Table of Contents Review by Timothy White of Pearse’s Patriots 3-4 Review by Shannon McRae of The Book of the Cailleach 4-8 Review by Gregory Darling of Chaucer and the Norse and Celtic Worlds 8-10 Reviews of recent conferences 10-13 Conference Announcements and calls for papers 13-15 CSANA Yearbook News 16-17 Books for Review and New Appointments 17-18 E-mail addresses 19-20 Celtic Babes 20 Beltaine, 2005 No. 22.2 Page 2 Celtic Studies Association Newsletter CSANA CELTIC STUDIES ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA Officers: President: Edgar Slotkin, University of Cincinnati Vice-President: Joseph Eska, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Secretary-Treasurer: Elissa R. Henken, University of Georgia Members at Large: Brent Miles, University of Toronto Benjamin Bruch, Harvard Karen Overbey, Seattle University Bibliographer and Editor: Joseph F. Nagy: UCLA Assistant Bibliographer: Karen Burgess: UCLA Newsletter Editor: Charles MacQuarrie: California State University, Bakersfield Past-President: Tomás Ó Cathasaigh, Harvard Incorporated as a non-profit organization, the Celtic Studies Association of North America has members in the United States, Canada, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Europe, Australia and Japan. CSANA produces a semi-annual newsletter and bibliographies of Celtic Studies. The published bibliographies (1983-87 and 1985-87) may be ordered from the Secretary- Treasurer, Prof. Elissa R. Henken, Dept. of English, Park Hall, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA (Email:
[email protected] ). The electronic CSANA bibliography is available at: or visit our Web site at: The electronic bibliography is available at cost in printed form to members who request it.