Salford COUNCIL. Aldermen
DIRECTORY PUBLIC BUILDINGS, &c. ~IAN CHESTER Or.DsAL 'VARD. Manchester City Council-continued. Alderman. OFFICE!lS OF THE CORPORATIOX-continucrl. William Sh:lrp, Brook House, Timperlcy Nl:'ISANCE AND HACKNEY CoACH DEPARTME~T, Councillors. Town Hall, John Morris, 92 Howard st. Eccles New rd. Salford Superintendent-A. T. Rook George William Gadd, Regent Road Iron Works, Salford Chief Clerk cl: Deputy Sz•perintendent-John Wrigley Samuel Rud man, 84 West Park st. Ordsallane, S&lford City Analyst-Charles Estcourt REGENT WARD. Alderman, ''\EIGHTS AND ME:ASURES DEPARTMENT, James Farmer, Hope House, Eccles Old rd. Eccles Bloom Street, Aytoun Street. • Councillm·s . Open from 8 a.m. till 5 p.m., Saturdays, 8 to 1 John Blythe Foden, Howsrd st. Salford Chief Inspector-John W. Robinsou Thomas Goodwin, 6Acton square, Crescent, S&lford Inspector.~-Samuel Massey and Thomas Hirst Morritt T. S. Phillip~, 52 Howard st. Salford Clerk-Harold Nickson l\Ia.nchester City Pound, Bridgewater st. Deansg-ate CRESCENT WARD. Key Repositories-Old Town Hall, Cross st; Town Hall, Lloyd st.Albert Alderman. square; and the scvera.l Police Stations in the City William Robinson, Park view, Eccles Councillors. Thomas Jackson, Seedley grove, Pendleton Henry Lord, Bentcliffe park, Eccles William Gray, Trafford rd. Salford MAGISTRATES ACTING FOR THE BOROUGH ST. STEPHEN'S WARD. Alderma11. OF SAlFORD. Willia.mBrown, Ellesmere park, Eccles CounciUo1·s. J oseph 1\Iakinson, Roundthorne, Sale, Stipendiary Magistrate Joseph Shaw ,5 New Bailey st. Salford Agnew Willia.m, M.P. Summer hill, Pendleton Thomas Robinson, Holm Lea, Urmston lane, Stretford Benjamin, lll.P. Chomlea., Pendle~on Armitage Elkanah, The Rookery, Eccles William Henry Wood, 31 Great Clowes st.
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