Malham Show Schedule 2009
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MALHAMDALE Agricultural & Horticultural Society President: Mr Raymond Lund Chairman: Mr Phillip Hargreaves Secretary: Mr R. Thacker Treasurer: Mr J. Mitchell A Registered Charity No. 1155490 Admission SCHEDULE £10.00 Under 16s SATURDAY 25th2 018 AUGUST 2018FREE ENTRIES CL Except Riding Classes,OSE at Dogs, 5pm Fancy ON SUNDAY Dress, Trailquest 12th AUGUSTand Fell Races, 2018 when entries can be taken on Show Day @MalhamShow MalhamShow NEW VICE-PRESIDENTS REQUIRED Malham Show is grateful for the support given by its loyal Vice-Presidents For the current subscription of £35 a Vice-President enjoys G Free Access to the Show G A fantastic two-course lunch with coffee in the President’s Tent with speeches. If you would like to support Malham Show by becoming a Vice-President, please complete the application form below, detach and return to the VP Secretary as soon as possible. Please note that all applications to become Vice-Presidents are approved by the Show Committee so there may be a delay between the application and a confirmation letter. £ To: Mrs Victoria Forrow, Malham Show, Dale House, Cove Road, Malham BD23 4DH Email: [email protected] Name........................................................................................................................................................... Address ..................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... Postcode......................................... Telephone............................................................................................................................................... Email............................................................................................................................................................ 1 EVENTS AND ATTRACTIONS AROUND THE SHOWFIELD G Thwaites Heavy Horse Dray G Children’s Sports G Parade of Cattle G Presentation of Trophies G Vintage Agricultural Machinery G Children’s Fancy Dress G Gun Dog Display G Junior and Senior Fell Races G Farmer’s Market G Brass Band G Climbing Wall G Punch and Judy Show G Magician G Trail Quest G Local Craft and Trade Stands G Sheep Shearing Competition G Craft Demonstrations G Dry Stone Walling G Cattle and Sheep Classes G Working Hunters and Show Jumping G Horse and Pony Classes G Cakes and Preserves G Needlework and Floral Arrangements G Art and Photography G Handwriting and Children’s Classes G Handicrafts G Chris Heseltine – Hesketh Farm Animals 2 TIMETABLE OF EVENTS MAIN RING 09.30–11.45 a.m. Judging – CATTLE 12.00–12.30 p.m. PARADE OF VINTAGE TRACTORS 12.30– 1.00 p.m. AIREDALE BEAGLES 1.00– 1.45 p.m. CHILDREN’S SPORTS and EGG THROWING 1.45– 2.00 p.m. FANCY DRESS 2.00– 2.30 p.m. Judging – DOG CLASSES 2.30– 3.00 p.m. GRAND PARADE OF CATTLE followed by PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES 3.00 p.m. JUNIOR FELL RACE followed by SENIOR FELL RACE THERE IS A PUBLIC CAR PARK opposite the Showfield with a Disabled Parking Area adjoining the gate. AROUND THE SHOWFIELD 08.30 a.m. TRAILQUEST ENTRIES OPEN DRY STONE WALLING STARTS 09.00 a.m. TRAILQUEST STARTS Judging – WORKING HUNTER CLASSES 09.30 a.m. Judging – SHEEP,LAMBS AND Y.F.C. 10.00 a.m. Judging – HORTICULTURE, FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS, CAKES, PRESERVES, NEEDLEWORK, KNITTING, CHILDREN’S SECTIONS, ARTS & HANDICRAFTS GUN DOGS 10.30 a.m. JUMPING CLASSES begin (Show Jumping Ring) Judging – VINTAGE AGRICULTURAL VEHICLES AND MORRIS MINORS followed by PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES CUMBRIAN AXEMAN kindly sponsored by The Lister Arms, Malham 11.00 a.m. Judging – YOUNG HANDLER – SHEEP 11.30 a.m. THE HAWORTH BRASS BAND and throughout the afternoon 12 noon OFFICIAL LUNCHEON GUNDOG DISPLAY CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT and throughout the afternoon: MAGICIAN, CLOWN, PUNCH & JUDY 12.30 p.m. CUMBRIAN AXEMAN kindly sponsored by The Lister Arms, Malham 1.00 p.m. SHEEP DOG TRIALS – Young Handler 1.30 p.m. Judging – CHAMPIONSHIP SHEEP with commentary 1.30 p.m. GUNDOG DISPLAY 2.30 p.m. CUMBRIAN AXEMAN kindly sponsored by The Lister Arms, Malham 2.15 p.m. PRESENTATION OF SHEEP TROPHIES (at the Sheep Pens) 2.40 p.m. PRESENTATION OF CHILDRENS’TROPHIES AND PRODUCE (in the Produce Tent) 3.30 p.m. GUNDOG DISPLAY 3.30 p.m. PRESENTATION OF FELL RACE TROPHIES after each race 4.15 p.m. COLLECTION OF PRIZE MONEY (from Produce Tent) 4.30 p.m. SPEED SHEEP SHEARING COMPETITION 4.30 p.m. REMOVAL OF GOODS FROM MARQUEE & STOCK FROM FIELD 5.00 p.m. CHARITY AUCTION OF GIFT GOODS (Outside the bar) This Timetable may be subject to alteration – please check on Show Day for final details. 3 GENERAL INFORMATION Entries Secretaries: VINTAGE TRACTORS/CATTLE/SHEEP/HORSES (Section A-N): Mrs J. Bolland, Dykelands Farm, Airton, Skipton BD23 4BG.Tel: 01729 830505. ALL OTHER SECTIONS (Sections O-Y): Tracey Baron, Friars Garth Cottage, Malham, Skipton BD23 4DB.Tel: 01729 830903. Additional Entry Forms can be obtained from the Entry Secretaries.Completed forms should be returned to the appropriate Entry Secretary or delivered to Town End Farm Shop, Airton, by the given closing date. Exhibitors are asked to read the Schedule carefully so that both they and their exhibits comply exactly with the requirements for the classes they wish to enter. Judging in Sections B, C, D, E, F,G, H, J, K, L and M7-M10 will commence at 9.30 a.m. prompt. Judging in Sections M1-M6 (Special Sheep) will commence at 1.30 p.m. Judging in Sections O, P,Q, S,T, U,V, will commence at 10 a.m. prompt. Exhibits in these sections which are not ready at this time will not be judged. No exhibits in these sections will be accepted after this time. Requested prize winning animals are to be paraded when announced. Failure to do so will render them liable to having the prize money withheld. All cups in the sheep classes will be presented after judging of the Champion at the sheep pens. All livestock to remain on the Show Field until 16.30 on Show Day. All exhibits to remain on the Show Field until 16.30 on Show Day. Any exhibits left on the Show Field after 17.00 will be sold along with the Gift Class. Any Adult Exhibitor paying more than £3 in Entry Fees is entitled to one Free Admission Ticket. Entry tickets will only be sent in advance for stock entries – i.e. Cattle, Sheep and Horses. Two tickets will be sent – one for the driver and one for the handler. All other occupants of stock vehicles will be asked to pay the Admission Fee. Working Hunter and Show Jumping entrants will be allowed in under the same conditions as the stock entries – i.e. one driver and one handler allowed free admission – all other occupants of horse vehicles will be asked to pay the Admission Fee. Prize money for Sections O to V will be paid out at 4.15 p.m. in the Produce Tent on production of Prize Cards. Anyone not able to do so at that time must arrange to collect their prize money from the Treasurer within two weeks of the Show, after which this prize money will be considered to be a donation to the Show. Full details of the timing and locations of TROPHY PRESENTATION will be printed in the Show Catalogue.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF WINNERS TO ENSURE THAT THEIR TROPHIES ARE SUITABLY ENGRAVED. THIS WILL BE DONE AT THE SOCIETY’S EXPENSE, providing the work is carried out by Chic Engraving, Majestic Buildings, 3-4 Albert Road, BARNOLDSWICK BB18 5AA (Tel: 01282 813873) BEFORE THE END OF OCTOBER. Would all last year’s winners please ensure their trophies are returned, suitably cleaned, to the Secretary’s Tent by 10 a.m. at the latest, on Show Day. Enquiries should be made to the following officials: Cattle and Sheep ................................................... Mrs Janet Bolland 01729 830505 Trade Stands............................................................ Mr David Schindler 01756 752170 Advertising and Sponsorship ......................... Mrs Rachael Caton 01729 830250 Jumping and Riding............................................. Ms S. Robinson 01729 830667 Art & Photography ............................................... Mrs S. Darwin 01729 830550 Horticulture.............................................................. Nick and Judy Metcalfe 01729 830935 Cakes and Needlecraft, etc. .............................. Mrs J.Wildman 01729 830529 Vice Presidents’ Enquiries................................. Mrs V. Forrow 07876 771251 All other enquiries................................................ Mr R.Thacker 07496 152218 4 JUDGES The Show Committee is grateful for the help provided by the judges and others listed below Show Referee........................................................... T. Ogden, CCM Section A Vintage Tractors..................................................... S. Barker, Airton Section B Dairy Cattle............................................................... D. Booth, Feizor Section C Commercial Beef.................................................... A. Brown, Appleby Section D Breeding Beef.......................................................... A. Brown, Appleby Section E Highland Cattle....................................................... D. Logan, Alva Pure Native Beef Breeds..................................... G. Haygarth, Settle Section F Young Farmers ........................................................ T. Ogden,