Representation on outside bodies approved.

6 The Council approved the following appointments etc to outside bodies:-

Organisation Appointment

Advocacy Project Appoint Philip Braat

Association of Port Health Authorities Appoint Alistair Watson

Association for Public Service Excellence Appoint Paul Carey and Elaine (APSE) McDougall

Bailie’s Institution Appoint Gerald Leonard

Barlinnie Prison Visiting Committee Appoint Matt Kerr, Yvonne Kucuk, Hanif Raja and Martha Wardrop

Blindcraft Trust Appoint Phil Greene and Gordon Matheson

Cadder Housing Association Appoint Mohammed Razaq

Cassiltoun Trust Appoint Malcolm Cunning

Cathcart and District Housing Association Appoint Archie Graham Ltd

Children’s Classic Concerts Appoint Alison Thewliss

Children’s Panel Advisory Committee Appoint Marie Garrity, Pauline McKeever and Austin Sheridan

Citizens Theatre Appoint James Scanlon

Clyde Valley Learning and Development Appoint George Ryan, with Paul Rooney Project Joint Committee as substitute

Community Enterprise in (CEIS) Appoint Aileen Colleran and Jonathan Findlay

COSLA Convention Appoint

Representatives Substitutes

Susan Aitken Kenny McLean Elizabeth Cameron James Adams Stephen Curran Aileen Colleran Archie Graham James Coleman Matt Kerr Marie Garrity

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, G2 1DU John Letford Mhairi Hunter Gordon Matheson Alistair Watson Paul Rooney George Ryan

COSLA Executive Groups:-

Community Wellbeing and Safety James Coleman

Education, Children and Young Stephen Curran People Health and Wellbeing Matt Kerr

Regeneration and Sustainable Elizabeth Cameron Development

Resources and Capacity Paul Rooney

Strategic Human Resources George Ryan Management

Dams to Darnley Country Park Joint Appoint Bill Butler and Rashid Hussain, Committee with Matt Kerr and Alistair Watson as substitutes

Eurocities Appoint Elizabeth Cameron

Fair Deal Appoint Bill Butler

Firhill Community Trust Appoint Martin McElroy and Mohammed Razaq

Fossil Grove Trust Appoint Aileen Colleran, John Kelly and Kenny McLean

Glasgay Appoint Martin Rhodes

Glasgow Airport Consultative Committee Appoint James Coleman

Glasgow Allotments Forum Appoint Frank McAveety

Glasgow Building Preservation Trust Appoint Frank Docherty and Fariha Thomas

Glasgow Centre for Population Health Appoint James Coleman, with Matt Kerr as substitute

Glasgow City Heritage Trust Appoint Ms Catherine McMaster and Ms Eleanor McAllister

Glasgow Community Justice Authority Appoint Pauline McKeever as Vice-Chair

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU Glasgow Community and Safety Services Remove Frank Docherty and appoint James Coleman

Glasgow Dean of Guild Court Trust Appoint Norman MacLeod, Anne Simpson and Hanif Raja

Glasgow East Arts Company Appoint Frank Docherty

Glasgow Economic Partnership Appoint Elizabeth Cameron

Glasgow Educational and Marshall Trust Appoint Dr Nina Baker, Malcolm Balfour, Glenn Elder, Matt Kerr, Martin McElroy and Russell Robertson

Glasgow Film Theatre Appoint Elizabeth Cameron and Frank Docherty

Glasgow Greenspace Partnership Appoint Liam Hainey, Rashid Hussain, Yvonne Kucuk, Franny Scally, Sohan Singh and Alison Thewliss

Glasgow Humane Society Appoint Frank McAveety

Glasgow International Jazz Festival Appoint Elizabeth Cameron and Frank Docherty

Glasgow Old People’s Welfare Appoint Alistair Watson Association

Glasgow Works Partnership Board Appoint Jonathan Findlay

Govan Housing Association Appoint Fariha Thomas

Hampden Park Ltd Appoint Archie Graham

Hidden Gardens Trust Appoint Stephen Curran

International Urban Development Appoint Elizabeth Cameron Association (INTA)

John Wheatley College Board of Appoint Maureen Burke Management

Joint Partnership Board with NHS Greater Remove Allison Hunter and appoint Glasgow & Clyde Graeme Hendry

Kelvin Hall Sports Trust Appoint Philip Braat

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU Kids and Adults Together in Sighthill Appoint Gilbert Davidson (KATS)

Langside College Board of Management Appoint Stephen Curran

Legal Services Agency Appoint Philip Braat and Paul Rooney

Linthouse Housing Association Appoint James Adams

Local Authority Action for Southern Africa Appoint Aileen Colleran (LAACTSA)

Lord Provost’s Funds for Children, Appoint John McLaughlin and Alistair Vulnerable Citizens and Older People Watson

Lowlands Reserve Forces and Cadets’ Appoint James Adams Association

Maryhill Housing Association Appoint Mohammed Razaq, with Martin Rhodes as substitute

Merchant City Festival Steering Appoint Gordon Matheson Committee

Merchant City Townscape Heritage Appoint Gordon Matheson Initiative

Milnbank Housing Association Appoint Elaine McDougall

National Association of British Market Appoint George Redmond Authorities

National Association of Councillors Appoint James Adams, Marie Garrity and Alistair Watson

Notre Dame Centre Appoint Malcolm Cunning

Nuclear Free Local Authorities National Appoint Fariha Thomas Steering Committee

Nuclear Free Local Authorities (Scotland) Appoint Fariha Thomas and Billy McAllister

POLIS Appoint James Coleman, with Frank McAveety as substitute

Pollok Advisory Committee Appoint Bill Butler

Pollok House Joint Committee Appoint Bill Butler and David McDonald

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU River Clyde Fisheries Management Trust Appoint Alistair Watson Ltd

Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts Appoint Frank McAveety and David Meikle

Royal Scottish National Orchestra Appoint Frank Docherty

Scotland Excel Appoint Paul Rooney and Glenn Elder as substitutes

Scotland Excel – Executive Sub- Appoint Martin McElroy, with Norman Committee MacLeod as substitute

Scottish Accident Prevention Council Appoint Paul Carey

Scottish Ballet Appoint Martin Rhodes

Scottish Chamber Orchestra Appoint Frank Docherty

Scottish Councils Committee on Appoint Sohan Singh Radioactive Substances

Scottish Council on Deafness Appoint Stephen Dornan

Scottish Football Association Museum Appoint Archie Graham Trust

Scottish International Piano Competition Appoint Elizabeth Cameron

Scottish Local Government Forum Appoint Stephen Curran and Matt Kerr Against Poverty

Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Appoint Malcolm Cunning Armed Forces Veterans – Veterans’ Champion

SEEMIS LLP Appoint Stephen Curran

Senior Citizens Scotland Appoint Iris Gibson

Strathclyde Concessionary Travel Appoint Maureen Burke as substitute Scheme Joint Committee

Si Tous Les Portes Du Monde Appoint Elizabeth Cameron

Talbot Association Appoint Frank Docherty

Transforming Communities: Glasgow Appoint Elizabeth Cameron and Kenny McLean

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU Transformational Regeneration Areas:-

Gallowgate Appoint George Redmond

Laurieston Appoint James Scanlon

Maryhill Appoint Mohammed Razaq

United Nations Association Glasgow Appoint Philip Braat Branch

University of Glasgow Court Appoint Matt Kerr

University of Strathclyde Court Appoint Stephen Curran

Ure Elder Trust Appoint James Adams, Iris Gibson and Matt Kerr

Volunteer Centre Appoint Aileen Colleran

West of Scotland Archaeology Service Appoint Frank McAveety Joint Committee

West of Scotland Regional Equality Appoint Judith Fisher Council

Western Scotland European Forum Appoint Gordon Matheson

Wise Group Appoint George Ryan

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU