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Bacct o*°- * tf Commencement Will Sunday Night Be Held On June In Rocky Mountain Collegian Gym 6 At 10 A. M. HK ASHO< IATKI> STI ,IENTB op THE COLORADO STATE ' COLLEGE OK AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS VOLUME XIiTV FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1935 29, NUMBER 36 Dean Announcements For Johnson Seniors Arrive Pick Alumni To Receive Award At Commencement Baccalaureate Sermon Honored At Senior announcements have Is urrlvod and may be secured Committees at the Kobluson Printing com- pany at 141 East Mountain Last avenue. Seniors Sunday Night; are Degrees Assembly urged For to get them there as soou as Program possible. Glenn Morris Reads Tribute To Be Given Graduates To Return To Cam- To Retiring Dean Of Men Thursday pus For Day’s Activities At Senior Assembly Sunset Drill Next Wednesday Sam Campbell and Glenn Morris Jointly Awarded Nye Tro- Give The phy; Lorenz St. Clair Wins Phi Seniors Takeoff following committees of Kappa Phi Scholarship alumni and Plaque; is Koss Is Cancelled seniors for the alumni McAnelly Award Winner activties Show Dedication Of Student during commencement have been selected Union Building To Take according to an Class Day Exercises Held On Tuesday announcement from Mrs. Place In 1999 Honors For Year Jessie L. Glenn Announced Morris, left ami Sam Clark, By secretary of the associa- Alumni For Military Department; Campbell are co-winners of the Program Scheduled Wednesday; Rev. Curtis Of 184 seniors in tion: With caps and Damke Collins Will Honor Grad coveted Nye trophy to be awarded Fort Speak at Commencement Exercises the last of Master of ceremonies: gowns, meeting the en- Alice at Commencement. On Thursday Morning in Men's Gymnasium Juel. tire student body was held in the Military students of the R. o. T. last C. unit General Arrangements: Minor Men’s gym, Monday afternoon were unable to hold the Going into the final week of their college careers, the sen- Russell Dean S. Arthur Johnson annual sunset drill scheduled Huckeby, Ford, Beth Mit- at 3. for iors will be Seniors And kept with the regular routine of commencement ton. busy presided over the opening num- five o’cljck last Wednesday which Award Science week which was called Registration: Anna White begins Sunday evening with baccalaureate bers of the program, which be- off on account of rain. Buoy, Faculty Will services S. L. in the Men with the of sen- At this traditional drill the hon- Macdonald, George Strecker, s gymnasium anil ends with Thurs- gan processional conferring degrees Joe Baseball the front of the or military students Collopy, Katherine Harris, Play iors to assembly. are given To Be Given day morning. Itev. Cyrus E. Albertson, Washington Park Com- their William Riddell. awards, but this After the opening march, played year they munity church, Denver, will deliver the baccalaureate Dutch Lunch: Two little-known but sermon will be awarded without Mrs. Frank Cun- high- Dean John- the us- by Dorothy Branch, “That Life Be Mr. ningham, Ruth Akin. ly interesting events of Sen- May Complete.” Stanley A. Curtis, Fort ual display. Awards for Dorothy Senior With 20 Hours Of son spoke briefly to the students outstand- ior week will Banquet and Dance: C. W. Fer- be the baseball Collins, will the commencement address on “The Milkman’s ing work in military for the aca- In Social Science give about the years he had seen “Ag- Work games which are Door." demic guson, Katherine Barkley, Sam played by Dr. Charles A. Lory, the class yeur of 1934-1935 To Be Honored presi- Tuesday, day exer- gies” grow and the problems con- are: the McCampbell, Vernon Golden. seiHors, faculty, and dent of the will confer cises w'll Honor college, the tie held, the day climax- the graduating class battery: Battery fronting “E’\ alumni. Mrs. T. H. Robert- In the past these degrees. Reception. Starting a the sociol- ing with an open air concert members. President Charles A. Cadet Captain Kermit D. Messer- tradition, by have attracted son, Mrs. J. R. Robert games very the R. O. T. C. Rigden, ogy department will make an hon- Three annual awards will be band, under the Lory paid tribute to Dean John- schmitt, commanding. Battery little attention, and there is Trimble, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Lory, a direction of Dr. R. F. “E" orary award to the most outstand- made to winning graduates, Lor- Bourne, on son and congratulated the gradu- received an honor pennat to movement on foot Dean S. Arthur Johnson, Dean Ed- to liave the of the to ing senior or graduate in the enz E. St. Clair, school of veter- steps administration ating seniors on their achieve- attach their guidon. All mem- them abandoned nnlesN ward B. House, Dean Inga M. K. more building at 7 o’clock. ber0 of fields of social science at gradua- inary medicine, will receive the ments. Battery “E“ received a interest is shown. Allison, Dean Emil P. Sandsten, tion exercises, Thursday, June 6. Phi Kappa Phi The alumni will have green ribbon bar to their scholarship plaque charge of Sam of the wear on Campbell, president Dean G. H. Dean I. E. Seniors and Whiteford, The of the student will be faculty mem- for the of the uniform. identity having highest average Wednesday program. Alumni senior class, presented the gavel Newsom, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Di- bers will play in the first kept a secret until then. the graduating seniors. Ho has registration will be Ammons Honor at to James Hartman, of graduate: Cadet Lieu- president Mrs. John on venbißs, Ow’ens, Helen game Monday morning at his with hall at 9:30 followed the The requirements state the per- completed course 2.79, by alum- the class. tenant Colonel A. Damke Junior Kenyth Cuthbertcon, 0:30. Lester H. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stiinmel will A Qlenn ui-winuer son receiving the award must have nearly an average. Mor- of senior-faculty con- received a certificate. Then the program was turned Bader, Willard E. Edmondson, manage the faculty team, and at least 20 hours in the social sci- ris and Sam Campbell, outstand- test ball game. At 12:15 a dutch over to the senior members who Honor senior: Cadet Lieuten- Mame he lias stated that R. Harris, Harry C. Nevius, among the are co-winners the lunch will be at ence field, and this does not nec- ing athletes, of held the cafe- ant “took off” dedication services of Colonel William E. Green re- Dr. Dr. H. stars he expects use Raymond Zenor, Jay to are awarded each to teria, and alumni business essarily mean that the said person Nye trophy year an the Student Union ceived a saber upon which hi3 Clark and Building in Bouton, Miriam A. Johnson, Mrs. “Andy” “Tommy” the athlete who has rendered the meeting will follow. be an economics or sociology ma- 1999. various name is engraved. His name will Tompkins. He has also said mocking college dig- Warren H. Leonard, Dwight most service to the school. Charles jor. These hours must be distri- The annual senior alumni ban- nitaries. With Don Morton aLo be engraved which that tire members assum- on a cup Koonce, Constance Cramer, Mrs. faculty are McAnelly will receive the Ross buted in three fields, and an aver- quet will be held at Ammons hall, ing the duties of Dr. the remains in the Military Depart- D. W. Elliott, determined to demonstrate Lory pro- Eisenliauer, Howard must Award for the senior who has age of B have been main- followed by a dance. and which gram got under with ment was originally Evans, Olive McCain, their superiority on the dia- way a num- Dorothy tained. made the best contribution to dra- The candidates for ber from presented Governor W illiam E. mond well degrees, “The Ladles Augmented by r Charles McAnelly, Walter Star- as us in the class matics. Professor B. F. Coen, professor the faculty and the state Board of Band.” Dressed Sweet. Clark Ims threatened in their caps and bird, Dale Maag. room. The conservatory quartet com- of sociology is donor of tho award. y Agriculture wiii assemble at the gowns the senior girls who Honor Junior Cadet Master to use ills famous “emery” ren- of W. S. R. Otis Fow- A committee composed of three posed Hill, Administration buil ball to Hng Thursday dered the “musical ditties” on Sergeant John T. McCafferty re- subdue tile seniors. ler, Preston Murphy and Donald faculty members and four stu- morning, and the procession to their borrowed instruments were ceived a saber upon which his Wins "Snip” Mencimer, State’s McAnelly dents will choose the Nash will sing at the baccalaure- person to re- the Men's gymnasium will start at Roberta Pressey, is stellar football leader; Dorothy namo is engraved. His name and baseball ate and the invocation, ceive the honor. Besides the schol- services, 9:46. Evans, Edna Riley, Sadie also be engraved Ross-Portner star, is the senior Boyd. to upon a cup managing scripture reading and benediction arship phase, citizenship, charac- The line of march will be north Wllna Alta Kather- He has Hall, Jackson, which will remain in the military team. not announced will be in charge of Rev. George Dramatic Award ter and personality enter into the through shady lane, east following ine Harris. Katherine which origi- who his will be, Barkley, department and was Just players Warren Wise, Rev. Harrv Parsons, selection. the campus drive to college ave- Roberta but Herring and Oeorgia Ar- nally presented by Dr. Chas. A. be has said that he under- and Rev.