ne is in the local schools. Mrs. Edward Sabbagh, f Methuen, are living at ut street. Mr. Sabbagh Is for at Lowell Tuttle In- are never so likely to Men Cannot the heart In the settle a question rightly as fight B. McCormack and midst of crowds feel fright- ulo•fi they discuss it freely. are newcomers to An. fully alone? —THOMAS R. MACAULAY tng moved here from Bel. --CHARLES LAMB is. Mr. MacCormack is a Boston and Brad Is in the de at the Junior High NUCVIER TOWNSMAN VOLUME 60, NUMBER 52 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 14, 1948 PRICE, 5 CENTS

:ARS' EXPF.RISINCE IN VIEWS MAKING Veterans Notables tEMODELING OF ALTERATIONS Get Data To Attend Es' SUITS. COATS, THE ;S MADE To ORDER NEWS On Homes Inaugural PAUL'S By LEONARD F. JAMES Housing Authority Will Participate .NERS AND DYERS "There is no Soviet-imposed Chairman Explains In Exercises At N STREET TEL. 2125 blockade in Berlin, there is no threat of starvation in Berlin." Board's Progress Phillips Academy Thus began Vishinsky in the Se- A large gathering of veterans Andover Hill will be the scene curity Council discussions last heard Atty. Frederic S. O'Brien, of the greatest activity tomorrow week, Those who have followed the ehairman of the Andover Housing afternoon since the school's ses- news since last April know differ- Authority, give a comprehensive quicentennial celebration in 1928, ently, and can't be fooled by such review at the Legion meeting last when President Calvin Coolidge obvious nonsense. But how many Thursday night of the progress be- JOHN MASON KEMPER came from Washington to make us are being taken in by what ing made by the local board. the principal address. For tomor- will inau- seems to be Russian willingness Atty. O'Brien appeared as guest row Phillips Academy gurate John MaSOT1 Kemper ite to accept control of the atomic speaker at the invitation of Com- Community Chest as the first head bomb? General Romulo of the mander Kenneth L. Sherman of eleventh headmaster, years Phillippines regarded as a "chink Andover post, 8, in order that for- Goal Here $18,430 of the Academy in over 70 who has not been previously a in the wall" the Russian proposal mer servicemen might have an op- Drive Opens Monday— for simultaneous signing of an portunity to learn what the Au- member of the faculty. agreement outlawing the bomb More Volunteers Needed The inauguration exercises, which thority is doing to provide low- Vincent Treanor, chairman of and etablishing effective control. rental homes for veterans. are to take place in the Great 'Words Without Meaning? Andover in the coming Community Quadrangle, in front of Samuel In discussing the subject Atty. Chest campaign, annuonced today The suggestion is high-sounding Phillips Hall, will be attended by O'Brien explained the difference that Andover's goal will be ;18,- and the intention is apparently over 2000 people, according to the between the laws relating to vet- 430. The total amount of money pure. But there's many a catch in estimate of M. Lawrence Shields, Junior High school girls engage in a lively soccer g as erans' housing. He also made ref- sought in the campaign is $190,- part of their physical education program. Here is a practice chairman of the Inauguration com- the proposition. One catch is how er:owe to remarks addressed to 044., the largest amount sought by match with players of the Blues and the Golds lined up against mittee. Over three hundred dele- to "outlaw" the bomb; another is local veterans the previous week the chest in peacetime. the interpretation of "control"; a team of the Greens and Reds. (Look Photo) gates from other schools, colleges, by a member of the Salem Hous- Mr. Treanor also announced that and the third is an earlier but re- learned societies and other insti- ing Authority, and concluded by of a total of 20 thousand persons cent Russian proposal that the tutions will march in an academic saying that the veterans of An- served by the chest, approximately Big Five "reduce by one third dur- Merrimack River Report procession with the trustees of dover will be housed in as good or 2,186 were residents of Andover, ing one year all present land, naval Phillips Academy and the faculty. better dwellings as soon, if not which is a substantial increase and air forces." How a bomb could sooner, than those of any place over previous years. (Continued on Page Five) be outlawed is an extremely diffi- Reveals Interesting Data north of Boston. cult matter to appreciate. The Remedial Measures Proposed To Make It Safe A question period followed. The official campaign dates are October 18 to November 1. The • word "outlaw" applied in past During the business meeting For Recreational Purposes and Aquatic Life campaign opening supper Legion To Meet dines to one who was declared to Angus Stewart, chairman of the will be A wealth of interesting informa. held In the Lawrence Boys' Club tie outside the law; his "murderer" Armistice Day banquet and the tion about the Merrimack river is SELECTMEN OPPOSE gymnasium with the Hon. At Shawsheen 1 could not be punished because the Poppy Day committees, announced Max L. contained in the report of the Joint RIVER PROJECT An excellent entertainment pro- law had ceased to operate. But to l'inansky, former Justice of the Board established by the Legisla• The selectmen have gone on gram has been arranged for the talk today of outlawing a bomb or (Continued on Page Five) Municipal Court, Portland, Maine, ture to study the sanitary condi- record as being unanimously op- next meeting of Andover post, 8, a nation is to use words without as the guest speaker. tions of the stream and to make posed to the question on the Sunday, October 17, will be Red American Legion, which is to be consideration of practical prob- held Thursday evening, October recommendations for the disposal ballot November 2, which would Central PTA Plans Feather Sunday, with the churches lems. The second catch is in the 21, at the Shawsheen school. All of sewage in the river valley. establish a Merrimack River of all denominations in Andover interpretation of "control." The veterans, whether members of the Today, with its waters polluted sewerage district for the pttr- !explaining the purpose of the chest Russians have repeatedly rejected For Fathers' Night post or not, are invited to attend. by decomposing organic matter. pose of constructing and operat- The Central Andover to the congregations. any form of control not to their T. A. It is expected that a large number remedial measures are proposed tc ing sewerage works in the river liking. In fact they don't want con- will hold its annual Fathers' Night Mr. Treanor has asked for as- ef former servicemen of Shaw- make it safe for recreational pur valley. Chief objection is that it trol in the positive sense; they program Wednesday night, October sistance in the campaign from any sheen will be present. poses and aquatic life. is estimated it %timid cost An- want control free from outside in- 20 at 9 o'clock in the Memorial Au- resident of Andover who can give Paul Cheney, a member of the dover taxpayers 550,000 yearly a little time. "There are going to spection and interference, which Many Andover residents can re- ditorium. John Mason Kemper, new- post, will highlight the entertain- for -10 years, which would mean be some homes unsolicited unless would inevitably result in no effec- call the time when the Merrimack ly installed headmaster of Phillips ment program with an exhibition a big , p in the tax rate. we can secure the voluntary man- tive control at all. They are simp- was used extensively for recrea- Academy, guest speaker, will pre- of legerdemain for which he is tional purposes. It had numerous sent "Some Problems of Secondary power to do the job", was the noted. There will also be other (Continued on Page Eight) boat clubs along its banks, was the Education". chairman's statement as the cam- ent ertaintnent. scene of races and regattas that at- Punchard Triumphs This meeting will he conducted paign opening drew nearer. During the evening, J. Everett tracted thousands, had bath houses by the fathers and credits of two In a letter to all his campaign Collins, member of tile Punchard Women Voters and famous swimming holes, and Over Reading, 20-0 Points will be given each father workers, Mr. Treanor stated: High school !twisters' Day com- discicples of Isaac Walton annually peesent. The attendance banner "Figured in money standards, the mittee, will 'meek briefly on plans By JACK McCARTHY To Meet Oct. 19 lured many a finny beauty from its will be awarded the classroom with bill comes high. $190,044. is need- for the day. The League of Women Voters of waters. Punchard High School gridders the greatest percentage of parents (Continued on Page Five) Andover is holding its first meet- The Joint Board notes the in- coached by Walter Roberts and present. Refreshments will be ing at Christ Church Tuesday, creasing demand on the part of resi- Donald Dunn, played their best served following the meeting. Rally and Parade October 19th. Dan H. Fenn, Jr., dents of the valley to use the river game of the current season last An additional feature will be the Dr. Shipman Joins For P.H.S. Eleven front the head- more extensively for similar recrea- Saturday when they trill in plied girl's school band which will play A rally and parade will feature quarters in Boston will speak on 20-0 over a speedy Reading out- under the direction of Mrs. Miriam tional purposes. Atomic Program P. IL S. Alumni association "Problems Facing the U. N." fit. Entering the game as under- the "The Forestry Division and the Sweeney McArdle. Dr. Thomas L. Shipman, a na- program Friday night, October 16, Luncheon will be served at 12:45; dogs, the Blue and Gold pushed of Andover, has left the Gen- Division of Fisheries and Game of tive prior to the dam, e to be held in the guests may come in after the the strong home club all over the the Department of Conservation," eral Electric company to join the Memorial gym. luncheon to hear the speaker at gridiron. The tricky running and Republicans Open Health division of the University The rally and parade will be for 1:30. Anyone who is interested in (Continued on Page Three) passing of Charles "Fish" Dwyer of California's Science Laboratory the football team, which on the attending should call Mrs. Fred- and the fast stepping of I lerbert Headquarters at Los Aimee, N. M. This unit is day following, will play Ashland erick Petersen at 1492W or Deveaux plus the powerful charg- Miss The Republican Town commit- connected with the government's High at the Andover playstead. Fonnie Davis at 34R before Mon- Adult Classes Open ing of Ray Collins, helped the An- tee has opened headquarters at 10 atomic energy program. The parade will move from the day, October 18th to make reser- dover boys chalk up their third Park street, over the Gift shop, Son of the late Rev. Frank R. school to Main street, thence to vations. consecutive victory of the season. Monday At P.A. where all information about candi- Shipman, for many years pastor of Elm, Florence, park and Main The Andover Evening Study Punchard scored in the opening The League of Women Voters dates and questions ou the ballot the South church, Dr. Shipman has streets and back to the school. A classes for Adults will open at minutes of the second quarter. 1„ a non-partisan organization may he obtained. been works physician at the Lynn big turnout is expected. Deveaux started the action by re- whoa.° purpose is to promote poli- Phillips Academy next Monday The office will be open afternons and Everett G. E. plants. He re- At laat Friday night's dance turning a Reading punt 14 yards tical responsibility through in- evening. from 2 to G o'clock with Mrs. sided in Manchester. over 160 tickets were stolen. John to his own 30. The Blue and Gold formed and active participation of Open to men and women of the Laura Downs in charge. Persons Receiving his early education McGrath, president of the associa- thus began a long 70 yard drive citizens in government. This year whole community the adult educa- wishing to get information about here, he graduated from Yale Uni-i t ion. announced that all tickets for resulting in a touchdown. After special emphasis is on the U. N. tion program, now 'n its 12th sea- voting at any other time may do veralty in 1928 and the Harvard next Friday night's dance are can- working the ball to Reading's 22 which is so all-important. son, annually attracts members so by contacting Atty. Vincent F. Medical school In 1932. He had celled, except those won as prizes. front other near-by communities. yard line, Dwyer unleashed a Stulgis, chairman of the Republi- wide internship experience before For the time remaining before Conducted informally, the courses long pass to Alan Chetson who can Town committee, Tel. 1667. Joining the G. E. medical staff ,dection day, the League will de- offer considerable variety of subject carried the ball unmolested into Headquarters will lm the distri- During his 10 years with the com- ORIENTAL AND vote its energy towards explaining DOMESTIC RUGS matter; modern social and political the end zone. Sid Watson's con- bution point for posters, stickers pany he greatly expanded and im- RUGS to the connnunity the referendum version was good. Punchard 7, CLEANED — MOTHPROOFED — REPAIRED affairs, ancient civilizations, litera- and buttons for the campaign. proved medical service at the CARPETING EXPERTLY CLEANED questions to appear on the Novem- IN HOTELS - THEATRES - HOMES Reading 0. They are available now. The com- ber ballot and to urging everyone ture, art, music and public speaking. plants. —ORIENTAL RUGS A SPECIALTY— Reading, however, bounced back mittee would also welcome volun- lie is a member of several socie- to go to the polls on November 2. The teachers give their services without remuneration, and all the as they marched from their 44 to teer workers for office duties, and ties and has been instructor in in- Ostash Rug Cleaning Co. Other aspects on the League Punchard's one yard line. During 5 BROOK STREET — METHUEN proceeds are donated to education- the use of automobiles ou election dustrial medicine at the Harvard Tel Lawrence 22298 or Lawrence 4372 program include study of public al and charitable organizations In day. Sell( MI I, r Public Health since 1937. education at the local, state and (Continued on Page Four) Andover and surrounding commu- national levels, taxation and social nities. welfare problems such as the Further information may be ob- Youth Cervice board and the pa- DON'T WAIT FOR BATTERY FAILURE tained by calling the Evening role system. Study Program at Phillips Acad- DELICIOUS CANDY All women in the community are emy, Andover 720, or at the libra- welcome and urged to join. M iss ries in Andover, Lawrence, North ABSOLUTELY FRESH ! Fellatio Davis is the membership Andover, Methuen, Lowell and NEW BATTERY chairman. Haverhill. Our refrigerator keeps candy OPENING — SCHOOL of DANCING as well in winter as in summer only '12.95 by CHARLES BISSETT With your Old Battery ALL STYLES OF TAP TAUGHT CLASSES NOW FORMING MONDAY — 2 TO 5 P. M. DALTON PHARMACY Green's Service SQUARE AND COMPASS CLUB HALL ELM ST. 16 MAIN STREET TEL. 107 205 No. Main St. Tel Sh43 ANDOVER, MASS.

2 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — OCTOBER 14, 1948 Garden Party New Arrivals New Building Active Season Planned A very pretty fall garden party A daughter, Susan, to Mr. and By Local Orchestra Merrirr was held Sunday afternoon at the Mrs. William S. Barnard of Prince- WEST PARISH home of Mr. and Mrs. John Healey, ton. N. J., Mr. Barnard is the son Permits Issued With an attenaance of 45 mem- bers at its rehearsal Tuesday night Reveal Mrs. Sarah Lewis, Correspondent, Telephone 5844 Jr., of Wayland. Mr. and Mrs. Hea- of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Barn- The estimated cost for new build- the Andover Communnity orches- ley were assisted in receiving by ard and lived in Andover for many ings covered by permits issued by (Continued fr tra is well on its way toward the A N DOVER GRANGE Miss Olive Butler and Frederick years: Mr. Berard is a graduate of Building Inspector Ralph W. Cole- co-chairmen. The tickets are in man for the month of September most active season since being It says, "have in Andover Orange, 183, met in Butler, Mrs. Henley was the for- Phillips Andover class of 194 2 and formed 10 years ago. charge of Miss Louise Kelsey, mer Jane Butler, daughter of the Harvard College class of 1947. was $188,250, which with the $1950 billy of develop) Grange hall Tuesday evening. A A well-balanced and competent Shawsheen road. late lion. Frederick Butler, and A son, William Franklin, Sept. estimated cost of additions and al- river for recreati supper was served at 0: 3 0 under group of players hits been assem- atT Mrs. Grant Silva is general chair- Mrs. Butler formerly of Lowell 1 6, to Mr. and Mrs. John C. Clark terations bring the month's total up piark sites,b the chairmanship of Arthur Lewis bled under the leadership of , man of the fair. There will be a street. Mr. and Mrs. John E. A. of Reading, Penn., Mrs. Clark is to $190,200. iiiii campinge l p g and his staff. The third degree George Brown, conductor, of Mel- ! Gorrie of Lowell street, Mr. and the former Dorothy 13ateson for- Total estimated cost of new build- rose. recrea tional facil was worked by the Ladies' degree table with all kinds of home cooked In this group are 16 An- Mrs. Robert Trott of Chandler ings and additions for the first nine pollution of the team and the fourth degree was food in charge of Mrs. Arthur merly of Andover. dover musicians, 13 from Law- road and Mr. and Mrs. Granville months of the year are now $1,170,- prevent such dev given by the regular officers. Lewis and Mrs. Earl Slate. There Personals rence, Methuen and North An- Cutler of Shawsheen road attend- 919, a figure far ahead of the entire ply with the ph There were 10 candidates who will also be a sale of aprons, dolls, Miss Constance Dow, a student dover, seven from Haverhill, Brad- ed the party. year 1947, and which indicates that tional and flshi took the degrees. candy and holders, and numerous at Fitchburg Teachers College, ford and Boxford, and others from the full 12-month period for 1948 quality of the we The next meeting of the Grange other gifts suitable for Christmas. Birthday Party spent the holidays at her home on Plaistow, N. II., Danvers, Read. will surpass all recent records. proved as to p will be held Tuesday evening, The sale will be held in upper Little Miss Pauline Boutwell en- Beacon street. ing and Melrose. Grange hall. Permits for September were as bathing." Oct. 19. At this time Oscar Root tertained a group of her school- Miss Shirley Stevens has return- Andover members of the orches- follows: The I of the Brooks school faculty will N lay School mates and friends recently at her to her home on Virginia road tra include, Miss Phoebe E. Noyes. Henry P. Kelley, Patios Glinkas. stream drains 1 give an illustrated talk on birds. The work of the West church home on Shawsheen road in honor after enjoying a short vacation in New Buildings—John Casey, 105 Miss Janice H. Cole, Miss Helen l2Oii 3o7fl i cII art All friends and neighbors are in- Sunday school is off to a good start of her seventh birthday. Those Vermont. 1 Pine st., dwelling; Sylvia K. Gold- Eaton, Miss Ethel A. Farrington, 98 iiii New vited. A very interesting and in- The Senior class is under the lead- present were: Jane Savage, Neil c); and formative talk is in store for those Mrs. George Fortin of Marlboro man, Joyce Estate, dwelling (6 Hart II. Leavitt, Mrs. H. Allison "The sources ership of the Rev. Newman Mat- Morgan, Jean and Joan Arnold, Ruth Morse, Foster ir• who come. and Miss Mary Cowin of Weston I Allison and Morse, Roger W. Higgins, Mrs. the White Mount thews and the 9th grade and High Edwin Merrick, Edith Williams, cle, dwelling; Stpen Dembkroski, were recent guests at the home of Roger W. Higgins, Miss Mina shire," it reports Church Notes School group is being led by Miss Barbara and James Sontar, Rich- Mrs. Mary Sheehy of Argilla road.1 Burt rd., dwelling and garage; Karl Noyes, Mrs. George Sanborn, An- formed at Frani Fourteen members of the Young Louise Kelsey. Earl Young is in ard Cromie, Sandra Ritchie, Geral- Mrs. Gertrude Russell of San- and Bessie Haartz, High Plain rd., dine and George Boutwell. thony Ratyna, Mrs. Theodore E. by the confluent People's group of the West charge of the 8th grade, and the ford, Maine spent the weekend as! dwelling and garage; John Town- Ward, Mrs. Andrew Lacey, Mica church went to West Boxford following young men from Phillips Farewell Party guest of her son and his family, send, iNlarland st, garage (1 stall); tributaries, Pemi Lois Henderson and Eldon Stark. ee Congregational church on Sunday Academy take classes as follows: Friends and neighbors of the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Russell of I Paul and Jaqueline Monette, Fligh nii4esauk evening where a candlelight in- 1st., dwelling and garage; Richard Made up of professional and he tatai Lai'. 7th grade, W. R. Millager; Gth Haggetts Pond district gathered at Argilla road. amateur players, the orchestra re- stallation service for the officers of grade, George Pierce and Robert the home of Mrs. Beatrice Hunter ,arl Slate of Ar- ' and Clair Fitzgerald, Chestnut st., Lake Winnipesa Mr. and Mrs.0 ' hearses Tuesday evenings in the the West Boxford church was Simonton; 2nd grade Wendell Pat- on Lowell street, Wednesday eve- dwelling and garage; Clara K. Rat- estimated to b gilla road spent Saturday with I High school auditorium. Still in held. The Rev. Clinton Carvell, ton; 5th grade William Arnold, ning and tendered a farewell sur- friends in Sanford, Maine. While tery, Summer st., dwelling and ga- Within the limit: pastor of the Trinitarian Congre- the process of expansion it wel- Mrs. Minnie Heinz has the fourth prise party to Mr. and Mrs. Au- comes all those who can play a . . there are to gational church of No. Andover, there they enjoyed a view of the rage; Helen S. Yeaw, Abbott st., grade, the 3rd grade is in charge gustine Coughlin who have left for dwelling and garage; Frederick musical instrument and who are river—the Pawti addresses the group. Refreshments fall foliage from Mt. Hope. of Mrs. Florence Barron, while Miami, Florida. Mr. Coukhlin has Wayland, Rocky Hill rd., trailer interested in joining. ell, at elevation were served. Mrs. Irene Doyle has the let grade. gone as a representative of the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Carter dwelling; Howard Eveleth, Elm at., At Tuesday night's meeting. sea level, and th Fair As in former years the Kindergar- Letter Carriers' Union meeting be- of 181 Lowell street attended the garage (3 stall); John Paul Torrey, Conductor expressed his satisfac- Lawrence, at el twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Stinson rd., The annual fair and chicken pie ten work is carried on by Mrs. ing held there. The Coughlin fami- dwelling• John Gorrie, tion with the new group of play- mean sea level. Earl Slate. ly is making the trip with their of Mr. and Mrs. George Goodridge ' supper of the West church will be High Plain rd., dwelling. ers. Mrs. Roger Higgins, former ,, As the result trailer. The friends who gathered of Topsfield, Saturday evening. manager of the orchestra, intro- held in Andover Grange hall, Warren A. Lewis is superinten- Alterations and Repairs— August of the water. presented them a basket of grocer- Mr. Goodridge was formerly man- duced Mrs. Theodore Ward, who Thursday evening, October 21. The dent and Earl Young is assistant alter of the 13raeland farm on Elm J. Bodenrader, 5 Boston rd.; Arthur dam at Lowell supper will be served at 6:30 In supenintendent. Mrs. Arthur Lewis ies. They expect to be away four Peatman, Cutler rd.; George A. is to take over the responsibilities street, Andover. stream is sluggh the lower hall. Mrs. Richard Wil- is secretary and Herbert Carter is months and before returning will Brown, 422 Andover at.; Lymert as manager. Mrs. Ward spoke Miss Priscilla Batchelder, a first briefly of the plans for the coining Hampshire boon liams and Mrs. John Fielding are treasurer. travel through California. Wood, Salem st.; Howard Everleth, year student in the Home Econom- season, one feature of which will Similarly, beta ice Department at Essex County Elm st.; Joseph and Lea Chretian, he the fall concert. The music for Lowell and the Agricultural school, attended a Greenwood rd. this program will consist largely the flow in the meeting of the Future Homemak- I of today's most popular orchestral (except for a sh era of America, Saturday at guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hig- compositions. the Pawtucket I Swampscot. I gins. Another feature of the orches- "Below the ci tra's season will be the radio pro- Mrs. Halbert Dow is recovering river has consi, Comparison with other food prices grams started yesterday morning andMr. family and Mrs. of Shawsheen Lathrop Merrick road at her home on Beacon street, point where it spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. at 10:30 o'clock over station following a recent illness. tides about two Teddy Jones of Westminster. 1 WCCM, and which will continue above the Have] I Mrs. Nellie Krook of Arunde shows you — milk gives you more for Miss Marion Musket of Milton on alternate Wednesday mornings. All this, and o and Miss Irene Morgan of Mont- street is visiting friends in Read- The orchestra is anxious to stream, become serve the community and is tak- 'teller, Vermont, spent the weekend ing• the question of Mr. and Mrs. Harwood Belding ing steps to keep the public in- with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marland. establish a Mer your money than any other food- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Silva of of Highplain road have returned formed of its activities. erage District F Maple avenue spent the weekend after spending several days at In- HOCKEY GAME ON AIR erate sewerage as guests of Professor and Mrs. D. tervale, N. H. valley, will coin Horace Nelson of Amherst. I Mr. and Mrs. George Leaff of The opening home game be- Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Ilig,h plain road, spent the weekend tween the National Hockey League November 2. BE SURE IT'S Discussing ex Lebanon, N. H., were weekend in the White Mountains. Boston Bruins and the Chicago I Mr. and Mrs. William Barron Black Hawks, to be played at Bos- ties in Andover- and family of Virginia road en- ton Garden, Wednesday, October report states: "' *KEEP BUYING BONDS* joyed a trip to West Ridge, N. H. 20, will inaugurate the third sea- er has approxii Sunday. son of play-by-play hockey broad- sanitary sewers casts over Station WHDH, Boston. 1350 connectio More than three million persons sewage is disch LOUIS SCANLON'S in the are directly The leaching industry of Danbury, inch tile pipe i HOOD'S ON THE ANDOVER LINE dependent upon the coal industry Conn., is the making of hats. river near the for their living. sheen river. In i — FOR QUALITY Andover sewag Reputable Jewelers drains 98.3 ac / THINK NOW for Over 73 Year:, .. rence. When cc ARE YOUR YARDS, ATTIC AND CELLARS flltsodwraaisn low ebrye' MELROSE main sewer is I CLEAN? die all the dr; sewage flow a Why Not Have This Done NOW? dustrlal wastes —Let Us Do It For You— Of Lawrence of Lawrence It Free Estimates — Reasonable Prices combined sews sanitary sewer HANDY DANDY BOYS ly 16,000 conne

60 MARSTON ST. Hrs.: 8-6 Tel. LAW. 32632 sewage of Las into the Merr qpicket river I ,,Ni tiets Fouri on the south bi river, and one dover outfall e of South La There are north bank pr • ■ on the Stiickent •em .4 :1,1 :1 The most im ,,m; moo outlets is the sumo r :3111 ,, • COA

11 ASK YOUR HOOD ROUTE mtmeriaii.11 COit SALESMAN for your FREE copy of "20 BUDGET-SAVING DISHES" CO)

This new recipe Here is elegance, That new bathroom you've ,illIplicity, warmth and booklet tells you been waiting for will really stand out with VIKON 'iled walls rich weight in the finest sterling how to prepare V IKON Tile is easily and ceiling. For VIKON TILE'S twenty-odd silver ...a new Gorham pattern that 20 delicious, and quickly installed pastel, solid and two-tone colors have been over existing walls. recaptures the glory of Melrota scientifically developed to harmonize with recalls the romance nourishing, eco- No costly alterations the newest equipment and accessories. You'll plantation . HAY nomical main or disconnection of find just the right shade and lasting beauty of Natchez, Misaissippi ...for your fixtures. American way of living today. course dishes in VIKON TILE. and desserts. *39.00 VIKCI Charge or Budget 116AUTY • ttlINOMY selected farms • healthy herds • scientific feeding • regular farm C Inspections • laboratory control • modern plant control • efficient SERV delivery service TILE Main Off Law! • 11111tA81111Y Convenient Credit E '125 Market Street, Limrenee, Mass. — Tel. Law. 5167 LAWRENC Accommodations Ease, St. Tel. Di ,:41 312 ESSEX ST. CENTRAL BLDG. THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — OCTOBER 14, 1948

"After the river is crossed by million American women over mason Planned Merrimack River Report means of a 60-inch pressure sewer, thirty-five, heads of families, and I Orchestra the 7-foot interceptor will run along for many who must be the bread- n attencance of 45 mem- Sutton street in North Andover AT THE LIBRARY winners for the first time. En- I rehearsal Tuesday night Reveals Interesting Data about 600 feet and then leave the couraging for the middle-aged street to follow the Merrimack woman who must change Jobs or ver Communnity arches- (Continued from Page One) discharging into the Spicket river Did you miss these fiction books HERITAGE OF FAITH Monaghan II on its way toward the River bank to the mouth of Cho- while you take one, without training. at the foot of Garden street, which were away this sum- One hundred and twenty-five lye season since being It says, "have indicated the possi- chickewick Brook. In this stretch mer? There is something for every ALL MANNER OF MEN Ross drains about 1500 acres and serves documents exhibited on the Free- 0 years ago. bility of developing the Merrimack the two North Andover sanitary taste: dom Train as it toured 300 Amer- A study of the racial crisis In 50,000 persons in Lawrence and America. From his own experience -balanced and competent river for recreation by constructing Methuen sewers will be intercepted along The Golden Hawk, Yerby; ican cities are recorded here with players has been assem- park sites, bathing beaches, picnic with industrial wastes which may Christopher, Bush; In a Dark Gar- the history and significance of as chairman of the Fair Employ- tier the leadership of and camping grounds, and other "Most industrial wastes are dis- he accommodated in the existing den, Slaughter, (1946 publica- eat+. ment Practice Committee, the au- charged directly into the Merri- thor cites the various aspects of rown, conductor, of Mel- recreational facilities, provided the sewers. tion) ; A Treasury of Short Sto- THE UNITED NATIONS Hyatt. mack river, although some of them the problem of equal employment ting group are 16 An- pollution of the stream would not "At the mouth of Chochickewick ries, Kielty; A Seed In Spring, The Australian Minister for Ex- usicians, 13 are discharged into the north and Thompson; The Naked and the opportunity. from Law- prevent such development. To com- Brook, after the last outfall sewer ternal Affair's discusses the prob- lethuen and North An- south canals, and some of them are ply with the plans of the recrea- is intercepted, the 7-foot semi-ellip- Dead, Mailer; Each Shining Hour, lems facing the United Nations MAKING AND OPERATING ven from Haverhill, Brad- discharged into the Spicket river, Larrimore; Flame Vine, Miller. MODEL RAILROADS Yates tional and fishing interests, the tical section will discharge into a and organized world government Boxford, and others from especially near its mouth . . Covers the entire subject of quality of the water must be so im- ." 60-inch pressure sewer crossing to For the mystery readers, who generally. Formation, working, N. FL, Danvers, Read- model railroading from tinplate proved as to permit fishing and The remedial plan recommended the north bank of the Merrimack never find enough titles: future functions, all are presented. Melrose. Dr. Hyatt has had an active part in or readymade equipment to more by the Joint Board, after studying River, there to join with the North Call for the Saint, Charter's; bathing." Map of Mistrust, MacKinnon; the United Nations since its in- complicated gouge and scale out- er members of the orches- construction of a trunk sewer, calls Bank interceptor to form the Trunk de, Miss Phoebe E. Noyes. The board reports that the Make My lied Soon, Strange; Over ception. fits. Many photographs and draw- stream drains 5006 square miles, for a spore economical measure, interceptor leading to the treatment ings. Kelley, Panes Glinkas, that of constructing interceptors the Edge, Treat; Miss Pym Dis- JOBS FOR WOMEN 1208 of which are in Massachusetts, plant. The overall length of the poses, Tey; Silence in Court, ace H. Cole, Miss Helen along the river hanks in the Lowell, OVER THIRTY-FIVE Arthur Has Ethel A. Farrington, and 3798 in New Hampshire. South Bank interceptor, including Wentworth; The Labor of Her- C110111 ELECTS OFFICERS Lawrence, Haverhill and Newbury- The author has been a magazine Leavitt, Mrs. H. Allison "The sources of the river are in pressure sewers, will he 1.86 miles." cules, Christie; Death in the Air, At a recent meeting of the Free port areas to treat municipal sew- editor and publicity director for Roger W. Higgins, Mrs. the White Mountains of New Hamp- The treatment plant off Marston Christie; The Case of the Drowsy various organizations and contrib- church choir, the following officers age and industrial wastes before W. Higgins, Miss Mina shire," it reports, "and the river is street would "consist of racks, influ- Mosquito, Gardner; Death of a uted to well-known periodicals, were elected to serve for one year: 4rs. George Sanborn, An- formed at Franklin, in that state, they are discharged into the river. ent pumps, grit chambers, carbona- Swagman, Upfleld; The Case of such as Forbes, Independent president, John Carver; secretary, atyna, Mrs. Theodore E. by the confluence of the principal The cost would be in the vicinity of tion channels, grease floation and the Vagabond Virgin, Gardner; Woman, Nation's Business, etc. Mrs. Agnes Burdett; treasurer, Irs. Andrew Lacey, Miss tributaries, Pemigewasset and Win- $30 million, financed by 40-year flocculation tanks, primary settling And the Western readers were She writes here for the nearly five Duncan Cairnie. bonds. nderson and Eldon Stark. nipesaukee . . . basins, aeration tanks, secondary considered, too: This regional treatment plan Last of the Longhorns, Ermine; up of professional and "The tatal fall of the river from settling basins, a chlorine contact Maytag - Spartan - GM Frigidaire - Eureka - Bendix Buzzard Tracks, Hopkins; Return players, the orchestra re- Lake Winnipesaukee to the sea is would be somewhat the same in all chamber, affluent pumps, sludge Tuesday evenings in the four areas. In the Lawrence region to Powder Valley. Field; The Her- estimated to be about 500 feet. and grease pumps, sludge thicken- hoot auditorium. Still in mit of Thunder King, Gregory; Within the limits Massachusetts . five interceptor sewers are recom- ing tanks, vacuum filters with ac- F. J. LEONE CO. ess of expansion it weir mended. These would he: the North cessory sludge handling equipment The Wild Bunch, Haycox. ill those who can play a there are two dams across the CHILDREN AND RELIGION —5 FLOORS— river—the• ' Pawtucket Dam at Low- Bank interceptor, the Spicket Main and an administration and labora- Instrument and who are interceptor, the South Bank inter- Chaplin ell, at elevation 87.8 above mean tory building." FAMOUS BRAND NAMES ad in joining. ceptor, the Trunk interceptor, and The author of this very useful sea level, and the Lawrence Dam at An operating personnel of 70 per- book studied religious education 'uesday night's meeting, the Sow Brook interceptor. Radios - Applia.eo.a or expressed his satisfac- Lawrence, at elevation 39.2 above sons would be required at the Law- at the Episcopal Theological They would intercept all sewage rence plant. School in Cambridge and is now h the new group of play- mean sea level. 430 ESSEX ST., LAWRENCE, MASS. and industrial wastes and conduct The report discusses the trunk active in local and national affairs s. Roger Higgins, former of the impounding "As the result them to a treatment plant, the pro- sewer plan at length, hut recom- connected with her interest. She TELEPHONE 7837 r of the orchestra, intro- of the water of the river by the tirs. Theodore Ward, who posed site of which would he on mends the regional treatment plan has coped with many questions, the flow in the to over the responsibilities dam at Lowell, the north bank, off Marston street as it is better adapted for future such as "Why can't I see God?" Stromberg Carlson - Television - Domestic Sewing Machine tager. Mrs. Ward spoke stream is sluggish between the New between the Essex County school growth and it is the cheaper plan. and "Where is heaven? Why do I )f the plans for the coming Hampshire boundary and this dam. and the old dump. have to go to church? Why do we Similarly, between the city of one feature of which will Describing the South Bank inter- ANDOVER BOYS ENLIST say prayers?" Here are her prac- Lowell and the dam at Lawrence tical answers and her ideas for fall concert. The music for ceptor the report says: "Six large Two Andover boys are among the flow in the streams is sluggish guidance in the development of a 3 gram will consist largely outfall sewers from Lawrence, An- those recently enlisted in the (except for a short distance below child's faith. y's most popular orchestral /I dover and North Andover must he U. S. Army through the recruiting itions. the Pawtucket Dam. intercepted along the South bank of station at Lawrence. her feature of the orches- "Below the city of Lawrence the the Merrimack River. The first of Joseph L. Bernard. son of Mr. ason will be the radio pro- river has considerable fall to the and Mrs. George Bernard of started yesterday morning these Is the 6.0-foot circular Shanty BUYERS:YOU point where it is affected by the Pond combined sewer which dis- South Main street, enlisted un- Perfect Plaid flooverette 30 o'clock over station tides about two and one-half miles assigned for a three-year period. , and which will continue charges into the river beneath the above the Haverhill bridge." bridge at the foot of Broadway Ave- He is a graduate of Punchard rnate Wednesday mornings. All this, and other facts about the High school with the class of orchestra is anxious to nue. To gain elevation and to re- stream, become pertinent now as 1948. he community and is tak- duce backwater effect, this sewer the question of accepting an act to John Yancy, son of Mr. and )ps to keep the public in- will be intercepted at the corner of of its activities. establish a Merrimack Valley Sew- Wolcott avenue and Rowe street, Mrs. Frederick Yancy of 6 Central erage District to construct and op- which will thus become the point street, enlisted unassigned for a three-year period. He is a grad- EY GAME ON AIR erate sewerage works in the river of beginning the South Bank inter- uate of Punchard High school opening home game ba- valley, will come before the voters ceptor. November 2. with the 1948 class. the National Hockey League "Starting as a 30-Inch circular Discussing existing sewer facili- Bruins and the Chicago sewer the interceptor will run east- ties in Andover-Lawrence area, the Hawks, to be played at Bos- erly along Wolcott avenue (extend- LIST report states: "The Town of Andov- arden, Wednesday, October ed) and Merrimack street, increas- er has approximately 15 miles of 11 inaugurate the third sea- ing in size to 36-inch, 42-inch, 48- YOUR If you list your product play-by-play hockey broad- sanitary sewers with approximately inch and 60-inch circular sections PROPERTY or service in ver Station WHDH, Boston. 1350 connections. The collected as industrial wastes and the 36-inch sewage is discharged through a 30- Parker street outfall are intercept- inch tile pipe into the Merrimack FOR SALE The Classified leading industry of Danbury, ed. river near the mouth of the Shaw- is the making of hats. "At the foot of Osgood street, WITH TELEPHONE sheen river, In addition to all of the where the 54-inch municipal sewer .0, Andover sewage, this sewer also aitable Jewelers will be picked up, the interceptor \ DIRECTORY drains 98.3 acres of South Law- will change to a 5.5-foot semi-ellip- Over 73 Years .. rence. When constructed, this out- tical section, increasing gradually F. CARLETON BEMIS YELLOW fall was lowered in South Lawrence to a 7-foot section as heavy mill to drain in by gravity. . . . The increments and the Andover sewer Realtor PAGES ELROSE main sewer is large enough to han- are included. About 100 feet front AND. 1295 dle all the dry weather domestic the concrete bridge across the 14 PARK ST. sewage flow and the essential in- Shawsheen river, the interceptor • dustrial wastes of Andover." will leave the street and turn south Of Lawrence it says: "The City across the Shawsheen river to avoid of Lawrence has about 77 miles of the concrete bridge abutments. combined sewers and 22 miles of sanitary sewers, with approximate- • ly 16,000 connections. The domestic sewage of Lawrence is discharged bteCt taGH1S tat • into the Merrimack river and the The Beauty of your • picket river through a total of 11 Trees with proper COMO • -',)atlets. Four of these outlets are Pruning and Feeding on the south bank of the Merrimack CALL river, and one of them is the An- US! dover outfall sewer into which part of South Lawrence is drained. There are nine outfalls on the north bank proper, and two outlets on the Spicket river near its mouth. The most important of these 15 outlets is the Spicket main sewer



Here is elegance. GENERAL ELECTRIC warnith and DOUBLE-BED weight in the finest sterling AND MORE COAL AUTOMATIC BLANKET SINGLE CONTROL 7 a new Gorham pattern that $41.95 ',tures the glory of Melrose Start your fall sleeping under a G. E. Swirling, new plaid wrap-around, with smart DOUBLE-BED a ... recalls the rOt11211Ce HAVE YOU ORDERED YOURS ? ? Automatic Blanket and enjoy cozy, bolero treatment that looks like a dress! New for your DUAL-CONTROL niches, Alissi restful slumber ... every night . . . all longer length and true sizes! Perky tie-back riean way of ik ing today. winter long. Now's the time to buy $52.95 sash that flatters your figure! Guaranteed TWIN-BED 39.00 ;,:,„'„,:,,i:/.7:;",t1. automatic blankets for every bed in for wearability and washability by Orange your home so the whole family can SINGLE CONTROL Maid and Good Housekeeping! Charge or Budget CROSS COAL CO. enjoy restful, healthful sleeping comfort. $39.95 LAWRENCE FOR OVER 84 YEARS INEXPENSIVE DRESSES SERVING GREATER LAWRENCE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Main office: 26 Railroad Street ANDOVER OFFICE: PART OF NEW ENGLAND ELECTRIC SYSTEM Second Floor CUM111114.1.10 111, Lawrence — Tel. 5153 1 MAIN STREET TEL. 219 Branch Office: 270 Essex Street, Lawrence AND WORK ESSEX ST. LAWRL NCE NEW ENGLAND .. ate PLACE TO LIVE CENTRAL BLDG.


ANDOVER TOWN LEAGUE MONDAY NIGHT Basketball League Punchard Triumphs 15 Letters Awarded (Recreation Alleys) , MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE P.A. Rallies To Win To Open in November Over Reading, 20-0 Punchard Athletes George Craig of the Central Cafe (Shawsheen Alleys) Coining Punchard High School awarded 13-7 At Cambridge The Inter-Church Basketball Lea- five hit high triple of 377 Tuesday I CARRISBROOKE (4) (Continued from Page One) 15 letters last week to athletes for Andover Academy's grid warriors night, and Roy Early of Perkins Sughrue 88 89 73 250 gue will open its season the first their outstanding abilities In track had to come from behind to win this drive Reading compiled four Lunch captured honors for the Greenfield 101 95 94 290 week of November, according to Oct. and baseball. These letters were to J. Reilly 81 115 99 295 over the Harvard Freshmen 13-7 at 15 John M. first downs, but was halted by a high single with 142. plans made at Its meeting Friday exec he confered at the end of the 1947- O'Connor 123 106 111 340 Cambridge Saturday. lion strong Punchard goal line stand. The scores: night. Henry J. Dolan presided. 48 season but due to conditions be- Total 393 405 377 1175 Trailing 7-0 at the half, Coach Academy. Andover took over and imme- RINGERS (3) yond the school's control, did not YORKE (0) Steve Sorota's 1948 team put up a Representatives were present from 15 Punchard diately punted out of danger and Hatch 100 94 102 296 arrive In time. F. Reilly 83 108 98 289 the South, Free Christian, Andover dance. Me Reading's Charles Doucette ran Bernard 94 120 108 322 stubborn defense to stave off Crim- The lettern dn in baseball are as Inner 76 97 88 261 14 Dr. And back to the Punchard 11, but Donahey 112 117 98 327 son surges In the third period and Baptist, St. Augustine's, West Par follows: Robert Dyermond, Herb- Nell 89 87 94 270 lecture 01 again the home club was halted. Cargill 112 133 96 342 after halting a Harvard march, ish and Christ churches. ert Deveaux, Robert Beauchesne, Best 115 100 96 311 Abbot Act Boudreau 97 125 131 353 made its first score. The tally came Punchard again scored in the John Craig, Nicholas Mauceri, Total 363 392 376 1131 There will he three classifica- lie. 8 p. n' Total 515 589 535 1630 when Pete Gardere galloped 38 early stages of the fourth quarter Sidney Watson, Robert Dimlick, tions, juniors, intermediates and 14 Phillips A ANDOVER COAL (1) yards around right end, and Ber- when Deveaux raced from the Raymond Collins, John McCarthy ARGYLE (3) seniors. The junior section will be here. Reading 40 around left end to the Harriss 91 115 116 322 kowitz converted to even the score. and Charles Souter. Chalk 102 94 106 302 up to the age group of 13; the in- I.; "Hello 1S 10. As he was about to be A. Holden 99 85 124 308 P. A.'s rigid defense halted the Trackmen were: William John- Schutt 102 95 86 233 termediate group front 13 to 15 and Ballardva tackled he lateralled to teammate Erler 94 81 109 284 son, Joseph Rayball, Joseph Ra- Kefferstan 94 85 87 266 Crimson Cubs at the Andover 19- the seniors, 16 years of age. 17 Catholic Ray Collins who carried the ball W. Holden 91 97 100 288 yard line and seven plays later Dick tyna, Anthonp Medelo and Clark N. Parsons 103 105 97 305 St. Atigu into the promised land. Collins 108 116 116 340 Upon reaching the age of sixteen Lowe Total 401 379 376 1156 Collins carried the ball over from 3 p. 01. hit the center from the one yard Otis. during the basketball season, a bov Total 483 494 565 1542 ARUNDEL (1 the 10-yard line. 18 Andover line to give Andover a 14 to 0 may go to the senior age group if Parsons 99 87 95 281 Harvard predominated the first nual meet lead. Punchard substitutes: Watson, ROYAL CROWN COLA (4) he so desires. If he wishes, he may Junior III Driscoll 104 91 107 302 half and Bob Ray climaxed a sec- P. Tisbert, Medolo, R. Brennan, 89 98 124 311 stay with the intermediates; how- Punchard again tallied for the Naylor DeClereg 100 95 89 284 ond quarter drive by bucking for a 18 Evening I final touchdown when Dwyer F. Brennan, Guertin, Prescott, Karambelas 85 103 86 274 ever, he can only be with one group, Dummy 94 86 86 265 touchdown, following a 32-yard run. alts open hurled a pass from the Reading Tanolan and Valz. 83 110 85 278 the intermediates or the seniors. Tudisco Total 397 358 377 1132 13 V. F. N? 14 into the waiting arms of Clark Reading substitutes: Decker, Jimoulis 82 109 97 288 The summary: This policy also includes the party. poi Otis. The attempted conversion Partridge, Defferal, Surrette, Ar- ANDOVER — Toole, O'Reilly, le; juniors. A. Boutin 98 113 105 316 ENMORE (2) I9 Miss Pul was blocked. Punchard 20, Read- nold and Poole. Total 437 533 497 1467 Berkowitz, M. Beatty, Gordon, It; The next meeting of the church Sweeney 85 90 89 264 WCCM, I ing 0. GRECOES (0) Esmirol, Gambill, Ig; M. Collins, c; league will be held Friday, October Score by periods: Svenson 104 117 93 314 11 League 1 2 3 4 T 22, when new officers will The summary: FORFEIT Allen 108 105 114 327 Anderson, McTyreire, rg; Wright, be first incel 0 7 0 13-20 elected. lu PUNCHARD — le, Otis; It, Punchard Caliri 87 92 89 268 rt.; Johnson, Morgan, re; Ryan, with Reading 0 0 0 0— 0 ANDOVER SILVER (0) church, 1 Cavallaro; 1g, Mower; c, Mauceri; Thompson 84 106 105 295 O'Neil, qb; Rayder, Polk, 1111); Gar- Nolin 103 95 98 296 Priscilla rg, Gaudet (Co-C): rt, Curry; re, Touchdowns made by Chetson, Total 468 510 490 1168 dere, Wallace, rhb; R. Collins, Kentucky is excelled only by 19 A. It.. ho Chetson; qb, Lawrence; lhb, Otis and Collins. Point after Scutt° 97 107 108 312 BALMORAL (2) Shepard, fb. ' North Carolina in the culture of fine 98 107 104 309 at Andov Dwyer; rhb, Deveaux (Co-C); fb, touchdown made by Watson, Tacy Kefferstan 91 85 114 290 HARVARD FRESHMEN- Brooke, tobacco. Lacasse 79 116 98 293 house. 2 Collins. (placement), and Collins (rush). Warhurst 85 84 96 265 Cass, re; Raverby, Johansen, C. Total 377 425 408 1210 20 Central I READING — re, Smith; rt, Officials: Referee, Crosley; Um- Pulster 97 94 97 288 Thompson, Balcom, rt; Gordon, Bal- CENTRAL CAFE (4) DAMPHOUSSE at Menu Peterson; rg, Dadgdigian; c, Kil- pire, Pagliuci; Head Linesman, Moriarty 105 81 106 292 com, rg; Frothingham, Atkinson, Ruel 116 124 89 329 SIDING — INSULATION p. 111. lam; Ig, Sharkey; It, Desmond; Stewart. Dickson 109 90 111 310 Stewart 95 105 104 304 Julian, Balzer. c; Boulla, Cum- 20 Medford le, Murray; qb, Ahearn; rhb, This Saturday Punchard will Total 487 434 524 1446 ROOFING Williams 88 98 107 293 mings, Ig; Thompson, Holbrook, here, 2 1 Schmakor; fb, Doucette; fhb, clash with Ashland on their home Telephone 29485 Any Time Craig 135 125 117 377 lialcom, It; Hance, Sergienko, Swit- 20 Merrimac Cook. grounds. Game time is 2:30. ('LAN JOHNSON LEAGUE 200 MT. VERNON ST111,117r Total 434 452 417 1303 zer, Brooke, le; D. Burke, Lowen- 504-13 ESSEX ST., at Irway 10:30 a. Recreation Alleys) stein, qb; Walsh, Healey, fhb; 21 Court St CAMERONS (1) PERKINS LUNCH (4) Wylie, Healey. Fitzpatrick, 1111); dance. s( J. Nicoll 95 93 92 280 Milne 106 109 107 322 Ray, Ossman, fb. 21 Legion Maitland 78 110 98 286 Gordon 115 106 93 314 sheen scl W. Watt 103 76 91 270 Score by periods 1 2 3 4 T Early 102 112 142 356 Chris Muller vited, 8 J. Caldwell 89 92 87 268 Andover 0 0 7 6-13 ELo Dzig Nichol 100 107 117 324 21 Movie pr W. White 75 93 96 264 Harvard Fresh 0 7 0 0— 7 CARPENTRY R Nelligan 111 136 92 339 branch Total 440 464 464 1368 Touchdowns: Ray, Gardere, R. 125 HIGH PLAIN ROAD Total 534 570 551 1655 7:45 p. GORDONS (3) Collins. Points after touchdown, ENGINEERS (0) TEL. AND. 1 145-W 22 V.F.A. A CUSTOM-MADE MILLINERY Strachan • 83 107 89 279 Raverby, Berkowitz. ivstell 81 97 97 275 ny Boa Kinear 106 79 100 285 Witzgall 100 87 99 286 torium, F. Scott 119 86 71 276 McDonald 87 87 87 251 22 Interchui Telephone 31306 Gorrie, Jr. 104 119 99 322 Delightful Smith 114 91 90 295 meeting Denholm 106 112 92 310 Prevost 116 96 94 316 29 Puncher 134 JACKSON STREET — LAWRENCE, MASS. Total 518 503 451 1472 Handwrought Sterling Silver Total 498 458 467 1423 team vs Costume Jewelry 2 m. SEAFORTHS (4) SHAWSHEEN WOMENS 22 Veterans 106 105 105 316 THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Vunnett meets Caldwell. Jr. 91 108 84 283 AT (Shawsheen Alleys) speaker, We have a Pennsylvania Dutch Dough Table in the G. Nicoll 80 107 102 289 With a high triple of 316, B. Anderson 103 106 118 327 THE window of the Yarn Shop. Old pine with removable dough Clark. captain of the Army team, A. Ferrier 99 101 108 309 \EH Harvest trays inside. Deep enough to store lots of silver, glass or won the free ticket for bowling as,. Total 479 527 517 1523 next week's meet. B. Clark also BLACKWATCH (0) To Be bar accessories. Interesting and attractive. hit the high single of 117 for the C. Craig 97 88 111 296 Open until 1) P. M. on Tuesdays and Fridays The Harve evening. C. Fiedler, captain of the D. White 86 93 77 256 Park Street TelppInm, Is...r2 31 A. P. C. Sort $75.00 Marines, has the high average of Westcutt . . . . 100 98 129 327 alle•MAYMIMO11.=.... South Olivet 100. It. Ferrier 84 99 84 267 ARMY (4) Henderson 98 90 111 299 will be a ye Clark. Capt. 98 117 101 316 Total 465 468 512 1415 committee in Craft-Wood Products Petrie 91 80 85 256 includes, Mr ELAN DER VISIT OUR SHOP OPEN DAILY TEL. 2129-W Dodge 81 93 93 267 JOHNSTONS (0) chairman, 'Mr Carr 86 95 83 264 II, Gorrie 100 99 107 306 Gilbert Cron Vaughan 81 96 177 W. Deyermond 99 81 91 271 Hatton. Their Dummy 76 76 Thomson. Sr. . 82 86 99 267 attractive sel Total 432 466 458 1356 'l'omson, Jr. 127 116 115 357 SWANTON lety of artic COAST GUARD (0) J. Gorrie. Sr. 100 98 84 282 sale at 2:30 Butler, Capt 87 109 82 278 Total 508 480 496 1483 Mrs. Will JUST ARRIVED! slimmer 84 95 89 268 CAMPBELLS (4) charge of t Anderson 76 78 89 243 Pattu llo 115 96 115 326 bound to la Reed 80 76 75 231. Bissett 108 87 97 292 favor. There Schaberg 89 82 75 246 A. Meek 96 147 97 340 ler for those A Carload Of The Famous Total 416 440 410 1266 Caldwell, Sr. 82 98 98 278 the future, a A. Holden 113 90 113 316 will do silhr C. B's (2) Total 514 518 520 1552 irterested it Junes. Capt. 89 97 92 278 SIMMONS BEDDING Dummy 79 72 76 227 P.H.S. Harriers Lose [Bemire 92 96 97 275 WHO'S A Dolan 99 82 82 263 To Essex Aggies 26-29 TI('AL RA Briggs 88 96 75 259 The Punchard High school cross c try vot THE BEAUTYREST MATTRESS Total 437 443 422 1302 country team was edged out by the political ofl NAVY (2) Essex Aggies Friday afternoon, Oc- in the ram WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS $ KNOX HATS The only p Rielly, Capt. 99 98 91 288 tober 8, at Andover Playstead by a prints, the 59.50 Powers 72 79 84 236 MATTRESS score of 26 to 29. $8.50 - $10 - $16.50 Ai, IIIIS'i'ON G Leighton 72 82 76 230 The winner was Ernest Brown of s KN •X Proctor 93 94 98 285 Lynn who took the lead from the Freeman 82 93 80 255 start and ran away from all oppo- Total GARD 418 446 430 1294 sition to come in first. His time was flautter&Sutatt.tott 13 m.. 34 sec. RUBE THE DEEP SLEEP MATTRESS MARINES (3) INCORP ORATED GENE Fiedler, Capt. 88 102 94 284 Brown and Carew of Essex Aggies 220 COIL INNERSPRING ANDOVER, MASS. EXETER, N. H. $39 50 Gerrish 74 81 108 263 captured first and second places. BATE MATTRESS Killalea 89 79 92 260 Punchard boys came in as follows: . . Allen 85 81 88 254 L. Tlsbert, 3rd; McCarthy, 5th; Littlefield 106 77 85 268 Svenson, 6th; T. Medolo, 7th; TEL i1 W Total 442 420 467 1329 Nightingale, 8th; Munroe, 12th; FREE PARKING AIR CORPS (1) Dimlich, 14th; Woyle, 16th; John- ANDOVER $79 Byrne, Capt. 87 85 95 267 ston, 18th, and Peters, 19th. SOFA BEDS Fowler 102 95 89 286 Thirty-one runners started with Dean 31 88 77 246 twenty-eight crossing the finish line. PLAYHOUSE LAWSON AND MODERN to Todd 79 92 82 253 Friday, October 22, the Punchard Briggs 90 102 83 275 Cross Country team will hold a inept FRIDAY, SATURDAY — October 15, Ill Diana Lynn DESIGNS Total 4;19 462 426 1327 with Phillips Academy. Ruthless Zachary Scott $99 :1:00 5:16 8:50 Betty Compson Here Comes Trouble Bill Tracy 1:55 4:50 7: 45 LO.511.1112z.: L(I.TEITLI SUNDAY, MI NDAV — October 17, IS $19.75 Wadi% Time of Your Life 1 's Cawley William to 3:05 8:00 ':55 COIL SPRINGS Cam pus Sleuth ',mime Stewart Preisser 1:55 4:50 7: 45 $29.75 That added touch of beauty given TUFSDAY, WFUNEsDAY, 0c1010-r 19, 20,'21 by a necklace or bracelet . . . is — Street With No Name liark Stevens, illrintra Lawrence precisely the same decorative 3:10 6:10 9 - 111 effect that a new lamp or table Charlie Chan in "Shanghai Iltoland %%litters, N1100a0 Nlorelatiul 7 50 FOLDING COT BEDS $29.75 will give your home. We now have Chest" 1: 511 4:50 many such pieces . . . each one a FRIDAY. SATURDAY — October 22, 23 ULM/Pik Scott superb appointment in the most Pit fall Mirk POWe II 3: 1-, 6:15 9:10 discriminating home. D tttttt Id Ban, . . . Lightnin' In The Forest Lynne Roberts SULLIVAN'S 1:.15 4:40 7:35 May THE FURNITURE BARN SATUIRDAV MORNINI; 310VIE FOR CHILDREN :VI' to O'CLOCK Christ THE BIG FURNITURE STORE Superman (Serial) Over Saute Fe 'rrail for or WILSON'S CORNER NORTH ANDOVER Short Subjects and Cartoons THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — OCTOBER 14, 1948 5 ill League same lin November Coining Events itiftoftatitles at linked Nations General Assembly NOTABLES TO ATTEND ir-Church Basketball Lea- men Its season the first INAUGURAL AT PHILLIPS November, according to (ct. 15 John M. Kemper inaugura- le at its meeting Friday tion exercises at Phillips (Continued from Page One) schools and school systems, and my J. Dolan presided. Academy. delegates from 98 colleges, univer- A special luncheon for delegates Ides and junior colleges are ex- atives were present from Is Punchard High Alumni barn and distinguished guests will be pected. In addition to such dele- , Free Christian, Andover dance. Memorial gym, 8 p. m. held in the Borden gymnasium at 16 or. Andre Michalopoulous gates, consular representatives of t. Augustine's, West Par noon. The principal speaker at the six foreign countries have accepted lecture on Greek conditions. luncheon will be Judge Carrot C. ;hrist churches. Abbot Academy open to pub- and the Commonwealth of Massa- !limits of New Haven, distin- chusetts will he represented by will be three classifica- Ile, p. guished Federal Jurist, who le a Governor Bradford, Senator Sid- 16 Phillips Academy vs Brewster Hors, intermediates and graduate of Phillips Academy In tonstall, Congresswoman Edith here, 'he Junior section will ho the Class of 1907. G. Storer Bald- Nourse Rogers, and State Senator Neighbor" program, age group of 13; the in- 16 "lien() win of Chestnut Hill, president of Philip K. Allen of the Fourth Es- p m. e group from 13 to C and Ballardvale, 9 the Andover Alumni council, will sex District. The Selectmen of the 17 Catholic School Guild tea, rs, 16 years of age. he toastmaster at this luncheon. Town of Andover will represent St. Atigutitine's school hall, caching the age of sixteen The Academic procession of four the town, and the Hon. William e basketball season, a boy 3 p. m. hundred will assemble at 2 o'clock. Phillips, former United States Am- i3 Andover Council P.T.A., an- and will march from the Commons bassador to Italy, will represent o the senior age group if nual meeting and installation, to the Great Quadrangle, where the Phillips Family, founders of Tres. If he wishes, he may Junior thigh school, 8 p. m. the actual procession takes place. Phillips Academy. I the intermediates; how- 18 Evening Study classes for ad- ;an only be with one group, During the march the Phillips Among the college and univer- ults open at P. A. Academy choir and Glee club of illy heads who will be in attend- 'mediates or the seniors. I S V. F. W. Auxiliary whist licy also includes the lee voices, massed under the pro- ance are: Presidents Jatnes Phin- party, post rooms, 7:45 p. m. tico of Samuel Phillips hall, will my Baxter of Williams College, J. 19 Miss Putnam, librarian, on sing the processional hymn. The ,xt meeting of the church Seelye libtler of Colby College. WCCM, 10:30 a. m. program for the exercises la as Leonard Carmicheal of Tufts Col- ill be held Friday, October League of Women Voters, follows: lege, Rear Admiral Wat Tyler n new officers will be first meeting of season opens Processional: Hymn by choir and USN. Rot., of Worcester with luncheon at Christ Polytechnic institute, Charles W. church, 12:45 p. tn. Glee club Sine Nomine: (V. Williams) Cole of Amherst College, Harold :ky is excelled only by 19 Priscilla Abbott chapter, 1). W. Dodds of Princeton University. Lrolina in the culture of fine A. R.. holds opening meeting Hymn: America: (Samuel F. Smith) Charles Seymour of Yale Univer- at Andover Historical society sity and William E. Stevenson of house. 2 p. m. Invocation: by the Reverend A. Graham Baldwin, School Min- Oberlin College. 20 Central P.T.A. Fathers' night Harvard University will be rep- DAMPHOUSSE at Memorial auditorium, 8 ister Important figures at meetings of the United Na- Spaak, Belgium, political and security committee; resented by Dean Wilbur J. Bender 4G — INSULATION p. M. The Induction: Bishop Henry Wise 'Hone General Assembly in are the session's (2) Hernan Santa Cruz, Chile, economic commit- of Harvard College, formerly in- Medford High vs. P.A. soccer, Hobson, President of the ROOFING 2,, president and chairman of its six main commit- tee; (3) , Lebanon, social and hu- structor in history at Phillips here, 2 p. m. Board of Trustees alone 29488 Any Time ! teed, who are shown above, where the real work manitarian committee; (4) Nasrollah Entezam, Academy. and Dartmouth College 20 Merrimack College on WCCM, The Acceptance: Headmaster John IT. VERNON STIIIGET ,ie done. In the center is Dr. Herbert V. Evatt, , trusteeship committee; (5) Dana Wilgress, Mason Kemper by ['resident Emeritus Ernest M. ESSEX ST., at trway 10:30 a. m. !Australian Minister of External Affairs and As- Canada, administrative and budgetary committee; Hopkins. a former Trustee at Monica Halloween Greetings• In the behalf of the 21 Court St. iseinbly President. Others are: (1) Paul Henri and (6) Ricardo Alfaro, Panama, legal committee. Phillips. dance, school hell. Faculty: Oswald Tower, Dean of the Faculty; In behalf of Following the inauguration cere- 21 Legion meeting at Shaw- the Students: Raymond Quin- mony, Mr. and Mrs. Kemper will sheen school, all veterans in- Community Chest MOVIES AT THE LIBRARY greet the delegates and guests at hris Muller vited, 8 p. m. Pastor Describes tus Anderson, President of '1'lle first of the monthly movie the Student council a reception to be held in the Acad- CARPENTRY 21 Movie program at Ballardvale Goal Here $18,430 and story hours to be held this fall emy Commons. In case of rain, the branch library, all invited, Duties As Chaplain Address: James Rowland Angell, HIGH PLAIN ROAD (Jontinued From Page One) will start next week in the Memo- inauguration exercises will be held 7:45 p. m. President Emeritus of Yale rEL. AND. 1115-W At a meeting of the Senior rial Hall Library. Boys and girls University in the Cochran Chapel, and dele- 22 V.F.A. Auxiliary monster pen- ed for 13 Red Feather services. Women's Union of the West Par- of grades one through three, are The Phillips Academy Hymn: Sung gates and guests will be seated ny social, Memorial audi- Andover is asked to raise $18,430. ish church recently, the Rev. invited to come Tuesday afternoon, by the Phillips Academy choir there and in Geogre Washington torium, 8 p. m. of this amount. John G. Gaskill, pastor of the October 9. at 3:35 o'clock. They and Glee club and the whole Hall. 22 luterchurch Basketball league church, related some of his ex- "Computed in volume of service, will hear stories, told by Miss Lane asembly meeting and election, 8 p. m. periences as chaplain of the 127th it is the cheapest value the men, wo- and will see "Three Little Kittens" The coal resources of the state of 22 Ptinchard High cross country The Headmaster's Address: John Silver Evacuation hospital. men and children of Andover can and "Children of Holland." Thurs- Wyoming are said to be great,' team vs. Phillips Academy, Mason Kemper buy for their own good. Every day. October 21, at 3:35, grades than those of any other state. Jewelry 2 11. tit. Ile told of his duties as chap- Benediction: Bishop Henry Wise worker and every potential giver 1-6 will see "Children of Holland" 2 Veterans' Allied Council lain at the Dachau concentration Hobson will agree that no price tag shows and "Wing, Claw and Fang." All meets at V, F. W. rooms, camp, which his Unit entered the Recessional: "0 Lord of Hosts, day after its capture by the the human value of treatment for young people of these grades are Almighty King" (Oliver Wen- ASHES AND RUBBISH speaker, 8 p. M. cordially invited to attend. American forces, and also de- a child needing immediate medical dell Holmes, Class of 1825) REMOVAL scribed visiting some of the fa- care--nor that of providing care GIFI [Er mous cathedrals of Europe, in- and foster homes for helpless and Although final figures on ac- Harvest Bazaar ON DEAN'S LIST • ceptances of invitations to the in- GILBERT SORENSON cluding that of Rouen shortly neglected children— nor that of TELEPHONE 685-W after it had been bombed. the lowered rate of delinquency Mildred Harshaw of 94 auguration have not been compiled, street, Andover, has been named secondary ra and To Be Gay Affair made possible by our youth agen- delegates from 131 Fridays The meeting of the Union was to the Dean's List at Jackson Col- T1'11'010110' I522 .91 The Harvest Bazaar which the held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cies. A. P. C. Sorority will hold in the lege, department for women at Telephone 7339 Established 1854 Gaskill on Lowell street. Mrs. "The people of Andover can be Tufts College, for work completed South Church vestry November 20 John Dugid, president. was in the proud of their generosity in help- in June. She is a consistent will be a very festive affair. The chair. ing to make the Chest drive a suc- Dean's List student and has par- GEO. W. HORNE CO. committee in charge of decorations During the business meeting, cess last year. I feel confident that ticipated in the productions of LAWRENCE, MASS. Includes, Mrs. Everett Dearborn, Mrs. Charles Newton, Mrs. Annie they will once again demonstrate Pen, Paint and Pretzels, honorary TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK chairman, 'Mrs. Franklin Ellis, Mrs. Thomes, Mrs. John Brodhead and their belief in the work of the 13 undergraduate dramatic society at SPECIALIZING IN ASPHALT SHINGLING Gilbert Cromie and Mrs. Robert Miss Louise Kelsey were ap- chest agencies by giving generous- Tufts. Hatton. Their plans promise a most pointed to act as a nominating ly of their time and money to make attractive setting for the wide var- committee to bring in a slate of this community project a success. iety of articles whch will go on officers at the next meeting. Plans "If we fail to raise our goal in sale at 2:30 in the afternoon. were also made for a supper to Andover, it means a curtailment JUST ARRIVED AT TOHER'S Mrs. William Emmons is in be held Wednesday, October 21, in of essential services--and this is the Grange hall. charge of the jewelry which is unthinkable. I believe Andover Following the meeting refresh- bound to be received with great will repond and will see to it that For the first time since 1941 we can offer favor. There will be a Fortune Tel- ments were served by the hostess we meet our goal on November 1." ler for those who wish to look into assisted by Mrs. Earl Slate. the future, and Mrs. Robert Hatton SCHOOL GUILD TEA a Brand New Console Sewing Machine will do silhouettes for those more NDOVER COUNCIL P. T. A. The Catholic School Guild will interested in the present. The Andover Council of Parent have a tea Sunday afternoon, Oct- For Such a Low Price. Limited Number. Teacher Associations will hold its ober 17, from :I to 5 o'clock in St. annual meeting at 8:00 o'clock, Augustine's school hall. The com- ONLY WHO'S AHEAD IN THE POLL- Monday, October 18th, in the mittee in charge has planned that TicAL RACE? Throughout the country voters and those seeking Junior High music room. Mrs. the first hour be devoted to the political office follow the returns Walter Mondale, president, will tett to be followed by a social hour in the ft s GALLUP POLL. preside. On the agenda of business with the sisters. "The only paper in Boston which will be the installation of officers All (tothers are invited to at- prints the Gallup Poll is THE for the ensuing year. tend. 119.95 BOSTON GLOBE. I Adv.) KN SIX MONTHS CASH NITER NATIONS WEEK UPHOLSTERING The Memorial Hall Library will Chairs -- Refinished — Cane Seating GARDEN PLOWING display books, periodicals and Venetian Blinds — Window Shades No Carrying Charges it Interest mulon High Grade Coverings for Davenports pamphlet material on the United Lino Rugs — Mattresses Remade RUBBISH REMOVED Nations during the week set aside Packing — Shipping — Crating GENERAL TRUCKING in honor of the great world-wide EXETER, N. H. ROWLAND L. LUCE COMPLETE WITH BATESON & SON organization. October 17-24. A 'Formerly Buchan's) reading list of suggested titles Tel. 1840 TEL. 1467 - W 19 Barnard Street • Attachments may be made for any who wish R. 11-W • Beautiful Console TEL "The Exquisite in Children's Wear" Cabinet as Shown

USE • All Steel Head totter 15, to Scott Diana 1.)as qp 20 Year Guarantee : 00 5:55 8:50 ny Betty Compson :55 4:50 7:45 • Reverse Stitch diet. 17, 18 And Many Other Features

: 05 6:00 s:55 Stewart Jtr,e Liberal allowance on your old Sewing Machine — Pay only 24c a day — Drop :55 4:50 7:F. in today and order yours. Our supply is limited

— ort00,- ('I, 20, 21 ILirktra Lawrence :10 6:10 9.10 Buy It! Winters, Nlatitan 9Ioreltuid See It! Try It! 50 4:50 7:50 • AT ober :22, 23 Lii.abet It Scott That VERY OLD Look 15 0:15 9:10 °hems Donald Harry • • • . of wise children who know Christmas is coming. lit, L.c TOHER'S .15 4:40 7:35 May we suggest that 'low is an excellent time to do your 213 ESSEX STREET LAWRENCE AMEN .%T Iu O'CloCII Christmas shopping for children's clothes. Our selection Convenient Terms — Lip to 15 Months on Time! iternian (Serial) E The House of for angels from infancy to seven is at its peak. Z1 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN - OCTOBER 14, 1948

Veterans Receive Data JUNIOR HIGH SHAI By JANET THOMPSON From Housing Chairman Mrs. C Blues -- Capt. Jean Pearson, (Continued from Page One) 2. Housing authorities set up During the last period Thure- LITERATURE Rita Tisbert. Karolyn Erler, Joyce Literatu under Chapter 372 had been orga- day, October 7, a combined aseem- Williams, Ruth Miller and Nancy The that the Andover Country club had nized and operating two years be- lily was held on Fire prevention. the Shawsheen been obtained for the banquet to fore they took on Chapter 200. Mr. Nelson of the Junior High in- Reds-C apt. Lucille Spinella, club under thi We be held Saturday night, November Authorities operating under Chap- troduced Fire Chief C. Edward net Yemeni, Sandra Guertin, Mrs. Walter 13. ter 200 only, were organized dur- Buchanan of the Andover Fire de- •Nlj'a°r11.tscitTI'l'iSi 'Tompkins. Joan Coney- day morning a The sum of $26 was voted for ing the summer of 1948 and are partment. Chief Buchanan then bear and Janet Thompeon. their first in a the welfare fund. still suffering birth pains. Those introduced George E. liarielton of views by Mrs. After a few remarks, following operating under both laws are the Merrimack Fire Insurance Hiritilll'etkilslegventh grade home- Morning coffi his Introduction by Commander more long-established. ,Afinpany of Andover, who in turn making classes, the girls have to the meeting. Sherman, Atty. O'Brien spoke as 3. Under Chapter :172 tile City presented the chief speaker to the been studying the basic seven and Antique Depar follows: Or town appropriates the money assembly, Mr. Butler of the Fire are labeling their file boxes. They The Antique To get down for filminess: for the project. Under Chapter 200 dreven,ion organization of New have also been making cocoa, on a very int the State guarantees your bonds England. Mr. Butler demon- cinnamon toast. and cheese Andover has voted to adopt trip recently t and mortgages but neither the drated the common fire hazards, bits. Chapter 2(11) for veterans housing. the famous hon State nor the town appropriates darticularly those caused by rub- The eighth grade girls have It is very important that you keep were those of L any sizable sum. 'The town voted 'lel', electrical appliances, gaso- finished cutting their skirts of this clearly in mind. Four different Waldo Emerst as $500. Salem voted Mr. Miller ine, and other cleaning fluids. corduroy. wool, spun rayon, House. laws govern housing. but Andover thorne who addressed you recently, $515- The assembly Friday was in tweed, gabardine, or tropicals, has accepted only Chapter 200. Margaret Loth] .100 under Chapter 372. charge of Miss Evelyn Parker of and they are now starting to piece The Federal law on low income author of the "1 This question about where the he Business department. She in- the skirts together. housing came into being in the and Miss Loth] dioney conies from is important. 11, iroduced Louis Finger of the An- The girls of the ninth grade 1930's. For instance. under this, teresting talk Ile who controls the purse strings dover Savings Bank. who talked home-making classes have com- Lawrence set up a Housing Au- EASY TO COOK - ECONOMICAL TO SERVE showed the runs the show. Under Chapter 200 about thrift. Mr. Finger stressed pleted the canning of the garden thority and built housing on the specials, grape jellies, jams, and "Going away" ( the State guarantees the bonds so the importance of learning to mother upper part of Essex Street. 'TAPS COD TURKSY. marmalade, grape butter, and by her die State controls every movement Pound for pound of hearty, WITH SAVORY STUFFING ;aye while very young. He de- Emergency temporary housing was body-building protein, fish is a tomatoes. They are now studying There were .nade under that law. Nothing can Select a 4-pound fish, head awl tall monstrated posters from various Stu authorized by a Massachusetts law better buy-especially when you foreign countries, which showed nut rit ion. bers in the he done without long hours of con- left on, cleaned and prepared for and right after the war Under this, choose cod called "Cape Cod baking. Wipe fish with damp cloth that children there are taught the trip certain barracks-type housing was .erenee with the State-and even Turkey" because of its savory and rub with seasoning mixture In- luncheon at Th their rules 'lunge every time you side and out. Stuff with Savory thrift, also. built in several communities. goodness, or haddock, the favor- StutrIng and sew together or fasten try to get an answer. Under Chap- ite of all New England fish- with skewers. Put a few gashes on Religious Education Uncle Sam Says The next hill was the so-culled lovers! top of fish and place strips of salt ter 273 when the town appropriates pork or bacon In gashes. Religious education classes be Chapter 372 whirl) went into effect die money things move much more Bake or roast the whole cod gan last Wednesday during the or haddock . . . filled with your Preheat oven to 400° F. and oil May 23. 1946. This is tile law un- quickly and the local Board has the baking pan well. l'iace an oiled seventh period. Those taking Re der which Lawrence and Salent favorite stuffing, or simply sea- cheesecloth 011 pan and lay fish on it. Home real power to get things soned with sprigs of parsley and Brush fish with salad oil or butter ligious Education went to their and nutny other communities have and bake tl minutes per pound Of various churches for instruction. done. a lump of butter inside. It's head Is left on); 12 minutes per built. 4. Under Chapter 372 single easy, if you just follow these pound Of head is off). Student Council The final bill-which is the only and duplex houses can be built. simple rules. When fish Is done, remove to Student Council meetings are platter by lifting It in cheesecloth. bill under which your Housing Au- Under Chapter 200 probably only And remember: fish is known held during seventh period Mon- by nutritionists as a "complete Serve with lemon or lime wedges, thority is entitled to act is Chap- multiple housing can be built. I garnish with parsley. Serves 4 to 6. days. in which the various limb ter 200-enacted April 6, 1948. protein" with the plus of neces- lents of the school are discussed. say "probably" because even the sary amino acids, vitamins and Savory Stuffing: Mix together Question one-why is Chapter Mate Board is not yet positive minerals, including iodine, which 1 cup bread crumbs, ?ii cup flanking 200 the only one your Authority about this. nutrition authorities urge every- melted butter or margarine, 1,(.- Last Tuesday was the school's can work on? The special town one to obtain. Get your share cup hot water, Vi tsp. salt, %, first banking day, and seventy- 6. Under Chapter 372 the vet- tsn. sage, % onion minced, Vs meeting was called last May or and enjoy a Cape Cod Turkey seven pupils deposited their eran's rent is used to cut down tile feast today-or tomorrow. tsp. pepper. June for this Housing vote. The money, which amounted to $98.05. vote of the special Town Meeting city's investment and after five tears the houses are to be put up English Conference gave the selectmen power to act This weekend. the English under Chapter 200. No power has :or sale. The rent for a single or ;lair of a duplex might run $65 to at present calls for their sale after tape which Mr. Miller said any but teachers of the Junior High fac- ever been voted under Chapter ' 6 years. -in apathetic group would easily ulty, Miss Beatrice Stevens, Miss 372. When your Housing Author- $75 a month minimum. Under Chapter 2)10 the rent covers light, To sum it up: Chapter 200 is put. I don't know Mr. Miller, but :\nsi Angelo. Miss Nancy Hint, ity was appointed its only power .ind Miss Katherine Sweeney, will Any day soon you may be faced 'teat. water, rent, taxes and inter- 'Irani new and the houses built un- his speech wasn't apathetic - yet was to act under Chapter 200. er it will in all probability be he hasn't been able to get through attend an English Conference at by some real bugaboos if you are st and may run $40 to $50 a not salting away a part of your Why am I so insistent that you multiple units of brick construc- it. the Normal School, Keene, N. H. realize we have power only under nonth. Chapter 372 veterans pay Conference wages every pay day. Bugaboos can tion for rental only at the lowest 2. The paper work is enormous. II • Et ice pop up unexpectedly and now is the Chapter 200? To answer that let for their utilities and heat sepe- Miss Angie Dantos of tile possible rent. Chapter 372 is much Mr. Miller has a whole paid full- time to prepare for them. They can me compare Chapter :172 and rately. Home Economics department, at- older and houses built under it time staff. yet he is not ready to hit you in many ways-money need- Chapter 200. A. Chapter 200 houses will tie single family or duplex type, tended a Home Economies confer- ed for your children's education, begin to build. y to retire, or SUPpOSe 1. Chapter 372 started in 1946 ?reliably he permanently kept tin- wool, will be sold in five years and ence in Swampscott during the enough 3. The theory of Chapter 200 is your wife or your rhildren sl while Chapter 200 begun in 1948. ier an authority although the law rent for roughly twice to 2% past weekend. permanent housing well planned bet sick? The best attack on times the rent of Chapter 200 ;ports for the best housing of you gentle- these bugaboos is to buy F.S. Sav- housing. The first boys' intramural soc- ings Bonds, week after week, month men for your whole lives is neces- So mush for the difference in cer games were played last Tues- after month, year after year. So , RADIO REPAIR sary. The theory of 372 calls for day, with eighty-four boys parti- sign up today for the Payroll Sac- the law. Let me now take up Mr. quicker, shorter lived housing. ings Plan where you work, or, if . tarry Miller who spoke to loony of cipating. Tjie Reds defeated the 4. 'The mayor and the secretary self-employed, for the liond-a- SERVICE Greens, 2-0, and the Golds de- Month Plan at your bank. you on October 1. Mr. Miller is the ell me Salem cannot start to build chairman of the Salem. Mass. au- feated the Blues, 1-0. U.S. Treasury Department under 200 until the spring. Much Thirty-nine girls reported to thority. The information I have on k as your Authority would like to Miss Collins last Tuesday for in- TEMPLE'S Mr. Miller's speech I have taken CESSPOOLS PUMPED OUT have housing for you now, it has tramural soccer. Because so few -ALSO- from the Tribune of October 6. I had to rave the realization that no reported to the Gold, Blue, and ,A MAIN STREET TEL. 1115 assume that tile Tribune has re- Cesspools and Septic Tanks housing under Chapter 200 can be Red teams, their games were for- Installed ported the talk accurately. started until the spring also. feited, and the Greens, with nine- CHARLES CORBEIL The information I have about Enough for explaining: Now to teen girls on the team. were given tile situation in Salem is the re- our plans for Andover: Sites have the victory. TEL. LOWELL 7236 Be Carefree As a Puppy sult of a conference I had with the already been picked. They are ex- The girls on the teams are as Mayor of Salem and the secretary cellent in tile opinion of the au- follows: of their Housing Authority this thority and have been approved by Greens-Capt. Judy Maddock, morning. This also, I assume is an official of the State. The type of Betty MacMillan. Janet Valentine. ROOFING accurate. Betty tiorn. Jean Farrell. Bar- Have nary a Wash housing selected by your Authority ROOF REPAIRING gat Under Chapter 372 Salem has as supplying you with the best bara Wright, Carol Valentine. :Ian Thompson, Earline Goff, Pa- appropriated $516,000. To date housing, :it smallest cost is the so- OF ALL KINDS the Worry in your pretty l-lila Sanborn, Ann Smith, Mill they have converted 16 houses lulled garden type where each all .itudirue, Barbara Williams. Max- . 25 Years of Experience from single family to three family amity has its own entrances head. Get out and enjoy and ne Wainwright, Olga Sarkisian, mc houses and they have built 3 du- there are no common hallways. It All Work Covered Leslie Westfall. Shirley Plegg, ---October's Sunshine- plex houses. They also remodelled must be noted that Mr. Miller who By Insurance a city-owned house ( like Andover's Maureen Darby and Claire Van ref woke so highly of the cheaper Coppenalle. while We Take Care of Your Laundry. Shaw property on Main street) in- mist of single units and how the HENRY E. GOSSE rot t., a three family unit. The total Golds-Capt. Eileen Skeirik. eterans prefer single dwellings, Eva DeAngelo, Edith Doherty. HAGGETT'S POND ROAD housing provided is 54 family has requested the same type of WEST ANDOVER units. Comparing the relative sizes Marie Cote, Arlene Parisean, Our Specialtv Is hunik NN ask '.wellings as your own authority Clara Bassett. Marion Noss and Telephone Lawrence 38805 of Salem and Andover, your se- 'ias requested. Marion Washington. lectmen and Frank Markey did the What have we done besides de- ANDOVER STEAM LAUNDRY same thing without Chapter 372 ride on the location and type of when they remodelled tile Shaw housing? We have finished the so- TELEPHONE 110 property. -ailed part one of the application Mr. Miller pointed out one to the State. We have analyzed tile thing which you must keep in mind 99 questionaires which were re- - Salem has not yet produced a turned to the Authority by the vet- Aultilltsr .ouse. or a foundation, or even a erans. We have Interviewed archi- Ian if a house under Chapter 200. tects and shortly will chose one "A Treadway Inn" a other words Salem, which start- to draft the plans. Located on Campus of ed 200 over a month and a half Your Authority has met approx- before we did - and with a group imately twenty times. It has made Phillips Andover Academy 101 organized and already accred- eight or nine trips to Boston for Inviting all to enjoy its facilipes. ted by the State. has progressed long, drawn out conferences with Rooms - Meals - Functions • ittie further than Andover which the State Board. It has received ELECTRIC KITCHEN Visit Our Newly Installed t art Shop ook on the job green in June of all possible cooperation from the WASTE DISPOSER . . . officials and selectmen of Andover Edward A. Romeo, Mgr. Tel. And. 903 FOR '9ISIti 'm not blaming Mr. Miller or in completing the tremendous Ina- Iris Authority in Salem for not vial by the State. kiaen-J producing houses yet under Chap- Itl ,11.11.INS In finishing let me tell you that el* 200. Not one city or town in the veterans of Andover will be Ile whole state has been able to iet,se1 in us good or better dwell- ... turn on cold water. SATURDAY SERVICE ZIP is much as turn a sod under Chap- digs, us sous ,;.e. sooner than those el- 200 yet. Wily the delay? of any place north of Boston act- ZIP ... turn on switch. 1. The first reason is the red lip under Chapter 200. Beginning October 16th, we will be open

ZIP ... scrape refuse into Saturday mornings from 8:00 to 12:00 to drain opening. Waste is pul- YANKEE MAGAZINE assist our clients in filing their 1949 auto verized, goes down the drain! mobile registration applications. "IT'S LATER I HAN YOU THINK" Single Issue~ and Subscriptions mos Is Creeping On Us Very Fust Ideal Gift for the Whole Family

The Book Room 14 Park St SMART & FLAGG, INC. J. E. PITMAN EST. The Insurance Office 63 PARK STREET Bank Bldg. Andover 870


Enlists in WAF Allen and Collins The first WAF to be enlisted in SHAWSHEEN the Merrimack Valley area is AT THE CHURCHES Guests at Luncheon Mrs. G. Edgar Best, Correspondent, Telephone 171 Elizabeth G. Fagan of 43 Summer Senator Philip K. Allen and Rep. street, who was sworn in for a J. Everett Collins were among the BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, Masses 6:30, 3:30, guests who attended the luncheon Capt. Jean Pearson, three year period at the Lowell LITERATURE Concord square. The group cli- main recruiting station, Thursday, REV. WENDELL L. BAILEY, Pastor 9:45 and 11:36. given by Governor Robert F. Brad- , Karolyn Erler, Joyce S lay, 9:30 a. m., Church The Literature Department of maxed their trip at the Country October 7. + ford at the Boston City club last tith Miller and Nancy Village Woman's store. school for all departments; 10:45 the Shawsheen ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Thursday. The Antique Study group is un- A graduate of Punchard High a. m., Morning worship, observ- club under the chairmanship of (Ballardvale) The state officials gathered at the ,pt. Lucille SPInellit• Mrs. Walter Webster, met Wednes- ' der the chairmanship of Mts. Ed- school and former employee of ance of Universal Laymen's Sun- son, Sandra Guertin. the Wotod mills, Private Fagan day; 7:00 p. m., Evening service Sunday, 9:00 a. m., Mass. City Club from all over the Com- 'day morning at Phillips Inn for win L. Brantley. 101 Akins. Joan Coney- left for Lackland Field, Texas, + + + monwealth to hear their chief ex- a series of book re- Their next meeting will be held in the church parlor. net Thompson. their first in Monday, October 11, where she Wednesday, 7:30 p. tn., Pioneer SOUTH CHURCH ecutive praise them for the unity iews by Mrs. Lewis A. Putnam. at the Historical House in Andover au v will receive her basic training Girls meet in the vestry. RE,/ FREDERICK B. NOSS, Pastor they are showing in supporting the Morning coffee was served prior November 12 and their speaker seventh grade home- necessary for assignment to a Thursday, 8:00 p. In., Adult Sunday, 9:30 a. m., Church entire Repjublican state ticket in will be Mrs. Alexander L. Peck- isses, the girls have to the meeting. WAF unit. choir rehearsal in the church school and the Junior church; the coming election. ng the basic seven and Antique Department ham. Mrs. Peckham is vice-chair- 9:30 a. m., High School classes; parlor. The governor predicted victory in ; their file boxes. They The Antique Department went man of the State Antique commit- 9:30 a. M., Men's group; 10:00 resulted in 220 enrollments to Notes: Members of the Philo- November for the nominees of the been making cocoa, on a very interesting historical tee and an authority on glass col- thea (organization who plan to go a. m., "Loyalty Sunday" reception lections. She will bring a number date. one of the highest in the for old and new members of the party—but warned the assembled :oast. and cheese tid- trip recently to Concord. Among history of the organization. This to Mrs. Ruth Lundgren's summer of very interesting goblets with her parish in the vestry. Coffee will group against over confidence. the famous homes that they visited number is expected to be increased home at Bass Rocks, Gloucester, itli grade girls have were those of Louisa Alcott, Ralph for an exhibit and her lecture the weekend of Oct. 23 and 24, be served. Chimes will be broad- Lieut. Governor Arthur W. Coo- during the next few days as en- cast before anti after the service; 'Ding their skirts of Waldo Emerson and the Haw- promices to be very facinating. are asked to contact Miss Helen lidge and State Treasurer Lawrence rollments will not close until the 10:00 a. m., Church kinder- W. Curtis also attended the lunch- wool, spun rayon, thorne House. Ilere they met Miss r ersonals end of the week. Thompson for transportation. Dardine, or tropicals, garten; 10:45 a. no., Morning Margaret Lothrop, daughter of the Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Himmer Thus far the pupils of Miss Mc- Also, Philatheas going who are :e now starting to piece are worship and sermon; 11:15 a. m., author of the "Five Little Peppers" of 1 Windsor street are now spend- Carthy's fourth grade are leading teachers in the Church school ogether. asked to call Herbert Otis, super- Educational motion pictures; 6;00 REALTY TRANSFERS and Miss Lothrop gave a most in- ing ten days with relatives in Wis- in the contest to see how many intendent, so he may provide p. on., Young People's society. s of the ninth grade teresting talk to the group and consin. sub- Bernadette Noel to Roland \V. ng classes have com- children get their parents to join. Friday, 10:00 a. ns,, Prayer showed the wedding gown and Miss Barbara Shulze of 1 Canis- stitute teachers. Bernier et ux, Beacon street. canning of the garden A prize will he awarded to the win- group of the Women's Union at "Going away" outfit that was worn brooke street, a student at Sim- Herbert P. Carter, Tr., to Har- rape jellies, jams, and ning grade. the home of Miss Fonnie Davis, by her mother and grandmother. mons College, spent the past week- FREE CHURCH old A. Johnson et ux, High Plain , grape butter, and 90 Elm street; 7:15 p. m., Troop There were twenty-five mem- end at home. In accepting the Republican nom- REV. LEVERING REYNOLDS, JR., Pastor 73, Boy Scouts. road. They are now studying Friday, 7:00 p. m., Boy Scouts. bers in the Study group that made Membership Drive ination for President, Rutherford B. Monday, 7:15 p. m., Junior Theresa Serio et ux to Joseph Sunday, 9:30 a. m., Church the trip and they all enjoyed a The Membership drive spon- King's Daughters; 7:30 p. m., The (Dodos°, Burtt's road. Hayes announced that he would not school: 10:00 a. m., Nursery class luncheon at The Wright Tavern in sored by the Shawsheen P.T.A. has he a candidate for re-election. Prudential committee. Treifie Hamel to Donald D. for children whose parents wish Tuesday, 6:.30 p. m.. Harvest I to attend church; 11:00 a. no., Dunn et ux, Filter Bed road. le Sam Says supper. 'rickets in charge of B. Mildred Gray to M. A. Lou- ! Morning worship, sermon topic: Mrs. Harold Wood. I "Stewardship"; 12:00 a. m., Meet- ise Robinson, "Ballardvale" High Wednesday, 1:15 p. Ill., Week- street, Anderson & Eames ave- ing of the Standing committee; Day School of the Christian re- 16:15 p. m., Pilgrim Fellowship; nues. ligion; 7:45 p. no., the Church Robert E. Franz et Ox to Alice 7:15 p. m., Older young people. 4 choir. G. Parker, North Main street. 8 Wednesday, 7:00 p. m.. Senior Thursday, 10:00 a. no., All-day Joseph N. Roy et ux to Victor Boy Scouts. sewing meeting of the Women's J. St. Cyr, Near Mount Vernon A3ST 111(Fri/if Thursday, 3:45 p. m., Junior GOOD OLD DA Union; 4:00 p. m., The Junior street. Choir rehearsal; 7:00 p. tn., Girl choir; 8:00 p. m., A.P.C. Hal- James R. McCabe et ux to Wil- Scouts; 7:30 p. m., Senior Choir lowe'en party at the Log Cabin. liam S. Brines et ux, Holt street. rehearsal. SUNDAY ROUtiOgRIP Phillips Academy. Mrs. Gordon 11. Bradford Lewis to Joseph Colquhoun, Mrs. Adeline Wright, Allen et ux, Andover by-pass, METHOD▪ IST CHURCH co-chairmen of arrangements. Salem and Stinson streets. FARES TO BOSTON — (Ballardvale) Arthur E. McCabe et ux to REV. WILLIAM CRAWFORD, Minister Victor Weimar et ux, "West Par- S lay, 10:30 a. no., Morning UNION CONG. CHURCH REV. PHILIP M. KELSEY, Minister ish" High Plain and Thresher Worship and Sermon; 11:40 a. 01., (Ballardvale) roads. Church School with classes for Saturday, 7:30 p. m., Hello NOW50ZOFF all ages. Neighbor party at Community State D.A.V. ▪ ± -1- hall. Joseph A. Horan of Avon street Sunday, 9:30 a. on., Sunday will be one of the junior vice- r soon you may lie faced ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH REGULAR PRICE REV. THOMAS P. FOGARTY, Pastor school and Junior church; 11:00 commanders to be installed at the real bugaboos if you are Friday, 7:45 p. m., Novena g away a part of your a. in., Nursery class for small annual induction ceremonies of ry pay (Iay. Bugaboos can devotions. children whose parents attend the Department of Massachusetts 'expectedly and now is the Saturday, 4 to ol, and 7:30 to 9. services; 11:00 a. nt.. Morning D.A.V. to be held at the Hotel ispare for them. They can Confessions. worship; Sermon: "It Pays To Bradford, Boston, Saturday eve- many ways y need- Advertise." ning. our children's education, Wednesday, 7:30 p. Choir ioney to retire, or suppose From the sublime to the ridic- rehearsal. or your ehildren should ulous. From the American ar- nonage. All young people of irk? The best attack on Junior High and High school age taboos is to buy U.S. Sa, tist group Christmas Cards to WEST PARISH invited. is, week after week, month Penn. Dutch! Sole Agent in REV. JOHN GILBERT GASKILL, Minister Wednesday, 6:45 p. no., the nth, year after year. So Sunday, 10:30 a. tn., Children's Choir will rehearse. °day for the Payroll Say- town. ' where you work, or, if service of worship with sermon Thursday, 3:00 p. no., Senior eyed, for the Bond.. by the Pastor. Classes for adults Woman's Union annual fair and an at your bank. THE McCLELLAN GIFT SHOP and teen agers will be held in the chicken supper. Supper will be U.S. Treasury Department Grange hall. 11:00 a. m., Morning served at 30 in the Grange hall. SOUTH MAIN AT ORCHARD ST. service of worship. Laymen will Reservations should be made not 'OOLS PUMPED OUT You'll avoid traffic tie-ups... TEL. 1724 - M participate in the service and ser- later than Tuesday morning by —ALSO— 13 Varieties in Yellow and Green mon by the Pastor. 7:00 p. no., calling Miss !Amine Kelsey at lois and Septic Tanks Gourds, but No More Cross Dog. Young People's Sunday Evening 1888. Tables with fancy work, Installed weather worries ... when you take the train Fellowship will meet In the par- food, candy, dolls, aprons. and ARLES CORBEIL plants will be on sale. The public Is most cordially invited. EL. LOWELL 7236 And—you'll SAVE 50% on Sunday Round-Trips to Boston Beauty your windows for the holiday season with (Notices for this column should reach The Townsman office not later than Saylerized permanent finished organdy curtains, national- Here's something you CAN afford to do over five and under twelve only half the Tuesday night of each week.) ly advertised. Also celanese chifonese, a rayon sheer DOFING — take the family to a Sunday hockey cut-rate fare. Youngsters under five ride of Maryland pucks free as always. The tickets will be good in The state )OF REPAIRING game, the circus, the museum, the zoo, tailored curtoin. more tomatoes than any other coaches on all regularly scheduled trains. IF ALL KINDS the rodeo or on a sight-seeing tour! You'll at the state in the Union. and traffic delays. 'ears of Experience all have fun in Boston ... and you'll save Forget weather money at these new low fares. Travel by Boston and Maine. Relax ... II Work Covered matter Instrument Instruction Starting October 10, you'll pay only the arrive rested and on time ... no By Insurance STRATFORD SHOP PRIVATE and CLASS regular one-way B and M fare for your what the weather! 50-A MAIN STREET Clarinet RY E. GOSSE round-trip to Boston on Sundays. Children • Accordion • GETT'S POND ROAD • Saxophone • Trumpet VEST ANDOVER • Piano •Boss Viol oDrums (hone Lawrence 38805 sight.Seeing ' • Electric & Spanish Guitar Irice Itto foully ono 7(1# Tour of Boston's Historic Sightst Fun for the Youngsters • Vibraphones See Bunker Bill Montt- ment, commemorating et ShowFranklin Park METRO MUSIC CENTER the battle of the Colonial them Zoo. Troops to defend Boston tigers from 420 COMMON ST. TEL. 20232 against the British. Old Congo,Bengal, leopards from Vii the new the 2/cut4. saivice North Church where • elephant r :3)1111 all the way from India. Revolutionary patriot Watch at W'ONIEN OF NEW ENGLAND lantern that cinating leisure the the fas- 11/1V1. !Well reu(ling the household antics of t Plater 4caciest ay Inn" signalled Paul Revere onid- •keys and see pages of the Boston Globe for orld-famous smaii macaws the colorful ampus of \ • the toscil. A )ears. 1/1.1.1111/44. II prints letters and htwride". See merica. from tropical recipes and I ttttt whisk! hints which !r. Academy nigndr cds m9r: historic are written by New England , y its facilities '71it natio% spots t w 'It themselves. The hints ....'-— - Boston• these Globe renders give are not — Functi,,ns fancy theories of d •slic science; 111111'11 GIN Shop they ars, tried and tesIed tips from . EVENTS real experience. Make Ilse Globe Tel. And 903 your Roston 111.W1,41/11111.1.. ( Adv.

These bargain fares will not be sold by conductors on ART EXHIBITIONS ATHLETIC CONTESTS be available at ticket offices only but trains. They will Andover Lunch — LECTURES CONCERTS — inRVICE may be purchased in advance! SPECIAL a immimm mmmm INCLUDING TAX S 1.1111 Soup or Fruit Juice will be open SPECIAL SUNDAY ROUND-TRIP COACH FARE \I1111 S1111.1•1111111.11 Baked Virginia Ham I to 12:00 to Name ANDOVER TO BOSTON... Pineapple Sauce it 1949 auto Sweet Potatoes )ns. only S.85! .11/11N W. KIMBALL, Circulation Manager Garden Peas The PIIILLIPIAN, Rolls and Butter SAVE TIME... SAVE TROUBLE Phillips Academy, ;G, INC. SAVE MONEY %midst's's', Mass. Dessert Beverage Make all checks pai)able Iii The P1111,1,11.1.1N. :e TAKE THE ALL-WEATHER TRAIN 'MINUTE MAN SERVICS' $1.35 Andover 870


for compensation with the Indus- EDITORIAL THOUGHTS Views of MILT trial Accident hoard and requests Down the Years a hearing. BALI with Mrs, 1111 YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! One member of the board hears The News O'e case and makes findings of When the Community Chest asks you to make your annual fat t and rulings of law where The Townsman 11E1,1,0, NE1(41 m nece,,a^y. If either party is ag- Have you contribution, how much are you going to give? (Continued From Page One) Hon for the grieved with his decision he may 50 Years Ago — October, If you realize fully how much the Red Feather agencies 1895 program to b ly trying to get precisely what request a review by the Reviewing Advertisement: Boys' wet do for the community, and how much they depend on every- board of not less than three mem- )l evening in the they want, what will work to their sweaters, winter weight, fast col- It not, caul Mu body's help to make it possible for them to do their work, there bers. If either party is aggrieved ors. Worth 87 1-2 cents, only 49 ,:gvantage in order to further their with the decision of the Reviewing con be only one answer to that question. You will give, ot be sold set the fixed intention of gaining more hoard, he may certify the matter nsn course, just as much as you possibly con. And, if you even add before the Superior court which Aouncement is made of a gift ilareld Bail, power. Let us examine Russia's of $30,000 for a new dormitory (if cer must enter a decree in accordance master a little to that sum you probably won't hurt yourself, and you idea of control, for if there are at Phillips Academy. Melville C. icnveee a with law. Thereafter, further the id g those who will claim that Russia Day of New York, class of 1858, i n s will be putting your money where it will do a lot of good. appeals may he made from the will abie shouldn't be judged uncharitably, is the donor. Mr. Day previously and many oth Superior to the Supreme Judiciary Thirteen Red Feather agencies serve the Andover com- that her intentions are honest but had given two dormitories, Taylor made. Mrs. CI court where the opinion is final. munity. What if each of them had its own separate drive, and clumsy, perhaps the record will and Bancroft. chairman This decision is applicable to all lire you were called upon to give to each? That's the way it was suggest that charity had better be- F,oni all parts of the town conic wards. All cases, including death. t once, and it was costly. It was costly to the contributors, and gin at home, a charity of self-en- reports of a new crop of rasp- Church Ser vi c lightenment. Some idea of the magnitude of berries. It was one of the latest Ing ham to g h this task may be had when one to the agencies, too, because under that setup they are not able Baruch Plan JOHN H. GRECOE crops known and many pickers 'Vale an inters to do the fine work that, with better organization and support, realizes that there are approxi- were keeping busy, according to Girl Scoot Not The so-called Baruch plan for mately 400 fatal cases in Massa- they ore doing toeay. the Townsman of half a century ecThe hai ll' i tit international control of atomic Believed to be one of the young- chusetts every year and that in ago. energy was proposed in June 1946. Scouts. Troop Be generous when the Red Feather visitor comes to your est veterans of World War I in 1944 during the peak of wartime unchard Elms, residence of J. Its intentions were clear then, Wednesday a house. He, or she, will be there between October 18 and this area, John H. Grecoe, retail production there were 395,000 Warren Barnard, is being greatly home of the 1 they are still clear. First, atomic jeweler and optician, owns one of reported injuries. improved by the widening of the November 1. And, if by chance, nobody happens to call on you, energy with its vast powers of de- Weiss of Hi the finest small-town jewelry Under the Workmens' Compen- piazza and the repairing of the George Fors; struction must be internationally that doesn't mean that you need not 'give. That won't happen stores in the United States. This sation Act which has been in fence. It was also expected that leader and an controlled with adequate safe- very often, but if it does in your case won't you send your con- business has grown from the tiny existence since 1912, benefits are the place would be given a new is being plan guards. Then, existing supplies of shop which occupied the space based upon the following disabili- coat of paint. girls have join, tribution in? atomic weapons must be destroyed between the original Hill Hard- ties: (1) temporary total dis- marriage takes place of Arthur itro1s are lie1 * * and the manufacture of them dis- 1,: ware store and Miller's Shoe store ability; (2) temporary partial Boutwell, son of Selectmen Sam- 1 rfi,,„,1, Not,., OUR STATE PRISON continued completely. In short, at 41 Main street, to its present disability; (3) permanent and uel H. Boutwell, and Susan N. There are first find proper control so that no impressive position in the short Moulton, at Oswego, N. The series of articles that State Senator Philip K. Allen total disability; (4) specific dis- to belong in tl one nation can get the advantage space of years. ability for loss of fingers, hands. mrs William waiwoilith pur- lardvale and is writing for The Townsman have proved very enlightening. over any other, then eliminate Born in Cambridge, Mass., toes, feet. and eyes: (5) depend- chases the Wilbur block on Maple Joseph Bonlea Here is a man writing of subjects about which he is very well atomic weapons. where he attended the public ency for death; (6) dependency street. older girl to 1 "For some time," we say, "com- informed, and for a reading public who have, or should have, Control A La Russe schools, Mr. Grecoe graduated during disability period. As a volunteer? general statement. the basis of plaints have been uttered about a International control means just from the Bradley Polytechnic In- great deal of interest in them. what it says. The Authority to be stitute in Peoria, Ill., and worked disability compensation IS the town to the effect that local let- The membe Last week he described the "archaic institution" at sot up must have free access to in- for the largest importers of Swiss average weekly wage at the time ters and especially postal cards field's Sunda; spect everywhere, to penetrate all watches in New England, special- of injury. were delayed in their delivery. tended the Inc Charlestown which is familiarly known as the State Prison. It Tliis morning Postmaster Bliss' at- boundaries, and very clearly the izing in repairing of the delicate Under temporary total disabil- Playhouse S. is, as he explained, an old plant which has been in operation tention was called to a postal card force to make its decisions watches. In the five years prior ity, the injured employee receives Those attem which was deposited in a box on since 1805. In 1878, because it was overcrowded, it was tem- honored. But the Russian counter- to his moving to Andover in 1934, a weekly compensation not to ex- Lawrie. Phil] Mr. Grecoe was the manager of ceed $25, nor less than $18 and Wednesday afternoon and not de- Buckley, Rob( porarily abandoned and the inmates were moved to the new proposals have always denounced livered until Thursday at 6 p. m. any international control that the jewelry repair departments in not in the aggregate to exceed Shaw, Dick State Prison at Concord. But soon the "new" State Prison be- several Boston stores and in St. $10,000. The postmaster says it is the first Sharpe, Carlo could step across Societ borders. time he has received any com- came a Reformatory, and the old place, somewhat remodelled, “roinyko, Soviet member of the Johnsbury. Vt. Under the temporary partial mood Nolin. plaints and requests that in the fu- Moi ic Prow,. to be sure, was reoccupied. Atomic Energy Commission, in- In connection with his profes- disability, the injured employee ture he would like all complaints Young peo sisted in June and July 1946 that sion. Mr. Greene has been the receives the actual difference be- "At the present moment," his article states, "there is no to be made directly to him." ago and all at first existing stockpiles be de- Sp1111801' of 51 young men who also tween partial earnings and aver- plumbing system in a majority of the cells — the bucket sys- The semi-annual conference of community ar stroyed. Then, and only then, desired to become proficient in age weekly wages, not to exceed the Andover Conference is held at $25 a week and not in the aggre- attend a mo tem is still in use. There are no dining facilities, and the in- should measures for control be dis- this field and all of these men are the South Congregational church. now either gainfully employed in gate to exceed $10,000. held in the mates, after getting their food from the cafeteria, eat in their cussed. That may sound reason- The Rev. Frank R. Shipman, pas- library, Thu: able, but (, bserve the snare. After this line or are operating success- Under permanent and total dis- tor of the church, calls the dele- cells." ful businesses of their own, an ability. the injured employee after tuber 21, at the Americans have destroyed gates to order. John C. Brewster films to be We do not believe prisoners should be pampered, but cer- their bomb, Russia will be ready achievement of which he can be his grants have totaled $10,000, is elected moderator. justly proud. gets one-half the average weekly Tales,"o tainly they should be treated like human beings. Are people to discuss methods of control, giv- About 100 feet of the Lowell, 1alo..Y:ear 19 ing her time to develop her own. An outstanding athlete in High wages, not to exceed $25 a week Lawrence and Haverhill tracks who live under the above described conditions treated as if they school and college, he is an active for life or during the continuance Fang," "Fish- "Efforts made to undermine the have been moved to the east side Captlint s Coin belonged to the human race? The present prison population is activity of the Security Council, member of Kiwanis, American of his permanent and total dis- of North Main street from the rail- Legion, V.F.W., Forty and Eight ability. ,uni t iieiUnited 600. including efforts directed to under- road bridge. Friendly (lull and the St. Augustine's Men's If the employee has a specific mine the unanimity of the mem- 215 Years Ago — October, 1923 The first m Happily, plans have been prepared for a new State Prison club. injury. that is loss of one or more bers of the Security Council . . . The Pomps Pond Swimming was held Fri —as Senator Allen points out—and bids will let this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Grecoe and their of his fingers, hands, toes. feet, or are incompatible with the interests F1111(1 Committee. through Chair- home of Mr five children, three boys and two eyes, in addition to his disability Nothing should be allowed to curb this forward step in a place of the United Nations." Transla- man John F. O'Connell, reports Mrs. Frank C girls, live at 17 Florence street. compensation whether it is tem- tion of this diplomatic verbiage is a successful season. A total of dent, presides which, for many years, forward steps, apparently, have been porary total. temporary partial, or simply: the Security Council must $931.06 was collected and two Two bundl few and far between. permanent total. he gets certain take over the problem, and each guards hired. Most of the success, by the Guild * * * member has the right to veto any scheduled sums per week for the report says, was due to "Uncle to be sent t of its proposals. So, the American specific periods of weeks depend- Al" Beach, the principal instruc- The clothing WHAT TIME IS IT? ing on the nature and degree of bomb destroyed, Russia could go tor. teen age girb Nowadays, there isn't anything very complicated about on vetoing proposals for interna- loss. Advertisement: Luxurious win- be taken to t the time of day. Most of the year the country runs on Standard tional control. And then they've Under the death benefits, the ter coats for women — $25.00, as soon as Time, and during the summer a large section of it moves the got what they wanted. Gromyko widow receives $15 a week for $39.50, and $52.00. ments were I stood by his guns and repeated the life if she does not remarry. A Attorney and Mrs. Fred H. and Mrs. Pa' hands ahead an hour and switches to Daylight Saving Time. same argument in Feburary and dependent child under 18 receives Eaton of Central street and Mr. hostess. As we cross the nation, the time zones change at established March 1947. And so the discussion $5 a week until the age of 18, and and Mrs. Henry L. Sherman of The next intervals, and in all cases the change is one hour. It's simple has gone on since. a child over 18 who is incapaci- Lawrence are enjoying a motor be held at tl ham McInt The Same Old Wolf? By SEN. PHILIP K. ALLEN tated from earning receives $5 a trip through the White Mountains. enough. week for life unless the disability Eva Cross, daughter of Jeroma Mrs. Alfred Less than two weeks ago Vishin- But it wasn't always that way — and it might not be that The Department of Industrial is removed. IA'. Cross of School street, has hostess at i sky came up with the proposal. that Accidents is another one of the In addition to all the above an entered Chevy Chase school in winive ch: way yet if it hadn't been for the railroads. Sixty-five years ago caught sonic people off guard. twenty departments which is com- service. injured employee receives $2.50 a Washington. Standard Time didn't exist. Every town had its own time, and "Why not raise our hands and stop paratively little known, but which Fair week for his wife and each child Alpha Chi Phi of the Free the production of atomic weapons? is performing a difficult and com- James Bu so, even, did many business concerns. Railroad stations held under 18. Furthermore he is in- church elects these officers: Eva . Why not decide that selfishness plicated job. Its primary function Mehlman, president; Margaret entertainme; a confusing series of clocks — each line used the time in effect will not occur?" Then he implied is the enforcement of the Work- titled to hospital bills, physician the fair bell fees, and medicines. These charges Rodgers. vice president; Bertha where its home office was located. that America wasn't the only na- Compensation Act. The De- Cuthill, secretary; Ruth Saunders, tion with the bomb. Having scared partment itself is managed by the and fees are proscribed by the In- The railroads realized that something hod to be done to dustrial Accident board, although treasurere. those who jumped to the conclu- industrial Accident hoard, made Carita Bigelow of Andover and "IT'S bring order out of this chaos. The hundreds of different times the hospital and physician may be sion that Russia had one, he let the up of nine members appointed by Donald Johnson Moore of Methuen Where there' of the employee's choice. atmosphere a in effect throughout the country were a constant and growing suggestion sink in over night and the Governor and approved by the were married in the South church pored and in headache. The movement to standardize time began in 1872. then proposed—from Russia— Council to serve five year terms Some idea of the amount in- by the Rev. E. Victor Bigelow. —S pen is ii. in. that the Atomic Energy Commis- ;it $7.000. the Chairman of the volved under the workmen's com- Advertisement: sirloin roast, 45 And eleven years later, November 18, 1883, every railroad skin proceed to draw up a plan board receiving $7.500. Under pensation act is that on the aver- Little I cents: roast pork, 28 cents; leg of Route 125 clock was stopped at a given hour. When they started again, whereby the prohibition of atomic this board are a secretary, ten age each year $20,000,000 is paid lamb. 3 cents; rib roast of beef, Standard Time, with its four time zones, was a going concern in weapons and international control field inspectors. a medical advisor by insurance companies in Massa- 35 cents; porterhouse steak. 55 be put into operation simultan- (a position unfilled at the T110- chusetts in money and medical the United States. It was gradually accepted by the people, and cents; chicken, 50 cents a pound. eously. ment 1. and the Division of Self- benefits to injured employees and Mildred Buck entertained at her 35 years later Congress recognized Standard Time and made it Is this really a "chink in the Insurance. for dependents. home with a candy pull. official. The railroads had foreseen an important national need, wall"? Is the veto to be elimina- There are two factors to take There are, of course, some em- 10 Year Ago — October, 1938 into consideration in any study of ted? Such has yet to be demon- ployers who do not want to in- he school system is handi- and through voluntary agreements they furnished a workable this department. One is that pay- T strated. Until it is, the rest is talk sure their employees with an in- capped by illness among the teach- solution. and little else, words spun around ment of workmen's compensation surance company. Those which * * ers. * * * with frills that fail to change the is compulsory for employers of after investigation are found by capped Serge Koussevitzky is ten- four or more employees, including American workers are increasing, say investigators at real purpose. And remember that the. industrial Accident board to iel i'ec1 ii reception in the Addison three weeks ago Vishinsky pro- charitable institutions, which lat- be financially able to pay work- , Northwestern University, and by the year 2000, they predict, A rt ( ;aneyr posed that nations within one year ter are compelled to provide work- inen's compensation out of their The Andover Taxpayers Associa- men's compensation for laborers, the employment of men and women over 45 years of age will reduce their military forces by one reserves are licensed to self-insure. tion elects these directors: Her- workmen and mechanics. Pal third. That sounds fine, if we for- This is handled by the Division of bert Lewis. John Rasmussen, Fred be a major problem. That'll be the day when there'll be many The second factor is that the get that Russia probably has 5,- Self-Insurance within the industrial II. Eaton, J. Augustus Remington, a wish "for the good old days of 1948." employer pays the premiums at 000,000 troops under arms. Is Accident department. There are at James E. Greeley, Louis S. Finger, Pc * * * * rates approved by the Commis- * there any method of guaranteeing and Joseph A. McCarthy. All of Vs sioner of Insurance and the em- 1/1. that Russia would carry out her (Continued on, I'age Thirteen) of S our Cecil B. DeMille, in a newspaper article, tells why he has ployee pays nothing. aboabove, with ill large part of the bargain? For the real the Lewis were put a bathtub in many of his films. But it was not the reason The way the department func- Mm'. tor'. pt joker in the Russian proposals is Established 1817 lIirthday caltes with one tions is, roughly, this: Every THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN candle unr e%p you think. It was not to keep them clean. that we are asked to make these burn for the tonowing: . • employer reports every injury no Published every Thursday by reciogliiZr • • arrangements without there being The Consolidated Press, Inc. Shirley Sullivan. daughter of Mr. matter how minor to the depart- a lumen 4 Park Street, Andover, Mass. and Mrs. Edward Sullivan of Fate, CI), One hundred thousand new pamphlets describing the Bay any kind of iternational police ment as well its to his insurance force to supervise atomic and mili- l Shawsheen Village; Henry Kirk with the State's year-round vacation advantages are being distributed company. An inspector then is Entered as second close matter at the White. son of Mr. and Mrs. Win- tary disarmament. And what must dispatched to investigate the case Andover Post Office. never be forgotten is the question Price 5c per copy $2.50 per year throp H. White of Andover street; mcdkiiie by the Massachusetts Development and Industrial Commission. and to determine the status of the your d, that should be applied to all Rus- Richard Walter Stewart, son ot No question about this state's supremacy as vacation land, and individual involved, both as to the Piddisher J. K. Lilly. in 4 are Well Mr..itn:iMr Walter Stewart of in sian suggestions: Are we con- facts of the injury, the treatment. Mirror Frank J. A. Humphrey your pr it is every bit as good a place to live in and work in month vinced of her honest intentions and .4srociatr Editor Byron 'I'. Butler Es. x mirt a couip and the dependency status. if any. West Parish Sarah Lewis Says an editorial: "A total of uum and month out, also. good will? Has she demonstrated Ile then makes Iris report to the ll'onten's Net. 1-oi. Smith either? It we are thinking of buy- Ballardmile Hazel Schofield 2264 Andover families are won- Chief Inspector. If the case is Shaterheen Mildred Best dering why the weather alwayS ing Vishinsky's proposition we'd rr J ing Assistant Ruth B. Trott According to provisional estimates, the population of the clear-cut, for example, a fatal in- st after start the better not be fooled by the label jury in line of duty, the insurance warms -4106, furnace 11Pfor ju the n ttehre.y' ' country is now above 146,000,000, an increase of 11 percent on the package. The old warning company by mutual agreement still stands. Let the buyer beware. General Welfare club had a in eight years. And that boost can't be blamed on inflation. with the widow or dependents bean supper at the home of Mr. agrees to pay the amounts re- EDITORIAL_. and Mrs. Alex Thomson on Sion- Charles G. Dawes, late Vice Pres- quired by law. If, on the other rN Is there a week in the year which is not a "Week" for ident, was the first director of the SSOCIATION mer street. hand. the case is not clear-cut, the .5 daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. 61 something or other? U. S. Bureau of the Budget. widow, or dependent, files claim Warren Harrington, High street. THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — OCTOBER 14, 1948 sagresz..r!" lAmerica Pays High Two Andover Students the Years At Sampson College BALLARDVALESchofield, Correspondent, Telepl with 8118-91 New Auto Plant for New England For Its Accidents Two students from Andover are The cost of an accident has gone among- the new students regis- ,0, N EIGH BOW by the organizations Towner 11E1,1 of the Union •• up, tered at Sampson College, Samp- Have you made your reserve- • along with beefsteak and but- Congregational 'h arch. Some of ter. son, N. Y.. for the fall term which lion for the "liello Neigh hoc" the talent includes several mem- heAnit September 21). Igo — October, 1808 program to be given Saturday The 1948 edition of "Accident bers of the Andover Male choir Pacts." statistical yearbook of the Peter F. linicatii, 75 Highland went: Boys' Wool evening In the Community room? under the direction of J. Everett' inter weight, fast National Safety Council. shows road, Andover. Is studying liberal col- If not, call Mrs. Leslie Hadley as Miss Joan Jedrey of arts at Sampson. Ile IN married 87 1-2 cents, only 19 that the total cost of accidents in soon as possible. ,No tickets will Ballardvale will display her talent 10 the former Martha Sawyer of be sold at the door. as a tap America in 1947 was $7,100,000, dancer. Another feature 111)0, as against $6,400,000,000 in Alameda, California. ,meat is made of a gift Harold Bailey of Lawrence as will be a Barber Shop quartet• a for a new master of ceremonies will keep 1946. William II. Dole, 2 Washington dormitory group of local singers. avenue. Andover, Is a 1945 grad- the audience amused. An orchid This includes accidental Academy. Melville C. Mike Browning, pianist, of Bos- uate of Puncher,' Iligh school will be given as a surprise award that cost $4.100,000,000 In lost York, class of 1853, ,,on, will give one of the special- where he was a member of the and many other awards will he wages• medical expenses and in- r. Mr. Day previously ties. James Butler will serve as Varsity club and tile Student wo dormitories, made. Mrs. Clinton Livingston is surance; property damage In mo- rt. lor M.C. council. lie is studying business the chairman in charge of re- tor vehicle accidents of $1,100,- administration at 84011111501. Personals 000,000; fire loses of $648,000- parts of the town come wards. All members of the Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson of a new crop of rasp- Church Service league are work- 01)0 and other costs of occupation- Methuen visited Mr. and Mrs. was one of the late it ing hard to give the people of the al accidents that totaled $1,300,- Andover Welding Co. 'n and many 'Vale an interesting evening, James Green of Tewksbury street 000,000. pickers Sunday. GAS AND ELECTRIC 3g busy, according to Girl Scout Notes SHINY NEW automobiles are pictured above coming off the final The average cost per injury in Ilan of half a Shop Hours 8. 12 cent,iry The meetings of the Girl Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell of assembly line at the new General Motors assembly plant at Framingham, the United States last year was Scouts, Troop 19, are being held Tewksbury street visited their Mass. The plant, now in volume production, is being formally opened $6 3.5 5. This is more than the Tel. And. 2029- R Elms, residence of .1. Wednesday afternoons at the son, Robert, Jr., a student at the this month. It is one of the most modern in the industry and was built average injury cost the year be- so PARK ST. ANDOVER ^nerd, is being greatly home of the leader, Mrs. Arthur University of Massachusetts, at to supply dealers in New England states and northeastern New York. fore. y the widening of the Weiss of Hall avenue. Mrs. Amherst, last Sunday. the repairing of the George Forsythe is assistant Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coon and POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT as also expected that leader and an interesting program son of Lawrence spent the holiday could be given a new is being planned. Several new with relatives in the 'Vale. and it Is believed that these re- girls have joined the troop and the George K. Brown, Jr., who is Pay Rolls Higher turns indicate quite accurately the takes place of Arthur patrols are being formed. studying for his masters' degree trends of employment and earn- Attention Absentee Voters on of Selectmen Sam- Brownie Notes at Columbia University in New During August Inge in all manufacturing through- Members of the Armed Services may request Absentee out the state. utwell, and Susan N. There are over 30 girls wishing York, spent the weekend with his Average Weekly Wage Here Ballots from Town Clerk. Ballots must be in the Office of Oswego, N. Y. to belong in the Brownies in Hal- parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Nine establishments of Andover Illam Walworth pur- lardvale and the leader, Mrs. Brown of Andover street. Up To $55.13, Report Shows reported for the week ending Au- the Town Clerk by Nov. 2, 1948. Wilbur block on Joseph Bonleau, needs a lady or Mr. and Mrs. George Sparks of gust 15 a total of 3483 wage earn- Employment and pay roll earn- Any person unable to go to the Polls through Physical older girl to help. Will someone River street spent Sunday at ings in the principal manufactur- ers received $192,007 in total le time," we say, "I oin- volunteer? Beverly. ing industries of Andover showed wages paid, which was a weekly Disability may request a Ballot, by regular form. Contact m been uttered about Attended Movie Miss Mildred Buck left today a decided increase in August as average of $55.13. These figures Town Republican Headquarters at 10 Park Street, An- e effect that local let- for Danielson, Conn., where she showed increases of 1.3 in employ- The members of Ainslee Scho- compared to the month of July, ac- dover, Mass., or by Telephone And. 2022. :specially postal cards field's Sunday school class at- will visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. cording to the statistics compiled ment, 4.2 in total wages paid, and led in their delivery. Smith. Mrs. Smith is the former 2.8 in average weekly earnings. tended tile movies in the Andover by the Department of Labor and It is a privilege to Vote — Do Not Foil to Go To The Polls ag Postmaster Bliss' at- Playhouse Saturday morning. Irene Cole of Andover. Industries. ; called to a postal card Miss Mary E. Green and Miss on Nov. 2, 1948. Those attending were: Jack This trend was general through deposited in a box on Ann MacFarlane visited Miss Joan Lawrie, Philip Coates, Freddie the state, the department reported, Chain Link Fences afternoon and not de- Myers in Malden Sunday. Miss Republican Headquarters Now Open Every Afternoon 2-5 Buckley, Robert Henderson. Billy with an increase of 9715 workers (Ward Your Property With il Thursday at 6 p. in. Shaw, Dick Lawrence, Ralph Myers formerly lived in Ballard- STEWART BUILT FENCES P. M. Come in and Visit. triter says it is the first and an Increase of $850,034 in the Sharpe, Carlton Brown and Ray- vale and has been traveling l'st:mates Cheerfully (liven as received any com- amount of weekly payrolls. Chairman mond Nolin. through the southern states with Walter A. Regan Fence Co. VINCENT F. STULGIS, requests that in the fu- her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Willard The department canvasses about Movie Program 144 Salem St. Tel. 28670 Andover Town Republican Committee uld like all complaints Young people of High school Myers. during the past year. 2000 manufacturers each month directly to him." age and all adult members of the i-annual conference of community are cordially invited to ir Conference is held at attend a movie program to be Congregational church. held ill the Ballardvale branch Prank R. Shipman, pas- library, Thursday evening. Oc church, calls the dele- tober 21, at 7:45 o'clock. The rder. John C. Brewster films to be shown are "Tall moderator. CHERRY & WEBB'S Tales," "Football Parade of the 00 feet of the Lowell, Year 1947," "Wing, Claw and and Haverhill tracks Fang," "Fish-Hook Sequence from moved to the east side Captains Courageous" and a film sin street from the rail- on the United Nations. e. Friendly Guild Ago — October, 1923 The first meeting of tile season imps Pond Swimming was held Friday evening at the 38th Anniversary Feature tmittee, through Chair- home of Mrs. Randolph Perry. F. O'Connell, reports Mrs. Frank Green, the new presi- 'ul season. A total of dent, presided. vas collected and two Two bundles are to be packed ed. Most of the success, by the Guild before November 5th, says, was due to "Uncle to be sent to displaced persons. , the principal instruc- The clothing is to be suitable for teen age girls. The articles should ement: Luxurious win- be taken to the Church parsonage warm winter for women — $25.00, as soon as possible. Refresh- COATS $52.00. ments were served by the hostess and Mrs. Fred H. and Mrs. Pauline MacFarlane, co- Central street and Mr. hostess. Henry L. Sherman of The next business meeting will are enjoying a motor be held at the home of Mrs. Wil- h the White Mountains. liam McIntyre, November 12. ss, daughter of Jerome Mrs. Alfred Webb will be co- of School street, has hostess and Mrs. Ralph Sharpe bevy Chase school in will have charge of the devotional . service. ?hi Phi of the Free Church Fair cts these officers: Eva James Butler has charge of the president; Margaret entertainment to be presented at vice president; Bertha the fair being held November III :rotary; Ruth Saunders, ligelow of Andover and "IT'S THE FOOD" mon Moore of Methuen Where there's the rare combination of atmosphere and good food, tastily pro- led in the South church per,' and in sizable portions. r. E. Victor Bigelow. —Specializing in Lobster and Chicken— Values to $59.95 ement: sirloin roast, 45 3 0 t pork, 28 cents; leg of Little Red Schoolhouse Route 125 Into; rib roast of beef, North Andover porterhouse steak. 55 ken, 50 cents a pound. Buck entertained at her a candy pull. Ago — October, 11)38 ool system is handl- llness among the teach- zip-lined coats included

e Koussevitzky is ten- Again Cherry & Webb's proves ception in the Addison Y. you need not spend big money for over Taxpayers Associa- these directors: Her- John Rasmussen, Fred Pattern For a good winter coat. Here at F. Augustus Remington, THIRTY EIGHT DOLLARS you reeley, Louis S. Finger, Perfection A. McCarthy. All of W lien you are ill, the reco%er.% have a choice of hit styles pains- with the exception of of your good health depends, were reelected. in large part, tai doe tor's prescription. Because takingly done in gabardine, cakes with one candle our the following: Joyce i,perieinvil 11101 I•111:11.1S1S 144.01011, 3 suede, broadcloth, covert and liven, daughter of Mr. • 111.1,1.1.1 111 1110 05 a pattern for health—and be- Edward Sullivan of 11111,1. 10'3 1011101 Ibis 1111 1 1 1'1.11 tweed. In Wine, Cirecn, Brown, Village; Henry Kirk 1WW1 the highest deAret• pre• of Mr. and Mrs. Win- 11,4101. thus Will 1,1111,,,ing a Gray or Black 'bite of Andover street; m1,111110. n Weil is ills' "I " Falter Stewart, son of 10ttir doctor intended rs Walter Stewart of 4 are aIlls' ised to bring all 11111. 1,1•1•SI'll ill 10115 10 11. 1111. t. 1. editorial: "A total of 11111 iver families are won- t the weather always lust after they start the the winter." Second Floor Welfare club had a HARTIGAN Cherry & Webb a 1r at the home of Mr. ilex Thomson on Slim- PHARMACY sr born to Mr. and Mrs. 66 MAIN STREET rrington, High street. 10 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — OCTOBER 14, 1948 Red Cross Chapter BIRTHS .Jones--A son, Monday, October WE 4, at the Lawrence General hoe- D Elects Officers PUNCHARD HIGH CRONIN—LE: Officers of Andover chapter, pital, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward PATRICIA PETERKIN By At Jul Mimes p,SCOUTI PAIL 4 American Red Cross, were elected Jones (Christine Ross) of 36 Scribe Whittier street. Augustine's ct at the annual meeting held Wed- ART Library .1 ACK CASWELL nesday night at the Town House. Erving—A daughter, Monday, ternber 26, M Every Friday a group of artis- The Goldsmith Library in Elected for one year terms October 4, at the Lawrence Gen- daughter of 11 tically inclined students spend a Ptinchard. which was named for LEADERS MEETING Dolan in charge. Three new scouts, were: Roy E. Hardy, chairman; eral boepital. to Mr. and Mrs. John Leach of Norl period in the art room, and with William G. Goldsmith a former ')avid Gordon. Edwin Leswig and Ernest S. Young, vice-chairman; M. Erving, Jr. (Ruth Anderson) the bride of .11( A training session for scout- the aid of MISS Frances Dalton principal of the school, recently re- Arthur Treanor were welcomed. Phillip F. Ripley. treasurer; Mrs. of 61 Salem street. of Mrs. Merger masters and committeemen of the bring forth some very surprising clewed a large gift of 1)001(8, Games were enjoyed and practise Frederick Johnson, recording sec- cover- renee. The Rev North Essex Council was held Sullivan—A son. Wednesday. results. A plan of study for the lag all fields; science, literature, was held in first aid and signal- retary. aid, 0.S.A., Wednesday. October 6, at the Law- October 6, at the Lawrence Gen- coming year has been worked out hobbies, sports and many others. ing. The following scouts have Directors to serve a term of o'clock ceremo rence Y. M. H. A. David MacCord eral hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Dan- by Miss Dalton, covering a large The cataloguing of these books has and Merrill Burnett of Troop 72 passed second class requirements: three years: Mrs. Leon A. Field, iel Sullivan (Clare O'Connell) of King of Lowell Mrs. Frederick Johnson, Phillip F. field. been under way for Seine time and and Leslie Mullin of Troop 73 at- William Lucey, Joseph Lynch, 98 Main street. sang "Ave Ma Ripley, Francis P. Markey. Wil- The first assignment is a crea- will soon he completed. The stu- tended. The uses and advantages .lames A. Sullivan, David Hannan, Lynch—A son, Wednesday, Oc- Thy Feet is K liam S. Hughes, Harry I. Emmons, tive composition in water color of dents will then have available to of the compass were explained and Russell Thornton, James J. Sulli- tober 6, at the Lawrence General The bride, ei Leo F. Daley and Samuel Resnik. the mythological "River Styx." them these hooks, for use In class a movie on patrol and troop plan- van and Daniel Nadeau. hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond wore a gown Mrs. Foster Barnard was elected inese are already underway, and a work as well as their own persOnal 'rroop 72 of Free church with Lynch (Ann Gill) of 16 Cuba princess style ning was presented and discussed. director to serve a term of one variety of interpretations are be- enjoyment. Scoutmaster David MacCord and street. yoke which foi A new group of games for scout year to fill the vacancy caused by ing painted, Magazines meetings was also introduced. The Troop 73 of South church with son, Wednesday. and extended the resignation of Mrs. George F. Boynton--A After Christmas anatomical That all school work does not instructors were Morton Itozen, Scoutmaster Leslie Mullin have re- October 6, at the Lawrence Gen- become part French. study of the head, neck, and come out of a school hook is evi- Lester Nutter and Frank Willett. sumed meetings each Friday eve- eral hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. finger tip veil shoulders will be taken up, fol- dent from the fact that many stu- Troop Meetings ning. An active program in outdoor Donald A. Boynton (Barbara Lind- :a white satin Free Church Notes lowed by a pencil pOrtrait. dents are taking subscruptions to activities and advancement in rank say) of 6 Argyle street. In March the classes will study wreath of bah: Troop 70 of Christ church met All young people of the Protes- the Reader's Digest, Coronet. or is planned by both of these troops. Hilly—A son, Friday, October paintings; Italian. Spanish and blossoms and I Friday evening, October 8. Scout tant churches In Andover are in- the Atlantic Monthly, through the 8, at the Lawrence General hos- French for technique, composition posed of whit( games and contests were on the The new Senior unit, Explorer vited to meet Sunday, November school. These magazines will he pital to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur It. chid center. program. Scoutmaster Luedke is Post 72. of the Free church, met 7. at 6:30 p. m. at the Free and style. used in connection with English (Ileverly Doran I of Ballard- recruiting members for a third with the Rev. Levering Reynolds. church. Further plans will be A figure composition will follow work. Mrs. Joseph vale. patrol. Jr.. in the vestry Wednesday, Octo- announced later. The group will this. using pen and ink conte cray- tended her s Troop 75 of St. Augustine'a ber 6. Among those interested in be entertained at this time by the Nangle—A son, Friday, October on or water color. honor, chose a 8, at the Lawrence General hos- Photo of Local Girls church met in the school hall Fri- the new unit are: R,,ger Dea, Jack Pilgrim Fellowship. During the last term the "art- beige designer day, October 5, with William J. Hannon. Robert Wrigley, Jack Save November 12 for the Free pital, to Mr. and Mrs. James M. ists" will make contour and ges- In British Newspaper der effect. The Caswell and Tommy Wilkinson. church annual fair! There will be Nangle (Josephine Kneeland) of ture drawings. The last assignment In the September 3rd edition of 4 form a bustle The unit is open to any boy be- tables of merchandise to suit 5 Ayer street. will be an Andover street scene, the Andover. England. Advertiser, blue flowers DONALD L. AMY tween the ages of 15 and 18 years. everybody's need and also to help with special attention to perspec- 'ust received by Miss liarriet flowers of her All interested are invited to at- with Christmas shopping. South Church Notes tive. Schofield of 11 Tewksbury street. bouquet was TEACHER OF PIANO tend any Wednesday evening. More to be announced later. Next Sunday, October 17, will Assembly Ballardvale, there appeared a sweet peas. Troop 76 boy scouts of Ballard- Girl Scouts, Troop 23. met You can prevent a fire in your photo of the three local girls who Beginners — Intermediate — Advanced be "Loyalty Sunday" at the South William P. ( vale have resumed their meetings Thursday evening at the Free church. A reception will be held home! Last Thursday afternoon, e visited there last summer. groom, was bi STUDIO 35 ELM STREET and are holding them Tuesday eve- church. The girls learned several in the Church vestry at 10:0)1 combined assembly was held with Besides tile Misses Ruth Leitch, TEL. 2079 era were Leot nings at 7 o'clock in the scout rom ,iew kinds of stitches, and also o'clock for old and new members the Junior High school in the Judy and Virginia Hardy, there the bride, a tanned a "mystery" hike for also appeared ill the photd G. D. In the fire station. David MacFar- of the church and parish. The auditorium. The subject was fire brother-in-law Saturday. October 16. Those Young and MI'S. U. Sainsbury who lane is the patrol leader. Many new church officers and heads of hazards. Fire Chief C. Edward Mrs. Roger planning to go on the hike will meet Buchan introduced George E. entertained tile visitors while they boys have joined the troop and all church organizations will be on mother, wore W. SHIRLEY BARNARD it the Free church at 1:00 o'clock. Haselton of Smart and Flagg In- were there. those twelve years old are invited hand to welcome all who attend. with black ha' All are cordially invited. Coffee surance Agency. Mr. Haselton said Real Estate and Insurance to attend the meetings. Arnold had a ghoul& will be served. The Church kin- that it was National Fire Preven- A Isl*LT MOVIE PROGRAM —: at :— buds centered Schofield is scoutmaster and would dergarten will open at 10:00 tion week, and that he hoped with Wednesday evening, October 20, Main and Barnard Streets Abbot Notes... The groom o'clock to accomodate parents of the help of Mr. G. Butler, the spea- there will he a film hour at the Me- like some men interested in boys Using his topic "The Large Na- Telephone 66 young children. At 10:45 a. m. er of the afternoon, we could make morial Hall Library for the general maret M. Cr to assist him with the troop. tions and the Small Democracies", the regular morning service will every week fire prevention week. public, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. corsage on he Andre Michalopoulos will address be held with special music and He then introduced Mr. Butler, Films to be shown are "Tall Tales" with which sh the students and faculty of Abbot sermon on the subject ''Working who has been touring New Eng- (a musical number) "Football Pa- and white acc Academy Saturday evening, Octo- Together." The choir will lie ac- land, to speak on fire prevention. rade of the Year 1947," "Wing, Included an ber 16. at 8:00 o'clock. The lec- companied by a harp and stringed Mr. Butler told the students Claw and Fang," "Fish-Hook Se- reception in 1 ture will take place in Davis Hall instruments. Miss Nellie Zimmer quence front Captains Courageous" dover, were and the public is invited to attend. that $700,000,000 dollars worth of Paparella Bros., INC will be the harpist. Four Lay- and a film on the United Nations. Exeter, N. F damage had been done in the past Mr. Michalopoulous was onetime men, George Westhaver, Calvin Louisville, K: 17 UNION STREET year and 11,000 lives were lost. All are welcome. LAWRENCE member of the Greek War cabinet Metcalf, Elbert Weaver and Cleve- The bride, In London and former Greek Min- He gave some startling demonstra- land Gilcreast will assist In the rents High ister of Information for his coun- tions of overloading wires and You are interested in ilm bum, service in acknowledgement of ployed in And try in America. During World War other household hazards, and left ball situation. 1.011 will find sprdal iet:;•/EHA'..c 111 lirldpoint Laymen's Sunday. The chimes the audience with the thought articles by Harold lia4,4. and also a gradu II he was entrusted by his Govern- will be broadcast from the spire that. "Fire prevention costs noth- Roger Itirtaell in the Barton school and o ment with the short-wave English before and after the service. The ing and is your own individual (Babe every thus' stitute, is a and French war Information broad committee on arrangements in- your ito,,tou 111,, ,,p2,1)..r. (Adv.) responsibility." of the Nava casting. Mr. Michalopoulos will cludes: Thaxter Eaton, Frederick employed as Yes! PUSH-BUTTON make an analysis of the political Flather, Jr., Edmund Hammond. They will 1 and economic rclationships between George II Westhaver, Edward A. Presidential Series TELEVISION they return the great and smaller nations of Anderson, Cleveland Gilcreast. New York, DISHWASHING Is Here the Western Democratic family, George W. (}Jennie and Clifford Interests P.A. Students at showing how the decisions of the Marshall. Widespread interest is being lucky. great powers and particularly the Tuesday. October 19th, at 6:3)1 shown by Phillips Academy stu- United States affects the daily life o'clock, the annual Harvest sup- dents in the program of presenting WALTER'S of the ordinary people in every per sponsored by the Women's each Wednesday the cases for the democratic country. union will be held in the Church .948 presidential candidates. Drop in for Your Favorite This week, the campus was di- vestry. The co-chairmen for the Established by Frederick S. vided into two teams for the supper are Mrs. Clifford Marshall Allis, Jr., of the History department ear's competition between the and Mrs. Roy E. Hardy. The or DRINK this series has already presented SANDWICH HOTPOINT Gargoyles and Griffins. New girls tickets are in charge of Mrs. Har- some of the so-called "Splinter Par- will take on their permanent em- old Wood and are now on sale. ties" such as the Vegetarians, the 5 Park Street blems in a colorful ceremony to- Mrs. Harry Donovan has charge of The Ecp the serving force with Miss Helen Orohibitionists and the Greenbacks. lay, some wearing the orange and once Si green, and others the orange and ‘Ilennie as captain. Last week William H. Harding Of LOC, :neck for Gargoyle or Griffin re- the faculty presented the case for spectively. Miss Hearsey will ad- Cows Register High Mumma E. Dewey and the Republi- MIMEOGRAPHING HARE cans. This week Howard Johnson 117 :ress the school at the close of the In Production Tests • LETTERS DISHWASHER ceremony. Competitive playing will of Phillips Exeter Academy pre TI ;tart next week in field hockey and Several registered Holstein- .ented the case for President !tarry • POSTALS basketball. Friesian cows in the dairy herd 1. Truman and the Democrats. • PROGRAMS owned by Sidney F. White, of An- Phone Wednesday evening of this week On following Wednesdays Miles ADDRESSING AND MAILING The Only Dishwasher That Washes, dover, Mass., and the herd owned .he school had the pleasure of 3. Malone, also of the Andover His- by F. B. Kittredge of North An- 24-HOUR SERVICE hearing the Hon. Philip K. Allen tory department, and a native of Dr. Jos dover. Mass., have recently com- DELIVERED speak on several aspects of our Alabama, will speak ill support of Rinses, Dries Dishes Electrically! !)leted official production teats in CHIROPC democratic form of government. Governor J. Strom Thurmond of Andover Letter Service The address was followed by a dis- Advanced Registry Test, the Hol- 351 Eases stein - Friesian Association of s1outh Carolina, and his Dixiecrats, 18 PARK STREET cussion of some of the issues of the and the Rev. A. C. B. Murphy of day. Sen. Allen is a trustee of Ab- America announces. TEL. 1295 • See this wonder- Lawrence will speak In behalf of bot and his daughter. Miss Nancy The highest producer in the working appliance that White herd was Wild Rose Aster Henry Wallace and the Progressive banishes forever the B. Alien, is a member of the Pre- Party. G paratory class at Alihot. D Sachem with a total of 556 messy, old-fashioned Sunday evening vespers will be pounds of butterfat and 13,451 job of hand dishwash- tel by the Rev. A. Graham Bald- pounds of milk. The test was com- First D.A.R. Meeting Back to School AMERF ing. You simply rack win of Phillips Academy. pleted in 251 days on 3 milkings To Be Held Sunday the dishes, push a but- daily and at the age of 5 years 2 Tile Priscilla Abbot chapter of IN STURDY SHOES ton and your work's months. the Daughters of the American Sundial done. The Hotpoint The Lee-Chalmers The highest in the Kittredge RAC Revolution will hold its first meet- Electric Dishwasher Upholstery Shop herd was Colantha Topsy Venus Nature Footwear ing of the year Tuesday, October saves you from having All types of tyrniture re-upholstered with a total of 453 pounds of but- Young Steppers and refl Ilshed —Custom mode furni- •erfat and 13,903 pounds of milk. 19th at 2: CO o'clock in the Andover dishpan hands, saves ture and slipcovers. l'he test was completcd in :121 days Aistorical house on Main street. time and work, ends 1110 High Street Andover And( on 2 milkings daily and at the age A member of the Massachusetts "SHOES THAT SATISFY" breakage! Operating Tel. 301M MAIN S of S years II months. D. A. It. board will be tile speaker cost is amazingly low of the afternoon. Refreshments will Hotpoint pioneered be served by Mrs. George Glennie, * X-Ray Fitting * the electricdishwasher, chairman. Mrs. Guy Howe, Mrs. today has thousands of "THIS WATCH WAS Henry Stevenson, and Mrs. John NI . satisfied users all over Murray. the world. Come in for AN ANNIVERSARY ND's. Guy Howe, regent of the An- a demonstration! ONLY HOTPOINT has the convenient dover chapter, extends a cordial in. REINHOLD'S front-opening feature. Saves lifting, stoop- GIFT vitation to all women who are in- 49 MAIN STREET ing and provides greater work surface. terested in joining this patriotic FROM MY WIFE!" organization, to attend the meeting. \\1\ What finer gift can you give than a smartly styled wrist watch in the modern mode? It reminds the wearer of your thoughtfulness for years to YOUR ANDOVER FURRIE II come! Select your watch at the JOHN H. GRECOE VERY FINE COLLECTION OF 1949 STYLES ODIUM flEcTIIIC JEWELRY STORE, where you'll find a complete display of -1)* nationally advertised watches for you to choose from! We Will Restyle four Old Tuxedo Coat Use our Loy-Away Plan for a watch you'd like to give for with Peter Pan Collars and Cuffs, $22.50 Christmas' ANDOVER COAL CO. COME IN AND SEE THE LATEST STYLES IN FUR , u t 27 MAIN STREET JOHN H. GRECOE ROBBIE'S FURS 47 I Ih B ttiN .% sTREET, TELEPHONE THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — OCTOBER 14, 1948 11

FINN EGA N—SII EERY THOMAS W. PLATT WEDDINGS... A reception at Hibernian hall in Shower Tendered Obituary... [ G Lawrence, followed the wedding of Rosaleen Doyle Thomas William Platt, a native CRON I N—LEACH NELSON—DRAPER HENRY OVER IN Miss Catherine A. Sheehy, daughter Friends of Miss Rosaleen P. and resident of Andover for all his At an impressive ceremony in St. At henry Dyer, of 55 Essex street, a 4 o'clock ceremony, Satur- of Mrs. Mary A. Sheehy of Argilla Doyle, daughter of Patrick Doyle 84 years, died Tuesday, October Augustine's church, Sunday, Sep- day, October 9, in the South Congre- retired employee of the Boston road and John F. Finnegan, son of of 3 Buxton court, and the late 12, at the family home on Ban- tember 26, Miss Mary I. Leach, and Maine railroad, died Thurs- gational church, Miss Glenna Faye Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Finnegan Sarah Doyle, recently held a oldsmith Library in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger day morning, October 7, at the croft road. One of the founders Draper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Jamaica Plain, Saturday morn- shower for her at the Capri cafe Lawrence General hospital. Born which was named for Leach of North Andover, became and the first president of the Ralph L. Draper of 27 Bartlet street ing, October 2. The Rev. Matthew in Lawrence in honor of her ap- in Ireland 76 years ago, he was I. Goldsmith a former the bride of Joseph F. Cronin, son Building Trades union in Greater became the bride of Richard Adrian F. McDonald, O.S.A., officiated at proaching marriage to Gerald a member of the Holy Name so- f the school, recently ve- of Mrs. Margaret M. Cronin of Law- Lawrence, he was a retired car- Nelson, son of Mrs. Myrtle Nelson the nuptial mass at 1(1:30 in St. Begley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thad- ciety of St. Augustine's church. rge gift of books, cover- rence. The Rev. Matthew F. McDon- deus Begley of 542 South Broad- penter formerly employed by the of 66 Vine street, Saugus, the Rev. Augustine's church. Surviving are his wife, Mary Ids; science, literature, way, Lawrence. The wedding will J. E. Pitman Construction Com- ald, O.S.A., officiated at the 4 Frederick 13. Noss, officiating. Miss Mary F. Lanigan, organist. Dyer; three sons, Frank, James ports and many others. take place at 10 o'clock, Saturday pany. He had been an active o'clock ceremony and Miss Eleanor Miss Marion Abbott, organist, played the wedding music and ac- and Paul of Andover; a daughter, guing of these books has of Lowell, friend of the bride, morning, October 23, in St. Augus- member of Christ Episcopal r way for some time and King played the traditional wedding mu- companied the soloist, James Mrs. Edward Sullivan of An- church and the Building Trades sang "Ave Maria" and "Mother At tine's church. be completed, The rite- sic, and accompanied the soloist, Sheard. dover; and three brothers, Mi- union. Thy Feet is Kneeling." Guests presented the bride-to-be chael of Boston, Patrick and then have available to Mervin Stevens, as he sang "Be- The bride's brother, John Sheehy, The bride, escorted by her father, a lovely corsage of roses and a His wife, Annie M. (Hallisey) o hooks, for use cause," "Still as the Night" and escorted her to the altar and the Frank of Ireland; and a sister, In class wore a gown of white satin cut in shower bouquet of money. Elizabeth of Boston. Platt; three sons, George J., 011 as their own persenal 0, Perfect Love." attendants were Mrs. George Fortin Feted by Co-workers The funeral was held from fhe Charles E. and James D. Platt, all princess style with lace inserts and Escorted to the altar by her of Marlboro, matron of honor, and A shower was held recently in M. A. Burke funeral home, Satur- of Andover; one daughter, Mrs. yoke which formed a high neckline father, the bride wore a fitted white Mrs. Francis X. Sheehy, sister-in- honor of Mrs. Roger Wentworth, day morning, October 9, with n Helen Starr of Jackson Heights. and extended over the shoulder to satin gown with a square neckline I school work does not law of the bride and Miss Mary L. the former Margaret Renny of high Mass of requiem at 9:30 Long Island, N. Y.; two grandchil- become part of the sleeve. Her and carried a crescent of stephano- of a school hook IS wri- Cronin of Weston, bridesmaids. Elm court, by her co-workers of o'clock in St. Augustine's church. dren, James D. Platt, Jr., and finger tip veil of illusion bordered tis and white roses. the fact that many atu- The bridegroom's brother, Joseph the "Susie Sweets Shop" at the The Rev. Matthew A. McDonald, Johanna M. Starr; and several In white satin was attached to a taking subscruptions to The attendants, all sisters of the Finnegan, was his best man and the home of Mrs. Angellia Westover. O.S.A., was the celebrant and the nieces and nephews survive him. wreath of baby orchids and orange or's Digest, Coronet, or bride, were Margaret Draper of ushers were Paul Sheehy, brother The bride opened her gifts committal services were con- Funeral services will be held blossoms and her bouquet was com- is Monthly, through the Washington, D. C., maid of honor, of the bride and David Finnegan, under a large pink and white bell. ducted in immaculate Conception Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from posed of white gladioli with an or- hese magazines will be and Joan and Jane Draper, brides- another brother of the groom. Among those present were: cemetery by the Rev. Henry II. the Lundgren funeral home. The .onnection with English chid center. maids. Their velvet gowns were Mrs. Ann Renny, Mrs. Wood, Miss Smith, O.S.A. Rev. John 8. Moses, rector of the Mrs. Joseph Gaudette, who at- styled alike with an off-the-shoulder ENGAGEMENTS Helen Renny, Mrs. Westover, Mrs. The bearers were: Arthur Christ Episcopal church, will offi- tended her sister as matron of effect, the honor attendant's in rust Murphy, Mrs. Gardene, Mrs. Deg- Leary, Thomas Kearn, Jamee ciate and conduct the committal Ferrier-4'a ron nan, Mrs. Blanchard, Mrs. Trav- honor, chose a satin gown in honey and the bridesmaids' in peacock Judge, Bernard McDonough, Ed- services in Spring Grove cemetery. Local Girls The engagement of Miss Rita ers, Ida Radcliff, Claire McKew, ward McDonough and Thomas beige designed in an off-the-shoul- blue. They curried crescents of h Newspaper der effect. The hoop skirt, draped to 0. Caron, daughter of the late Diane Blanchard, Paula Blan- mixed porn porn chrysanthemums Mrs. Rose A. Caron, to Robert L. chard, Nancy Dean, Pat Dean, September 3rd edition of form a bustle, was accented with and wore matching plumes in their i941 PLATES AT ONCE ver. England, Advertiser, blue flowers which matched the Ferrier, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Claire Conlon and Margaret MRS. MARION G. LEE Ile TO SAS DOWN hair. Ferrier, 48 Red Spring road, was dyed by Mica Ilarrlet flowers of her wreath and her arm Renny. Mrs. 'Marion G. Lee, 81, a native New or Old Cere—Ne Weldn Everett Nelson of Saugus was announced recently by Mrs. Emil litra, Propery issi of 11 Tewksbury street, bouquet was of mixed gladioli and of Andover and widow of Francis best man for his brother and the .1. Veilleux of 779 Essex street, D. HARDYHARDY DIDIEGINEY le, there appeared a MARRIAGE RETURNS W. Lee, former treasurer of Phil- sweet peas. ushers were Nathaniel Edmunds of Lawrence, sister of the bride-to-be. OMR IWZNINC.11 the three local girls who The following marriage returns lips-Exeter Academy, died October 141 11111 EA 143•Kaa. William P. Cronin, brother of the Lynn and A. Meicher Anderson of Miss Caron is a graduate of Boo .ere last Bummer. groom, was best man and the ush- have been filed at the office of 4 at her home at Chestnut Hill. LIB teey 2-3070 111.4_4-0111/ t the Schenectady, N. Y. Lawrence High school and the MAIL AND REGISTRY aR VICI1 Misses Ruth Leitch, ers were Leonard Leach, cousin of Town Clerk George H. Winslow: Funeral services were held I Among the guests who attended McIntosh school, and her fiancee, Virginia Hardy, there the bride, and Louis L. Rivet, Gerard J. Fournier, 447 Lowell Thursday at 2 p. m., at the First tared in the photo 0. D. the reception in the church vestry a veteran of World War II, at- brother-in-law of the groom. street, Methuen and Theresa Mary church, Chestnut Hill. id Mrti. U. Sainsbury who were friends and relatives from tended Punchard High school. Mrs. Roger Leach, the bride's LeBlanc 63 Topping road, married Born here, the daughter of Mr. HERBERT LIVINGSTON ed the visitors while they Orono, Me., Glastonbury, Conn., • • • • in the Sacred Heart church, Law- mother, wore a royal blue dress Chapin—Rutter and Mrs. George W. W. Dove, she PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING re. Rochester, N. H., Berlin, N. Y., Wal- rence, by the Rev. Lawrence with black hat and accessories. She The engagement of Miss Arlene attended Abbot Academy and Miss tham and Boston. Michaud, S. M. REASONABLE RATES IIOVIE PROGRAM had a shoulder corsage of red rose The young couple will live in E. Rutter to Gerard S. Chapin of Hershey's school in Boston. She is sday evening, October 20, buds centered in white gladioli. Saugus when they return from a Lyman, S. C., has been announced survived by a son and four daugh- 7 Walnut St. Tel. And. 1148-W I be a film hour at the Me- The groom's mother, Mrs. Mar- wedding trip to Maine and New by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- MARRIAGE INTENTIONS ters, as well as 11 grandchildren. all Library for the general maret M. Cronin, wore an orchid Hampshire. old A. Rutter of 18 Canterbury The following marriage inten- eginning at 7:30 o'clock. corsage on her royal blue ensemble • • • street. The bride-to-be served in tions have been filed at the office the Waves for three years and was of Town Clerk George H. Winslow: be shown are "Tall Tales" with which she wore a matching hat STILLMAN—HEYL a student at the School of Prac- Raymond A. Bouque, 17 Dutton al number) "Football Pa- and white accessories. The wedding of Miss Adelaide C. tical Arts in Boston. road and Lillian J. Lees, 146 Han- RUTH HAMMOND the Year 1947," "Wing, Included among the guests at the Heyl, daughter of Mrs. William C. Her fiancee, the son of Gerard cock street, Lawrence. DRESSES BLOUSES SPORTSWEAR d Fang," "Fish-Hook Se- reception in Legion hall, North An- Heyl and the late Mr. Heyl of 32 Chapin and the late Mrs. Chapin Gerald A. I3egley, 542 South •om Captains Courageous" dover, were friends from Boston, OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9-5:30 Prospect terrace, Bast Orange, N.J., of Lyman, S. C., is a graduate of Broadway, Lawrence, and Rosa- m on the United Nations. Exeter, N. H., Ithaca, N. Y., and EXCEPT WEDNESDAY 9-12 NOON to Lewis M. Stillman, son of Mr. Kent school, Kent, Conn., and the leen P. Doyle, 3 Buxton court. relcome. Louisville, Ky. and Mrs. Howell M. Stillman of University of Virginia. During • 14 Park Street The bride, a graduate of Law- Morton street, took place Saturday the war, he was stationed in Eng- HA It VEST SUPPER re interested in the base- rence High school, has been em- evening, October 2, in Christ land as a pilot with the Eighth The Rev. Crawford Smith of l'ott will tied special ployed in Andover and her husband, church, Short Hills, N. J. The 8 Air Force. Lexington will be guest speaker at by Harold Reese and also a graduate of Lawrence High o'clock ceremony was performed by RUMMAGE SALE BY the catered harvest supper spon- Biel well in the Roston school and of Coyne Electrical In- the Rev. Robert F. Beattie, rector .ery 1111y. Sluke the Gluts' Shower Tendered sored by the Men's Club of the stitute, is a veteran and a member of the church. st on newspaper. I Adv.1 Baptist church which will be held of the Naval Reserve. He is now Former Miss Renny Given in marriage by her brother, Wednesday, October 27. The wives Shawsheen Village Woman's Club salesman. The former Margaret Anderson employed as a Captain Rodney W. Heyl, U.S.A.A.F., are invited to attend. They will live in Lawrence when Renny was guest of honor at a ELEVISION stationed at Albany, Ga., the bride they return from a wedding trip to was attended by her sister, Mrs. miscellaneous shower given at the OCTOBER 15 — 10 A. M. — 4 P. M. few New York, Washington and Ken- William J. Stillman of Glen Ridge, Square and Compass,,,rooms a DRAWN AS JUROR at Timothy J. Mahoney of 34 tucky. N. J., as matron of honor and Alice days prior to her wedding, Sunday, Grey Stone Cottage on Sacred Heart School Grounds October 3, to Roger Pierce Went- Florence street was drawn at J. Burton of Summit, N. J., as maid worth. Monday night's meeting of the of honor. HAVERHILL STREET WALTER'S Here To Serve Following the opening of the selectmen to serve as juror at the James H. Prentice of New York John M._ Murray gifts, a buffet lunch was served by session of Superior Civil court City was best man and the ushers SHAWSHEEN VILLAGE in for Your Favorite Gulf the hostesses, Mrs. Jean Wood and opening at Salem November 8. of Glen Super Service were William J. Stillman Miss Helen Renny, sister of the Ridge, N. J., and Frederick E. List Cor. Main and bride. DWICH or DRINK Chestnut Streets of Upper Montclair, N. J., brother Among those present were and brother-in-law, respectively, of Georgina Petrie, Mrs. Marie 5 Park Street the bridegroom. &niter, Mrs. Margaret Cole, Mrs. The Equitable Life Assur- Burnett Andrews, organist of St. David Robb, Mrs. Charlotte Gor- ance Society of the U. S. Peter's church of Morristown, N. J., don, Mrs. Annie Spencer, Mrs. HERE'S played the wedding music. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Charles Shorten, Mrs. Daniel Gal- Following the ceremony, a recep- lagher, Agnes Low, Mrs. Ann fEOGBAPIIII G HARRY E. CLOUGH tion was held at the home of the Driscoll, Mrs. Robins Meek, Jean- • LETTERS 117 CHESTNUT STREET bride's mother. When Mr. and Mrs. nie White, Margaret Connor, TEL. ANDOVER 111 Elizabeth Watson, Jean Wood. • POSTALS Stillman return from a trip to Nan- tucket, they will live on Beacon Mary R. Wilkinson, Hildamay YOUR • PROGRAMS 11111, Boston, where Mr. Stillman Cargill, Helen Renny, Edith Phone 3-4000 — Res. 9088 ESSING AND MAILING will begin his law practice. Renny, Sarah White, Helen l4-HOUR SERVICE Doherty, Margaret Reid, Ann Dr. Joseph B. McCavitt Waldie, Margaret McCafferty, DELIVERED Legal Notice Helen Burnett, Isobel Calder, Mrs. CHIROPODIST - PODIATRIST Ann Renny, Mrs. C. Wentworth, CHANCE )ver Letter Service 351 Essex St. Lawrence, Mass. Mrs. J. Wentworth, Virginia 18 PARK STREET TOWN OF ANDOVER Wentworth, Mary Wentworth, TEL. 1295 PUBLIC HEARING Shirley Montanaro, Mrs. Gertrude TO CONTINUE YOUR EDUCATION AT A public hearing will be held at Watt, Mrs. D. L. Stewart, Ina the Town House at 7:15 p. m., Auchterlonie, Jean Cargill, Mrs. GET YOUR Tuesday, Oct. 26, 1948, to act W. Cargill, Mrs. Margaret Win- upon the petition of Vincent Salvo ters, tMr. Alex Bertram, Mrs. THE ANDOVER EVENING [.,k to Sellout AMERICAN GREEN SHEET to erect a house with a side yard Thomas Neil, Mrs. George Car- of less than 15 feet at 77 Salem michael, Elizabeth Moore, Mary St. STURDY SHOES and other Smith, Minnie Thomson, Rachel BOARD OF APPEALS Vannett, Ann Maitland, Isabelle STUDY PROGRAM al James S. Eastham, Petrie, Mrs. Madeline Sullivan RACE NEWSPAPERS Chairman. ature Footwear and Isabel Auchterlonie. at the Young Steppers For ADULTS

ES THAT SATISFY" Andover News Co. MAIN STREET TEL. 141 LUNDGREN October 18 to December 9, 1948 K-Ray Fitting * gufriEuir - COURSES IN WORLD AFFAIRS * MUSIC * LITERATURE * POETRY

1N1-101YS MALCOLM E. LUNDGREN SCIENCE * ART • PUBLIC SPEAKING I MAIN STREET DONALD E. LUNDGREN , RECREATION • HEALTH .1111.11111M 0144&e • FURRIIL11 FORD Personal Service Information and Catalogs at Memorial Library 1949 STYLES PARTS in or at tuxedo Coat Any City or Town 'offs, $22.50 4121) PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS , STYLES IN FUR SHAWSHEEN 720 MOTOR MART Telephone 2073 TELEPHONE ANDOVER URS Your Andover Ford Dealer 18 Elm Street 47 Haverhill St., Shaw/1110mi 5.1 Andover, Mass TELEPHONE I Tel. 767—Law. 5835 10 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — OCTOBER 14, 1948 Red Cross Chapter BIRTHS .1 pi A son, Monday, October WED 4. at the Lawrence General hoe- PUNCHAR. Elects Officers D HIGH CRON IN--LE: Officers of Andover pital, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward By PATRICIA PETERKIN chapter, At an impres k.SCOUTI American Red Cross, were elected Jones (Christine Ross) of 36 Whittier street, Augustine's cli Scribe at the annual meeting held Wed- :11RT Library nesday night at the Town Erving—A tember 26, M L LICK C Ag House. daughter, Monday, Every Friday a group of artis- The Goldentith Library in October 4. at the Lawrence Gen- daughter of S Elected for one year terms tically inclined students spend a Punehard. which was named for LEADERS MEETING Dolan in charge. Three new scouts, were: Roy E. Hardy, chairman; eral hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. John Leach of Note period In the art room, and with William G. Goldsmith a former rancid Gordon, Edwin Leswig and Ernest S. M. Erving, Jr. (Ruth Anderson) the bride of Jt A training session for scout- Young, vice-chairman; the aid of Miss Frances Dalton principal of the school, recently re- Arthur Treanor were welcomed. Phillip F. Ripley, treasurer; Mrs. of 61 Salem street. of Mrs. Merger masters and committeemen of the bring forth some very surprising cieved a large gift of books, Games were enjoyed and practise Frederick Johnson, recording sec- cover- rence. The Rev North Essex Council was held Sullivan—A Ron, Wednesday, results. A plan of study for the ing all fields; science, literature, was held in first aid and signal- retary. aid, 0.S.A., Wednesday, October 6, at the Law- October 6. at the Lawrence Gen- coming year has been worked out hobbies, sports and many others. ing. The following scouts have Directors to serve a term of o'clock ceremo rence Y. M. H. A. David MacCord eral hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Dan- by Miss Dalton, covering a large The cataloguing of these books has passed second class requirements: three years: Mrs. Leon A. Field, and Merrill Burnett of Troop 72 iel Sullivan (Clare O'Connell) of field. been under way for some time and King of Lowell William Lucey, Joseph Lynch, Mrs. Frederick Johnson, Phillip F. 98 Main street. and Leslie Mullin of Troop 73 at- The first assignment is a crea- will soon he completed, The stu- sang "Ave Ma: lames A. Sullivan, David Hannan, Ripley. Francis P. Starkey, Wil- tended. The uses and advantages Lynch—A son, Wednesday, Oc- tive composition In water color of dents will then have available to Thy Feet is K !Wesel' Thornton, James J. Sulli- liam S. Hughes, Harry I. Emmons, of the compass were explained and tober 6, at the Lawrence General the mythological "River Styx," them these hooks, for use in class The bride, et van and Daniel Nadeau. Leo F. Daley And Samuel Resnik. hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond wore a gown < a movie on patrol and troop plan- Mrs. Foster Barnard was elected t hese are already underway, and a work as Well as their own personal Troop 72 of Free church with Lynch (Ann Gill) of lt1 Cuba princess style ning was presented and discussed. director to serve a term of one variety of interpretations are be- enjoyment. Scoutmaster David MacCord and street. yoke which for A new group of games for scout year to fill the vacancy caused by ing painted, Nlitgazinee Troop 7:1 of South church with Boynton--A son, Wednesday, extended meetings was also introduced. The the resignation of Mrs. George F. After Christmas anatomical That all school work does not and Scoutmaster Leslie Mullin have re- October 6, at the Lawrence Gen- become part instructors were Morton Rozen, French. study of the head, neck, and come out of a school book is evi- sumed meetings each Friday eve- eral hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nutter and Frank Willett. shoulders will be taken up, fol- dent from the fact that many stu- finger tip veil ning. An active program in outdoor Donald A. Boynton (Barbara Lind- in white satin Troop Meetings Free Church Notes lowed by a pencil pOetrait. dents are taking subscruptions to activities and advancement in rank say) of 6 Argyle street. In March the classes will study wreath of bale Troop 70 of Christ church met All young people of the Protes- the Reader's Digest, Coronet, or Is planned by both of these troops. Hilty—A son, Friday, October blossoms and I Friday evening. October 8. Scout tant churches in Andover are In- paintings; Italian. Spanish and the Atlantic Monthly, through the games and contests were on the The new Senior unit, Explorer 8, at the Lawrence General hos- French for technique, composition school. These magazines will he posed of whit( vited to meet Sunday, November pital to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur It. program. Scoutmaster Luedke is Post 72. of the Free church, met and style. used in connection with English chid center. 7. at 6:30 p. m. at the Free Hilty ("levelly Doran t of Ballard- recruiting members for a third with the Rev. Levering Reynolds, A figure composition will follow work. Mrs. Joseph church. Further plans will be vale. patrol. Jr.. in the vestry Wednesday, Octo- announced later. The group will this, using pen and ink conte cray- tended her a Nangle--A son, Friday, October on or water color. Troop 75 of St.. Augustine's her 6. Among those interested in be entertained at this time by the Photo of Local Girls honor, chose a church met in the school hall Fri- the new unit are: Roger Pea, Jack Pilgrim Fellowship. S. at the Lawrence General hos- During the last tern) the "art- beige designee day. October 5, with William J. Hannon. Robert Wrigley, Jack Save November 12 for the Free pital, to Mr. and Mrs. James M. ists" will make contour and ges- In British Newspaper der effect. The Caswell and Tommy Wilkinson. church annual fair! There will be Nangle (Josephine Kneeland) of ture drawings. The last assignment In the September 31,1 edition of form a bustle The unit is open to any boy be- tables of merchandise to suit 5 Ayer street. will be an Andover street scene, the Andover, England. Advertiser, blue flowers DONALD L. AMY tween the ages of 15 and 18 years. everybody's need and also to help with special attention to perspec- 'last received by Miss Harriet flowers of her All interested are invited to at- with Christmas shopping. South Church Notes tive. Schofield of 11 Tewksbury street, bouquet was c TEACHER OF PIANO tend any Wednesday evening. More to be announced later. Next Sunday, October 17, will Assembly Ballardvale, there appeared it sweet peas. Girl Scouts, Troop 23, met You can prevent a fire in your photo of the three local girls who Beginners — Intermediate — Advanced Troop 76 boy scouts of Ballard- be "Loyalty Sunday" at the South William P. ( vale have resumed their meetings Thursday evening at the Free church. A reception will be held home! Last Thursday afternoon, a visited there last summer. groom, was bt STUDIO 35 ELM STREET :Imre!, The girls learned several in the Church vestry at 10:00 combined assembly was held with Besides) the Misses Ruth Leitch, TEL. 2079 and are holding them Tuesday eve- era were Leon nings at 7 o'clock in the scout roan 'oew kinds of stitches. and also o'clock for old and new members the Junior High school in the Judy and Virginia Hardy, there the bride. at also appeared in the 'that) G. D. in the fire station. David MacFar- olanned a "mystery" hike for of the church and parish. The auditorium. The subject wag fire brother-in-law iaturday. October 16. Those Young and Milt. U. Sainsbury who lane is the patrol testier. Many new church officers and heads of hazards. Fire Chief C. Edward Mrs. Roger planning to go on the hike will meet Buchan introduced George E. entertained the visitors while they boys have joined the troop and all church organizations will be on mother, wore W. SHIRLEY BARNARD it the Free church at 1:00 o'clock. Haselton of Smart and Flagg In- were there. those twelve years old are invited hand to welcome all who attend. with black hat All are cordially Invited. Coffee surance Agency. Mr. Haselton said Real Estate and Insurance had a shoulde to attend the meetings. Arnold will toe served. The Church kin- that it was National Fire Preven- \Itt'LT MOVIE PROGRAM —: at :— Schofield is scoutmaster and would Abbot Notes ... dergarten will open at 10:00 tion week, and that he hoped with Wednesday evening, October 20, buds centered Main and Barnard Streets o'clock to accomodate parents of the help of Mr. G. Butler, the spatt- there will he a film hour at the Me- The groom' like some men interested in boys Using his topic "The Large Na- Telephone 66 young children. At 10:45 a. m. er of the afternoon, we could make morial Hall Library for the general march M. Cr< to assist him with the t ,'op. done and the Small Democracies", the regular morning service will every week fire prevention week. public, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. corsage on he Andre Michalopoulos will address be held with special music and Films to be shown are "Tall Tales" with which sh the students and faculty of Abbot He then introduced Mr. Butler, sermon on the subject "Working (a musical number) "Football Pa- and white arc Academy Saturday evening, Octo- who has been touring New Eng- Together." The choir will be ac- land, to speak on lire prevention. rade of the Year 1947," "Wing, Included an ber 16. at 8:00 o'clock. The lec- companied by a harp and stringed Claw anti Fang," "Fish-Hook Se- reception in I ture will take place In Davis Hall Mr. Butler told the students instruments. Miss Nellie Zimmer that $700,000,000 dollars worth of quence from Captains Courageous" dover, were Paparella Bros., INC and the public is invited to attend. will be the harpist. Four Lay- anti a film on the United Nations. Exeter, N. 11 damage had been done in the past Mr. Michalopoulous was onetime men, George Westhaver, Calvin Louisville, K) 17 UNION STREET LAWRENCE year and 11,000 thee were lost. All are welcome. member of the Greek War cabinet Metcalf, Elbert Weaver and Cleve- The bride, In London and former Greek Min- He gave some startling demonstra- land Gilcreast will assist in the rence High ister of Information for his coun- tions of overloading wires and V011 tare interested in the hats, service in acknowledgement of ployed in And try in America. During World War other household hazards, and left ball situation. Tuna will find special {011110(11"..S' k Hotpoint Laymen's Sunday. The chimes by Harold liae,e and also a gradut II he was entrusted by his Govern- the audience with the thought articles will be broadcast from the spire that, "Fire prevention costs noth- Rioter 111irtsvitil in 110. 110vIini school and o; ment with the short-wave English before and after the service. The ing and is your own individual (attire every' flay. )1itkr. stitute, is a N and French war information broad committee on arrangements in- responsibility." your Boston of the Naval 'esting. Sir. Michalopoulos will cludes: Thaxter Eaton, Frederick employed as Yes! PUSH-BUTTON make an analysis of the political blather. Jr., Edmund Hammond, They will 1 and economic relationships between George II, Westhaver, Edward A. TELEVISION the great and smaller nations of Anderson. Cleveland Gilcreast. Presidential Series hey return f DISHWASHING Is Here the Western Democratic family, George W. Glettnle and Clifford Interests P.A. Students at New York, ' showing how the decisions of the Marshall. Widespread interest is being tucky. ;rent powers and particularly the Tuesday. October 19th, at 6:30 shown by Phillips Academy stu- United States affects the daily life o'clock, the annual Harvest sup- dents in the program of presenting WALTER'S of the ordinary people in every per sponsored by the Women's each Wednesday the cases for the democratic country. union will be held in the Church .948 presidential candidates. Drop in for Your Favorite 11 This week, the campus was di- vestry. The co-chairmen for the Established by Frederick S. vided into two teams for the supper are Mrs. Clifford Marshall Allis, Jr., of the History department year's competition between the and Mrs. Roy E. Hardy. The or DRINK this series has already presented SANDWICH HOTPOINT Gargoyles and Griffins. New girls tickets are in charge of Mrs. Har- souse of the so-called "Splinter Par- will take on their permanent em- old Wood and are now on sale. ties" such as the Vegetarians, the 5 Park Street blems in a colorful ceremony to- Sirs. !lorry Donovan has charge of The Eqt the serving force with Miss Helen o'rohibitionists and the Greenbacks. lay, some wearing the orange and once Se ;recto. and others the orange and Glennie us captain. Last week William H. Harding of LOCA :dock for Gargoyle or Griffin re- the faculty presented the case for spectively. Miss Hearsey will ad- Cows Register High Thomas E. Dewey and the Republi- MIMEOGRAPIII\G HARR :ress the school at the close of the cans. This week Howard Johnsen • LETTERS 117 DISHWASHER ceremony. Competitive playing will In Production Tests of Phillips Exeter Academy pro- TI start next week in field hockey and Several registered Holstein- :anted the case for President !tarry • POSTALS basketball. Friesian cows in the dairy herd Truman and the Democrats. • PROGRAMS owned by Sidney F. White, of An- Phone The Only Dishwasher That Washes, Wednesday evening of this week On following Wednesdays Miles ADDRESSING AND MAILING he school had the pleasure of dover. Mass., and the herd owned by F. It. Kittredge of North An- 3. Malone, also of the Andover His- 24-HOUR SERVICE hearing the Hon. Philip K. Allen tory department, and a native of Dr. Jos speak on several aspects of our dover. Mass.. have recently com- DELIVERED Rinses, Dries Dishes Electrically! Ileted official production tests in Alabama, will speak in support of CHIROPC democratic form of government. Governor J. Strom Thurmond of Andover Letter Service The address was followed by a dis- Advanced Registry Test, the Hol- 351 Essex stein - Friesian Association of :;outh Carolina, and his Dixiecrats, 18 PARK STREET cussion of some of the issues of the and the Rev. A. C. B. Murphy of America announces. TEL. 1295 • See this wonder- day. Sen. Allen is a trustee of Ab- The highest producer in the Lawrence will speak in behalf of working appliance that bot and his daughter, Miss Nancy White herd was Wild Rose Aster Henry Wallace and the Progressive banishes forever the B. Allen, is a member of the Pre- Party. G paratory class at Abhot. D Sachem with a total of 556 messy, old-fashioned Sunday evening vespers will be pounds of butterfat and 13,451 job of hand dishwash- lel by the Rev. A. Graham Bald- pounds (of milk. The test was com- First D.A.R. Meeting Back to School AMERY ing. You simply rack yin of Phillips Academy. pleted in 251 days on 3 milkings 'To Be Held Sunday the dishes, push a but- daily and at the ago of 5 years 2 IN STURDY SHOES ton and your work's months. The Priscilla Abbot chapter of done. The Hotpoint The Lee-Chalmers The highest in the Kittredge the Daughters of the American Sundial RAC Electric Dishwasher Upholstery Shop herd was Colantha Topsy Venus Revolution will hold its first meet- Nature Footwear ing of the year Tuesday, October saves you from having MI types of fvrniture re-upholstered with a total of 453 pounds of but- and r,'fl sished —Custom mode furni- 19th at 2:10 o'clock in the Andover Young Steppers dishpan hands, saves 'erfat and 13,903 pounds of milk. ture and slipcovers. •Iisterital house on Main street. time and work, ends 16) High Street Andover The test was completed in 321 days Andc on 2 noilkings daily and at the age A member of the Massachusetts "SHOES THAT SATISFY" breakage! Operating Tel. 30(31 MAIN 8' S years 11 months. D. A. R. board will be the speaker cost is amazingly low of the afternoon. Refreshments will Hotpoint pioneered be served by Mrs. George Glennie, * X-Ray Fitting * the electricdishwasher, chairman. Mrs. Guy Howe, Mrs. today has thousands of Henry Stevenson, and Mrs. John NI. satisfied users all over "THIS WATCH WAS Murray. the world. Come in for AN ANNIVERSARY Sirs. Guy Howe, regent of the An- a demonstration! ONLY HOTPOINT has the convenient dover chapter, extends a cordial in- REINHOLD'S front-opening feature. Saves lifting, stoop- GIFT vitation to all women who are in- 49 MAIN STREL I ing and provides greater work surface. terested in joining this patriotic FROM MY WIFE!" (organization, to attend the meeting. • What finer gift can you give than-a smartly styled wrist watch in the modern mode? It reminds the wearer of your thoughtfulness for years to YOUR ANDOVER FURRIER come! Select your watch at the JOHN H. GRECOE SOUK MIK WIWI ID VERY FINE COLLECTION OF 1949 STYLES * JEWELRY STORE, where you'll find a complete display of nationally advertised watches for you to choose from! Ve Will Restyle Your Old Tuxedo Coat Use our Lay-Away Plan for a watch you'd like to give for with Peter Pan Collars and Cuffs, $22.50 Christmas' COME IN AND SEE THE LATEST STYLES IN FUll" ANDOVER COAL CO. ti You 27 MAIN STREET JOHN H. GRECOE ROBBIE'S FURS 47 11 LI 1 It N It D STREET, A NDOVER TELEPHONE 95d THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — OCTOBER 14, 1948 11 FINN EGA N—SII EEll WEDDINGS... A reception at Hibernian hall in Shower Tendered Obituary... THOMAS W. PLATT Rosaleen Doyle Thomas William Platt, a native [GII Lawrence, followed the wedding of HENRY DYER IN CRON IN—LEACH NELSON—DRAPER Miss Catherine A. Sheehy, daughter and resident of Andover for all his At an impressive ceremony In St. Friends of Miss Rosaleen I'. Henry Dyer, of 55 Essex street, At a 4 o'ciock ceremony, Satur- of Mrs. Mary A. Sheehy of Argilla Doyle, daughter of Patrick Doyle 84 years, died Tuesday, October Augustine's church, Sunday, Sep- retired employee of the Boston day, October 9, in the South Congre- road and John F. Finnegan, son of of 3 Buxton court, and the late Miss Mary I. Leach, and Maine railroad, died Thurs- 12, at the family home on Ban- tember 26, gational church, Miss Glenna Faye Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Finnegan Sarah Doyle, recently held a oldsniith Library in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger day morning, October 7, at the croft road. One of the founders Draper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Jamaica Plain, Saturday morn- shower for her at the Capri cafe which was named for Leach of North Andover, became Lawrence General hospital. Born and the first president of the Ralph L. Draper of 27 Bartlet street ing, October 2. The Rev. Matthew in Lawrence in honor of her ap- in Ireland 76 years ago, he was I. Goldsmith a former the bride of Joseph F. Cronin, son became the bride of Richard Adrian F. McDonald, O.S.A., officiated at proaching marriage to Gerald a member of the Holy Name so- Building Trades union in Greater if the school, recently re- Margaret M. Cronin of Law- Lawrence, he was a retired car- of Mrs. Nelson, son of Mrs. Myrtle Nelson the nuptial mass at 10:30 in St. Ilegley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thad- ciety of St. Augustine's church. Lrge gift of books, cover- rence. The Rev. Matthew F. McDon- deus Begley of 542 South Broad- penter formerly employed by the of 66 Vine street, Saugus, the Rev. Augustine's church. Surviving are his wife, Mary ,ids: science, literature, ald, O.S.A., officiated at the 4 way, Lawrence. The wedding will J. E. Pitman Construction Com- Frederick 13. Noss, officiating. Miss Mary F. Lanigan, organist. Dyer; three sons. Frank, James ports and ninny others, o'clock ceremony and Miss Eleanor take place at 10 o'clock, Saturday pany. He had been an active ,going of these books has Miss Marion Abbott, organist, played the wedding music and ac- and Paul of Andover; a daughter, King of Lowell, friend of the bride, morning, October 23, in St. Augus- member of Christ Episcopal r way for some time and played the traditional wedding mu- companied the soloist, James Mrs. Edward Sullivan of An- sang "Ave Maria" and "Mother At tine's church. church and the Building Trades he completed. The etu- sic, and accompanied the soloist, Sheard. dover; and three brothers, Mi- union. Thy Feet is Kneeling." Guests presented the bride-to-be then have available to Mervin Stevens, as he sang "Be- The bride's brother, John Sheehy, chael of Boston, Patrick and The bride, escorted by her father, cause," "Still as tile Night" and a lovely corsage of roses and a Frank of Ireland; and a sister, His wife, Annie M. (Hallisey) o hooks, for use In class escorted her to the altar and the shower bouquet of money. Platt; three sons. George J., ell as their own perSonal wore a gown of white satin cut in • 0, Perfect Love." attendants were Mrs. George Fortin Elizabeth of Boston. Veiled by Co-workers Charles E. and James D. Platt, all t. princess style with lace inserts and Escorted to the altar by her of Marlboro, matron of honor, and Tile funeral was held from fhe A shower was held recently in M. A. Burke funeral home, Satur- of Andover; ono daughter, Mrs. yoke which formed a high neckline father, the bride wore a fitted white Mrs. Francis X. Sheehy, sister-in- and extended over the shoulder to honor of Mrs. Roger Wentworth, day morning, October 9, with a Helen Starr of Jackson Heights, ll school work does not satin gown with a square neckline law of the bride and Miss Mary L. Long Island, N. Y.; two grandchil- become part of the WeeVe. Her tile former Margaret Renny of high Mass of requiem at 9:30 of a school hook is evi- and carried a crescent of stephano- Cronin of Weston, bridesmaids. dren, James D. Platt, Jr., and finger tip veil of illusion bordered Elm court, by her co-workers of o'clock in St. Augustine's church. 1 the fact that many stu- tis and white roses. The bridegroom's brother, Joseph the "Susie Sweets Shop" at the Johanna M. Starr; and several in white satin was attached to a The Rev. Matthew A. McDonald, taking subscruptions to The attendants, all sisters of the Finnegan, was his best man and the home of Mrs. Angellia Westover. 0.S.A., was the celebrant and the nieces and nephews survive him. wreath of baby orchids and orange er's Digest, Coronet, or bride, were Margaret Draper of ushers were Paul Sheehy, brother 'rhe bride opened her gifts committal services were con- blossoms and her bouquet was com- Funeral services will be held tic Monthly, through the Washington, D. C., maid of honor, of the bride and David Finnegan, under a large pink and white bell. ducted in immaculate Conception Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from posed of white gladioli with an or- ,eese magazines will be and Joan and lane Draper, brides- another brother of the groom. Among those present were: cemetery by the Rev. Henry B. the Lundgren funeral home. The connection with English chid center. maids. Their velvet gowns were Mrs. Ann Renny, Mrs. Wood, Miss Smith, O.S.A. Rev. John S. Moses, rector of the Mrs. Joseph Gaudette, who at- styled alike with an off-the-shoulder ENGAGEMENTS Helen Renny, Mrs. Westover, Mrs. The bearers were: Arthur Christ Episcopal church, will offi- tended her sister as matron of effect, the honor attendant's in rust Murphy, Mrs. Gardene, Mrs. Deg- Leary, Thomas Kearn, James ciate and conduct the committal Ferrier—Caron honor, chose a satin gown in honey and the bridesmaids' in peacock nail, Mrs. Blanchard, Mrs. Trav- Judge, Bernard McDonough, Ed- services in Spring Grove cemetery. f Local Girls The engagement of Miss Rita ers, Ida Radcliff, Claire McKew, beige designed in an off-the-shoul- blue. They carried crescents of ward McDonough and Thomas ;h Newspaper 0. Caron, daughter of the late Diane Blanchard, Paula Blan- Gildea. der effect. The hoop skirt, draped to mixed porn pom chrysanthemums September 3rc1 edition of form a bustle, was accented with Mrs. Rose A. Caron, to Robert L. chard, Nancy Dean, Pat Dean, t9411 PLATES AT ONCi and wore matching plumes in their Ferrier, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Claire Conlon and Margaret MRS. MARION G. LEE ver, England, Advertiser, blue flowers which matched the hair. Ill TO 131 DOWN eived by Miss Harriet Ferrier, 48 Red Spring road, was Jimmy. Mrs. Marion G. Lee, 81, a native New as Old Cdn—No flowers of her wreath and her arm Everett Nelson of Saugus was VW, Thett, Proser of 11 Tewksbury street, announced recently by Mrs. Emil of Andover and widow of Francis bouquet was of mixed gladioli and best man for his brother and the RDY DITOIREY tie, there appeared a .T. Veilleux of 779 Essex street, MARRIAGE RETURNS W. Lee, former treasurer of Phil- D. HA sweet peas. ushers were Nathaniel Edmunds of Lawrence, sister of the bride-to-be. 0P191 SUMO, the three local girls who William P. Cronin, brother of the The following marriage returns lips-Exeter Academy, died October 141 Milk 1434 Mem. AP& sere last summer. Lynn and A. Meicher Anderson of Miss Caron is a graduate of Roston lisevard groom, was best man and the ush- have been filed at the office of 4 at her home at Chestnut Hill. LI b•rt7 2 -3070 Schenectady, N. Y. Lawrence High school and the MAIL AND RRO1STIR1rar.lRVIErIB- s the Misses Ruth Leitch, ers were Leonard Leach, cousin of Town Clerk George H. Winslow: Funeral services were held ci Virginia Hardy, there Among the guests who attended McIntosh school, and her fiancee, the bride. and Louis L. Rivet, Gerard J. Fournier, 447 Lowell Thursday at 2 p. m., at the First eared in the Mute G. D. the reception in the church vestry a veteran of World War II, at- brother-in-law of the groom. street, Methuen and Theresa Mary nd Mrd. U. Sainsbury who were friends and relatives from tended Punchard High school. church, Chestnut Hill. Mrs. Roger Leach, the bride's LeBlanc 63 Topping road, married Born here, the daughter of Mr. HERBERT LIVINGSTON red the visitors while they Orono, Me., Glastonbury, Conn., • • • • in the Sacred Heart church, Law- mother, wore a royal blue dress Chapin—Rutter and Mrs. George W. W. Dove, she PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING Rochester, N. H., Berlin, N. Y., Wal- rence, by the Rev. Lawrence with black hat and accessories. She The engagement of Miss Arlene attended Abbot Academy and Miss tham and Boston. Michaud, S. M. REASONASLE RATES MOVIE PROGRAM had a shoulder corsage of red rose The young couple will live in E. Rutter to Gerard S. Chapin of Hershey's school in Boston. She is sday evening, October 20, buds centered in white gladioli. Saugus when they return from a Lyman, S. C., has been announced survived by a son and four daugh- 7 Walnut St. Tel. And. 1148-W II be a film hour at the Me- The groom's mother, Mrs. Mar- wedding trip to Maine and New by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- MARRIAGE INTENTIONS ters, as well as 11 grandchildren. all Library for the general maret M. Cronin, wore an orchid Hampshire. old A. Rutter of 18 Canterbury The following marriage inten- ieginning at 7:30 o'clock. corsage on her royal blue ensemble street. The bride-to-be served in tions have been filed at the office be shown are "Tall Tales" with which she wore a matching hat sTILLMAN—HEYL the Waves for three years and was of Town Clerk George H. Winslow: a student at the School of Prac- !al number) "Football Pa- and white accessories. The wedding of Miss Adelaide C. Raymond A. Bouque, 17 Dutton tical Arts in Boston. RUTH HAMMOND the Year 1947," "Wing, Included among the guests at the road and Lillian J. Lees, 145 Han- Heyl, daughter of Mrs. William C. Her fiancee, the son of Gerard DRESSES BLOUSES SPORTSWEAR d Fang," "Fish-Hook Se- reception in Legion hall, North An- cock street, Lawrence. Heyl and the late Mr. Heyl of 32 Chapin and the late Mrs. Chapin rom Captains Courageous" dover, were friends from Boston, Gerald A. Begley, 542 South OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9-5:30 Prospect terrace, East Orange, N.J., of Lyman, S. C., is a graduate of Ito on the United Nations Exeter, N. H., Ithaca, N. Y., and Broadway, Lawrence, and Rosa- EXCEPT WEDNESDAY 9-12 NOON to Lewis M. Stillman, son of Mr. Kent school, Kent, Conn., and the leen P. Doyle, 3 Buxton court. velcome. Louisville, Ky. and Mrs. Howell M. Stillman of University of Virginia. During • 14 Pork Street The bride, a graduate of Law- Morton street, took place Saturday the war, he was stationed in Eng- HARVEST SUPPER Ire illlereMtell in the base. rence High school, has been em- evening, October 2, in Christ land as a pilot with the Eighth ation. You still find special ployed in Andover and her husband, church, Short Hills, N. J. The 8 Air Force. The Rev. Crawford Smith of by Harold liaese and also a graduate of Lawrence High o'clock ceremony was performed by Lexington will be guest speaker at RUMMAGE SALE BY Ilirtwell in the Boston the catered harvest supper spon- school and of Coyne Electrical In- the Rev. Robert F. Beattie, rector Shower Tendered very day. )lake the Globe stitute, is a veteran and a member sored by the Men's Club of the ,stop newspaper. 1Adv.l of the church. Baptist church which will be held of the Naval Reserve. He is now Former Miss Renny Given in marriage by her brother, Wednesday, October 27. The wives Shawsheen Village Woman's Club employed as a salesman. Captain Rodney W. Heyl, U.S.A.A.F., The former Margaret Anderson Renny was guest of honor at a are invited to attend. ELEVISION They will live in Lawrence when stationed at Albany, Ga., the bride they return from a wedding trip to was attended by her sister, Mrs. miscellaneous shower given at the OCTOBER 15 — 10 A. M. — 4 P. M. New York, Washington and Ken- Square and CompassAmoms a few DRAWN AS JUROR at William J. Stillman of Glen Ridge, tucky. N. J., as matron of honor and Alice days prior to her wedding, Sunday, Timothy J. Mahoney of 34 Grey Stone Cottage on Sacred Heart School Grounds Florence street was drawn at J. Burton of Summit, N. J., as maid October 3, to Roger Pierce Went- worth. Monday night's meeting of the of honor. HAVERHILL STREET WALTER'S Here To Serve Following the opening of the selectmen to serve as juror at the James H. Prentice of New York John MTMurray gifts, a buffet lunch was served by session of Superior Civil court City was best man and the ushers SHAWSHEEN VILLAGE in for Your Favorite Cult the hostesses. Mrs. Jean Wood and opening at Salem November 8. Super Service were William J. Stillman of Glen Miss Helen Renny, sister of the Cor. Main and Ridge, N. J., and Frederick E. List bride. DWICH or DRINK Chestnut Streets of Upper Montclair, N. J., brother Among those present were and brother-in-law, respectively, of Georgina Petrie, Mrs. Marie 5 Park Street the bridegroom. Souter, Mrs. Margaret Cole, Mrs. The Equitable Life Assur- Burnett Andrews, organist of St. David Robb. Mrs. Charlotte Gor- ance Society of the U. S. Peter's church of Morristown, N. J., don, Mrs. Annie Spencer, Mrs. HERE'S played the wedding music. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Charles Shorten, Mrs. Daniel Gal- II Following the ceremony, a recep- lagher, Agnes Low, Mrs. Ann I E 0 G II A I) I N G HARRY E. CLOUGH tion was held at the home of the Driscoll, Mrs. Robins Meek, Jean- • LETTERS 117 CHESTNUT STREET bride's mother. When Mr. and Mrs. nie White, Margaret Connor, TEL. ANDOVER 1 11 Elizabeth Watson, Jean Wood, • POSTALS Stillman return from a trip to Nan- tucket, they will live on Beacon Mary R. Wilkinson, Hildamay YOUR • PROGRAMS Hill, Boston, where Mr. Stillman Cargill, Helen Kenny, Edith Phone 3.4000 — Res. 9088 ESSING AND MAILING will begin his law practice. Kenny, Sarah White, Helen 24-HOUR SERVICE Doherty, Margaret Reid, Ann Dr. Joseph B. McCavitt Waldie, Margaret McCafferty, DELIVERED Helen Burnett, Isobel Calder, Mrs. CHIROPODIST - PODIATRIST Legal Notice Ann Renny, Mrs. C. Wentworth, CHANCE over Letter Service 351 Essex St. Lawrence, Mass. Mrs. J. Wentworth, Virginia 18 PARK STREET TOWN OF ANDOVER Wentworth, Mary Wentworth, TEL. 1295 PUBLIC HEARING Shirley Montanaro, Mrs. Gertrude TO CONTINUE YOUR EDUCATION AT A public hearing will be held at Watt, Mrs. D. L. Stewart, Ina the Town House at 7:15 p. m., Auchterlonle, Jean Cargill, Mrs. GET YOUR Tuesday, Oct. 26, 1948, to act W. Cargill, Mrs. Margaret Win- upon the petition of Vincent Salvo ters, Mr. Alex Bertram, Mrs. THE ANDOVER EVENING ck to School AMERICAN GREEN SHEET to erect a house with a side yard Thomas Neil, Mrs. George Car- of less than 15 feet at 77 Salem michael, Elizabeth Moore, Mary STURDY SHOES and other St. Smith, Minnie Thomson, Rachel BOARD OF APPEALS Vannett, Ann Maitland, Isabelle STUDY PROGRAM ial James S. Eastham, Petrie, Mrs. Madeline Sullivan RACE NEWSPAPERS Chairman. lature Footwear and Isabel Auchterlonie. at the Young Steppers For ADULTS

ES THAT sAr,sFv" Andover News Co. MAIN STREET TEL. 141 LUNDGREN October 18 to December 9, 1948 X-Ray Fitting * gurzezat otioniE COURSES IN WORLD AFFAIRS * MUSIC * LITERATURE * POETRY

1NH01,1) S MALCOLM E. LUNDGREN SCIENCE * ART • PUBLIC SPEAKING 9 MAIN STREL I DONALD E. LUNDGREN , RECREATION • HEALTH end" • FURRIER FORD Personal Service Information and Catalogs at Memorial Library 1949 STYLES PARTS in or at Tuxedo Coat Any City or Town fluffs, $22.50 Egib PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS STYLES IN FURS SHAWSHEEN Telephone 2073 TELEPHONE ANDOVER 720 MOTOR MART URS Your Andover Ford Dealer 18 Elm Street 47 Haverhill St., Shawsheen Andover, Mass TELEPHONE 1,,1t1 T..I. 767—Law. 5635

THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN OCTOBER 14, 1948 Extra Br, Short He BUSINESS PERSONALITIES AND SERVICES An extra lee hair, and You 11 personality ash ,iccording to II You Should Know and Patronize Writing in Mc she gives You prominent Net on how to buy WALNUTHURST DAIRY also a few poin THATCHED ROOF Thatched Roof Popular Walnuthurst Dairy Supplies Serving Andover it: An r‘ollrog Plat.. el Ololinttler, For Over "Christian TEL LAW 27112 to many of NO ANDOVER Spot for Showers Teas 35 YEARS young career Have you tried the Hot Pot The Thatched Root is a wonder- High School Cafeteria ROUTES 12E• 133 B. A. JENKINS, PROP. AND. 994 advice to his Special at the Thatched Roof? It ful place to eat and to celebrate. The Walnuthurst Dairy on So. The Walnuthurst Dairy supplies that extra hair varies each day, and is always Telephone Lawrence 27732 and Main Street, Andover, owned by the High and Junior High School give time and make an appointment for that Burton A. Jenkins, has a fine Cafeteria, which in itself is an in- ing the color. 1 something most delicious. dinner, dinner party, luncheon. reputation for cleanliness and JOHN M. MURRAY dication that the dairy sells sample of you M. T. WALSH The Thatched Roof is famous shower or tea. good service for the customer. EST. 1885 clean, wholesome, top quality manufacturer. for its variety of Lobster Dinners. To show you the quality of the SUPER SERVICE custom hair pi PLUMBING AND HEATING milk and cream. CONTRACTORS You may have that wonderful milk and the fine condition of the shade look Lobster Pie, Baked Stuffed Lob- Nursing Home dairy, Mr. Jenkins welcomes visi- All Walnuthurst Dairy Milk MAIN AND CHEST' T STS. TB. 8484 amount of salt AIR CONDITIONING let Line Tires $11.95 111.00e1111 Plus Ton ster, Broiled Live or Lobster tors there at any time. You would comes from local farms from a "Mr. Jungst Well Staffed find this an interesting expedition. COME SEE US FOR YOUR TIRE HEEDS SHEET METAL WORK mixed herd and is pasturized should be wor Newburg, any one of which is an Coles Nursing Home at 10 The milking, processing and pas- grows, and su 28 ESSEX STREET eye appealing, soul satisfying Summer Street, Andover, is a turizing under sterile conditions fresh every day. Every possible tech the braid TEL. AND. 201 meal. safe, restful home for the chronic mean health for your family. precaution is taken to see that you mas of your ow invalid, convalescent or bed pa- When a dairy owner invites your get the best for your baby or 48 HR. SERVICE If you like chicken, don't forget tient. this rule, you inspection, you ought to take growing child. the (toneless Fried Chicken, as the Here, the patient is served your family, especially the chil- WOOL DRESSES 59., never look fall TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFS This business was started in Thatched Roof does it. good, healthful, appetizing meals dren, to show them the importance (Plain) "To keep y New Roofs Installed and Repaired prepared by Mrs. Pauline Coles, 1913 by John A. Jenkins, carried slip bobby pi; Brides-to-be find the Thatched Of clean, germ free milk. EXPERTLY DRY CLEANED who has the interests of her pa- All these precautions are for on by his widow during the war, spot where you J. A. PEROS & SONS Roof a grand place for their AND PRESSED tients at heart. and now is run by the son, Burton braid. Now ri INSULATION AND GENERAL Shower, either the Jack & Jill or yours and their benefit. The The Home is refreshingly clean A. Jenkins. CONTRACTING personal type shower. The party daily quart of milk required by through the 1 and cheery, with more of a Why don't you telephone Arl- TEL. LAW. 4931 group may use a private dining each child might be more appeal- the braid. Fast "home" than Nursing Home at- ine if the child knows the story dover 994 and try a quart of this under the ores room which will hold 30 people, excellent milk tomorrow? or a larger room holding 50 very behind it. "Now arran nmThere are five reg istered nurses comfortably ter no extra charge. wish to wear CAR HARD STARTING? in attendance, and they, as well MISS ZECCIIINI TO BROADCAST they will be close to $100 millions. the end, again If you are planning a Shower, as Mrs. Coles, endeavor to raise 35 MAIN ST. ANDOVER TRY TEXACO HIGH-TEST This means that if State benefits! Tuesday morning, October 19 at pins through y or want a place to hold a political the patients' morale to effect a and this year had been at the pre-war' 10:30 o'clock. Miss Mary Zecchini, anchor braid banquet, club dinner or tea, you speedier recovery. HAVOLINE MOTOR OIL No. 10 level, the average local tax rate catalog librarian of the Memorial pinned throug pay only for the food you eat— Mrs. Coles has had patients Hall Library and in charge of the other hairpin( ti,.ta I1. ISl a t Frederick S. Black no charge of any kind for the use who have stayed with her as long would be approximately $50 in- BLACKIE'S SERVICE STATION stead of $42.34." music department, will discuss ANDOVER the braid wile of the private dining room. If as six years at a time, benefitting over radio station WCCM the use' secured in th you wish, the manager will offer by careful, attentive nursing and "Massachusetts today is prole end of the bra! you a menu to choose from in nutritious meals to suit the indi- ably placing a greater weight on of phonograph recordings in the Sales and Service or show. PHILIP I. GAUDET ad va nee. vidual needs. the property tax than any other library. This recent service of loaning recordings as books and "After renu Building Contraiitor--Itemodeling Mrs. Coles started the Coles major industrial state. As a rule, General This is really fine service, and pamphlets have always been unbraid it, hi FOUNDATION and HOT-TOP other states have opened new you get the services of two fine Nursing Home after the death of loaned has proven a highly popular AUTO REPAIRING or lay flat in Cement Block, Stone, Brick and Chefs—Bill Petersen, who is well her husband, and the home has sources of revenue to their local undertaking. Her talk will explain Brearly dressing table Cement Work known' for his culinary art, and such an excellent reputation, that governments long before reaching 'Eddie' Ellis 'Hank' Sand, Loam and Gravel the manner of selecting, processing is soiled, dip 1 Leo Nadeau, whose name in good there is a waiting list of those our present overburdened level of 01 PARK ST. TEL, 24 For Free Estimates Tel. 1519•W and shelving recordings. mild toilet sot eating circles is equally famous, wanting admittance. property taxation. To date Mas- Good food and competent, care- sachusetts has resisted the new a towel, hang ful nursing are vital to the phy- trend. If all real estate and Lest you forget — the items we sell represent products of sical and mental improvement of tangible property in Massachu- high type manufacturers whose names and representatives ore the chronically ill. The patient setts were assessed at its fair cash FROM THE S' Weston F. Eastman gets both these at Coles Nursing well known to the American public. We at LAWRENCE PLATE value as of today, the average tax (Continued Home. Telephone Andover 1389 rate would not exceed $25. Re- and GLASS COMPANY are great believers in quality merchan- INSURANCE for more detailed information. rent figures show that single dise and feel proud of our connections. the moment 1 REAL ESTATE homes, on the average. are being business in Mt assessed at approximately 0110- self-insured. Bay State Bldg. Average Tax Rate half of sales price. On multi- LAWRENCE PLATE and WINDOW GLASS COMPANY There are a family homes and commercial 417 CANAL STREET LAWRENCE MASS. applications f RES. AND. 1775 LAW. 3 - 2149 Up $3.30 In State buildings, the proportion is TELEPHONE 3 - 7151 The average tax rate in Massa- higher. once compani chusetts cities and towns jumped "No one today advocates raising considered to ERNEST L. WILKINSON $3.30 this year to reach a record assessments to present market those company $42.34, according to a report just levels which are considered highly N. E. Milk Producers Assn. SHATTUCK'S EXPRESS employer appe Real Estate — Insurance released by the Massachusetts abnormal. But responsible per- Accident boar FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS EST. 1911 RES. AND. 1653 Federation of Taxpayers' Associa- sons are increasingly proposing The company tions. Added to the tax boosts of moderate increases, accompanied Daily Dependable Service by the Divisie LAW. 4762 OPIRATIONS 1945 and 1946 it brings the aver- Our Own Cheese by some steps to improve assess- 32 Park St. Tel. And. 577 ty of the Dept 311-312 BAY STATE BLDG. ELITE BEAUTY SHOP age increase for the past three Industries an 3 MAIN STREET TEL. AND. 867 ment methods and to reduce AND. 709 years to nearly $10. obvious inequities. The increase mendation, tl The figures show that the du- in city valuations between 1947 tied to the Ca bious double distinction of the DIANA and 1948 was actually less than DISTINCTIVE AUTO LOANS highest rate and the greatest the value of new construction. SERVICE The Comni BEAUTY increase goes to Newburyport From this, it is argued, that in COLES' fi li toe, Lady Attendant who has a pc EQUIPMENT LOANS with a figure of $67 and a one- (uiles then SALON fact, it is the tax rates which have NURSING HOME M. A. BURKE All Types Of year jump of $17.60. At the borne the full brunt of inflation, this insuranc PERSONAL LOANS PERMANENTS other extremity, the figures show. whereas it would be better to dis- "A Home of Helpful Service for Chronic 4/.1 FUNERAL HOME companies it DIANA LANE, Prop. Gosnold continued to lead the field Convalescents, and Bed Patients" Deposits — $7,407,090.97 tribute the inflationary effect be- 383 No. Main St., And. 2 called assign Musgrove Bldg. with a rate of $16, while the Elm Sq. TO. 164 tween rates and assessments. Con- 10 Summer St. And. 1389 is commente largest decrease was $1 9 in Web- versely it is argued that raising it is one of t Andover ster. Rates are down in 49 com- assessments is an insidious device achusetts G. munities, um-hanged in 33 and up PURITY CLEANSERS, Inc. to conceal the higher costs of gov- statutory pr National Bank in the remaining 269, the release ernment, which should remain in ments lcur k Home of Quality states. the open. And, it is held, too, that LOANS ANDOVER, MASS. "Although the end of climbing as a practical matter it is resi- 3 HOUR SERVICE tax rates is not in sight there are dential property which is so DAIRY $50 to $2,000 ASBE indications that the 1949 increase PROEUCTS New beauty 13 ESSEX ST. TEL. 1951 much underassessed and this is 44.101 metone Col CIRO-BRA may be snuffler than the increase the one class of property which it Also Insul of the past three years." said Roofing E "The Favorite Worn By Many" is politically inexpedient to tam- CLEAN — WHOLESOME — DELICIOUS ANDOVER Lyman H. Ziegler. Federation per with." WILLI TEA ROSE Baker Refrigeration Co. B C - CUP specialist in municipal govern- COLOMBO & SONS FINANCE CO Footer ch Sizes 32 to 38 $1.98 APARTMENT SIZE WASHERS Reduced to $35.50 ment, in commenting on the Too Late, Old Man License #98 APARTMENT SIZE MANGLES statistics. If 1949 brings another DAIRY THE IRMA BEENE SHOP Reduced to $45.00 Their quarrel had degenerated 2nd Floor — MUSGROVE BLDG . MAIN STREET 795-M round of salary and wage in- DELIVERIES IN GREATER LAWRENCE 8 ESSEX STREET creases for municipal employees. into shrieks and yells and tears ANDOVER SQUARE AND. 1934 LAW. 22221 it hardly seems likely to be on the and jeers. ARGILLA RD. TEL. AND. 1744 TEL. ANDOVER 1908 PL T. J. SCANLON CO. same scale as the increases of the "I wish to heaven I had taken past two years. It seems even my mother's advice and never Building Materials, Hardware Polly Prim Beauty Shop less likely that the cities and married you," the wife shrilled. LAW. 9018 - 5004 Specialist In all towns will continue to resist some Hubby's jaw dropped in amaze- ESSEX ST. COR. BROADWAY inflation of their assessed valua- Blue Bird Beauty Shoppe LAWRENCE, MASS. Branches of ment. tions." PERMANENTS — HAIR T1 .N 11.1G H RES. AND. 1529 Beauty Culture "Here, wait a minute," he de- VERRETTE'S "A major factor In preventing CARRIE P. BACON On MAIN ST. more sensational increases in lo- manded; "do you mean to say your Tel. 970 cal tax rates has been the con- mother tried to keep you from Restaurant FOOT TREATMENTS W. '- And. ',004-W tinuous increase in federal and marrying me?" In The Musgrove Bldg. LORIS DI STEFANI state financial benefits. The im- "She certainly did," the wife re- portance of these benefits can best joined, "she fought tooth and nail Square PAINTER and DECORATOR be shown by a comparison of net against it." RESI DENTIAL—INDUSTRIAL—SCHOOL payments (total payments less all "My God!" the husband cried. ON THE assessments and charges) front "I low I have wronged that woman!" Mortgages AUTO 244 SO. MAIN ST. TEL. 1438-W the Commonwealth to its cities SQUARE N.1 and towns before the war and to- ANDOVER day. In 1941, net state payments MOTOROLA LOANS THE GARDEN SHOP SHAWSHEEN MARKET aggregated $51 millions; this year TELEVISION Stedman & son Martha and Frank Robinson, Now Sensationally , Flowers, 1 Pkg. Special Blend Andover Savings Proprietors THE LOW PRICED! Plants, Shrubs, DELIVERY HOURS Evergreens MON., WED., FRI. MORNINGS ONLY SHAWSHEEN LAUNDRY PANCAKE FLOUR 'rel. 276 SATURDAY ALL DAY $179.95 (2 Lbs.) Bank 2 RIVERINA R11. CO., INC. 80 LOWELL ST. TILL. 508 NOW — Channe And 1 Bottle 61 MAIN ST. TEL 103 EVERYONE can afford this outside The Finest Laundry and M new Entertainment for the PANCAKE SYRUP irrors RANGE AND FUEL OILS CLEANING SERVICE resilve ENTIRE FAMILY BOTH FOR TROMBLY BROS. R MRS IP', AVAILABLE Fraser's Service Station MeV OCe851011 eflik GAS — OIL C IT SERVICENTERS -mown, TRY US AND SEE FOR ANDOVER 49c t. eq, RANGE OIL 74J686M awe', fro ....I Ignition - Carburetor and Broke Repairs YOURSELF G ACME TIRES TEL. 31031 or 22582 J. H. PLAYDON HOME SERVICE Andover Consumers Co-op AND BATTERIE:, 147 Sutton St. Hillside Rd. By-Pass 60 MAIN STREET AND. 70 TEL. 620 AND. 2 ESSEX ST. TEL. 1970 68 MAIN ST. ANDOVER 12 No. Main St. Tel. 155 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN — OCTOBER 14, 1948

wealth, or ill case of the death of a person I Extra Braid Varies elected to any of such .- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts offices between the day I "SECTION 1..ANIUro lp(eir'sorci-shall he elected Legal Notices of election and the third Wednesday Lawrence, September 24, A. D. 1948 PROBATE COURT of the to the office of the President more than Essex se Docket No. 225,282 following January, such an officer shall be twice, and no person who has held the otbce Short Hair Style chosen by a joint ballot of the senators and of President. or acted as President, for more By virtue of an execution which issued Essex 88. Commonwealth of Massachusetts representatives from the people at large, in- than two years of a term to which some on a judgment at the District Court, holden To ' all persons interested in the estate of An extra braid with your short Esther F. Brown late of Andover in said :Es Essex, ss stead of from the two persons who had the other persim was elected President shall be at Cambridge, within said County of Mid• you have a different hair To either of the Constables of the Town of desex, on the second day of September in County, deceased. hair, and highest number of votes at the election as is elected to the office of the Priwident more A petition has been presented to said Court Andover Greeting: now required. It also provides that if there than once. But this Article shall nut apply favor of Harris A. Reynolds against Bar. personality whenever you choose, for probate la a certain instrument purport• In the name of the Commonwealth you is a vacancy in any of such offices during a to any person fielding the office of President tiara It. Hart, of Lawrence, I have taken according to Hildegarde Fillmore. are hereby required to notify and warn the all the right title and interest which the said ing to lie the last will of said deceased by session of the Legislature the vacancy shall when this Article was proposed by the Con. Bartley of Scarsdale in the County inhabitants of said town who are qualified be tilled in like manner by choice from the gross. and shall not prevent any person who Barbara R. Hart had on the 24th day of Virginia McCall's for October, September A. D. 1948 at 9:45 o'clock, A. M. of Westchester, and State of New York, Writing in to vote in Elections to meet in Precincts One, people at large, but if the vacancy occurs at may be he gives you the advice of a holding the office of President, of the day and time when the same was at- praying that she be appointed executrix s Two, Three, Four, Five, Six viz: The Cen- any ,,;her time it shall be filled by appoint- acting as President, during the term within bond. tral Fire Station, Precinct One; The Square tached on Mesne Process, in and to the thereof without giving a surety on her prominent New York hairdresser meat by the Governor, with the advice and which this Article becomes operative from following described real estate, to wit: Barbara Blake the other executrix named and Compass Hall, Precinct Two, The Sa- consent of the Council, holding the office of President or acting as on how to buy the hair piece, and cred Heart School, Balmoral St., Precinct The land with the building. thereon situ. in said will having declined to serve. QUESTION NO. 4 iiletit during the remainder of such aped in Andover, Essex County, Musachu. If you desire to object thereto you or your HURST DAIRY also a few pointers on how to wear Three; The Grange !fall, Precinct Four; Do you approve of a law summarized be- 11:rreul. setts, on the easterly side of Salem Street, attorney should file a written appearance in The Ballardvale Fire Station, l'recinct Five, low which was disapproved in the House of • SECTION 2. This article shall be in. said Court at Salem before ten o'clock in Serving Andover Represe being lot numbered one on a plan entitled It: and the Pealmily House, Phillips St., Pre. ntat ives iy of 84 in the at. operative unless it shall have been ratified the forenoon on the first day of November coict Six. firniati ve and . "I'lan of Land belonging to Lena S. Scher. "Christian Jungst. hairdresser 1310 in tvhoetenerg as an amendment to the Constitutton by the ner, Andover, Mass., D. W. Clark, C. E.", 1948, the return day of this citation. For Over alive and in the Senate legislatures of three fourths of the several of New York's smart TUESDAY, THE SECOND DAY OF by al YES I - being recorded in the North District of Essex Witness, John V. Phelan, Esquire, First to many NOVEMBER, 1948, vote of 15 in the affirmativel States within seven Registry Judge of said Court, this eleventh day of 35 YEARS and 22 of Deeds as plan No. 478, bounded young career women, gives sound at 7:00 o'clock A. M. for the following put.. in the negative? I NO I from the (late of its aur mal.ea." I YES and described as follows: Beginning at the October in the year one thousand nine hun- poses: SUMMARY sion to the States by the Con• dred and forty-eight. PROP. advice to his clients on buying southwesterly corner of said lot No. 1 on AND. 994 To bring in their votes to the Election This measure by amending General Laws gross," — be ratified by the rf40 said Salem Street and land now or I Gernert> RICHARD J. mum., JR., Register that extra hair piece. He says: 'Do Officers for the Election of the following (Ter. Ed.), Chapter 272, Section 21 provides general court? of Gray, thence north 34 degrees 30 minutes Atty. Vincent F. Sitilgis, time and attention to match officers: that the provisions of Sections 20 and 21 of QUESTION NO. 9 east by said Gray land one hundred eighty-two .116 Essex Street, give Presidential Electors said Chapter 272 which make it an offense to A. Shall licenses he granted in this city (182) feet to a point; thence north 37 de- Lawrence, Mass. (14.21.28) M. MURRAY log the color. Don't send a skimpy Governor for this Commonwealth advertise or give information as to the pro• (or town) for the sale therein of all alcho- grees 15 minutes west by land now or form. sample of your own hair to the Lieutenant Governor for this Commonwcalh curement of means for the prevention of holic beverages (whiskey, rum, erly of ward one hundred thirty•etx (136) Secretary of the Commonwealth pregnancy or conception shall not apply to gin, malt beverages, wines t YES feet; thence south eighty three degrees 50 NOTICE manufacturer. Even an expensive for this Commonwealth treatment or prescription given to married and all other alcoholic lever- minutes west forty nine 149) feet to Salem 'rhe annual meeting of the Corporation of SERVICE Treasurer and Receiver-General women by registered physicians far protec• ages) ? NO Street; thence south 6 degrees 10 minutes The Andover Home for Aged People for custom hair piece van have an off- the election of officers for the coming year for this Commonwealth tion of life or health. It. Shall licenses be granted in this city east by said Salem Street two hundred fifty shade look if an insufficient Auditor of the Commonwealth three and nine tenths (253.9) feet to the and the transaction of such other business QUESTION NO. 5 (or town) for the sale there- as may legally come bet ore it, will be held IUT T STS. TU. 84114 amount of sample hair is sent in.' Attorney General for this Commonwealth Do you approve of a law summarized be• in of wines and malt lever- I YES point of beginning; containing seventeen Senator in Congress thousand eight hundred and two (17,802) at the llonie on Tuesday evening, October 13.95 WOWS) Plus Tax low which was disapproved in the House ages (wines and beer, ale and T' square feet. 14, 1948, at 7:45 o'clock. FOR YOUR TIRE NEEDS "Mr. Jungst believes that braids for this Commonwealth of Representatives by a vote all other malt beverages)? of 5 in the I NO Allit on Saturday, the thirteenth HOWARD T. MAII.EY, Clerk. Representative in Congress affirmative and 203 in the day of should be worn as your own hair for 5th Congressional District C. Shall licenses be granted in this city November A. D. 1948 at It o'clock in the negative and in the Senate by YES I (or town) for the sale therein I office of Frank grows, and suggests that you at- Councillor for 5th Councillor District a vote of 0 in the affirmative forenoon, at the Marshall, Senator for 4th Senatorial District of all alcoholic beverages in I YES I 725 Itay State Building in said Lawrence, I APARTMENT WANTED tach the braid within the heavest and 36 in the negative? NO I Packages, so called, not to tael 3 Representatives in General Court shall offer for sale by public auction to the QUIET MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE. NEED SUMMARY drunk on the premises? R. SERVICE mas of your own hair. If you follow for 5th Representative District I NO highest bidder, all the aforesaid right, title two or three-room apartment. Willing to Register of Probate and Insolvency This measure prohibits the denial of the and interest to satisfy said execution and Andover 8814• this rule, your extra hair will opportunity to obtain or retain employment QUESTION NO. 10 all fees and charges of sale. do baby-sitting. Tel. for Essex County "Shall an act passed by the general court in (14.21-28 never look false. 2 County Commissioners for Essex County because of membership or non.memberehip FRANK MARSHALL IRESSES in a labor organization and prohibits agree- the year 1947, entitled 'An Act establishing Terms: Cash. Deputy Sheriff. County Treasurer for Essex County the Merrimack River Valley Sewerage Dis- (Plain) "To keep your braid in place, Also to vote yes or no on the following ments which exclude any person from em. FOR SALE—LAND ployment because of membership or non- trict for the purpose of constructing, main- slip bobby pins, crossed, at the questions: taining and operating sewer. f Commonwealth of Massachusetts .Y DRY CLEANED QUESTION NO. 1 membership in a labor organization. Violation PROBATE COURT spot where you wish to attach the of the provisions of the measure is made an age works in the Merrimack I YES I Anot"r 14 ACRES OF LAND, GOOD D PRESSED Do you approve of the adoption of an River Valley,' be accepted?" Docket No. 219,381 for Farming or Building, with wooded amendment to the constitution summarized offense punishable by fine or imprisonment Essex, ss. braid. Now run a large hairpin or both. section, for sale. High Plain Road. Call below which was approved by the General T o all persons interested in the estate of Andover 1140•W. through the loops at the end of Court in a joint session of the two branches QUESTION NO. 6 William E. Burke late of Andover in said Do you approve of a the braid. Fasten hairpin over and held June 28, 1945. received 227 votes in law summarized be- All the above candidates and questions to County, deceased. the affirmative and 0 in the negative and in low which was disapproved in the House of be voted for upon one ballot. The administratrix of said estate has pro WANTED—Miscellaneous Representatives by a vote of 82 in the af- A N ER S tinder the crossed bobby pins. a joint session of the two The polls will be open from 7:00 A. M. sented to said Court for allowance her fuel firmative and 126 in the neg. and final account. —. -- IRIIRSand DYERS "Now arrange the braid as you branch. held June 9, 1947,I YES I to 7:00 I'. M. DOGS ARE BADLY NEEDED TO HELP received 232 votes in the of ative and in the Senate by a YES Hereof fail not and make return of this If you desire to object thereto you or wish to wear it. When you reach vote of 13 in the affirmative in the search for a better medicine for the firmative and 8 in the nega- I warrant with your doings thereon at the your attorney should file a written appear- relief of high blood pressure. These dog.s NO and 20 in the negative? NO ance in said Court at Salem before ten .T. the end, again slip crossed bobby five? time and place of said meeting. receive humane care in a University Medi- ANDOVER SUMMARY SUMMARY Given under our hands this 11th day of o'clock in the forenoon on the eighteenth especially pins through your own hair, again day of October 1948, the return day of this cal Laboratory. Aged dogs are This proposed amendment to the Consti- This measure requires that elections of October A. D., 1948 valuable since a certain percentage a anchor braid with a hairpin tution adds to the declaration of the rights officers of labor organizations shall be held ROY E. HARDY citation. these have high blood pressure. These dogs of the inhabitants, as now set forth in the at least annually. Sixty days' notice of a J. EVERETT COLLINS Witness, John V. I'helan, Esquire, First suffer no discomfort beyond that involved pinned through bobby pins. Use Judge of said Court, this twenty•third day Constitution, the following "The right of regular election and twenty days' notice of HO%VELL F. SHEPARD in being anesthetized. Any dogs over 5 other hairpins, of course, along free speech shall not be abridged." an election to fill one or more vacancies are Selectmen of Andover of September in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight. months of age can serve in this cause. If J DOVER the braid where needed. Properly QUESTION NO. 2 required to be given by public announce• A true copy you will give one or more dogs for this Do you approve of the adoption of an ment at a regular meeting, by notice in Attest: RICHARD J. WHITE, JR., Register purpose, will you write to Box M., this secured in this manner, neither amendment to the constitution summarized writing to each member, or in any other Constable From the office of: Michael A. Flanagan, Esq., paper. Only honafide dog owners should below which was approved by the General adequate manner. Candidates to be voted for October 1948 apply. and Service end of the braid should come loose Court in a joint session of the two branches must be nominated by a paper signed by ten 406 !fay State Bldg., Lawrence, Maas. (30.0744) or show. held June 6, 1946, received 220 votes in the members filed at least thirty days before a ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK "After removing the hair piece, affirmative and 28 in the neg- regular election and at least ten days before WANTED TO BUY General ative, and in a joint session an election to fill a vacancy. The following pass book issued by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts unbraid it, hang over a hanger, of the two branches held June I YES The voting at such an election must be Andover Savings Bank has been lost and PROBATE COURT ) REPAIRING application has been made for the issuance WANTED ANYTHING OLD—Marbletos. or lay flat in tissue paper in your 9. 1947, received 228 votes in by secret written or printed ballot. Watch- Docket No. 225,284 the affirmative and 5 in the I NO ers appointed by nominating members and of duplicate book. Public notice of said ap• Essex, es. Walnut, Grape and Rose-carved Furniture. Cis 'Hank' Bread), dressing table drawer. When braid negative? by union officers may be present during the plication is hereby given, in accordance with To all persona interested in the estate of Glass, China, Silver, Jewelry, Cloths. voting and counting of ballots. Section 40, Chapter 590, of the Acts of Prints, Frame., Guns, Coins, Furniture, is soiled, dip lightly in a lather SUMMARY Douglas Dixon late of Andover in said ST. TEE. 24 of This proposed amendment to the Consti- Coercion and intimidation of members in 1908. County, deceased. Etc. William F. Graham, Jr., 165 Golden mild toilet soap, rinse, blot fiat in tution provides that the use of revenue from connection with an election is prohibited, and Payment has been stopped. A petition has been presented to said Hill Ave., Haverhill, Mass., Telephone the measure Book No, 48,136 Haverhill 7010-W. (tF 26) a towel, hang to dry." fees, duties, excises or license taxes relating violations of the provisions of Court praying that Lester F. Dixon of An- to the registration, operation or use of vehi- are made punishable by fine of not less than LOUIS S. FINGER, Treasurer dover in said County be appointed adminis- cles on public highways or to fuels used for twenty-five dollars nor more than two hun- (30.07-14) trator of said estate without giving a surety ANYTIUNG OLD FASHIONED OR AN- epresent products of dred dollars or by imprisonment for not TIQUE. Guy N. Christian, S Union St., propelling such vehicles, except revenue from on his bond. Georgetown, Mass. Write or Phone 2851. representatives are any excise tax imposed for the privilege of more than thirty days or both. TOWN OF ANDOVER If you desire to object thereto you or (tf) FROM THE STATE HOUSE registering such vehicles in lieu of local your attorney should fie a written appear. We will call. property taxes, shall be for highway pur- QUESTION NO. 7 PUBLIC HEARING ance in said Court at Ilaverhill before ten LAWRENCE PLATE law summarized be- (Continued from Page Eight) poses only. Do you approve of a Notice is hereby given that 'he Board of o'clock in the forenoon on the twenty-fifth in quality merchan- QUESTION NO. 3 low which was disapproved in the House of Survey of the Town of Andover will hold a day of October 1948, the return day of this FOR SALE Do you approve of the adoption of an Representatives by a vote of 95 in the af• public hearing on Friday evening, October citation. the moment 150 companies doing amendment to the constitution summarized firmative and 110 in the neg. I 15, 1948 at 7:30 P. Id, at the Town Hall Witness, John V. Phelan, Esquire, First PERENNIAL CHRYSANTHEMUMS and business in Massachusetts who are below which was approved by the General ative and in the Senate by a I YES I on the petition of Ulla A. Burton, for the Judge of said Court, this fourth day of Phlox. Various kinds and colors. Also Court in a joint session of the two branches vote of 14 in the affirmative approval of a plan of land on Elm Street October in the year one thousand nine hun- Oriental Poppies, and other hardy plants self-insured. held June 6, 1946, received 243 votes in the and 18 in the negative? I NO _I _ for the purpose of subdivision and opening dred and forte-eight. at 10c each. Peter S. Myatt, 3 Highland "ASS COMPANY for public use, a private way as shown RICHARD J. WIIITE, JR. Regi4ter. There are also employers whose affirmative and 0 in the negative, and in a SUMMARY avenue, Andover. (Ins) LAWRENCE MASS. joint session of the two bran. This measure prohibits the calling of a thereon. From the office of applications for workmens' com- chcs held June 3, 1948, re- I YES strike by a labor organization in any busi- BOARD OF SURVEY William H. Daly calved 231 votes in the affirm- ness or plant or unit thereof, except when By SIDNEY I' .WHITE, 521 Bay State Bldg. GIRLS' COLUMBIA LIGHTWEIGHT pensation insurance to two insur- Chairman. Lawrence, Mass. (744-21) BICYCLE--Like New, $35.00. Tel, 2127 ative .d 9 in the negative? I NO authorized by the vote of the majority of all (7.14) ance companies are denied being members of the organization employed in considered too great a risk by This is an amendmentSUMMARY of Article XVII of the business, plant or unit thereof. Such the Amendments to the Constitution. It pro- authorization is to be expressed by a secret those companies. In these cases the written or printed ballot at a meeting called employer appeals to the Industrial vibes that in case of a failure to elect the that purpose. TUCK'S EXPRESS s cretary, treasurer and receiver gneral, au- .'"" Accident board for certification. The Labor Relations Commission is EST. 1911 ditor or attorney general of the Common- , to make rules for the conduct of The company is then investigated 'the voting, Within twenty.four hours after ,the voting the labor organization conducting Dependable Service by the Division of Industrial Safe- the result 3 Aces For FORD ('llllll tonwenIth of MassnehtlisettS it shall make a written report of it. Tel. And. 577 ty of the Department of Labor and to the commission, which shall be a emit.- PROBATE COURT ant public record. If no report is led the Industries and, upon their recom- vote taken shall be void and a person mak• mendation, the employer is certi- Docket No. 225,208 ins a false report shall be guilty of perjury. fied to the Commissioner of Insur- Essex, as. Coercion and intimidation of members of To all persons interested in the a labor organization in connection with such DISTINCTIVE ance. estate of Oliver M. Howe late of voting is made Arinoarls, OWNERS ... SERVICE The Commissioner of Insurance Andover in said County deceased. Is it desirable that the proposed ammd- Lady Attendant who has a pool of insurance com- petition has been presented to inent to the Constitution of the p A Seat to panies then equably distributes said Court for probate of a certain M. A. BURKE this insurance to mutual and stock purporting to be the last Subscribe to The Townsman FUNERAL HOME companies in that pool. This is will of said deceased by Windsor 383 No. Main St., And. 2 called assigned risk insurance and Herbert Howe of Reading in the $2.50 a Year is commented upon here because County of Middlesex and praying • ••••• • • •••••••• me. it is one of the few times in Mass- that he be appointed executor there- " achusetts Government where by of. Agent for Airplane Reservations statutory provision, three depart- If you desire to object thereto you Hotels and Steamship Lines Ilents work jointly. or your attorney should file a writ- DANS ten appearance in said Court at Andover Travel Bureau Salem before ten o'clock in the fore- FRED E. CHEEVER Mgr. Oc- ) to $2,000 ASBESTOS SIDING noon on the eighteenth day of Also REAL ESTATE New beauty in Johns Manville Per. tober 1948, the return day of this 21 Main St. Tel. 775 or 1098 mate., Colored Asbestos Sidewalls. citation. Also Insulated Brick and Stone. Roofing, F.stimatea Free. Witness, John V. Phelan, Esquire, DOVER First Judge of said Court, this WILLIAM P. DOYLE twenty-eighth day of September in WALLPAPER ANCE CO. Foster circle, And.—Tel. 14118 the year one thousand nine hundred License 098 and forty-eight. ALLIED PAINT STORES — MUSGROVE BLDG. RICHARD J. WHITE, JR., Register. JOSEPH T. GAGNE, President OVER SQUARE Rowell, Clay & Tomlinson 34 Amesbury St. Lawrence ANDOVER 1908 PLUMBING 301 Essex Street LaWr9Ileo Mass. (30-07-1 il S and d Beauty Shoppe GENUINE FORD PARTS ITS — HAIR TIN' I\G HEATING We Ford Dealers can supply 11E P. BACON Genuine Ford Parts that are REAL identical twins of the parts T TREATMENTS built into your Ford at the FORD SERVICE Bldg. And. ,004-W W. H. Welch Co. Hand Knitting Yarns factory. They're made right ives (hose ads aniages: TEL AND. 128 to fit right and last longer. • ford-trained Mechanics . for GREATER KNITTING Ask for them for every re- • Factory-approved Methods PLEASURE AT GREATER placement need. • Special Ford Equipment SAVINGS! • Irtgages AUTO GLASS INSTALLED We know your Ford from A to Z. 100°0 Pure Virgin Wool That's why we can do every service job WHILE U WAIT thoroughly. promptly and right. is At Your .0ANS Argyle Sock Paks GENUINE FORD ACCESSORIES Friendly Anti-Matting Driving's lots more pleasant with the right acces- ver Savings Anti-Shrink sories for your Ford. We've got a big selection . . . specially designed for Ford oars . . . from cigarette 6 Beautiful Color Combinations lighters to radios. And we can install them in a FORD Dealer's! Bank Your Ford Desist invites you to listen to the Red Mtn Show, jiffy next time you're in. Let us help you pick the Sunday Evenings—NBC Network. Genuine Ford Accessories that will add to driving Listen lo th. fold Theater, Friday Evenings—CBS Network. 4 ST. TEL. 103 Channels, Regulators, inside and $1.29 pak See your newspaper for time sod station outside door and trunk handles pleasure. Mirrors, Furniture Tops, Mirror r 6.4 esikering. Service Station MARLIN'S RETAIL SHAWSHEEN MOTOR MART GAS — OIL CITY GLASS CO. ANDOVER, MASS. RANGE OIL 47 HAVERHILL STREET 311 COMMON The Popular Factory Store ACME TIRES STREET TELEPHONE: AND. 767 — LAW. 5635 AND BATTERIES LAWRENCE 15 UNION ST. EVERETT MILL BLDG. Aain St. Tel. 155 TELEPHONE 9539 Open Tuesday Evening Until 9


PERSONALS... Miss Jean Hardisty, of 9 Dart- To Install Officers MERRIMACK COLLEGE mouth road, who was graduated 'Merrimack College has announced David Black of 72 Elm street is a Miss Irma Beene of High street, gown gopies from the Mary Burnham school in Of Lowell Rebekahs District Deputy president, Mrs. the opening of its series of fall lec- patient at the Lawrence General visited in Marblehead, over the Northampton, attended Simmons Miss Ines Lewin, of 186 Chest- Thomas E. Woodhead and staff tures to be held in St. Mary's Audi- hospital. holiday. College, and completed her work at nut street, who was graduated will be the installing officers at the torium, Lawrence, beginning Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mears, form- Mrs. Edwin Anderson of Red from Dedham High school and the Katharine GGibbs school in Bos- Centreville Rebekah lodge, No. day, November 14, at 3 o'clock. The erly of Ballardvale, are now residing Spring road, is a patient at the Law- completed her work at the Kath- ton, has accepted a position with 137, Centreville, Lowell tonight. opening speaker will be Louis Fran- at 111 Main street. rence General hospital, following an arine Gibbs school in Boston, has Pacific Mills in. Lawrence. A supper will be served at 6:30 cis Budenz, former managing editor Miss Annie Ramsay of Whittier operation performed recently. secured a position through the Sidney P. White, chairman of o'clock. of "The Daily Worker" and a mem street, spent the weekend visiting Miss Madeline Fitzgerald has re- Placement department of the the Andover Planning board, was The staff includes the following: ber of the Communist National com- in Wollaston. turned to her duties at the Irma school with the Merrimac Mutual elected treasurer of the Merri- deputy marshal, Miss Margaret mittee, who was received hack into mack Valley Association of Plan- Dick, Peggy and John Kimball, Beene shop, after a week's vacation, Fire Insurance Company. Laurie:deputy warden, Mrs. Don- the Catholic church in 1945 by Mon- ning Boards at a meeting Wed- visiting in Connecticut. Miss Mavis Twomey, of 20 ald Laurie; deputy recording sec- signor Fulton J. Sheen. At present children of Mr. and Mrs. C. Carleton nesday in Amesbury. Mrs. William F. Fessenden, of 72 Haverhill street, who graduated retary, Mrs. George Goff; deputy Budenz Is Professor of Economics Kimball of 50 School street, have The Andover Police Relief As- Park street, is detained at her from Abbot Academy and com- financial secretary, Mrs. James at Fordham University. His subject recently returned to their respec- sociation will hold its first meet- home, suffering from a broken pleted her work at the Katharine will be "Communism Today." tive schools. Dick is a Junior at ing of the season tonight at 7:30 Foster; deputy treasurer, Miss wrist, which occurred Saturday. She Gibbs school in Boston, has ac- Harvard University, Peggy a sopho- o'clock at the Town House. All Doris Gates; deputy chaplain, Mrs. There will be five lectures in the more at Wellesley College and John was treated at the Lawrence Gen- cepted a position with the United Arthur Smith; deputy inside guar- series, all by outstanding speakers. States Immigration and Natural- members are requested to be a senior at Phillips Academy. eral hospital and later returned to present as plans for the season's dian, Mrs. Violet Binney; deputy ! Tickets are $1.00 for each lecture her home. ization Service for New England outside guardian, Miss Mary Fow- or $4.50 for the entire series, tax in- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Cole of activities will be discussed. in Boston. ler. A committee of the Andover cluded. Tickets may be purchased High street, have returned from a Vice-grand, Mrs. Muriel Fisher trip through northern New Hamp- Miss Carolyn Sewall Bowen, of Council of Churches met last at Merrimack College or at St. Local Boys at Trinity and her escort, Mrs. Helen Adams Mary's parish office in Lawrence. shire and Ottawa, Canada. 9 Argyle street, who was grad- Thursday at the home of the Rev. Pledged by Fraternities uated from Punchard High school are invited guests. Mail orders will be accepted. George Brown of Main street John Gaskill to formulate plans Lyman R. Emmons and Romilly and completed her work at the for the University of Life series spent several days recently, visit- H. Humphries of Andover have Katharine Gibbs school in Boston, to be held this winter at the cen- Legion Committee ing relatives in Rhode Island. The apple tree, supposed to be a been pledged by fraternities at Trin- has secured a position with the ter churches. At last week's meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. F. Allen Lalacheur Merrimac Mutual Fire Insurance Legion, Commander Kenneth L. native of southwest Asia, has ity College, Hartford, Conn. Mrs. Frederick C. Smith of 6 spread to all temperate climes. and daughter Judy, spent Sunday Company. Sherman announced the appoint- Mr. Emmons has been pledged by Stratford road, was present at the ment of a House committee, as with Mr. Lelacheur's sister, Mrs. the Phi Kappa Chapter of Alpha The annual flying meet of the An- first club Institute program of the Ben Wood of Lawrence. follows: Charles Flanagan, chair- Delta Phi. A freshman at the col- dover Model Airplane club sched- Massachusetts State Federation of man, Robert Prescott and Joseph 18 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodhead lege he is a graduate of Punchard uled for last Sunday afternoon, was Women's clubs held Thursday, Oc- IN and family of Elm street, and Mr. high school and has transferred to postponed, and will be held next tober 7, at the Boston Y. W. C. A. "I would respect the rights of all and Mrs. James Holden and family Trinity from Norwich University. Sunday afternon at the playstead. Mrs. Smith is a member of the state DRESSMAKING other nations, demanding equal re- REMODELING of Red Spring road, motored over He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A large number of entries have meetings committee. spect for our own." — Llysses S. ALTERATIONS the Mohawk Trail recently. George C. Emmons of 8 Stratford been received. Mrs. Robert Scobie of Lowell Grant. road, Andover. street is on the committee in charge LADIES' SUITS, COATS, The Girls' Friendly Society of of the tea to be held Sunday after- BE UP TO DATE DRESSES MADE TO ORDER William "Bill" Barron, Jr. • Mr. Humphries has been pledged by the Phi Kappa Chapter of Alphi Christ church will meet Monday, noon at 3:30 at the Andover Inn by STUDY POPULAR PIANO OIL BURNER Delta Phi. Also a freshman he is a October 18, at the parish house. The the Greater Lawrence Pianoforte Beginners and Advanced Students SALES AND SERVICE graduate of Deerfield Academy. He guest speaker will be Miss Ruth Teachers' Association. Guest artist Class In Modem Harmony PAUL'S Domestic Heating Systems is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd T. will he the widely known pianist Wescott, R. N., who will talk about WALTER SLOCOMB CLEANERS AND DYERS Humphries of 147 Main street, An- and lecturer Madame Avis Bliven of 4 Virginia Rd. Tel. And. 1957 her trip to Labrador. Tel. 2131-W 18 Summer St. 127 MAIN STREET TEL. 2125 dover. Providence, R. I.

GOOD SELECTION In Appreciation Andover Craftsmen I wish, through The Towns- —: of:— man, to extend my sincere ap- CURRAN & JOYCE COMPANY RE-UPHOLSTERING preciation to my many friends —and — USED CARS and neighbors for the card show- er In honor of my 81st birthday. —MANUFACTURERS-- CUSTOM BUILT FURNITURE AT ALL TIMES The cards brought me much Joy BEAUTIFUL FABRICS and many happy memories. I TOMPKINS wish to thank one and all for SODA WATERS Specializing in Plastics their kindness. SERVICE STATION and GINGER ALES Musgrove Bldg. Tel. And. 1820 416 No. Main St. Shawsheen Dora Messer Frost .111111111111111111a




* * USED APPLIANCES * * 3 Gas Ranges 2 Electrolux Refrigerators 1 Gray Enameled Kitchen Heater, $35.00 Several Used Washing Machines, $20.00 up 2 Bendix Home Laundrys Vacuum Cleaners G.E. AUTOMATIC WASHER COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC SEVERAL MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. BE SURE TO SEE IT BEFORE YOU BUY AND OTHER CLEANER COOKING — FASTER HEAT

45 Main Street W. R. HILL Tel. Andover 102