Lori A. Simpson, Rmr-Crr (612) 664-5104 2
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA ----------------------------------------------------------- ) In re: Baycol Products ) File No. MDL 1431 Litigation ) (MJD/SRN) ) ) Minneapolis, Minnesota ) November 8, 2006 ) 2:00 p.m. ) ----------------------------------------------------------- BEFORE THE HONORABLE MICHAEL J. DAVIS UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE (STATUS CONFERENCE) APPEARANCES For the Plaintiffs: CHARLES ZIMMERMAN, ESQ. RICHARD LOCKRIDGE, ESQ. ELIZABETH CABRASER, ESQ. RANDY HOPPER, ESQ. DANIEL BECNEL, ESQ.. RICHARD ARSENAULT, ESQ. YVONNE FLAHERTY, ESQ. STACY HAUER, ESQ. For Defendant Bayer: ADAM HOEFLICH, ESQ. PETER SIPKINS, ESQ. SUSAN WEBER, ESQ. JAMES MIZGALA, ESQ. For Defendant FRED MAGAZINER, ESQ. GlaxoSmithKline: Court Reporter: LORI A. SIMPSON, RMR-CRR 1005 U.S. Courthouse 300 South Fourth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 (612) 664-5104 Proceedings recorded by mechanical stenography; transcript produced by computer. LORI A. SIMPSON, RMR-CRR (612) 664-5104 2 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 IN OPEN COURT 3 THE COURT: It's been a long time. Let's call 4 this matter. 5 THE CLERK: In re: Baycol Products Multidistrict 6 Litigation, status conference, Court File No. MDL 1431. 7 Counsel, will you please state your appearances for the 8 record. 9 MR. ZIMMERMAN: Hi, Your Honor. I'm Charles 10 Zimmerman for the PSC. 11 MR. LOCKRIDGE: Good afternoon, Your Honor. 12 Richard Lockridge for the PSC. 13 MR. ARSENAULT: Good afternoon. Richard Arsenault 14 for the PSC. 15 MS. CABRASER: Good afternoon, Your Honor. 16 Elizabeth Cabraser for the PSC. 17 MR. HOPPER: Good afternoon, Your Honor. Randy 18 Hopper for the PSC. 19 MR. BECNEL: Daniel Becnel for the PSC, Your 20 Honor.
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