Bernard Lovell (1913-2012) Physicist and Radar Pioneer Who Created the Famous Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope
COMMENT OBITUARY Bernard Lovell (1913-2012) Physicist and radar pioneer who created the famous Jodrell Bank radio telescope. ith vision, inspiration and deter- a small team built a parabolic reflector in the Western world. Suddenly everyone mination, Bernard Lovell created 66 metres in diameter, made of wires stretched realized the telescope’s importance. Lord the Jodrell Bank Observatory in between scaffold poles. Robert Hanbury Nuffield paid off the debt, half personally WCheshire, UK, and the great radio telescope Brown used this dish to discover radio waves and half from the Nuffield Foundation, and there that bears his name. Through his lead- from the Andromeda galaxy. It was the start serious astronomy could begin. ership, generations of astronomers developed of astronomy at Jodrell Bank. That dish was The telescope fulfilled Lovell’s vision of the tools of radio astronomy that have revo- fixed and could only stare upwards. Lovell’s opening a new window on the Universe. It lutionized astrophysics and cosmology. had illustrious roles in early space explo- Lovell was born in Oldland Common ration, in the discovery of quasars and the near Bristol, UK, and educated at the local first gravitational lens, and in the discov- Kingswood Grammar School. He was ery and study of pulsars, or neutron stars, PHOTOSHOT PHOTOSHOT attracted to science through a lecture by which have provided the most precise physicist Arthur Tyndall. He joined Tyn- tests of Einstein’s general theory of rela- dall as a research student at the University tivity. After 55 years and two major refur- of Bristol, where his meticulous work on bishments, the telescope is still working at the resistance of thin metallic films earned the frontiers of knowledge.
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