Water Heaters and Storage Tanks Ecodesign and Energy Label Review Study Task 2 Market Analysis FINAL REPORT Review study Commission Regulation (EU) No. 814/2013 [Ecodesign] and Commission Delegated Regulation No. (EU) No. 812/2013 (Energy Label) Prepared by VHK for the European Commission in collaboration with BRG Building Solutions, London (UK) July 2019 The information and views set out in this study are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. Prepared by Study team: Van Holsteijn en Kemna B.V. (VHK), The Netherlands, in collaboration with BRG Building Solutions, London (UK) Authors: René Kemna, Martijn van Elburg, Sanne Aarts (all VHK), Andrea Corso (BRG subcontract) Study team contact: René Kemna (
[email protected]) Contract manager: Jan Viegand, Viegand Maagøe Project website: http://www.ecohotwater-review.eu Specific contract: no. ENER/C3/SER/FV 2016-537/08/FWC 2015-619 LOT2/03/SI2.753935 Title: Review Study existing ecodesign & energy labelling Water Heaters & Tanks Contract date: 9.6.2017 Consortium: Viegand Maagøe, VHK, Wuppertal Institute, Armines, Oakdene Hollins Cover: DHW storage tank with coil [picture VHK 2016-2017] _______________________ This study was ordered and paid For by the European Commission, Directorate-General For Energy. The inFormation and views set out in this study are those oF the author(s) and do not necessarily reFlect the oFFicial opinion oF the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy oF the data included in this study. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalF may be held responsible For the use which may be made oF the inFormation contained therein.