ne is in the local schools. Mrs. Edward Sabbagh, f Methuen, are living at ut street. Mr. Sabbagh Is for at Lowell Tuttle In- are never so likely to Men Cannot the heart In the settle a question rightly as fight B. McCormack and midst of crowds feel fright- ulo•fi they discuss it freely. are newcomers to An. fully alone? —THOMAS R. MACAULAY tng moved here from Bel. --CHARLES LAMB is. Mr. MacCormack is a Boston and Brad Is in the de at the Junior High NUCVIER TOWNSMAN VOLUME 60, NUMBER 52 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 14, 1948 PRICE, 5 CENTS :ARS' EXPF.RISINCE IN VIEWS MAKING Veterans Notables tEMODELING OF ALTERATIONS Get Data To Attend Es' SUITS. COATS, THE ;S MADE To ORDER NEWS On Homes Inaugural PAUL'S By LEONARD F. JAMES Housing Authority Will Participate .NERS AND DYERS "There is no Soviet-imposed Chairman Explains In Exercises At N STREET TEL. 2125 blockade in Berlin, there is no threat of starvation in Berlin." Board's Progress Phillips Academy Thus began Vishinsky in the Se- A large gathering of veterans Andover Hill will be the scene curity Council discussions last heard Atty. Frederic S. O'Brien, of the greatest activity tomorrow week, Those who have followed the ehairman of the Andover Housing afternoon since the school's ses- news since last April know differ- Authority, give a comprehensive quicentennial celebration in 1928, ently, and can't be fooled by such review at the Legion meeting last when President Calvin Coolidge obvious nonsense. But how many Thursday night of the progress be- JOHN MASON KEMPER came from Washington to make us are being taken in by what ing made by the local board. the principal address. For tomor- will inau- seems to be Russian willingness Atty. O'Brien appeared as guest row Phillips Academy gurate John MaSOT1 Kemper ite to accept control of the atomic speaker at the invitation of Com- Community Chest as the first head bomb? General Romulo of the mander Kenneth L. Sherman of eleventh headmaster, years Phillippines regarded as a "chink Andover post, 8, in order that for- Goal Here $18,430 of the Academy in over 70 who has not been previously a in the wall" the Russian proposal mer servicemen might have an op- Drive Opens Monday— for simultaneous signing of an portunity to learn what the Au- member of the faculty. agreement outlawing the bomb More Volunteers Needed The inauguration exercises, which thority is doing to provide low- Vincent Treanor, chairman of and etablishing effective control. rental homes for veterans. are to take place in the Great 'Words Without Meaning? Andover in the coming Community Quadrangle, in front of Samuel In discussing the subject Atty. Chest campaign, annuonced today The suggestion is high-sounding Phillips Hall, will be attended by O'Brien explained the difference that Andover's goal will be ;18,- and the intention is apparently over 2000 people, according to the between the laws relating to vet- 430. The total amount of money pure. But there's many a catch in estimate of M. Lawrence Shields, Junior High school girls engage in a lively soccer g as erans' housing. He also made ref- sought in the campaign is $190,- part of their physical education program. Here is a practice chairman of the Inauguration com- the proposition. One catch is how er:owe to remarks addressed to 044., the largest amount sought by match with players of the Blues and the Golds lined up against mittee. Over three hundred dele- to "outlaw" the bomb; another is local veterans the previous week the chest in peacetime. the interpretation of "control"; a team of the Greens and Reds. (Look Photo) gates from other schools, colleges, by a member of the Salem Hous- Mr. Treanor also announced that and the third is an earlier but re- learned societies and other insti- ing Authority, and concluded by of a total of 20 thousand persons cent Russian proposal that the tutions will march in an academic saying that the veterans of An- served by the chest, approximately Big Five "reduce by one third dur- Merrimack River Report procession with the trustees of dover will be housed in as good or 2,186 were residents of Andover, ing one year all present land, naval Phillips Academy and the faculty. better dwellings as soon, if not which is a substantial increase and air forces." How a bomb could sooner, than those of any place over previous years. (Continued on Page Five) be outlawed is an extremely diffi- Reveals Interesting Data north of Boston. cult matter to appreciate. The Remedial Measures Proposed To Make It Safe A question period followed. The official campaign dates are October 18 to November 1. The • word "outlaw" applied in past During the business meeting For Recreational Purposes and Aquatic Life campaign opening supper Legion To Meet dines to one who was declared to Angus Stewart, chairman of the will be A wealth of interesting informa. held In the Lawrence Boys' Club tie outside the law; his "murderer" Armistice Day banquet and the tion about the Merrimack river is SELECTMEN OPPOSE gymnasium with the Hon. At Shawsheen 1 could not be punished because the Poppy Day committees, announced Max L. contained in the report of the Joint RIVER PROJECT An excellent entertainment pro- law had ceased to operate. But to l'inansky, former Justice of the Board established by the Legisla• The selectmen have gone on gram has been arranged for the talk today of outlawing a bomb or (Continued on Page Five) Municipal Court, Portland, Maine, ture to study the sanitary condi- record as being unanimously op- next meeting of Andover post, 8, a nation is to use words without as the guest speaker. tions of the stream and to make posed to the question on the Sunday, October 17, will be Red American Legion, which is to be consideration of practical prob- held Thursday evening, October recommendations for the disposal ballot November 2, which would Central PTA Plans Feather Sunday, with the churches lems. The second catch is in the 21, at the Shawsheen school. All of sewage in the river valley. establish a Merrimack River of all denominations in Andover interpretation of "control." The veterans, whether members of the Today, with its waters polluted sewerage district for the pttr- !explaining the purpose of the chest Russians have repeatedly rejected For Fathers' Night post or not, are invited to attend. by decomposing organic matter. pose of constructing and operat- The Central Andover to the congregations. any form of control not to their T. A. It is expected that a large number remedial measures are proposed tc ing sewerage works in the river liking. In fact they don't want con- will hold its annual Fathers' Night Mr. Treanor has asked for as- ef former servicemen of Shaw- make it safe for recreational pur valley. Chief objection is that it trol in the positive sense; they program Wednesday night, October sistance in the campaign from any sheen will be present. poses and aquatic life. is estimated it %timid cost An- want control free from outside in- 20 at 9 o'clock in the Memorial Au- resident of Andover who can give Paul Cheney, a member of the dover taxpayers 550,000 yearly a little time. "There are going to spection and interference, which Many Andover residents can re- ditorium. John Mason Kemper, new- post, will highlight the entertain- for -10 years, which would mean be some homes unsolicited unless would inevitably result in no effec- call the time when the Merrimack ly installed headmaster of Phillips ment program with an exhibition a big , p in the tax rate. we can secure the voluntary man- tive control at all. They are simp- was used extensively for recrea- Academy, guest speaker, will pre- of legerdemain for which he is tional purposes. It had numerous sent "Some Problems of Secondary power to do the job", was the noted. There will also be other (Continued on Page Eight) boat clubs along its banks, was the Education". chairman's statement as the cam- ent ertaintnent. scene of races and regattas that at- Punchard Triumphs This meeting will he conducted paign opening drew nearer. During the evening, J. Everett tracted thousands, had bath houses by the fathers and credits of two In a letter to all his campaign Collins, member of tile Punchard Women Voters and famous swimming holes, and Over Reading, 20-0 Points will be given each father workers, Mr. Treanor stated: High school !twisters' Day com- discicples of Isaac Walton annually peesent. The attendance banner "Figured in money standards, the mittee, will 'meek briefly on plans By JACK McCARTHY To Meet Oct. 19 lured many a finny beauty from its will be awarded the classroom with bill comes high. $190,044. is need- for the day. The League of Women Voters of waters. Punchard High School gridders the greatest percentage of parents (Continued on Page Five) Andover is holding its first meet- The Joint Board notes the in- coached by Walter Roberts and present. Refreshments will be ing at Christ Church Tuesday, creasing demand on the part of resi- Donald Dunn, played their best served following the meeting. Rally and Parade October 19th. Dan H. Fenn, Jr., dents of the valley to use the river game of the current season last An additional feature will be the Dr. Shipman Joins For P.H.S. Eleven front the United Nations head- more extensively for similar recrea- Saturday when they trill in plied girl's school band which will play A rally and parade will feature quarters in Boston will speak on 20-0 over a speedy Reading out- under the direction of Mrs.
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