RUPLEY FAMILY COOKBOOK Edited by John and Ila Rupley Tucson, AZ
[email protected] [email protected] Printed 19 July 2008 Copyright © 2008 John Rupley and Ila Rupley Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are nei- ther made nor distributed for direct commercial ad- vantage, that the above title and copyright notice ap- pear, and that notice is given that copying is by per- mission of John Rupley and Ila Rupley. THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK 0 INTRODUCTION(Recipes) Rupley Family Cookbook (6/30/08) INTRODUCTION(Recipes) INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION − introduction: abbreviations, software, and copyright ABBREVIATIONS FOR COOKBOOK SOURCES ACTUEL Cuisine Actuelle, by Victor Geilisse, Taylor, Dallas, 1992. BOCUSE Paul Bocuse’s Regional French Cooking, by Paul Bocuse, Flammarion, Paris-New York, 1997. CANYON Canyon Ranch Cooking : Bringing the Spa Home, by Jeanne Jones, William Morrow Cookbooks, Harper Collins, New York, 1998. CIA The New Professional Chef: The Culinary Institute of America, edited by Mary Deirdre Donovan, 6th edition, Wiley, New York, 1996. CORDQUICK Le Cordon Bleu Quick Classics, by Jeni Wright and Le Cordon Bleu Chefs, Cassell, London, 1998. DAVID Fr ench Pro vincial Cooking, by Elizabeth David, Penguin, New York, 1999 (1st Ed. 1960). DELIN The Delineator Cookbook, Revised by Delineator Home Institute, under direction of Mildred Maddocks Bentley, Butterick, London, 1928. DIAT Gourmet´s Basic French Cookbook: Techniques of French Cuisine, by Louis Diat, Gourmet, New York, 1961. ESCOF The Escoffier Cook Book, translation of Le Guide Culinaire, by Auguste Escoffier, Crown, New York, 1989. ESCOFREPR Le Répertoire de La Cuisine, by Louis Saulnier, translated by E.