners, officers, directors or similar officials of the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes □ No 0 If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position Date Connection Ended N/A

(b) Have any persons become partners, officers, directors or similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? Yes □ No 0 If yes, furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed

5. (a) Has any person named in Item 4(b) rendered services directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal? Yes □ No |x] If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered. N/A

(b) During this six month reporting period, has the registrant hired as employees or in any other capacity, any persons who rendered or will render services to the registrant directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal(s) in other than a clerical or secretarial, or in a related or similar capacity? Yes EH No |X]

Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed Note: We engaged a video production company, Advoc8.

(c) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their employment or connection with the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes EH No [x] If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Date Terminated N/A

(d) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this 6 month reporting period? Yes EH No EH If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terminated N/A

6. Have short form registration statements been filed by all of the persons named in Items 5(a) and 5(b) of the supplemental statement? Yes □ No □ If no, list names of persons who have not filed the required statement. N/A

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7. Has your connection with any foreign principal ended during this 6 month reporting period? Yes □ No [x] If yes, furnish the following information:

F oreign Principal Date of T erm ination N/A

8. Have you acquired any new foreign principal(s)2 during this 6 month reporting period? Yes □ No |x] If yes, furnish th following information:

Name and Address of Foreign Principal(s) Date Acquired N/A

9. In addition to those named in Items 7 and 8, if any, list foreign principal(s)2 whom you continued to represent during the 6 month reporting period. Government of Japan Government of the Republic of Singapore

10. (a) Have you filed exhibits for the newly acquired foreign principal(s), if any, listed in Item 8? Exhibit A3 Yes □ No □ Exhibit B4 Yes □ No □ If no, please attach the required exhibit.

(b) Have there been any changes in the Exhibits A and B previously filed for any foreign principal whom you represented during this six month period? Yes 0 No □ If yes, have you filed an amendment to these exhibits? Yes 0 No □

If no, please attach the required amendment.

2 The term "foreign principal" includes, in addition to those defined in Section 1(b) of the Act, an individual organization any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign government, foreign political party, foreign organization or foreign individual. (See Rule 100(a) (9)). A registrant who represents more than one foreign principal is required to list in the statements he files under the Act only those principals for whom he is not entitled to claim exemption under Section 3 of the Act. (See Rule 208.) 3 The Exhibit A, which is filed on FormNSD-3, sets forth the information required to be disclosed concerning each foreign principal. 4 The Exhibit B, which is filed on FormNSD-4, sets forth the information concerning the agreement or understanding between the registrant and the foreign principal. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM (PAGE 4) III - ACTIVITIES

11. During this 6 month reporting period, have you engaged in any activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes 0 No □

If yes, identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail your activities and services: Please see Attachments A and B.

12. During this 6 month reporting period, have you on behalf of any foreign principal engaged in political activity5 *as defined below? Yes [x] No □

If yes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, the relations, interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject matter. Please see Attachments C and D.

13. In addition to the above described activities, if any, have you engaged in activity on your own behalf which benefits your foreign principal(s)? Yes □ No [x]

If yes, describe fully. N/A

5 "Political activity," as defined in Section l(o) of the Act, means any activity that the person engaging in believes will, or that the person intends to, in any way influence any agency or official of the Government of the United States or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting or changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with reference to political or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM

(PAGE 5)


14 (a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal, any contributions, income or money either as compensation or otherwise? Yes 0 No □

If no, explain why.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies.6

Date From Whom Purpose Amount Please see Attachments E and F.


(b) RECEIPTS - FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN During this 6 month reporting period, have you received, as part of a fundraising campaign7, any money on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No El If yes, have you filed an Exhibit D8 to your registration? Yes □ No □

If yes, indicate the date the Exhibit D was filed. Date N/A

(c) RECEIPTS-TfflNGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you received any thing of value9 other than money from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal? Yes □ No IE1

If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Received Thing of Value Purpose

6, 7 A registrant is required to file an Exhibit D if he collects or receives contributions, loans, moneys, or other things of value for a foreign principal, as part of a fundraising campaign. (See Rule 201(e)). 8 An Exhibit D, for which no printed form is provided, sets forth an account of money collected or received as a result of a fundraising campaign and transmitted for a foreign principal. 9 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like.

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(PAGE 6)

15. (a) DISBURSEMENTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you (1) disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes [x] No □ (2) transmitted monies to any such foreign principal? Yes □ No 0

If no, explain in full detail why there were no disbursements made on behalf of any foreign principal.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any, to each foreign principal.

Date To Whom Purpose Amount Please see Attachments G


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(PAGE 7) (b) DISBURSEMENTS-TfflNGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you disposed of anything of value10 other than money in furtherance of or in connection with activities on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No § If yes, furnish the following information:

Date Recipient Foreign Principal Thing of Value Purpose N/A

(c) DISBURSEMENTS-POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS During this 6 month reporting period, have you from your own funds and on your own behalf either directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value11 in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for political office? Yes □ No 0

If yes, furnish the following information:

Date Amount or Thing of Value Political Organization or Candidate Location of Event N/A

10,11 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like.

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16. (a) During this 6 month reporting period, did you prepare, disseminate or cause to be disseminated any informational materials?12 Yes El No □ If Yes, go to Item 17. (b) If you answered No to Item 16(a), do you disseminate any material in connection with your registration? Yes □ No □ If Yes, please forward the materials disseminated during the six month period to the Registration Unit for review. 17. Identify each such foreign principal. Government of Japan Government of the Republic of Singapore

18. During this 6 month reporting period, has any foreign principal established a budget or allocated a specified sum of money to finance your activities in preparing or disseminating informational materials? Yes [El No □ If yes, identify each such foreign principal, specify amount, and indicate for what period of time. Government of Japan, $150,000.00,3/6/2019-3/31/2019 Government of Japan, $35,000.00,3/6/2019 - 3/31/2019

19. During this 6 month reporting period, did your activities in preparing, disseminating or causing the dissemination of informational materials include the use of any of the following: El Radio or TV broadcasts El Magazine or newspaper D Motion picture films E] Letters or telegrams El Advertising campaigns ED Press releases E] Pamphlets or other publications E] Lectures or speeches ED Other (specify) Fact sheets Electronic Communications El Email □ Website URL(s): El Social media websites URL(s): @SingaporeEmbDC, □ Other (specify)

20. During this 6 month reporting period, did you disseminate or cause to be disseminated informational materials among any of the following groups: El Public officials E] Newspapers □ Libraries El Legislators El Editors El Educational institutions El Government agencies □ Civic groups or associations El Nationality groups □ Other (specify)

21. What language was used in the informational materials: ED English □ Other (specify)

22. Did you file with the Registration Unit, U.S. Department of Justice a copy of each item of such informational materials disseminated or caused to be disseminated during this 6 month reporting period? Yes ^ No 121

23. Did you label each item of such informational materials with the statement required by Section 4(b) of the Act? Yes [x] No □

12 The term informational materials includes any oral, visual, graphic, written, or pictorial information or matter of any kind, including that published by means of advertising, books, periodicals, newspapers, lectures, broadcasts, motion pictures, or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise. Informational materials disseminated by an agent of a foreign principal as part of an activity in itself exempt from registration, or an activity which by itself would not require registration, need not be filed pursuant to Section 4(b) of the Act.

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(PAGE 9)

VI - EXECUTION In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746, the undersigned swear(s) or affirm(s) under penalty of perjury that he/she has (they have) read the information set forth in this registration statement and the attached exhibits and that he/she is (they are) familiar with the contents thereof and that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her (their) knowledge and belief, except that the undersigned make(s) no representation as to truth or accuracy of the information contained in the attached Short Form Registration Statement(s), if any, insofar as such information is not within his/her (their) personal knowledge.

(Date of signature) (Print or type name under each signature or provide electronic signature13)

July 30, 2Q19 !s! Francis O'Brien eSigned

13 This statement shall be signed by the individual agent, if the registrant is an individual, or by a majority of those partners, officers, directors or persons performing similar functions, if the registrant is an organization, except that the organization can, by power of attorney, authorize one or more individuals to execute this statement on its behalf.

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Government of Japan

Activities and services included: • Developed communications strategies • Developed key messages • Contacted members of the media • Coordinated interviews with members of the media • Contacted members of the general public regarding Japanese-related events • Drafted materials, including: event invitations, press releases, media advisories, fact sheets, etc. • Coordinated advertising placements • Monitored news of interest to the foreign principal • Provided advice and counsel on media strategy

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Government of the Republic of Singapore

Activities and services included: • Contacted members of the media • Coordinated interviews with members of the media • Provided briefing materials on media engagements • Drafted materials including: talking points, fact sheets, social media content, etc. • Managed design projects • Monitored news of interest to the foreign principal • Provided advice and counsel on media strategy

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Government of Japan

On the dates specified below, The Fratelli Group contacted members of the press and general public on behalf of the Government of Japan to attend briefings, offer interviews and / or promote the U.S.-Japan bilateral alliance.

Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 1/3/19 Priscilla Rahn Alumna, KAKEHASHI Email Communicated about pitching her op-ed Program regarding KAKEHASHI experience to local publications______1/4/19 Priscilla Rahn Alumna, KAKEHASHI Email Communicated about pitching her op-ed Program regarding KAKEHASHI experience to local publications______1/9/19 Priscilla Rahn Alumna, KAKEHASHI Email Communicated regarding a blog on her Program KAKEHASHI experience on the Denver Public School’s website 1/18/19 Asma Khan Alumna, KAKEHASHI Email Communicated about pitching her story to Program local publications for their reporting consideration 1/24/19 Tony Hayes Reporter, Baltimore Email Contacted to request interview with Post-Examiner KAKEHASHI Program participant 1/24/19 Tony Hayes Reporter, Baltimore Email Contacted to request interview with Post-Examiner KAKEHASHI Program participant 1/25/19 Sandra Silva Alumna, KAKEHASHI Email Contacted to discuss pitching her story to Program local publications for their reporting consideration

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 1/28/19 Sandra Silva Alumna, KAKEHASHI Email Contacted to discuss pitching her story to Program local publications for their reporting consideration 1/30/19 Editors Johns Elopkins Email Contacted to request interview with University Newsletter KAKEHASHI Program participant 2/1/19 Priscilla Rahn Alumna, KAKEHASHI Email Communicated about a blog on her Program KAKEHASHI experience in Texas Christian University’s alumni magazine 2/4/19 Sharon McCoy Career Coach, Elliott Email Connected to discuss publicity School of International opportunities for Elliott School students Affairs - GWU and the KAKEHASHI Program______2/5/19 Editors Johns Hopkins Email Contacted to request interview with University Magazine KAKEHASHI Program participant 2/5/19 Priscilla Rahn Alumna, KAKEHASHI Email Communicated about a blog on her Program KAKEHASHI experience in Asian Avenue Magazine______2/6/19 Cody Boteler Writer, Baltimore Sun Email Contacted to request interview with KAKEHASHI Program participant 2/6/19 Cody Boteler Writer, Baltimore Sun Email Contacted to request interview with KAKEHASHI Program participant 2/14/19 Cody Boteler Writer, Baltimore Sun Email Followed up on request to interview KAKEHASHI Program participant 2/14/19 Editors Johns Hopkins Email Followed up on request to interview University Newsletter KAKEHASHI Program participant

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 2/14/19 Editors Johns Hopkins Email Followed up on request to interview University Magazine KAKEHASHI Program participant 2/14/19 Eric Fusfield B'nai B'rith Email Contacted to discuss possible op-ed International regarding KAKEHASHI experience 2/15/19 Sharon McCoy Career Coach, Elliott Phone Discussed publicity opportunities for School of International Elliott School students and the Affairs - GWU KAKEHASHI Program______2/22/19 Scott Knapp Nelson Mullins Email Contacted to discuss possible op-ed regarding KAKEHASHI experience 2/22/19 Scott Knapp Nelson Mullins Email Contacted to discuss possible op-ed regarding KAKEHASHI experience 2/27/19 Ruth Tam Producer, The Kojo Email Requested an interview with Ambassador Nnamdi Show / Shinsuke J. Sugiyama on the 2019 Cherry WAMU Blossom Festival 2/28/19 Ruth Tam Producer, The Kojo Email Coordinated details regarding an interview Nnamdi Show / with Ambassador Sugiyama on the 2019 WAMU Cherry Blossom Festival______3/1/19 Bob Boilen Creator and Host, Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered” 3/1/19 Robin Hilton Producer and Co-Host, Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered”

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 3/1/19 Robin Hilton Producer and Co-Host, Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered”

3/1/19 Sharon McCoy Career Coach, Elliott Email Followed up on discussion of publicity School of International opportunities for Elliott School students Affairs - GWU and the KAKEHASHI Program______3/5/19 Editors SAIS Observer - Johns Email Contacted to offer interviews with Hopkins University KAKEHASHI Program participants 3/5/19 Editors Johns Hopkins Email Contacted to offer interviews with University Magazine KAKEHASHI Program participants 3/5/19 Editors The Hoy a - Email Contacted to offer interviews with Georgetown University KAKEHASHI Program participants 3/5/19 Editors The Georgetown Voice Email Contacted to offer interviews with KAKEHASHI Program participants 3/6/19 Ruth Tam Producer, The Kojo Email Coordinated details regarding an interview Nnamdi Show / with Ambassador Sugiyama on the 2019 WAMU Cherry Blossom Festival______3/7/19 Amy King Editor, The Washington Email Contacted to pitch an interview during the Post’s “The Lily” 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 3/7/19 Neema Roshania Deputy Editor, The Email Contacted to pitch an interview during the Patel Washington Post’s 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival “The Lily”______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 3/8/19 Bob Boilen Creator and Host, Email Followed up to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered” 3/8/19 Robin Hilton Producer and Co-Host, Email Followed up to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered” 3/12/19 Sharon McCoy Career Coach, Elliott Email Followed up on discussion of publicity School of International opportunities for Elliott School students Affairs - GWU and the KAKEHASHI Program______3/13/19 Ruth Tam Producer, The Kojo Email Followed up on details regarding an Nnamdi Show / interview with Ambassador Sugiyama on WAMU the 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival______3/15/19 Amy King Editor, The Washington Email Followed up on interview pitch during the Post’s “The Lily” 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 3/15/19 Neema Roshania Deputy Editor, The Email Followed up on interview pitch during the Patel Washington Post’s 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival “The Lily”______3/15/19 Bob Boilen Creator and Host, Email Followed up to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered” 3/15/19 Robin Hilton Producer and Co-Host, Email Followed up to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered”

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM


Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 3/18/19 Robin Givhan Fashion Writer, The Email Invited Robin on a tour of the Japan Washington Post Information and Culture Center’s denim exhibition 3/19/19 Ruth Tam Producer, The Kojo Email Followed up on details regarding an Nnamdi Show / interview with Ambassador Sugiyama on WAMU the 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival______3/20/19 Ruth Tam Producer, The Kojo Email Followed up on details regarding an Nnamdi Show / interview with Ambassador Sugiyama on WAMU the 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival______3/20/19 Amy King Editor, The Washington Email Followed up on interview pitch during the Post’s “The Lily” 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 3/20/19 Neema Roshania Deputy Editor, The Email Followed up on interview pitch during the Patel Washington Post’s 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival “The Lily”______3/22/19 Amy King Editor, The Washington Call Followed up on interview pitch during the Post’s “The Lily” 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 3/22/19 Neema Roshania Deputy Editor, The Call Followed up on interview pitch during the Patel Washington Post’s 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival “The Lily”______3/22/19 Alexa Mills Writer, Washington Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi City Paper & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM)

3/22/19 Mary DePompa Reporter, WTOP Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 3/22/19 Jennifer Ortiz Reporter, WTOP Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM)

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 3/22/19 Natalie Delgadillo Staff Writer, Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi / DCist & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 3/22/19 Monica Alford Writer, On Tap Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi Magazine & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 3/22/19 Bob Boilen Creator and Elost, Email Followed up to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered” 3/22/19 Robin Hilton Producer and Co-Host, Email Followed up to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered” 3/25/19 Leslie Milk Editor, Washingtonian Email Contacted to pitch an interview during the 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 3/26/19 Ruth Tam Producer, The Kojo Email Followed up on interview with Nnamdi Show / Ambassador Sugiyama on the 2019 Cherry WAMU Blossom Festival 3/26/19 Robin Givhan Fashion Writer, The Email Followed up on invitation to take tour of Washington Post Japan Information and Culture Center’s denim exhibition 3/26/19 Mikaela Lefrak Arts and Culture Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi Reporter, WAMU & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 3/27/19 Amy King Editor, The Washington Email Contacted to inquire about possible op-ed Post’s “The Lily” submission from Japan’s foreign ministry

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 3/28/19 Robin Givhan Fashion Writer, The Email Followed up on invitation to take tour of Washington Post Japan Information and Culture Center’s denim exhibition 3/28/19 Leslie Milk Editor, Washingtonian Email Followed up on interview pitch during the 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 3/28/19 Bill O’Sullivan Senior Managing Email Contacted to pitch an interview during the Editor, Washingtonian 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 3/28/19 Rob Brunner Editor, Washingtonian Email Contacted to pitch an interview during the 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 3/28/19 Robin Hilton Producer and Co-Host, Email / Phone Followed up to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered” 3/28/19 Bob Boilen Creator and Host, Email / Phone Followed up to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered” 3/29/19 Robin Givhan Fashion Writer, The Email Coordinated details surrounding April 5 Washington Post tour of Japan Information and Culture Center’s denim exhibition 3/29/19 Monica Alford Writer, On Tap Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi Magazine & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 3/29/19 Alexa Mills Writer, Washington Email Followed up on request for interview with City Paper Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/1/19 Leslie Milk Editor, Washingtonian Email Followed up on interview pitch during the 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/1/19 Emily Tamkin Freelance Writer / Email Contacted to pitch an interview during the Contributor, The 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival Washington Post 4/2/19 Robin Givhan Fashion Writer, The Email Coordinated details surrounding April 5 Washington Post tour of Japan Information and Culture Center’s denim exhibition 4/2/19 Anna Gawel Managing Editor, Email Contacted to pitch an interview during the Washington Diplomat 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 4/2/19 Stephanie Kanowitz Reporter, Washington Email Contacted to pitch an interview during the Diplomat 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 4/3/19 Emily Tamkin Freelance Writer / Email Followed up on interview pitch during the Contributor, The 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival Washington Post 4/3/19 Stephanie Kanowitz Reporter, Washington Email Followed up on interview pitch during the Diplomat 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 4/4/19 Robin Givhan Fashion Writer, The Email Coordinated details surrounding April 5 Washington Post tour of Japan Information and Culture Center’s denim exhibition

4/4/19 Robin Hilton Producer and Co-Host, Email / Phone Followed up to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered” 4/4/19 Bob Boilen Creator and Host, Email / Phone Followed up to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered”

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/5/19 Geoff Edgers Writer, Washington Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi Post & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/5/19 Hau Chu Writer, Washington Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi Post & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/5/19 Alexa Mills Writer, Washington Email Followed up on request for interview with City Paper Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM)

4/5/19 Matt Cohen Arts Editor, Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi Washington City Paper & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/5/19 Monica Alford Writer, On Tap Email Followed up on request for interview with Magazine Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/5/19 Mikaela Lefrak Arts and Culture Email Followed up on request for interview with Reporter, WAMU Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM)

4/5/19 Sharon McCoy Career Coach, Elliott Email Followed up on KAKEHASHI Program School of International and Elliott School student participants Affairs - GWU 4/6/19 Nancy Marsden Director of Japan Bowl Email Connected to discuss publicity / Japanese Public opportunities surrounding the Japan Bowl Relations, Japan-America Society 4/8/19 Robin Givhan Fashion Writer, The Email Followed up on tour of Japan Information Washington Post and Culture Center’s denim exhibition

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/8/19 Robin Hilton Producer and Co-Host, Email / Phone Followed up to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered” 4/8/19 Bob Boilen Creator and Host, Email / Phone Followed up to request interview with Kiwi NPR’s “Tiny Desk” & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) and “All Songs Considered” 4/8/19 Cate Martel Reporter, The Hill Email Invited to denim exhibition and workshop at the Japan Information and Culture Center 4/8/19 Nancy Marsden Director of Japan Bowl Email Contacted regarding the Japan Bowl / Japanese Public Relations, Jap an-America Society 4/9/19 Rob Brunner Editor, Washingtonian Email Followed up on interview pitch during the 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 4/9/19 Alexa Mills Writer, Washington Email Followed up on request for interview with City Paper Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM)

4/9/19 Hau Chu Writer, Washington Email Followed up on request for interview with Post Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/9/19 Monica Alford Writer, On Tap Email Followed up on request for interview with Magazine Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/9/19 Matt Cohen Arts Editor, Email Followed up on request for interview with Washington City Paper Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM)

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/9/19 Geoff Edgers Writer, Washington Email Followed up on request for interview with Post Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/9/19 Dan Taylor Editor, Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/9/19 Rob Brunner Editor, Washingtonian Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/9/19 Mike Murillo Anchor / Producer, Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi WTOP & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/9/19 Morgan Wright Producer, WDVM Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Fleather Singmaster Contributor, Education Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Week request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Kathleen Manzo Writer, Education Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Week request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Delece Smith- Writer, Hechinger Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Barrow Report request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Nicole Guadino Reporter, POLITICO Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Ben Wermund Reporter, POLITICO Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Michael Stratford Reporter, POLITICO Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/9/19 Kimberly Hefling Reporter, POLITICO Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Jane Norman Reporter, POLITICO Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Moriah Balingit Reporter, Washington Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Post request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Laura Meckler Reporter, Washington Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Post request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Donna St. George Reporter, Washington Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Post request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Valerie Strauss Writer, Washington Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Post request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Debbie Truong Reporter, Washington Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Post request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Cody Mello Klein Editor, Alexandria Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Times request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Greg MacDonald Editor, Fairfax Times Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Editorial Team Editors, Falls Church Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and News-Press request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Gary Childs Editor, Greenbelt News Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Review request interviews with participants

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/9/19 Editorial Team Northern Virginia Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Connection request interviews with participants Newspapers_____ 4/9/19 Editorial Team Northern Virginia Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Connection request interviews with participants Newspapers_____ 4/9/19 Fatimah Waseem Writer, Reston Now Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants 4/9/19 Mikaela Lefrak Arts and Culture Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Reporter, WAMU request interviews with participants

4/10/19 Anna Gawel Managing Editor, Email Contacted to pitch interviews during the Washington Diplomat 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 4/10/19 Janet Staihar Editor, Georgetown Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi Dish & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/10/19 Stephen Sawchuk Reporter, Education Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Week request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Liana Loewus Reporter, Education Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Week request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Lesli Maxwell Reporter, Education Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Week request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Corey Mitchell Reporter, Education Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Week request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Judy Taub Producer, WTOP Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/10/19 Anna Gawel Managing Editor, Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Washington Diplomat request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Jack Moore Reporter, WTOP Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Newsroom WDVM Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Carlos Martinez Producer, NBC Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Washington request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Dylan Shue Producer, NBC Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Washington request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Christina Romano Producer, NBC Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Washington request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Kenny Martin Producer, Fox 5 Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Washington request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Brendan O’Connell Producer, Fox 5 Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Washington request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Christopher Smith Producer, Fox 5 Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Washington request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Newsdesk WJLA (ABC) Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Newsdesk WUSA-9 (CBS) Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and request interviews with participants

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/10/19 Markette Sheppard Anchor / Host, WUSA- Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and 9 (CBS) request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Shawn Yancy Anchor, F ox 5 Email Contacted to invite to the Japan Bowl and Washington request interviews with participants 4/10/19 Nancy Marsden Director of Japan Bowl Email Provided her with an update on Japan Bowl / Japanese Public media outreach Relations, Japan-America Society 4/11/19 Monica Alford Writer, On Tap Email Followed up on request for interview with Magazine Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/11/19 M.K. Kosycki Writer, On Tap Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi Magazine & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/11/19 Dan Taylor Editor, Email Followed up on request for interview with Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/11/19 Matt Cohen Arts Editor, Email Followed up on request for interview with Washington City Paper Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/11/19 Geoff Edgers Writer, Washington Email Followed up on request for interview with Post Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/11/19 Mike Murillo Anchor / Producer, Email Followed up on request for interview with WTOP Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/11/19 Reem Nadeem Digital Editor, WTOP Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM) 4/11/19 Editorial Team Current Newspapers Email Contacted to request interview with Kiwi & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM)

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/11/19 Matthew Rabinowitz Writer, Current Email Followed up regarding interview with Kiwi Newspapers & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM)

4/11/19 Kathleen Manzo Writer, Education Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Week and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Delece Smith- Writer, Hechinger Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Barrow Report and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Cody Mello Klein Editor, Alexandria Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Times and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Greg MacDonald Editor, Fairfax Times Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Editorial Team Editors, Falls Church Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl News-Press and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Gary Childs Editor, Greenbelt News Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Review and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Editorial Team Northern Virginia Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Connection and request for interviews with participants Newspapers_____ 4/11/19 Editorial Team Northern Virginia Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Connection and request for interviews with participants Newspapers_____ 4/11/19 Fatimah Waseem Writer, Reston Now Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Mikaela Lefrak Arts and Culture Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Reporter, WAMU and request for interviews with participants

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/11/19 Stephen Sawchuk Reporter, Education Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Week and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Liana Loewus Reporter, Education Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Week and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Lesli Maxwell Reporter, Education Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Week and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Corey Mitchell Reporter, Education Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Week and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Judy Taub Producer, WTOP Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Anna Gawel Managing Editor, Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Washington Diplomat and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Jack Moore Reporter, WTOP Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Newsroom WDVM Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Carlos Martinez Producer, NBC Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Washington and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Dylan Shue Producer, NBC Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Washington and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Christina Romano Producer, NBC Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Washington and request for interviews with participants

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/11/19 Kenny Martin Producer, Fox 5 Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Washington and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Brendan O’Connell Producer, Fox 5 Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Washington and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Christopher Smith Producer, Fox 5 Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl Washington and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Newsdesk WJLA (ABC) Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Newsdesk WUSA-9 (CBS) Email Followed up on invite to the Japan Bowl and request for interviews with participants 4/11/19 Amanda Farnan Coordinator, Email Discussed possible event with the Embassy POLITICO team at POLITICO 4/12/19 Nancy Marsden Director of Japan Bowl Email Provided her with an update on Japan Bowl / Japanese Public media outreach Relations, Jap an-America Society 4/13/19 Matthew Rabinowitz Writer, Current Email Followed up regarding interview with Kiwi Newspapers & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM)

4/15/19 Anna Gawel Managing Editor, Email Followed up on interview pitches during Washington Diplomat the 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival 4/15/19 Matthew Rabinowitz Writer, Current Email Followed up regarding interview with Kiwi Newspapers & the Papaya Mangoes (KPM)

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/15/19 Amanda Farnan Coordinator, Email Discussed possible event with the Embassy POLITICO team at POLITICO 4/16/19 Robin Givhan Fashion Writer, The Email Followed up on tour of Japan Information Washington Post and Culture Center’s denim exhibition 4/16/19 Conor Finnegan State Department Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Reporter, ABC News Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/16/19 Matt Lee State Department Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Reporter, Associated Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Press Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/16/19 Dave Lawler Global Editor, Axios Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Ms. Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/16/19 Margaret Brennan Anchor and Senior Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Foreign Affairs Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Correspondent, CBS Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign News Affairs 4/16/19 Kyle Atwood National Security Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Reporter, CNN Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/16/19 Rich Edson State Department Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Reporter, FOX News Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/16/19 Rebecca Kheel Defense Reporter, The Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Hill Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/16/19 Abigail Williams State Department Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Reporter, NBC News Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/16/19 David Sanger National Security Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Reporter, NY Times Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/16/19 Nishant Dahiya Asia Editor, NPR Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/16/19 David Brunnstrom U.S. Japan Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Correspondent, Reuters Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/16/19 Nahal Toosi Foreign Policy Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Correspondent, Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy POLITICO Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/16/19 Deirdre Shesgreen Foreign Affairs Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Reporter, USA Today Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/16/19 Michael Gordon National Security Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Reporter, Wall Street Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Journal Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/16/19 Emily Tamkin Freelance Writer / Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Contributor, Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Washington Post Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/16/19 Mark Landler White House Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Correspondent, New Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy York Times Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/17/19 Nancy Marsden Director of Japan Bowl Email Provided her with an update on Japan Bowl / Japanese Public media outreach Relations, Japan-America Society 4/17/19 David Nakamura White House Reporter, Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Washington Post Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/17/19 Michelle Kosinski Senior Foreign Affairs Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Reporter, CNN Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/18/19 Matt Lee State Department Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 Reporter, Associated briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/18/19 Margaret Brennan Anchor and Senior Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 Foreign Affairs briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Correspondent, CBS Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, News Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/18/19 Kylie Atwood National Security Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 Reporter, CNN briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/18/19 Rebecca Kheel Defense Reporter, The Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 Hill briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/18/19 Abigail Williams State Department Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 Producer, NBC News briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/18/19 Nahal Toosi Foreign Policy Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 Reporter, POLITICO briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/18/19 Will Dobson Chief International Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 Editor, NPR briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/18/19 Didrik Schanche Deputy International Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 Editor, NPR briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/18/19 Michael Gordon National Security Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 Reporter, Wall Street briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Journal Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/18/19 Doug Palmer Senior Trade Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 POLITICO briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/18/19 Mark Landler White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 New York Times briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/19/19 Abigail Williams State Department Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 Producer, NBC News briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/19/19 Michelle Kosinski Senior Foreign Affairs Email Followed up on invitation to April 19 Reporter, CNN briefing with Mitsuko Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/19/19 Brett Samuels White House Reporter, Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko The Hill Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/19/19 Mark Knoller White House Reporter, Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko CBS News Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/19/19 Nicole Gaouette National Security Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Reporter, CNN Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/19/19 Mike Bender White House Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Correspondent, Wall Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Street Journal Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/19/19 Courtney McBride State Department Email Invited to April 19 briefing with Mitsuko Correspondent, Wall Shino, Deputy Press Secretary / Deputy Street Journal Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/22/19 Matthew Rabinowitz Writer, Current Email Followed up regarding story on Kiwi & the Newspapers Papaya Mangoes (KPM)

4/22/19 Sharon McCoy Career Coach, Elliott Email Followed up on discussion of publicity School of International opportunities for Elliott School students Affairs - GWU and the KAKEHASHI Program______4/23/19 Jonathan Karl Chief White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, ABC Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of News Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Shaun Tandon State Department Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, AFP Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Jill Colvin White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/23/19 Margaret Talev White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Bloomberg News Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Major Garret White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, CBS Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of News Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Kayla Tausche Washington Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, CNBC Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Abby Phillip White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, CNN Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 John Roberts White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, FOX Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of News Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Jordan Fabian White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, The Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Hill Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Kristen Welker White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, NBC Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of News Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Mark Landler White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, New Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of York Times Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Tamara Keith White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, NPR Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/23/19 Eliana Johnson White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of POLITICO Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 David Jackson White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, USA Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Today______Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Dave Lawler Global Editor, Axios Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Ben Tracy White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, CBS Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of News Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Brett Samuels White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, The Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Hill Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Katherine Faulders White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, ABC Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of News Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 Mike Bender White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, Wall Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Street Journal Foreign Affairs______4/23/19 David Brunnstrom U.S. Japan Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, Reuters Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/24/19 Courtney McBride State Department Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, Wall Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Street Journal Foreign Affairs______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 4/24/19 Katie Rogers White House Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Correspondent, New Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of York Times Foreign Affairs______4/24/19 Kayla Tausche Washington Email Coordinated interview with Minister Correspondent, CNBC Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 4/24/19 Conor Finnegan State Department Email Followed up on inquiry about diplomatic Correspondent, ABC correspondences News 4/25/19 Mark Landler White House Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Correspondent, New briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press York Times Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/25/19 Ana Swanson Trade Reporter, New Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi York Times Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/25/19 David Nakamura White House Reporter, Email Invited to April 26 briefing with Takeshi Washington Post Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______4/25/19 Meridith McGraw White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 ABC News briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/25/19 Kevin Freking White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Associated Press briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/25/19 Shaun Tandon State Department Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Correspondent, AFP briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/25/19 Shawn Donnan Trade Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Bloomberg News briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/25/19 Kayla Tausche Washington Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Correspondent, CNBC briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/25/19 Eliana Johnson White Flouse Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 POLITICO briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/25/19 David Brunnstrom U.S. Asia Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Reuters briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/25/19 David Jackson White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 USA Today briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/25/19 Courtney McBride State Department Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Reporter, Wall Street briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Journal Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/25/19 David Nakamura White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Washington Post briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM


Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/26/19 Meridith McGraw White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 ABC News briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/26/19 Kevin Freking White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Associated Press briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/26/19 Shaun Tandon State Department Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Correspondent, AFP briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/26/19 Shawn Donnan Trade Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Bloomberg News briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/26/19 Kayla Tausche Washington Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Correspondent, CNBC briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/26/19 Eliana Johnson White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 POLITICO briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/26/19 David Brunnstrom U.S. Asia Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Reuters briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/26/19 David Jackson White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 USA Today briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/26/19 Courtney McBride State Department Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Reporter, Wall Street briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Journal Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4/26/19 David Nakamura White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to April 26 Washington Post briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/1/19 Sharon McCoy Career Coach, Elliott Email Coordinated outreach to GWU publications School of International regarding Elliott School students and the Affairs - GWU KAKEHASHI Program______5/1/19 Editorial Team GW Today Email Contacted regarding the KAKEHASHI Program and GW student participation for their consideration 5/1/19 Editors GW Hatchet - George Email Contacted regarding recent KAKEHASHI Washington University trip with Elliott School students 5/1/19 Editors GW Today - George Email Contacted regarding recent KAKEHASHI Washington University trip with Elliott School students 5/3/19 Ben Kesling Reporter, Wall Street Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Journal Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/3/19 Shaun Tandon Reporter, AFP Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Dave Lawler Global Editor, Axios Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Michelle Kosinski Foreign Policy Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Reporter, CNN Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Rich Eds on State Department Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Reporter, Fox News Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Rebecca Kheel Defense Reporter, The Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Hill Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Andrea Mitchell Anchor and Global Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Affairs Correspondent, Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the NBC News Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Helene Cooper Defense Reporter, New Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with York Times Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Nishant Dahiya Asia Editor, NPR Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Amna Nawaz National Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Correspondent, PBS Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Newshour Ministry of Foreign Affairs______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/3/19 Eliana Johnson White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with POLITICO Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Deirdre Shesgreen Foreign Affairs Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Reporter, USA Today Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Alex Ward Staff Writer, Vox Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Idrees Ali Foreign Policy Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Reporter, Reuters Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Missy Ryan Defense Reporter, Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Washington Post Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Conor Finnegan State Department Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Reporter, ABC News Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Matthew Lee State Department Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Reporter, Associated Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Press Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 Nick Wadhams Foreign Policy Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Reporter, Bloomberg Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the News Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/3/19 David Martin Pentagon Reporter, Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with CBS News Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/6/19 Ellen Mitchell Defense Reporter, The Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Hill Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/6/19 Abigail Williams State Department Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Producer, NBC News Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/6/19 Missy Ryan Defense Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Washington Post briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Dave Lawler Global Editor, Axios Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Helene Cooper Defense Reporter, New Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press York Times briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Matt Lee State Department Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Reporter, Associated briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Nick Wadhams Foreign Policy Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Reporter, Bloomberg briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/6/19 Kevin Freking White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Associated Press Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/6/19 Emily Tamkin Freelance Writer / Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Contributor, Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/6/19 David Martin Pentagon Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press CBS News briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Michelle Kosinski Foreign Affairs Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Reporter, CNN briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Rich Edson State Department Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Correspondent, FOX briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press News Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Nishant Dahiya Asia Editor, NPR Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Amna Nawaz National Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Correspondent, PBS briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Newshour Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Eliana Johnson White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press POLITICO briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 David Brunnstrom Freelance Writer / Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Contributor, Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Washington Post Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/6/19 Deirdre Shesgreen Foreign Affairs Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Reporter, USA Today briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Ben Kesling Reporter, Wall Street Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Journal briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Conor Finnegan State Department Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Reporter, ABC News briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Alex Ward Staff Writer, Vox Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/6/19 Lucas Tomlinson Defense Producer, FOX Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with News Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/6/19 Dan Sagalyn Producer, PBS Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Newshour Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/6/19 Kayla Tausche Washington Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Correspondent, CNBC Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/6/19 Siobhan O’Grady Foreign Affairs Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Reporter, Washington Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Post Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/6/19 Adam Taylor Foreign Affairs Writer, Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Washington Post Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/7/19 Gordon Lubold Defense Reporter, Wall Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Street Journal Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/7/19 Bob Burns Defense Reporter, Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Associated Press Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/7/19 Lolita Baldor Defense Reporter, Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Associated Press Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/7/19 Matt Spetalnick Foreign Affairs Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Reporter, Reuters Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/7/19 David Sanger National Security Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Correspondent, New Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the York Times Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/7/19 Margaret Brennan Anchor and Senior Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Foreign Affairs Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Correspondent, CBS Ministry of Foreign Affairs News

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/7/19 Tom Vanden Brook Defense Reporter, USA Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Today Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/7/19 Will Dobson International Affairs Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Editor, NPR Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/7/19 Susannah George National Security Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Reporter, Associated Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Press Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/7/19 Edward Wong Foreign Policy Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Reporter, New York Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Times Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/7/19 Ellen Mitchell Defense Reporter, The Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Hill briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/7/19 Alex Ward Staff Writer, Vox Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/7/19 Siobhan O’Grady Foreign Affairs Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Reporter, Washington briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Post Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/7/19 Adam Taylor Foreign Affairs Writer, Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Washington Post briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/7/19 Dan De Luce National Security and Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Foreign Policy Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Reporter, NBC News Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/7/19 Jennifer Griffin National Security Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Correspondent, FOX Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the News Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/7/19 Lucas Tomlinson Defense Producer, FOX Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press News briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/7/19 David Martin Pentagon Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press CBS News briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/7/19 John Hudson National Security Email Invited to May 9 press briefing with Reporter, Washington Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Post Ministry of Foreign Affairs______5/8/19 Tom Vanden Brook Defense Reporter, USA Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Today briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/8/19 Edward Wong Foreign Policy Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Reporter, New York briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Times Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/9/19 Nishant Dahiya Asia Editor, NPR Email Followed up invitation to May 9 press briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/9/19 Ellen Mitchell Defense Reporter, The Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Hill briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/9/19 John Hudson National Security Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Reporter, Washington briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Post Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/9/19 Matt Spetalnick Foreign Affairs Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press Reporter, Reuters briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/9/19 Helene Cooper Defense Reporter, New Email Followed up on invitation to May 9 press York Times briefing with Takeshi Osuga, Press Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5/10/19 Editorial Team GW Today Email Followed up regarding the KAKEHASHI Program and GW student participation for their consideration 5/10/19 Editors GW Hatchet - George Email Followed up to see if they would be Washington University interested in covering recent KAKEHASHI trip with Elliott School students______5/10/19 Editors GW Today - George Email Followed up to see if they would be Washington University interested in covering recent KAKEHASHI trip with Elliott School students______5/10/19 Sidney Lee Editor, GW Hatchet Email Followed up to see if they would be interested in covering recent KAKEHASHI trip with Elliott School students______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/10/19 Parth Kotak Editor, GW Hatchet Email Followed up to see if they would be interested in covering recent KAKEHASHI trip with Elliott School students______5/15/19 Sharon McCoy Career Coach, Elliott Email Coordinated outreach to GWU publications School of International regarding Elliott School students and the Affairs - GWU KAKEHASHI Program______5/17/19 Robin Givhan Fashion Writer, The Email Followed up to see if Robin needed Washington Post additional information on Japan Information and Culture Center’s denim exhibition 5/20/19 Katherine Faulders White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with ABC News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Meridith McGraw White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with ABC News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Shaun Tandon State Department Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Reporter, AFP Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Jill Colvin White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Associated Press Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Kevin Freking White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Associated Press Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Dave Lawler World Editor, Axios Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/20/19 Margaret Talev White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Bloomberg News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/20/19 Margaret Brennan Anchor and Senior Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Foreign Affairs Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Correspondent, CBS Spokesperson News 5/20/19 Michelle Kosinski Senior Foreign Policy Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Reporter, CNN Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Kayla Tausche Washington Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Correspondent, CNBC Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Stephanie Dhue Producer, CNBC Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 James Astill D.C. Bureau Chief and Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Columnist, Economist Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Rich Edson State Department Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Correspondent, FOX Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy News Spokesperson 5/20/19 Jordan Fabian White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with The Hill Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Kristen Welker White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with NBC News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/20/19 Mark Landler White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with New York Times Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Tamara Keith White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with NPR Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Eliana Johnson White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with POLITICO Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Nancy Cook White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with POLITICO Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Amna Nawaz National Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Correspondent, PBS Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Newshour Spokesperson 5/20/19 David Brunnstrom U.S. Asia Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Reuters Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Steve Holland White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Reuters Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 David Jackson White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with USA Today Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/20/19 Alex Ward Staff Writer, Vox Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/20/19 Deirdre Shesgreen Foreign Affairs Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Reporter, USA Today Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/20/19 Mike Bender White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Wall Street Journal Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/20/19 John Roberts White House Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Correspondent, FOX Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy News Spokesperson______5/20/19 Kevin Corke White House Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Correspondent, FOX Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy News Spokesperson______5/20/19 Major Garrett White House Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Correspondent, CBS Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy News Spokesperson______5/20/19 Ayesha Rascoe White House Email Coordinated interview with Minister Correspondent, NPR Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 5/21/19 Doug Palmer Senior Trade Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with POLITICO Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/21/19 David Sanger National Security Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Reporter, New York Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Times Spokesperson______5/21/19 Kristen Welker White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to May 23 press NBC News briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/21/19 Abby Phillip White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with CNN Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/21/19 Jordan Fabian White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to May 23 press The Hill briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/21/19 Mike Bender White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to May 23 press Wall Street Journal briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/21/19 Jill Colvin White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to May 23 press Associated Press briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/21/19 Kylie Atwood National Security Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Reporter, CNN Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/21/19 Courtney McBride State Department Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Reporter, Wall Street Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Journal Spokesperson______5/21/19 Brett Samuels White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with The Hill Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/21/19 Merdith McGraw White House Email Coordinated interview with Minister Correspondent, ABC Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson News 5/21/19 Dan De Luce National Security and Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Foreign Policy Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Reporter, NBC News Spokesperson______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 5/22/19 Vivian Salama White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Wall Street Journal Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/22/19 Mark Landler White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to May 23 press New York Times briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/22/19 Michael Gordon National Security Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Reporter, Wall Street Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Journal Spokesperson______5/22/19 Major Garrett White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to May 23 press CBS News briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/22/19 Ben Kelsing Reporter, Wall Street Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Journal Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/22/19 Edward Wong Foreign Affairs Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Reporter, New York Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Times Spokesperson______5/22/19 Jeff Mason White House Reporter, Email Invited to May 23 press briefing with Reuters Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______5/30/19 Sharon McCoy Career Coach, Elliott Email Contacted about an op-ed by Elliott School School of International student on the KAKEHASHI Program Affairs - GWU 5/30/19 Amanda Farnan Coordinator, Email Discussed possible event with the Embassy POLITICO team at POLITICO

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 6/4/19 Opinion Team The GW Hatchet Email Contacted about an op-ed authored by Elliott School student on the KAKEHASHI Program and educational exchange______6/7/19 Susannah George National Security Email Arranged meeting with Minister Takehiro Reporter, Associated Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson Press 6/11/19 Opinion Team The GW Hatchet Email Followed up on op-ed authored by Elliott School student on the KAKEHASHI Program and educational exchange_____ 6/18/19 Sidney Lee Editor, GW Hatchet Email Followed up on op-ed authored by Elliott School student and participant of KAKEHASHI Program______6/19/19 Kiran Hoeffnershah Opinion Editor, The Email Followed up on op-ed authored by Elliott GW Hatchet School student on the KAKEHASHI Program and educational exchange_____ 6/20/19 Katherine Faulders White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with ABC News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Meridith McGraw White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with ABC News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Darlene Superville White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Associated Press Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Jill Colvin White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Associated Press Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 6/20/19 Kevin Freking White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Associated Press Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Susannah George National Security Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reporter, Associated Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Press Spokesperson 6/20/19 Nicole Gaouette National Security Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reporter, CNN Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Shaun Tandon State Department Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reporter, AFP Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Francesco Diplomatic Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Fontemaggi Correspondent, AFP Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Sebastian Smith White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with AFP Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Dave Lawler World Editor, Axios Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Jennifer Epstein National Security Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reporter, Associated Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Press Spokesperson 6/20/19 Margaret Talev White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Bloomberg News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 6/20/19 Major Garrett White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with CBS News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/20/19 Margaret Brennan Anchor and Senior Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Foreign Affairs Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Correspondent, CBS Spokesperson News 6/20/19 Michelle Kosinski Foreign Affairs Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reporter, CNN Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Rachel Oswald Foreign Policy Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reporter, CQ Roll Call Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 James Astill D.C. Bureau Chief and Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Columnist, Economist Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Demetri Sevastopulo D.C. Bureau Chief, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Financial Times Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Rich Edson State Department Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Correspondent, FOX Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy News Spokesperson 6/20/19 Brett Samuels White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with The Hill Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Noah Bierman White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Los Angeles Times Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 6/20/19 Tracy Wilkinson Foreign Policy Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reporter, Los Angeles Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Times Spokesperson 6/20/19 Don Lee Economics Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Los Angeles Times Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Ani Kami White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with New York Times Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Katie Rogers White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with New York Times Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Ayesha Rascoe White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with NPR Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Tamara Keith White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with NPR Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Amna Nawaz National Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Correspondent, PBS Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Newshour Spokesperson 6/20/19 Anita Kumar White House Reporter Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with and Associate Editor, Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy POLITICO Spokesperson 6/20/19 Eliana Johnson White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with POLITICO Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 6/20/19 Jeff Mason White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reuters Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Steve Holland White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reuters Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 David Brunnstrom U.S. Asia Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reuters Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 David Jackson White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with USA Today Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Deirdre Shesgreen Foreign Affairs Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reporter, USA Today Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Alex Ward Staff Writer, Vox Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Mike Bender White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Wall Street Journal Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Vivian Salama White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Wall Street Journal Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 David Nakamura White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Washington Post Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 6/20/19 Ashley Parker White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Washington Post Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/20/19 Anne Gearan White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Washington Post Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/21/19 Jordyn Phelps White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with ABC News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/21/19 Anna Olson White House Producer, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with FOX News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/21/19 Kayla Tausche Washington Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Correspondent, CNBC Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/21/19 Stephanie Dhue Producer, CNBC Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson 6/21/19 Edward Wong Foreign Policy Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reporter, New York Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Times Spokesperson 6/21/19 Carol Morello Foreign Policy Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reporter, Washington Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Post Spokesperson 6/21/19 John Bennett White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with CQ Roll Call Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 6/21/19 Dan Sagalyn Foreign Affairs Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Producer, PBS Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Newshour Spokesperson______6/21/19 Nick Schifrin Foreign Affairs Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reporter, PBS Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Newshour Spokesperson______6/21/19 John Roberts White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with FOX News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/21/19 Alicia Jennings White House Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Correspondent, NBC Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy News Spokesperson______6/21/19 Geoff Bennett White House Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Correspondent, NBC Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy News Spokesperson______6/21/19 Elyse Perlmutter- White House Producer, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Gumbiner NBC News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/21/19 Betsy Klein White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with CNN Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/21/19 Zeke Miller White House Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Associated Press Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/24/19 Margaret Talev White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to June 25 press Bloomberg News briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 6/24/19 Jennifer Epstein White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to June 25 press Bloomberg News briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/24/19 Michelle Kosinski Foreign Affairs Email Followed up on invitation to June 25 press Correspondent, CNN briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/24/19 Karen Travers White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to June 25 press ABC News briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/24/19 Jordan Phelps White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to June 25 press ABC News briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/24/19 Rachel Oswald Foreign Policy Email Followed up on invitation to June 25 press Reporter, CQ Roll Call briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/24/19 Alex Leary White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to June 25 press Wall Street Journal briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/24/19 Scott Horsley White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to June 25 press NPR briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/24/19 David Jackson White House Reporter, Email Followed up on invitation to June 25 press USA Today briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/24/19 Deirdre Shesgreen Foreign Affairs Email Followed up on invitation to June 25 press Reporter, USA Today briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Offic e/P ub lie atio n 6/24/19 Anna Olson White House Producer, Email Followed up on invitation to June 25 press FOX News briefing with Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/24/19 Conor Finnegan State Department Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Reporter, ABC News Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/24/19 Paul Wiseman Economics Reporter, Email Invited to June 25 press briefing with Associated Press Minister Takehiro Shimada, Embassy Spokesperson______6/26/19 Sharon McCoy Career Coach, Elliott Email Coordinated additional outreach to GWU School of International publication regarding Elliott School Affairs - GWU students and the KAKEHASHI Program 6/26/19 Nancy Marsden Director of Japan Bowl Email Communicated about outreach ideas / Japanese Public surrounding the Japan Bowl / Relations, KAKEHASHI Program Japan-America Society

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM



Government of The Republic of Singapore

On the dates specified below, The Fratelli Group contacted members of the press and general public on behalf of the Government of Singapore to attend briefings and other events, offer interviews and / or promote the U.S.-Singapore bilateral alliance.

Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Office/Publication 1/17/19 Henry Curr Economics Editor, The Email Followed up on an invite from the Economist Embassy to interview Singapore’s Managing Director of Singapore’s Economic Development Board during the World Economic Forum 1/17/19 Greg Ip Chief Economics Email / phone call Followed up on an invite from the Commentator, The Wall Embassy to interview Singapore’s Street Journal Managing Director of Singapore’s Economic Development Board during the World Economic Forum 1/29/19 Seth Pines Real-Time Editor, ABC 15 Email / phone call Requested an interview for the Arizona Ambassador during a trip to Phoenix, AZ 1/29/19 Mary Morse Executive Producer, Email Requested an interview for the Morning Show @ Fox 10 Ambassador during a trip to Phoenix, Arizona AZ 1/31/19 Seth Pines Real-Time Editor, ABC 15 Email Followed up on interview request for Arizona the Ambassador during a trip to Phoenix, AZ 1/31/19 Mary Morse Executive Producer, Email Followed up on interview request for Morning Show @ Fox 10 the Ambassador during a trip to Arizona Phoenix, AZ

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Office/Publication 2/1/19 Martha Maurer News Director, KTAR Email / phone call Requested an interview for the News Arizona Ambassador during a trip to Phoenix, AZ 2/4/19 Martha Maurer News Director, KTAR Email Followed up on interview request for News Arizona the Ambassador during a trip to Phoenix, AZ 2/4/19 Ashley Flood Managing Editor, KTAR Email Followed up on interview request for News Arizona the Ambassador during a trip to Phoenix, AZ 2/5/19 Ashley Flood Managing Editor, KTAR Email Followed up on interview request for News Arizona the Ambassador during a trip to Phoenix, AZ 2/8/19 Ashley Flood Managing Editor, KTAR Email Followed up on interview request for News Arizona the Ambassador during a trip to Phoenix, AZ 2/15/19 Ashley Flood Managing Editor, KTAR Email Followed up on interview request for News Arizona the Ambassador during a trip to Phoenix, AZ 2/15/19 Taylor Kinnerup Reporter and Evening Email Followed up on interview request for Anchor on KTAR News, the Ambassador during a trip to KTAR News Arizona Phoenix, AZ 3/18/19 Nana Mum ford Executive Assistant to the Email Followed up on an invite from the editorial board, The Wall Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Street Journal Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Jerry Seib Executive Washington Email Followed up on an invite from the Editor, The Wall Street Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Journal Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Nishant Dahyla Asia Editor, National Email Followed up on an invite from the Public Radio Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM


Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Office/Publication 3/18/19 David Brunnstrom Reporter, Reuters Email Followed up on an invite from the Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Fleather Long Economics Email Followed up on an invite from the Correspondent, The Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Washington Post Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Ana Swanson Reporter, The New York Email Followed up on an invite from the Times Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Fleather Long Economics Email Followed up on an invite from the Correspondent, The Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Washington Post Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 James Astill Washington Bureau Email Followed up on an invite from the Chief, The Economist Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Paul Wiseman Economics Reporter, The Email Followed up on an invite from the Associated Press Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Anna Gawel Managing Editor, The Email Followed up on an invite from the Washington Diplomat Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Michelle Kosinski Senior Diplomatic Email Followed up on an invite from the Correspondent, CNN Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Sam Fleming U.S. Economics Editor, Email Followed up on an invite from the The Financial Times Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Kyla Tausche Correspondent, CNBC Email Followed up on an invite from the Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM


Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Office/Publication 3/18/19 Uri Friedman Staff Writer, The Atlantic Email Followed up on an invite from the Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 David Sterman Senior Policy Analyst, Email Followed up on an invite from the The New America Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Foundation Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 David Lynch Financial Writer, The Email Followed up on an invite from the Washington Post Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 David Brunnstrom Reporter, Reuters Email Followed up on an invite from the Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Nana Mum ford Executive Assistant to the Email Followed up on an invite from the editorial board, The Wall Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Street Journal Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Geoff Dyer Reporter, The Financial Email Followed up on an invite from the Times Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 James Astill Washington Bureau Email Followed up on an invite from the Chief, The Economist Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 3/18/19 Jerry Seib Executive Washington Phone Call Followed up on an invite from the Editor, The Wall Street Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Journal Minister for Trade and Industry 3/19/19 Jerry Seib Executive Washington Email Followed up on an invite from the Editor, The Wall Street Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Journal Minister for Trade and Industry 3/19/19 Jennifer Williams Foreign Affairs Editor, Email Followed up on an invite from the Vox Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM


Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Office/Publication 3/21/19 Uri Friedman Staff Writer, The Atlantic Email Followed up on an invite from the Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry 4/10/19 Shaun Tandon State Department Email Followed up on an invite from the Correspondent, Agence Embassy during visit by Singapore’s France-Press (AFP) Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Paul Wiseman Economics Reporter, The Email Followed up on an invite from the Associated Press Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Matthew Lee Diplomatic Writer, The Email Followed up on an invite from the Associated Press Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Dion Rabouin Markets Editor, Axios Email Followed up on an invite from the Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Rich Edson Washington Email Followed up on an invite from the Correspondent, Fox News Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Geoff Dyer Reporter, The Financial Email Followed up on an invite from the Times Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Greg Ip Chief Economics Email Followed up on an invite from the Commentator, The Wall Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Street Journal Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Josh Zumbrun Economics Email Followed up on an invite from the Correspondent, The Wall Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Street Journal Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Zanny Minton Editor-in-Chief, The Email Followed up on an invite from the Beddoes Economist Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM


Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Office/Publication 4/10/19 Jason Lange Economics Reporter, Email Followed up on an invite from the Reuters Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Ana Swanson Reporter, The New York Email Followed up on an invite from the Times Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Floward LaFranchi Diplomacy Email Followed up on an invite from the Correspondent, The Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Christian Science Monitor Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Brett F ortnam Managing Editor, Inside Email Followed up on an invite from the U.S. Trade Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Jenny Leonard Trade Reporter, Email Followed up on an invite from the Bloomberg News Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Franco Ordonez White House Email Followed up on an invite from the Correspondent, Embassy during visit by Singapore’s McClatchy Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Adam Behsudi Trade Reporter, Politico Email Followed up on an invite from the Pro Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Megan Cassella Trade Reporter, Politico Email Followed up on an invite from the Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Doug Palmer Senior Trade Reporter, Email Followed up on an invite from the Politico Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 James Astill Washington Bureau Email Followed up on an invite from the Chief, The Economist Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Office/Publication 4/10/19 David Sands Reporter, The Email Followed up on an invite from the Washington Times Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Michele Kelemen Diplomatic Email Followed up on an invite from the Correspondent, National Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Public Radio Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Uri Friedman Staff Writer, The Atlantic Email Followed up on an invite from the Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Robbie Gramer Diplomacy and National Email Followed up on an invite from the Security Reporter, Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Foreign Policy______Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Janet Novack Washington Bureau Email Followed up on an invite from the Chief, Forbes Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Nick Schifrin Foreign Affairs and Email Followed up on an invite from the Defense Correspondent, Embassy during visit by Singapore’s PBS NewsHour Minister for Finance 4/10/19 Laura King Global Affairs Email Followed up on an invite from the Correspondent, The Los Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Angeles Times______Minister for Finance 4/11/19 Conor Finnegan State Department Email Followed up on an invite from the Reporter, ABC News Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/11/19 Rachel Oswald Foreign Policy Report, Email Followed up on an invite from the CQ Roll Call Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/11/19 Jessica Schulberg Reporter, HuffPost Email Followed up on an invite from the Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance

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Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Office/Publication 4/11/19 Gardiner Harris International Diplomacy Email Followed up on an invite from the Reporter, The New York Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Times Minister for Finance 4/11/19 Nishant Dahyla Asia Editor, National Email Followed up on an invite from the Public Radio Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/11/19 Candace Huntington Reporter, The Email Followed up on an invite from the Washington Diplomat Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/11/19 William Mauldin Reporter, The Wall Street Email Followed up on an invite from the Journal Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/11/19 Deirdre Shesgreen Foreign Policy Reporter, Email Followed up on an invite from the USA TODAY Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/11/19 Tracy Wilkinson Staff Writer, The Los Email Followed up on an invite from the Angeles Times Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/11/19 Lara Seligman Pentagon Reporter, Email Followed up on an invite from the Foreign Policy Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/11/19 Deirdre Shesgreen Foreign Policy Reporter, Email Followed up on an invite from the USA TODAY Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/11/19 Katrina Mans on Foreign Policy and Email Followed up on an invite from the Defense Correspondent, Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Financial Times Minister for Finance 4/11/19 Demetri Sevastopulo Washington Bureau Email Followed up on an invite from the Chief, The Financial Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Times Minister for Finance

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM


Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Office/Publication 4/11/19 James Politi World Trade Editor, The Email Followed up on an invite from the Financial Times Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/12/19 Michelle Kosinski Senior Diplomatic Email Followed up on an invite from the Correspondent, CNN Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/12/19 Elise Labott Global Affairs Journalist, Email Followed up on an invite from the CNN Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/12/19 David Brunnstrom Reporter, Reuters Email Followed up on an invite from the Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/12/19 Abigail Williams State Department Email Followed up on an invite from the Reporter, NBC News Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/12/19 Jim Berger Editor, Washington Trade Email Followed up on an invite from the Daily Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/12/19 Caitlin Webber Reporter, Bloomberg Email Followed up on an invite from the News Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/12/19 Margaret Brennan Senior Foreign Affairs Email Followed up on an invite from the Correspondent, CBS Embassy during visit by Singapore’s News Minister for Finance 4/12/19 William Mauldin Reporter, The Wall Street Email Followed up on an invite from the Journal Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/12/19 Matthew Lee Diplomatic Writer, The Phone Call Followed up on an invite from the Associated Press Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM


Date Contact Person Title and Type of Contact Issue Office/Publication 4/12/19 Lara Seligman Pentagon Reporter, Phone Call Followed up on an invite from the Foreign Policy Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/12/19 Ana Swanson Reporter, The New York Phone Call Followed up on an invite from the Times Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/12/19 Brett F ortnam Reporter, The Wall Street Phone Call Followed up on an invite from the Journal Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance 4/12/19 William Mauldin Reporter, The Wall Street Phone Call Followed up on an invite from the Journal Embassy during visit by Singapore’s Minister for Finance

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM



Government of Japan

Date From whom Purpose Amount

01/17/2019 Government of Japan Professional Services $ 20,000.00

03/20/2019 Government of Japan Professional Services $ 40,000.00

04/17/2019 Government of Japan Social Media and Video Production Expenses $ 35,000.00

04/23/2019 Government of Japan Professional Services $ 20,000.00

04/29/2019 Government of Japan Advertising Expenses $150,000.00

05/29/2019 Government of Japan Professional Services $ 20,000.00

06/26/2019 Government of Japan Professional Services $ 20.000.00

$305.000.00 Total

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 2:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM



Government of the Republic of Singapore

Date From whom Purpose Amount

01/02/2019 Government of Singapore Professional services $ 18,000.00

02/05/2019 Government of Singapore Professional services $ 18,000.00

03/08/2019 Government of Singapore Professional services $ 18,000.00

04/03/2019 Government of Singapore Professional services $ 18,000.00

05/01/2019 Government of Singapore Professional services $ 18,000.00

05/24/2019 Government of Singapore Professional services $ 18,000.00

06/25/2019 Government of Singapore Professional services S 18.000.00

$126.000.00 Total

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 2:45:08 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM'



Government of Japan

Date To whom Purpose Amount

01/30/2019- 03/28/2019 Flickr Subscription $ 35.94

02/28/2019 I Ricchi Lunch with client $ 211.99

Social Media and 03/09/2019 Statigram Web Analytics $ 351.00

Social Media and 03/10/2019 Cyfe, Inc. Web Analytics $ 168.00

04/22/2019- 06/30/2019 Advertising Advertising $ 7,999.19

04/15/2019- 06/02/2019 Twitter Online Advertising Advertising $ 4,000.00

04/01/2019- 05/01/2019 Spotify Advertising $ 1,000.00

03/19/2019- 03/20/2019 Outfront Media Advertising $34,782.00

03/31/2019 Capitol Hill Publishing Advertising $ 15,000.00

04/04/2019- 05/01/2019 WAMU-FM/American University Advertising $ 15,000.00

04/23/2019 Politico Advertising $29,978.86

04/24/2019- 04/30/2019 The Washington Post Advertising $ 49,999.99

05/15/2019 Advoc8 LLC Video Production $ 15,000.00

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Date To whom Purpose Amount

01/07/2019- 06/25/2019 Taxi Services Taxi Services S 780.17

$174307.14 Total

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Government of the Republic of Singapore

Date To whom Purpose Amount

01/03/2019- 06/17/2019 Taxis Taxi Services S 135.84

$ 135.84 Total

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2019 12:45:08 PM