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Manure Absorbents. I "rney βρβηκ epanisn nere, said tm up the strawberry mark on your left S. Β BIGGS, Liquid without trail Instead of but CARL Wanted At Once. THE consul. "You'll need an interpreter God, III travel 11 AMONG FARMERS. to so Ohio I ehoulder. Old Urique keeps anywhere Io reply correspondent to the end. And, now, don't forget that Dentist, An woman to If there's anything I can do· why, I'<3 from to in hie house experienced carry will give » utt)e of oar ova experience *50,000 *100,000 I'm Don Francisco 'UDD TU now." Urlque whenevet MAINE. on the line which be delighted. If you're buying frail all the time in a littie safe that you SOl'TB PARIS, along concerning Inquiry yon to mention name." lands or for a ol happen my M. to p. m. is made. a nnmber of yeere ego looking conqgaslon could open with a shoe buttoner. Gel Houre : 9 a. 5 Sp< ALUMNI HOUSE. Quite *T11 expoee you dou- Office on we a cement floor in oar cow arable sort want wh< today, you—you jiven to children. Correspondence pnottofti agricultural topic pat any you'll somebody It My β kill aa a tattooer is worth hall cnttention FRYEBURQ ACADEMY. to aouotted. iddmi all communication· to in two rate under- ble dyed traitor," stammered Thacker. Telephone 143-4 D 45 feet length, with knows the ropes to look out for you." the boodle. We halves and catch tended tor this department to HmT go The Eld arose and for the semester. Dem neath to hold the liquids thst woald "I said without violence second Hiiwot, Agricultural Editor speak Spanish," the Kid a tramp steamer for Bio Janeiro. Let KttICK Λ PARK. ocrât, Parle. Me. ran Into them. The cows were well took Thacker by the throat with a to Head Master "about nine times better than I d< United to if it Apply bedded with cut straw and that of course States go pieces hand of steel and shoved him it on th< slowly |j| Attorneys at Law, English. Everybody speaks can'tthe^ without services. β.» Ε. E. WEEKS. absorbed some, but most found its way get along my into a corner. Then he Stale Orange on Education. where I come from. And I'n drew from un- MAINS, into the.Tats. We use a discarded, wood- range senor?" £THIL, Que dice, der his left arm hie pearl bandied .43 C. Park Report of committee oo edacatioo, for out not in the market for anything." .a K. Herrtck. Eilery en, sap gathering tank drawing "It sounds to me!" said the Kid, nod- Queen Insurance Company Maine State Portland: and poked the cold muzzle of it against Orange, the This large square box holds "Tou speak Spanish?" said Thackei ding his bead. "I'm out for the dust" Education ia the foundation on which liquids. the consul's mouth. 3£KT I). PARK. of America. three barrels. It is on a stone- thoughtfully. He regarded the Kk "All then," said Thacker. 4 ia better placed right, "I told I come free government built, and the boat from which it runs out in a thin you why here," he 84 William Street, N. Y. C. absorbedly. "You'll have to keep close until we îceneed Auctioneer, the education, among the oom- to which it said, with his old smile. "If 1 eapeciallj sheet upon the land or crop "Tou look like a too," 1m freezing mon the and more en- Spaniard, get the bird on you. You can live In id PARIS. MAINS. people*, arranger is I leave here you'll be the reason. Nev- 1915 applied. continued. "And you're from Texaa # ASSETS, DKC. 31, the The demand the back room here. I do my own '* erale. during government. Where there is a large amount of this er forget it, what is Ten»» for 1· And can't be more than o: pardner. Now, Real Estate >. NU. better education greater to-day fertilizer it would be better to have a you twenty cooking, and I'll make you as com- Loans 00 my name?" I Mortgage __.$ 63,000 than ever before. Our government, all twenty-one. I wonder if you've go Collateral Loans Mil. distributor adapted to the purpose. fortable aa a parsimonious government WALDO NASH, and business interest· nerve." "Er—Don Francisco Urique!" gasped Stocke and Bonds. 9^91,784 41 large corporation· This coold be either of wood or other any me." ~ a will allow Thacker. Casta la Office and Bank 475.396 60 which vast number of young the a some kind to employ material filled with small holes for "Tou got deal of pu a A mote' Balances £37,441 76 men are to Thacker hud set the time at week, came a and women, seeking obtain a street From outside sound ot Taxidermist Bills Receivable 30 09 outlet, somewhat like sprinkler. through?" asked the Texan, with un Lcensed the beat educated one· for it ia but it was two weeks before the de- ponible, as wheels and the of some one Interest and Rente 100,073 44 Bave never paid particular attention shrewdness. shouting an educat- expected he tattooed Street, rear Maeoaio Block, AU other Assets 19JX* M admitted fact that the better was to the aore. sign that patiently upon and the of a wooden Tsrrpie to how much applied "Are to a ?* sharp thwacks man or more effioient you open proposition ed the woman, the but should from 25 to 30 barrels. the Kid's hand was to his notion. And the backs of fat β Oonneotloiu NORWAY Gross Assets $10,8e7J74 84 judge said Thacker. whlpetock upon TaleplM are in whatever may a muchacho and Deduct Items not admitted 13,46ft 01 they position they Tour can best settle this matter then Thacker called horses. ioqairer "What's the use to deny it?" said tin be placed. for himself by trial, but it would not be dispatched this note to the intended & Admitted Assets $10,873.*>β S3 The farmers of Maine are Kid. "I into a little frollt The Eld put up his gun and walked LCCvGLEY BUTTS, awakening best to too large a quantity at first, experience. Hie complexion was nat- got gun victim: are in need of more apply toward the door. But he turned LIABILITIES DEC. 3L 1915. to the fact that they — son and wind of down in Laredo and plugged a whiU again Norway, Maine, as it is a quick-acting, strong fertilizer, IX, A Double urally dark, and the El Senor Don Santos Urique, Le. Caea education aa it to their bnsineea, Dyed man. Mexlcai and came back to the trembling Thack- Unpaid Losses $ 498.7015> applies —as we found out. an outdoor life had burned It to a cof- There wasn't any Blanca: Unearned Premiums that they may be better prepared to to er and held his left hand with Its 4,674,97158 We have applied it mostly grass Deceiver. brown. His hair was as black and handy. And I come down to youi My Dear Sir—I beg permission to In- up All other Liabilities 166.977 70 meet the fast conditions of fee F Heating, changing land. It has itself well adapted and for t< form you that there is in my house as a back toward the consul. Liûbing, Cash Capital 1,000.000 00 and the market- proved straight as an Indian's; his face had parrot monkey range just over sU production, especially to this and has thus far guest a young man who ar- Surplus Liabilities 4,\37,Μβ 96 crop produced humilia- smell the glories and marl temporary "There's one more reason," be said Sheet Metal Work, of their And the boys and win- not yet been upturned to the morning rived In Buenas Tierras from the United ing products. excellent results. We apply In fall, things have to stand A SPECIALTY, Total Liabilities and 83 on farms are that O. HENRY a his were a cold golds. Now, do you sabe?' Without slowly, "why got ST CEILINQ8 Surplus $10,573,209 girls the asking they ter or as as the tanks By tion of razor; eyes States some days ago. wishing spring, often get as are. The fellov I killed in have a better chance to obtain an Thacker up and closed the door. to excite any hopes that may not be real- they may filled. It should be to grass and steady blue. He carried his left got applied ized, I think there is a poaelbiMty of his Laredo had one of them same pictures W. J. WHEELER & education that will better prepare them and arm somewhat from hie body, "Let me see your hand," he said. Bisbeo & Parker, CO., Agents, when wet to prevent coloring possi- & away absent son. It be the in the [Copyright by Doubleday, Pan Co.] ex being your long might on his left hand." 8-10 Sssth Part·, Malae. to fill more successfully places and not after it to be I bandied ,45's are frowned He took the Kid's left hand and ïS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW bly injury, gets for pearl well for you to call and see him. If he I: Al Ο business and social world to wbioh tbey of Outside the ancient landau of Don ▼ery high. HB trouble begai 1 town marshals and are η amined the back It closely. it Is my that his intention wis as cornerstone of upon by opinion may aspire. And the once Santos rattled to the door. The Rumford. Maine. An spplication was made when in Laredo. Il when In the left 'Ί can do it," he said excitedly to return to his home, but upon arriving Urique our is "A better education for our- little bulky packed National Fire insurance Co. order was a foot and here hie courage failed him from doubts coachman ceased his Senora (jfNtRAL PRACTICE. the grass nearly high was the Liane He looked be- "Tour flesh is as hard as wood and ai bellowing. selves and our it behooves ua, armhole of one's vest Your children," when it was This was a mistake as Μ to how be would be received. in a voluminous gown of T. Parkei * of Hartford. to dry. Kid's foi at the with as a baby's. It will heal in ι Urique, gay Geor(: Bub« Ralph as Patrons of Husbandry, not only was so fault, yond Captain Boone gulf healthy true servant, BUbec was soon found. The liquid white and ribbons, leaned 5peultling use means within he should hav< 1 week." THOMPSON THACKER. flying make the best of all to a the impersonal and expressionless dig- 10 1 y strong that it turned the grass yel- forward with a look in her our but to endeavor to find and confined his "If it's a flst fight you want to bad happy great ASSETS DEC. SI. 1&15 reach, low color and my son feared he bad in- hab nlty of a Chinese emperor. Half an hour afterward, quick time assist in into use better it of bud- me said the Kid, "don't put you] soft eyes. Real Estate $ 583,444 73 bringing yet jured it, but it soon regained its natural manslaugh "Thinkin' of buyin' that'ar gulf, for," for Buenas Tierras, Senor Urique s an- i. VV. ( UA.VDLER, Loans methods. Make it anc "Are you within, dear son?" she call Mortgage 1,648,33800 color and made an excellent growth. ter to Mexicans dy?" asked the captain, made sarcastic money up yet. gun work, cient landau drove to the consul's door, Collateral Loans — 0 00 Much is said about the conserv- no bare ed in the Castillan. 49 being It last year that the liquid But the Kid waf 1 from a tobacco- 111 keep you company. But rippling and # his narrow Stocks Bonds 10,789,398 and we believe happened by escape with the barefooted coachman beating '0 ing of Maine's resources; to a narrow "Madre vengo 1 Cash In Office and Bank 1,506,568 waa applied in winter strip anc less handed scrapping like ladies at a tet mia, yo (mother, £9 that the and of Maine are the past twenty, voyage. and shouting at the team of fat, awk- Finish I Agents' Balances 1,543,833 boys girls of land that was to be sown to oats and come)," answered the young Don Fran Builders* Bills 51 to have Mexicans to one's credil ί said the kid gently, "I party for me." Receivable 270,335 most valuable and that only no," horses. state's reeouroe, to was a mistake for "Why, ward Interest and Rents 909,074 99 seeded grass. This it I than said Thacker cisco Urique. »K3 and WINDOWS of any so assist them in obtain- at is to blush unseen on th< reckon not 1 never saw before. "It's easier that," a the state should the was so that it twenty A tall man with white mustache .1 reajonable All other Assets 56.662 03 liquid strong produc- 91ι· »:i. price·. such an education that in futnre Rio Grande border. was looking at it Not thinking "Just step here, will you?" ing ed a large, tender growttf of the oats Just alighted and assisted to the ground a Gross Assets $16,650,83114 return to the state the the window he to ι of years they may to the where It in old Justo Valdos of selling it are you?" Through pointed was in Humor· Indexing. Deduct Items not admitted 424,746 76 tbat fell flat ground, they happened lady who dressed and veiled dividends. "I'll white stuccoed house wltl as bad as the Window 4 Door Frames. highest possible remained to the of the crop in gambling house. There was a pokei "Not this trip," said the captain. two story black. Quite cryptic alphabet- Also on Injury unrelieved Admitted Assets $16,226,084 We believe that the boys and girla Where this was D. when I back wide amid the dee] ical under which important 38] heading and filling. game at which sat players who wen send it to you C. O. get galleries rising The two hastened inside and were headings If w»nt of uy kind of ITlnleh for Inalde 01 the farms and in the rural sections of 1918 the case the was killed t Tlerras. Here comes that on a wooded hil are sometimes hidden in an In orders. Pine Lam LIABILITIES, DEC. 31, grass seeding not all friends, as happens often when to Buenas green tropical foliage his subjects •uu. e «v'k, send your state are of as much value to the met by Thacker with best diplo- the and bad to be renewed. chew- from the sea. are cross references ser ν \υηκ e» on hand Cheap for Cash. Net Losses 39 outright men ride In from afar to shoot footed lubber with the that eloped gently index the delusive Unpaid $ 804,567 state as are the and of the Follj capstan matic bow. By his desk stood a slen- boys girls From this I would not ap- 1 anchor an "i Unearned Premiums 9,324,66144 experience as she There was a row ovei in'. I ought to've weighed "In that house," said Thacker, that lead to nothing. The present 43 merchant or mechanic in the city or vil- gallops. der man with clear cut, sun All other LlabUltiee «00,510 ply it on sown grain crops liable to lodge and hli young silver and Job Work. Cash 2,000.000» and that are entitled to and so small a matter as a of queens hour ago." fine old Castillan gentleman writer, looking up the subject ot Plamng. Sawing Capital lage, tbey or fall down. I if it were pair browned features ana smoothly brush over all Liabilities 12 presume there?" asked int< Surplus 3,496,345 should have as an education. and when the smoke had cleared awaj "Is that your s£ip out wife are yearning to gather you plate In an index, read "silver platet Matcaed Pine SheatMn^ for Saie. good spread on land to be devoted to oorn, ed black hair. 38 To about the means com the kid. their arms and fill your pockets witl see then see Total Liabilities and Surplus $18,226,084 bring whereby say on the sod and under in the it was found that the Slid had gold plate," "gold plate, is plowed the Senora Urique threw back her heavy this purpose may be accomplished all his ad "Why, yes," answered captain, money. Old Santos Urique lives there then see hallmarking," E. W. fall, it would do right. Neither mitted an indiscretion and was plate," "plate, (HANDLER, the best and united a a with a quick gesture. She W. J. WHEELER it CO.. well worthy thought would I use it with as it 'if you want to call schooner ship, He owns half the gold mines in th< ve.il then see marks," .... Maine. Agents, potatoes, might versary had been guilty of a blunder "hallmarking, plate Wett Stunner, aime. effort of this Maine State better middle age, and her hair was be- 8-10 Somtk Parle, 31 Orange. encourage the rot. But for grass and I don't mind lyln'. But you past and marks, see silver the school un^er for the unfortunate combatant, Instead country." finally "plate In many of the small towns, the conditions mentioned I have & owners, and ginning to silver, but her full, proud great a was a blooded say Miller Gonzales, "Tou haven't been eating loco weed which brought blm back to tax is to be a real burden of being greaser, high olive skin retained plate," high enough faith in its results. But I would be damned old figure and clear cu- good from the cow of aboul ; ordinary, plain Billy have asked the Kid. where he hud started. The most upon the taxpayers, and yet their school youth ranches, you?" to the London Assurance not at first undertake to get large oiops Samuel K. Boone, skipper." "anc traces of the beauty peculiar in Corporation terms are short and their teachers are the Kid's own age and ol "Sit down again," said Thacker, rious freak of indexing my expert· from a meadow or field on which the possessed But, once you had HILLS, cities and Twelve years ago thej Basque province. en writes a was de- uuderpaid, while in several is or run out. Such land friends and champions. His blundei I'll tell you. ce, correspondent, London, England. grass far gone seen her eyes and comprehended the Jeweler and Graduate villages the school tax is so small well in the Kid's ear c lost a kid. No, he didn't die, althougt tected in the course of revising and ar- Optioian. large should first be plowed, manured, missing right only was revealed in as not to and with the th< great sadness that be noticeable; yet and into a culti- of an inch when he most of 'em here do from drinking ranging a collection of obituary arti- ASSETS DEC. 31, 1915 put good, thoroughly sixteenth pulled shadows and ex- large amount received from the state, like and then seeded to water. He was a wild littlt their deep hopeless which had been I 68 vated crop, corn, his gun did not lessen the Indiscretion surface cles neglected. Stocks and Bonds 3,427,472 have the terms of you saw that the woman Casta In Office and Bank 508,296 36 they longest possible, grass. Then with a moderate amount even if he wasn't but eight yean pression, searched In vain for Victoria in can of the better marksman. devil, Queen Agents' Balances 535,618 50 with the beet paid teachers tbey pro- with manure or the lived in some memory. topdresslng liquid β old. knows about It only It was certain that Bills Receivable 66 52 The Kid, not being equipped with Everybody that index, though cure. as often as maximum the man a long 63 fertilizer needed, Americans who were througt She bent upon young life was Included in the Interest and Rents 44,736 As a for this condition, retinue nor bountifully supplied wltl) Some her majesty's AU other Assets 27 partial remedy orops of the best bay should be secured had letten look of the most questioning; LowsslPricesiaOxfordGiuntv. 143^987 state school fund here for gold agonized collection. But neither under "Q" nor we believe that the for several wben the of personal admirers and supporters—ox prospecting years, process and the was a then her great black eyes turned, and Groes Assets $ 4,662,176 91 should be divided among the oities and of a rather repu to Senor Urique, boy under "V" was it to be found. Finally rotation should be repeated. account umbrageous bis left Deduct Items not admitted 674^848 98 towns of the to the with them. They filled hli her gaze rested upon hand, under state, according ag- Here is that this inquirer and even for the border—considered favorite it was discovered accidentally hoping tatlon, a not but attendance of in the com- stories about the States and then with sob loud, — MAINE. Admitted Assets ...$ 3,967,337 98 ] gregate pupils all others interested will seek after the it not incompatible with his indisputa- head with big "T"—"The Queen!" London Chroni- NORWAY, mon each attend- left the shake the she cried, schools, whereby pupil best methods in the aaving, and and about a month after they seeming to room, cle. LIABILITIES DEC. 31, 1915 in making, ble gamenees to perform that Judiciotu ing school, whether in a large city or of all manorial substances too. He was suppos· "Hijo mio!" and caught the Llano Kid 80 using pos- act known as hit kid disappeared Net Unpaid Losses $ 719,984 a small town, should receive tractional "pulling Premiums 74 farming sible, both solid and liquid, as herein ed to have stowed himself away among to her heart. Unearned 2,292,294 same amount of The Soft Answer. 31 from the state the success to be freight" AU other Liabilities 108,882 lies in a large measure the the banana bunches on a fruit steamei A month afterward the KW^came to 13 we believe that when this and "Yes, I'll take Jim's note for a hun- INSURE Surplus over all Liabilities 908,306 money. And on the farm.—B. R. in Quickly the avengers gathered secured Towle, and to New Orleans. He wai the consulate in response to a message method is better understood by the him. Three of them overtook gone dred any time," said a banker when Total Liabilities and Surplus $ 3,967,337 98 Hoard's Dairyman. sought in Texas, it wat sent Thacker. when they realize that the prin- station. The seen once afterward by an offer to sell a note to the bank was people, him within a rod of the cabal- BEFORE cause for the abandoned farms in but they never heard anything Ήβ looked the young Spanish cipal Excuse Farming. Kid turned and showed his teeth lr thought, made. W. J. WHEELER St CO., of school has lero. His clothes were imported, and Agents, Maine is the lack privileges, more of him. Old Urique spenl "I want to warn you, though," said Mala·. It is none too soon for farmers to map that brilliant but mirthless smile thai 8-10 South Parte, and that when a abandons the thousands of dollars having him looked the wiles of the Jewelers had not been family out for activ- of lnsolencc the man in whose favor the note had farm and moves to the to educate carefnily crop plans spring usually preceded his deeds worsl in vain. A more than city is on for. The madam was broken up spent upon him YOU 9TATEXENT OF THE CONDITION If yoa wait until the rush fell back been drawn, "that Jim Is a good prom- _ their children, it removes that family ity. and violence, and his pursuers life. She diamond shone on his fin- will be to and be of all. The kid was her respectable I want ΟΓ THE from the to the oonsuming you likely plan hastily it for him iser, but a poor payer. don't producing or without making necessary But say she as he rolled a shuck cigarette. if a a victim of circumstances "luck." wears mourning yet they ger ·ι TfiriTt am mua D'A AvmT thus increasing the already for his you to have anything against me be- BURN. υϋΐΐ£us oiaiijg jjun wva class, high remain- even to reach weapon. come to her some "What's asked Thacker. all Errors will be made by things believes he'll back doing?" cost of living, practically opposition But in this affair the Kid had nol cause of this note." ing undone beoause you haven't time. and never gives up hope. On th< "Nothing much," said the Kid calm- will be lost. day "Jim's honest and I'll take his note « a time and olrcum- for encounter thai Phœnix Assurance Co., Ltd., all member· of Ibis You'll be slave to the grim thirst back of the left band was tat ly. "I eat my first iguana steak today. We would orge boy's for a reasonable amount time," OP LONDON. stances instead of master. Make* your him on to battle. It had sa be? I any INSURANCE : State to have this thor- usually urged tooed a eagle carrying a spear ir They're them big lizards, you Grange question nlint anrl work them. The will can flying said the banker. "I had some trouble Ob Um 3U( ot Dtccmbtr, 1911t. discussed in their subordinate been a purely chance row, born of the That's old coat oi reckon, though, that frijoles and side dftjr oughly bis claws. Urlque's an a of are ~ —3" AAwfoln with him once over overdraft, and âod way. Captains .industry anHhafa Imnnurihlf do me about as well. Do Fire and com m an I tie·, and at the arms or something that be inherited ii bacon would grange· oaptains because tbey look ahead, pre- it turned out tbat the bank was at It la located at next meeting of the legislature they use you care for Iguanas, Thacker?" Liie pare for the expeoted, bat baye plane Spain." fault and that he had not actually their whole influence in favor of the "No, nor for some other kinds of - New 9. Y. nbould tbe unexpected happen. Their The Kid raised hie left band slowlj No. 100 William St., York, passage of the grange bill, so-oalled, for browr overdrawn. I'll admit I was pretty Automobile never leave the final or rather liked the slim, haughty, it tiles," said Thacker. PERCIVAL BERESFORD, Manager. distribution of the itate aehool eyes goal, plan SiiBiscirMSja and gazed at curiously. to about be- the better It was 3 in tJbe afternoon, and in nasty in my talk him it system toward whioh they are working. faced young chap whom btabtUet hai "That's it," said Thacker, reaching fund. "Are you open te · proportion?" ««id hour he would be In his state cause I was so sure the bank was Liability They are not looking for excuses in the Off In the first of manhood the official desk for his bottle another HOME LOIDOJI, EHGLAHD. More by parents and cut pride Thrasher. behind those OFFICE, co-operation event shonld fail in some particu- of beatitude. right The average man under Accident teachers would be of great benefit to tbey And now he wanted no mo*® of smuggled brandy. "You're not sc but are alert to avoid the conditions were conditions would have 'cussed' me oat our rural schools at the time. lar, to and haveJ***1 « are to?" asked the What was I consul "It's time you making good, U. 8. le $ 00 I present He wanted get away "Where you going slow. I can do It Plate Glass The amount of lte Deposit 510,000 whioh may lead to failure Too many he went on, with an ugly look at least but nil Jim said, although he If they are not the best that they should 8°mewhereln thesur at for? I never knew till sonny," of the ta the |J. are not because are en- good long sleep Sandakan Ί The AimU Company us and the moat sucoeeding they coast ^ on hie reddened face. "You're not play- was madder than thunder, was, be, let try get poa- on the with his hand Tierras, now. In a week I'll have the eagle Tourist's are u fol lowa in exouse farming. mesqult grass, "«Έαβηββ Baggage sible from them while trying to gaged what caUed the lng up to me square. You've been the don't see why jour wife ever married good fail to in or reoeive the need- kerchief over his face. Even America—I forgot they bird with the frog sticker blended lc Cash on hand and In the banda of The of Crops go son for four weeks now, and News. Steam Boiler improve. frequent changing a sore the last time I was there. Car- were born with it prodigal you!' Indiunnpolis Aient» or other φ 412.011 86 Ι ed care because old Dobbin got can have crossed his path country so you'd think you persons 1 teachers does not have a tendency to might ma could have had veal for every Seal Estate unincumbered MU tbe or cultivator busted, lumber, corrugated Iron and a of needles and ink you the rural school. Afterateaob- «boulder, plow safety while he was In this mood. go I brought set Jusl Workmen's bear- improve man a meal on a gold dish if you'd wanted it. How the Milliner Got Even. Bonds owned by the Company, the it rained, the hired got drunk, the nortt because I was sure you'd drop in some interest at the rate of various er has become acquainted with par- The Kid openly boarded ing new came or a thousand and one kind of a la it," asked Now, Mr. Kid, do you thirk it's right A local business man. who has a Compensation cent., secured aa follows : ents and obtldren of a district, learned baby that °h"What country day, Mr. Dalton." per These are bound passenger train depa me out so on a husk diet? a mil- 00 other things that happen. thft kid—"hot or cold?" to feave long frieud in a nearby town who is State Bonde Market value $ 418.500 the desire· and ambitions of the parenta, But at ^ I "Oh, h—1," said the Kid. "I thought Bonds of kinds M " 00 as excuses rather than as incident- five minutes later. Webb, all Municipal Bonda 977,330 and of seized -Warmish, eald the capta D. What's the trouble? Don't you get liner, told a story of how the latter " " 00 and the diapoaitiona capabilities buddy," I told you my name?" Railroad Bonda 1,827.580 als. Don't think of industry few miles out, where It ™flaggedtc on that looks " " in a better captains a Paradise Lost for ele- your filial eyes anything once got "even" with one of the lead- Miscellaneous Bonds.. 151,900 00 the children, she ia position "But regular "All right; Kid, then. It won't be " M are spared corresponding handicaps. take on a traveler, he abandoned cash in the Casa Blanca Don't after she Slocks 3,188 00 to do work in that diatrict than How does Senorito Urique like ing social lights of the place and of good The Lord in his wisdom ordained manner of There were teletha^ L<«ry that long. Loans on Bonda Mortgagee would be a at and when a good escape. £Tol wakened morn tell me you don't Everybody knows tried to be un'air with him. The wor.h double the ranger; good man must Laohv Ye're 5ty00tL°Loraevery for a had Real Estate, that whatever the business, stations and the Kid look sound change?" his . It's which the same la mort- teacher 1a secured, the ahould be retain- graph ahead, sweet of red bWa where old Urlque keeps of the woman in had W. J. Wheeler amount for bustle and grow by overcoming obstacles tog by the singta' MI never played son any that I re- husband question and free from any prior In- even at the of a few dollars ©d askance at electricity and steain United States currency, too; he don't gaged, ed, expense business are to de- seven tails and the sighln "If-1 had bad a bit of bard financial sieddlng, ... Nil if be and bis properly wfth purple member said the Kid. cumbrance extra on her salary. and were his rocks ο of," else. What's doing? & otherwise secured 1,286 00 and ex- Saddle spur In the pOBlea aid And went ovei accept anything the "reconstruction" period CO., Debts ''the best is none velop. Prosperous agriculture If br£ea any to mention they and during for 605^49 23 The old saying, that parents Don't say •nothing? this time." Debts premiums cuse fmrmiog are as as two oats setety* Inhabitant» never work,roa£ «or they I she had to go on clothes. So one other securities 60,38871 too as well to the ed- friendly the the divide about the time gave mj light Block All good," may apply over shot was β said the Kid, admiring Billings suspended by their tails a clothes The man whom he had can reach ont and pick of "Why, sure," she had the milliner send up some ucators of our youth as to our cow·, first bleat Wbat is the plan youi of day Total Assets 14,*7,741 80 line. to him. But the Kid toe* hothonae fruit with, his diamond, "there's plenty money 80UTH MAINE or chicken·. A number of our stranger keta of the cholceat of his best hate on approval, which be PARIS, pigs large exouse farmer sometimes starts roundup?' I'm no of collateral The that he was of the Coralltos outfit tronc of bed. And there's no up there. judge a LIABILITIES. who enter high aohool from the out eettin' out Thacker leaned back the wal did. She sent them all back, but in pupil· out like a 40 horse power motor and be- against in but I will undertake for to rural out or at the and that the from and no Ice and no bunches, on street with Amount due to Banks or other créd- aohool·, drop during Hidalgo punchers his to the light few days appeared the fore orops are planted, tended and bar- slday and held glass up I've seen the rise of at * Nil end of their firat for the reason that ranch were more relentless and and no use and no nothin say that $50,000 one itera year, ends with the meekness of a troubles come said he, "to th< , a duplicate of the most expensive and not to Banka aome vested, "We've now," tin box that Amount owing, due, " are not fitted in a man to a time In that grub my and Colds that they properly man than feudists whet Ifs a country for go U , she had made Coughs or bashful Jane bride. It is for eaoh vengeful Kentucky great of how far willing of all, which evidently other creditors " to with those en- question you're father calls his safe. And he ...... of the atudies somethln adopted Loeees adjusted and due oompete to rate his own outsiders will or harm was done to one o with and wait for In town there Is a mid- 06 I power; wrong tl VJo go in a little matter of the sort" herself. that Not to Be Losses and not due 17,011 tering from the graded sohoola. and lets me carry the key sometimes just Neglected adjusted 4» yoa no rating. If you have them. with the wisdom that bat to turn up. The bananye orange woman of uncertain mental 187,005 I seems to ua that this be give higher So, "I told I came down here,' dle aged Losses unadjusted It might part- that you why to show tne that he knows I'm the real Loeees In suspense, waiting for fur- of rural the ambition, determination, gumption, characterized many fighters, th« and hurricanes and pineapples ye and poverty 18,986 ly overcome if auperintendenta great said the Kid simply. that from the qualities unquestionable ther proof health and to grow 40 to 100 comes from there.' little Francisco strayed Anyone will realiie the aeriousness the Com- school· would ascertain, as far as pos- disposition Eld decided to np as many leaguet eat said the consul who Is more or less of a town charac- All other claims against then that is "A good answer," herd a time of a 71,068» aores of tilled crops your "That sounds to me!" long ago." neglecting cold If he observes pany sible, what pupils intended to enter high as possible of chaparral and pear be won't have to go that far ter. To her the milliner gave the orig- results to reinsure out- if haven't of "But you what are you waiting for?" of such neglect among his Amount necessary the neat and have the teach- power rating; yon enough ol last interest "Well, ...... 18 school year, tween himself and the retaliation betraying to standing risks 2,423,904 these to even a are to Here's the scheme. After I get tb< inal of the duplicated bat, much the acquaintances. How often have you aome aaaiatanoe in grow garden you out there asked Thacker angrily. "Don't you ers give them special the expressage be to take me'Whajll ^e who heard, "He didn't do any- 66 be Men with red blood and cap- Coralltos bunch. trademark tattooed on your hand I'l cart discomfort of the social queen, ap- caught cold, Total Liabilities $2,718^)18 the studies in wbioh were deficient, pitied. forget that I can upset your apple thing fur it and they are not for was a and York it turned into"—then tains of industry looking Near the station store, old Urique. In the meantlmt I want If old knew parently saw the point —New eome and thu· be of great assistance to them eald notify any day to. Urlque dreaded disease is named Nature never made vigorous men near the scattered th« dollars," all of the W. J. WHEELER & CO., Agents, their first year in school. pity. store, among ^"Twenty-four I'll furnish you with family were an Impostor, what sort of Times. colds during high «aid: "Hitch and Oap^n you Ordinary yield to prompt Maine. in- that way. Emerson your and stood the saddled Boone; "grub can find so can b< treatment at 8-10 leatk Paria, To the boys and young men who mesqults elms, history I out you things would happen to you? Oh, you the beginning. That is to a star." I infer this means to 0nd cabin. I haven't got a first cabliL Dome. *r-y every should be tend to make their life work, wagon horses of the customers. Most of then up points to talk about know Mr. Texas The Capitol family supplied farming a do not the studying don't this country, with a high rating. I "You've my company, said li reliable cough medicine—one ■ones. and for financial reasons cannot afford to give yourself with limbf got You've the you speak th< mustard The capltol dome at Washington tnat will it means a too for waited, half asleep, sagging got looks, Kid. The laws here have got heal raw and inflamed sur- notice that she figure rating powerful out a buckskin ι in The subscriber hereby glees four years In high aehool and then and But a kid, pulling know the you cai 1 the only considerable dome of Iron faces, loosen the Irri- h«« of the last spend size of the head. A drooping heads. one, lonf Spanish, you facts, between 'em. These people phlegm, allay been executrix we reoom- the cylinder cylin- had to Laredo for spread tation. ease duly appointed take a course, would With $300 he gone It Is a vast hollow the hoarseness and stop will and testament of college head that fits at the roan with a curved neck tell about Texas, you've got the tat stretch out like a that the world. sphere course der cap beginning legged The duel in here'd you frog •p tickling sensation in the throat SARAH M. BEAN, late of Denmark, mend the two year in agriculture his regular "blowout" How much «•at does sbonld remain a olose fit either at rest snorted and pawed the turf. Him th« too mark. When I notify them thai had been on and give you weighing 8,000300 pounds. not permit one to sleep. In the County of Oxford, deceased, an4 glten the of Maine. had cut short his season of stepped at University Valdos' 1 or al as law directe. AU pesons having or under Kid his knee* heir bas returned And li sticks at corner of Is that? More than 4,000 tons, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound bonds the who is to enter a pressure. mounted, gripped with him with near the rightful about fifty every w nrn'-T* the eat·!· of said deceased Any boy prepared now is a time to hilarity but it had left of full invaluable for relief of coughs, demim**· enter this Henoe, good figure and with the owner's waiting to know whether he will be re the And they'd wear eveiy most the Wright 70,000 grown colds, desired to the same for settlement, standard high school may slapped gently for aid in the that it had plaza. croup, whooping cough, tick- present ] out your rated horse power for next sea- ly $200 flight will of or about to 1,000 laden in ι aU Indebted thereto are to make at the and the expense celved and pardoned, what hap stick out too. What was left you persons, equal ing throat, tightness or soreness. requested course oollege, determined can made necessary. eon's work. This you 1 coal cars of four tons each, which, li gripp« or bronchial coughs. It con- pay*·*» need not be more per year than It would the of the temerarioui They'll simply rush down hen they'd feed to alligators." 1 MAUDE WITHAM. a °^f slaying «aid the pen? tains no It Immediate»!·^ were plan your-campaign, lay Ip good sup- "All right, buddy," captain. one would harmful ingredients. is 1014. ®*1β be in school if the stadent * over the "I as well tell you now, pard- strong oat behind the other, February ISth, high of and be to card player had cast cloud ma blame meι might healing, soothing, efficient and pleas· leave home to and ply fuel-Inspiration ready "I hope your won't mile and a half ef track. On ug. to attend, as a true» clti ner," said the Kid, sliding down low occupy a obliged start at the first turn of the wheel. Kid's standing good and this little childish of yours. aoncE. the result would be more satisfactory. escapade "that are the of the dome the alle- * You'll not be excuses beoause sen this last act of his veUed his fig on hie steamer chair, thlnge very top E- mVBTLErr A aotloe that he work of the making to one of the CO., *>nih Parla The subscriber hereby gtree The extension University as are. 13, executor of tbe last this or that was not ure in the of STiSm going to stay just they They're gorical figure "America," weighing has bef" duly appointed aa carried on the accomplished.—New darkest shadows dispute "Let Sanche* lift you out to the skiff of of Maine, through now." 065 lifts its head high in will and teetament _ _ _ Homestead. the Rio border if ta1" about right pounds, proud late of Brown field, demonstrators, whereby all the England On Grande y°u so won't feet wet GEORGE SOULE, county you get your "What do mean?" asked Thack- the air. Hie pressure of this dome and and both a man's life sometimes take trash ■ you la tbe of Oxford, deceased, glrea latest and beat methods, practical How He Did It. you . · · · * * County bavin on and is bonds m tbe »w directs. AU aa to the farm his horse take t er, rattling the bottom of his glass figure upon the piers piMara 14, κι peraed· arc and scientific, they apply but if you take you min Del estate of said dsn—ted of Minnesota is evi- EH) i s ira'-ri* the Peter Bgleatad the United States cowolat foot It are to our doors Thacker, his desk. 477 to the square desired to present the tame Snd home, brought a is thing the lose of which renders him pounds dently very practical dairyman. It was drunk- a oi aU Indebted thereto are requested to sake without to as, can be made Buenas Tierras, not yet "The scheme's off,'* said the Kid. would, however, require pressure Ζ BUY=S any expense to note some of the methods poor, indeed, and which yoi benefit to us if we interesting It was only U o'clock, and be never have the to the foot to ^taMlUOT. SOULf. of mueh educational suc- For Kid "And whenever you pleasure 755,286 pounds square EDWIN t. he has used in building up a very not—if you are caught the bead- *-10 but eo wltb the county demon- arrived at his desired state of of to me address me ai Don the February Uth, 1910. operate cessful herd of cows. there waB no back now. speaking supporta. This work is now being carried turning wherein be mng andent strator. He oommeooed with a small herd of atate Francisco Urlque. I'll guarantee I'll and we With the roan SLa MMU on In ten counties successfully, 8$rlhglng all sorts of cows years ago that maodlln vaud. answer to it Well let Colonel Urlque Justice. notioe that she bas In aH the others as soon eight he felt-little care or uneasiness. Alto Sim warn The subscriber hereby gives believe will be to 125 tin safe Js wants to live as Mp of tbe laat wUl produced from 75 lbs. of butter- keep his money. His little Bach dtisen fully executrix ask been duly appointed as the farmers in sufficient numbers a five mile gaHop he drew in to th aftar- e U fat. Now he has a herd of oows the locker in the First This be- And t» ot their Interest that forty S· Ï as good ai the time as his surroundings permit for the f. WHITTEMOR*, lato of Paris, for it and show by that 850 lbs. of butterfat plainsman's Jogging Whole Family CHARLES AU the démos average per National bank of Laredo as far as you the desire of all, it results that all, In tbe County of Oxford, deceased. per· will co-operate with t»tvTa^r®? life be carried on Is a bust- Feb., A. D. UM, the toM Steer S. Hutohlneon for bovines. The kind of work to which after three days he which may and that the first nate is securing one so well 'adapted to **80 consul. of It ert. 'Panchito,' «lie says, 4my little was duly adjudicated bankrupt, hotssp (re pnl calls for the least possible H· Poked the Cold Muszto Again· \; η ess distinct from the 710 his emtttore wlQ be held to the the extension work la their section. shore at Corpus Ohristi and looked oui back to fundamentally meeting of Start lead on the which even The Kid laughed. the Consul'· Mouth. loet one, God has brought you South ■ ■ organs, of with the carry- the Retorse, No. 9 Manet Square, ■ ■ * W "a * digestive a business Interfering otftoe at φ « across the gentle ripples of quiet sea ma I bless Ida name forever.' It wa* oa the 8th of Mar.. A. D. UM, I· tbe draft breeds are and Parla, Maine, day heavy smell, Boone of the r fall en and the curtail ing on of the ltté itself, either by help- la the tor—am, to whleh time the One that works agalaat the benoe the food Captain tnd your neck, that or some track like that she said, at 10 otloek thing greatly particularly stomaob, or him or creditors may attoad, prove their eMas. Is the stood near his which ont for refreshments and ι ing the lndMdoal directing said aad the farm bureau system aispo- of tbe horse should be nutritions tn away skiff, gom dpwn down come· a drop or two oi a trustee, examine the bankrupt, j LS. appoint on of to "I ln 'ra him.—Herbert Spencer. BILLINGS business ae ei loo the part many aay: In of his crew was •troll In the lobby."" on the nose. ^"<1 restraining transact each other may properly 1 quality, balog frequently " rain and fait· me said meeting. don't waat man to oame on my supplied the Kid. MANUFACTURES op AND DEALER IN iae before any comparatively small quantities. gua^f ^e Thacker,» aald Tm waiting," Maid «Π that stock by me, Mr. Thacker. farm and tell me how to farm Itl" But h bad saddle off In yon WbenreadytosaUbe^difcovereJIbat one of the necessartos of Me, "Teke tihat eane bottom chair. No , bavent my And ifs beta that way ever since. And Canlissniss. Bed that isa't the Better say: Wind Is a thing. the Cedar and right spirit. good 8weeps the and I never me > Mr. see some re- Sprnoe Clap oome parallelogrammatic shape eome to invest Jtn camp long; pardner, if· got to stay that way. Don't you Flatbusb—I during "If you caa give me i«ood hint, old earth eleaa and makes everybody Jif *»r*e 1 New tobacco, had been forgotten A jjjjsaUoi you before, bot If yon Intend to let think tbat If· for what's In it for me, cent explorations at Pompeii an an- boards, Brunswick Oedai on. My latohatring always bang· ont, healthy. Bnt when it Is sifted through Post Office Bozm For Sale. had been for the go at a blessing, why, It I so. If cient kitchen was unearthed. In the Shingles, North Carolina Pine sad I'll do my very beet to make yoar big oraoks In the barn It doesn't make dispatched parental eltber, tbat say you have anj man Meanwhile the mistaken la man, that's aJL" eucfa 'em to 1 there was a kettle on the eat of ojloo stay pleasant.'* The who doee that tbe oattle- feel ao> very well, and yoa cargo. eap^ my ideas keep yourself. fireplace A food* oooood-hand pool "I Flooring and Sheathing I look le bouad to somewhere. won't feel well either,, when yon the sand·» profanely atjawk hû Thank·;" said the consul. haven' haven't hadmuch truck with women lr just m It was left 1,826 years box a· ooaatatlaf of ifty-fiv· ^oxoa get very cf^wtae their ways. grate, eeasa to the extra feed bills. Try.ytMf^r^ |rf ,»mt met In a time that· keep mothers cook in that dty. Paroid Roofing, Wall Board fifty call boxee, aa seed until recent- pay Stop anybody long toy life and nb to speak of *go bysome residing »|aod Wbea communities to improve the oracka with net with feed. as as I· the oJSco «S Parie, Mjlno begin battens, A •Um' ebucka andItta up with an argument well yo bit here'· 'a lady that we've got to Mrs. Flattraeh—Soch carelessness! Apple Barrel and ly pooh. before realise it u7ZL°tt£m7 ££ , Heada, Oak fraiae «ad walnut aad glaae frooto. their oowa, they they boots earn· water's edit do, The- met of it Is simple. It the fooled. Otace she stood it; twin Too cant MI ma ehe hasn't had an op- ia- Wtla bag In my ι **·Ρ of begia to Improve tbsmsslves. The An able man shows his spirit by gentle awhile len loqaixo £*v2 a minute. He took out we m·» take you in only for ttfs the wont Γ» a low down wolf; am! > portnalty to pot that kettle hway to LXJMBSB 07 ALL KINDS ,om* **** *·" words and reeolute notions; he la neither lettre aSOBOI M. ATWOOD, «η > afl ttfc Statesman. Soalh hot nor timid. I fet d*fl ataJtot m tu* tim* JWNm South Paris, · Main· tf gatAi?*

■" ··. ι *. Wtet Ma. For dyspepsia, our aalfoaal ilhart, use Bar- ESTABLISH U> 1». dock Blood Bttters. Recommended tor atrengtb- of the with rheu- BLUE STORES THE OXFORD BEARS. Notwithstanding the aeverity Frank 8. Farnum it very in enlag digestion, çnrl tying (be blood.. AT «η «NthK· good aomber attended oar matism. Annual Sale end Our oburohee, 8uuday, the SOtb. The member· of the high gram· The Oxford Democrat THE DOINGS OF THE WEEK IN ALL Hon. H. H. Heatings end bride have mar achooli enjoyed a ride to Weet Sum- c ' retimed from Portland and oooopj tbe ner the of birth- Evidence That Convinces. —OF— evening Washington'· ( SECTIONS OP THE COUNTY. "Rev. David Garland house" In May- day, where the; held a sociable and had ISSVBO TUESDAYS. to Save which Mr. hated and a Time ville, Haatlnga pare sapper. Good A Twico-Told Tale That Will renovated for their home. They "have The scholars of Mr*. H. 8. Mann's Carry | Pari· lUIL a Conviction to Democrat Headers. Monej the beat wisbea of a large oirele of Sunday School olaas bad Waahlngton S>uth Paris. Maine, February 29, igi6 first Baptl* Church. Ββν. β. W. r.miUp··- friends. party at Good Will Hall and gave a gen- tor. Preaching every Sunday at 10:40 a. m. Dr. J. G. and Mr·. Gehring retnrned eral Invitation to the ohlldren in the Til- Two years ago Mr. Ripley publicly en- Uns cm Ml wwtr Prices Sunday School M U. Habbath β renin* «errtce Bit » from a to Ohlo,'1aat Wed- ▲ nntnber oat, and bad do reed Dosa'· Kidney at 7 M. Piayer Meeting Thursday twh« trip Cleveland, lage. good they Pill*; DRY GOODS last before a time. He then told of benefit he bed re- A Τ WOOD A FORBES, ? 30. Covenant Meeting the rrtday needay. good ! the let Sunday of the month ati»r·*· ,>P Evelyn Chandler of Norway la visiting Among those in this vicinity who at- oeired. BEGIN otherwise connect»! am cordially Invited. WILfc not a wltb unshaken Editor* end Proprietor*. her grandparenta for abort time. tended the anto show at Portland were, Now, confldeooe, Winter Suits, Overcoats, Mackinaw. There waa a social evening giv- O. A. Smith, L. H. Penley, F. R. Penley," He confirma bi· statement— timomoM M. ATwooo. A. B. Foaaaa. Mtss Louisa Levarleh, who bas «pent Friday en the Methodiat society. Mr. acd Mrs. E. J. Mann, F. R Andrew» Tell· bow paaaing years have strength- moet of the winter in Portland, baa re- by Underwear, Odd Trousers, Friday evening the girls' basket ball of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. ened his faitb In Doan'a. gone to New Orleans. cently team a game with a team com- Me Allât er of North Paris. There's no better test tbsn the test of | ta advance. Rev. G. W. F. Hill wu called to Rook- played nexus —SI JO » vear tf p*M strictly of tbe alumna. Rev. D. A. Ball was In Boston part of lime. Lamb Lined Ooats, Beach Otherwise a oople· 4 oentt. week tbe death of · posed $2.00 year. Single land last bj nephew. will be held in Gar- week. He went to attend a meet- Csn Sonth Paris reader ask for March Jackets, Tbe Academy fair laat any | 1, Mrs. H. P. Hammond baa been visit- advertisements land Maroh 2d. on of the officers of the Fer- more evidence? for a few more at AUTumnmn:-A]l legal the the Chapel Thursday, ing Monday eonTinoing we are to offer you days ftre rlren three consecuUve Insertions for tl-50 in Woodstock past week, Wednesday, going ing a of John ▲. tbe well-known black- con- Misa Goddard of la gneat ry Beach Park Association. Ripley, inch 1b of column. Special of her Mrs. Harland An- Deerlng per length guest niece, her Charles Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Batee hare been Oxford South "I I tract· made with local, transient ftod yearly nephew, smith, St., Paris, aays, for 10 Days. drews. Continuing » for Ton. a rain falling several at the New Chase was quite miserable for several months ! Tempting Savings Miss Lizzie who has been with Saturday morning heavy •pending day· Davis, whioh makea the but Portland. with an attack of tronble. I bad Sew «et electric for the few traveling anything House,. kidney Job Panrrwu type, preeee·, Dr. Hoogbton past months, on tbe workmen and low price· Mis· Alice Barden la taking lessons pains tbrongb smell of my baok and a power, experienced has secured a room at Sdgar Hutchins'. agreeable. The on abroad have already brought combine to mnke thl· department of our bual- the and to Lawiston every my didn't act regularly. I got changes going continue to do MIDDLE lirriBVALK. violin, goes kidneys neM and will dreesmaking cot- complete and popular. week. Dian'a Kidney Pills at Howard's Drug of many materials, tremendous advances in the there. are all scarcity L. C. Stevens saya they nearly Mrs. Walter Cole haa been very ill Store and they relieved me in a Mrs. G. M. Atwood, P. F. remarka-1 oonditions Mr. and Rip- sick In his fsmily of eight. wl bly short time." ton, woolen and markets, and unparalleled and F. W. Shaw were SHtiLE COPIES. ley, Leon Maxim More or less sickness all aronnd. OVER TWO YEARS Mr. who tbe automo- LATER, in the situation. of Thx Dmiuctlit »r« four cent· among tboee attended The cook at the Carter la out dye Slaate oople· camp into the rent in the Benson aald: "I have bad little uooaslon Coat Λ upstairs Ripley Fur malted on of by at Portland tbe weak. a each They will be receipt price bile show past with tbe One of the best of the In of these we shall for few days % Salel grippe. honse on Street. He work· In to about tbe condition of my kid- spite facts, quote, Um pabll·ben or tor the nonvenlence of patron* was in Anbnrn High worry on Mrs Char le· L. Aldricb men in tbe crew •Ingle copie· of each Issue have bee# placed supplies. Mann'· mill. neys since I need Doan's Kidney Pills." on new which were pur- We : to consult a for throat only, special prices spring dry goods do let the go will sell tale at the following place· in the County Tuesday specialist Blanche E. Kimball has some obiokr Harold Jackson et Milton Plantation Price at all Don't Why you opportunity by? y0Ui trouble. 50o, deaV*· simply South Parle, Howard'· Drag-Store. out of tbe shell. a chased before these advances. now at a much leM than can Store. just is the nigbt watchman at Mann'· mill. ask for kidney remedy—get Doan'a coat very price you buy on- Sburtier· Drug Mrs. G. B. Shaw, who has been away has from her good Store. Franoes Carter returned He boards at Abner H. Mann's. Kidney Pilla—the aame tbat Mr. Rip- Norway, No ye· Drug for the past few weeks, has re- next year. Stone'· Drug Store. visiting stay in Lewiaton. H. O. Brown, who baj been very siok ley bad. Foster Milburn Co., Propa., I turned to tl>4 home of her son, F. W. BuckUeld, A. L. Newton. Postmaster. Mrs. Mary Wiley la at her old home, with and Is im- Buffalo. Ν. T. Poet Offlce. grippe compllcationa, Pari· Hill, Helen R Cole, Shaw. tbe Carter mansion. Washable Fabrics Samuel T. White. borne proving slowly. West Part·, Mrs. H. L. Scrfboer returned to watch a hen ΡΒΦΒΑΤΕ NOTICES. Wbo does not like News of the marriage of Harry John- PERCALES—Lot 12 l-2c Percales, beet quality 3β loch. Sale prie· 9c. Winter Sale from Portland. well learn a Id estate Clothing Means Wedneeday with her chicks? We may son and Miss Clara Hall at Groveton, N. To all person· Interested either of tbe Heald is her hereinafter : the 10c Sale 8o. Coming Events. Mrs. Hiram visiting lesson from them, also from tbe birds haa been reoeived. Mr. and Mrs. PERCALES, quality. prioe Mr. H., ▲t a Probate at In vacation, in brother, Malcolm Soule, In Wayne. ants. can donbt the Court, Parts, SCOTCH value 12 1 2c. and bees and Wbo JohnsoD are and and tor the of on the 2Srd , 16c, price and Children's are popular yonng people County Oxford, Men'·, Youths', Boys' Clothing. and Mrs. Soule reoeiving congratula- or that there is a God? Even March β —Town meeting. Bible, have the best wishes and day of February, In the year of our Lord BATES ANaRED 8EAL value 12 l-2e, 9o. on the of a son, born Feb. congratulation· GINGHAMS, prie· March 7.-Annual meeting South Parte V11 Inge tions birtb Socrates was led to believe tbe truth, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen. The of many friends. APRON (or 4c. 24th. back following matter Having been presented for the CHECK GINGHAM8 β 1 AND SEE THE South Part·. from nature. If people would go C. N. Her rick and have to COME BARGAINS March 14°—Supreme Judicial Court, Tbe regular meeting of tbe family gone action thereupon hereinafter Indicated, It la 5o. Bark do. 90 —Conference of «chool «upertntend· monthly to nature and obey tbe laws of nature In Mrs. Field'· rent. hereby Oedkkbd: PRINTS, light color·, color·, March Paris Hill Association will be housekeeping enta and committee men, South Pari·. Library what a change there would be in life and That notice thereof be given to all persona In- OUTING —Entire atook of 10c and 12 1 2c Ootings at 8c per yard. May 11,11—Oxford County teacher·' convention. held at tbe library Wednesday, March terested by causing a copy of this order to be living. three weeks In the Ox- Bethel. at 4 S. entertained the published successively Con- let, o'clock. Bean has been 111 with the Mrs. Jamea Dudley at South Silkalines 23, 24-Oxford County W. C. T. 0. Mrs. ▲. M. ford Democrat, a newspaper pnbllaned May The number of Club Feb. and the members In aald that at a vention, Bethel. January Oating maga- Sunshine 15, Paris, County, they nay appear grippe. a at- Piobate Court to be held at aald Parla, on the zine is from tbe library. Will a were invited to remain for most All of our 12 l-2c Silkalines priced at 9o daring «ale. missing Blanche E. Kimball bas çeoeived thirl of A. D. at 9 of who borrow the tractive after which were Tueaday March, 1916, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. all those magazinea beautiful letter from ber teacher, Miss supper, they tbe clock In the forenoon, and be heard thereon CRETONNES—Oar entire line of 10c, 12 12c and 15o · at 00 per yard. look and see if it baa not been their husbands and a few in- kindly L. M. Sargent of Scarboro. We remem- joined by If they aee cauae. F. H. Co. Sale. mislaid. we had vited guests, a party of Chftnge of Ownership ber well what a homesick feeling making jolly George D. Gammon late of Canton, de- Bleached and Brown Noyes Sale. as a for Mr. Dud- Seml-annuftl Clearftnce Tbe Ladies' Universslist Social will when vacation time came—a longing to forty birthday surprise oeaaed ; first and final and private accounts pre-1 New · Thing·. next af- A very pleasant evening was spent sented for allowance by Alfred T. Gammon, One lot 86 inch brown 6 l-2c Shoe Fashions. meet with Mrs. Jackson Friday be with the dear little scholars again. ; ley. Sheeting, prioe per yard. SOUTH Regal in music on the executor. PÂBIS, ,τ™» NORWAT Rexall Cold Tablets. ternoon at 230. Many of them have passed on to the playing games, enjoying > One lot 40 inch brown 7o per Sate. and refreshments of IfshsnaUh E. late of de-1 Sheeting, yard. Our Clearance Don't forget tbe Cirole supper at Cam- School, and it maybe those lit- victrola, punch, Sawyer Porter, Wood Investment. Higher as- ceased ; first account for allowance by LOCKWOOO COTTON, 40 In., at 7 l-2o. on Tbe home-made ice cream and preaented | Our Annual Sale of Dry Good·. mings Hall Tuesday evening. tle children we have led with faltering candies, Eva M. Sawyer, adm(nia:ratiix. Mr. LOCKWOOB 36 In , at 7o. J Probate Notice·. men will have of both tbe hand will be the first to us over In sorted cakee. The gnest· wiib COTTON, charge supper greet ADDISON E. of said Court. 3 Notice· of more sncb birth- HERRICK, Judge Appointment. and entertainment and will do all tbe that better land. Dudley many pleasant A BLEACHED SHEETING, 38 in., value 12 l-2c. Sal· price, Oo. Evidence That Convince· true copy—attest: usual. It is that A. Need- days. 911 ALBERT D. Insurance Company of North America. cooking,—as expected Saturday morning Mrs. Mary PARK. Register. BLEACHEB TUBING, 42 in., at 12 1 2c. will be Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Swift were in Port- J. Hastings Bean Frank L. Starbird of Norway ham died from a shock. Although she BLEACHEB 50o eaob. tat week to see a doctor KOTlC£· SHEETS, Notice of Foreclosure. present to belp out tbe local talent. bad been ill for several weeks, tbe end land one day Bankruptcy Notice. which bad been The subscriber hereby give notice that she has PILLOW SLIPS, 42x36, 9o eaob. is invited to attend. came Her Mrs. •bout Mrs! Swift's eye, Stray Dog. Everyone cordially suddenly. sister, Emily been duly appointed guardian of her mucb trouble. non LONG 12 08c. Tbe past week has given us about as Cook of Sooth Paria, came Saturday. canning 8U3AM 11 .YORK, compos mentis, of Paris, CLOTH, good quality, yard piece, ~ March 2Ί Mrs. Julia Shaw will enter- In the of and bonds as Town wide a variety of weather as we often see County Oxford, given LONG better 12 11.10. Paris Report. the law directs. All persons having demands CLOTH, qaality, yard piece, in tbe name of time. West Bethel. tain the Sunshine Club. The annual report of the town of Pari· space Starting against the estate of said ward are desired to snow storm tbe win- •We watch and wait for tbee, Ο bonny spring. Mr. aod Mrs. Clarenoe Richardson tbe same for settlement, and all Indebted CO. with tbe of present Ζ. L. MERCHANT & to the citizen·. biggest Bed is about being distributed so far away, tbe snow I a few in Portland thereto are to make Immedi- Spreads in wbicb the fall amounted to eight Away, beyond spent days recently. requested payment a of 116 about tbe ter, We list to catch tbe rustling of thy It i· book page·, wing, Boutelle with a Sun- ately. Good va I α oat iocbea or more, it was followed on Fri- While tbe winter winds aroand ua blow. Guy friend, spent es, fringed and oornera, 76o, 11.00, $1.29,11.60 and 92 00 each. usual size and io tbe usual form. yet LEORA A. FARNHAM. a warm rain with his father, Geo. S. Boutelle. 9-11 and by u day February 15th, 1916. PUFFS AND low all marked down. Tbe assessors' report sbow· tbe fol- day nigbt Saturday *TU vain to watch, for still long, weary days BLANKETS, prices, and of wind; the soow waa convert M ust come and before tby feet lowing facte: gale go, flowery Buckfleld. ed into slush and aed on Sunday Shall trip along the dear frequented ways of North real estate $ 100 00 puddles Insurance Company Towels and Crash Amount of resident 1,110 Where tby bright face we shall la raputre at real estate. ttJàO 00 a cold wave set in which baa left tbe Rev. Dr. Tilden, pastor J Amount of non-resident greet. formerly roads rough and icy, with zero tempera- Hebron, supplied the pulpit at the Bap- America, TURKISH TOWELS—Lot 1, 21c eaob. Total real estate $1,206,830 00 "Tor many old earth mast meekly wear ture and high wind blowing Monday. days tist charcb Sunday, Feb. 20, in the ab- Lot Resident personal estate ..$342,840 00 Her robe of white and feel the Icy chill, PHILADELPHIA, PENH. 2,27c each. New in estate 00 On 27tb, Mrs. Co- winter's of terror sence of Pastor Lamb, who ii Bridge- Non resident personal 17.(06 Sunday, February Aad all tbe reign bear, FAMILY CRASH—Value 10c, aale 8c. lumbia widow of the late Hon. A to Its Iron will." in work prioe, Things Parri», helpless subject water, Maaa., evangelistic 00 (With Total personal estate 3S0.726 D her one Mr. Davidson. Mr. Lamb will be away ASSETS DEC. 81, 1915 Virgil Psrris, quietly passed now in and in that and second Just what several weeka. Beady-to-Wear Apparel To tell of the pretty things coming Total valuation #1,506.545 00 hundred birthday. Town meeting next Monday. Real Estate f «*6,688» ii mean* to attain the of a hun- "The a drama, Loans 177,724 2» the of fashions would take and · 413,740 00 great age and no to this Runaways," comedy Mortgage HOUSE new line, 11.00 eacb. present year space Value of land "Leap Day" proposals Stocks snd Bonds 16,961,484 75 BRESSES—entirely approve, 791^0 00 dred and two years may be more fully was at Nezinccnt Hall Value of building· date. finely presented Cash In Office and Bank 1.429 698 06 WRAPPERS—New made from $1.00. then their and (JO we of Buckfiuld lot, good peroale, descriptions—and prettiness practical Increase In valuation over last year 11,665 when realize that this fl*b Monday night by members Balances 1,719,716 98 lengthy Μ apprécia'ed Frank G. Sloan continues selling Agents' at Total committed to collector $ 36,604 even now with intel- The were as- 03 KIMONO APRONS—Priced 39c, 50.·, 69c and 75o. on. woman, undimmed of tbe town on Grange. parts carefully Bills Receivable 192,740 could be touched Rate of taxation, 22.S mills. in thread Fridays. 93 desirability only lect, was boro under tbe administration signed and every one was well sustained. Interest Hnd Bents 194,018 FLANNELETTE WRAPPERS—A amill lot at to do·· oat. Polls taxed, 963. Not taxed, 128. Mrs. Clyde Walker of Ketcham is All Othér Assets 91,977 74 prloea 122. Female 10. of fourth of About five dollars was cleared for of all these is what Male dogs, doge, James Msdisoo, president boarding with Miss Mabel Scribner. thirty We want you to see—your approval Moit tbe sbow a tbe United States, aud has lived under the Gross Assets $ 21,098,037 98 Underwear of appropriations Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C- Alleo of Bethel grange. we most we after an administration*. of Faith Deduct Items not admitted 645,378 42 desire—and believe will get balanced condition or a small unexpend- twenty five presidential Bill visited bis Mr. and Mrs. L. At the regular meeting Good earnestly parents, We offer oar entire new line are out- second was liv- Rebekah there at 10 per cent, discount during sale. This is th· ed balance. There however John Adams, president, E. Allen, Sunday. Lodge Tuesday evening, Admitted Assets $20,447,659 51] inspection—pleased to show you. bill· the until she was twelve years old and were a number present, and after best assortment we have ever shown. Also one lot left from last season at standing reported, against high- ing Bert Farwell of Everett, Mass., was good LIABILITIES DEC. 1915 eloeing had been dead the business was transacted the mem- 81, way $187.15, snow bills $5 00, collector's George Washington only called here last week by tbe Illness of out prices. bill $101 text books $200. Actual little more than fourteen years at tbe bers enjoyed a variety of games and a Net Unpaid Loases $ 2,*71,140 00 AND £5, bis father. Unearned Premiums 8,171016 58 WOMEN'S SPRING SUITS to considerable time of her birth. fine with tables decorated with White Waists overexpenditure any No one is heard complaining this week spread, All other Llabllltlea.....T. 175,000 00 and white and blue streamers. 00 amount is in the poor a of and business is flags red, Cash Capitol 4,000,000 DRESS SKIRTS. reported only DlsTKICT. of shortage snow, Choice line of stylish new $1.00. has been PARTBtDeS S. W. Purinton bas bis posi- 8urplus over all Liabilities 5,830,472 93 waists, account, where the expense booming. resigned amounts Fremont Field bas sold bis to tion here with the Parla Trust Company, large, and tbe overexpenditure applee Their first child, a daughter, was born Total Liabilities and Surplus $ 20,447,659 51 and a similar at Rich- Corsets, We have a of the to $706 01. Thompson of Canada. to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Martin Feb. 21st accepted poaition ready very representative showing sold a heifer to H. Maine. He will enter bis One lot to olose at 1-2 Treasurer's report shows total receipts Frank Perkins Elbert returned from mond, upon STUART W.GOODWIN, price. new modes in and Briggs Albany I Spring Suits Skirts. of with cash on hand Jan. 31, Fletcher of South Paris. new duties about 1. Mr. Purinton Norway, Maine, Agent. Tour cboloe of La Reine Corsets at 10 cent, dlsoonnt aale. 965,578 65, Saturday, and is this week cooking for April OTIS M. R1CHA Canton. per daring Miss Hattie Mason is her sis- has been here about four and has RDSON, Agent, $7.566 05. visiting McLain and for Mrs. years, RUMFORD FALLS INSURANCE AGENCY, Suits Priced from In.75 to $25 00 Sandy painting himself as .has In the collector's account the same ter. Mrs. A. G Cusbman of Bethel. Maude M. made for many friends, Rumford. O'Reilly. are accom- W. J. W H BELER South Parla. Underwear amounts as last are due on Mre. Will Mason has returned from also Mrs. Purinton. Both à CO., Agenta, 1 Skirts Priced from to year reported William H. Wiley, a veteran of the 9-11 $2.25 87.50 Dill· committed to Aiirea a. jacsauo, Buckfield, where sbe has been nursing musician· and have contributed 1 lot Ladies' Fleeoed civil war, died in this village, Feb. 18?h, plished Vests and Pants, always sold for 60o, prie· while they amounting to for several weeks mucb to the social life of the place. 1906 to 1910 inclusive, past. aged 83 years. His home waa with his last, 25c. $160 10. Oo the bills of Harry D. Cole John Hammond bought two heifers of /Ίο(inktav Vea Tfmsna Rarflnff nnrl Hi· Mrs. Purinton bas served as president of Will Parliii. ing viuv iuu NOW SHOWING DAINTY AND there is due oo tbe 1914 assessment grandson, Walfred J. Douglass. neziDiouT nietury yrcai- J. Bean Lace Curtains and Frank Perkins one heifer of dent of the Farther and Hastings Draperies on the aasessment Lights Society, #13 09, and 1915 bought Few know the value of aome kinds of HOST ATTRACTIVE WASH- John Hammond. both are aotive workers lo the Baptist PARIS. Sorim sod Lace Curtains, Portieres, Table Sofim and Mas- $524 04. old paper·. Pot » mixed lot of old SOUTH Tapeatry, Cover·, of Mrs. Will Harlow baa returned home where will be maoh miss- lin tbe all The statement n( financial condition pnzsle «beets I received two dollar· per cburcb, they by yard, go Into this sale at 26 to 33 1 3 per cent. dJsooant. ABLE FABRICS where ahe baa been ed. the town is aa follows: from Massachusetts, pound, and for a complete file of the visiting (or several weeks. of the aatolsts attended UABIIXriKfl. Portland Transcript from 1875 to 1900 I Many .local Mrs. Fremont Field ia able to be up the show in Portland this week. Among was paid twenty-flve dollar·, the pur- least in 90 and aroood ber room. them were G. W. Tilton, Ο. B. Spauld- Cotton fabrics v(cre considered the School fund at β per cent $ 3.837 chaser· in both cases paying the trans- Dealer in Real Estate, Formerly Bray fund at 5 per cent M0 00 Frankie Perkina ia boarding at Sooth ing, H. F. Kawson and wife, F. W. Rec- au an article of woman's and classed fond at S cent 300 00 portation obarges. importance apparel Cuahman per Paris. ord and wife, George Warren, W. C. Al- Boee McKenney Heyvood fund the more articles of it 100 00 East Bethel. len and others. among staple merchandise, but today at 4 per cent.. N. DAYTON BOLSTER William H. Dennett fund at 3 per Hebron. "A from the wlndr west, Miss Mabel Lamb returned from New CO., is most ex- on estate the 300 00 roaring file Loans real care-| WASHABLE FABRICS that furnish the cent For the winter la growing οία. Glouoesfer Saturday for a five weeks' va- .. 204 63 Mountain DUt. Cemetery Asan Mr. Rowe, secretary of Bates College H le time la short ana be howls his best color in the 00 cation from fully placed. SOUTH PARIS. MAINE. quisite designs, combinations and real novelties Sewer account 1,300 Y. MCA, preached Sunday. From the start of the ruthleaa cold, teaobing. Snow account 3 00 The drama to have been here was But the February sun shines clear given by list of fabrics for women's account 187 15 The Debating Council banquet long employed apparel. Highway outatandlog— With a kindly message of hope and cheer." the Paris High School on Friday nigbt Highway account, «pel- approp'n 700 00 Monday evening. I have both village and farm prop· 708 01 Z. W. Bartlett made a busi- has been indefinitely postponed. DRESS in are Poor account Mr». Cornelia Moody went to Boaton recently COTTONS the newest effects being North Paria tchool bouee 3,33* 00 ness to Lewiston and Portland. Buckfield and Mountain Granges were also several nice wood lots for on a few weeks' visit. trip erty, | H. D. Collector 101 Hi Tuesday featured at 10, 12 i-a, and to cents Col·, Ceylon M. Kimball took a parly of guesta of East Hebron Grange Satnrday. sa!e. 15, 19, 25 up 50 per Text book and repair aocount— 379 14 Mrs. Herbert Bowman is spending the etc. 106 30 to tbe drama at Looke's The Methodist hsve changed cotton finished fire eecape bill, door frame·, week in West BuckSeld with her par- voung people people yard, including voiles, marquisetts, Mill· Thursday evening, Feb. 17. their mid-week meeting from Tuesday 37 ents. Examination of titles a silk and a of the new and attractive • 11,903 Tbe two-act waa to Thursday evening. specialty. fabrics, variety Mra. Dobson and little boy of Portland drama, Sally Lunn, RSSOCBCES. at Grange Ball Thursday in materials. are visiting ber sister, Mrs. Fred Sturte- presented Twenty years' experience title) Balance uncollected town tax, 1906...· 3 72 evening, February 24, tbe following Pond. " » m « vant. by Bryant's work. Regal 1907... 13 83 m m mm cast of characters : OUR PATTERN isot»... 33 74 February Is surely giving us plenty of Mrs. Olive Hall, wife of Gibbs Wyman, DEPARTMENT will be of great M M M M Kimball 1909... 36 0· but late snow doe· not John Randolph, Jnnlor at Ya'e, Ceylon died at ber borne in North m m winter weather, Abington, assistance in " m 1910... 33 90 Leo Randolph, school bo τ, Freeborn Bean Notice of Foreclosure. making proper selections for the new spring M M M M last like that earlier in the season. on Feb. about 1914... 13 oe Morton Glynn, another Vale jnnlor, Mass., Monday, 21st, sged Whereas Ernest L. Pike and Eliza A. Pike, " m .. m gown. New for are now i9ia... (M Can any reader of the Democrat give Guy Bartlett 76 years. Sbe and ber family are pleas- both of Waterford, In the County of Oxford and Shoe publications spring ready. treasurer 06 Mariorle Smith atndent, Fashions Cash In hand· of 7,366 us the address of Robert P. M. Randolph, College remembered here* in tbia com- State of Maine, tbelr deed dated the Greeley, Ethel Cole antly bj mortgage in aa re- twenty-fifth day of July, 1904, and recorded In 38 a student here from North Yarmouth Mra. John Lunn munity old neighbors, they having 9 8,363 Randolph, Sally the Oxford Registry of Deeda. book 382, page SPECIAL the late 50'·? He is now somewhere in Edna Bartlett sided for many years on the Brlggs plaoe, 34S, conveyed to Elisabeth M Newcorob. a cer- For the man who wants a comfortable shoe in a Liabilities of the town $ 3,719 3Θ aunt conservative, tbe which reminds us that when Mra. Pealope Wloalow, to all, just above tbe village. Many here will tain parcel of real estate situate In Waterford, In West, Jennie Mitchell the of Oxford, and bounded aa follows: vici for wear the broad toe common sense a who went to to learn of ber a woman County general every day we were a ohild peison Vivian Wlcslow, society miss, Rose Bartlett regret deatb, Bounded land of Prank Stearns You have now Now I northerly by heel is as near as and from until March ist to secure the Young Man, Save Massachusetts was said to have highly esteemed and beloved among her and Clarence P. hv land of Regal perfection expert modeling construction gone This was followed by a social danoe. A wlllard; easterly We believe in not only West. former neighbors and aaeooiates here. John 8hsw; southerly by the John M. Howe can produce. There is no finer vici leather tanned than the special Designer subscription offer now offered at the preparedness, baked bean and pastry supper waa serv- land of the aforesaid Clarence P. w U- Regal being to state and the United States Of ber four obildren, one, Mrs. Mabel M. placeend black vici leather which is used in the and govern- ed from six to eight o'clock, alio at in- lard ; and westerly by land of Frank L. Bell and king vamp top. It is pattern counter. in tbe borne of tbe resides at Bumford Fails; Mrs. a aa tbe Hale lot owned In common mental affairs, but Albany. termission. ▲ orowd was io at- Elliott, lot known by and and at the sime time smooth and large Delia.A. in while said Ernest L. Pike and Blon Pike, strong wiry, very flexible. bumble citizen. Emergencies, accidents, encore Hathaway Woodstook, excepting Mra. O. J. Cross ia better, ao she sits tendance. Readings with by herefrom the to road This shoe is lined with eickness and events may Walton Wyman and Mrs. Ethel F. Little- public light running particular throughout strong —light unexpected some. Miss Elsie Bartlett were alao en- farm being known as tbe Black- up greatly at Her re- throogh-sald but durable—this is cut and WINTER COATS AND SUITS aria·, and it is wise to be as far as pos- field reside Abington, Maes. guard Boad, with all bulMlngs on aald farm es- very lining fitted with Mrs. Shaw is better, but very weak. joyed by every one present. exceptional sible, prepared. Oar savings banks and mains were brought here Thursday timated to contain three hundred acres be the care. Built on a sole of medium thickness Oak-Bark-Tanned sole- Mrs. Mabel Bartlett is taking oare of same more or leas; and whereas aald Elisabeth other that receive deposits East Sumner. afternoon, accompanied by her ion, for to a at organizations her. M. Newcomb by her deed of assignment dated leather, and attached flexible welt, and reinforced with outside greatly reduced prices to clear away and make room for and dividends, are a reasonably safe Interment in Lnkeside Cemetery. and recorded In sala of pay Mr. Shaw and were ont to Sumner annual town meeting will he July 1,1910, Registry and inside thé shoe will the new for daughter Fred C. of Walker's buok 293, page 4i2, conveyed and trans· backsta\s, give exceptional wear, and will and convenient receptacle laying by at on Marob Lurvey, recently Deeds, spring goods. see Mrs Shaw Sunday. held West Sumner 6. Cbae. ferred said to the fit and hold its for that inevitable "rainy Mills, has moved to South Woodstock, mortgage Brldgton Savings perfectly shape to the last minute. Several other something Eben Barker waa at North Waterford B. Bonney for two year· back ha· col- Bank; and whereaa sal·! Brldgton Savings Bank where be will be employed in the mill of bv Its deed of dated March Regal in ftock. We invite your Prices day." Sunday, and at Bethel on business Mon· lected tbe taxe· and settled with the ! aaslgnment 12, 1916, styles inspection. range season has been rather bard A. M. Andrews. and recorded In said book 819, page The past aome before the next registry, from day. treasurer time 390, transferred and conveyed said To for oar farmers to save much after pay- Mrs. Cyril Foster was the guest lut mortgage ONE PRIOE OA3H STORE. Κ. T. Judkins waa at bis old home town meeting waa called. the undersigned Freeman P. Stanley, of water- home but tbe season week of ber sister, Mrs. ing bills, coming and took dinner at J. K. The same of square Irving Leigbton, ford, In the County of Oxford; and whereas the to will be Tuesday, policy keeping at condition of said has been $4.00 $6.00 may be more favorable and it to Gilead. mortgage broken; NORWAY, MAINE Wheeler's. with those with whom we have do, Now. reason of the breach of the save what Mrs. Luclnda the oldeat in therefore, by to and deposit as Rowe, lady I good policy F. O. Sloan was at bis plaoe Tuesday, will apply to town and state affairs condition thereof claim a foreclosure of said can be without disoomfort and our village, celebrated her eightieth spared and a load of well as to individuals. got bay. Feb. South Parla, Maine, thla being niggardly. town is a· essential birthday 85th. Datetfat twenty-third Mrs. Eben Barker and Bert Brown Economy for the of February, A, D. 1916. EASTMAN & We were aa well as surprised Joaiab Riohardeon bas leased his store day ANDREWS pleased were at Bethel Tuesday. aa for the individual. FREEMAN P. 8TANLEY, to learn from a bank offioiai re- to Zenas Morte, tbe oontract to take êf- Altok C. his saving· A the 19th. One can be prndent and 9-11 By whbxlbb, Attorney resident· of Sum- rough day, Saturday, reasonably feot Marob 1. Mr. Richardson will oc- OLOTHHSBS ANS cently, that nearly 100 economical without being peearlou·. FTXBNI8HBB8 ner and a few patroos of East cupy the building opposite tbe store. inclnding Oar advloe to young men 1· to save and TO LET. SEMI-ANNUAL Somner in Hartford, had de- seems to be 31 Market residing Tbe bad spell of weather deposit a dollar when they can. This Square, South Parle. in his bank. To have even a East Waterford. Norway, corner of Pair and Green St·. posits giving way to better things Two feet can be done and still not be isolated from in a institution Lower floor, three room·, limited deposit savings of mow in tbe wood», and plenty in tbe tbe of Mr. Mrs. Merrill are olotbeapre··, pleaaures good company. and Harold enjoy- horse «tall. I is a safeguard pressing needs, are •table, Upper floor, S:== against roads. Lumbermen upon the jump ing tbe oompany of a little son, born alx] 9\ a mind when ad- rooms, open room, stable chamber, two and comfort to one's getting out tbeir timber and next year's North Waterford. Feb. 22. verse come, as All in good repair. En· eircomstanoes they may firewood. Guatin and Lida, Hattie Green has been at C. H. elotbespreseee. Lyman daughter visiting quire of to the moat careful observer. Almost everybody is now or baa been who have been visiting relative· here, Pride's. a than EUGENE ANDREWS, No b«tter time to pay debt sick with tbe returned to their home in Gorbam. L. E. went to grippe. have Mclqtire recently 7-9 Green Me. whan you hav· the mean· at band, nor a Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bean have both Street, Norway, Clearance Mrs. Annie Hazelton visited berdaugh- Greene. Sal* aave a than when batter time to dollar been boused for over two weeks with Mrs. Don Smith of Satur- Charles Merrill is out after affords. No better time ter, Auburn, again being the opportunity grippe, but are so aa to have tbeir and and did there. sick with tbe Our ———— day Sunday, shopping qnite grippe. Clearance a Sale men to for our strong youog lay by clothee on each day, but neither has Harry Morey stayed at Fred Haael- Mrs. Justin Molntire and Mrs. Sawln PLATO SEWING and first COMMENCES dollar for a home of their own, than been out doors for a long time. Mrs. ton'a Wedneeday have been quite sick with oolds the put the Par better than many night. a success as our present. Bean's sister ia with them to help care There was no school Tuesday In honor week. class DRESSMAKING done Le sales always are. The reason Is western wildcat scheme·. Oar plain. for them. of Washington's birthday. Miss Stella Bulster ts working at Har- We| ( re- ome bank· of are safe and snow always have all and more tlaaslble deposit Tbe town rollers have been naed There was a large attendance and a old Merrill's. at 37 High Street than we advertise. S LOCUM. liable. on the roads to a good advantage. good time at tbe Ladles' Circle Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pinkham and Mt. Feb. 24. Ν Eaat Feb Α. who haa been In at Mrs. Nellie were 8 Sumner, Graver, evening. The W. B. C. Invited, and Mrs. Clayton Molntire took dinner MBS. J. A. We are Women's Russian 26, TUCKER, selling Calf Button and Lace Boots Saturday, Maaaacbnaetts for several months, has and a patriotic program waa given. with Mrs. Sawin Feb. 20, the 7 9 for Below are Here and There. oome back to ber home with her son. George Elliott baa been oonflned to hla Many from the vicinity are reoelving South Paris. F4.00 grade $1.65. the sizes and widths now in stock. Harry G. McNally ia having hie turn bed since he had a bad about two treatment from Dr. M. And Continuée 10 spell George Whibley, Β ι 2 1 with weeks Width, pr. i-a, pr. 3 i^a, 1 a Days. grippe. ago. the osteopathic pbysioian. pr. 4,1 pr. 4 i-s, pr. 5, 1 pr. ▲ wbioh I· distribut- Newcorab to Mrs. L. E. Molntire the with 5. dictionary being Dorothy goes Norway spent day β ed to patrons by a newspaper is adver- Dickval·. and take· music lesaons of her Mrs. R. E. Feb. Saturdays daughter, Pinkham, ou are tieed to contain · fall of Pearl Cook. 18. C Width a now face to lace with the / vocabulary Herbert Ricbardeon haa returned to 4 pr. i-a, 3 pr. 3,1 pr. 4, 3 pr. 4 i-a, a •porting terma. If that mean· that it C. H. Pride and family and Hattie 3 pr. 5, pr. 5 i-a. Gorbam, Ν. Η , after spending a weak WUsoa's covers the field of base bail English, we Mills! Green went to return- D Width a 1 with bia mother, Mra. Blmeda Richard- Fryeburg Sunday, pr. 1, 3 pr. i-a, 7 pr. a, 6pr. a ι-a, a pr. don't care for ao large a book. Tbe or- Winter iseatber and plenty of snow, 4 i-a, 4 pr. 5, son, and ai stars, Mra. Oscar Putnam and ing Monday. ι a, 6. Shoe dictionary ia which Is a to the lumbermen in ; pr. 5 4 pr. dinary unabridged big Mlas Florence Rlcbardaon. boon Biggest Opportunity now. tbla enough Herman Fuller at home from Mil· vioinity. Wate rford. Ε Width a 1 .was Much slokness Is the order of the day; pr. 4 i-a, pr. 5 i-a, 1 pr. 6,1 pr. 6 i-a, a ton over Sunday. Mrs. Charles Hamlin bu been very DR. AUSTIN TENNEY pr. 7. 01_ ί the more or leas slokness In every family. season, the time when we olean ont all Fall and ▲n exchange oalia attention to what it Miaa Mildred Tracy spent last Thurs- lick with the old-fubloned bat 61 in all and are Ont of tbe at H. W. Pickett's grippe, pairs they surely bargains.* St ook. thinks ia a omen—that if tbe first with Mrs. B. C. Putnam. family is better now. _ Styles change so that we to Pc good day were the dis- OCULIST rapidly have decided are taken is all prostrated by prevailing 0 At· letter· of prepared*e·· off, Will Dixon ataying with bia daugh- Miss Annie Hamlin is her va- We also have more odd lots at same it entire stook and on the of tbe having Will be at bla Norway office over C. P. many the low prices. into this sale, the newest It leav·· redness. That is jast the dan- ter, Mra. Herman Fuller, in Mr. Fuller'a temper* early morning cation from the atore and Is at and most up-to-d*'· 18tb, tbe elder slater, Mrs. Kiiaa S. Wil- Smiley Rldlon'· grocery «tore Prlday, March 81, ϋ toes for ger that Inrks in preparedness—that abeeoce. home. and tbe last of each folio Kan,"Women and Children at Out son, paaaed away. Mtsp Hannah and Mr. Prlday wing Prices. when we see it aocompiiahed we shall Cbarlea Tracy ia ill with tbe grippe. The worst snowstorm of tbe winter 6481-2 Con· Herbert Piokett are more comfortable, month. Portland offloe, loee of the firs· five letter· and aee Bernard Putnam out ioe two daye laat has If there Is dome the opening Oome sight and Miss Edith, only remaining ohild of just paaaed. anything gre·· Street. day. every day. If y°a wsI, iedn«M. weak for Carl White. about tbe "ooon" hla shadow on Mtf >Uars Mra. Wilson, la seriously ill. Mra. WIU seeing to do double shoe m Mrs. Klbridge Child and Mra. Roaooe Feb. be most have had a mirror dnty, bring them to thin sale and ion will be taken to her former home In 2d, le Loyall Sewall, eldest son of Tracy and daughter Mildred oalled on with him. A foot of anow fell tbla time. NOTICE. whole family. Farragut Qrovetoo for bnrlal. She waa 87 years Hon. and Mrs. Harold Marah Sewall of Mra. Will Child at Dtxileld recently. Geo. M Hier and Fred 8kinner were la tbe Dlstrlot Court of tbe Called State· for the of Dlstrlet of Maine, la Bath, sailed from New Tork, Saturday, Mary Gordon wae at bar home bare age. rolling onr roads Thursday. The road Bankruptcy. Ε. Ν. Remember the date, [a the natter of ] Swett aboard tbe Frenob liner Lafayette for over in anob bad Shoe Sunday. Lake. that J. 0. Co./ waa^ abape LXJUNK 0. la will the French am- Norway BURT, ( Bankruptcy, Bordeaux and Join Harvey postponed hi· gathering cream of Norway, Bankrupt, J Mr. S«wali is a well Dr. and Mra. C. ▲. Stephen· are in OPERA HOXTBB balance oorpe. unity creditors of Ldaae O. te tbe BLOCK, NORWAY, Kim Boston for a few Friday. Tip tbe Bart, ktiown young maa of SI and was educat- Farrar Bros, ara hauling cord wood. daya. Vincent Cbnte visited hla hone la County of Oxford and district aforesaid : at the «chool at Sin*· and have The sick are all Improving, aome fully Notice la hereby given that on Use 26th day oi IM 26. ed Westminster B. J. ■ ■ TaUphon· J. G. Tyler recently Stonebam and 'Sunday. was ■ Saturday, reoovered. Saturday Hah., A. D. 191®, & aald Lfjnne 0. Burt February Cona. two oo wa. It anowed all and Fri- that the Orel bury, bought M las Alla Pottle has baok to New Wednesday day inly adjudicated bankrupt, and V B. C. Chaae la drawing to the gone It la winter meeting of hie creditors will be held at tbe offloe log· for a while. day morning raining. Funny Ito. 8 Market South Pari·. Missoula, Jan. Bar. Benjamin Brewaèer, D. D., who mill at Weet Pern. Hampshire wsnther. rt the fUfaree, Square, Moitasa, 9», 1910. Tueker, who sawed hie Mate·, oa tie 16th day of Msr-, A. D. 1816, at II •0 WHOM THIS MAY waa reoentiy elected blebop of tbe dio- C. J. Tracy ia ill with bronohitla. Bafph right- >'clock la the at which time the aald OONOBBR: hand the last of has retained forenoon, eaae of Malae In the Episcopal ehyrah, Mra. X. G. Child le ill with a bad Dèoember, Shake lato Year Sheas srodltors say attend, prove their claim·, appoint io sehool. ι the >nH transact baa the election. It ia neoee- oold. ^ I trustee, utibIimi bankrupt, accepted luoh other business·· come be- electioa be oonfirmsd i Mrs. 0. W. Perry has broke· a email may properly aary that the by Mra. Bather Gordon is In poor health. tore-said meeting. the church authorities so that it will be t Mra. Nellie Andre»· remain· about 1 woe In one foot { Youra truly, \ V. 0. from •ome week· before he oobm to the saaae. Mr A ad raw·* Virgil Flood returned Farming- τ. FROTHINGHAN actoally daughter ' oa Feb. 10th. Ul 11m· la Wwstoi of Bertha to with them. Mo£^ShS^>*oitl(oÉt>oa, South Paru, Haine. i Rid so m Gould it announced ui ca *■ Tow· Meeting Wamai. la always clad to welcome every new la* and Miss Gardner u the speakers, and • didate for selectman. and small event- "What the fro· the The Oxford Democrat There will be of NORWAY. do·try many beginnings paraat· may expect pleutj opportunity grow to a butines* that la a big teachers" with Stephen Cammlsgs end ia aa an i. for to be done et town meet- aally February certainly giving ei something help to a community. Elon Brown m speakers. Others wbo pbatic farewell ing next Monday, with thirty-nine ar- message. Aaron H. Teaton, Ν. H. 8., 1911, aad on tbe subject were H. L. Home, Sooth Pans, Maine. February 29, iqi ticle* in the warrant, m large part of "ARABIAN SIGHTS," j spoke Mrs. George C. Fernald will enterta Colby 1015, baa been eleoted to tba posi- Bev. Mr. Nichols, and Be*. Mr. Braoe. which call for the of the school dram»· here I OF appropriation Of many tbe Auction Club on of kh '· given tion of solanoe instructor la tba high Refresh moots were served bj · com OWNERSHIP Thursday money. A considerable of the none have scored week. portion in recent years, a| school at H ale, Mass. Mr. Teaton mlttee of Mrs. Annie articles are for annual oped consisting Favor, CHANGE regular appropri- success than did the Arab-1 greater play is aa athlete of ability aad a part ofhia Mrs. Mend DeCoster and Leon Longley. SOUTH PARIS. Mrs. D. C. of Gorbam, Ν. H ationf, and there are aleo other· which ian at the Honse I Nights given Opera duties In his new position will be to take The committee in charge of the enter- baa recently been a of Mr·. Ε. 3 Î. relate to what have practically come to last nnder the anspioea ! gueat Tuesday evening charge of the athletic teams of the tainmeot was Mrs. W. 9. Jones, Mrs. Anderaon. be routine matters, such aa construction of the senior class of Norway High I ρακί· post omoï. school. True C. Morrill and Ββτ. H. L. Nichols. 10CTH of state aid road, maintenance of state School. The students that took the! Hou» : 730 Α. Κ.ΙΟβ30 P.m. Miss Etbel C. Crockett waa at bon 16 The ooloalal sapper and old folks' Tbe next meeting will be held the last road, conorete sidewalk· in eaoh of the are to he I from ber at Alfred over tl ιβ parts certainly congratulated oonoert at the church in March. teaching etc. In addition to was Congregational Friday, evening three Tillages, these, the manner in which the piece I at 0»a*I» T1C5I *ΧΓLVAT. week end. upon Wednesday was a great sncoesa There was a onion meeting the Con- there are the article· relating oredit is also due I evening following and much abont were to the cbnroh ad- SALE presented, and 160 present enjoy gregational Sunday eyentng B«gînnln* Sept. 1J, 1915, Tbe Ladies of tbe G. A. R. will aa η h to busineea: who coached them I apecial Harold Anderson, oooaslon. Many beantlfnl old time ooe· dressed by a worker from the Civic aal serve Sit. Ιβ. aae If the town will vote to ralM in the I THAIS· L*AT» SOL'Τ H Flill dinner in Grand Army Hall c η To and assisted making play worn of the weather un- greatly tomes were' and the singing League. Ο wing to. the severe town the earn of one hundred «ad fifty dollars to : 5 meeting day. off smoothly. ▲. E. the Attendance was GoîBlf j «9 East: 35 expr**.dally derdraln the road between ▲. If. and the pass j old songs and the readings by sod herd traveling Tyler*· a well m excep» Sunday ; 5 .07 p. m ao called. The is comedy, adapt-1 » * ocal, daily A meet ids of Paris ] r. Captain Swtn farm, play light Morse made a program that gave pro- not large. special Lodge, ed to amateur and easily I and will be held evenic Art 31. To aee If the town will τ oie to nlae production nounced satisfaction as the abondance 9 43 a.m.. upr««, daTty A.M., Tqeeday g is used in all three I "ίοΤ"' 9 the ram of one hundred and ·1χ dollar· aad fifty· as one scene Wfcea Yoar Child Cries ja m np^^WeM)iocai. dally excep» Sunday ; 31 pun. with work in tbe F. C. staged, of «applause showed. j p. degree. cents to for the fire of the oentera I lially. ■1m ;|106 59) par escape, acts. The action play very Co. D's ball takes at the U night sad tones restlessly, 70a feel worried. txprèàs. m on military place FED. 26. Mrs. Howard A. who la at door frame, etc., used 8huxtleff primary one Arthur I Mother Sweet Powder* for Children STARTED Swan, tl around oharaoter, Gray'· r school largely Bonse Wednesday evening. SATURDAY, was building. Opera Break la M relieve Feverlshnee·, The road smoother ont Thursday Maine General Portland, ft a young man of op Gold· hoars, Hospital, Art. 38. To aee If the voter· will instruct the Hummingtop, wealth,] ▲ variety shower was given Mis· Constipation, Teething Disorder·, sad destroy the rtrst time (or the winter. for ia to a and charm· I morning, operation gail stones, gaining. treasurer of the town of Paris to pay over In recently married young Beetle Haggett of South Paris at the Morma. Used by Mother» for 28 gear·. An snow is the future one-half of the annual Income from but who as he expressed it, I Druggists, 39c. Sample FREE. Mother Gray ho* nice tbe for cbil Shaw's Orcheetra of three men wi 11I· log wife, home of Mrs. Howard Maxim on Main Fanny the Rom McKencev Heywood Cemetery fund to his but also his I Co.,XeRor,N.T. T-10 ^ in when there'· too much οι Ακο· not only married wife, Street Those in ir'n ο play piay for the Masons' dancing party ι t the trustee· ol the Durrell Hill Cemetery Much Wednesday evening. elation. mother-in law and brother-in-law. akin la a tester. Tbe more to bave school. of this week. sttendance were mostly young ladies Any Itching temper it Norway Tuesday evening the scratch the worse It Itches. Doan'a Oint- be known hereafter as Art. 29. To see what sum the town will rote of the success of play depended up-1 who have been associated with Miss 70a The Thomas Store will % ment Is for (kin 50c I Smiley ,* was Maxwell at home front .. In for con- was I piles, eczema—any Itching. \[ Editb The L. T. L. invitee the W. C. T. I to repair and put the road condition on the way in which this part given, in her work at the store. ! venlence and from West Pari· Haggett Smiley at all drag stores. teaching in Meirose, Mass., to apenc to a meeting to be heid at the gramma j> safety leading and Russell Bethell surely proved him-1 Tillage to the Curtis neighborhood, so-called, and Many beautiful and useful gifts were week of vacation. school at '· in Which he Doaa'a are recommended the past 3 o'clock Thursday afternoot how will have the Mme self a star in the manner in-1 the and the ar- Begalets by many they expended. presented bride-to-be, who aay easily, without aad ter the Ire- bad I · they operate griping M Wheeler has returnee Mrs. Stearns aud ber Art. 30. To see If the town will vote to allow a meted part. Although for the whole affair were without bad after effect*, Sfe at all store·. BUCK & CO. ii> Stanley S. P. dangbtei it rangemeets drug BROWN, discount on all taxes before a much to learn, be bad perfectly after a visit of several weeks with Mrs. Ε C. Park, were here from Bet ht j paid specified com-j novel and attractive; The' refreshments x'e time, or Interest on all taxes after mitted and it a clear and distinot I Ε Cole in Mass. some '· charge unpaid gave served In the room wbioh waa Mrs. Roj Canton, Thursday after things of Mr» or acd to rslM a sufficient dining ap- specified time, both, voice that could be easily understood Born. Stearns turn of to the discount voted. decorated for the oooasiofT been with Thomas Heien of Hanover, a for money defray manner I propriately Both new members have associated g M:s« Staples throughout the hall. His stage consisted of Welsh f* of Hebron wac Art 31. To see If the town will vote to buy a rarebit, picklea, Is Sooth Feb. 33, to tbe wife of *» ; rt-jeptress Academy, On account of illness Mrs. Cora S was and and his work Pari·, Henry road roller and rook crusher, one or both, and easy pleasing olives, fancy oraokers, cake, ioe cream a λ- Albert D. Park's a few β was as 01 ! Woodworth, daughter. are believers in the same 4 day Briggs unable to fill ber same. forth frequent applause. S. 15 and 10 and £ ^Λ'·< place raise money for brought and ginger ale. Ia Weat Paris, Feb. SO, to the wife of Louis % Smiley years, great s* at the church ο was on a visit a «s .aï* week. ganist Congregational While his wife away voters their Dale, eon. Art S3. To see what sum of money the town Norway got Feb. to the wife of Chariee and MUs Nellie Jackson 1 and he was left in of his mother-1 certainly In Sooth Pari·, 10, have built this enormous business. One £ Garland of Gorbam, a etndent Sunday preside will vote for school physician aervlsea, and pay charge town to a liberal that up Sard Miss reports early enough satisfy H. Bompok, daughter. % policies at the organ. italanoe of last year's account. a done by were In Feb. to tbe wife of Walter S. in a'ea College, was a guest at N. G. in-law, part splendidly [ every one this year. They distrib- Norway, SI, he himself and I Chandler, a son. ν recess Art. SS. To see If the town will rote to author- Imogene Hunt, disguised two weeks before town meet- or refund for articles not r s over the holiday the first Rev. Mr. Miller will a ] uted just In But Feb. to the wife of to all and exchange satisfactory preach specis ise the school committee to ap- went for a lark in the at the close I Waterford, 33, price week. sermon next in superintending park, Harold Merrill, a eon. | cf ast Sunday morning tbeCn school physicians. a home. I ing. I ******************** point of which he escorted yonng lady ▲ caucus will be held at In West Bethel, Feb. 31, to the wife of Dean îwwewtvtrrer'evvrvrtYYYVTrrt'VwcvvYvvvYvvvrrrvrvvYrvr versalist church. It Is deeired by Mi 34. see what sum of the town Republican and Mrs. Ralph R Butta returned Art. To money he her an assumed name, I Martin, a Miller that there a ι vote to raise for school and Although gave the House afternoon at daughter. a tea be large congregatioi will flags poles. Opera Saturday e as: f the week from days' he also loaned her a handkerchief, which I to bear tbe 2.00 o'clock to select candidates to be Mass., and other message. Art. SS. To see what sum of money the town kind mother- t ; Pa>mer. places unfortunately for him, bis at annual town ■ will vote to ralM to move the Snow's Falls kupported tbe meeting. Married. state. On of thia week wil had marked with bis full name in tbat Fr!day evening school building to a lot located at the i unction of in-law Because of si&nees in the family of occu: the second annual Κ of P. ball a t the Stearns Hill road and Valley roaa, and tor and address. The next day the young ! Folks" will be Mrs. Fred Hosmer, the meeting place of Ββτ. Charles Harbutt, our Plain presented the and fencing of said lot. liked the In Portland, Feb. 16, by We have been entire stock, out the slow Grange Hall. Music by Shaw's Orcbet purchase lady at his home, Club for this Mr H. Hastings and Miss Ethel M. Rich through picked : e school cast at Bolster's Mills appeared the Browning Reading Henry y ;jjgL tra with A. D. Park as fl -or Art. 36. Me If the town will vote to mala- and decided to and I 10. Sbaw'e Or- managei , To looks of things stay, has been and ardson, both of Bethel. Fr eveoine, March tain schools In the dtatrlcta : Part- Monday evening changed, and ay W. L. Gray, E. F. Shaw and A. C. Mai following did so in spite of his pleadings and In Bethel, Feb. 12, Mr. Theodore Gallant chestra will furnish the music. Mountain, Blaco and Snow's Pall·. It will be with Mrs. Gertrude Libby. Miss Persia Alice both of Greenwood. articles that be affected im a3 aids. ridge, in conversation with Boblnson, odd lots, may threats. While her, The includes, roll First sellers, ready-to-wear by Art. see If the town will Tote to raise program call, \ ruber who attended from here 37. Ίο the mother-in-law appeared, and in a fit from Dr. It is said that tbe warrant for tbe as twenty-five dollars for the pnrchaM of addlOon- âid to tbe Wounded. Reading a _· >d of the of Hummingtop introduced I Died. a report Norway High nual which come I ml land of I. H. Elllngwood, the Mme to be used desperation Richard Cabot's essay "What Men Live next winter. These have been marked for at corporation meeting, was taken I quick "Arabian Nights," given as a tor the Forbes school. her as his niece. This part by style change "play, on March will con playground by Mrs. Tbirza Lovejoy and Mrs. Tuesday evening, 7, a manner By," *ra Hauee Tuesday Miss Esther Pike with care-free I a In South Feb. 90, Infant daughter of Mr. tfc? evening. tain little or outeide of Art. SS. To aee what action the town will t«ke Sertrode Hosmer, followed by discus- Paris, nothing theregu In to the Brick school and ap- and that added distinctly to the •nd Mrs. Charles H. Bumpus, aged 1 day. lar annual regard building, spirit j lion tbe members. of the first George B->naey of Myrtle Street, businees—an unusual condi for the same. by In Bethel, Feb. S7, Tristram H. Durell. clean prices. propriate money success the up, regardless is the of play. 1 Dexter Andrews suffered a severe In Feb. Mr·. A. Needham. a er erieneed dry cierk, tion if true. Bethel, 98, Mary goods Art. 39. To Me If the town will vote to in the the real niece Olive counter in accept Later day appear- ihock at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. John In Ablngton,Mase., Feb.31,Mrs. Hall, at1* erk af the dry goods as offl- It would have been a material gain t< ) the list of jurors revised by the municipal Miss Frances Andrews, and things I for irlfe of Glbbs Wyman, formerly of Woodatock, and CRASH. ·-.. / ,re of the N. Bolster Co. cere. ed, Swain, wbere be has been staying about 76 ATTRACTIVE DEESSES LINEN, Dayton the if some of the r to iged year·. community powe began get decidedly complicated.!' tome weeks, Sunday morning, and at In Wllaon'· ΜΙΊβ, Feb. 18, Mrs. Eliza S. Social Union will meet to used in tbe street One falsehood by Hummingtop wMow of w. H. LINEN in 2 to Γ Ladies' keeping lights goin| Several and onlyl est reports his condition was considered (Flckett), Wilaon, aged 87yeara. of and DAMASK, 3-yard pieces. morn continuing appropriations him to tell In Island "nnd, Vt., Feb. 17, Bobert Howe, Crepe-de-Chine, attend to work and arrangements pre- for an hour after daylight Monday [ made it necessary for anotb-1 critical. deficiency appropriations made daring rery rormerly of Betbei, 74 years. Price, to .-atorv to tbe fair on Wednes- could have been used between sij and at last it so the troth sound-1 aged Meesaline. Regular 50c 59c per yard, Japanese ing a nest er, got There was a of Oxford In West Feb. William aged Regular price $16.00 the past year will give quite egg Al- special meeting Bethel, 31, Wiley, day and of this week at 2:30 P. and seven night, while peopl* ed strange to him. Ralph Ormerod, 3 Sale Friday Sunday on which to the for Royal Arch Chapter Saturday evening years. and Sale Price, Price, 40c per yard were over tbe street· li lay appropriations bert In Lowell. Mass., Feb. 18, Fannie Κ. I-lake $12.60. $4.96. M stumbling rough this The for three Bartlett, Hummingtop's friend, with work in the P. M. and Μ. Ε. M. de- the dark. year. appropriation to him out of his if Brownfleld. aged 76 year·. The the in tried help difficulty, In Feb. 23, CoL Albert S. The colors and regrlar 75c Damask, The :entlemen of Universalis iroo and concrete bridge·, made 1913, and found I crees. BoeltndaleTMa··., are, Navy, Copenhagen but only made matters worse, start a Austin, of Pari·, 79 year·. s! will meet with the minis- The of the Soutl > was ia last assessment, Mt. Hope Rebekab Lodge will formerly aged Sale Price, pa: p'.eaae forthcoming report completed year's when he fell in love that Hummingtop White. Good widths, very desirable styles. 55c per yard at 7 o'clock to Paris will make ι ι but the Western Avenue sewer jontest at Its meeting Friday evening of ter'.v vnesday evening Village Corporation appro- had told bis sweetheart, first that he I and on at the rate of this week. Attendance, dues, entertain- The $1.00 for the men's supper good showing for tbe water system priation goes 9500 per he was regular Damask, arrive April was a married man and later that I in the number of STRAY DOG. DRESSES. While the exact not ; until 1918. The $3000 originally ments, etc., will count e3te;*ainment. figurea ha\e yel year a widower with a Rosie in a Sale Price, Soe per North Paris school house daughter joints secured. Mrs. D. M. French will brown Owner yard been obtained, the net income for thi raised for the This made trouble be Shepherd, tips. C. Andrews of the class of 1919 boarding school. ict as of ooe side and Elon L. $10.00. ;,iiph will be between |1'200 and ?1300 is to be assessed $1000 per year for three oaptaiu can have same Regular Price, $6.98, $7.60, of is at home year tween the two friends. by proving property PURE LINEN CRASH, the regular 16c is :be University Maine, and tbe have beer with the Brown will captain the other. during year paymenU years. These, deficiency ap- wife returned it the I and for trouble. Tour Choice, Sale Price, $3.76. a; : will not return to college during the When the capped Harlow Atkins and paying Sale 11c made on tbe notée to tb< i propriations made during the paat year, Mrs. daughter Crash, Price, per yard been out of health corporation climax. The mother-in-law told her all I to D. L. Hill Street, .-sec1: term, having amount of count for the 1916 assessment: 3lara have gone to Fitobburg, Mass., HILL, In all colore. $1300. up thus, knew and some she I nearly for soroe weeks. she things guessed >e with Mr. who baa a South Paris. The 12 i-2c Crash, Western Avenue Mwer (vote of 1914) 000.00 Atkins, position Cit. Tel. 10-3. 9 regular Harold C. Anderson of Wollaston 1 at. The situation was cleared by W. Bowker and North Paris school hotue (vote of finally η that Mr. and Mm. Charles as be oity. WHITE MUSLIN DRESSES. Sa'e Price, 9c per Mass.. a few days ago brought hie daugh June 38,1915) 1,000.00 Hummingtop's artificial niece, of tbe Parent- NOTICE. yard < Muriel Bowker attended tbe fire- An Interesting meeting M a \ of of Schools (vote of in love and ter Helen to etay for while with bii Salary Supt. c'alled her, falling proposing was held at the The subscriber hereby gives notice that the men's bai: at Mechanic Kails Tuesday June 26,1915) 50.00 reacher Association to Mr. and Mrs. Ε. N. Anderson to bis brotber-in law, Paul Seavey, who I Ha· been duly appointed administratrix with Regular Price, $6.98 $7.60, was awarded the parents, Highway bills (vote of Sov."B, 1915) 700 00 School room Friday TOWELS AND NAPKINS. e-.-r: Mr. Bowker a bit Sigh aaaembly (he will annexed of tbe estate of ng. This was on account of tbe illneae of Mr To complete North Paris school houM as mamma's only boy made decided Mrs. H. L. Sale Price, $2.96 as the best waltzer. evening. Tbe president CHESTEB LITTLEHALE, late of Newry, pri7? gentleman who baa scarle' ; (vote of Not. β, 1915) 335.00 both his and bis I and Anderson's son, Robert, by make-up rendering Bartlett, was in tbe cbair. There was a In the County of Oxford, deceased, given ODD LOTS OF DRUMMERS* SAM- the Rosa as the law directs. All baring to a white dress for sum- "resident N. Bolster and fever and is with his mothei of his lines. After inarriage of state at Water- bonds persons An ideal time get Dayton quarantined $ 2,575.00 report the meeting iemands the estate of said deceased M. Atwood in a of tbe house at Wollaston confessed all and made tbe mother-in-1 which against PLES GUEST TOWELS in three different Treasurer George represent- portion rille by Mrs. Wm. F. Jones, after ire desired to present the same for settlement, mer. Bank at the a and the latest re Col. Albert S. Austin. law uncomfortable by calling I Indebted thereto are to make ed the South Paris Savings It is not serious case, decidedly :bere was a disoussion of tbe questions, and all requested lots, 5c, 9c and 14c each of the Maine is that the is well. a well her mamma. j a from tbe payment Immediately. a-" :al meeting Savings port boy doing Col. Albert S. Austin, formerly 'What teacher may expect A COLORED DRESSES. as and LORN A. FAIRBANKS, at Portland died of Marion Bradbury tbe wife Eu-1 Bank Association Tuesday. ι > known citizen of Oxford County, with Misa Rideout, Mr. Bergin, 1916. 9-11 Lewlcton, Me. LARGE SIZE While at work assisting in rigging Doris as parents" February 15th, TOWELS, Regular Price, at the home of his gene Descoteau and Shepard to ^ward P. Steams went to Portland water spout at the Mason Manufactur pneumonia daughter, carried Regular Price, $2.98 $4.98, in the servants of tbe household 15c to $1.00 each, divided in lots. meet Mrs. who had Co.'e Mrs. James 3. McKenna, Roslindale, Sa -day to Stearns, ing factory Saturday, Henrj out their well. Il Sale Price, 96c. some οι M tes., evening, Feb. 23, parts Sale nc, and each been visiting in Massachusetts for Merrill suffered a fall by tbe slipping Wednesday acts some Price, 9c, 14c, 23c 34c was Daring the waits between in a oi after a short illness. He secretary TIME weaks. and they spent Sunday Port- a ladder. He dropped distance were on tbe I TAKEN IN Small lot of and Lawns, of the First Massachusetts Volunteer enjoyable numbers played striped figured NAPKINS, $1.00 to end as of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar about twelve feet, striking on bis side on Howe. Regular Prices, $3.98, guests and was one of the last survi- victrola by Freeland j white and soiled. a thence to the Infantry, Pique Ginghams, sl'ghtly Tracy. platform, and ground was a fair attendance but suoh a divided intojots. vors of Gen. Hooker's staff. He was 79 There He was carried home and a of Memorial physician creditable was deserving of I WINTER COATS Sale and Tbe Ladies' Aid Deering were bu years of age. performance LADIES1 Price, 75c, 95c, $1.45 $1.95 summoned. No bones broken, a bouse. CLurch *ill be held at the church vestry Grief over the loss of his wife, who foil he was bruised and shaken up Tablets severely Cold two lots. 12 /-2c at This a contrib- Rexall are divided into BATH afternoon 2:30 o'clock. about TOWELS, Towels, Thursday and is confined to tbe bed, with consid passed away year ago, regular is the annual meeting for election of uted to his death. Club met with I erable pain. The Barton Reading FIRST LOT contains Coats that were. Reg- Sale Price, Sc each officers, also reporta of superintendents A little more than a year before the Mrs. Frank W. Faunce, Pleasant Street, I Prevent a Bad Cold fo: the will bo War broke out Austin was ad- Will Often to Sale Price, year given. Tbe Abbott Concert. Civil Col. Thursday afternoon. ular Price, $9.00 $12.50. $5.95 The 25c Bath Towels, mitted to the bar in Boston. In response are Regular Mis- Jeanne M. former assist- was tbi Lake Temple, Pythian Sisters, Towle, A rare opportunity afforded he went that were, Sale each a to the first call for volunteers a fine time for their leap year SECOND LOT contains Coats Price, 17c ant η the high school, who left few music lovers of South Paris and planning to the State House with his Militia com- which occurs evening. w-ek* since to take a position in the in the concert given in Grange Hal party Tuesday Price, to $10.00. Sale Price, to pany, H, in which he was first lieutenant, It is that Pblneas Curtis has Regular $7.50 BEDSPREADS, Regular $1.50 $1.75 Wa'erville High School, spent the past Thursday evening by Miss Margaret Ab reported and was mustered in by Gov. Andrew in sold bis ice business to F. Mil- Sale week, dur ng a vacation of tbe Water- bott of New York. While tbe audience I Eugene $2.95. Spreads, Price, $1.15 person. ieu. ! ville school, with friends here. was not all that tbe ball would accom DRESS SKIRTS A revolver whioh was presented to The Auto Company has been $1.00 to it filled the capac Norway Spreads, regular price, $1.25, Ο Κ ί. fford has bought of E. C. Tor- raudate, fairly aeating Col. Austin by the city of Chelsea when with F. Wilson Walker as it ν unH wa* anoreciative. It was QQlti ) incorporated with fullness. Sale on I on made of desirable materials good Price, 75c r°y a τ of land witl» frontage Xicb- 'he left for the front, he lost the field Elon L. Brown clerk and treas- to take, seem to at the » brilliant many of the ladies b« president, Gently laxative, pleasant they get right o.s Street lying btween the Grand party, of Bull bun. Twelve years ago this and Harold A. Bailey with tbe — η in dress. — — — —"••••"•J ΡλΙ A naftn Κ urer, afford is as and decisive as to r Jnk tracks and the houses on High iog evening and clerk tbe board cold. The relief they usually prompt Skirts, Regular Price, $6.98, $6.60 BLANKETS OF ALL KINDS. Mies Abbott the program witl president forming Street. At present he ie sticking pine opened Virginian, who bought the weapon of directors. The company has the and admiration. $3.76. an and follow permis-1 excite and Sale Price, on an area cov- Italian operatic selection, it to it« owner patient's wonder $4.98. will not let an jirber it, and has quite with the idea of restoring Βΐυπ ιο »u T",,vue ·"···—— The prudent buyer op- ed this with three of songs re eug·»" We ered. groups if possible. J guarantee Price, and in French and Skirts, Regular $3.98 like this pass. spectively German, Eng Col. Austin served ae of of the portunity * quartermaster annual banquet il î. C. Smiley wishes to announce She has a contralto voice of grea PfThe TABLETS Jisb. the 1st subsequently be- Club la a easant affair REXALL COLD $2.98. Sale Price, $2.46. * Fin- Regiment'and Reading always ρ that e has secured Mrs. Jameson and sweetness. Indeed, when iti of- back. ONE LOT BLANKETS, white with col- power came chief commissary of subsistence thl· vear was no exception, In fee , I to relieve and in every way, or your money ney of Ν irway as designer for the com- full Is used it would doubtless b< you satisfy you all best colors and sizes. power Hooker's division, corps and grand divi- Nearly ored border, Price, $1.00 and ic season. Mrs. accompanied even in a room whicl Regular 89c. Smiley, better appreciated and in when Hooker it on sion, January, 1863, had ever enjoyed togetbor. by Mrs Finney, will leave Tuesday would scat a thousand people. Whili 25. CENTS COATS Sale Price, 70c succeeded Burnside as commander of the at the home of Mre. D. M. *re°c SWEATER f r b «ton to and at- sentiment that place buy spring goods some expressed the thej Austin was Army of the Potomac, Col. on Pleasant Street last Monday evening. in dark tend the millinery openings.' beat tbe softer and lighter paas for men or women, shaker knit, ONE LOT BLANKETS, gray with colored enjoyed made chief commissary of the cavalry The lunch included sandwiches, AT THC. PHARMACY OF heavy the as a whole the audience seemed U and The executive committee of ages, division which was under the command olives pickles, tarts, ice cream, cake red and gray.. Regular Price, $5.00 and$4.50. border. Regular Price, $175 $1.50. in be most delighted with those selection! Ladiea' Circle of the G A. K. have of Gen. Stoneman. and ooffee, and each artiole had to be β e- Sale which brought out the full power of be Sale Price, $2.95. Price, $1.25 charge t.'.e arrangements for the annual Col. Austin was secretary of the cured by some literary atunt, as Celling and those were given the most en town meting dinner at G. Α. Κ Hall. voice, Hooker Association. anecdote of Washington SWEATERS, beautiful ONE LOT BLANKETS, with colored tbusiaetic in Ζ SILK gray ·. ip- wil; be t>eut out, and all are asked applause. After the war Col. Austin reeided telegram words the first letters 01 Miss Abbott's and man using and to to c»'«k as usual, a!«o members are ask- stage presence Dixfleld. In 1882 he was elected clerk would spell the name coloring. Regular price, $6.00 $6.50. border. Regular Price, 65c 79c. □er are flawless, and she shows mucl with whifh ed to come in goodly numbers prepared of courts of Oxford County, and ion.' were also requ Sale Price, in the of be They Co Sale Price, $3.95. 55c dramatic rendering Hoiuard then the Chas Η to work power bis family moved to Paris Hill, varied selections. county seat. He served ae clerk of T/1C yxxli S/or e One small lot of ONE LOT BLANKETS, gray with border. Λ- tine and large Alberta F. Matthews was accom y.e SWEATERS. $2.98 very exceptionally Miss courts for tbree terms of four years nurrber of articles will be on sa.'e at the was effective in hei Price, and $2 panist, and most from 1883, to January, Sweaters. Sale Price, $1 95. Regular $3.75 50. fair at the Universalis! church each, January, Japanese work. a few to which were Sale Price, $1 of 18N. For year· subsequent bundle to swap, and flnally 95 March 7 and 8. Shaw's Orchestra The as prepared in Paris Maine program originally (bat time the family resided Paris, opened and caused muoh merriment, South COLORED PETTICOATS. ; eces will play Tuesday evening, and which was carried out with somi Wool. and thence moved to Massachusetts, in uicture sueesing oooteet was woo y I ONE LOT BLANKETS, Regular roi.owing the Wednesday supper minor and with two or tbre night changes, which state have since reeided. Mr« R J and contest, in I of Silk Taffeta, Heatherbloom Mus re they Bruce, cherry Mostly black, Price and $6.co. Sale Price, McGregor of Portland will present additions which Misa Abbott gave in Warren Aus- 86.50 $4.95 He leaves three children, were »·■>«· extra full. soma tne talent from tbat city. to tbe of tbe audience S&*iS?Sta... H and Wool Moreen, Regular price, sponee applause tin, Mrs. Edward G. DeWolf of Maiden, and were to pick cherries from a, tree, waa: 80 Sale Price, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR ror the first time this winter the no- and Mrs. James S. McKenna of Roslin- "iiPfl AHnft Keene, who I •5.50, $4.98, $3.98. $1.95. •chool w4s blown Wednesday Ah! Se Tu Dormi (tilulletta e Borneo) Vacei dale. d Mies Q.neyleve I S'goal Urahm ""J"»» til Small Lots in Gown·, num- Melne Lie be Ut Uruen Several Skirts, ? >D· aod the comparatively small Wol Burned at Bethel. I Ρ1·"" CHILDREN'S DRESSES. Fuaart-Ue Hugo Building MnrSSmd was much"ΐ!*0"?"· ■Der of scholars who gut out for the fore- Urahm and the entire evening enjoy-1 H. B. FOSTER CO.'S Covers and Drawers at one-half Der Schiuted... and Corset n 0 ®c*!" Q finished their day's work at ed as none but the committee in LOT DRESSES of Wo I L'Heure d'Or Holme DBCe DENTAL OFFICES AND ONE '"· 8T0BE, stunts wouldch*r8®| be the Although not a blocking snow, de Holmc had any idea of the they regular price. ÏL L'Heure Pourp.e BE8IDENCE 8UFFEB. extra full. Regular Price, neneslay'ss'orm was more "old-faah- , Drink tome only with thine eyes—Old Knglla SHIRT WAISTS. t{""> we have had be- ..Hor Sale Price, $1.95. , anything I've Been Booming Feb. $2.98. — Bos Bethel, 27,1916. bsssrtss·. lore for some time. Dawn In the Desert »«Λΐ- Down Sale Price, Sale ONE LOT OF WHITE CREPE-DE- Prank La Fori the alarm Annual Mark One Lot Dresses, $1.50. To s Mewenge* About 5:30Snnday morning Regular A. Borsdln be a court ball at Grange Romance was struck and the fire and . Price, J m a of fire companies CHINE Regular 83.50 T,hlre A Woo GOOD BARGAINS IN 95c. March 14. AI· Birthday soon The OFFEBS YOU price, V evening, responded. bnilding occupied « > and Sale Price, Park floor manager; Alton C. After tbe concert an "at home" wa H. S. Pushard as a drag store and the $2.98. $1.95. by steam plant at Norway could be gotten CORSETS. «heeler, Louis W. Clark and Walter L. whose guea Mr. Summervllle and fam- tSaa-A'SS ΕΞ given by MissQrtce Tbayer, upper part by Into commission. LOT Odds and Ends to * s. of six men her« to on I τ» α ONE WAISTS, 'r»y Shaw's Orchestra sa was ber stay as a was found be Ρ I M Abbott daring ly residence, Abigail Whitman Çbapter, D. À. R, We have with the manufac- >h the music. Admission to guests were the ladiea c and the drug store beyond all hope with Mrs. 1 Suits arranged clean at each. Tbe evening's fire, will bold their Maroh meeting Men's Winter up 35c "ie hai; 25 cents for each danc- whose The Summervllle known P. N. Corset person; tbe Seneca Club, under auspice of saving anything. on «^ning. Weight turers of the well Evis I. Cook Wednesday ng fro·. Grand march at 3 o'clock. Car were the first to discover the fire, WAISTS. One lot of colored tbe conoert was given. family Roll call will be answered by te us sell one of their very Crepe-de- the and very to allow to a'ter ball. Modern and were to escape, and saved on fjTorL fe , luoky a 'Household Messaline and Price, oidΐ ;*a-v quotations, paper now 69c Chine, Tafleta, Regular fashioned dancea will be in order. Memorial Notes. little. Mr now Originally $18, $14 best and newest Corsets for Deering in Colonial Days" will be read by Originally $25, $20 $1.00 Sale the illness of Mri The dental rooms of Dr. F. B. Taell $2 to $3 Price, 95c who dri™ {be On account of sale. 98 98. delivery and tb and Dr. Linwood Brown were in the now Originally $16, now $1? during r.i Λ (lreeD·'*>ar'e Hnnie bas Burnham, the church organist, Originally $22, $18 Bakery, servico same They saved the greater hi. ât! stormy Sundays, tbe morning building. bome in Bridgton for about but in a wet now ù',e held in the Next Sui part of their furnishings, $20, now $16 Originally $12, $10 Wci'Ke' there becauae of hav- have been vestry. Originally TAKEN FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK, ?oinK in the auditor condition. They will resumo butinées IN THIS SALE t Γ. A day tbe service will be dinner EVERYTHING ?Γ'ΡΡβ_ telephone message will on tb at once in another building. Mr. Push- from h à9t announced the um, and tbe paator preach beM"« the men's Bib! The Summervllle family the the Buy lor They'll Higher. Deaideiι her y^, who liv« Thursday night young I CommUeion, will be epeaker.ol husband two sona, of Dr. R. R. Tibbetts, who kindly will be at will hive a social. ramily ·'«» tloketa eold, the home place. class home to the homeless. e«n™8. Oil» opened their that iielltbat eao be eeatad ta the News Notes. was shocked to learn iM diyer·^ Maine The commnnity dining room. Tiokete will be appropri E. who came to that Tristram Durell, each and be seoured from th ati^w*1^1"aodWa'h,DRton'a birthday character bad $1 60 may . the fire among the very firat, passed which con fz L to «ome of the younf baa ai committee of arrangement», Governor Oakley C. Curtis Feeling ill, he left the and H. B. CO, De.,·, suddenly. FOSTER ■,'4rly/,ven at ber home away gista of E. N. Swett, Z. L. Merchant people r.'esday evening by he will be a candidate f< went home. His CO. that and & noonced BUCK bnilding will be lold sbur,lefl- The gueafa at tl burning W. F. Jones. No tloket· BROWN,V c renomluation by the Democrats Dr. T.bbetta, and aooo Mr. »er* ïary Coffin' Mie" M,ldret son called after 12 o'clock Wednesday noon. ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS in June. the oanse being the over- Scott ύ" κ*Rath Bolster, Misa Non primaries Darell died, I The warrant for town meeting has : !? wi hie heart caused by the excite- J Formerly 3 Bennett, 32 yeara of age, strain to ™clee and It look, as though MAINE. Mary Cliflord, Stephei Raphael Mr. Darell was a ban who NORWAY, ? in a saw mill at Isle Tue ment. It take the ot *rdGarland' Norton Bol killed Preaque whenever and would greater part jh» •ter γκ into contact with a bai responded to the business. Baaldea *ne Sherman Olive by coming promptly no I oomplete daj day he oonld and perhapa ° waa married. wherever help, routine bualneea and the Sburtlefl. Various menta saw. He more. usual man among na will be missed there are îîmi!!iey* or hiatorical nature may whom money for general expenaes, wJJId8 « business present and bia with wero Patriotic Two partners, He leavea a son wife, three artiole· that will and '•'reebmenra wen and his associa of Mra, !D' James H. Fenderson he has lived aince the death dlaonaalon.peptmbty are •erven'"*^^ * proper to out oonaldemble They^rl setting Β. Β. Mitchell, are respectively Republ Darell, and the warmest sympathy goei the day candidates for ma aa follows: can and Democratic oat to them. I m·- M M «bat action the town will ot the Christian Clvi. or in Saco. Prize at West Parle. L^!re?itiTM were at South Pari of Houlton, prei Speaking Maine William A. Martiu Investment of Wesi ·, Qood Sundk* ^·ιηβ™ ^reeasa, setting fork! Trust Co., and The prize apeaklog oontest I sbs* sarSp the dent of the Houlton held at ) I drain la Mala Street. Norway, hi tb* ^ iu work 11 was one Paris High School will be Grangi ,ea*ae business man, m well known at ( II 4^ Va anû vial action the town will behalf?/7.^c r,Kbteousneaa and sup wreck on the S< Hall Wedneeday evening, March 8, the victims of the taketo ftt-1·* la tbe building of a gymnasium on is the first essential Dr*««i ? aod VAriou· forms of vl Τι Mra. Alice Wood haa beet 11 Safety of principal board Air Line at Kiogaland Bridge, o'clock. I the high school grounds. oiar?n«at' η and°i Ve9 of law. Rev. W li the contestants. Jndgee aa an disregard in a hoapital at Rlohmond drilling ο dying are Mrs. M. C. Albert D of investment WM on»bl6 to come from resultii nounced Joy, good SITUATION WANTED. Wednesday pneumonia The pro accoun?'account of Pi».0 illness. R«,?. C. X. Owen ο in the wreck. Park and Alton C. Wheeler. a and one on Horse Blankets from received a Finn with wife injuriee la: young Save the Congregations gram Ki'SSAi.tette know that it is in the run to con- By on a farm Money cb ► ef^'kear Moale Wise investors profitable long Have worked and Edward Ε Brownln, small boy. rooming, $10* 1. ^ Km °'?,! $1M Reward. BwreBal first. Conservative in the value I am a milker, Word ·» the Baptiat church of this paper will 1 Carl GmaJeaf Emery sider safety judgment determining ! for several years, good In The reader* lea/ el NOW. ,κ7 * uoiwn at tb that there la at of Regular. Elijah Κ log a and dou| kinds of BY BUYING meeting pleaaed to learn hi Speed of offered results in the most satisfactory invest- can drive team, BsnrUt^k0'"* diaeaae that science Frank Carter Packard security invariably WU ^rmami by Rei one dreaded ar W. W. NeaJ work. Good references. to cure in all its ata^rea, The Squire'· Rooater. farm *r been able great! KlpUn ment, (Jwlu la catarrh. Catarrh being Manrtalay WAINO HEIKKINEN, winter Horse Blankets at a discount. that conditlor John Sherman Billing· I «ball sell of my An by constitutional wSS&sSjB^f th^balance and en ter tali Influenced treatmen The Famine Selected Longfslkn bonds. in the investment field has our mtereating pleaaiog constitutional proven ability Care Albert Jackson, now and save at the of th· Cob require· ta taken Internal) Laey Marloa Bdwarde Long experience be next season. money. VMlr» Catarrh Cure Altoe Butta * K.F.D. i, Weat Paris. Blanket! will higher Buy ïr^LT'M 5 b Hair· Blood on the lfvcoi Don MoGrew'a Own Unlqne Minstrels to render efficient service to conservative investors. 8-9 thro the .. A nor ?rid*y ·*·*»'»*. aad acta thereby d< Howtoto-Majhi BaMuteta Mghiee Played particularly Ch°,rch of Mn of the 8yatem theΤίη ooder the direction Surface· the diseas Ha* Thomas HolHs T «s pD,or·· the foundation of _ W. Menl Mr·' W,rk Suoley, an •troyla* by buildln Sool of the YloUn Margaret the patient strength Howard MoAUeter ■ones. U· Ιίιβ waa giving anictlng ni wï5!C ' Ûtlleoaea the constitution and ,Ralph Leo Bm credit up The proprli Sandy Mac Donald'· signal ■SSSÏÏS a tomb. κ!ί,^θηβt0 i Its work. HaNNBM them and tb* ^eo'eooy ture la doing ouratli Howard Rodney Emery N. 3VOr, I la the their"eir t so much faith from 11 Trevatoi β tertalnera will ooae from Lewlrton and £U2'S&ZiS& SSJSZ.W James training. Ispecially pleasing f« tors have Cor· thi Heme lo Oar Mountains, of Hall's Catarrh — Ten Τβ· M power· Dollar* for ax THE NORWAY NATIONAL BANK mt MAIN STRKKT, NORWAV.^AINI they offer One Hundred li School Onirlnttfi "Α Ρ.Τβ'β» i2raedma,i « to cure. Send for Λ Weat lledfotd. M·"·* J Pre*·»^ by caae that It fall* * Alfij?Wa«eafol HttU " . n the!*0"'" on.0 coatoees of their elder of testimonial*. CO.. T*M mensr&ôss.,*M,«" MAINE. suri ». J. CMNIT Λ NORWAY. ! A P*Woti0 tableaux cioaed ti Address: fis rnurf!r flfeia «SIS >ι sn msggi*s* ,he "hole progra Bank in Oxford Oounty. CASTORIAHrw-ii-iw»» " iu nWUM· Tber* w< ïïïïîîvîSe, iCfcl·» OldMt and StmigMt Vjitlonal 0BAB1JB8 H. Btorr; f qoTtoii P'ogrmm which it would I "iH£Jgi .Mmujiak,ΜΜ. DlJ!|!j°°«mention la deUil II «ρ» PI t*rtncipel Alitor 1». "WUHame of the HOMBMAXXBS* COLUMN. Mam., Ugh school died of THE GREATEST HEALTH NEWS CONDENSED laugus. neumonis. When he prfltcd tvtj II THE WORLD i« Btin he student body vu In prayer at the Il ISURAKCE mm steps h aumaug fer hie Igh school recovery. is FOR BUST READEAS Edward A. Heed, 62, P. Tiytof, Prominent LMhvflb Makes ■ldde at Whitman, Mam. while Drvgçitt) inttfwtiiig FIRST—Decide that will make your Will without Stftammt Princç^flbert definitely you Mill emporarfU Inaaae. tobacco further delay. ▲ tliapN Into (k· window· of 01 UffOkpliMM A cold serred to cloee over such friendly b«t mil la via ter ktmIi arch a Mke Champlain from shore to shore, to shops wind of SECOND—Consult our Officer» who will be give you of fine that aaidwlatot waa man he didnt get this pleased ptefaatoa tbiags In Skki linger or an lee famine, which ft makes a worry mm· vera tbe now not Eiflad tint jast the benefit of their advice without charge. iapoeslble, bought to be imminent, is aveHed. ago. Hé counts it lost oovertog tba ground aad tba ieielee smoke long, long Boston harbor is now by and cigarette Will so aa to trom tba oornieee aad wtedow patrolled pipe of Prince Albert gets firm set THIRD—Have a lawyer draw up your banging Κi. Brewster, mto- as the competent iter. Benjamin ταled gnards of the customs service quick goodness that it ia correct in detail. of western Colorado, fixes that—end cuts out make certain legally every For laetanee, laoaa gtonary bishop a a fifty-root motor launch, and a! life 1 The process I of fa his patented tar ib«ta were Frercb artiebokea r* has accepted his election as bishop la of all and thus ensure the lose watch being kept ship- end FOURTH—Name this Bank as Executor diocese ot MUIH g~i the Protestant Episcopal ping. parch! of boaae ooeeeber·,*£Ϊ·ΤΧΐ bright Ϊ5Ired soon as know howl economical and efficient settlement your Kofliab Maine. in smoKce-iracs yoiyou prompt, baeket of fraab moAroo®·, While witnessing a performance on toe iigiu heirs and other bene- î£Î3oee!e Yale university celebrated the third jjet like estate for the benefit of your large eluater· ol Black Haasborg Ρ·Ρ·· Medford, Mam. theatre Mrs. Wal- bow much jooH alumni university day with the re- wu an Understand yourself ficiaries. bedded deep m sr 8. Peas ley stricken with tarn of several hundred of her gradu- popletlc shock, dying In a few mln- vaults of FIFTH—Deposit your Will in the fire and burglar proof ates. itM. plenty of golden of the stockhold- this Bank, thus providing absolute protection against ■tatoT^itb A special meeting Joseph H. Smith died at New Bed- ers or the Maine Central railroad is at the of 105 of tbe document mislaid, lost or ord. Mass., sge years. the being 8 at Me., possibility ru-« ι· called for March Portland, Tbe trustees of Dartmouth college T. P. TAYLOR is named as Exec- SSST'tET When this Bank your ,eo>or.and odd- to on the is- destroyed. apple*, Sooth Afrtcaa melooe, Or^i act $6,000,000 refunding «cepted the resignation or Dr. John I us h ranee tn Che in "Tbe grearest bealtli no is made for Will tbraa for a qaarter sue. utor charge safeguarding your SVilMrab flp! t. Lord, a member of the faculty for is (be be said. "I nev· Albert «■* Mid simplest." of a dollar ! Fig· of tbe porpl·» Lambert, 53, died as the is our vaults. Joseph orty-seven years. His retirement coo Id quite understand wbj; people not rare even la our eastern ®ja fytiNCE of crushed between a baie f result being lue to the failing health of his wire. e eu negligent Id tbe ose of tbe aim lommtr, but they ara of and a stanchion on a steamer cost of the Boston city of Illness Ifs that if mm nil vrrr thr la a nearby window were fresb *»* .The running est of all preventives It fftawAi trr inanm. ilomn't It, a earner· ol renison, wiki at Boston. ——» iepartments in the fiscal year ending } a matter of keeping tbe bowels all over the of N. nation, world, bear aUractad «naay Joseph Adams Manchester, an! 31, 1916, WM 127,513,460.64. ►en. Tbe man who carries a little box dSÎT'aî?. in the P. A, that it must NATIONAL BANK .pacta-1 Η., wbo took poison presence rhls Is an increase of 1406,369 orer Rezall Orderlies has got a good prefer NORWAY oar IaedU Watch your slap! THE of -*~ tbeabondanoe died from t0sirelf Df his two small children, he figures of the preceding fiscal Miltb poller In bis pocket I believe efcee· «h· have all the to not apreciated, and it would seema· If· ooejr to qualities »· its effect. ear. are tbe best laxative ever pre- color of NORWAY. MAINE. „o oae ehoald go hungry; yet, food ley ood yourfopdest desires? arrived at Boston ·— satisfy ,a.ted that might feed and delight Schooner Postlac Vermont citizens wno failed to pay ι red, and tbelr pleasant taste appeala to faâtoto tL. that sold for $10,- » * National Bank in Oxford County. cuooUeee tboosanda wbo suffer. with groundfish beir taxes before Ftob. 15 cannot rote men. women and children alike" jt Men, us on Prince Oldest and Strongest for get right and tbe organization and Cj>- making a profit of $300 each town this !^nttoa 000, α the annnsl meetings tobacco! Tko We tell this rection of Industry is di- sixteen men in the crew for their Albert Albeit! you the prlng on state issues, sccording to CHAS. H. HOWARD CO. L»4t laaoer in «orne part· of Maryland patoBtodproco·· will better work of the past month. STORE tobacco prove and other states could not be State Attorney General Barber. THE REXALL peaches , Peter 48, a freight con- can D>cked for lack of labor, and cbemea Comfort, The world's record for butter-pro- the" you figure out, walked in front of a locomo- and grape· were allowed to waste on tbe ductor. tudng milk was dwarded at Mont- it's so chummy and fra- -beo and was Flowers. In 1893, >n Chicago tive at Auburndale, Mass., to Paella a brancbcT teller, Vt., Mechtbilde, all ..«ι· men were and inviting the thousand desperate killed Instantly. owned J. G. grant Spring '-ere iolstein by Whitney. from idleness and soup kitchen. Samuel S. 78, cost more Daffodils, Narcissi, Tulips. Rev. Seward, 1er record Is 35,316 pounds of but- time. Can't you Hyacinths, •tartad, it so happened in Louisiana that prominent preacher and theologian, or 10c to in bloom. Carnations and other tbe wsa so low for «|W »be er. than 5c get your Also price lied at Pittsfleld, Mass. plants market· .och that it ** |· "The prevalence and fatality of tu- 1 tender at a rail·- Harmony bearings on hand. * 70, cut flowers always baal tbe crop of syrup, ** * John Conlon, berculosis are steadily decreasing in That better way of investing J® lt at Central R. I., Moco AJUt* INr.vWi away and the road crossing Falls, dasMCbusetts," is a conclusion of the Bmr a than in a ia mli—im toppy rtd aad tbe .tock negroej.arfetedoiK.nitwere fed with It, nog was killed when he was few dollars tetww | instantly tate of health. tir. South Paris. were lato department bote, 5c; tidy rad 10c s At the Greenhouse, beads of syrup emptied plan- a struck by train. Lin wood J. of the Maine kmmimemmpom»iqui half'pcand tation tbe «tream emptied into Badger ditchee; a foreman with and in that molasa* klltod John P. Williams, institute of Plttsfleld was ()li kmtmidaiι elauy tbe bayoo. and the /entrai Victrola humidor the] the blast Taunton Street Railway com- eryetmt- gUaa pound tbe water fool and stok- dected of the Maine prepa- too - fl.b, rendering president pamga maiitenar that and the aotl Bince its and a veteran FLORIST. enins tbe cattle people, pany inception atory school boys' conference. OB Iha m «oc.-, «tm* E. P. CROCKETT. tbe state* bad to Intervene ο died at Taunton, government of the Civil war, A general Increase in wages,- ap- 1/ thus a crop wae rôp yesr'· stople Mass. 5 and affecting and >rataating percent wasted". It coold bate been bought was shot R. J. REYNOLDS Mrs. Florence Cerrio, 23, ι early 1000 employes, will go into el- Grafonola shipped to Chicago and other quickly at R. by her mills of S. D. War- TOBACCO COMPANY wbere it coold bare been u»e to death Johnston, I., ect at the paper point· who At from Here's the Been For comfort tbe bangry. husband, Giuseppe Cerrio, 23, en A Co., at Cumberland Mills, Me, Wi—ton *iilrm Ν C you've Waiting -««to! Typewriter Tbe frait from many orchard· goee to escaped. FOr the seven weeks of 1916 «ever- waste so also de wild berries for lack of j Aa the result of four incendiary y, Mass., school children put away A machine for use at a price nickers and morable cannerlea. Season. $15 to $200 personal fires within a few days the Ε. E. is in the school saving· tbe and deposits in years blsckberry » that you can aiiord. Small size, JiS^ome Taylor shoe factory, Brockton, >ank the sum of $1593.61. PROBATE Χ ΟΤΙ CES. blaeberry crop is prodigioas "hey give permanent, whole- manufacturing lntereste>i :r. either of tfce c«u in achievement there are wild strawberries Mass., engaged in The First Methodist church of Ρο allperaoae small in price, large of the South and^P"J herein* fier umed : the Russian 125th at worth "potting op." army shoes for govern- Lynn, Mus., celebrated the β ome pleasure. Call myj At a Probate Court, bel ! at Κ .α, fori, it J of on the k-cond II «« do not eoneerre oar resource·,rftMnrCe, ment, has placed armed policemen on inniversary of its foundation. STEEL WALLSARE Or the County Oxford, Tu») THESE In the of r Lor! if year o« a; we will in time come down to and see all of February, grinding duty. Joseph R. McCabe, 35, keeper of.® hop styles and nine hundred and slxtec: Tbefoi'm orgsaixatloa and been re*· Lté. for the km ΐίηΓϊ.ο^»1·· Fire destroyed two of the principal tbe Deer island lighthouse, Boston I natter having ρ direction of industry and conservation îachines, and listen to the hereupon hereinafter In-llcAue 1, it u ten the Riorden and Michel- was drowned when he : of reeouroea of all kinds, food, fort and buildings, j larbor, slipped )BDKJLED ,13 That Botfee thereof be given : all peno»<. the water that man at Mass. The t iff a sandbar leading out to the light, itest records. Over a thou- timber and precious give. blocks, Gardner, 'li created, by causing a copy of tr U orler t i loss is $160,000. An early cucumber crop valued at lubllabed three woeka aucee· > la tie id men bsttled to select ord Democrat, a *.*he! u early days, when Ν. one was ruined a fire in ue β Eind records in stock newspaper "Yn^the Gray's Inn, Jackson, H., >3000 by la aald thai tney :..ay appear κ st least there wa. 'aria, County. with tbe Indians, the White Wo- 'robate Court to be held at l'art», ot » of the most popular of j jreenbousê of George Foster at f •Unding Umber wbich men mifjbt bew rom. hlrd Tueaday of March, Λ D. 191β, u il Mountain hotels, was destroyed by Mass. The total loss is 950U0. la the an : be heart ise* doîn for humes, fish and game and wild Durn, be clock forenoon, who conducts f they aee cauae. fruits for tbe taking, akin, for dotbing, fire. The loss is $100,000. William B. Hasty, and .ugar for eweeteo.ngthe wild Joseph Merchant was found dead livery stables i& Boston, filed a peti- I. Smith law of Mexlee, u msple will and f r ttet cranberries an 1 otber fruit·, gas In a He owes petition probate from inhaling Illuminating tion in bankruptcy. $30,- weaented by Albert W. Smlt the tit.; adrenmresome life, hut at jr. rongband Providence rooming house. The po- 127.68. :reeland herein named. tout, men were brave, and women h«d Howe, lice said the circumstances indicated are A. Desua late of Dlxiell, !em» rear their The Brockton, Mam., police IrrUae bornes in wbich to lite and ( Irat account a:Uub Ho.oax. t to find relatives of John Barton preaented by families and die. suicide. mdeavoring Block, nlnlstrator. Dr. Robert A. Blood, at one time 50, an expert wood-turner, Riley, 94 Mala Street, opp. Poet Office, LDDI80N E. HERRICK, Ju of taidCMS Recipes. surgeon general of Massachusetts, who dropped dead in a hotel. A true copy—Attest : ■8 ALBERT D. PARK, died at Lake Sunapee, Ν. H., in bis The Odd Fellows' building, one of rORWAY, MAINE STEAMED CHOCOLATE PCDDIHG 77th year. He served through the tbe largest structures in Littleton, N. NOTICE. codee itai « 1 1-2 tquare· cbooolate Civil war. H., was destroyed by Are, causing The aubacrlber hereby give «a been duly appointed executrix of Ota 1 cap sugar Rem! Mathieu, 98, died at Spencer, & loss of $20,000. rill and teatament of milk CORONA 1 cop Mass. He was the father of seven- The will of G. H. Whitcomb, en- 8AMUKL H. BUBBAS K. lateofCtalot flour ο the of Oxford, dece*- 1. Ail per« 2 cups to near- manufacturer, waa filed at County teen children and grandfather reiope avlng demanda the eeute of ul: » 2 ®βκ· against « Worcester. Mass. He left an estate eased are deelrea to present t: -ame for» Typewriter 2 cream ol tartar ly 100. Folding teaspoons tent, and all Indebted thereto are re^ae*» soda F. 76, for more [>f $2,000.000, all to his family. six Can be in a or carried in 1 teaspoon Benjamin Palmer, sake payment Immediately. Weighs but pounds. packed grip H. JANi. BCRBAH 2 teaspoons butter than half a century prominent in Unwrapped and unclothed, the machine. It is February 0th, 191β. the neat case which is furnished with the supreme ranllla a infant was found in 12 teaspoon newspaper work in New England, body of female Cream tbe butter, and a NOTICE. in the field together sugar, died at Somerville, Mass., from an in ash can on Boston street. portable typewriter Add the choco- cotlce to· for theeggs well-beaten. F. one of the The aubacrlber hereby glvea best over Send arte-ial trouble. William Wiley, 78, ο!: Note —recognized by late melted orer hot water and the ra- it been duly appointed admlnlMntrlx beet known Civil war veterans In atate of □ .lit the ««·-·' in all lines. Re- ill»; together Soar, BURTON late of Wool-tod 50,000 people This Book and add died at his home at A.COLE, these tsrtar and eoda alternately CUT THIS OUT—IT 18 WOBTH Massachusetts, β the County of Oxford, deceased, anl ft ceived awards at both tr. highest with the milk to tbe first mixture. Pour MONET Peabody. ondaaa the law directs. All :«rsoci fcfralntt the estate of *ald 'lea*' Pacific into a well-oiled mold, «team fort·® Three hundred youthful delegates modern Expositions. "Proof of tbe Don't miss this. Cat out ibis slip, re desired to preaent the a*rte for *.·«*κ end aerre with any eaace street at Fslr- ad aQ iE M.C0L1 mind that the Corona is tbe name· of ban ICI5G lv" """""1 'ofuniw your CHOCOLATE CREAM dress clearly. Tou will receive in re- of Uolno February 8th, 1916. anything but a practical, sub- dreda of Arms end 1 4 pound bitter cbooolate turn s trial psckage containing Foley's Her bread 2 12 Hooey snd Tar Compound, for coughs, PROBATE WOTICKS. Visible writing, built The individual* who cops augar Tapley, who» railroad would take the stantially typewriter. 3 4 milk colds and croup. Kidney Pills, 'o all Interested in elth«. r of thee» are now cop Foley persona two color using 8. service· were tor many yea blue ribbon at : ribbon, •mall it and its I 4 teaspoon cream of tartar and Foley Cathartic Tablets.—A. got pel hereinafter named space occupies a held it Pari». In ^ Coronas. It prove· Pew salt Shnrtl«ff f!n S. Ptrii. an annual occurrence of great Inter any domestic At Probate Court universal key- combined with effi- grains or the County of Oxford, on the trilrl Tu» lightness, what this machine ranllla tao<* 1-2 teaspoon ut to railroad employe· of New Eng science exhibi- f Feb., la the year of our Lord jnt board, back make this vu » lovely engagement sis ciency, typewriter •lot*—not wbst we Stir together the sugar, milk, «earn May—That died at Maes. her cake is lee hundred ana sixteen, thi rt«fi me last bat tod, Haverhill. tion, been for the aci'.vn there» over heat till ring jon gave nigh', dear; avlng preaented alumi- for of tartar, and sslt the tbe a marvel of 6ne oai'KUt spacer, the ideal machine your claim it will do. what do those initials, "E. C.," mean ο erelnafter Indicated, It la hereby sugar melt·, and then boll without stir- — and That aottee thereof be given to a.. pe"·" num frame, use. Learn more about the inside? bill wiping out the Massacbu lightness this order e personal to 238° F. or ootll s soft tell is *gTbe erected, byeaualng a copy of riog has bestowed the be- conmu» her lubllahed three weeks successively in tlx double tbi· formed when a little it into cold Harry (who ting Betta state house building pastry—yon carriage unique folding dropped Is ord a atxs fore and bad it back)—Why—er—thmt to to taste it! Democrat, newspaper pu:iil»ned — water. Cool netil add flavoring, lion « Passed be engr™* In ought In aald that may ap" with- tepid, new <>' 'aria. County, the/ release, mechan- typewriter —don't yon know that Is the way All because WiOiaa t a Probate to be he l at .-aid Pari and beat until thick enough to spread. the bouse by a vote of 101 to 19· We pay 2 per cent interest on check account of 9500 «ad over, om even Court out 18 carats? be third of March, A. I). IS& ical obligating neantime melt the chocolate over stamping Tell is milled from Tueaday type guide, In the Mrs James Cutbbert escaped from hundred*. Interest credited to account of i'ne ol the elock la the forenoon, and be ta & to one your lait every month. ATWOOD FORBES jouraelf buy. «team. the first mixture on .t Ohio Red Winter hereon It aee cauae : ball car- Spread her home at Warwicn,Warwick R.»· I···· WblCh they bearing of the cake to be iced and then MOW FEELS ENTIRELY WELL Wheat our own layer by Charlss β. Noble late of Tar t, lecew for Oxford the melted chooolate. writes wu deatroyed by alter ahe had Savings Connected with riage, keyboards Distributors County coat this with ▲. H. Francis, Zenith, Kan., 0"l Goes farther too—both Department rill aad for thereof crews a process. petition probate the seoond on the a severe in baok and aroused by dos that Jumped Jamee executor therein nu· for all Place layer top, repeat "I bad pain my economy and good eating BRANCH BANK AT iy 8. Wright, the languages. South Paris, Me. and ice the and sides in the move. I took about two- her bed. BUCKFTELD, MAINS. process, top oonld hardly upon served William B. Whit· late of Qnlncy, Hi Pill· by ordering a titles same manner. thirds of a 50o box of Foley Kidney Kben Carpenter, 76, who led sev h α setts, deceased ; copy of will 1 ρ irobate thereof an t the of clarr DATS SPONGE and now feel entirely well." Middle- ser- appointaient sral guerilla attacks during bis lurgln aad Carl W. Welxler «» exeoutoraot. and older men and women And William ame without bond bv -aid Clam 1 cap stoned and chopped date· aged in the Civil war while flgbting preaented these safe relieve orbing lurgln aad Carl W. Welxler, t: î exec* 1-3 flour pills sleep-diet and died cop bladder ailments.—A. E. Shurtieff Co., 2Z A- Burnslde. Tell herein named. 1 3 cup sugar Paris. Jsaathsa L Toble late of Oxford, milk 8. 112 cups Street Railway 0' Floor eaaed ; petition for the appointment of Pi 1 batter Miss and UrdW~.M-d k Toble or aome other aultable a· tablespoon Gigglegom («Ingle romantic) com- perMB Boaton allied the pubBe aarrlee satrator of the said dece.^·· I Ρ«*-' Pittsburgh 3 egg· —1The shower of soot and ashes from estate of David A. a 1 teaspoon vanilla Vesuvius must be an awe inspiring sight mlaalon tor authority to tow·»,»». y Toble, son. of Scald the milk; mis together floor and Would you not like to witness It? 000 of bonda. to be need to roUro Paleg TkempaoB Wads wort h late C. E. TOLMAN am, for the determlnat» and add the milk stir- Mrs. Pott son Pans and pro- summer deeeaaed; petition sugar gradually, (married bonds tbat expire next Dilaterai Inheritance tax by But. over seen presented until smooth and thick. Cook I don't know. I've my ir a>l s Perfect Fence ring saic)—Oh, Ralph E. Kallock, a Rockland worth, executrix. hot water for ten minutes, beat lo tbe bnsband take down a stovepipe. Me. business man, committed sui- General 'saaaa B. Pellaaad late of Oxforl,decea* butter, and oool. Add tbe egg-yolks Insurancel rat account for allowance by He had been de- preaented well beaten, tbe date·, and flavoring, AFTER LAGRIPPE—WHAT ? cide'by -booting. Staples, executor. and fold in tbe whites whipped stiff. PYTHIAN BLOCK worth late F. O. Prevo, Bedford, Iod., write*: Peleg Tkaaapeoa Wads Turn into a buttered set Minett Qlottceater first and final arcoaatr pudding dish, left me with a L. of llram,deeeaaed; for half "An attack of iagrippe "Trtbm intad for allowance Buth P> ^ a·!»*' in a pan of hot water, and bake aa a member of the Maasa oath Maine by severe I tried everytblog. I qnallrted Parie, I lecutrlx. an hour. Serve ©old with hot lemoo cough. THE BEST WIRE so thin I looked as Μ I never woold cbusetts fish and game commission. sauce. got Claraaee E. Foeter lste or Burtflel-!. tret well. Finally, two bottles of Foley's Rev. Charles F. Dole, for forty aaaed; petition for determination of colli» AND CELEBY CHOWDEH Fo««r.1 CANNED CO Β Ν aod Tar cured me. I am now First ihertteace tax preaented Ly Leila Honey years minister of the Congre- ilalstratrix. FENCE MADE I 1 can corn well and back to normal my weight." Society, Unitarian, cri! J gational ÎHIHNEY FLUE STOPPERS — 1 bead oelery A reliable remedy for oougbt, colds, Heaters Walker lata of Lovell, deceased;f malca Plain has tendere Stoves, ueorT (Boston), for allowance 1 quart milk croup.—Α. Ε Shurtieff Co., 8 Pari·. Ranges, jcount preaented by will annex» his resignation. ralker, administrator with the 2 onion· V* 1-4 salt "Your Honor," said tbe arrested John a young man in anad ι·····ι· MM.. Pattern lat* of Bostoe, pound pork OJala, SECOND HAND STOVES for to taste chauffeur in a Chicago court, "I tried to com- Bhaaetta,deeeaaed; petition llcenaej»] Salt and pepper vitnred stage of tuberculosis, ad eoavey real eatata preeented by we a full car the warn tbe man, but the born would not ▲t a very low price have bought load of 2 cups diced, oooked potatoes suicide cutting his throat In Pattea, admlalatrator. work." mitted by Dioa the salt and put It In a fry- Baille B. minor; pork a Fitchburg, Mass., Walker of Lovell, tbe fat to eook "Then why did you not slacken speed, *>U aad real estate i« PITTSBURGH PERFECT FENCE ing pan. Wbea begins h08plt~\ ΛηΓ*η„ arA?li.to convey than ran bins down?" Three firemen were injured during ®ted by 8. out, add the onions chopped fln· and rather Mary Walker, guardian. tbe A seemed to dawn upon the pris- «re at North Attleboro, Mass J. P. DD180N said Cfl which we shall receive before 1st This is an electric oook tbe two together until latter light Richardson, ■. HER RICK, Judge of May oner. A true are tender and tbe salt pork Is browned. which destroyed the Kendall bloc copy—atteat: be "that's South .... IHHna W ALBERT D. PARK Reflay welded fence and has stood the teet for years. It coats no Cut the celery in Inch-lengths and oook "Gee, your Honor," said, The loss Is set at 130, OWh Paris, water to one on me—1 Dr ver thought of that." it till tender in salted barely Norman 8mlth of Waltbam, Mass., noTica. more than the inhuman barbed wire fence which so many to the oover. Add celery and liqnor 'bat will fit. That are I The aubacrlber notice thf WHAT CHILDREN NEED NOW 6, was awarded *4000 by a Jury perfectly hereby gives milk with tbe potato, oolons, and pork. J,d mM" " times your stock. suit the ife. If in need send fifteen injures to tbe boiling point, turn in tbe In spite of the best care mothers can in his against cents! ffi ΐ5?ώϊΜ8ΐ?,Λί Bring tor *aet b. of serve and this weather sickness Boston Street Railway company wads worth, iat* runs 68 inches in and with eplit tbem brings 'ith size. Get one next mail. I Stock fence from 32 inches to height, ooro, reheat, give by the County of Oxford, deceased. All per* browned cracker·. to obitdreu. Mr·. T. Neureuer, received being struck by iwtu buttered many injuries by demanda agalàat the esuu? of writes: ••w «jW poultry fence in any height desired. COBIT Β BEAD Eau Claire, Wis., "Foley's * an aeelred to preeent the e«me Honey and Tar oured my boy of a severe ATM- 0. LEAVITT 00. ««.aid all ladebtod thereto are m** 1 cor a-meal Oak Farm of Cohasset, Mass., Remember we bought very low by taking a full car load cap attaok of after other remedies bad 2 icelted batter oroup owned C. W. Barrorn, won the J A US WOBTI1 tablespoon· failed. It is a wonderful for by κ Maine. I P*7^H?RlÊTf17W our floor remedy Norway, Ptbwutry ma, me. and shall make price accordingly. 1 cup and honor tn the Î-year-old elaas for milk CANNED ^ colds, croup whooping or leu If desired congbs, FOODS 1 2 cap «agar, oongb." It stopa lagrlppe coughs.—A. producUon. according to the oBclai NOTICE. 1 soar cream or rlob milk Ihe aahecrfber notice t**" IN THE cap 8. Parla. record of the Guernsey club. over ee YEARS* hereby gives " THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FENCE WORLD. K. Shurtieff Co., • bee· administrator 2 *gg· an EXPERIENCE duly appointed With g** escaping from open Jet • will of the eatate of 1-2 baking-soda ieaaxed teaspoon "Why don't you ever wear those pretty m the chandelier. Miss Marie» Hlg- ΟΕΟΒβΕ Η. TORE, late of Parlf. 1-2 ι et aalt snd r spoon new 1 asked Mis. We have a full the County of Oxford, deceased, abirta bought yoa?" glns was found dead to bed te he Une of Canned b*'· -Mix the oorn meal with flour, sugar Foods: Ada M the law directe. AU person» in tbe mixed with Newlywed. home at Boston. «aada agalnet the eetata of said d.cctieJ» and aalt. Beat cream, like her husband re- A. & well- "It's this, lovey," •tad to nreaent the eame for aettlesa»».® W. WALKER SON, the soda, tbe batter, and the eggs, ρ plied. "If I wear tbem I'll have to «end thereto are requested to make beaten. Torn Into a well-oiled tio and Patents tbem to tbe lanndry afterward, and IN BOSTON MARKETS snflmm^ SOUTH PARIS. MAINE. bake In a moderate oven for thirty min- JAMBSS. snob beautiful shirts I can't bear TIM MARK· NhrauylSh^ne. ute·. they're DC MEATS to have then ruined." OCSMNS Quotations given here are strictly ai-* CorrRiOHTa Ac. nioics^ w°TfCE. wholesale and retailers must «P«*· Aayoa· Mndtnf t sketch m4 ascription Bay rhe sa^. notice tbH j A good TH18 MAY INTEREST YOU inleklr ascertain oar opinion ftw whethar an t**r't>y gives ot il lo more for small lots: nrantlon l« probably ppolnted administrator with In bank pay »atantab>at~Coana«nlc*· FISH, FRUITS ?.^ dalr^, in tlko a of walnut meat· or If you suffer palne your tateof^ Loop far Add eup chopped Butter—Northern creamery extrasr of or etiff and ewe muaolee or a ou of raisin· or carrante or side, joint·, nrUj TkeOUHeme ρ obopped western creamery extras efa. paraffin oap ooveriag bought. tween eatinfied and contented? western m of udtlwiyiima the )rtme firsts, 14016c; flrsU, yea Examined for Ola—eel 'L F." MEDKM CO. kept oshroken sad In plaoe when Jiggs—Is there? I should say there 9AKUML W. LORD, late ofHIram, U0WV4C-, «tow «»«·. ot decease.1, aaJ pasts I· not In tue. to. 1 am Mttefled thai Brow· to going theOouaty Oxford, Anoles «— J'»1»®· MkMika law dtaeeta. AU persow the bat Baldwins, fl.6O0».&«. SAMUEL RICHARDS said wjj made oorn balls that will to take my girl to dance, hanged ■aada axalaet the eetata of deoe^ KasUy pop Northern Bpy. stick: boll one brown sugar and If I'm oontented. peenlngs, H0»; oap ptometrict and ι ooe-fourth cop mild vlsegar till they 11.6003.50. Optician CttroUt* and hair. Lasve on ths stovs to keep warm. rpotetoes—Maine, H..6601.7O bf; Somth High grade OHIOLAX Pari·, Main·. ï+n—jWk,m». Pot a handful of pop oorn without grsass Effets, 6lo0fl b*t, Economical Into pan, poor on s tablespoon of eyrsp, CITROLAX SOUTH Poultry—Northern lev), 180 Me, FA] BOTICE. ι stir sad presslnto ball. "■ thoroughly Beet thing for oonetlpatioa, eour ctooa· «stern fowl, 17011e; native ΒπΛ- 'bar hereby glvea notice ^ executor of y^V^RIASTl^ It msv b· liver and bowel*. M rappolatad $>.60rlJO^I»P"

..V -- ·* 4