Electronic Timer Led Series

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Electronic Timer Led Series LED ELECTRONIC SERIES TIMER The Robertshaw® Electronic Timer is a cooking control which uses colored LEDs to program various time durations with audible alarms. This control is installed in ranges which feature functions such as a minute timer, duration, end time, and time of day. Features and Benefits • Plug and play electronic technology • Easy to read LCD display • Full range of display colors • Full range of buttons systems (3 - 5 - 6 knobs, 3 - 5 touch systems) LED145 • Various programming functions (depending on model): minute timer, cooking duration, end time, time of day, meat probe, pyro function, temperature control • Minus / plus settings • Compact size • Small or bigger standard housing • Easy mounting / replacement • Approved by main international certification agencies Specifications • Voltage: 230V AC, 50/60 Hz 1 Watt LED193 • Electrical Rating: 16 Amps 250V AC μ • Made in EU (Slovakia) EPT3 LED ELECTRONIC SERIES TIMER OEM Part Code References Part Numbers Product Name Brand Equivalent Part Code B016-362013 Electronic Timer LED193/013 Amica 8052646 B016-362001 Electronic Timer LED193/001 Amica 8053273 / 8028462 B016-356301 Electronic Timer TOUCH193/301 Amica 8053836 B016-356201 Electronic Timer TOUCH193/201 Amica 8050921 B016-356204 Electronic Timer TOUCH193/204 Amica 8052029 B016-356915 Electronic Timer TOUCH193/915 Amica 8053835 B016-356715 Electronic Timer TOUCH193/715 Amica 8052573 B391-424001 Electronic Timer TOUCH195/001 Arcelik 267100117 B391-186257N Electronic Timer EL145/257 Arcelik 267100054 B391-186280N Electronic Timer EL145/280 Arcelik 267100063 B391-177803N Electronic Timer EL2000/803 Arcelik 267920002 B391-177819N Electronic Timer EL2000/819 Arcelik 267100065 A726-332005 Electronic Timer LED143/005 Miele 06685518 / 06685516 / 6685515 A726-366002 Electronic Timer EZT 790/002 Miele 07028419 / 07028415 / 7028413 A726-356401 Electronic Timer TOUCH193/401 Miele 07523314 / 07523311 A726-385001 Electronic Timer EZT 736/001 Miele 07318827 / 07318826 / 07318823 / 7318820 A726-300001 Electronic Timer EZ 760/001 Miele 5723484 B288-285008 Electronic Timer LED198/008 Miele 05715974 / 05755914 A393-297201 Electronic Timer LED145/201 Smeg 816291317 A393-297021 Electronic Timer LED145/021 Smeg 816291316 A393-304007 Electronic Timer LED144/007 Smeg 816291324 A393-190301 Electronic Timer EL144/301 Smeg 816291219 A393-297002 Electronic Timer LED145/002 Smeg 816290735 A231-362007 Electronic Timer LED193/007 Whirlpool 400010383715 A231-356205 Electronic Timer TOUCH193/205 Whirlpool 400010530411 A725-417003 Electronic Timer LED194/003 - AQP Indesit W16200331001 / 16200331001 / 16200317300 / 16200331000 A725-417005 Electronic Timer LED194/005 - AQP Indesit W16200342000 / 16200342000 / 16200322200 A725-186253N Electronic Timer EL145/253 Indesit W16200135201 / 16200135201 / 16200135200 A725-204379N Electronic Timer EL198/379 Indesit W16200179400 / 16200179400 A725-177801N Electronic Timer EL2000/801 Indesit W16200041803 / 16200041803 A725-417002 Electronic Timer LED194/002 Indesit W16200342200 / 16200342200 / 16200308000 A725-177306N Electronic Timer EL2000/306 Indesit W16200179000 / 16200179000 A725-417006 Electronic Timer LED194/006 Indesit W16200342100 / 16200342100 / 16200322100 A734-204215N Electronic Timer EL198/215 Indesit W16200027205 / 16200027205 / 16200027204 B763-204419N Electronic Timer EL198/419 Candy 42803541 A361-437001 Electronic Timer ICON LED Gorenje 465250 A361-380501 Electronic Timer EPT3/501 Gorenje 264601 A361-297024 Electronic Timer LED145/024 Gorenje 323901 A361-378201 Electronic Timer EPT1/201 Gorenje 419243 A361-289516 Electronic Timer LED2000/516 Gorenje 323903 A361-379501 Electronic Timer EPT2/501 Gorenje 264599 A361-203001G Electronic Timer EL191/001 Gorenje 155811 / 618112 / 617761 A361-337005 Electronic Timer GAS345/005 Gorenje 263282 A361-378601 Electronic Timer EPT1/601 Gorenje 419244 / 264598 / 348236 A730-289510 Electronic Timer LED2000/510 Glendimplex UK 082876800 A730-331008 Electronic Timer LED720/008 Glendimplex UK 82998800 A730-289506 Electronic Timer LED2000/506 Glendimplex UK 82840900 B404-289503 Electronic Timer LED2000/503 Gefest led-2000-503-os9 B404-356201 Electronic Timer TOUCH193/201 Gefest B404-356201 Customer Service (Europe) +420.587.805.197 Customer Service (Europe) Facsimile: +420.587.805.244 [email protected] For Technical Service Robertshaw® is a trademark of Robertshaw, its subsidiaries www.robertshaw.com Customer Service (Americas) +1.800.304.6563 Telephone +1.800.445.8299 and/or affiliated companies. All other brands mentioned may ©2018 Robertshaw [email protected] [email protected] be the trademarks of their respective owners. 8/18 – 150-2639.
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