
Serving a Progressive and Growing tern Area on B. C.'s Southern Coast. Covers , Gibsons, Port Mel­ lon, Woodfibre, Squamish,. Irvines Landing, THalf Moon Bay, Hardy Island, Pender Harbour, Wilson peniiarflor Creek, Roberts Creek, Granthams I_anding, Egmont, Hopkins Landing. Brackendale, (Sheekeye, etc.* \/lf;- * ' • f '•• S*US3iiSHE2>^B'Sr SHE COAST STEWS, _&mXT_SD 1 October 30 Bnsiaefes Office:ij^fcatt***©*368^1* National Advertising* Office, Powell Biver, B.C. POWELL RIVER-~the green light was given this week to thV Vol. Ill —No. 14 Sechelt, B. C. Friday, Oct. 15, 1948 5e per copy, $2.50 per year, by mail small boat harbor committee to proceed with their plans for the opening of the Powell River ^^ harbor at Westview on Powell River NeWS Speaks at Sechelt Jock McGoon Now At first the committee feared Wins Community On Retired List that their plans were going a- J?^Pvfria: Trrtnhir sttay when they received word "rCi V1*»& Aiupny DEAR SPIKE Malone—Noticed yours in the last issue of Coast t?i the Department of Trans- WESTVIEW—The Powell River News wondering whether I am ^?t at New Westminster th^t News has been awarded the w still at large. official government sanction Calnan community^ervice trophy VgkW «Quld not be given to the cere- for; outstanding achievement •• W* uml Mail Service To be honest, some seven gonial opening until the harbor during the 1947-48 contest year months and seven days ago I waS completely finished and this of the Canadian Weekly News- got a position (phooey) in a log­ By ARIES ging camp to get a little exer­ :?&*&* not be accomplished until papers' Association. This raised POSSIBILITIES of a rural mail wheat markets. cise and to try to acquire that a later date. 's total to 16 service and a car ferrv to Gib- He strp^ed th<* fart thnt r»pw of__r_r._r__^ "*«__*' "~ "*-^"~^ •••««» 1 & e s eci the fact hat new s tanc or foll W/^.iw.X.1,..However th* ei* committexr *u e _-was. . of thJe possibl-r- e 33 Dominionotionn son____!s ! wer^^*^/e outlinedZ bZy JamerZT^s transportatiox_„!J___. _ ^n companie_. X? s such _th.e elbo?. w b_v whic°w hthroug on? hm» vwit «?nh informed that if Northern Oon- awards for weekly newspaper Sinclair, M.P. at a well attended as bus lines, the Sea Bus Ltd., unmistakably ^coimiz^tS w W 1S exce en g S3& ^wP?^ - f ^+- * <* m the national field. meeting on Thanksgiving Day and Gulf Lines had done much to ger parWarly af wtklfield ~ ?je^ntly completing installation Th announcement was made in. the Legion Hall at Sechelt. develop this area. The mail ser- T foi^^rLtf^ *ft ag Harmon E ice •MP^^^I^^ Tf• !T ^ - * > chairman of He also gave a very compre- vice nSw is much worse than it J^^c^^^^J^ & ' *J2 S,3\^^ -^ the judges and publisher of the hensive picture of government was 20 years ago when his peo- ^^^^fai0!^^^ th!* w«^ Huntsville (Ont.) Forester. activity in the past and what is pie first came to Qibsons, and ked th^mv bS?n,? ™~ £~ SlfoT * ' *-£ ?1 ^^^"^ This is the third time the planned in the future. he recommended again that linnine L^VMITLT* *T *^J££^^&-.^v.^J_^t^X7V S1311^^ * Riveawarrd paperhas com, durine tog ththe e Powelpastl heTouchin assuregd othan tht e thithreas t countrof wayr thcontracte governmens be givet subsidien to sth oen Gulmaifl SnntnS?i fn^rirta^J^l'Ji f>f*' JJS ? Say^S " t0 ™™_ ^TSS^ ^eSte?!Sr^f" five yeari. The coyest is open would as always do its part if Lines or divided among the var- fhTthne) "Jork ™ w > *f 8 e^S^^ ^^^--•£• ag'. weekly newspapers in such a calamity came to paf ious companies. ^fflL^ SLdSd^S! nada ficiSls to go ahead with the af- Sf ^rdley of size, and He+also explained fully ; the • We earned with regret that you know-go get yourself sack- fair aiid that thev^wouW co-oL *¥ award ?s made on th« merit methods of subsidizing the gram this will perhaps be the last ed." So I went to the superinten- of MfM I^^LX^^PZ"^: community projects furthered growers so that wheat keeps its time that Mr. Sinclair will rep- dent in chargeof production the 4^i^^S^^ thus resent us in the federal field, (hooker I believe he is called) tlte <>ecasioh " '^ w n to which the newspaper goes giving.. the, farmer the benefit He is a young man with his fu- and said, "Sir"—he always in- V&m receipt of this informa- f? b^ing tfaem toM successful con" and not th^ gamblers on the ture before him and nine months sisted that we address him in U .tion the committee sent out m- ^!°\- „ „. „ . „• , V-' i „m of the year spent away from this manner, "Sir" I said, "I re- vitations to James Sinclair, Mem- ,-.: ^he Powell River News is pub- Improvement MeOUS h^ne ^ quite a sacrifice especi- sign—and you can stuff your old ber of Parliament for this rid- lished by Al Alsgard and edited _-.*% v « allgrowiny wheg nfamil onye haands sucalthough ah nic wee camgunnp y intsaco ka i fbi yog usoc prefer"k or sack' — b W Re inald Jones J ."iii*it Ottawa; Herbert Gargrave, y v S - tiignei IGXeS, bays will "hate to lose Mr '"". Sinclair' , . He told m' e "t o go stick my Mr g meS g mg h3S head in ?tt.Li^., Vernier Johnson, Rus- •• •a e;r witAlsgarh Ernid ise president of the SecU^U PaTm&T UiSisXa nS° ° ^ ^e gears and even S- ; Pbwell River company, P P Pearson of Se- Editor, Coast News, ^vantages. j r:«^' ?CW^-:''««ident manager Coast News and co-owner of the Ot?^«ext JL UlUlVL fered to assigt me T natural chelt 0 6 T e p of theb f the district municipali- - .* J_T AT,! A!7IH»! T^ . u 5 meeting was conducted spurned his assistance (quite tieshead, srepresentative <_ s of ,__th_ e De - _ -- - - ~"™ ^¥ro A,,W' Aggett's letter of by Mr. Youngson, president as- right don't"you"thfakTbut when Oct 8 referring to roads, trans- sisted by secretary George Ky- I saw that hasty looking tarry tiori gompanyjtnd National Har- Worth Repeating portation, postal service, light, noch. The vote of thanks on be- substance on the gears I did not (bor Board officials at Vancou- telephone, water, fire protection, half of the Liberal Association like to take the chance of get-; ver. --There are some, the gentleman is not aware that -.trench who commended Mr. what T.™T™+__.,_ t_. A ..„ „__ who like a movie so well they alschoolsl thos, ehealth thing, setc spel. etcl . taxationPossibly. Sinclaiwas mover ond hibsy untirinMrs. g Francieffortss tinhastg ym yact Tux! soiledSas . ^TThfc piously announced by the com- stay to see it twice, but seldom Now quite a majority of our on our behalf as she said he The average person wori« fnv '___.•__._._.-i--. _«___ .__ .fm •. -. ••_.-- /.n_pc Qmrnna _•».•_lr-_» +VI__P eor*.o r_aCTri«_nf<_ n__TY.__» hara tn €Tex4- Q .xr___r «.__>Ptr_QTP *n-P.,e.**A *_- x______1 1_ _. - o**- *"=*ov»x_. vyui__£t lUl

incide with Hallowe'en night. here. So thrilled with the seen- come, or the Old Agfe Pension, was always met with kindness three decades I am r*t_r_*_ or e ea> -Transportation arrangements ery of the Inside Passage and the And did it ever occur to some and consideration. . .A ^ many reddents of the other National Steamships "Prince that the little old lady-^ coastal areas to come to attend George," Miss Eileen Anderson, $40 a month, has to pay^ just as and Mr. and^MTSL Peterson; Rob- ^S^&^r^^ |the opening ceremonies and a of New York, cancelled a trip to much for a loaf of bread as they erts Creekg Halfmoon Bay, Mr. ?^ti^ ^^ ^S lu ?? full day of activities is planned the western Unjted States and do. and Mrs. Frank Lyons. 7 Feels so eoodfl^ v^ f^ *lbr their entertainment winding booked passage on the "Prince True we need roads, but do we Refreshments were served by j^jB^i^^^SrJ^1 ? Pl % tip with two free dances in the George" for a second cruise from need them iood enough so that Continued on Page 8 th* W^^T^A{\^SL^ ~ I filing. Vancouver to Skagway, Alaska, the cars can do 50 and 6060; miles Tr-- ______n/r_ M ^d^fe^he^hape TaJ^. — an hour? Nor can we expect bur VeterahS Must verted funnel and sheds the rain. One Project Started roads to stand up to eight and Porrfc.f___r//•_*. Yours, ten ton loadfe. Naturally we help «e^JSier.IO_T. Jock McGoon, the Red Cross, V.O.N., Blue Hospital Plan Retired. _?.ab^iI^V;?2i_,the THE POSITION of War Veterans P.S,.-As for your getting web^ Two Power Extensions Set er __Floo _ d Victims••-•*•. » . under the B.C. Government bed feet- Possibly due to the We feel sorry for those people, Hospital Insurance Plan was fact that you are contracting especially the Fraser Valley made clear in a joint statement "Duck's Disease." An ailmeht For Peninsula This Year folks with their potato Boards, issued by Dr. J. M. Hershey common amongst short people or compulsory egg grading stations; Commissioner, Hospital Insur- th°se Vith a sedentary • occupaV, fGIBSONSr-Mr. Reg Jackson and Milk Associations, ( a lot ance Service, and officials of the tion, whose backsides are;tod of so 0 was chairman at the B.C. The Roberts Creek extension T f* J^^rn ^ Power Commission meeting held hasbeen delayed in part by the . *n ^e list ^ofiieeds for Sechelt; All Veterans must register. 116 ;&sre oil. October 7 in .the School neCessity of obtaining a work J ^™ (the one that was to Only those Veterans who are hml '^talL:^* introduced Col. D. a-crew,_fo_. the slashing to be done *% } the; spray of 1947,) was completely covered by D.V.A. S ne under fSteveiison, regional manager of ^ong the ' road allowance—this £** T S? J *u «° '}°°c m 1° all circumstances will be old? iJhe qpmmission, who was faced is usuany a part of the Public . * ™k the BoaroVof Trade exempt. THE LITTLE Norwegian freicht^ Wiethe difficult task of ans- Works bepartment's mainten- knows why we are still waiting There only two classes of er, Po^eU fe^^S ^rWed wering questions that have been ance work ^nd when it is neces- «« it. I wi lagree that the postal such Veterans: at New Westminster to ¥£d a [in the minds of residents in all sary for the Commission to un- service is if you will excuse the Flrst, D.V.A. students/so long fuu cargo for the Ifewaito Is! parts of .the Peninsula regarding de4ke this work in addition to expression) atrocious and its as they are still in training. Sec- iands t| Kingsley Navigation .pensions, possible and impos- that ordinarily to be done in ™";[^ fgWe V an s - connection with an extension, ^t^TL W n?£ ^ *A f^ . ' Allowance River>s second voyage to the 11 1 : 1 ut ' -In his introductory remarks the job is of a necessity delayed ^S?,,! ^,, ^:,,™ „ir «JL""«S«2 <^« *-i> ^MOSIICTS). Hawaiian Islands with B.C. pro- the CoL;iaidthat the paim of the till such time as the local Man- Z vt^TrnJ* f 1' «f«22SS" Jhe dependents of these two ducts to relieve the supply short- e a gg 168 no Commission was ahd always is, to ager can fit it in with his prog- ™_^? ;* ^*J ^ ^S°2 ^Sf ^. * covered by age there due to the 'tfeS. mari- 0 VJL d the fore a Te provide economical service in ram. Work crews will, Col. Stev- i,^^J flTJl^^ Thnt P' - *? l ^ » ? m- time strike. Her cargo ^illin- e m s g un st be paid thelr b any given area encour- enson says, be sent in.from out- ?l , ^ ™£ ™?M? k?^l l l ^i °5 .!" elude fertilizer, fruits, vege- age atfii.assist the establishment side areas as the present jobs ^^^^J' Smclair half The ^premium for a wife tables and feed. The Powell Riv- W Of industries as well as provid- are completed. P£W Q «SS,,2^^ _».* -l $15.00 per annum. For a er is normally engaged in .^he makersihg ligh. t Servicand. powere costs- arfoer poolehomde yeaPossiblr wciec ui_.u_._uextension,s ___-_.v_for __nex —t *£*&_. I^KSf..^.j ,- ~ ? J .^ ^ «»._eP_. ^ I2J00 coaa^se pape•- r trade. She will & maklI a d & n de ende n ^11 over the Province. Thus-thiooleed yeafinitr were plane discusseds have ,a s thougyet hbee nno 3*??*g ^ ^tying Howtv^ by workinT g ^ I °per| annumP ,. ^an $?0.00d for^ pemorr annume than. saiKingslel Saturdayy Navigatio. n Co., also de bo s ..Peninsula benefits by the com- made for their completion. West ° * f^telt. However I am Some recipients of disability have due on Sunday the Pana- ^tion bf new plants in other gechelt Mason Road, and the tTL Z I^ %£ tZ^f pensions are under the impres- coastwise freighter San lce manian areas which result in the. cut- west side of Porpoise Bay were ^™ ' ™e ^ tog of production costs to the two mentioned. The Halfmoon make a noise but don t bite. contributmg to the Provincial ic0. "^T^L^ that aredef ^i£?ffii^TS Member of th^Hono^^^ The traditional ceremony of ^^^^^%^ye% VlTel afoveThe T^J °s£ ^ssion of Agriculturists, y^r ans ^ are ^automatically ^S^'^TZ^ dL SS ^Ji^ijp.- +Hc, Commission covered by the Department for skipper of |he ship loading the. MZ*VoJ£isl?™°^ £elei?°P^£ completed by th, Co^mi^ion treatment of all Tnditions.^hey £**£*& S£^ Mi £bint and.East Roberts Creek.-date, be held for the .completion itself-that of the Cowholm are only entitled Jo treatment son was held abbfijdl J™***-- Wbrk has already been comment or at least gazetting of the road Lakes area for^ower. This pro- for their pensionable disability. L^e MS Jessmore at the Wheat Po *fr on the Gower Point project through the mile^and a half Ject if undertaken, would mean Dr.+ J. M Hershey explained ^^W- . . - . . and the. poles .for both jobs have "bottle neck" that has been a almost unhmited power for this that these ^ been purchased and in ' sonie bone of contention for so long, whole area and would m addi- fore contribute to the Govern- Capt. A. C Bailey was^ade .by c^ses have been delivered. -In The survey of this particular tion provide work for^a number ment Plan to cover themselves Port Manager A. :E :^Master t&s, connection prospective ^us- stretch of road has been com- of residents while underway .for any other condi ions. on gbehaH of the National Har- 1 a bors B9avd $t$ oi light and power are're- pleted by the Public Works De- Col. Stevenson^explained the Veterans ™f ^ ^PP ^ A* ' landed'that even if poles are apartment this summer and it is stabilization fund—3% of the the Department of Veterans Af- talea in ohe spot it does not'hoped it will not be shelved as collections being set aside for fairs for treatment of any con- S&sssarily mean the end of thaUso many projects are. power developments that could dition. If they prove to cgaM|3S ^tnicular^ extension, just'a con- . Another survey of great inter- not ordinarily be undertaken the treatment facilities c^nhg tS _i venient plafi'e to leave 'Sffita-fel !«est to all residents and business for street lighting, or when re- Department will be available as untaot -- ' /men on the Peninsula has been ductiqns in rates, are justified. m the past. Page Two THE COAST NEWS, SECHELT, B. C. Friday, Oct. 15, 1948

An all-Australian car is ex­ fabric. . pected to be on the 7market The sensation of lifting from "down under" by the ends of this the ground' gives you a deep year. About two dozen cars will feeling of pure accomplishment. C. G. BALLENTINE — BAL'S BLK— GIBSONS be built this summer for tests. The easy, climbing lift upwards ' Res. — Phone Granthams, 10Q y-y and upwards brings an illusion Agent—-Roberts and Wilson Creek-—Carola Forsf/^L of freedom from the earth that Men's pure wool socks, very warm, SecheSt •— The Coosf News* 37 rnany pilots talk about, but none _ extra long^ wearing, grey or white. ever quite put into words. Medium weight $1.15 pr. or $12.00 z doz. prs. Light weight 95c or To have this feeling in a day Buy Meat With Confidence $9.60 doz. prs. Delivered. Mary by Jock* Scott when air travel is so accepted, Maxim, Sifton, Man. when bored* bald, businessmen "1. KENNETT UP THERE doze their way across the con- BUTCHER I AM NO stranger to flying, but tjnent a mile in the air, is the Gibsons, B.C. I did not know the meaning greatest attraction of the days •Wanted To Buy Livestock and Live Poultry of being truly airborne untu wl^n^h, small planes will be Saturday morning and the air- available for all. MARINE SALES plane was not much bigger than We flew to a rendezvous point a kite (I am thinking of a huge where the air was populated r Gibsons, B.C. ..kite which a Mr. Ross made for Ylth smaU planes like our own, me and which flew non-stop for Aeroncas, Cessnas, Moths, Lus- SELMA PARK STORE Briggs-Strcrtton .16 days in the year 1927, but coE£eS' Stmsons'. C"bs- . ^ * "WHERE YOUR that's another story). ^en you are in the air other DOLLAR BUYS MORE" Motors. Evinrude •ran- * • i. J o _. J planes aloft have a grace and i Marshall Wells ^Paints Outboards What happened Saturday was ^ of m ht that escapes you that I was invited along on a cfrom the ground. That silver DELNOR FROZEN New low prices mass flight of privately owned lane ahead banki across om FOODS intpaneo ths eand su.n was at aroun. strapped 9d . a Th£oursee re, seed planms eto passinbe gliding gbeneat downh Once before I had been in an Fleet "Canuck" which took off usoms ine thinvisible opposite epolishe directiod n gradefloats. Fresh Fruits and aircraft that small. That was in serenely and effortlessly astern. Vegetables the days when even small child­ While all these delighted im­ L. BRUYNEEL ren looked aloft at the sound of pressions were -keeping my mind a motor. Flights were a-cent-a- _ i g what the Selma Park, B.C. b was wonder n RELIABLE 24- pound m_ an old crate held to- fliers ;themselves were like, and gether with piano wire. I rem- when my pilot *ad parked thg HOUR SERVICE ACCOUNTING l^Z fw°?+ ^^ /^Ut oo P^e on the strip I got out and INCGME TAX except that it cost my father 89 £ent ^ d mJetini some of REPRODUCTIONS cents to pay my way. and I was niem . • • • BILL'S 'ALCJ3. sick in the washroom afterwards. Th;re m (hardly any with BUSINESS FORMS There is a sense of being ab-, eyes like eagles; They are just ove ground, of being airborne, in mys named Joe/or Dick or Bob. HALFMOON BAY.; BC. Direct Mail Advertising this kind of aircraft which you Many of them middle-aged with never quite get in,a big plane.^ paunches, insurance., agents or Halfmoon Bay The essence of .progress in air-i doctors or farmers. Nice, friendly 7-V.(,.— *)' plane manufacturers to con- guys. Nbthing special to: .mark Selma Park struct a plane that will make them from anybody else. It just Bill Mervyn you forget you're in the air. I happened they .discovered,somer Hairdressing Shop flew m a gigantic four-engined thing wonderful and they feel Constellation with 60-odd other pretty good about it. '•'.'.• , passengers from Miami to New Wen; j had .got ^myself all siz- 9 Q •J K A J J P and neyer once zlingrwith,an urge to fly; but it •3" 'L Timbercruising es.. :alone J are quite depressing.. *"•"" . 3*9' '___. .-" _^j«- '«SS? • tr*-: '•' '^f-* ^^Ht And r renting a plane costs you| TPY US ON THAT NEXT TRIP TO TOWN aroundX$87an hour. This-would^ i Tme-ihal could >fly about one hour For Rates and Information call I a •mpnthbby (robbing my daughr *__ ter's piggy bank. r. -In .the meantime .the thing, ob­ Associated Air Taxi Limited viously to do .i& tto^learn to ;fly, \1 ^whi^h (itself ^6ostsJ|300 or more.: RICHMOND 1551 Way .Is feelVrjght now I'll be aroynd to the ,finance company or contact our local agents in the,morning. * li PARR PEARSON AGENCY hi "^four daughter, tsirxrhas con­ .4! sented to marry ?me." Phone Sechelt 37

"Good. That snakes ;you the A t second happiest .man in the * world." 4

in W\ 1 SCHEDULE No. VI — EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 2, 1948 CLIP FOR REFERENCE NORTHBOUND »Monday i Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday .Jay. Vanconv:er ifi 9:00 a^m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. AT. Wilson - Creek 11:15 a.m. .'Ar. (Sechelt ..P; . .l:i;15a.n_.. .11:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 9:15 p.m. . Ar.^Kalfmoon Bay :© 12:15 p.m. 12:2a. p.m. 12:30 p.m. Ar. Pender Stor. .1:15 p.m. 1:30'p.m. (lffonday) • A low-coit Canadian Government Ar.-Westview .3:00 p.m. 2:45 p.m.. 3:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 12:30 a.m. TAT . >V»nanda 3:30 p.m. " 3:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 4;30 p.m. 1:15 a.m. Annui.y guarantees you as much as Ar. Blubber Bay: o $1200 a year for life. -3:45ipjn. 5:00 p.m. 2:00 aoa. • No medical Examination is required; SOUTHBOUND • Your Annuity cannot be seized under 3_rv. Blnbber Bay 10:00 a.m. 4^00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. Xv. vananda 10:30.a.m. 4:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 10a0-a_m. any law. You cannot lose your lav. Westview • 11:15 a.m. - 5:00 -p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00. p.m. P 11:30 a-m. money even if your paymenfsfa.i ;J«r. lender. ECbr. Q 1:30 p.m. Xiv.. galfmoonBay 2:00 p.m. 7:45 p.m. O cO 2:30 pan. into arrears. ____v7Sechelt I ^r- • 3:oo p.m. 8J15 p.m. s 8:15;p;m. 8:15jpon. .3:30 fp;m. !_&•. "-Wilson: Creek i* 3:45 p.m. • Anyone, from 5 to 85, is e.igible; ;Ar. VAncQaver 5:15 p.m.; 10:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 6:00 -p.m. O Annuities Branch ^Effective October AYrrfMy.. Gulf _ Mariner fconnects with MV. Gulf Wing at Westview to transfer pas­ sengers ani-t' Express for Luiidi Sayary,Island (flag), Bliss Ldg., Cortez Bay, Refuge Cove, ." ' ' ' i^^^' •" }""' v*^- ' • ~- ***"'_Ji-"17- " ' ^V _-_-P. '•_'• •".• "7 ; • •~.""••"•, '•"' ! : : Squirrel Gove, Redonda^ Bay, Stuart: .Island. :y ±^ &/7::ti^&^ THURSDAY AND SATURDAY^M_¥,;Gulf Marm^ Wing at West- _\dew:toitran_{ferfpassengersm&TUimmG--'Lv. iWestview 3:45 p.m;,^r. Vananda 4:30 ip.m., ' .'.;••:• ,Ar.;Blubber Bay 5:00; p.m. ' AnnulHes Branch, 3 All Times Pdcifle Standard Deportment ef Labour, Ottawa; :. •Subject Jto Ghange Without Notice Pleas* send mo COMPLETE INFORMATION about Canadian Government Annuities. mmm mmsm rvm, i NAME.__....„_,_,_,. (PRINT CLEARLY) •Ft'. Columbia Ave. ADDRESS^... ••»*<•_•--« ^Whoff

':. i- 5_^ . _. Ji.' 11. Vi..... :•) ''iX- Friday; Oct. 15; 1 THE COAST NEWS, SECHELT, B.C. Page Three

total authorizations for procure­ ROBERTS CREEK Buy $233,834,000 ment in Canada under the Eur­ By ^'SLIM' By "CAROIiA" By H. I. L. Canadian Supplies opean Recovery Program as of PROVISION has been made September 20. The largest single -HI: FOLKS... Another week and through E.C.A. in Washington item is wheat, followed by bacon, its be cozy by the fire­ THANKSGIVING week-end was MONTHLY meeting of the Sel­ for Britain to buy commodities in wheat flour, lumber, copper and side. I think our summer has the occasion of much rejoic­ ma Park Community Centre Canada valued at $233,834,000. aluminum. really gone. ing at the V.O.N. dance held; at will be held on Tuesday, Oct. This represents 89 per cent of the the "Community H^ll. Noticed 26 at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. Had a nice lorif* letter from S.-McKay at 8 p.m. Everyone is The shuttle of a loom weav­ daricing were many out of town popular, and he brought some ing a carpet 15 feet wide travels George Taylor and he is feeling people. Mr.e and Mrs. Leone welcome, come along and bring : pretty good and getting around interesting and helpful sugges­ a total distance of three miles Klein, Mrs/~R. Chivers of Van­ your neighbors. tions to the gathering, .which we oh crutches in the 'hospital. So couver, Gloria Forst, Zib Gordon, within one hour, making about "hello"' George from the gang. Spending some time in Van­ hope to see fulfilled in the near 1,000 trips carrying yarn across Bill Ewart were home from future. school, Miss Eleanor- Shaw home couver are Mrs. M. Livesay, Mr. the width of the loom. fr. and Mrs. Pete Dodyk and from U.B.C. Bob Blair with a and Mrs. HI Temple and Mr. E. son^Bobby and. Harry, are on party of friends from Granth­ Nickson. holiday in Vancouver. ams, Miss M. Allan of Sechelt,? i 7 Mir; arid. XMrs. John Edwards Capt. J. Brown and. chief Lex Miss McKellop spent the holi­ Bring Your Repair Jobs to (Jsl ; Freeman, both of the Survey­ day week-end here with her have friends frorii Winnipeg, Mr. mother. Boot Tanks, Warm Air Heating Furnaces Repaired and- Mrsr Lewis; or's Ship "The Parry." June and Range and Heater Repairs Dick Carl flew back/ from the Mr. and Mrs. C. Laycock of : Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reigh are Island for the occasion. Our North Vancouver, old timers of CHICKEN FARM EQUIPMENT home today from their holiday Peninsula residents were well Selma Park are spending a GUTTERS AND DOWNPIPE spent in Vancouver and Ladner. represented, making the dance month here in the cottage of AIR CONDITIONING Mr. and Mrs. Cec. Roper are a huge success both socially and Mrs. G. Wegard, Their daughter home-from a combined business -financially. who is-a physical-ed. teacher in Sheet Metal Works arid" pleasure trip to San Fran­ Burnaby comes up for the week­ Laurie Speck, Gibsons Phorie Gibsons 8R" Mrs; Ruth Foley, who will be ends. cisco. I haven't seen them since remembered, as a* former resi­ they came home, but they were l dent and president of our Play­ Quite a > number of Selma resi­ going:to see the C. P.-Brownings. ers Club paid us a much'looked- • • • \. ''.. •-• • • dents attended the recent Lib­ Mr. and Mrs. H. Hemmings for visit last week. She visited eral meeting at which Mr. Jim- are hornet from their holidays with, her daughter Marilyn and mie Sinclair was the guest FOR SAFE, COURTEOUS spent -in Vancouver. son and daughter-in-law, /Mr. speaker. Our member is very and Mrs. Doug Foley. Mrs; J. TAXI SERVICE I Ehope the? Red Cross is flood-- Edlund and Mrs. Carola Forst mother, Mrs/ J. Bates, spent the PHONE ed* with' blood donors. I guess gave a tea in her. honor prior to Thanksgiving Week-end at their Flli: part^with ysome of mine to­ her departure for the Interior. Stratford Cafhp residence. morrow. PENINSULA Thanksgiving away. MrV and Miss Doreen Blomgren spent r Heard today our Shirley Mrs. E. J. Shaw visiting in Vic­ the week-end at home with her' . Craig formerly of the beach for toria. Mr. and Mrs: J. Lindwall. family. ' > years, suffered a heart attack and-Mr. and Mrs. A. Sandburg; Formerly Jack's Taxi and and at present is resting as well in Vancouver. Mrs. J. Edlund Mr. and- Mrs. R. Carlson had Blowers Taxi f as can be expected. and daughter Sharleen" spent the latter's sister as a week-end Thanksgiving Day- in Vancou­ guest. *.•'•; Phone Sechelt 562 •#, Cdhi^a.tulations to Mr. andver 1 honoring her sister's birth­ |Hrs. Stan' Wallis of the Town- day. -fieri ii f site* on: the arrival of a baby girl. \ *_.:•* ' ' •'''• * .' '•'.•• • •• -' • Week-end guests at the Mur­ . WelFfdlks; I'm out of news, I ray; MacKenzies included- Miss SHAMPOOS [KaveHad^ an-extra family of four Nora Palmer and brother and CUTTING .toXrnihd this week, so haven't 1 ; sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jrf TINTING doner' much gadding around. So Palmer and their young son. Beauty Salon cheerio until Triext week and re-^ SHAPING [meriiber'dcf your Christmas shop- PERMANENTS j Lorraine Kirkland, teaching in"- Roberts Creek \ ping early?? /-SLIM-. Richmond; district; came home via the M&ehigonne to ' visit j Little1 lWihhie-(seeing-the vicar with family and7 friends. ; approaching^ and remembering Me texthe had given her at Sun- - Mrs.' J. Galliford and her ^day School): "Oh, Mummy . . . ^Here's the r gentlemaii who gave tale that advertisement about •#i'rt. |gteaven.yxr^ *% • • -$!'i*^ •••«.• -.#••-*• •».-_ "Yonng Dr. Malone" PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA

THIS METHOD is safer and' handier 'than cash. Why are. the great majority of businessX rliiii'iil u! lori transactions in Canada now* made by cheque, not cash? If ^ you still pay your bills in- cash , B. C. you may be interested inthe ad* vantages of payment by' chques. ^ One is simply that this method I enables you^tovayoid carrying too . DIVISIONS much' cash* oh-your person. Like - • Administrative most people, you doubtless know what a headache lost cash or re­ Animal Industry Plant Industry ceipts can cause before they arej Extension

found-^-if they. are ever found.; •''••• _•• • '• But prompt notice to your bap*. * stops payment _ on a niislaid COMMISSIONERS OF BRANCHES cheque. Once cashed/ your cheque Dairy Branch Field Crops Branch Livestock Branch becomes a receipt, thus protect­ Market Branch Poultry Branch ., Genialyoung Dr. Malone, lead role ing you.,; In the popular CKWX serial drama, You can enjoy this .time-sav­ Plant Pathologist Animal Pathologist , £YOUB£ Dr.- Malone,"ia portrayed by Charle* Irving each afternoon* Mon- ing convenience by opening an 4«y through Friday, at 1:45. The account at the local Bank of; SUPERVISING AGRICULTURISTS Montreal Branch. J. A. Theed, ^ absorbing story of the people who live Creston At Three Oaks is presented by Ivory the manager, and his staff will «* Kamloops Prince George Snow^ a Procter & Gamble product. welcome the opportunity to be helpful. (Advt.) SUPERVISING HORTICULTURISTS Abbotsford Kelowna Nelson Victoria Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes For the Finest Assortment of I Superintendent of Women's Institutes Supervisor of Boys'and Girls'Clubs s Supervisor of Soil Surveys Inspector of Apiaries li Agricultural Engineering and District Agriculturists and Assistant Agriculturists at 19 Centres District Horticulturists, Horticulturists and Seed Specialists, and Assistant Hdft^ witl^isdtisfbbtion guaranteed as to artistry and prices "..'..' * •• The^ill^ BoMv ':'y':'-ry The B.C. Marketing Board. t SEEYOUR WATKINS DEALER The top six inches of soil feeds the wortd. Toiwrnijrt-ftV shallow layer of soil to its top efficiency and advise on crops it produces is the primary function of: this department.

Phone 5M2-^-short, long, short; long J." »• . FRANK PUTNAM Deputy Minister. WILSONS CREEK mister 143-

__» __n Page Four ,__. THE COAST NEWS, SECHELT, B. C. Friday, Oct. 15, 19^8

Osteopathy, the science of T^ T"h_c Prkmor lIi AJ11S 0rn r _«* byH.L.W. healing by manipulation of the ^ ® - Sechelt MM&N&m bones and tissues, was invented by an American doctor, Andrew By KAREN STOCKWELL - Taylor, in 1874. . HI, GUIDES and Brownies./Ev­ erything going fine? gait's swell. The packs in Brownies are : : Tm TO /.TTcrrnMADv T *.„._~P,T« ~~ ~~—— —• :_—""—".—'—' changed slightly and I want to II lb tUblUMAKY, i Delieve, mark of distinction and to con- students some small ^experience congratulate Joy Scott for work- Compare Our Pricesl for people of mj advanced age themselves along the lines in the realities of living, it might her way up to a sixer Hone Del nor Frozen Foods duct mg to look down their long pointed of fictional Indian behavior. just as well close up shop. . you'll have lots of fun but df thii Ice Cream noses at the shenanigans kicked Now j sa it is traditional It is a splendid thing to be able Joy. • ^7 ' . Groceries up by university students at the that oM . crocks Uke mySelf' to juggle with calculus and spout .-^ mj .. - ~ \ ...y....'.. >xr* Fresh Meats ahd beginning of each fall term. should contemplate these lighter in ancient Greek and discourse The Guides have changed pat- Vegetables At this time of year, there ap- touches in the higher education profoundly' on the philosophical rols and patrol leaders entirely, Hardware pears that social and intellectual with sour disapproval, and mut- biases of Immanuel Kant. The new .patrol leaders %e: Drygoods • phenomenon known as the fresh- ter in their beards about a non- But it is a much more splendid Winona Pratt, Lorna Van Kleek, elen rb Shell Oil man. And about the person of sensical waste of time. thing to be able to get under the g 5? 7' and yours-t?uly; Fish Camp the freshen centres an out- B ^though liver is just hide of your fellows and to learn Karen Stockwell. Guide p^ol y 3 burst of horseplay deigned to ag degeneratf as 0 ther Uvers ^ the give and take of community f^f. %™*J^*?f$fc We now have increased & refrigeration for handling reduce him to a fittmg state of • J • T - , . . lif lty but along with that lots of of perishables. humility and incidentally bring • ^:^ ^S^lt ^Z ^ZJ^^ ^ - v*« * *-"•«_«_.« fun. Each patrol leader has ifour a little sweetness and light into I^^ft rP^Lt •• Th°x_ Vx? *l* £ ™Z™™' others on her group. Before.wo the drab lives of sophomores. ™*la™ fe*8^*^ ^Th^ ^ ^d 1Sde^5 ^ f f" used to only have two. The Pender Harbour, B.C. m_.- ' ____ * iT 4. 4.u acclimatization as one of the quired in the incidental byways narnpQ nf r_a+Tv.ic ' an_. T __$**«. areThi tos byeae garber thed freshmeas Indiansn a, tas th" ea most valuable features of uni„ *, ^iversity career are freq- g™g- Kar^mJmr* ^n University of Alberta so I read, versity life. . uently of mu/h greater value to S'S^^l^^ -r_ fr» >____ «_r«_ri_<-.__ a<5 TriHinns as __ ,, . - • f? _,, •!_.•__.__ onas owanows, Jtielens. j-dnu-".- STRANGE WORLD the inner mam than the high seconders to these fisherWinona'ss Th, eKathleen Rouse: and In the first place it is meet arid academic polish,-.given to what patrols are Helen's, Marlene we Lorna's, Barbara Morrison. seemly that the student fresh Jokingly call our minds. Chambers; Karen's, Mary Patter; from high school should be born Good news coming up folks fi into the university world with BUHOU DoHOTS flamboyanKnslati^t rite^s anenpland a touce h Tfof- Lou7s"£. » „, _. Lani,.-•'•". President of The ™^ *ur ^Social Eve^P^ DIRECTORY .- learning to another is, indeed, an Mutual Life of Canada has an- X£ _39 W.^HSS' jocose suffering because the In Lite Insurance ; obstetrical operation of the nounced that company life insur- +y%aYtlr2*i- +* T.«„••' £' *U£ £A%M Pleose Clip This Directory and Hang Near Your highest significance. ance in force has now passed the J£S*SL % ^^^Jr^ Phone for Reference Just as it is necessary to.biUipn dollar mark. Almost the will help us in many ways.^. dangle a newborn child by the entire amoiint-^98%, is on the Till', next._week readers, good BEER BOTTLES INSURANCE heels and smack its little bottom lives of residents of Canada and bye. tv :to induce the drawing of its Newfoundland, The company, : •— —^T— ; Will call /and buy for cash, first breath in this vale of tears, now m its 79th year, has closed i tenfold • 1 beer bottles, scrap metal, etc. Parr Pearson Agencies crease( • is necessary to apply cer- each year of business^ since es- The strength of the Company Calls made at intervals from General Insurance iHopkins to Irvines Landing. tain waggish torments to the tablishment in 1869 with an in- -s revealed m its assets, fto#ex- 4 freshman that he may breathe crease in insurance in force. ceeding 4319,800,000; 75%. | of I R. H. STROSHEIN Phone freely in the rarified air of his The increased popularity of life which are? comprised of Dominion | Wilson Creek Sechelt 37 —Night Ring LSL strange new world. insurance as a form of economic of Canada, other government, | For the university world is a security hi Canada is revealed provincial and municipal, public f TAXI strange world. It bears, no more^ by the fact that life insurance in utility and industrial bonds, g REAL ESTATE relation to the atmosphere of a this country now stands at $865 Through its mortgage investmefits | high school than a taxicab bears per capita, as corhpared with $164 the Company is making funds | PENINSULA CABS Specialist in Coast Property tb a bus. . at the beginning 6f the first available to Canadians to assist 24-Hour Service The items of difference are in- World War, while the population in the construction of new fesi- )' Consolidated Brokers Ltd. WILSON CREEK and finite. But perhaps the most has increased only 50%. In that dences and is co-operating #Jth | SELMA PARK Gulf Coast Office striking arid alarming change period The Mutual Life of Can- the government in relieving||he | noted by the student is that ada insurance in force has in- acute housing situation. | Phone Seehelt 5C2 Sechelt while the high school offers a - ' ": ' ' ^'"' ""' ' "'"• - ——:—-— "'-'•' - ^ personally conducted tour of the PLUMBING-HARDWARE realm of learning, the univer­ RAD.O SERVICE "Prompt Attention to Mail Orders!" I sity student is very much on his 7 7.-' ;':"X:i7X;XXXX7 X XXXXXXX X7 •? •.. X-o-,^ . X ;$. ^^dware; Plitmbtng Supplies STEELE'S RADIO AND? While a high school teacher ^HESirMQRE FURNITURE: Beds, Springs, Mattresses |; Heating Necessities ELECTRIC may Weep and pray with a * GENERAL ELECTRIC -APPLIANCE I "Serving the Peninsula" backward pupil and literally * Refrigerators and Washing Machines Radio Sales and Service shove him up the slopes of Par­ Marshall's Hardware Phone, Sechelt 33 nassus by brute force, the urii-> * FURNITURE: Occasional Tables, Cedar Chests, Lamps, Etc. Phone Gibson—33 Send by Bus .* yfersity soon makes it clear that the student must ascend under his own steam or it is just too TRANSFER-TRUCKERS bad. . ; DOR ANS FURNITURE ABLETTS Surely such a sharp transition WESTVIEW, B. C. — Phone 230 Plumbing and heating instal­ JACK'S TRANSFER permits some slight celebration, if only to impress the newness of I. lations, repairs. Hot water Log Hauling Contractors *• 5^" heating. Contracts. his life upon the young scholar's General Freight Hauling mind. 'W North Road Gibsons V, Sand and Gravel WE WERE DULL DOGS Phone Sechelt 15U and 21Y Plumbing and Heating I am-poignantly aware that sthe^ reminiscence of the middle- Installation — Repairs LUMBER AND FUEL aged is the most unjust and A Specialty painful infliction suffered by BURNS and JACKSON the young. by Registered Plumber Nevertheless, I just want to Ticknor'is Plumbing SAWMILL point out that the wearing of Porpoise Bay Road Producer of Choice Lumber Indian dress by the freshmen of Sechelt, B.C. In All Species 1948 compares very favorably Wood and Sawdust from a humanitarian standpoint, Phone Sechelt 15-M-2 with the iriitiation suffered by 3 Lines (15 Words) for 35c 3 Insertion (sariie ad) 60$ WOOD this reporter some years ago. Transfer - Truckers Extra words, a^ove 15-word min., 2c each. Cash with: ordeal As I recall it, I was first dosed Notices, Engagements, Marriages, Deaths, etc., 75c Insertion FIR SLAB WOOD liberally with jalap. Half my Now Available FRANK YATES hair was shaved off. Certain por­ LITTLE ADS..'. .BIG RESULTS I BLAIR CARTAGE Home Oil Agent for tions of my anatomy Were decor­ Peninsula . ated a vivid green with buggy7^- ^^^ ' '. r„ -Xxx'X.X-^'''-:wit. ,• Granthams and Hopkins Gravel and Freight Carrying vrm AT Contact Usher's Dry Goods paints A wavering "F" was en^- SM^AtTxr ^ u I^TAT iS^ A • AXI-. ": , Service calls day or night— graved on my brow with acid PRACTICALLY new. Gas wash- WALNUT extension table, 7 in at Gibsons Days, Wilson Creek—5S er Northern Nights, Roberts Creek—24L And I was made to kneel on a » Electric, $150.00. good condition. Apply Box 14, heated grating, which scorched Wilf Scott, Halfmoon Bay. 16 Coast Newg, .Sechelt.7 f 16;; CLEANERS AND DYERS REAL ESTATE most of the skin from my knees, FoR SALE— FOR SALE— ^ while I repeated a savage oath of ELECTRIC washing machine. 12 FOOT*boat, IY2 h.p . JjLawsor u n "It Pays to Keep Clean" For Prompt, Courteuos slavish obedience to upper class- New rollers. $65.00. Apply J. - : - • ** * men motor. New May 1948. $200. LLOYD'S CLEANERS Service, See - Renton, Selma Park. 14 Apply J. Fisher, Selma Par& 15 GIBSONS, B.C. EG. HARRIS &Co. , I am rather proud of that ini- —^—. —— —.—- Real Estate and Insurance tiation and strangely enough I FOR SALE— LIST YOUR properties with remember it much more vividly MEN,..DON'T take risks; Be E. CXHarris arid Coi, Vi|[jage Agency at Bus Depot, Sechelt Village Centre, Sechelt than most of what went on in safe. Guard your health. Hyg- Centre"'Sechelt BC Sechelt, 48 or 39 classrooms. ienic supplies (rubber goods). . . 4) • ' ' ROOM AND BOARD However, apart from that mailed in strong envelopes seal- WANTED— P Upholstery and Slip Covers Comfortable Rooms and Good splurge

mM mmmi IIIB.III .m..*.m...... iMi**Mii*iai«i •*••• »••.•••*••*••••••••••' In Village _VB»•c«••mM»mmammm•.*m.n.::.»:*****f* ** ...... and working hours reduced and conditions of labor bettered. © Page Six THE. COAST NEWS> SECHEliT/ B. C. Friday; Oct. 15, 1948

cer classic, they both expect to ten years. Weil' 1 could say more east subdued blues, greens and Mr. Henpeck: "Qh, r wouldn't return shortly after the holiday. about this wonderful' old couple, grays are favorites. say that. XFor instance, there's is over. but I see its time for dispatching - , ' your opinion of me, my .opinion By ROBBIE this episode; so I will close by Mrs. Henpeck: "Everything is of you, an^the fn,ei^oxs?y:opr: Although the permanent de­ reporting- that^ Mrs. G./Walker goiftg up." i*11021 of us both' -- parture of the Morley. s has been HERE WE are off to . another postponed for a while, Mr. and is expecting to sail for Australia fresh start. I found in the mail­ Mrs. Morley have gone; for a ori the R.M.S. Aorangi and I'm box this week, a letter from a visit to their daughter in the sure that all who .knew the lady at Wilsons Creek asking city, to take in tv^o celebrations, Walkers, and those who knew for further information regard­ Thanksgiving and their daugh­ of them, will join me in wishing ing the proposed dramatic club. ter's birthday at the weekend. her a very pleasant and success­ mmwmmm I am afraid however the appli­ ful voyage. Good luck. cation for membership of these I see^ wer have new neighbors two young daughters of hers is in the persons; Of Mr. and Mrs. rather late. It is a pity that others Nickerson and child. They will Color Tells mmmm did not take advantage of the live in the cottage at. "Trails Your Character ALSO suggestion. The only thing I End/' Welcome neighbors; THE COLOR you choose for suggest, is that we keep these I see Bruce; Bain is; up: again your car gives an inkling of Featuring.... applications- in our special pig­ your character, a nation-wide eon hole for future reference for a spot of fishing, he is out ^-Ladies' Lingerie. rain or shine. survey made; by three automo­ and hope for the best. bile association purports to show. ir Children's Clothes I am reminded by the smoke­ Mr., and Mrs. Val Grieve are According, to: the color poll, less chimney at the Levett resi­ visiting with Harry Lucken and "intellectual people prefer blue; dence that they have at last de­ his wife. Incidently I might athletes, red., egotists, yellow • D. STOREY parted on their long talked off mention here that black bear of and extroverts, orange." trip to Princeton, to visit their huge proportions, has beeln Ther survey- also shows that Phone Roberts Creek, 24-U-2 daughter. They expect to be prowling around the Lucken color preferences vary by reg­ away for about a month. estate for the past week, and, as ions. On the Pacific coast, light Harry has not yet received his pastel tints" are chosen. XIn the i Also visiting a daughter in gun from town, he called in the Vancouver is Mrs. Bogart. assistance of Messrs Yates and Mr. and Mrs. George Wright Cook, who took up their respec­ have gone to the city for the tive positions. The joke is, after holiday weekend, and while waiting, and; watching for a George will take in the big soc- while, they slipped off for a cup of coffee; and- in the meantime, what do; you- think happened. 3 Yesfe you guessed it. Bruin had come and gone. Here's, a neat little story I think- you will like^ to hear. Whilst Mrs. Mutter of Wilsons Creek was returning" after a visit to the city, she made the acquaintance of a certain- lady; who has recently come^ to reside at1 Sechelt. During the con­ versation' regarding" their res-- pective places of worship, the? heating: 9^ said church at; Wil-. sons Creek ;*was discussed withi the result of, a few days later,; St. Johns being the recipient of! a substantial sum which enabled! them to purchase an oil burn- • ing stove. The' stove is certainly a very much appreciated asset 401 the comfort of the worshippers.; Mr. and Mrs. • Bob Bromley; are up for the holiday, as also are] Mr. and Mrs. D. Beane, who are? visiting jat the Mutter home.. lvlrsS_E^wir|h^,left" foi'$ stayf at Penticton. ' x?- Mr. Lies Roberts arid his wife who are constant visitors to the? Creek, became the ; parents of; This advertisement is nbtpuBlished a' baby girl on Saturday, Oct. 9. or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government or Mr. George Campbell of Van­ couver Tech, was the soloist afc British Columbia; St. Johns-Church, Davis Baj^ also7 at the service was Mr. andllVCrs. McMillan from the-\ city* Mrs; McMillan is the daughter of the pastor, Mr. WxE. Elliott. Norman Kalstadt and Stan. Arbo, the two remaining. tidom- men at the B and J Logging Co.^ have gone to join Mr. Gilbert^ son* at Toba Inlet, and will be away for several weeks. We are glad tb report^ Stewart; Henderson of the. P.O. at Wil­ sons is holding his own and resting comfortably. I had a conversation Mrs; George Walker on her re­ turn from the city and she told .• me of how her late husband ' George came out here in 1903. Mrs. Walker followed a few days later. George started out as cook ' at" the Harris Logging Camp^ later buying the estate on which they lived-for- oyer 40; years. At that time there was - approxi* mately 240? acres.- .(Mat-has been whittled down to about 90-acres at;the1^E_resetit?time&Rielatih^ how George received 60 dollars per A Leader In The yearfor looking after*vfche mail* Catalogue's Mighty Mrs. Walker told how her hus­ band took a row^boatin any and Parade ..• A all kinds of weather, arid mail came every Vd#.s at least the boat did. She told of ari inspec­ The gaionia Label tor of sottaite who; riiade the trip • AU Items bearing ibis nam© on a very finev day, and after gnus! conform to strict stand* the return remarked, easy morir cads of qwaKty and maaufac- eyx 60 dollars a-"year for that kind of pleasure- Next day, one fuze. of the worst storms, came- across • You can't boat §aiOW&, fe» the Bay; But there was; no in­ reliability and valuer spector-to witness^ Mr. Walker's almost superhuman-feat of row- " ing:over•- to the boat for the mail; earning; approximately 15 cents for the job. Well J that* really was CXEAT0N1C?*-tff__ > in the horse and buggy days; 7 and George had an outfit. Later he bought a car, and that was the 7 first seen arourid here in those liliiiS days. Mr. Walker also worked on - •• the telephbni&r linesv for about Friday, Oct. 15, 1948 THE COAST NEWS, SECHELT, B.C., Paae Seven

was as black as ink) and met /-»-L c z_ -?-»7 port on the coming soccer game Chuck Royal coming over the GlDSOnS SchOOl MeWS this year, and Mrs. Day-came up hill, they soon found out that By MALDY THOMAS with a plan for roller skating in By BROWNIE there had been a rock slide down the hall. This idea went over the middle of the falls. It had big with everyone, but if they 1 ABOARD S.S. CHELOSIN piled up in the natural basin at THE SCHOOL population has are as enthusiastic about giving I knew this would happen the foot of the falls and was been changing this week. Wilf out their money to buy roller some day. I didn't even make changing the course of the Nestman a well known grade 12 skates they will be doing very stream, which was now running student left on Sunday last well. my last-minute dash for the in a direct line for our house! week for ^Vancouver where he : mail on Saturday, so here I am Ted Jackson joined George and will attend school at John Ol­ As there was no time left, the Every Meal A aboard ship being carried away Chuck and they worked for quite iver High, Wilf was well liked question about the Dramatic Party! with my work. awhile digging an ditch to divert by everyone and he was a swell Club was left ;in abeyance. when you serve our There hasn't been much social it from the house. Everything sport. Last year Wilf won the seemed to be in hand,, it had sportsmanship _award here. Bread, Pies, Cakes or : activity at camp the past week The customer was ordering a Cookies or so, but we have seen action. even quit raining and the stars new suit. His tailor however, came out, so once more we re­ A new student to take his told him it .would not be ready Our Years' of Service Is Last Wednesday evening all tired. Well the waterfall, rocks place on the basketball team is for,six months. Our Guarantee of nature's - elements started a and rain had fought their, share Bill Feeniy. Everyone around "Six months!" cried $he cus- battle arid believe me it was a of the battle, so when we were here knows Bill ^as .he has been -tomer. "Why, the whole world ELPHINSTONE ' fight to the finish, at one time I just settled nicely the wind at Gibsons most of the summer. was created in six days." figured it would be my finish. started to show how much force Bill is in.grade IL "True;" said the tailor. "But BAKERY Having had a good deal of rain there was on its side. It brought Mrs. Day handed bapk our have you taken a good look at Gibsons, B.C. for a few days previous, our trees crashing about our ears, social assignments last week it lately?" waterfall had turned from a once more we tore out of bed and the results were a mixture peaceful friend that lulls us to and into our clothes, this time of ohs, ahs, and groans. * sleep at night to a roaring mon­ my thumbs were now evenly % ster. George and I had retired distributed, five on each hand. A notic has been posted con­ and were trying, to plug our The rest of the night the ele­ cerning the basketball schedule ears to this constant roar when ments waged their battle out­ for this coming winter. So that Cosy Homes and all of a sudden there was a ter­ side and I fought mine inside will help straighten out things; rific crash Which sounded as if trying to get my heart to stay over at the hall. Until now; half the cliff had come down, down out of my throat and my everyone has been playing when. Home Sites •(in, fact there were two crashes, knees and teeth to stop the hor­ they felt like it. The first -half \ .the above was the first one, the rible chatter and knocking they of noon hour has .been reserved; ; second was when I hit the floor) were doing. for the senior boys team practice.• j FOR SALE .during repeated rumbling, roar­ No wonder they speak of ing and crashing we .were dress­ On Friday last -week moving j 'Mother' Nature . . . only one of pictures were shown before the i WATERFRONT LOTS ing to go and investigate, I made the female species could show .an amazing discovery,! had -; ten school from grade six up. One \ Listings of ideally situated waterfront properties from fury, like that. of the most interesting was -a] (thumbs and they were all left- Pender Harbour to Hopkins Landing. handed. George went out to see There were quite a number C.P.R. picture about B.C.'s coast-7 (I use that word loosly, as it of us on the dock Saturday night line and Alaska. In • the afternoon -of 'the same . GAUL OR WRITE day an assembly of the High j School was held with president \ Bill Pye in the chair. Some bf CONSOLIDATED BROKERS MOVED the resolutions made were... to have two house-.organizations \ Gulf .Coast Offices—Sechelt or Gibsons, B.C. this year, to have the assemblies . Phone Sechelt 37 every second Friday, commenc­ ing this coming Friday, and \o ; HEAD OFFICE have uniforms if or the senior . CONSOLIDATED BROKERS LTD. boys' basketball team this year. ( 942W. Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. Mr. Trueman also gave a re- I

I • ' ••!•• •- • I • ••••-•• •••— »• •!••. . I. mm >; at the.start of :this trip including: '? NAME SINCE Mrs. Eldred Berry ,• and son . Roy,: going to spend a visit with . her mother, Mrs. G. Moody, of j Vancouver. • • .if so fill out this card Mrs. Gloria Rudd returnihg Xto i i li-i". twup^J,-* i \. &--• tf-./- fg&2i%i&. ii~-«*-'. .*,.^.W .__* V#Pl^_.p_.» PS- P. -P - ~^_~_H Xyhrev~~home fat .Vancouver •f a$5e^ • a week's visit at the home of : Mr.... and Mrs. E.' Berry. Misses rEvelyn Shultz and Lil­ lian Dumka who -were- my guests for a week. Mr. Stan Forbes and Dick Hammond on their -way back to '!" Wilson (C^eek. YOU HAVEN'T LONG TO WAIT Mr. Charles Gamach. going out before you'll be trying to start a cold engine in for a holiday,for a week or two. your car. Be prepared for the first cold snap. Mrs. Geo.'Berry (.guess who) • MOTOR . . .grind valves, adjust points, check on a -real pleasure trip to the timing, fuel and water pumps, make all needed dentist! ! repairs. Last, ?but definitely >not least • TRANSMISSION ...... entire transmission and dif­ Mr. L. S. 'Pop'.Jackson returning ferential checked. to his home .at .the ^'Creek.' • BRAKES . . .mechanical or hydraulic brakes test­ We left camp at 6 p.m. JSat- ed, relined, tightened, adjusted or repaired. urday, arriymg at SalmorixBay • -BODY'. . . fenders straightened, cracks mended, at .8 p.m. I >had a visit with-.biixT dents removed, body squeaks eliminated. Springs ex-boarder. Martin Kiley who is adjusted. Refundable-Savings cheques for 1943 £ud 1944 will fine and wishes to be {remem­ bered to his -friends at tamp. • Change to winter oil and grease NOW. be mailed by March 31st, 1949. The Chelhosin wound its way on to Salmon Bay at _4._a.m. I said Make sure that yours arrives safely \by following Jacks Automotive Service a hasty hello to Sam McBride as SECHELT, B;C. these instructions. .'•;.'' he got off the ship. Sam had been holidaying in Vancouver 30 Years Experience in Automotive Service and looks very well. If your name and address are the same as in . /. 1943 DO NOT MAIL an address card ...your cheque will reach you in. March.

If you have changed your name or address Sechelt-Jervis Towing Co. 2 9 since 1943 go to your Post Office/ obtain a Your Local Complete IWarin© Towing Service special "Change of Address" card, fill it out and mail it AT ONCE. ?LOG TOWING — YARDING — SCOWS — DREDGING PILE DRIVING — SALVAGE address card last year, Special Facilities for Quick Movement of Gats, Logging Trucks and General Camp Equipment W you should complete one this year if your nameior address has changed since 1943. PHONE US COLLECT FORMATES SECHELT --Tarr Pearson Agency/Tel. 54 or 37 RENDER HARBOUR^Biir 1^ Store, Tel. 6 U NANAIMO-^Fhe 'Nar^irmo'Towing Co. Ltd.

Tel.,iDay 555; Night 1497 or 305 / Area Agent—Mr. H. Spalding, Pender Harbour, Tel.^CS Page Eight THE COAST NEWS, SECHELT, B. C._ Friday, Oct. 15, 1948

away for their vacation, having has come and gone, and we have MORE ABOUT ... Maddy, her sister here from Liv­ three weeks, ahd :figure on;tak- much to be thankful for, if we a erpool, England. What times they By S. NESTMAN ing a trip through the States. have our health, and our loved will be having after^ 27 yars' sep­ . ~ .. ,• . , ~ °ne£> around^us, then we are in- Continued From Page 1 aration. Very sorry to see that T A1 the beautiful heirloom Jim Veitch, Alice _and. Clare deed blessed, and should give e on t LEGION Notes. They tell me back home agaia after a grand thanks, not only one day in the *Jj ' ^ ^ ^ , ^' ™iwe' some of it almost priceless, ,^ir .„.~ •*„ /-.^i.-P__™;._ T.™ *.„,,_- y i_.-_. *•* rru. . JJ Mrs. Creamer ran/qd Fre/dq Willows. wsiS that the men- will hold their trip to California. Jim says Mev- year but every day. The world ,.. . ,„ , rotf . •«,_ broken in transit. ra meeting this week in their new ery one should take at least- a tends to lose sight of all this, in **?&&£ *nJS™. ™W?I wi Legion Hall. The hall is anything month's holiday once a year, the constant hustle and- bustle, ^ynoc^ and lades * y but ^finished, but they will be Very good advice say we. and the tribulations of every s7yers* able to hold the meeting there, day happenings. We learn with regret that one Wm, McFceddeH 7 and the women will hold their Something new has been add- 0^ our weu nked Indian youths meeting there on October 15 at ed to the Glay family, Mr. Clay Mrs. Graham, has with her ^as ^g^. killed in- a logging Optometrist 8 p.m. noticed driving around in a very her mother and father from Ot- near here. He is Eddie camp GIBSONS Ernie Drew donated some nice car. tawa, visiting for about a month. jonn son 0f Chief John and was counters and some stools to the •-../ r about to be made chief iri his hall, and they will come in Don't forget that VON Bazaar Jack Marshall/is nursing a QWn right We shall miss Eddie Office Hours: mighty handy for fixing up the on the 21st of October, tea and very sore arm "\ clue to. getting ag h^ \^s a qujet unassuming kitchen, and if anyone has any a home cooking booth, a fancy some steel in it. .Doctor having a vouth and wexf respected here 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7 cutlery or plain white dishes, work booth, fishpond for kid- little trouble locating it. [n Sechelt they will be more than accept- dies, candy, and a white eleph- Evenings by Appointment able, as we need most every- ant booth, so we'll see you there Dave Bates and Mrs. Bates Mrs. W. J. Mayne has at last Every thing for the kitchen. at Bal's Hall, two o'clock until away for a month's vacation, realized an ambition of many * - • • t PERSONALS five. Lucky people. years standing in having Mrs. Bob Murray and wife got Well another Thanksgiving Mrs. Unwin leaving us and I ^•>« M. m^^**^*t* U IIIMI think going over to W§st Van­ r I couver. Sorry to see her go. WHERE YOU GET MORE Walt MeGown and the new FOOD PER DOLLAR! "Mrs.," visiting here over week­ MarshalFs Hardware end. "Serving the Peninsula" Phone Gibson 33 For Groceries It's Marge FarwelL the guest of Gibsons / . Mrs. Parnwell. its Alfie Wirih again a proud father, this time a baby girl, ARMCHAIR C0NS0LETTE Jeanie, doing fine, that's a boy GRAYSONS and a girl now, nice going folks, Walnut Finish Cabinet AT GIBSONS and our congratulations, and of course Harry and Lu, very 5 tubes*— 6-inch speaker proud. Standard Wave Mr. and Mrs. Leech newcom­ ers, to our midst, have taken over DE FORREST SPECIAL Prepitare for Your Winter Needs! the Bickerstaff home on the Se­ "** * • ' ... 100% WOOL UNDERWEAR chelt road, welcome ' them to> ' " - -a - - , our district. Sales and Service Ladies Shirts and Snuggies _.-_„-.______li_.__» each $1.75 They tell me that a young •_ '-J ' .-" •^"•»""*» Ladies Cotton Shirts and Snuggies:____ each'75c couple have taken over the little- A_«ta««__M« SLACKS—wool gabardine _.__._____._.____ $7.50 to $12.95 cafe, and Mr. Arnold Pearson due I* War al! wool, belack and white check and to ill health has . gone to town, knit-to-fit SWEATERS for^warmth. the young couple are on their honeymoon, and expect to be back and have cafe open this Tassella Shoppe •jveek, we sure wish them well. LANG'S DRUGS "That Smart Shop at Sechelt" We are still free, can worship as we please, talk as we like, GIBSONS - Two Stores - SECHELT ^without fear of concntration PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS "camps. Maybe our Govt, is not all we'd like, but we still have 5^-oat ^ the right to vote them in or out without fear or favor. We still BABY NEEDS 4_ have the right to ^prk, wheri andi how* - we like^ and * although times;' are very unsettled, let us give Mommy - Look What thanks, that we are as well as }ve are, and that we are living #*¥ Lang's Have for Me! in this grand country. ,-,A BABY BRUSH AND GOMB SE^ all nylon _Ll $1.25 Well, folks my agents seem to PABLUM x±£^±-^^ 50c be all away on holidays or some­ thing, for news is scarce this DEXTRI MALTOSE trip, hope to have a little more INFANTOL —__.,._„ -_._-_„„._„„„. 90c and $3.00 next week, if any of you have any social items, please let me STORK NURSER UNITV complete, 4-oz. - 8-bz./ 39c have them, I'll gladly see they SOOTHERS ______i_^_^^ 25c get into print, I do miss some of TEETHING RINGS (rubber)x_^^„_____..._2Cic them, but I know I can't pos­ sibly get them all, without your OSTOGO DROPS __-____-_-_ „.-_..„..___. •'$ 1.25 and $3.75 cooperation. And this week, have DIAPER AND UTILITY BAG . !$16? .••7.*-X^ been listening every day to base­ EASY ON DIAPERS 7_^_„._ $1.69 ball^ the world series you know, can't miss out on those, and so TOIDY SEAT PAD __._.„___„-„ x„.xx.$1.56 I may have missed some news, CASTORIA -x___ _„^.__„___^_.X^ 35c and 69c but will get it next time. Hope my boss will understand also. So ELECTRIC WARMING PADS, 3 Keats-1:__.„: $9.50 m close with this little thought: HOT WATER BOTTLES ._.J__.„_„__.„._ $1.25 to $3.25 "The right temperature at home INFRARED HEAT LAMPS, fits ordinary socket, $1.55 is maintained by warm hearts,' Hallowe'en is coming round again! not by hot heads."- When your doorbell rings, be ready t E. Nestman. Remember: with this grand Purity Pumpkin pie ., . . . made with Purity Flour . '. : of PLENAMINS with liver and iron, for all the family. - course! Here's a melt-in-your-mouth , ; The Sudan in North Africa 25 dosesx___„.„___ $1.85 100 doses $5.75 pastry recipe. was once called the Land of the Blacks. _nd IIIHIlfHlllll (enouflH .off * Beat 2 ^fi^fblended. Gr^Jd^ p/-.S«tt yolks: are J*^ sugar, *£*spoon pUR^f beat m 7tj rinnatnon. ™ „L\htttf. a iivto ^^e 2ff:_«*_* ^ S fa*s£ _&. VLVUZ shorten*? Spooks W» 5 imp v>~ ftr-t oven ^ i?,;:Xte-W-- . coarse bake i» 5i\ *hen reduce j^ a<| CHECK YOUR CAR spoons 10 asafrlSJS.'Stog-ethe1 r S flofloured ^ft to Vs^^Se plates CHECK ACCIDENTS! qu^sSSS&^rJSSSZi P«esSdoo^b*bl«are pies. V A Minor adjustment that is overlooked can that noof f the edge. w sandto ^ ...... ^dP^^^ cause a majpr'accident. Have your car thor- !«;W"«"''*'",3''"X«X»>XP>' ... wSWraW-'&%%&:%&&•'••:S •; ^ bughly checked frequehtly by trained ex­ »x\xJ:-:-x-:-:-x-"-v.---.-.-j'.'.v:v.>.'.v>:-.'.':-:-»:> perts, Let us give your brakes; tires, lights, Remember, Purity Flour, specially and other mechanisms a complete inspection. milled from finest hard wheat—is Our prices are low . • . our service the best. best for all your baking.* Stop in today . . • remember, a safety check Y0Q NEED ONLY ONE FLOUR rv ••;';"' may save your neck. $1 buys yoof the famous PURITY COOK I BOOK with its 875 recipes developed in .the Purity Hour Kitchen. Send to your nearest I'T DELAY —SEE US NOW I Purity Flour Mills' office—St. John, N.B.* I Montreal, Que.; Ottawa, Ont.. Toronto, Ont.. I Winnipeg Man., Calgary; Alta.; Vancouver, I B.C. SILVER GRILLE SERVICE STATION I I "Name.. "One of the Best Equipped Service Departments on the Peninsula PURITY I Street..• •••• ...•••.8...«.«•...*...... J OATS FOR ONE RESULT—PERFECTION ! GRAND . . I; FOR ! City...... «.»....»•«...JProyinceJSJ.•«... . | BREAKFAST