Learn Laugh Live



1992 – 2017





The group was started in 1996/97 and at that time consisted of three lady members and one gentleman. Today there are 29 members. Among today’s members are Thelma Lobb, a founding member, and two past Group Leaders, Pru Pearman and Audrey Stanley. Originally meetings were held at the Lowewood Museum and are now held at St. Augustine's Parish Centre in .

Meetings usually consist of a speaker and recent talks have covered subjects as diverse as restoring antique furniture, porcelain manufacturers in , The Wallace Collection and how to collect Goss china.

We try to arrange an annual outing and most recently visited The London Silver Vaults where we enjoyed a talk from one of the shop owners.

We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month, new members are very welcome and full contact details are in the Newsletter.



The Book Stall has been a feature of LV for many years, started I think, by Bob Newton. I took over its organisation about 10 years ago, but its success has been largely due to the willing team of volunteers who have supported the venture, raising a considerable amount of money which has been used to provide refreshments and equipment for the LV. Nothing is wasted. I regularly cull the books and those which have been on the stall for about 10 weeks go to the Oxfam Book Shop.


Nobody quite knows when the bridge group was started but Pat Blakemore was the instigator and they first played at Mayhem Theatre Arts where they had to take all their own equipment including the tables every week. Everything had to be carried up the stairs and then cleared away and brought down again and put back into cars.

Finding the Methodist Church Hall was great as we have our own storage cupboard. We meet on a weekly basis.

The group is thriving although we do not have quite as many members as there were. BUSY FINGERS – LEADERS BARBARA CORDINA & ELAINE PENROSE

This group was initially set up in November 2011 by Barbara Cordina, Joy Carroll and Carol French. The concept was to collect in unwanted craft materials from our members and pass them on to other members who would make items with those materials which would be sold for charity. This proved very successful and a total of nearly £1,000 was raised over about two years.

Subsequently, it was decided to split the group into two sections, one continuing to make craft items for sale to raise funds for charity and one to venture into making public works of art with their skills. Carol French took over the craft items and formed a relationship with Teens Unite in Hoddesdon, naming her group Craft Unite. Elaine Penrose led the works of art section and we have since produced many varied artworks for the local community. The largest of these is the decoration of the trees in part of Hoddesdon High Street, for the Christmas period, which is very popular with local residents and highlights the work which U3A members are able to produce.


I set the group up three years ago and we play short mat at Rosehill Bowls Club in the clubhouse on a Tuesday morning from 10am to 12pm from October to mid-April.

As we only have one mat for playing on we can only accommodate a maximum of 10 players and currently we have a full compliment.

It may be that come the start of the new season next October, if anyone drops out we will have a vacancy or two, so I am always happy to put any prospective players on a waiting list.


The CBP group first met on February 19th 2001. Members of the Mahjong group had realised my enthusiasm for China and Arts and asked if I were willing to teach CBP. Having consulted my tutor I set up the group and over the years we have practised and developed our skills painting in the traditional style. Most of our painting is of flower and bird, fish, animals, landscape and some still life using a wide variety of special paper, brushes, ink, ink stones and oriental paints.

Following a number of enquiries from people who wanted to learn CBP I set up a second group in June 2013. Both groups meet once a month, usually for a couple of hours of painting and relaxation. CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING GROUP 2 – LEADER JOAN NEWMAN

Our group was started by me in 2010 and has a membership of six, including myself. We meet twice a month, when possible, at my house and although the membership has changed over the years, two people have been with me since the start.


This group was initially set up in November 2013 in conjunction with Art Shed in Ware. The aim was to give our members the opportunity to learn some different crafts, ie pottery, glass fusion, glass painting, enamelling, jewellery, mosaics, and lots more. This has proved very successful with our ladies and we have currently 20+ who attend when they can and who benefit from reduced prices for our U3A members. In 2016 we moved to . We are always amazed at how good our work looks when it is finished!


In May 2015 I set up this group as an offshoot of the Busy Fingers Craft Group in which I had been involved. Teens Unite, a Cancer Charity, offered us a room to use for free. We have had about 15 members for quite a while but now we are down to 10 regulars. We are a very friendly, happy group doing a variety of crafts and are always open to new members. Over the last three years we have volunteered for a local charity and have raised nearly £3000 for them. We also sell cards and small craft items on our table at monthly meetings, all proceeds going to Lea Valley U3A.


The group was set up February 2016. We meet monthly 2-4 pm in Broxbourne Parish Centre on a Friday with a “teen”. Cost is £2 to cover hall hire and refreshments. No formal membership. Most U3A members and friends make a myriad of items for charities and donate them via the main meeting or via the monthly meeting or personal contact (0208 502 0091). All knitted and sewn items will find a home with a charity, locally or through http://www.lovinghands.org.uk/ of which Helen Wetherfield, group leader is an active member. The crafted items are so varied, all beautifully made, taken directly to receiving charities and really appreciated. Approximately one month’s crafting will fill a large suitcase. Thank you to all the Lea Valley U3A crafters.


The first meeting of the Creative Writing Group was in 2014. We are, at present, a small group of six people who enjoy writing and we meet once a month in each other’s homes. At our meetings we decide on different topics to write about and present at the next meeting although we can choose something completely different if the fancy takes us. Our offerings can be poetry or prose, according to the preferences of the writer. Consequently, our writings are very varied, which makes for very amusing and interesting meetings. If you would like to know more, and perhaps attend one of our meetings, do get in touch with me, Elizabeth Brown 01992 893431. CRIBBAGE – LEADER RAY DAWNEY Cribbage Group was formed in July 2016 by Ann Abercrombie. Ray Dawney took over on August 16th when Ann had to have a knee op. There are about 14 members and we normally have between 6 to 14 people turn up every 1st and 3rd Mondays in the month. We start at 10-45am and end at 12-45pm in the rear hall at Broxbourne Parish Church. If interested contact Ray Dawney on 01992 893837.


Richard Lorimer set the group up in 2001 and Jean Kurcza became the first group leader. In 2002 Bob Larson took over from Jean, Keith Wilson then succeeded Bob and led the group until 2007. Don Wratten took over in 2007 until 2012 when our current leader Peter Worth took on the group. There are currently 25 active members. EATING YOUR WAY ROUND THE WORLD – LEADER PAM BENTON

This group was started by Joan Underwood about 5 or 6 years ago, Pam Benton taking over 2 years ago. Each month we choose a different restaurant to sample a variety of worldwide cuisines. These have included Thai, Indian, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese, Italian, Greek, Moroccan, we even took a trip to Boulogne to get an authentic French meal!


Exploring London Group 1 was first established in 1992 and its first visit was on 7th April that year to Greenwich. This was followed by visits to Highgate Cemetery, Hampstead and the Thames Barrier in the three succeeding months. The first group leader was Judy Lorimer. We currently have 28 members.

We are holding our own 25th celebration on the 25th July with a luncheon at West Lodge Park Hotel and a guided tour of their arboretum.


As far as my papers go back Exploring London Group 2 started with their first Planning Meeting on 4 November 1993 and the first outing was to The Bank of England in February 1994, and guess what 27 of us are going there on Friday! Unfortunately there is no record of the Group Leader.

There are 57 in our group and I have just had to close it to new members. Obviously we never have a full complement on trips as some of our members cannot do the now but they sometimes come when we have coach trips. It is always nice to see them as some of our group have been coming a long time - and I tell them not to worry if they cannot come to every outing but to come to the meeting, have a chat and we usually make tea and coffee to make it more of a social meeting.

It's nice having a lot of members as it makes the rent for Bollescroft a lot cheaper and helps everyone.


Exploring London 5 - was established in June 1999 by Joan Newman. We have 30 members who participate in outings when they can and another 14 who due to ill health etc. attend our annual post Christmas Meal and Summer Garden Party (which is held in my garden) so that they can keep in touch with old friends. We have approximately 2 planning meetings a year during which members decide which outings they would be able to organise. Our wide variety of outings cater for the group's various interests and hopefully each year there is something for everybody. We do like to have a coffee when we arrive anywhere to set us up for the rest of the morning! EXPLORING LONDON 6 – LEADERS VAL CHAMPNEY & BEVERLEY CLARK



The group was first established in April 2015 and the first Group Leader was Eric Skilton.

We currently have 64 members but by no means are they all active.

Members are encouraged to organise one event to share the workload. Meetings and events are organised on variable days to allow members who have a specific commitment are able to attend some of the events.


We formed in November 2015 and our first outing was December 2015. Since then we have thrived as a group, enjoying discussion, learning from each other and exploring various locations to improve our photography skills.


This group was formed in February 2006 by Keith Hammond. He held monthly meetings and introduced the idea of visits to archives in and around London.

Mary Cole took over as group leader in 2011, following Keith’s sudden death. We continued his plan of monthly meetings interspersed with archive visits. In the last few years, we have had coach trips to The National Archive at Kew, arranged jointly with Broxbourne and Cheshunt U3As, and we have been to Olympia for the “Who Do You Think You Are?” exhibition. We have visited the Imperial War Museum, the British Library, the London Metropolitan Archives, the Society of Genealogists, Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies (HALS), Westminster City Archives, the Principal Probate Registry, Enfield Local Studies Centre and the Foundling Museum.

One innovation has been to hold December meetings with a speaker. These have been on lighter family history-related subjects and have included Tom Doig on “Folk Cures and Remedies”, Ian Waller on “Bread, Gruel and Dumplings – the Workhouse”, Maggie Radcliffe talking about “A Lady and Her Spitfire” and Mike Brown on “Christmas on the Home Front” These meetings, which have included Christmas refreshments, have been open to non-members, and have proved popular!

We have also played a part in the May Heritage Weekend in Hoddesdon by operating a help-desk in the Library, and have mounted exhibitions of members’ research at several LVU3A monthly meetings, including the “They Served the Crown” exhibition for the Queen’s 90 th birthday celebration.


Established in February 2014. I'm the first group leader. We have about 40 members who have shown an interest but we usually get about 10 to 15 attendees. For any info re the group our e-mail is [email protected]

The following is a list of films we have shown since Feb 2014: Brief Encounter, The Entertainer, African Queen, Genevieve, Town Like Alice, High Society, Some Like it Hot, Double Indemnity, Brighton Rock, It's a Wonderful Life, The Ladykillers, So Long at the Fair, Calamity Jane, The League of Gentlemen, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Italian Job, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Full Monty, High Noon, Singin' in the Rain, Doctor at Sea, Casablanca, Pillow Talk, Strangers on a Train, Tea with Mussolini, Niagra, Chicago, Ladies in Lavender, The Taking of Pelham 123, Kes.


As an amateur who is interested in flower arranging I was asked at the beginning of 2006 if I would form a Flower Arranging Group as there were several people interested in arranging flowers more creatively. The group was formed in March 2006 with 22 members who ranged from complete beginners to the more experienced. We still have 6 of the original members in a membership of 15.

During the meeting I help members, if needed, with their arrangement – after the tea break I demonstrate an arrangement for the following month, giving suggestions for flowers, greenery and containers.

At Lea Valley U3A special events in July we usually have several arrangements on display.

We are a very friendly group and are pleased to welcome new members, either complete beginners or the more advanced. We meet every third Thursday in the month 1.30 to 3.30 p.m. at the St. Augustine’s Parish Centre, Broxbourne.


Both the groups meet on a weekly basis at Mary Cole’s house (excluding August) The Intermediate group was started in 2008 as a response to requests, so we are now in our 9 th year. Of the original half-dozen people who gathered round the dining-room table, one still comes every week, and another lady, who joined after just a few weeks, is also a regular attender. Over the years, we have tackled all sorts of things, from grammar and tenses to the various regions of France to French singers. Currently, we are working our way through French history. Every session begins with the members recounting their week in French, and because there is a wide variety of interests among the members, the topics we cover are also wide-ranging. We regularly use a magazine called “La Vie Outre-Manche” (Life Across the Channel) , reading and listening to articles of interest. Sometimes, we look at French films or TV programmes. Because of this, we now meet in the lounge, where we can more easily access the TV or Internet. As a result, the group can now accommodate up to 10 members. Before Christmas, the group members each had to prepare something in French on a well-known French person. Choices ranged from Braille to Marie Curie. Topics coming up soon include the film “ Manon des Sources” and other aspects of French culture.

The Beginners group started in February 2011, again in response to requests. Several of the group who started then, are still in it, though I wouldn’t call them beginners anymore! There is a definite emphasis on speaking and understanding French. We work through quite a lot of situations which people might encounter for themselves, such as eating out, shopping for clothes, buying train tickets, talking about your family, describing your daily routine. The aim is to build up confidence and an ability to cope for yourself. All the situations are thoroughly grounded in grammar, and frequently revised because at our age, our memories aren’t always as good as they were! We regularly use the BBC TV series “Ma France” and also work together in pairs asking each other questions. In January 2015, the Beginners group re-started after a term’s lay-off with some new members and some old ones. Occasionally, space becomes available for new members, but I have to limit numbers to 10.


The group was formed on the 1 st of May 2008 by Marie-Christine Bremont who wanted to bring this popular gallic pastime to the Lea Valley U3A, an occupation slightly off the main line of activities usually offered. We had a disadvantage at the start because there was no proper Petanque Pitch at our disposal in the Ware area where Marie-Christine lived. So the meetings took place in the overflow car park of the playing fields at Presdales Recreation Ground, off Walnut Tree Walk. The ground condition was far from ideal, being a mixture of gravel, sand and grass, all mixed up ! There we played with great enthusiasm until June 2009, when we were made aware that Broxbourne Borough Council had built a dedicated pitch for playing French Boules in the grounds of Rye Park Recreation Ground to serve the Broxbourne U3A where they have a large group of French Boules players. The new location is ideal and at last we have a proper pitch which we share with Broxbourne U3A. It has also the advantage to be on a public recreation ground open to all.

Membership has fluctuated over time. At present we have 11 active members which is a reduction since we started, having “lost” 6 previous members due failing health and mobility problems. We could do with more, but it seems that possible new recruits are engaged in other interests and cannot meet with us on Thursday mornings, which is a pity.


This was one of our first groups to be established and was set up by Janet Cambridge and Margaret Jones. We meet regularly once a month at Bollescroft in Hoddesdon and often have speakers. We regularly visit gardens by coach and the first recorded was on 19 th May 1993 organised by Bob Larsen when the group went to Wisley. The “Visits Diary” currently lists 113 trips since then, quite an achievement!


The General History Group started in January 2011 and I was the first leader. Len Street, our President, asked me to take it on after several U3A members expressed an interest in joining such a group.

We have 19 members, of whom 15 attend regularly and 4 occasionally. We meet eleven times a year, usually at the home of one of our members, but twice a year with a visit to a museum or similar outing.


Since its revival our visits have included, Dover Castle, Chatham Dockyard, Bury St. Edmunds and the Theatre Royal, Godington House and Chapel Down Vineyard, Blenheim Palace, Hever Castle, Stamford and Burlington House and Harrow School, and many more. Each visit usually incorporates a guided tour of either House/Castle/ Cathedral or Town.

Future visits planned include Chenies Manor and Piccotts End Cottage and Fishbourne Roman Palace mosaics and Chichester. JIGSAW SWAP SHOP – LEADERS KATHLEEN LORD & ELAINE PENROSE

I'm not sure when the Jigsaw Swap-shop started but I know it was at the suggestion of one of our members - the earliest reference I can find to it in my personal diary is August 2013. Most months we do a lively trade on swaps and purchases. Several members have used our table as a way of emptying their cupboards of old jigsaws! We try to keep the stock refreshed by sending some to charity shops when they've been around for a while. We have used the proceeds to purchase the mince pies for the Christmas meeting and have run a tombola twice at the special July meetings.


Keep Fit was set up in May 2012 so is in its 5th year. We have 24 members and I have been the group leader since it started.


Our first session was on 16 th February 2015 and we have now been going for over 2 years. During this time we have danced at the Spotlight three times at Lea Valley meetings and at a BArts event representing Lea Valley U3A. The first time was quite an achievement because the class had not been going very long, so the dancers were mainly beginners and very brave to get up and have a go. We are performing again at the Lea Valley Silver Celebration in July. Under Cyndy’s supervision and encouragement the class has improved greatly and we all have a good laugh. Although we learn many dances the main aim is for it to be a social occasion and to enjoy ourselves. We celebrate big time at Christmas by dressing in red and white and having a buffet after our class. We are a very happy bunch and always welcome new members, why not come along and have a go !!!


This group started in January 1993. The first Group Leader was John Edwards. In its early years it had a membership of about 36 and met in the Dinant Room in the Civic Centre. Activities were mainly based on record recitals, mostly classical, ranging from Mediaeval to the present day. John presented most of these, helped by some members who also had considerable experience in music. John also arranged many coach journeys to attend concerts at the Festival Hall and the Barbican, where we heard all the great orchestras playing. There were also trips to the Westciff concert hall. The group also supported local choirs, with Harlow Chorus singing in Cambridge and Hertford Choral at the Albert Hall in London.

With an ageing membership the group fell to about 20 in 2000 and moved to Bollescroft.

In 2014 John was succeeded by Felicity Foster and the group has now found its 3 rd home in the Mayhem Centre, Hoddesdon. We meet about 9 times a year with many of the members running an afternoon, with topics ranging from composers, a Promenade concert from 1940, Opera, 20 th Century English music, Gilbert & Sullivan, and Bird song in music, playing music from their own CDs. Every July we have an Own Choice afternoon and near Christmas we have a music quiz. Membership is about 16, but varies with illness, etc.

Our music is always easy to listen to and enjoy, and visitors are always welcome.


I understand that Mahjong was one of the first groups to be established nearly 25 years ago. When the original leaders moved away I took over. It had met in the leaders' home but we gained a permanent home at Nazeing Congregational Church in about 2003.



On the 17 January 2001, as several people were interested in starting a Needlecraft Group, it was decided that this would meet on alternate Wednesdays from 2 – 4 pm at the Beaumont Centre . At that time we had 12 members. Our membership now fluctuates between 10 to 15 members. We started with Tapestry, Cross Stitch, Knitting, Crochet and Card Making and last September we started working on Stump Work illustrating mushrooms and blackberries.

In 2003 Yvonne Taplin joined us as Treasurer and has introduced us to various needlework ideas which have been shown at several July Main meetings, these have included an illustrated Wedding, a Wall Hanging with embroidered views of the Lea Valley, Handmade Boxes and Goldwork Framed Roses for the Queens Golden Jubilee for the July 2016 meeting. For the Lea Valley’s 25 th Anniversary we are embroidering a Tablecloth illustrating the various Groups within the Lea Valley U3A.



Pilates began in Sept. 2007. So this Sept. it will have been running for 10 years. It has only had one group leader----me. We have 17 members. PLAYREADING – LEADER PENNY GROOM Pamela Edwards started the group very early on in our U3A's history. When I joined it was quite a serious group with many members and had quite a studious brief. As Pamela became more unwell it became less serious and more of a support group and I took over when she finally went to live near her daughters.

We are now a small group, just enjoying a play and each other's company but as we all age and some of us becoming very frail I suspect we cannot keep going very much longer.

PUB LUNCH 1 – LEADER THELMA LOBB PUB LUNCH 2 – LEADER VIVIEN JACKSON-SMITH Pub Lunch 2 was started in April 2003, by myself and Betty Tallents. Unfortunately Betty could not continue six months ago and I run it now myself. We have 22 members. It is a very friendly group and some members have been with the group from the beginning.


The first fun quiz was held in March/April 2013 and was a huge success. John now runs them twice yearly, around March and October. Average attendance is around 80 and of course the big draw is the tea and cakes …. and the bargain admission price of £2 for members! Prizes are given to winners of the main quiz as well as the table rounds. READING FOR PLEASURE GROUP 1 – LEADER CAROL REAST This Group was first established in December 1999 by Pat Blakemore who ran the Group for several years until Carol Reast took over in 2010. We currently have 12 members and the book we are reading for June is The Goldfinch by Donna Tart.

READING FOR PLEASURE GROUP 2 – LEADER LYNETTE BELCH Having applied to join Reading for Pleasure 1 in the summer of 2008, I was told this was full with a waiting list, so it was suggested I started a second group.

Reading for Pleasure 2 had its first Planning Meeting in November 2008 with a start- up membership of 6 including a single male who stayed 7 years. Since then we have had periods of up to 12 members with an average being 10. We are currently happy to make this 11 as each member can propose up to 3 book choices for their preferred month as no books would be discussed in December. The full list is sent to Hoddesdon Library who will gather in according to availability.

We read our first book in January 2009 “The Handmaid’s Tale” published by Canadian author, Margaret Atwood, in 1985. Since then, we have included novels from different countries and continents and from the 19 th century forwards. Our choices have been eclectic, from the “classics” through to thrillers, to family sagas that revolve around modern controversial issues, to science fiction, to comic satirical fiction and to our one biography John Macarthy’s “An Evil Cradling”. Discussions are open and friendly and all views are respected. Because our members have differing personal backgrounds, many inputs and responses are both from experience and from the heart.

Just before tea and choccy biscuits are served, we offer our “Pleasure Scores” on a scale of 1 to 10. Our average is around 7+ but 0s and 10’s often appear. We meet on the 3 rd Friday 10 am - 12.15 in members’ homes. We would be delighted to take in one more member!

Contact: Lynette Belch / 01279 792267 / [email protected]


Group established [we think] in 2003, meeting at Middlefield Road Church Hall, Hoddesdon. The first group leader was Margaret Sawood, with about 13 members, 8 of whom still sing with us. The first pianist was Terry Hawes who continued to musically lead the group until 2014/15.

Nancy Gadson took over as group leader until approx 2013 when she moved out of the area, but still returns to sing with us at special U3A meetings. Terry was replaced on his retirement by our present accompanist, Jane Kenton

Our numbers have fluctuated over the years, and at one point we thought that the group may not be viable, but we now are once again thriving, with 25 members.

The original group members recall how they dressed up in costume for the many special U3A concerts over the years. Apparently the bonnets for the Old Time Music Hall afternoon are fondly remembered. Viv Rayner recalled how she was dressed as a Queen Alexandra's Nurse for a wartime concert, and when a U3A member fainted during the afternoon, she was asked to give assistance!


As I have been a cake decorator and Sugarcrafter most of my life I was keen to share my knowledge and enthusiasm with others. The Sugarcraft group met first on May 13th 2010. We meet for several short courses throughout the year. We have covered most forms of Sugarcraft including flower making, modelling, Pastillage, cake covering, exhibition pieces and mini cakes for Christmas. We have also been to Knuston Hall for short courses that I organised. T’AI CHI – LEADER MARGARET CHANDLER This group has been together for many years now and is currently run in conjunction with Hertford U3A. THEATRE GROUP – LEADER LEE RAYNER

Jean Kucza and Shirley Roos were group leaders of an early Theatre Group and the aim was to see ‘quality’ theatre with other U3A members. Later Penny Groom and Marion Mole took over, then Joan Andrews helped.

The group lapsed for a time and in January 2011 Barbara Cordina, Lee Rayner and Jean Cooper set up the Local Theatre Group with the intention of encouraging members to attend local performances. In time the group expanded to include trips to London Theatres with Mayhem Theatre Arts. In 2014 Lee Rayner took over the group with the help of Jean Cooper and Sonia Barker who man a table at the monthly meetings. Lee has also tried to increase awareness and attendance at local theatre events.


The Short Walks group was set up shortly after the formation of the Lea Valley U3A by Win Thomas, she had a long history of hiking and mountaineering so she was a perfect fit for the role. She held this position until early 2006 when Keith Hammond, a keen scouter took over the role. Win still contributed in the occasional walk after that. Keith had been in Scouting for many years and his internal sat-nav was second to none. There were about 30 members at this time with approx. 18 attending the monthly walks. The walks included, Trent Park, Forty Hall & Whitewebbs, Ware Marshes, Hertford, Lea Valley Park, and Wormley West End and many more.

Sadly in June 2011, Keith passed away, and Sue and Barrie Spice took over. The first month after there was a walk along the New River and , one which Keith had planned. Along the way a small ceremony was held with a circle of stones laid, a Scouting memorial for ‘Gone Home’. Keith was a hard act to follow, but in the next 5 years, there were many more walks, some new, to Standon, Waterford, Wareside, and although the whole group numbers at 25 are less, there are generally 14- 16 attending each month. There have been some ‘animal’ adventures on the way, a herd of young cows following us through Meadows at Wareside, a dog following us at Braughing across the fields and whose owner turned up on a four wheel buggy chasing after him, there have been plenty of laughs and luckily we all got back safely. Since last August, after 5 years, Sue and Barrie no longer lead all the walks, each month a different pair/couple organise and lead the walk. This seems to be working out well for now but if a new leader could be found, they would be given every support to allow a break now and then with the members taking a turn.


In January 2012 a few of us joined the "Lea Valley Walk" organised by the Hertfordshire Network of U3As, which we walked over a period of six months. Nearly all the walkers were beginners and wanted to carry on walking regularly. Somehow I ended up starting a new group, many of the original walkers are still with me now.

We have had a walk on the first Friday of every month since - a total of 66 walks.

Our country walking group has 35 members and we have on average 18 walkers every month. Then in October 2015 I started a "London Walking Group". We walk on the third Friday of every month and have now chalked up 15 walks. We have 32 members and average 16 walkers per walk.

Many walkers belong to both groups, I am lucky in having a very friendly group of walkers.

New members are always made very welcome, Lea Valley U3A members can join, there is no charge. Non Lea Valley U3A members can take part in two walks as visitors but have to join to take part in further walks.