2014 September EURAXESS LINKS Issue 67 JAPAN Dear Colleagues, Welcome to the September edition of the EURAXESS Links Japan Newsletter. This newsletter looks at the latest developments and funding opportunities in and between Europe and Japan. This month features some comprehensive information about the EURAXESS Science Slam Japan 2014, which now on rails with open submissions for contestants and attendees, a tentative schedule, VIP visits, a selected jury and with a new, fresh website: scienceslamjapan2014.splashthat.com (share it, This Newsletter is also it’s free!). Find also an exclusive interview with Mugiko KOMATSUDA, last intended as a year’s winner, who gives us her insights on the role of communication for communication tool with scientists in our times. If you are not one of the brave who’ll present in front of a you all, so please do not hesitate to contact us full room, you are still warmly welcome to attend the event on 10 November at at
[email protected] for Tokyo Tech. Mark your calendars for what promises to be a nice, relaxed comments, corrections or if networking and fun science moment with food and drinks! you want to advertise for a particular funding scheme or In this issue we go through some of the numerous news and developments in event. recent policy for research; with a particularly dense section on Japan in coherence with the important announcements made by the government and MEXT in late August and early September. Following the news section, you will find, as usual a wealth of Grants and Fellowships, with many JSPS deadlines coming soon; job offers; and events of interest both in Europe and Japan.