hacking game list List of hacking websites. Have you ever wondered where to start hacking, acquire more hacking knowledge and even train, test and improve your hacking skills? Here is a compilation, collection, list, directory of the best sites that will help you. The sites listed below will help you understand and practice every aspect of the secure (or rather insecure) side of software, networks (networking), servers and every single element that may be exposed in the(our) binary world. Please note that this is a mere compilation, all credits go to their respective authors. Creating such challenges requires and involves a lot of time, knowledge and creativity. Respect their work. Website list. The list is ordered in no particular way. Pwnable http://pwnable.kr/ Pwnable is a classic, one of all-time favorites. pwnable.kr is a non-commercial wargame site which provides various pwn challenges regarding system exploitation. The main purpose of pwnable.kr is ‘fun’. While playing pwnable.kr, you could learn/improve system hacking skills but that shouldn’t be your only purpose. The only thing you must do is click “play” on the upper left zone, choose a game and Pwn it. They provide a scoring system, the harder the challenge is, the more score you win. 24/7 CTF https://247ctf.com/ Join now to continuously test your skills across web, crypto, networking, reversing and exploitation vulnerabilities and challenges. CTFTIME https://ctftime.org/ One of the biggest Capture The Flag (CTF) archives. They classify the challenges by year and profide useful information and statistics. For example, each competition participating teams, the winning team, their members, their write-ups, etc… Over The Wire http://overthewire.org/wargames/ Again one of all-time favorites. The wargames offered by the OverTheWire community can help you to learn and practice security concepts in the form of fun-filled games. To find out more about a certain wargame, just visit its page linked from the menu on the left. They have a suggested order to play the games in in their “About”. W3 Challenges https://w3challs.com/ W3Challs is a penetration testing training platform, which offers various computer challenges, in categories related to security: Hacking, Cracking, Wargame, Forensic, Cryptography and Programming. The purpose of this site is to offer realistic challenges, without simulation, and without guessing! Pwnable.tw https://pwnable.tw/ Pwnable.tw is a wargame site for hackers to test and expand their binary exploiting skills. Just as the .kr version (I actually don’t know if they’re related) the only thing you must do is click “challenges” con the upper left webpage tabs. They provide a scoring system, the harder the challenge is, the more score you earn. They also provide write-ups. Challenges.re https://challenges.re/ Website created by Dennis Yurichev, the writer of the awesome book “Reverse Engineering for Beginners” https://beginners.re/ Reversing Hero https://www.reversinghero.com/ ReversingHero is a 15-challenges computer program, designed to teach you Reverse Engineering. It begins from the real basics, and continues into more advanced topics. ROP Emporium https://ropemporium.com/ Learn return-oriented programming through a series of challenges designed to teach ROP techniques in isolation, with minimal reverse-engineering and bug-hunting. picoCTF https://picoctf.com/ picoCTF is a computer security game targeted at middle and high school students. The game consists of a series of challenges centered around a unique storyline where participants must reverse engineer, break, hack, decrypt, or do whatever it takes to solve the challenge. The challenges are all set up with the intent of being hacked, making it an excellent, legal way to get hands-on experience. Their code is accessible via picoCTF Git repo CryptoHack https://cryptohack.org/ Get your hands dirty and learn about modern cryptographic protocols by solving a series of interactive and challenges. Hack The Box https://www.hackthebox.eu/ Hack The Box is an online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills and exchange ideas and methodologies with other members of similar interests. It contains several challenges that are constantly updated. Some of them simulating real world scenarios and some of them leaning more towards a CTF style of challenge. Root Me https://www.root-me.org/en/Challenges/ The fast, easy, and affordable way to train your hacking skills. Root-me has a wide variety of challenges. CTFs, scripts, system, cracking, cryptanalysis, forensic, network, programming, realist, steganography, web-client, web-server. CrackMes https://crackmes.one/ This is a simple place where you can download crackmes to improve your reverse engineering skills. Crackmes.de does not exists anymore. Reversers need to find a place to upload their creation and help new people to learn from that great discipline. This place has been made in order to help you to improve your reversing skills. You can download some crackmes and submit solutions to them. TryHackMe https://tryhackme.com/ TryHackMe takes the pain out of learning and teaching Cybersecurity. Our platform makes it a comfortable experience to learn by designing prebuilt courses which include virtual machines (VM) hosted in the cloud ready to be deployed. This avoids the hassle of downloading and configuring VM’s. Our platform is perfect for CTFs, Workshops, Assessments or Training. Exploit Education https://exploit.education/ (Formerly Exploit-exercises) Exploit education provides a variety of virtual machines, documentation and challenges that can be used to learn about a variety of computer security issues such as privilege escalation, vulnerability analysis, exploit development, debugging, reverse engineering, and general cyber security issues. CTF365 https://ctf365.com/ CTF365 is a real life cyber range where users build their own servers and defend them while attacking other servers. It’s what would happen in real life when your server or computer networks are under attack by hackers. Hack This https://www.hackthis.co.uk/ Want to learn about hacking and network security? Discover how hacks, dumps and defacements are performed and secure your website against hackers with HackThis. Hack This Site https://www.hackthissite.org/ Hack This Site is a free, safe and legal training ground for hackers to test and expand their hacking skills. More than just another hacker wargames site, we are a living, breathing community with many active projects in development, with a vast selection of hacking articles and a huge forum where users can discuss hacking, network security, and just about everything. Tune in to the hacker underground and get involved with the project. Try2Hack http://www.try2hack.nl/ (You will probably get a browser warning about the page not being secure not https ) This site provides several security-oriented challenges for your entertainment. It is actually one of the oldest challenge sites still around. The challenges are diverse and get progressively harder. Hacking Lab https://www.hacking- lab.com/index.html Hacking-Lab is an online ethical hacking, computer network and security challenge platform, dedicated to finding and educating cyber security talents. Hacking-Labs’ goal is to raise awareness towards increased education and ethics in information security through a series of cyber competitions that encompass forensics, cryptography, reverse-engineering, ethical hacking and defense. One key initiative for Hacking-Lab is to foster an environment that creates cyber protection through education. IO wargame http://io.netgarage.org/ Smash The Stack - Wargaming Networking http://smashthestack.org/wargames.html The Smash the Stack Wargaming Network hosts several Wargames. CTF Katsudon https://ctf.katsudon.org/ctf4u/ Incredibly complete CTF collection and validation site. Baby, easy, medium easy, mediuam mediuam, mediuam hard and hard challenges awaits! CCN-CERT’s ATENEA (Spanish only) https://atenea.ccn-cert.cni.es/home Collection of interdisciplinary challenges issuing criptography, steganography, exploiting, forensics, networking and reversing. privilege escalation https://in.security/lin-security- practise-your-linux-privilege-escalation-foo/ A Linux virtual machine that is based, at the time of writing, on an up-to-date Ubuntu distro (18.04 LTS), but suffers from a number of vulnerabilities that allow a user to escalate to root on the box. This has been designed to help understand how certain built-in applications and services if misconfigured, may be abused by an attacker. MicroCTFs https://github.com/gabemarshall/microctfs Small CTF challenges running on Docker Reversing.kr http://reversing.kr/ This site tests your ability to Cracking & Reverse Code Engineering. Now Challenge a problem for each environment. (Windows, Linux, .Net, Flash, Java, Python, Mobile..) Microcorruption https://microcorruption.com/login Web-based CTF focused in teaching assembly language and low- debugging. Courses, guided learning. Nightmare https://github.com/guyinatuxedo/nightmare Nightmare is an intro to binary exploitation / reverse engineering course based around ctf challenges. I call it that because it’s a lot of people’s nightmare to get hit by weaponized 0 days, which these skills directly translate into doing that type of work. Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet https://github.com/Ignitetechnologies/Privilege-Escalation/blob/master/README.md This cheatsheet is aimed at the CTF Players and Beginners to help them understand the fundamentals of Privilege Escalation with examples. It is not a cheatsheet for Enumeration using Linux Commands. Privilege escalation is all about proper enumeration. There are multiple ways to perform the same tasks. We have performed and compiled this list on our experience Exploiting and reversing with free tools Link (too long) (You will probably get a browser warning about the page not being secure not https ) Guided course by the one and only Ricardo Narvaja. Exploting and reversing using only free tools. Both English and Spanish. Begin.re https://www.begin.re/ If you have been searching for a place to get started with Reverse Engineering and get your hands dirty, Begin.re is the right place. The correct place for x86 newcomers. Modern Binary Exploitation course http://security.cs.rpi.edu/courses/binexp-spring2015/ Azeria’s basics on ARM https://azeria-labs.com/writing-arm-assembly-part-1/ Tutorial series on ARM assembly basics. CTF Tools. CTF Tools Collection https://github.com/zardus/ctf-tools This is a collection of setup scripts to create an install of various security research tools. Of course, this isn’t a hard problem, but it’s really nice to have them in one place that’s easily deployable to new machines and so forth. Awesome CTF https://github.com/apsdehal/awesome-ctf A curated list of Capture The Flag (CTF) frameworks, libraries, resources, softwares and tutorials. This list aims to help starters as well as seasoned CTF players to find everything related to CTFs at one place. CTF Online Tools https://github.com/devploit/CTF_OnlineTools Repository to index interesting Capture The Flag online tools. Other compilations. There are also other websites that, just like this one, in turn gather the best in order to bring us a huge variety of hacking training platforms/frameworks. Captf http://captf.com/practice-ctf/ List of CTF sites classified as recommended, others, meta, webapp, forensics, recruiting and paid. They also provide donloadable offline games and virtual machines you can download to train with. You can visit their main directory - http://captf.com to explore annual collections since 2004. CTFS repo https://github.com/ctfs Compilation of challenges and write-ups classified by year. Amanhardikar’s mindmap http://www.amanhardikar.com/mindmaps/Practice.html Penetration testing practice lab - vulnerable apps / systems. This one is huge as you will notice. Vulnhub https://www.vulnhub.com/ Their goal is simple: “To provide materials that allows anyone to gain practical ‘hands-on’ experience in digital security, computer software & network administration” Compilation of hacking sites covering a wide variety of topics https://tiwim.github.io/pages/linklist.html Online article (in spanish) “14 webs para poner a pruebas tus habilidades como hacker”. (14 webs to test your skills as a hacker) https://www.r3cybersecurity.com/webs-para-poner-a-prueba-habilidades-hacking/ Readings. Reverse engineering reading list: https://github.com/onethawt/reverseengineering-reading-list Reversing CTFs basic intro: https://medium.com/bugbountywriteup/linux-reverse-engineering-ctfs-for-beginners-4cf03ff2cfb4 G0Blin writeups https://g0blin.co.uk/ Author note. This compilation is in constant growth and change as it’s being actively maintained. If you miss a page and consider it is worth posting, have suggestions or find errors, please contact the author (@Razvieu). The 10 best hacking, coding and computing games. This is the hAcKeR collective >. We have taken control of this aRt1cLe. Three years ago it was written by the untalented and scurrilous “journalist” Brendan Caldwell, a man lacking in both knowledge and substance. But we have gained access in order to correct his egregious errors. It’s a hack of a hack! Ha ha ha. We had our best joke cell work on that for three nights. Please laugh. Our detractors may say Mr Caldwell got it mostly right, and that may be the case, yes. But the order is aLL Wr0nG. And he has neglected to update it with a recent hit. We cannot let this stand. Here is an updated list which, actually, looking at it now, is still mostly Mr Caldwell’s words and… I guess they’re okay. Sorry we said those nasty things. We are >. We sometimes forgive. We often forget. 10. Exapunks. HoW c0uLd Y0U m1sS tHiS oNe, Mr CaLdWe11!? Exapunks is another of programming games, the same folks who make Opus Magnum, Infinifactory, and a bunch of other stuff. After so many puzzlers about tinkering with computer entrails, the studio finally made one themed around a 1990s vision of hackerdom. Chat rooms, zines, pizza deliveries, cybernetic plagues that turn your flesh into circuit board. It’s all there, an accurate portrayal of the decade. The puzzling is similar to other games from the studio, most notably Shenzhen I/O. You clack away at your keyboard, using keywords and commands to create a little screed of magical electricity. Here, you’re programming tiny spiderbots who can replicate and spread inside the host machine, like a little virus. You can hack a bank’s ATM machine and make it spit money into the street. You can hack a videogame console and share home-brewed games with other hackers in the real world. You can hack y0uR oWn ArM. It’s a good videogame. All right, we’re leaving now. But we’ve put all the following games in the correct order. Okay, bye, thanks, sorry, bye. Notes: The developers interviewed some hackers to research the story of the game, designer Zach Barth told Alex Wiltshire. “It turns out that hackers are assholes,” he said. “We interviewed a bunch and mostly they stole credit cards and figured out ways of ripping off phone companies to get free phone calls.” 9. Gunpoint. Pneumatic trousers have never been so inviting. In Gunpoint, your shady spy protagonist has to break into guarded buildings and steal data for his private clients. To do this, you're given the Crosslink, a device that lets you manipulate the wiring of each level. You are essentially a clandestine electrician with trousers that allow you to bound over buildings. You can rewire light switches to give guards electric shocks, toy with the elevator so it travels up and down, and (eventually) you can rewire firearms themselves. Because dystopia. It isn't all messing with wires though. Gunpoint retains a love of wacky violence. You can slam open a door in a guards face, jump on them from the ceiling ninja style, or pounce on them from afar and take them plunging from the rooftops, only to smack them in the chops dozens of times after impact. I think this is called 'social engineering'. Notes: Developer Tom Francis used to be a games journalist, which is objectively the most noble of careers, before he began using GameMaker to create Gunpoint. Having learned the hard way, Tom then began a YouTube tutorial series to help people learn how to use the same program. 8. . I'm sorry. I tried to think of a good reason not to include Minecraft on the list. It's a . It's about punching trees. It has infected millions of innocent children. But the more I tried the harder it became to disregard all the tinkering, toying and creativity that has gone into Mojang's indie luvvie-turned-superstar. First, people started making 16-bit computers inside the game, then they made huge circuit board structures with RAM, capable of division, then they made music box landscapes that could play whole songs, then they made older Notch games inside the game, then they made WHOLE DESKTOPS with functioning keyboards. Then they made hard drives to save all their hard work to, and then, because you need a place to put all these machines, they made the entirety of Denmark. Even RPS got in on the action, with RPS contributor and living Intelligence Quotient Duncan Geere giving readers a running lesson in code using the game as a teaching tool. I can understand if some people believe Minecraft is less a hacking or programming game and more of a game for hackers and programmers. But it's clear from the above examples that the latter is good enough for the purposes of this list. Notes: Of course, Minecraft isn't a game for all hackers. In June 2011, the hacker group LulzSec brought down the game's servers as part of a spate of attacks on videogame companies. Other victims included Eve Online, Bethesda, Sony, Nintendo and The Escapist. 7. Hackmud. Hackmud is a terrible, wonderful place. You exist as an AI bot inside a connected future-world. It’s been a long time since the humans died out (or disappeared to space, it’s a bit ambiguous). As such, you must collect and earn GC, a virtual currency, because this is what scrappy constructs like yourself live for. Unfortunately, there are others . This is an online hacking game, where another player might break into your accounts, steal all your hard-earned digi-coins, strip you of your tools (little decryption programs and the like) and release your location for all to find. If this happens, you are for the scrap heap, little bot. Time to start again. It’s a difficult world to get into and you won’t get the full benefit of it unless you either spend some time learning basic Javascript or already know the programming language. In MMO terms, it’s akin to EVE Online. The stakes are high, the difficulty curve is obscene, and the universe is full of scam artists. I know, because I’ve been one of them. For these reasons, Hackmud isn’t for everyone. But for those who do venture into this Petri dish of paranoid pondlife, it can be a crazy adventure. Notes: Hackmud was our favourite MMO of 2016. 6. Shenzhen I/O. Another Zachtronics game? Well, if you’re going to set your games inside the confines of a fictional operating system, why stop at one? Here, you’re an expatriate living in industrial China, working for an electronics firm called Longteng. Email alerts ping and tasks are set. You’ve got to make devices for various clients. Sometimes this is as simple as a flickering neon advertisement. Sometimes it’s a little more… clandestine. In all cases, you're going to have to refer to the manual, which the game recommends you print out and put in a binder (I second this advice). In many ways, it's the spiritual successor to TIS-100. You still tinker with numbers, nudging them from one node to another in basic programmer- speak, and you still try to optimise your designs to run more efficiently. But this time there are components to worry about. You move chips and switches and gizmos around on a circuit board. In more ways than one, you’re trying not to get your wires crossed. Notes: If these puzzlers give you the willies, Opus Magnum (by the same studio) is more accessible and straightforward. It's about engineering solutions to alchemical problems using elemental marbles. 5. . The creator of and Gravity Bone has a clear love for heists and capers, as became clear when he decided to make something that lasted longer than a few minutes. Here, you’re a team of thieves. While you do get to control a full trio of characters, you’ll mostly be playing as the Hacker. Each level is a small environmental that needs to be solved by typing commands into your “deck” - a computer- in-a-briefcase with a 56k modem that you bring along to each fancy apartment building, bank vault or space station (yes, you go to space). Commands are simple, for example, typing “door4.open(3)” will open the “door number 4” for 3 seconds. Using these methods you have to get into forbidden spaces, avoiding cameras, lasers and alarms, grab whatever you need, and get out. It’s not a perfect game – it blasts through all its best ideas too quickly and ends sooner than you’d hope – but it has leaderboards to encourage a bit of replaying, attempts to beat your friends' best times. More importantly, its vision of a retro-cyberpunk “Nuevos Aires” is detailed and stylish – all warning signs and jump cuts – while also containing some wordless yet oddly tender storytelling. Hacking games sometimes neglect the details of the real world, becoming ensconced in a single screen. Quadrilateral Cowboy reminds you that the computer is just a means to effect change in reality. Notes: Blendo made the game’s code open source shortly after release, and the game won the 2017 Grand Prize at the IGF. 4. Duskers. You know the opening scene in Aliens, where the little probe comes into Ripley's escape pod and scans down the room with a wobbly blue light? That's how Duskers feels. You control a squad of drones as you look for salvage among the stars. You need scrap and fuel to keep your ship going. To get this you must board and explore the derelicts littering the galaxy (for reasons not quite clear). Any other designer handed this premise would immediately think: 'Okay, so point and click control and maybe some hotkeys'. But not Misfits Attic. For this job, you will rely almost entirely on a command-line terminal. It's a move that fits perfectly with the game's atmosphere and art style. The user interface is all about that clunky 1970s Nostromo-vision of the future, right down to the pause menu. Presented with a schematic of a ship, you type commands to move a drone to a power outlet and generate electricity. Then type more commands to open doors. Slowly you make your way through the wreckage, hoping that behind the next door there is no alien menace. This would be terrible news. Your robotic helpers are so fragile they may as well be made of phone screens. A lot of hacking games are about panicking and typing fast under pressure. But Duskers is about being meticulous. Use motion scanners and sensors to detect harmful bioforms. Flush aliens out of the ship by remotely opening airlocks, or luring them towards turrets. It's made more tense by the structure and the FTL-like fuel consumption. Notes : You can create your own commands using the "alias" command. For example, typing "alias getoutofthere navigate 1 2 3 4 r1" will create the unhelpfully long command "getoutofthere" which you can then type to scramble all your drones back to the airlock. 3. Uplink. This is the game that often comes to mind when someone says "hacking sim". When Introversion came up with Uplink they pretty much redefined what a good cyberpunk PC game should look and feel like. Playing under your own alias on a computer-within-a-computer, you join an agency of hackers-for-hire. You soon begin breaking into networks to alter records, steal data and delete unwanted files. Along the way you discover more programs and upgrade your rig to break into stronger, scarier systems. You also have to bounce your connection all around the world through multiple IP addresses. This tapped into the theatrical conception of hacking at the time - the scene from Goldeneye were Natalya traces Boris' connection, the digital heist of Swordfish, a movie where hackers are in such demand, they are given blowjobs as a "test". No such oral in Uplink though. The game was harsh about failure and would often see your proxy machine and bank account impounded by The Law, leaving you to start all over again. You could 'save' your game by tweaking the game files themselves, which could be interpreted as a cool meta puzzle. Apart from that, Uplink easily became a cult classic and paved the way for all those following in its wake. Certainly, the next game on this list may never have existed without it. Notes : As you can probably tell from the trailer, it's a little dated. So you'll want to play with the Uplink makeover installed. 2. Hacknet. Hacknet was slightly overlooked. Like Uplink, it puts you in the role of a computer user trawling through IP addresses, mingling with underground hacker communities. An unknown benefactor known as 'Bit' has granted you this strange new OS, basically a hacker's toolkit. But don't worry about him because he's dead. The real joy of the game comes not from figuring out his death or the origins of the OS (although that's a decent hook), but from using the command-line to run programs, explore the directories of your targets and generally cause a big ruckus. Bonus immersion if you listen to the WipeOut soundtrack while you do it. There's an element of mouse control (you can select files by clicking them for instance, rather than typing the whole thing out) but the further you delve into this new realm the more speed you need to become untraceable. You begin to use the terminal in earnest, the Linux-style commands becoming second nature. There is a great moment in the early stages involving a rival blackhat hacker and some moral decisions to make you squirm. Not to mention an entirely separate storyline for the more criminally minded. Like I say, the idea itself owes a lot to Uplink. But it's the execution that makes Hacknet great. A few misspelled words and a bug or two can't stop it from being stylish, funny, and gracefully short. Notes: If your computer has a CD drive, typing 'openCDTray' into the terminal in Hacknet will make your CD tray actually open up. The game was designed to include this freaky command in a multiplayer version, but this mode has sadly not yet come to pass. 1. else Heart.Break() When you start playing this colourful Scandi adventure, you might be forgiven for thinking it's a slow, ponderous point 'n' click with absolutely no direction. But persevere and you'll find one of the smartest games you'll ever play. Heart.Break() puts you in the bright green shoes of Sebastian (or Seb, if you want) who has moved to the big city of Dorisburg after landing the job of a soda salesman. You saunter around this strange city selling can after can to cranky citizens, most of whom don't even want one. What has any of this got to do with hacking? Well, as you start out in this brave new world of refreshment, you'll meet some new friends (and a girl you like, of course). It becomes clear they are really a group of hacktivists fighting against the monstrous Computer Ministry. Soon you get your own 'modifier' - a device that lets you hack any usable object in the game. At this point, Heart.Break() flips. You go around exploring the code of everything you can get your hands on. You find people who can teach you how to read and write in this code - a fully-fledged programming language called SPRAK (the Swedish word for "language"). You start to play and mess with everyday objects in ways that help you to cheat the game. For example, Sebastian normally gets tired every day and you have to go to bed to recharge your energy, otherwise you collapse. But what if you hack a glass of water so it reduces your "sleepiness" by a factor of "100"? Small things like this are just the start. Want to hack a door so that it takes you halfway across the city? Figure it out. Want to transfer your body over the internet to the city's central finance computer? You can do that. Want to rewrite the software of said finance computer so that everyone's bank account is reduced to $0 and money itself is abolished, a la Tyler Durden? Do it. I did. And I do not regret a single line of code. But the most wonderful thing about Heart.Break() is its humanity and youthful exuberance. This isn't just the murky, green glow of a screen, it's a functioning city with drinkers, smokers, factory workers, hotel bell boys, bums, activists and bureaucrats. You get to see how your alterations affect the world around you, which ticks on regardless of your actions. And the world itself is a bright, gorgeous place, the art of Niklas Åkerblad and the rest of the team granting it a vibrancy you wouldn't normally associate with computer programming. Soulful, vivid and clever, else Heart.Break() doesn't settle for making you feel like a hacker. It makes you feel like a magician. Notes: In March, 2015, the motley band of Swedish programmers and artists behind the game held a secret game jam in Gothenburg (incidentally an inspiration for the city of Dorisburg). The jam's purpose was to create smaller, basic games using SPRAK itself. You can find a bunch of the resultant on the arcade machines of Dorisburg. For more of RPS's bestest best games, take your pick from: Tagged With. Bestest Bests Duskers EXAPUNKS Feature Gunpoint hacker hacking Hackmud Hacknet Minecraft Quadrilateral Cowboy SHENZHEN I/O Uplink. Support . Sign up today for access to more supporter-only articles, an ad-free reading experience, free gifts, and game discounts. Your support helps us create more great writing about PC games. Comments. We love having a friendly, positive and constructive community - you lot are great - and we want to keep it like that. Our main commenting rule is "be excellent to each other". Please see our code of conduct, where you can find out what "be excellent" means. TL;DR? Respect others, think before you post, and be prepared for puns.