• • Letter To 'Big Jim' Fahey, Lizzie Senior Athlete (Pare 2, Col 5) ltng-tum~- t (Pare 1, Col. 2) \\'ashington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper

Volume L LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MAY 19, 1950 Numuer 51 Statistics Class lnave Hedge Is Named Athl.ete Of The · d S Year; Takes Annual Collegtan Award Finals Then1e Will Be Grecian Con ucts urvey; Dave Hodgt>, ophomon• from l.l tl.nll HPchw wrs II lt'f,tUiar for- . ti. st· bt Jeffersonville, Indianu. wa~ award- Wlllll Qald tulllt>cl :!UU Jl ~ho\\n al 0\l' recthing hi>~ P .:.,.lent Franl'i& P. Gam •s. Wives "Small Hott-1," "Autumn :\n\'· .ext year, accordmg to Dean Spring, pienic and swimming a"ard from Coac:h Barela) during J...,t \\-.:lm'>dn)'" ln-;£bnll~en me . o: ma1ricd seniors were al~o guest!! lurne," "~1aybe Its Bl-cnu:~c.'' unrl Faank J. G l.iam, who direct!! the weather and all, it is not surprising In the b:1<:kgroud are Pres llro''"· clunnlor of the n11nrd, and C'oach O( the alumni llS!IOCiation at lhe others will teature the usuul hill nf ~roup. tL.at women are one of the most Carl Wise (In shirt leto,•es). (' >l:togiun Editor .Joe ~lotrall i>- announc· 1-anqul't. fare in the way of musical tempu. tA-lked of subjects on the campu3. ing the winner.-(Photo b) Good" in.) Harry K. (Cy) Young, alumna Th1 y are Hunter Lane, Doug with lhe E'lllphasil' on lht~ sin\\, Hollins has finally made the ll't'teta .. y, officially welcomed the >lllith, Davl:' Kerr, Don Ferguson, dreJmy two-step. the pl"l~sentnlion between the fi1~t I tc pf \\'nshin~tun nnd l.t•e, 1"\:­ gnde into the top spot with Wa$h­ tune ~aaduates to the alumni body. Yates Trotter, Gene Freeman, Doremus Gymna~iurn wrll he dl"'C­ and second ,. of the Wa:-.h- murkcJ: .. 1 s:nretcl/ hnpe that ingtA>n and Lee men, displacing Respondtng for the class wa, F :om Wolfe, Joe Sconce, Jack orated in a Gt,ecian lheme, and thl' ir.gton and Lee-:\1aryland hnseball this U\\Urd ran hl• mnelt! un annual both Sweet Briar and Randolph­ ·;tlwurcls Rushlon, of Jacksonvil e L.. r,n!sident or the senior a 'U• Open Stoplember 15 \\ hite. Black and while stteame111 Hedge received the award, ,pon- py ln co·OJl~rale \\ llh the St'ulh· nial favorites in the hilltory of the Jemie rlass. The c:amp, which opens on Fa i­ l'lternating wtll covt•r lhe lllch an nwurd." and Macon has fallen from last been set for the mou1ing ol Junu OI e opening of school, is leaving apu will reach to the ceiling. es had been polled. Closest com- 1 his i" the fir~t tim.! in history . year'a favorite to a poor third. A 1 at Lee Ch3pel. In keeping with a natan, which hos been used for White columns will cnme to the newcomer is to be noted in the petilors to Hedge were Dave Wa- that :mt·h an awanl ha• hl'en giYen, long lltanding \\' a~hington and Lee '6 years previously, because the floor from the lndoo1· trat•k, and t.ers, sophomore f1·om TiuntinglOn, and the tntphy 1tst li, n Jll'll und ranks this year. For the first time I uRtom, the commencement addres3 do) Scouts in Roanoke, who own between the~ column!! thl!n~ w1ll West. Virginia, ami We ;; Brown, ink stand with thl! fiiCure of a In the hisrory of the poll, Madison Nill he delivered by President •he ramp, ot·~ abandoning it, and be replica!l of Grecian figurt> . College is making heraeU known jumor from Chattanooga, Tenn- (votuull J>layer on 1 s fat'e, was Gaines. here will be no facilities for hold· . Viee-president in t·horge or 1lco• to the tune of fourth place, which essee. h H "llavid W. lice, Wash- The Finals Week program will 11g the camp. orations will be 'foru Pre c;Je~. 1 lll!'"~"aVl•rl, n~ As a sop omort'. et ge won , •pt>n Sunday, June 4, when the Vice-presidenl in eharge of ht• goes to show that its not all just firat-slring pos1tion on the var- •~oglo•J and LcL' Oubt::.n hng Ath- The admuustration has secun•d a few miles, but that the girls {cv .•lames A. Jones, pasoor of Fin11l Ball Figure i11 Jam lll'dlilk. sity football squat as end. ln bas- •l' tl•-HI5o:• he use of the new motor lodgl!s themselves have something to do Lhe Myers Park Presbyterian ilcros11 the road from the Natural Financial o rrangements "ill lw with it. Mary Baldwin and South­ ·hurch, Charlotte, N. C., will give Bridge Hotel. According to {;iJ. taken care of by Vice·Pit>sidt>nt ern Seminary finished fifth, and Maguire Succeeds Iler £1der To Assume Post the baccalaureate sermon. iam, the new place has scvel'lll Don Malmo, anti the V1ce-prc:;idcnl last, In that order. Aa Campus Club Head As English Professor Traditional events will occupy mpt·o,•ements over the old. Tht> in charge of invitations is Ch1·is Of course, it should be taken inll) the seniors, their families and number of freshmen that can be Moore. John Maguire, riseng :sophomore, \\':1ltla Et.le1· "ill as ume hil. consideration that a great many ~uests, and visiting alumni during 1ccommodated will be increased Tile Senior Prom \\all be lwlcl un was elecled president of the Cum­ utJCs as an asllistunt professor in men date at a great many other Finals Week. Alumni are invited 'rom 150 to 200. Wednesday night and will he lt!tl acbool and eolleges, and these few pull Club last Wednesday night. 'l' Washington nnll Lee dt?part­ 'o a smokers, lunchean, a general by t'be .three presidents of lhe :Jell· 1 Bob Salisbury, r1sing senior, wus Prh tate Bath Jlepresentatl'{e ones do not include ~ nt of Jo:n~tli:oh m•xt gcptember. alumni meeting, and to the Final~> ior classes. Repr~nting the aca· Ahe 1 ~1 those dated by Washington and chosen vice-president; Jnnc , .I.! \\Ill nmeluct ''OUI ~ul in fresh· Oancca lor whioh Claude Thornhill The lodges are completely moll- t-mic class will be Ed Hushton, secretary; Mikl! Bunelt, tll'llt.UIE'r; rn, equipped with innerspring Lee men. .n n and ~ophomon.' English and and his orchestra wi ll provide "IICorting Miss Belly Tooms nf Buck Bouldin, historiun; und Ike .:lllll s • f1 1 upp~r l·l·l;~,.men in rrili .nlltlle~:~cs for each bed and a pri­ S•oldnr music. llollin College and Jack onvilk ller, intramural managt•r. ·ism. A 1ect>plion in honor of the grad­ vate bath !or each bedroom. There . There h~J>een a decrease in the f'la. The P1 esident u! the Senicu· "Too long we havt> thought of lk Ellt!r will l'N'oive his doc- 18 a new ttodded playing field im­ . number of >~ smokers at Washing­ uating seniors and their families Commerce Class, Jim Connally, the NFU as a 'looked-down-on' ag. o1ulc U\J a Rhude~ Scholar in mediately adjoining, and aloco ton and Lee. In the pre-veteran will I e given by President and Mrs. \\ill el4:ort. Mi;;s Betty Ann \\'il­ gregation of do-nothingb. ~ext Balliol C'olll•gt.>, Oxford Universilv woods which may be used as a day1 of 19•1, slxty.one per cent Gaines at their home on the cam· hams, of Mary Baldwin College year, with the interest and a!lsi!l:­ his '~Jlring. He is n graduate ot natural amphitheatre. of the stude nts smoked, and dur· pus prior to the Final Ball In Oorf'· aud Columbia, South Carolina, an,l ance of the non-fralt>rnity nwn, 1\l•nyon Collcgl' anti hus done grad­ inr the peak of veteran enroll­ mus Gymnasium, June 8. The camp administration will rum Courtntoy, pre 1dent or thl' we hope to make thi.; inf•nt or­ o.~alt> work at Uarvaul, \\bile he hu ment this figure ros!.' to seventy­ The time-honored intramural cup not have to look after the fC('ding SeniQr Sc1ence Clau will c:,c:Ott ganization of the NFU an out· tamght at lht>:-e twu sc·hools nlsCJ. nine per cent, and has now fallen 1·acl' between rowing crews flying of the campers this year, since Miss Anne Cal"ler Slewurl, o! standing and Integral part of lhi~ Profe~!lor Eldl!l 's ~pecial field it! to a scant sixty-six per cent. and colo1 s of the Harry Lee and meals are to be served In the Gate Vassar, and Louisville, Kentuck)•. Univtorsily. This will requ1re help lill•rary aesthl!tit•s. H., hall writ­ The student brand preferencto ha.5 Al.ert Sidney Boat Clubs will at­ House of Natural Bridge. The The Final Hall figure will t,e led and to evet y non fraternity man ll•n "idcly 111 the fk•ld uf f1cllon changed in the last few yean. lrncl many oC the ''iistora to the concluding meal will be a smor­ by Rody Davenport, esl'orling hi-. not we extend an lnvitution to join u~; untl WllR c·o·winnel in thl! Kenyon . Luckles and Chesterfields share the Jame~ River at Balcony Falls on gasbord dinner in lhe Notural faaneee, Mi s Betsy Sumner, of n this job,'' empha ized ~tuguirf' Revie" 'il l!llti ,.hnn stu1 y ~·onte:;t lud, with Philip Morria and Cam­ the nfte1 noon of June 8. Bridre Hotel. Va•"ar College and Honolulu. Ha­ els In the background. The typical waii. The figure w1ll lwgin nt amolcer UBually consumes 11ix or II :30, and will be tbe openin~ aeven package• a week, with only Second Senior Profile Introduces Jim Fahey, Class Of 1951 Athlete ev~: nt or the dance. After the flg· a few of those who amoke indicat­ l!re there will be dancing ont:l By P. 0. POTTS D.\" During hh fres 1111111 ~·1•nt· Itt lng that they prefer a pipe. Hi! alr.n help!! Cy Twombly in the ' that I'm quite fond of WaltPt 2:30, at whit'h timl' there will hl• Hdilor's Note: 1'hi i'! thl' ~ec- \\'u.~h il ginn nnd L •c I·'uht•r dis­ Fraternity Membership .t1lministr1ction of the Doremua Flit k and only need twenty-tour an intermission of an huut . At ond in a llt'rles or four profilp, tlnguisht cl him elr , 11 tltc fowtloull Thla year the perrentage on men G)·maut ium. quality ca~dit to graduate." ,::10 the danee will rumnwnn· or «radualinl{ senior~ "ho hll\l' fwl1l ancl \\1111 hi lu~t l'nllt·giuL•· ln fraternities is approximately A11 ror acndt>mics, Jim is a PIIY· lndtflnite Plans again, uut this limo the dttnl·l'J d dbltinguil\hed themseh ~ in u ''ill be in Informal atlitt. At ii t~ same it was a year ago. About Big Jim'~ plans after gradua~!.m particular pha of umpu4 ar· T" 11 l.l•! I er... a one and one hall per cent de­ The Athlete ... :Ire "a uther indefin ite." m. thl' t>t w1ll ltu 0111:1. " t tlvit). The la'>l t"u "ill ft•111ure Bt•t'tlm lnt: u 111 11c iluluslrioua ll• !live lhP 1 rospel·livt: alumui tinw crease Ia recorded for lhia year, " I'd like lu either &'0 into )let• lhl' OUt!llanding g r n d II 11 I I n g 1 uling lti l!nphrttn H t• ye;ll "Big to pn•pan• for tht>ir graduation. with nearly eighty-six per cent ot !It nnlll work aftet· I leave school olr ~~eholar and partybo). Jim" tlaccl hi kill at h 1 kctb,tll A total of 51 men havt> Ul"l·t•pt.f'll the men being affiliated with one into IOmto pha!\1' or COUChing WOI k," Pit ktng lhl' seniot uthlett! tl.e \\ )\jJ(l I unt!nuing h !I f olbnll actiV­ of the seventeen social fralernltie!! or Fahey Alated. b!ds to wnlk in the I<'inul Bnll yenr posed little truuhle tu th~; ity anol finislwcl the )l'tll• with Figu1·e. Tht>~e men will Wl'lll on the campus. • Aa for Bir Jim's coaching 11'!!­ wurk-wrnck,•d . tarr or the Jtin~ ­ t wu more h t te1 to his l'Hllht. y, h\le dinnt•l· jack tots, an• I thd1 Automobile. piralwn Cap'n Dick Smith, heat! hlm Phi. "I dl•ciclcd tu get into this thing ~ult•s will b atlircll in whitt• {'\o• One ol the few things polled of \\'&L athl1•lic deportment Mid: that remained conalant. was the Amung lhl• rnuny l'Undillul\! 11 f1u· ull till' wur." Fulu·y t•untinuNl, 1l ng gowns, each t•ata ing .1 huuttlH'I "I think Jim would mnke an l'X· dClmber of men who said that they this mighty lltll• i'atli1·k .llllll!'s "llu I \H•IIl olUl ru tit• .... ,.d.nll ,( a dozen ro e .. 1 eptionally KOOUI" J im saill, "\\a~ the tim!! Jtm hus al ,, set ved on Lhe As· The usual concert \\ill be hdtl c~ptiunally guod:• •Tbue fluetuatlona are in accord I mad All.Toul narncnt renter at 1lmilullon rom11uttce, is a mem­ Jim Fahey on thE' lawn in front of \\'ash in~­ ~th the national trend, whlrh the Eaaterlt States Cnthnli\1 lnvl­ lt•r ur Sigma, l'nior houorory au­ Thull the Rlnr·tum l'hl Ralule~t tnn Hall on Satuulny aftt·1 noon. tbowa rent on the lncrtoue and t»tional Tourney h!!lll in Hll1 at ~·lc•tr. nnd i. 'I member or Phi rl.ulngy major who in our apedal ''81g Jim" 1-'ahey-"Scnior Ath· 'I he Jll!rfonnance is srht dulecl tu Newport, Rhode Island." 1\oppa • 1gma, aocinl fraternity. lnte1v1 w said, "you mi1ht mention Jete." begin at 3:30. h (C.U...... 4) Page 2 THE RING-TUM Pill Sports Quiz Being Lost Lover Laments Lizzie's Linking; CAMPUS Held By Maker Of 7 , ...... tatm Popular Cigarette Will Forman- Hilt on Due 1 Fo U ow· Publlahed every Tuudaf ud Frlda7 of tbe colle,. year. Edlttrlal COMMENT AN OPEN' LETTER TO ELIZA- next?! Perhaps even I. and Business Offices: Student Union Bulldlq. llaU Addre11: Box 899. The following ten quuallons com­ BETH TAYLOR (with no name11 Of eourae we all ignored the Printed at Harlow's Prlot Shop, 17 South Jt!fenon Street. Lexington, Uy JOEL COOPER prise the Chcst.crt!eld Cigarettl' mentioned): fact that you were playlnr oppo· Vlrlfnla. This ~dillon of Campus Comment sports quiz. Carton~ of cigarette • Dcnr LiZZil•: aide your father, Robert, In "The will be 'lent to the Cirat two stu- Entered 11 aecond-clau matter September 20, lNG, at t.bt Poat Of. mark!! the next-to-last time this Conspirators," (we bad no Idea fice, Lexinrton, Vlrelnla, under the act of Much 8, 18'79. column will oppear In the 1949-50 dents sending the correct nn11wer. Much as I've traveled mid magic Send your answers to Oick Ballara casements forlorn, and all that Barbara Stanwick waa so old) and National Advertlsinr Repruentatin: The National Advertlalng lling·tum Phi since there are only Box 896. Winners will be an~ junk. (n dcrinite appeal to whatever we didn't mind a litUe emotional Service, Inc., C!O Madison Aftllue, New York, New York. two issueR remaining before ex.ams. display between the two of you, Subacrlptlon, $8.76 a ;year, pa:yabl• In advance. Adnrtillng ratea nounced next week. Guest Quiz- lmcmber.s of .t.be faculty that might We sincerely hope that all Com· after all, Jo~ather-Daurhtef, what master - Bruce Swain. I end th1 s dnvel) I have never felt on request. menl correspondents in the varioWI could be more natural!! I coula J. In "hat other wporl, ~id~i quite 8!1 clo!!e an intellectual kin- Editor-in-Chief oek Morrison fraternity houses and Campus Club even see a family reaemble'nce, golf, i11 a tH u.Md? .,hip with any person as I have felt Buaineu Manarer ------______.uBob WUllama make n special effort to get tho~~e noses, so artfully will 2. A cock that will not fight i'l one with you, or at least, would .,uned; Managing Editor ------•. __.lobo Boardman their copy in by Monday deadline called what1 like to ft!el one. the eyes, ao intent upon one an­ Spurts Editor ------·----T. K. Wolfe at the I.exinrton Gazette Office so 3. Who is the father of the mod· Oh please, please, Lizzie, do not other! Yes, the family resem­ Newa Editor - -BW GladJtonP that the lost edition will go out in ern Olympic millinterpret my remarks!! But 1 blance Is unmistakable. You enn Copy Ed1tor Joel Cooper Games~ a hlnze of well-represented glory. C. What PrtHident or the United fcl'l that you have done me wrong act alike (same amount of reserve). Advertising Manager an McGrew \I l L B E It R Y H 1 L L W A States was a football coach 1 in wedding thi!i Hilton petson. But I'm not writlnr this to talk Circulation Manacer -·- Bud Maytbam TIIRO\\ ~ w1dt' open last Saturd11y 5. What ii the lt>n(th of the After ull, what is he? Merely a about these vauals. I'm writing Photographic Editor YatH Trotter to tell you that by marr)'inr, you Office Mansrer _ .-Marab.all Jarrett m~rht as the DU's entertained the p&BSinr zone in a relayT hotel per~on. I or any one of my have destroyed all posaibntty of a Reporters arvin Ancleno11, Diek Carden, Fred Harmon, compu11 wtih music, bright. lights, 6. Jay llandlan fl8tabli11 hed a na· comp:llriots could introduce you friendship between ua; destroyed Frank Panooa, Dero7 Seott, Jim Stump n n d inumerable tiona! reeord last Jllettatn- what is llo a much more fabulous hotel gallons of f i n e that record. person indeed. Rave you ever met what mirht have developed Into a gorgeous romance, famous like Friday, May 19, 1150 brew. The DU 7. What Camous American ¥en- Robert E. Lee? Or even it Lee dav started early erol wu an All-Southern tackle might be n bit of a bore to you, Batrix and Dante, Romero and with such eveftts at Vl\111 there is always my dear, dea1 Miranda, .•• Liule and Be.nnie!l Letters to the Editor as a rather un­ 8. The batter slam a pitch over friend Monaieut· Mayflower. A How trlpplnkly it can be pro­ usual so ft b a.ll the wall in deep center: Under moro intriguing hotel person you nounced on the tongue, to misquote 1-~ ditor-ln -C hlet de.ols, you to the contrary not­ game, n marathon what dreumsU!nces Is It not n might never wish to meet. the Immoral bard. Hing-tum Phi wlthstandinr. disc-jockey show, home ? UuL I neglect my subject. Please don't think I'm wriUnr Box !l!~l In your Friday editorial (I use and a chicken 9. What other horse under brown 1 have had some several discus- you a muh note: perish the l.t•xington, Vh·oo!nia• the word 1oose 1y ) you say lhe 1nw barbecue taking and 111•hite !lilks bftlldttf Middle- sions with a number of my ac­ thoughtll Or aa we say in Holly­ 1',•n1· Sir: student has a misconception about the spotlight. The rround won the Kentucky Derby? quaintances this evening, and they wood: "Johnson forbid!" But I The Stel'rin!f Committee of the newspaper reporting. That may b a r be c u e pits JO. What Washlnrton and ~ have all expressed a deep regtet KNOW that you and I have a l NIVI.;RSITY PARTY has for the well be. But in your case a1 con- were ably manned coach i the mCNit auperstitious7 lt.at you have married at such a great, rreat deal in common. I pnst two week11 been meeting with cerns editorial writing I think your by Larry Gub- Watch for another Chesterfield tender age. Ken Fox in particu­ read in the marulne once (don't o similar iroup from the Indepen- downfall comes not from a misu.n- belli, "Little Moe" quiz nut week in the Rlng.tum tar said, and I quote: "Mis-aa tell Dr. Fiahwick I was reading a dl•nl Party in an effort to resolve derstandinJ or misconception but Arata and Walt Riddick. But it Phi. TAY-Iore! Why DID you WED magazine, pl~aae) that you don't thl.' difficulties which now prevent from complete i&'norar.ce on the wa whl!n the festivities were at Lut week's winners are J . A. so YOU~G whl!n I was ON the like school and dearly love parties. Student Bod)• elections, Substantial subject. In my opinion, judiing their height that the campus rolled Cross, Craig F rilllche, and Harry VERGE of ASK-ing YOU up Me toolll Then there is music agr... ement has been 1eached on a from your performance this year, in and the lawn turned into a Lawrence. HERE for FIN-al DAN-ees!! !" that we both love in common. You 1corganization plan for the StudPJlt you don'~ have a bit more idea singinJ, beer-drinking mass of shaking his head from side to side. say that a rood ton&' (ives }'OU a Gon•rnment based upon the Senate about how to write proper edi- Minks. New recruits on thl! DU­ "BE:;ides, I DON'T think THAT "charre," as you ingenioual;y put ond Honor Cou r t plan proposed by torials for our school paper than Madi!lon Team this weekend were DramaticScbolarahipa marGIE can COME .. .'' I left Fox it. Well, a rood sonr eina me a th~ Independent Party. a bound-dog bas when Sunday Ted Lonergan, John Hutchens Two W &:L students have bel'n to his musings, strumming his Uke. charge too. (Whleh reminds me, However, the UNIVERSITY comes. Walt Michaels, and Skippy Sideris: awarded dramatic scholarships for From thet·e I progressed to the I've got to pay that bill at the PARTY believes that any reorgani· You also commented on the law Other dates come from Randolph­ the summer and another has been Sigma Nu house where I encoun­ Music Store.) It I only knew you, zation of the Student Government student's reference to petty campus Macon, Sweet Briar, Hollins, and given a summer posi tion with au tered somebody's representative Liz (may 1 call you Liz, Liz?) As should inelude a provision whieh politicians. 1 don't know all of the "Cool" Cal Ca!ritz. went ns far as ecting group. there, Bob Goodman of whom I I was saying, Liz-Liz, I would take would provide separate Jovern· petty politicians on tbla eampua, D. C. for his. The points of inter­ Joe Scher and John Bonllz, both demanded his opinion of your mar­ you away from all the friJole (1 menlll for the Academic ancl the Mr. Editor, but, again judging est at the Sern clnimed their toll as acted in ~wel'lll Troubadour pl·o­ t iage. He replied, and I quote: can't think of the Enrllah word, Law Student Bodies. Both the Aca- from your editorial comments, I Eddie Miller, Bill Davidson, Dick ductions this year, have received "U's u.ll n paack of lies, fellah!! but it really doesn't matter) and demic and Law schools would be do know 0110 that the term fils Laycock, and Hub Ol sen went over scholarships of $460 and $20tl, 1·e.. Whnuh, Liz wouldn't dooo this to transplant you to Lexington. After speelively, to work with the Patch­ rq>resented in the Honor Court, vecy wen. When the law student the hill. Keeping up the DU COS· meh ... Wahh, we've known each all, we have the State and Lyric which would enforce the Bosaor addressed hu remarka about petty mopolitan policy Christ Henricson work Players of Roanoke for the other since childbirth and we've and are a seant mnty mln11tes System throughout the Un.lveraity, politicians to you, Mr. Editor, I took off for Hood College for the s ummer. bl'en true, ah say, true as the stars from Bunie (to be pronoalleM and would be a final juqe and don't think he c:ould have found a weekend. Austin Hunt, a sophomore who above . . . Whhahh, she wouldn't Beh-yoo-nle). I am sure you would won the Alpha Psi Omega award arbiter in any diaputu be~n better example. THINGS WERE QUIET at the to this to mehh!-1" be satisfied here. last year for the outstanding male the two go,·eming bodies. In ~ I would lllte to a&Y Kappa Slg house Saturday as the Wh)', oh why, Elizabeth (not to Please think on't, as we 1117 in lead in a Troub play, will be with The Independent Party doea DOt that, roU., on the aanmption that boys invaded the surround1ng mention EsSEX) have you caused England. a professional company producing calamity to strike into these hearts With unquenchable purple J'U- share this belief and malntaiftl campus politic& haa aomethlng to countryside en masse for a picnic. "The Common Glory" at James­ that the Law School should remain do with tbe selection of the editor Most of the gals at this party were M pure? Fox and Goodman! My sion, town, Va. heavens, who knows who shall be undl!r a unified government with of the R.i.Ar-tua Phl, I c:an from of the Mary Baldwin variety but ROMEO FORMAN. the Academic School. Tberefon, this day fonra.rd be claullied u Ia few Roanoke high school femme3 thu UNIVERSITY PARTY baa an Independent if for no other were seen floating around. Snap 1,roposed that the two IJitemt or reason than to try to Jet a.n editor Winborune got the party spirit Student Government be pretented for our school papel' that is not too quite early in the a!temoon and to the Student Body Ior Its dec(.. narrow-minded that a gnat can visiting ZBT, Benno Forman, be­ Ilion, immediately after the com· sit on the bridge of his nose and came a fireball wearing Phil Rob­ pletion of general Student Body spit in both eyes. In antlcipa- bins' bathing trunks. Among the elections. This proposal bu also tion of your probable reply that missing personalities were Dale bNm r~jected by the Independent il I don't like the paper lump it Johnson and Rack Heyward, who Party. or don't read it, I say that I do had previous commitments at the The UN IVERSITY PAR'l'Y now like the paper including your edl· Patch and Macon, and Lucius J ohn­ lwlievcs that it has alneerelJ and torial column. I can think of no son who cnme down with th ~ones tl y done its beat to sol•• the aou~e ot entertainment t~a~ is as mumps. present political stalemate, and eomtea.l aa Bob Hope, as rldlc~loua PIKA'S 111\0 A DOUBLE treat that lt. cannot ln all falmeaa to as Red Skelton, and as fantastic as w ith t heir annual sprinr house it. members, do more. Continu- "The t}ndersea K.indgom" In one party on Saturday eve and the tra­ anee of the !'ltalemate cannot be bundle except your editorial eo'- ditional picnic in the afternoon. blamed on the UNIVERSITY u"':n. And when I aay comical, Mr. Event of the p. m. was Bill Kupfer PARTY, but rather can be aquartlJ Editor, 1 r~er to style not content. and Lee Putney arriving fasbion- ba laid at the feet of a fn atW>- With due respect, ably late with the beano while mom, uncompromlllnr lndi'fiduala ROY V. WOLFE. it was ditto for Park Smith whose apparent roa1 ll to deatroy P. s. AI an after thOUJht, I "ith tht• beer. Charlie Sipple called student government at Wuhina1oD won~r if you hne any old excen the atrikes in the PiKA softball and Lee. ellppmgs from your editorial col- game while Stan Livesay was the Sincerely, umn. I have aome country coualns bue umpire. Getting 8 hit waa who are ru.nnine abort on cata- quite es entiat In tbia rame u re- CHRIS MOORE, Chairman. locues and I am sure they could frellhmt•nts were located at firat put ;your editoriala to their deserv- bue. Buddy Clark and date, Eunia, Editor, Ring lum Phi: eel use. of Hollins played a steady game I write In rerard to the letter and 'lia rumored the gala were COTTON f rom a Law Student and your edl· DU'1 Elect Carter carried away by Buddy'l short tnrlal t'oncernlng same contained Yale pants. Boyd Leyburn kept in Friday'• i111ue. Flnt I would In a meeUnc held recently seven the Swl'de happy in the afternoon CORD Jikl• to soy thaL I ha'ft hearcl members of Delta Upsilon were at crew p1 actice, but returned Sat. nunms to l)rrect t hat I wrote aame. elected to office in their fraternity. nirrht. to keep his date, Anne I did no~ write the letter. But I Elected president Ia 0. T. Carter, Adam\!, nmused. Blll Johnson had JACKETS must ay thaL I arree with the a junior from Waahlnrton, D. C., hia one and only, Julla Anne w• itt!r in eo tar as he say1 that who ia a letterman In crew, a Greene, over from Macon but had tluJ Law Students want their cla11 member of White Friars, out for a tou1h time keeping the boys dedicons free f1 om t'ampua poll· t~"ack, and ha.a served previously away. IJilly Fuqua was up to hia . . • Cool, Comfortable and Waahable tics, and I think the recent Ll\• aa a fraternity officer. usual tricks at the party but Frank Here is hot \\-eather relief for only $13.50 These good-looldnc Sehoul l'lt'ttlons wert'. I believe a Otbu memben eltc:ted to DU Love took care of everythlni f<~ r g, eat majority of law atudenta F ratunity poat. wert P. M. Bro.n. Haspel Jackets nre ideal for all around wear on campu or him. They're still talking about weekend • agree in thia. h.g, vite-preaideDt; H. Roberson, Dwith~ "Cheetah" Townes' busy Uut to g\!t to the point of my treaaorer; B. Xea1en, aecretary; weekend aercuadine the picnickers letter, >·ou and your editorial col· B. Carey, house manaceTi B. K c­ Johnny Northrop and John Brom­ urnn, l\lr. Editor. Outside of Weat; Cubbin, hiatorlan. elle began lhe party early by tripl­ 1.1ouk Pl•gler's, I have never seen al------­ ing to D. C. to pick up their love­ culumn more conaiatenUy filled APO Holda ElectioDJ liea. "Bud" Hoose is 1etting to be v. ith such v1le, vindictive, picayun­ a regular on the Sweet Briar Team. i h non·Sl•nse than your editorial Bill Milia waa elected prtaldenl Clift Swan was in heaven from column. Yuu have used the edl· of Alpha Pal Omega, llonorary Thuraday 'til Sunday with his EARL N. LEVITI turial cnlunm or our achool paper drama tic aoeiety, for the coming Cincy "drt'amhoat'' In town. Dick all yoar lung to give vent to JOur year in election• held recently. Lu\'t>JCmvc llrtunlly had a date thla own JltH'Innal arripca and juvenile Other officers ehoaen are Jack wrekt•ncl. witticisms. And when J aay oar, Willcoxaon, vice-president, a n d PA1t1JJ.:..q AT the Sigma Ch1 ,\tr. )lurrison, I also mean law atu- Elliott Eaves, buaineal mana1er. IC.nllaae4 •• par• U THE RING-TUM PHI Page 3 W&L Win Over VPI May Snarl SC Race; Victory By W&L In Last Home Game \Vauld Put GW Half Game Behind VPI Necessitating Final GW-VPI Contest Garment Deluge Of 198 Shirts ------lfo A buddin&' Southern Conference Awaits Winner Of Dad Vail 'V&I T • 1.. T ba eball rhubarb Is an the offing . ,..~.. ; ' T ~ !ffiLer en tomorrow a!ternoon as Washing- The Wa ington and Lee fre. h· ~'lcard }.. }.. } Mark t~n a~d Lee sets out to scramble man and varsity crewa "ill be ~ -... Vlr¥mra Tech's to date rosy North- rowinr on the Hudson Haver at Anemic Stickwork )[1 l~crthern Tour ~rn Oivlaion outlook. Poughkeepsie, New YoJk, lom:n­ Uame time is 8:00 p. m. here on row in an altempt to win the Dac.l Sinks Generals In ,\ thrl?c-~umc llet\!!On-finishing Wilson Field. \'ail Regatta and the shil ts or tla 1 9~ other men part:cip. ting in the 2-0 L>ss To Terps i:l the :-.lurl hlunds ~ir re..p~t·tive rom Sketdung llingle run.~ in the fi1st ra · r.wa:: wi.h ju t al out as n'aahrngton with a 6-2 record. 1l petitors from d~ven othe1· uni­ &nil nwt h , tht• )1arylllnd versilit•ll uud collegea. !1om ulong 11 a :1,1 i as i:.l conct•ivable, or.l.' would appear that a Vl'I loss to t~I'J t>ut the lnte an th1• WMhing. the Allantic Coast. 11, and om• lth!l uml one tie, and .Vashing~on and Lee tomorrow on - nd Lee Generals, 2-0, at \VII­ The crews entered In the a·egattv would still leave the Techmen a. ion Fi from: Amt•rit·an In :~aJ'e half-game ahead of their D. UJI ,, s 1t·.ion occurred lost v:e~k- • IIlli i nul College, A m h l' 1 s t, Bi1 Oon <.oderberg hooked ~. JIUrsUell>, but the laalf-rame with Btlly ( Bobo) Maud! in 11 · .nd ttt1r11boutK in ~ew York Bo~ton University, Brown, Dart­ .~m't sate. h ere's why: '!< duel that wa~ ht• t•a rlu n :at nn J \"icinity. The Gen~:rals mouth, Floa'da, lona Ccllev;e, La­ W ~oen the Conference ba .. eball nany <~ten on thl! \\' &L cnmJIU!I in .r: • l th~ junkrt lu. t f'riday l•y Salle, Mar1etta, Rollin!!, Tampa loop was knifed into Northern and many a Yt•ar. The Maryland fl ing· .. vnh1K t•nion College in Sche­ :1nd WMhinrton and Lee. Allhoug Southern sub-circuits this yea r ft>, l'l limited the Generuls to t•il-('ht t••ucly I y l:i-JU. Tummy Ton~uc l 'nmtJa U. is soml:'what o the first time, Northern division hits, whlc·h gol him in st•riuu net• I the w'ntwrs with a per,onal win, Bu;~ton U., Wartmuuth, Rollin!' 1'r ont offices did 110 with the un­ trouble in three innings, hut \IllS g ul I! of \\ &L a .td V.u1., 1 ~tmt,a a run for the11 ntrmt>v • on~ lel!s than his rivnl mou~t!Bma n: .. th,a~h .al on S:aturJay by Rent.­ "' 1..: • .: u >~tate ~;lat u te Kta nds ih C'otc·h Atcdeason expert!~ th~ IW• "J he \",lilting T~rp:> :.con·c.J iu th · .na· J'o•. , nt Tao .•· • :-.1. Y., by :1 the way. .:• W.!llepr·e •<'nting Wnilhington anti vptniug framl.' on n single loy .Juhn .:i·li <·o nt. It w:hl u n•nl Kh,•ila"k· ABOVE: Wnshington and l-ee S{o lf coach ('y Twc1mbly (center) is <.: q/u Oick Smith, W&L Athletic L c~: to make a v~ry good Khow'ng Hunton, Hunton's steal uf lll't'CJllcl, ll •·, with l~c tuuri11ts hunlly in the shown here ~ith his t ~ o top performen:.; J ac: k Mnc:Cormnck. :".o. 2 U .•• or und head o! the new bast>­ tomon·ow at Dad Vuil. Althuugh and Jack Graham's !\ingle. Jo'rum vame. man (left), and We!> BrO\\ n, '' ho tJIB)'{ in the No. I ~> l ot. The (;en­ ball urr·angement, announced yes­ the Dad Vutl Regatta i rnadl' up or there until tht· ninth, tbe gunw ll"ll' \1u ,cJnr a!t('r .uon u thl'~e-and­ erals ended a 1ery !.u<:ces.' - vJ.rsity, juni11r var nip and tul·k. In thl! finul stan1..1, l·ll·h:::l -ltnm· m ll'lllhun saw the em Conference Tourney Sa turd&) in \\ inston·Salem nnd h~ UJWndiOJ: r e:~cnt each aavi~ i on in the Confer­ sity, ond fl"esmnn- the "Swt>dl'' th ... Terp11 tallil'd in the !!8111l' m·u1· l l'lll'1n!s u:ul \\ 11lir:.m~ ~toll.'mate, ook only his freshman and vartp l ny of ~:opeed Hob Thomas. '\&L uo ro, N. C., wh ich Is the golden ~>~tond, and cam... honw on Etl \,'illitms, :\1n:s•nrhm tl!l. The The two squads left in !lection:­ frMhma n, i!f shown taking the I 00-ynrd dash eH~ nl of the Brigadier­ 1.4pple in the whole loop aituation. Tone1·'s ,h·1vc into 1ighlfi~·lli. 'l'c•l · was 6-6 tot tht! h.tlr, 6-(i Gt •n Tuesday, Wednesday. and T hurt~­ Greenbriar truck meet in the lime 10.1 seconds on lhl.' Hlow W i l !-~ on It would seem, then, that both The Gene, ull4 kl'pt Codl.'rlwrg ira 1hl' l'ml uf thl' lhll'll chukker anc.J luy so that they could work out Field dnderpath. The meet, held Tuesday a Her noon, " as 11 on b) VPJ and GW would go to the play­ trouLie through t.he gumc. ln tlw t:-ti ut the end of dw regulatiut: vue• or twiN! before the big racl.'. the Baby Generals. fifth, Ray Ll'ister led off with u offs, but there are two reason:. Lineup11 ft'r tomot·rows rcgc ttn: Jllaying time. Texas Ltagut.'r into r·ight l'l'llh•a, wny the Colonials can't be content Var ity Eadr l':u:: -t·naL•d ou 1.' in the first aollowt.>d by Dave \\'uters' duuhlc wath that t.l'LUP: \ l) the farst is Stroke · D ck Denny; Number ';' oH•rtim.• petiod, unci llw Generals down the lt•ftfield line, Ll'iKll•r 1 • h c.J . W'l that GW did uuL llchcliUol! V}U or -John Chapman, Capt.; Numht!r 10 1 1 holding ut lhi rd. However, L1:111ll•r eel ~ 7 t e seL·on · un~l • VPf but onte, a ... ridac ing the pre- 6-· l\fel Hitks; Number 6 Tom hum.• kMtlad th~ eo1..nL wath le;~s d 'dl th · was caught nt the plute on un In­ . ~l!aRo n ngreemem un vo1 ng e1r Warfield; Nu m l>er· 4-Boyd Ll'y­ L1 un u 11llnUl•• tu go. ll · t' · lh t field grounder, and Wutt•rl4 wu ~ • • • • 1 nr cr pa 10 11 tn e pos -season burn; Numh 1 3-Jim Walsh; Num l•1w (,, ~erul,; 1vcn: I L~ mg theu m~:lee; (2) the second is that the her 2-Boh Hom; Bow-Jnhn caught off thiul un unuthl•t buu tll'l'l I on the intielcl. l..st t•ullt·g.u.tc ~eamc 111 1hrs contest playoff seedings will be determined Muley; Cox11nin-Dean Luedd\.'a s. ttnc.l oil f1vl! were nn1;1 d co-cap- hy the final division standings, so Fresman The eighth provec.l to I to Numb< r 7-Bill Pleuants; Number a run was llt'ored. DotJl Agnm lt•t.l dIll, Bill Llcments and B11l Paccy.j !Centln!IH •• ,... , , 6-Bob Crocker; Nu mber 6-Bola 1ft wilh a swirling l:.unt dol\ n llw Dugay; Numher 4-Alton Evan11· thiatl base line, Woods nltl'l11Jitl•d Number 3 Webb Stevenson; Num~ to lay dow., u bunt, 1\ hich ~·o.~t Champion PiKA's Place Four Men On bE:I" 2-Dick Cremer or Hub Olsen· .>ast Coderberg lor a ba~e hit, Ag­ Bo~~o-B ill Guthrie; Coxwain Har: rtor headinr all the wny to thlrtl. vey Dodd. Water., popp~d nnl' into the r.it· 1950 All-Intramural Softball Combo which thiad h!lSemun Cr·l.'aSt.'onw The Washington and Lee ftesh­ hopped, filling the bases. Th• ·r1 The P1KA ·!C, who hn\'c.: won the PiKA, wns named tl) the short­ man locr·ossl! team was rc1•er'!ed Bay Arnold d1·ove one dl'l!p iutn in r·amu1·al softhull crown for the stop 11lot, and the PiKA's leading here yeslerday after noon by the right, which F.:msweller cnught on I'• "l three bl!usons, lnc·ludlng tha t University or Virginia first yenr picketman, Guy Chamberhdne, was lhe run and fired to first to dou­ . just completed, plat'I!U !our men timber ten. The score was 13-5 . awa rded one oi the outfield posi­ ble Waters, and the rally was owr. un the 1!150 All-Intramural Soft­ tions. hull nine, announced today by Pete White Wins Fletcher Award The Phi Psis were the only other NtH m I. rd, 1 -~1 Oi rl.'ctur. club to gain more than one firs't­ The t·ombinc wns hosrd on selec­ Many leum berth. Da ve HedJe was all­ For Third Time In As Years tiunH made by lhe various team league first baseman, and J ay SPALDING At the annual Sp i ~ed Shoe Soci-I ciety were announced by P1·ofe!1!1or· capluinl'l t nd compiled by Lora. .luck Carter, the PiKA mounds­ Handlan was named to the out­ ety Banquet held thas week, Pete Charles Voigt a foa mer Wel>t ConsL fi('ld. White, WashinJton and Lee's silk- I .· . ' . . mun with the rcx·kct-~hOtl Ca!4tball h dl · d ( th fill tnt atl! an ha collt>grate days. Gi l Boeetti of Sig ma Nu was en-car··~..., d ur er, rt>ce1ve or e I lt>d his club to the loop bunting, third year in a row the Forest.. They art.>: Jim Gallivan. PrPsic.ll•nt; us in previou yeal'a, nnd was an nnmed the c:ircuit'a best at'Cond­ baseman, and Chtrlie Bradshaw of Fletcher Award ns the Generals' Ed Gardner, Vice-President; Jim almo'lt unanimous l'hnit·l' for All. SA Jo~ gained the honor· at third beat trackman. Robel ts, Secretar·y-Trea!lurer. lntrunul'al moundsman. hase. White, a junior, was also nnmctl AthletiC' Oirectoa· R. A. Smith nn- llill doughty n ceivcr, Doug (Eat­ honorary captain for the past sen- 'ounced recommendl·d block lt>ttea· 'f.!m up) Smilh, wn!l nlt~o his bat­ Jrv Schlesinger, of the ZBT pas­ eon. Iwinners subject to thl' approval uf tcrymnt<' on this mytical nine. ture patrol, was named to the Echols HansbarJer, the team·., !Conllnutd on P•1• 4 ) Fr {'tj (Wing-i-'otJt) Hush, also of other outfield position. supercharged miter and two-mill'r, was elected captain for the 1950 teason. Hanabarger· is a sotlho· Open more. Telephone FRANK T.CAMPBELL The Most Individual Improvt•· 595 • AU ment Award went to Yates Troller, Lexington, Va. ESSO SERVICE • Nirht who received statewide recognition Atlas Tires • Batteries • Acceshories u a hal!-miler. Trotter, a sopho­ more, s tarted the season running ------~~------.. the halt mile in 2-14. In the Ui~e Six Meet he lrnvcllcd the distnnce In under 2:0H, an amazing rlenvage of time. Pres Brown's Sport Shop Officera of the Spiked Sh1le So- .. "Extlush e Outfitter:-. lo The Sport~mun "

LOUI E I ~EI~ GOLF JACKETS -pre~nts-- WRIGHT tl.DITSOt-1, TM1 0tmf OFFICIAL W&L PICTURE SERVING TRAYS BA.LL or "Cll e. u.s:t.:tA.. 1950 Dance Recital C K~PIONSHIP::) \\ aler-proof, Liquor-proor 61NCf. \997 Luin1ton lliJh School 0FFIC tA1. ,TOO-IN t.V£S:" I S t),t..,V\~ Auditorium SWIMMING SUITS CUf ' .\TCK ! in maruon. );ray, na\'), h(•ig(.' nnd yellow Friday, May 26, '50 A ll - purp~ :t50 8:15 fl. 1\f. W&L PICTURE WASTEBASKETS Tic:keta on Sale at VVeinbtrJ'• ~t u it Stor ~ StpAJ.TJING AI'«, drop in nnd lake home some Wu~hing t on nnd Lee Children 50c • Adules $1.00 noHity ite m ~. Page 4 THE RING-TUM PHI

Doug Smith Elected Statiatica Survey lndependentLetter Facui ty Baseball Pi Kappa Alpha Pres. J IC".. tlnot4 frea Pare I ) From The Sports Page New Fund Stunt food on the decrease. Board bilb Pi Kappa Alpha r~enlly elected VPI Baseball m 1 clief, was practically untow:bed. States Proposals which in many ca!!~s include fra. The club's two overhand ricbt­ Doug Smith ita president for next. Th~ nc" n. <.' halrman Sam Bollia. $62, and room rents average about The Goublcrs havu playl!d the able. ify, Its position in the present poli­ tary-treasurer of Pi Alpha Nu, and Tt>nlathe plan11 are now underway ~19. <'uluuial~ once, bul only on<'e. Jt Tomorrow's game will mark the ti~'Hl situution as it now exists on viee-president of the Grapplers' for n Vuraity-Faculty HaMbali SourrM of News the Grnet·ttlM upend lhe leadeu to- final home appearance in a WAL t h1• campus. Club. He won a varsity letter in gn rnl' to be held I!Ometlme nut Newspapers are by u wide mu- motTOW, chunct>s arc lhnl the DIH. uniform for four seniors: Captain ThP J\1 l\1 of the " Independent wrestling latt year while taking \\eek. jority the most popular source or triefinite plans "'ill be a~unced 1 1 t. ally, C. Croyder, D. Croyder, J. lt.Jflh!:.eulution of fraternity men president; Ben Martin, a freshman. in Tuesda)'s lUng-tum Ph1. d'l r secon. p ·~~char\ t e u a) hll\t; :>umething to say ubout Gallivan, E. Gardner, J. Handlan, ra IO an m.agazJne, w I ~ ow., Coloninl demands. nnd nunfrutt>rnity men is without from Owensboro, Kentucky, secre- - E. Hansbarger, J . Martin, W . Oref, that. th~ rad1o ~all come up ,m the ~· or ,·oursl!, if the Generals can'L B. Parkinson, L. Roberts, J. Rob· "1scriminntion. tary; Bob Storey, a sophomore Camput Comment unks shghtly smce last years poll. t . th, l •• k t e " . • b bl d h utn c 11c omortow, ev r,- erts, Trotter, Van Leer, It mu:;t be added here in all from Atlanta, Georgia, house man­ ThIS IS pro a y ue more to l e . h Y. T. 0 . S. ((;onUnued trens pace I) . bil'. di lhmg Will stay clear. But the ome fuirne11:> to the University Party," ager; Leo Barrington, a freshman i ncreased avat 1a I•Y of ra os . White, C. H. Williams. that the "tc!ering committee of the Hou~e last weekend were rathet . . t•luiJ 1 monk<>y-wre•nh tntntled Mt FRESHMEN NUMERALS: Ford, from Mohican Hills, assistant house t han t o the H ome Edtbon, as over this time. g1nU11 conperated admirably in try. manager; and Phil Dowding, a mild, as must of the brothers took t:alC of the students do not tunu Fisher, Whitlock, Glenn, Farrar, in~ to negotiate a compromise to aophomore from Portsmouth, Vir­ orr to the vurious house parties in to WREL every night at 10 Catt'n Oit•k Smith ha:> four hu.rl- Abrams, Jacobi, Jaekaon, Crair, the plan- and although agreement ginia, historian. around l'ampus. Sevt'ral of the o'clock. In the m!lgazine popu- e1" read~: tu work tomorrow, m­ Hall, Harmon, ~rown , Dawkina, w!ls nlmo·t reached, it was short of bc,yli, indud1n~ Hank Oder, Buddy larity, Life has finally nosed out t-!udmg h1> ~wu ace:;, Lacey Putnt?y fhomas, Hockett, Daub, Raisor, ('CIIIlplction. The item not arreed ('ant\\ dl, ll. l\1. Clark, Chip Moller, Time, and Newssweek it~ a pour and Jntk F.uhanks. Eui.Junks w~3 Gatlley, Stickle, Rather, Warner. upon wus the "University Party's" New Booklet nn d Chuck B1bby, went to the Sem third. t~I'Uilclly ~hclled by the Tl>chmen II\ 111 <~pul'nl to set. up two (2) separate 1ur that glol'ious institution's an­ n ~ontcst earlier this year al John Tobyanaon Professor Marcellus H. Stow, "llt•natcs" und "honor courts": one nual .May Duy. Several other st!ll· Blat·ksburg, !Jut Putney, who came Is on the way upt professor of geology at Washing­ fm· thl• /,l'ademic School and one wart:> including Bill Swarts, Mac ton and Lee and chairman of the lm· the Lu\\ School. Hamric & Smith James River Project Committee, Holekamp, and Eddie Burch had Th1· "lndt•pemltmt Party'' cannot HUBERT'S announces the publication of a dates on:t {rom SweeL Briar anJ Jewelers ug l ',, ntorporate the proposal R;ondolph-)1acon. The regular team P..\1::\T AND WALLPAPER STORE new book by the Virginia Academy Luinaton, Virginia in t ,. Student Sertatt Plan. as it ir.vuded Sweet Briar, as usual. of Science. Jame. River Basin Venetian Blinds feel lht purpose:~ and benefits o.f tells of the past, pl·esenl, and ru­ Tile tlw Jllan \\ ould be de11troyed. Since ltW.W...... _ tun of this famous section. lt Phone 48 till' uri~inal aim is unification of Your Hair Cut u You Lib It may be obtained through Dr. Stow, lh,• l·nmpu~. tn unify two groups who helped to compllo the com­ nud 11t the Mme l1me alienate an­ Ideal Barber Shop ATTENTION prehensive monograph and who ollwl· lti'OUJI (in a student body of Impress Your Batt wrote the introduction to the Firat NaUonal Bank Bide. 1~!10 !a<~on<~, the "Independent THE I'a• ty'" mu::;t stand by the amended Quality u4 Service SCHEWELS Meet You.~ Jlmpu,ul of the Student Senate TURNER'S SOUTHERN Plan to the point of bavinc one ABC u-... ast'7 for your FRIEND ~uverning body, with equal rep· for low•t prlcee oa Furniture Needs nt the INN ll'St'nlalion for all. CIGARETI'ES, TOILBTIUEB "The Independent Party." Georve's Modern -and- CAFE SODA WATER Cash NOTICE ...... ANNEX Chow MelD GlNGER ALB or I taUan Spaahettl C.. a...... 8Jea•or• An. and 1'he Student War Memorial and ot.her partJ ~et•PII Credit Chicken St"holarship Committee woUI IIMaa VW., Vfrainia I.ULLlAUD PAULOR like to remind all atudeat. to Phone 797 t E. Ne,laoa 8L nil> behind their ucUeat fri_. • and tabt their vota ln hill .,._ Oppos.ite Lyric Prepared to Suit hutr by tOntribuling to Ole pnp­ Theatre Tolley'1 Hardware DELICIOUS YOUR Tute er box in front of t.M C...,. r..n , .. tllat'a oar AUTO REPAIR Banwue Needs STEAKS Lexington' • I -and- Fineat WARNER-S·T··rA-TE Get BROS. I CHOPS ----- lt'a Your Car NOW SHOWING our TUNED UP The pleuure lo aerve '" for Spring A !nEAL Olt A SANDWICH

DUTCH INN Qralek Seniee G Expert Work E L BLUERIDGE * N MOTORS • • • JPrletldl mert at u t.M a.._ 8yatem Tap E N Roca. 'S c Let Oura H Be The Cream ROCKBRIDGE In Your Coffee! NATIONAL BANK

lAat.&toD, V a.


NOT JUST A COMEDY Stop eoatly moth damace to WHOLESOME We W.tco.e your auJt.a, o•ercoall llDd otMr In New Orleans, Loui iana, a favor· -IT'S A RIOT I wool~n carmllllta. We are pre. -and- JUHE y .., pared Lo ri•• 70u Berloa MoU... Jte gathering spot of atudenta at proofinJ Service, tllat b ruar· DELICIOUS Patnnaae anteed m mltlnc to atop mo~ Tulane University ia the Student ALLYSO dama~e 5 whole ,....,., or we rep.air, r~plaee or pay value of Center because it's a chet"rful place DICK articl• damared. MILK - full of friendly collegiate atmoe­ POWELL At little as 20c a 1ear proteda phc-re. And when the gang sathera your auJL M·G·M's love story w1th • CREAM oround, ice-cold Coca-Cola geta th. · , thousand lauahs I , \ -and- Store your rarmt>nta with 11.1 call. For here, aa in university I~ THE ,..... / thi aummer and hue Uttm mothproofed. hauntt everywher~ke ~lon&•· fORMER I~OCKBRIDGE .I sir. for il titllrr w_,. ... kfJ, AND THE ROCKBRIDGE Jr.ult-mnrlr.s mtan lilt samt tl,int. LAUNDRY. AND tamED UND£11 AUTHOIIITY OP THI COCA-COlA COMPANY IY 1'taJe ...... , ., ... ,.,.., r£DHEAI/ CLEANERS CREAMERY COCA-COLA BOTTLING WORKS, LEXINGTON, VA. .,.._.. IMUMe Ot,._ntlea (Acro..a from Troubadour Theatre) 0 lUO. Til. Coca·c.le C~