
• • Letter To 'Big Jim' Fahey, Lizzie Senior Athlete (Pare 2, Col 5) ltng-tum~- t (Pare 1, Col. 2) \\'ashington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper Volume L LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MAY 19, 1950 Numuer 51 Statistics Class lnave Hedge Is Named Athl.ete Of The · d S Year; Takes Annual Collegtan Award Finals Then1e Will Be Grecian Con ucts urvey; Dave Hodgt>, ophomon• from l.l tl.nll HPchw wrs II lt'f,tUiar for- . ti. st· bt Jeffersonville, Indianu. wa~ award- Wlllll Qald tulllt>cl :!UU Jl<lint~ llurinK Says Davenport; Malmo, Moore varta ODS tg ed the "outstanding athll'te" uwnrd ,,is rampuigu. · for his football and loaskelhall l'X- Thl' uwa11l. '' hilcspon~ored by By DICK CARDEN ploita at Washington and Lee clur- •he Sauthern Cullcg1a!l, was gwen Hedrick, Pressley Are Set V-P's The Advanced Statistics Class of ling the year. · y Prr~ Hrowu s Spurt Shop. Pres, Mr. A. R. Coleman in the School ol Grid Coach George Barkley made wro is 11 Cu1 mer student. and nth- Commerce has again conducted " Univeraity-wide poll of the student Dreamy Tempo Of Thornhill Band body for the purpose of determiu­ Senior Banquet ing the p()ssible ch.tnging char. Will Be 'Sweetest Of ·The Year' acteristica of the Student Body and Held Last Night their opinions on questions of Na- I "Laughin' Claude" and n Gt·ecian theme will be comiJilll'U tional and Campus !lignificance. For '50 Class LO mukc r llaHI Dances Oflt! of the highest point~ Ill tht• t•lllt'l· This Information has been obtained tainmcnt program of the yeur. and correlaled by H•nk Mastrinnn The fia st graduating class ot Clnude Thornhill, who will twoviue the music for lhc l wu and Wally Wing, of the Advanced \\'a~hin~eton and Lee University·s night affait, has been labe1ecl uy Hody Davenport, Jli"Cl-!itlt•t•l Statistics Class. hird century, largest in the inllti· The aample for the poll was ob· ution's history, was entt?rtaln"d of the set, as the "smoothest ban I of the year." Rccl•nlly tained by selectinr every tenth ast niJ•ht by the W&L alumni as finishing a long engagemen• at · name from an alphabetical list of ociat ion at the annual senior ban­ Freshman Camp To the Hollywood Palladium, Thnl u­ the entire student body. Correla­ quet at 1'\atural Brid){i! Hotel. hill w'ill appear here in l.l'xin~-tton t:on data was taken from previou11 : urr•h, ring ~25 June degree cnn Move Next Year; Ten on June 7th and 8th for tht• I c.t polls of the Washington and Lee di.:.ht • and mcluding some of the Counsedors Named sociat e\'ent of the yeat. Student Body. 1 adclit.outl 82 Februfit·y gtaduate:. Thornhill's 20-piece gi'OUJI, whi, h Ten men have been appointed u Where Do You Date! the cb!l!l of 1950 was addressed by is famou!l for its 1enditwu uf rt!:lhman <:-mp coun!lellors ror Considering the fact that it'• ATHLETE OF THE YE \It Han~ Hulge i'> ~ho\\n al 0\l' recthing hi>~ P .:.,.lent Franl'i& P. Gam •s. Wives "Small Hott-1," "Autumn :\n\'· .ext year, accordmg to Dean Spring, pienic and swimming a"ard from Coac:h Barela) during J...,t \\-.:lm'>dn)'" ln-;£bnll~en me . o: ma1ricd seniors were al~o guest!! lurne," "~1aybe Its Bl-cnu:~c.'' unrl Faank J. G l.iam, who direct!! the weather and all, it is not surprising In the b:1<:kgroud are Pres llro''"· clunnlor of the n11nrd, and C'oach O( the alumni llS!IOCiation at lhe others will teature the usuul hill nf ~roup. tL.at women are one of the most Carl Wise (In shirt leto,•es). (' >l:togiun Editor .Joe ~lotrall i>- announc· 1-anqul't. fare in the way of musical tempu. tA-lked of subjects on the campu3. ing the winner.-(Photo b) Good" in.) Harry K. (Cy) Young, alumna Th1 y are Hunter Lane, Doug with lhe E'lllphasil' on lht~ sin\\, Hollins has finally made the ll't'teta .. y, officially welcomed the >lllith, Davl:' Kerr, Don Ferguson, dreJmy two-step. the pl"l~sentnlion between the fi1~t I tc pf \\'nshin~tun nnd l.t•e, 1"\:­ gnde into the top spot with Wa$h­ tune ~aaduates to the alumni body. Yates Trotter, Gene Freeman, Doremus Gymna~iurn wrll he dl"'C­ and second inning,. of the Wa:-.h- murkcJ: .. 1 s:nretcl/ hnpe that ingtA>n and Lee men, displacing Respondtng for the class wa, F :om Wolfe, Joe Sconce, Jack orated in a Gt,ecian lheme, and thl' ir.gton and Lee-:\1aryland hnseball this U\\Urd ran hl• mnelt! un annual both Sweet Briar and Randolph­ ·;tlwurcls Rushlon, of Jacksonvil e L.. r,<h, ond Tnmmy Tongue. color scheme will be blnck ond game Wednesday afle1noon. jurruia. We will Ul! tn{)tc than hup- Macon, who have been the peren­ e•'la., J>n!sident or the senior a 'U• Open Stoplember 15 \\ hite. Black and while stteame111 Hedge received the award, ,pon- py ln co·OJl~rale \\ llh the St'ulh· nial favorites in the hilltory of the Jemie rlass. The c:amp, which opens on Fa i­ l'lternating wtll covt•r lhe l<idl's .,r sored by the Southe1 n Collegian ern Collegian in future yl!nrll on atatiaties. Sweet Briar is second, Commencement ext'lcises ha.vt' lay, Septemht r 15, the Friday bc­ the gym, and a white !ltll'llnwt• magazine, after editor:; and coal'h- ~>llch an nwurd." and Macon has fallen from last been set for the mou1ing ol Junu OI e opening of school, is leaving apu will reach to the ceiling. es had been polled. Closest com- 1 his i" the fir~t tim.! in history . year'a favorite to a poor third. A 1 at Lee Ch3pel. In keeping with a natan, which hos been used for White columns will cnme to the newcomer is to be noted in the petilors to Hedge were Dave Wa- that :mt·h an awanl ha• hl'en giYen, long lltanding \\' a~hington and Lee '6 years previously, because the floor from the lndoo1· trat•k, and t.ers, sophomore f1·om TiuntinglOn, and the tntphy 1tst li, n Jll'll und ranks this year. For the first time I uRtom, the commencement addres3 do) Scouts in Roanoke, who own between the~ column!! thl!n~ w1ll West. Virginia, ami We ;; Brown, ink stand with thl! fiiCure of a In the hisrory of the poll, Madison Nill he delivered by President •he ramp, ot·~ abandoning it, and be replica!l of Grecian figurt> . College is making heraeU known jumor from Chattanooga, Tenn- (votuull J>layer on 1 s fat'e, was Gaines. here will be no facilities for hold· . Viee-president in t·horge or 1lco• to the tune of fourth place, which essee. h H "llavid W. lice, Wash- The Finals Week program will 11g the camp. orations will be 'foru Pre c;Je~. 1 lll!'"~"aVl•rl, n~ As a sop omort'. et ge won , •pt>n Sunday, June 4, when the Vice-presidenl in eharge of ht• goes to show that its not all just firat-slring pos1tion on the var- •~oglo•J and LcL' Oubt::.n hng Ath- The admuustration has secun•d a few miles, but that the girls {cv .•lames A. Jones, pasoor of Fin11l Ball Figure i11 Jam lll'dlilk. sity football squat as end. ln bas- •l' tl•-HI5o:• he use of the new motor lodgl!s themselves have something to do Lhe Myers Park Presbyterian ilcros11 the road from the Natural Financial o rrangements "ill lw with it. Mary Baldwin and South­ ·hurch, Charlotte, N. C., will give Bridge Hotel. According to {;iJ. taken care of by Vice·Pit>sidt>nt ern Seminary finished fifth, and Maguire Succeeds Iler £1der To Assume Post the baccalaureate sermon. iam, the new place has scvel'lll Don Malmo, anti the V1ce-prc:;idcnl last, In that order. Aa Campus Club Head As English Professor Traditional events will occupy mpt·o,•ements over the old. Tht> in charge of invitations is Ch1·is Of course, it should be taken inll) the seniors, their families and number of freshmen that can be Moore. John Maguire, riseng :sophomore, \\':1ltla Et.le1· "ill as ume hil. consideration that a great many ~uests, and visiting alumni during 1ccommodated will be increased Tile Senior Prom \\all be lwlcl un was elecled president of the Cum­ utJCs as an asllistunt professor in men date at a great many other Finals Week. Alumni are invited 'rom 150 to 200. Wednesday night and will he lt!tl acbool and eolleges, and these few pull Club last Wednesday night. 'l' Washington nnll Lee dt?part­ 'o a smokers, lunchean, a general by t'be .three presidents of lhe :Jell· 1 Bob Salisbury, r1sing senior, wus Prh tate Bath Jlepresentatl'{e ones do not include ~ nt of Jo:n~tli:oh m•xt gcptember. alumni meeting, and to the Final~> ior classes. Repr~nting the aca· Ahe 1 ~1 those dated by Washington and chosen vice-president; Jnnc , .I.! \\Ill nmeluct ''OUI ~ul in fresh· Oancca lor whioh Claude Thornhill The lodges are completely moll- t-mic class will be Ed Hushton, secretary; Mikl! Bunelt, tll'llt.UIE'r; rn, equipped with innerspring Lee men. .n n and ~ophomon.' English and and his orchestra wi ll provide "IICorting Miss Belly Tooms nf Buck Bouldin, historiun; und Ike .:lllll s • f1 1 upp~r l·l·l;~,.men in rrili .nlltlle~:~cs for each bed and a pri­ S•oldnr music.
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