Λ. ?:·■■"· ,J *' ■ 1 The VOLUME 83. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1916. NUMBER 9 Manure Absorbents. I "rney βρβηκ epanisn nere, said tm up the strawberry mark on your left S. Β BIGGS, Liquid without trail Instead of but CARL Wanted At Once. THE consul. "You'll need an interpreter God, III travel 11 AMONG FARMERS. to so Ohio I ehoulder. Old Urique keeps anywhere Io reply correspondent to the end. And, now, don't forget that Dentist, An woman to If there's anything I can do· why, I'<3 from to in hie house experienced carry will give » utt)e of oar ova experience *50,000 *100,000 I'm Don Francisco 'UDD TU now." Urlque whenevet MAINE. on the line which be delighted. If you're buying frail all the time in a littie safe that you SOl'TB PARIS, along concerning Inquiry yon to mention name." lands or for a ol happen my M. to p. m. is made. a nnmber of yeere ego looking conqgaslon could open with a shoe buttoner. Gel Houre : 9 a. 5 Sp< ALUMNI HOUSE. Quite *T11 expoee you dou- Office on we a cement floor in oar cow arable sort want wh< today, you—you jiven to children. Correspondence pnottofti agricultural topic pat any you'll somebody It My β kill aa a tattooer is worth hall cnttention FRYEBURQ ACADEMY. to aouotted. iddmi all communication· to in two rate under- ble dyed traitor," stammered Thacker. Telephone 143-4 D 45 feet length, with knows the ropes to look out for you." the boodle. We halves and catch tended tor this department to HmT go The Eld arose and for the semester. Dem neath to hold the liquids thst woald "I said without violence second Hiiwot, Agricultural Editor Oxford speak Spanish," the Kid a tramp steamer for Bio Janeiro. Let KttICK Λ PARK. ocrât, Parle. Me. ran Into them. The cows were well took Thacker by the throat with a to Head Master "about nine times better than I d< United to if it Apply bedded with cut straw and that of course States go pieces hand of steel and shoved him it on th< slowly |j| Attorneys at Law, English. Everybody speaks can'tthe^ without services. β.» Ε. E. WEEKS. absorbed some, but most found its way get along my into a corner. Then he Stale Orange on Education. where I come from. And I'n drew from un- MAINS, into the.Tats. We use a discarded, wood- range senor?" £THIL, Que dice, der his left arm hie pearl bandied .43 C. Park Report of committee oo edacatioo, for out not in the market for anything." .a K. Herrtck. Eilery en, sap gathering tank drawing "It sounds to me!" said the Kid, nod- Queen Insurance Company Maine State Portland: and poked the cold muzzle of it against Orange, the This large square box holds "Tou speak Spanish?" said Thackei ding his bead. "I'm out for the dust" Education ia the foundation on which liquids. the consul's mouth. 3£KT I). PARK. of America. three barrels. It is on a stone- thoughtfully. He regarded the Kk "All then," said Thacker. 4 ia better placed right, "I told I come free government built, and the boat from which it runs out in a thin you why here," he 84 William Street, N. Y. C. absorbedly. "You'll have to keep close until we îceneed Auctioneer, the education, among the oom- to which it said, with his old smile. "If 1 eapeciallj sheet upon the land or crop "Tou look like a too," 1m freezing mon the and more en- Spaniard, get the bird on you. You can live In id PARIS. MAINS. people*, arranger is I leave here you'll be the reason. Nev- 1915 applied. continued. "And you're from Texaa # ASSETS, DKC. 31, the The demand the back room here. I do my own '* erale. during government. Where there is a large amount of this er forget it, what is Ten»» for 1· And can't be more than o: pardner. Now, Real Estate >. NU. better education greater to-day fertilizer it would be better to have a you twenty cooking, and I'll make you as com- Loans 00 my name?" I Mortgage __.$ 63,000 than ever before. Our government, all twenty-one. I wonder if you've go Collateral Loans Mil. distributor adapted to the purpose. fortable aa a parsimonious government WALDO NASH, and business interest· nerve." "Er—Don Francisco Urique!" gasped Stocke and Bonds. 9^91,784 41 large corporation· This coold be either of wood or other any me." ~ a will allow Thacker. Casta la Office and Bank 475.396 60 which vast number of young the a some kind to employ material filled with small holes for "Tou got deal of pu a A mote' Balances £37,441 76 men are to Thacker hud set the time at week, came a and women, seeking obtain a street From outside sound ot Taxidermist Bills Receivable 30 09 outlet, somewhat like sprinkler. through?" asked the Texan, with un Lcensed the beat educated one· for it ia but it was two weeks before the de- ponible, as wheels and the of some one Interest and Rente 100,073 44 Bave never paid particular attention shrewdness. shouting an educat- expected he tattooed Street, rear Maeoaio Block, AU other Assets 19JX* M admitted fact that the better was to the aore. sign that patiently upon and the of a wooden Tsrrpie to how much applied "Are to a ?* sharp thwacks man or more effioient you open proposition ed the woman, the but should from 25 to 30 barrels. the Kid's hand was to his notion. And the backs of fat β Oonneotloiu NORWAY Gross Assets $10,8e7J74 84 judge said Thacker. whlpetock upon TaleplM are in whatever may a muchacho and Deduct Items not admitted 13,46ft 01 they position they Tour can best settle this matter then Thacker called horses. ioqairer "What's the use to deny it?" said tin be placed. for himself by trial, but it would not be dispatched this note to the intended & Admitted Assets $10,873.*>β S3 The farmers of Maine are Kid. "I into a little frollt The Eld put up his gun and walked LCCvGLEY BUTTS, awakening best to too large a quantity at first, experience. Hie complexion was nat- got gun victim: are in need of more apply toward the door. But he turned LIABILITIES DEC. 3L 1915. to the fact that they — son and wind of down in Laredo and plugged a whiU again Norway, Maine, as it is a quick-acting, strong fertilizer, IX, A Double urally dark, and the El Senor Don Santos Urique, Le. Caea education aa it to their bnsineea, Dyed man. Mexlcai and came back to the trembling Thack- Net Unpaid Losses $ 498.7015> applies —as we found out. an outdoor life had burned It to a cof- There wasn't any Blanca: Unearned Premiums that they may be better prepared to to er and held his left hand with Its 4,674,97158 We have applied it mostly grass Deceiver. brown. His hair was as black and handy. And I come down to youi My Dear Sir—I beg permission to In- up All other Liabilities 166.977 70 meet the fast conditions of fee F Heating, changing land. It has itself well adapted and for t< form you that there is in my house as a back toward the consul. Liûbing, Cash Capital 1,000.000 00 and the market- proved straight as an Indian's; his face had parrot monkey range just over sU production, especially to this and has thus far guest a young man who ar- Surplus Liabilities 4,\37,Μβ 96 crop produced humilia- smell the glories and marl temporary "There's one more reason," be said Sheet Metal Work, of their And the boys and win- not yet been upturned to the morning rived In Buenas Tierras from the United ing products. excellent results. We apply In fall, things have to stand A SPECIALTY, Total Liabilities and 83 on farms are that O. HENRY a his were a cold golds. Now, do you sabe?' Without slowly, "why got ST CEILINQ8 Surplus $10,573,209 girls the asking they ter or as as the tanks By tion of razor; eyes States some days ago. wishing spring, often get as are. The fellov I killed in have a better chance to obtain an Thacker up and closed the door. to excite any hopes that may not be real- they may filled. It should be to grass and steady blue. He carried his left got applied ized, I think there is a poaelbiMty of his Laredo had one of them same pictures W. J. WHEELER & education that will better prepare them and arm somewhat from hie body, "Let me see your hand," he said. Bisbeo & Parker, CO., Agents, when wet to prevent coloring possi- & away absent son. It be the in the [Copyright by Doubleday, Pan Co.] ex being your long might on his left hand." 8-10 Sssth Part·, Malae. to fill more successfully places and not after it to be I bandied ,45's are frowned He took the Kid's left hand and ïS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW bly injury, gets for pearl well for you to call and see him. If he I: Al Ο business and social world to wbioh tbey of Outside the ancient landau of Don ▼ery high.
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