Annual Report 2009

Federation of Reproductive Health Associations, (Formerly known as Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia) Our Guiding Principles

● The Federation is a not-for-pro t organization

● The Federation is not and shall not be controlled by commercial interests and that all its income, commodities, property and other assets shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its objectives

● The Federation will ensure that Member Associations’ family planning, sexual and reproductive health information and services shall be provided strictly on the basis of voluntary acceptance and informed choice

● The Federation will ensure that Member Associations do not permit coercion of any form in family planning programmes Our Vision To be an e ective, caring and self-reliant NGO in the eld of population, family planning and sexual and reproductive health

Our Mission To improve the status of sexual and reproductive health in Malaysia within a strong and resilient family system Patron

DYMM Raja Permaisuri Perak Darul Ridzuan Tuanku Bainun Mohamad Ali, DK Contents

Message from President 2

Message from Chairman 4

Honorary Secretary-General’s Report 6

Officials of FRHAM 9

Committees and Honorary Officials 10

Representation in Other Agencies 11

FRHAM Secretariat Staff 12

FRHAM Organizational Structure 13

Access 14

Adolescents/Young People 17

Advocacy 20


Abortion 24

Support Strategies 25

Major Events 28

Service Statistics 32

Financial Overview 34

Financial Statements 35

State Member Associations 53

Glossary 54

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia ANNUAL REPORT 2009  MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT

On 20 January 2009, we received the official approval from the Registrar of Societies to change the name of the Fed- eration to “Federation of Reproductive Health Associa- tions, Malaysia (FRHAM)”. It is our vision that the name change will reflect our renewed commitment to the sexual and reproductive health of every individual.

2009 has passed so fast that we had hardly noticed it poverty, cannot be achieved if reproductively health is not indicating that we have been so busy that we forgot time addressed – poor reproductive health and limited access to passed so quickly that another year is already here. However, basic reproductive health services are obstacles to achieving I am so pleased to have this opportunity to say a few words the MDGs. And this means we need to continue the for the Federation of Reproductive Health Associations, efforts of promoting and increasing investments in Malaysia (FRHAM)’s 2009 Annual Report. reproductive health, including family planning.

First of all, congratulations to YBhg Dato’ Sri Shahrizat The world has come a long way over the past 30 years. Abdul Jalil and YBhg Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun on Although Malaysia has achieved commendable results in their appointments as the Minister and Deputy Minister of achieving the MDGs, particularly in the reduction of infant, Women, Family and Community Development respectively, child and maternal mortality; the challenge to improve access as well as to Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin for her to reproductive health services including family planning appointment as the Deputy Minister of Health. remains. There is a large unmet need for family planning and other reproductive health services, particularly among Having been involved with the Federation since the 1980s, the marginalized communities including the refugees, sex I am delighted to witness the tremendous change that the workers, disadvantaged young people as well as the urban Federation experienced over the last three decades. From and rural poor. an organization working on the prevention of unwanted pregnancies with family planning services and promoting FRHAM understands that the refugees in Malaysia are responsible parenthood, we have progressed to advocate, severely disadvantaged; they are living under difficult promote and provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive conditions. FRHAM believes that providing reproductive health and rights to women, men, young people, the health access, especially family planning services, for them underserved and the marginalized – in other words, universal to plan their pregnancies will enable them to have healthier access to reproductive health education, information, and families. By taking up the challenge to improve the reproductive services. health and rights of refugee communities with funding provided by the Japan Trust Fund through International FRHAM recognized the centrality of reproductive health Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), FRHAM hopes that to the overall attainment of the Millennium Development the ability for them to choose whether and when to have Goals (MGDs). The MDGs, particularly the eradication of children can ease the burden of these disadvantaged families.

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia  ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009  MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT

Various factors lead to risky sexual and reproductive health behaviour, especially among unmarried young people. They include the lack of sexual and reproductive health information and education, as well as the lack of accessible sexual and reproductive health services. Young people need comprehensive sexuality education to enable them to acquire the knowl- edge and skills to make the right choices that are appropriate to their needs. They are also the need for user-friendly sexual and reproductive health services to avoid risky sexual practices that can result in unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. FRHAM has been working tirelessly in these two areas and our reputation for working with young people has been recognised with new projects funded by Chevron Malaysia Limited and the Dutch Govern- ment’s SALIN Plus fund through IPPF.

In our aim to be inclusive, we have broadened our reach to those who have been marginalised. Among the most margin- alised, the sex workers have been found to be not accessing comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, including HIV prevention. At FRHAM, we strive to provide non-judgmental services at all times, including affirming the rights of sex workers to accessing and receive these services. To us, improving the access of sexual and reproductive health services, including HIV prevention, will ultimately contribute to the achievement of the 6th MDG of combating and reducing HIV/ AIDS incidents in Malaysia.

On 20 January 2009, we received the official approval from the Registrar of Societies to change the name of the Federa- tion to “Federation of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia (FRHAM)”. It is our vision that the name change will reflect our renewed commitment to the sexual and reproductive health of every individual. My deep appreciation goes to our donors and partners, especially IPPF, United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC), Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD), the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB/LPPKN) as well as many other private and non-governmental organizations who have continued to support and invest in our programmes.

Finally, let me conclude by expressing my heartfelt thanks to the National Council members, the various committee mem- bers, the entire team of staff at FRHAM, as well as volunteers and staff at all the State Member Associations, for your stead- fast dedication and commitment which have contributed immensely to the performance and achievements throughout the year of 2009. Under these challenging economic times, to continue to get external funding is excellent work. It shows the appreciation of the quality work a donor can expect from FRHAM. With this, I encourage all of you to continue with the excellent work in ensuring many more successes in the coming years.

Thank you.

Dato’ Jaffar Indot President

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia  ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009  MESSAGE FROM CHAIRMAN

2009 marked the year the Federation embarked on many new projects, many of these stemming from our involvement in the underserved and marginalized communities. It has been our be- lief that sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and rights of men and women of all ages and walks of life must be met as the country progressed to a developed status.

Effective from 28 January 2009, the Federation of Family zone” of providing services to the local communities, to Planning Associations, Malaysia (FFPAM) has changed its serving those with vastly different cultures who speak name to the Federation of Reproductive Health Associations, languages foreign to us. Coupled with teething problems Malaysia (FRHAM). This change of name does not mean at the beginning of the project, frustration was a regular that we are turning our back on family planning programmes. occurrence. At those times, it was the dedication and Instead, we are embracing a broader reproductive health passion of the staff that kept the project going; and I must perspective, one that not only emphasizes satisfying the put on record FRHAM’s appreciation to them, as it was unmet needs for family planning, but also includes other through their perseverance that we managed to bridge dimensions such as gender equity, reproductive rights, the language gap, to gain trust and support from the adolescent sexual and reproductive health, safe abortion, refugee communities in order to initiate communications as well as concerns about HIV/AIDS. and co-operation. Our success has provided the much needed boost to FRHAM to continue to reach out to the 2009 marked the year the Federation embarked on underserved refugees to fulfill their unmet SRH needs. many new projects, many of these stemming from our involvement in the underserved and marginalized FRHAM has always championed the right of young people communities. It has been our belief that sexual and to SRH knowledge and services. We recognize that the reproductive health (SRH) services and rights of men and lack of provision of education, information and services to women of all ages and walks of life must be met as the young people is partly to be blamed for the social country progressed to a developed status. It was with this problems affecting our young people. This prompted belief that we re-orientated our services and programmes FRHAM to request funding through IPPF to strengthen away from focusing on those easiest to reach towards youth friendly services and information in all State MAs. those who are marginalized and excluded and those who Through the Dutch Government’s SALIN Plus funds, most need and want these services. However, taking on FRHAM managed to secure grants to set up youth friendly the project of “Increasing Access to SRH services and Rights centres which will provide youth friendly SRH services by for the Refugee Communities in the Klang Valley” funded recruiting young people to reach out to young people, to by the Japan Trust Fund through IPPF proved that provide them with SRH information. Because this reaching out to this underserved population of refugees project calls for youths to be given decision making can be a challenging venture. It was indeed a learning responsibilities, it is also our hope that they can also learn experience in itself: we have to move out of our “comfort to be future leaders of the State MAs.

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia  ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009  MESSAGE FROM CHAIRMAN

The UNFPA project “Reaching Out to Disadvantaged Youths to Address Their SRH Needs and HIV Prevention through Peer Education” is already in the third year of its implementation. This year, we have managed to advocate for national and local support of this project and expanded the programme to another three juvenile homes/centres in , Perak and Selangor. We very much look forward to expand the programme to East Malaysia in 2010 and hope to be able show a bigger impact of the project.

Addressing the public health needs of persons in the sex work sector, advancing the rights of this population who faces stigma, expanding equal sexual and reproductive health services to them are the core factors that propelled FRHAM to take on the UNFPA-funded project “HIV and Sex Work” in 2008. It is our hope that the situation analysis of sex work in the country will provide us with some pertinent information that can contribute to the Plan of Action on HIV, scheduled to be revised in 2010. Meanwhile, capacity building programmes were provided and FRHAM, with the support of State MAs and other non- governmental organizations, continued with the ardent tasks of reaching out to the sex workers to meet their SRH needs.

In recognition of ICPD at 15, FRHAM, in collaboration with Reproductive Rights Advocacy Alliance Malaysia (RRAAM) conducted a high level government agencies and non-government organizations policy dialogue on “Increasing Access to Reproductive Rights to Contraceptive Information and Services, SRHR Education for Youths and Legal Abortion”. In addition, with funding from UNFPA, FRHAM prepared the ICPD+15 – ICPD Third Country Report of Malaysia: NGO Perspective. This comprehensive report is being finalized and is due for publication in 2010.

In ensuring that the rights to SRH information and services are made available to all especially the marginalised groups in a non-discriminatory and judgmental environment, FRHAM secured funding from the Ford Foundation through IPPF to sensitize our service providers to support this initiative. Under this project, the principles in the IPPF Declaration of Sexual Rights form the basis of non-discrimination in all our programmes and services.

This year’s calendar was also marked with many major international conferences. Among them were the 9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific held in Bali, Indonesia, UNESCAP Asia Pacific High-level Forum on ICPD at 15: Accelerating Progress Towards ICPD and the Millennium Development Goals, in Bangkok, , the 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, in Beijing, China, and last but not least, the International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH) 9th World Congress on Adolescent Health, . I am truly encouraged that volunteers and staff of FRHAM and the State MAs have made the effort to be part of all these important events, not merely as participants but as presenters as well as the organizing committee members. I look forward to FRHAM involving in many more international SRHR events and playing a pivotal role not only in SRHR in Malaysia, but within the Asia Pacific region as well.

On the IPPF front, this year saw a change of leadership in IPPF ESEAOR with the retirement of the Regional Director. Please join with me in thanking the outgoing Regional Director Datuk Dr. Raj Karim for her dedicated commitment to IPPF ESEAOR over the years. In the absence of a Regional Director, we continue to pledge our full support to Mrs. Sun Paranjothy as the Acting Regional Director, who will be leading the regional efforts in addressing the challenges of delivering the promises of the 5As with renewed energy.

At the Federation, we also say goodbye to outgoing Executive Director Ms. Mary Pang who during her service with FRHAM, brought a breath of fresh air for the Federation. I look forward to welcoming a new Executive Director who can lead the Federation to realize our vision of providing universal access to sexual and reproductive health throughout Malaysia.

Thank you.

Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali Chairman

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia  ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009  HONORARY SECRETARY-GENERAL’S REPORT

Throughout the year, we are so privileged to have received so much support from our new and existing funding agen- cies and partner organizations. They have put so much trust in FRHAM as a responsible, accountable and credible organization in promoting the sexual and reproductive health and rights of all communities in the country.

As the United Nations commemorated the 15th anniversary contraceptive device, 1% implants and 1% spermicides. It of the 1994 landmark International Conference on is worth noting that this year, we introduced a new Population and Development (ICPD) this year, we continue contraceptive method – contraceptive patch. Despite the to face economic challenges related to sexual and relatively high cost, it nonetheless received fairly good reproductive health and rights. Despite the progress response in . Malaysia has made since the ICPD, implementation of SRH programmes, especially by the non-governmental agencies, The SRH programmes provided services to a total of 18,129 has been thwarted by the financial crisis and a decline in clients in 2009 in addition to 1,846 young people below development aide by international donors. Nevertheless, 25 years old, 3,634 menopause clients and another 3,695 FRHAM has been resolute and has taken concerted efforts male clients. It was disheartening to note that despite our to counter these challenges in 2009; and it gives me great vast outreach, we are still faced with the reality of declining pleasure and honour to report our progress and highlight number of acceptors every year. This served as a stark the various initiatives taken to realize our objectives. reminder to FRHAM and all the State MAs that it is time to truly move forward and concentrating our efforts to focus Programme Highlights – Access on the responce to the unmet need of family planning and SRH services in the underserved and marginalized In 2009, a wide range of sexual and reproductive health communities such as the disadvantaged youths, people (SRH) services were provided extensively nationwide living with HIV, the refugees, the sex workers, the high risk through a total of 391 service outlets, comprising 38 static group of partners and spouses of injecting drug users, etc. clinic and 353 resupply points. These clinical programmes Meanwhile, the project grant from the Ministry of Women, were further supplemented by 236 Community Clinic Family and Community Development for the “Nur Extension Family Planning (COMCEFP) agents, of which Sejahtera: Sihat dan Segak” National Pap Smear Screening 218 were medical practitioners and 18 community-based programme provided a total of 27,280 Pap smears. distributors. Moving on to restricted grant projects, FRHAM started a Core family planning programmes served a total of 74,362 two year project funded by the Japan Trust Fund through family planning acceptors of whom 13,763 were new IPPF “Increasing Access to SRH Services and Rights for the acceptors and 60,599 continuing acceptors. The choices Refugee Communities in the Klang Valley” in May 2009. of contraceptive methods of the family planning clients This project undertaken by Selangor and WP FPA aimed have remained fairly constant over the years: 73% chose to improve the SRH of refugees living in the Klang Valley oral pills, 10% condoms, 9% injectables, 7% intra-uterine through increase utilization of SRH services, information

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia  ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009  HONORARY SECRETARY-GENERAL’S REPORT

and education. The project started with meetings with MA levels to monitor the project closely, and to advocate the refugee community leaders and stakeholders. young people’s SRH needs and services to the local stake- Subsequently, outreach and healthcare workers from the holders. IEC materials were being distributed in stages refugee communities were engaged, sensitized and to the State MAs. A Sensitization and Capacity Building provided with SRH trainings to prepare them to reach out Workshop was conducted by FRHAM for all State MAs and serve the communities. At the same time, information, to orientate and sensitize the staff and service provid- education and communication (IEC) materials were ers. Youth Coordinators were recruited at State MAs to being translated and printed for distribution. To chart their lead and monitor the project while peer educators who progress, monthly meetings were carried out with outreach were trained under UNFPA’s project also volunteered in and healthcare workers. With such intense efforts, the this project. Since this is only a two-year project, activities project has reached out to 3,040 refugees and served 832 were being carried out intensively to ensure that all dead- acceptors since August 2009. It is envisaged that if such lines will be met within the project period. good responses continued throughout the following year, FRHAM may have to seek funding to replicate the project Programme Highlights – Advocacy in other states with high refugee presence. In recognition of ICPD at 15, a FRHAM-Reproductive Rights Programme Highlights – Adolescents Advocacy Alliance Malaysia (RRAAM) high level policy dia- logue on “Increasing Access to the Reproductive Rights In 2009, the UNFPA-funded project “Reaching Out to to Contraceptive Information and Services, SRHR Educa- Disadvantaged Youths to Address Their SRH Needs and tion for Youths and Legal Abortion” was carried out in May. HIV Prevention through Peer Education Programme” was Participants from government and non-governmental implemented at Sekolah Tunas Bakti (STB) Jerantut, Pahang, agencies were invited to provide inputs on what needs Taman Seri Puteri (TSP) Batu Gajah, Perak and Raudhatus to be done by both sides in order to implement Malaysia’s Sakinah Selangor Shelter Home. Courtesy visits and ICPD agreements on contraceptive information and serv- sensitization for caretakers were conducted. This year, ices, sexual and reproductive health rights for young peo- trainings at project sites were coupled with baseline ple and legal abortion services. Meanwhile, the UNFPA- and end-line assessments to measure SRH and HIV/AIDS funded official report of FRHAM’s “ICPD+15 – ICPD Third knowledge levels and to provide additional inputs on Country Report of Malaysia: NGO Perspective” has been programme planning. In addition, follow-up activities finalised and is due for publication in the following year. were conducted at STB Marang, and STB Jerantut, Pahang to monitor the peer educators who have For third year in a roll, FRHAM partnered with Bayer Co. been tasked to meet and share their knowledge with their (M) Sdn. Bhd. to promote World Contraception Day on friends. Re-trainings for a new batch of Peer Educators 26 September 2009. This year, the campaign centred on were also done in 2008 project sites of STB Taiping, Perak, young people’s sexuality and contraception practices to STB Sg. Lereh, Melaka and TSB Cheras, KL. Lastly, using the increase awareness on contraception. Ministry of Health (MOH) grant, four Training of Trainers sessions were conducted for youth volunteers in Melaka, Programme Highlights – AIDS/HIV Terengganu, Perak and Sarawak and these volunteers would be mobilized to train residents at the homes. A total of RM410,000 MOH grant was received by FRHAM and State MAs in 2009 to implement 13 long term projects A new project under Adolescents “Strengthening Youth and 17 short term projects. Additional grant amounting Friendly Services and Information in All State MAs”, fund- to RM131,200 was provided by Malaysian AIDS Council ed by Dutch Government’s SALIN Plus funds through IPPF, (MAC) to complement the MOH grant. The long term aims to provide SRH services to young people as well as to projects focused on outreach activities to sex workers and increase their participation and leadership. All State MAs transsexuals while the short term projects were on health undertook the project, eight State MAs (Melaka, , campaigns targeting women and young people. NS, Perak, , , Sarawak and Selangor and WP) had started the project in 2009 while the remaining State MAC also provided another RM130,000 for FPA’s MAs will start in 2010. Advisory Committee Meeting was Hospital Peer Support Programme and Sarawak FPA’s conducted in August and attended by various stakehold- “Breaking the Silence” project. In addition, the M.A.C. Cos- ers from both government and non-governmental agen- metics Fund amounting to RM55,020 was provided for cies. Task forces were formed at both FRHAM and State Penang FHDA’s Maycare Center.

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia  ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009  HONORARY SECRETARY-GENERAL’S REPORT

Another restricted fund project under AIDS/HIV is the UNFPA-funded “HIV and Sex Work” project. In 2009, the Situational Analysis on Sex Work in Malaysia (Directory of Research, Research Study and Framework for Plan of Action) has been com- pleted. Orientation, training and capacity building programmes have been conducted for service providers and outreach workers at project sites in Selangor, WP, Penang and Sarawak. On service provision, 3 State MAs (Penang, Sarawak and Selangor and WP) have provided SRH information and services, particularly HIV prevention, to a total of 555 sex workers.

Programme Highlights – Abortion

FRHAM collaborated with RRAAM to conduct two seminars on “Reproductive Health, Reproductive Rights and Abortion” in Pahang and Sabah to advocate for women’s rights to access to legal, safe and affordable contraceptive and abortion services. Both seminars received over-whelming responses, especially from the medical professionals.

At FRHAM, the Medical Committee and National Council have approved the “Guidelines on Pre- and Post-Abortion Coun- selling”. These guidelines have been circulated to all the State MAs to provide critical support to the clinics under the abor- tion-related services.

Programme Highlights – Support Strategies

The IPPF/Ford Foundation project “Sexual Rights for All” started in the month of May 2009. This one-year project is im- plemented by Reproductive Health Association of Kelantan (ReHAK). It aims to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights within a framework of non-discrimination in Malaysia. To achieve this goal, the project focused on building up the capacity of FRHAM and its State MAs to implement and integrate the “Sexual Rights: An IPPF Declaration” into existing programmes and services. In 2009, the IPPF Declaration was being translated into Bahasa Malaysia, and national and state level capacity building workshops were conducted.

This year, the FRHAM SRH Training Centre has made some major inroads in resource mobilization. At the end of the year, the Training Centre was approached by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to offer training courses for the refugee community health workers. A total of RM51,930 was granted by UNHCR to conduct SRH trainings for refugee groups. Another highlight was the Chevron Malaysia Limited funded project: RHAM Workshops in Schools. Under their “Energy for Learning” initiative, Chevron Malaysia sponsored a total of RM151,000 for FRHAM to conduct RHAM Workshops in secondary schools in Kelantan, Melaka, Perak and Selangor/Wilayah Persekutuan, SRH and HIV awareness campaign in Terengganu, as well as two sensitization workshops in Selangor/Wilayah Persekutuan and Kelantan.

Throughout the year, we are so privileged to have received so much support from our new and existing funding agencies and partner organizations. They have put so much trust in FRHAM as a responsible, accountable and credible organization in promoting the sexual and reproductive health and rights of all communities in the country. We are equally appreciative of our staff, as in so many occasions, when the projects hit a snag, we had to rely on their dedicated support and unending passion to move the projects forward the best way they could. Before I conclude, I would like to once again record our deepest appreciation to all our volunteers, staff and partners for their invaluable support and assistance.

Thank you.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mary Huang Soo Lee Honorary Secretary-General

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia  ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009  HONORARY SECRETARY-GENERAL’S REPORT OFFICIALS OF FRHAM


Dato’ Jaffar Indot President

Dato’ Yong Khoon Seng Datuk Dr. Yee Thiam Sun Dato’ Dr. Yeow Seng Huat Dr. Lo Soo Khim Tan Sri Napsiah Omar Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President


Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali Chairman

Mr. Richard Lim Beng Poh Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mr. James Harold Brodie Vice-Chairman Mary Huang Soo Lee Honorary Treasurer-General Honorary Secretary-General

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia  ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009  COMMITTEES AND HONORARY OFFICIALS

NATIONAL COUNCIL MEDICAL COMMITTEE Chairman Dr. Ahmad Amir Ismail (Chairman) Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali Dr. Edward Sia Hock Nung Dr. Philip Kho Thong Kwong Vice-Chairman Dr. Annuar Husainy Hussein Mr. Richard Lim Beng Poh EDUCATION COMMITTEE Honorary Secretary-General Ms Yeap Meng Chee (Chairperson) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mary Huang Soo Lee Mr. Pritpal Singh Jarnail Singh Mr. Hasmukharay Chotalal Honorary Treasurer-General Ms Wong Li Leng Mr. James Harold Brodie EVALUATION COMMITTEE State MA Delegates Sr. Mohd Zukee Mohd Ragam (Chairman) Johor FPA – Mr. A Visvalingam Dr. Abdul Razif Abdul Razak Kedah FPA – Dr. Umasundari Ramanathan Mr. Ong Hong Kong Kelantan ReHA – Prof. Dr. Mohd Shukri Othman Assoc. Prof. Tey Nai Peng Melaka FPA – Mr. Hasmukharay Chotalal Prof. Dr. Low Wah Yun FPA – Mdm. Chuah Poh Choo Pahang FPA – Dr. Sudesan Raman Penang FHDA – Mr. Ong Lay Seong WOMEN’S DEVELOPMENT Perak FHA – Mr. Ong Hong Kong FPA – Mr. Pritpal Singh Jarnail Singh COMMITTEE Datin Dr. Selva Malar Rasiah (Chairperson) Sabah FPA – Dr. Teo Tu Huah Mdm. Chuah Poh Choo Sarawak FPA – Dr. Philip Kho Thong Kwong Assoc. Prof. Siti Hawa Ali Selangor & WP FPA – Datin Paduka Khatijah Suleiman Datin Paduka Khatijah Suleiman Terengganu FPA – Mdm. Teo Beng Lay HONORARY OFFICIALS PROGRAMME AND Honorary Legal Advisor MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Ms Rasamani Kandiah Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali (Chairman) Honorary Auditor Mr. Richard Lim Beng Poh Dr. Choong Sim Poey Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mary Huang Soo Lee Mr. James Harold Brodie TRUSTEES Dr. Ahmad Amir Ismail Mrs. Leong How Seong Ms Yeap Meng Chee Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam Sr. Mohd Zukee Mohd Ragam Datuk Dr. Khairudin Yusof Datin Dr. Selva Malar Rasiah Mr. Hasmukharay Chotalal Dr. Teo Tu Huah

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 11 REPRESENTATION IN OTHER AGENCIES

INTERNATIONAL PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION (IPPF) CENTRAL OFFICE Governing Council Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali (Regional Chairman) Ms Wong Li Leng (Regional Youth Representative) Membership Committee Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mary Huang Soo Lee

IPPF EAST AND SOUTH EAST ASIA AND OCEANIA REGION (IPPF ESEAOR) Regional Council Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali (Regional Chairman) Ms Yeap Meng Chee Ms Wong Li Leng (Regional Youth Representative)

NATIONAL POPULATION AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT BOARD Board of Directors Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mary Huang Soo Lee (Alternate) Advisory and Coordinating Committee on Reproductive Health Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mary Huang Soo Lee Mr. Richard Lim Beng Poh







Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 11 FRHAM SECRETARIAT STAFF

Executive Director Supplies Assistant Ms Mary Pang Mooi Fong (until 22 June 2009) Ms Nor Aishah Ngadimin (until 15 December 2009)

Head, Administration and General Services Office Assistant Ms Leong Jen Voon (from 15 July 2009) Ms Rosnani Mohamed Rawi Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (until 14 July 2009) Programme Assistant Head, Programme Services Ms Vimala Rajah Kasinathan Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (from 15 July 2009) Ms Nona Latifah Khalid Ms EL Sheila Kanavathi (until 28 January 2009) General Clerk Senior Officer, Programme Services Vacant Mr. Muhammad Ariffin (from 1 April until 3 May 2009) Driver Finance Officer Mr. Azmi Mohd Kadri Ms Li-Lina Wu

Resource Development and Training Officer Ms Tan Sok Teng

Media and Publications Officer Mr. Loh Boon Hun (from 20 August 2009) Ms Leong Jen Voon (until 14 July 2009)

Family Planning and Reproductive Health Officer Ms Low Sam Ling (from 12 January 2009)

Evaluation and MIS Officer Mr. Ramasami Alagrisamy

Community Education Officer Ms Kuek Yen Sim

Youth Officer Ms Jasmina Gafor (from 24 August 2009)

Project Coordinator Datin Salmah Mohd Noor (until 1 September 2009)

Research Assistant Ms Juliana Ooi Sue May (until 16 March 2009)

Finance Assistant Mr. Maraiah Thevudu

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 13 FRHAM ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE





ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL SERVICES PROGRAMME SERVICES Administration Family Planning and Reproductive Health Finance and Accounts Monitoring and Evaluation Commodities and Supplies Advocacy Resource Development Youth and Community Education Training HIV/AIDS Media and Publications Women’s Development



Mandatory & Administrative Matters Consultative Matter

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 13 ACCESS

Provision of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services to Marginalised Groups

The healthcare needs of refugee communities are often neglected due to the challenges (economics, language, distance and legality of their presence in the country) they face in accessing health services. As such, FRHAM spearheaded a 2-year project funded by the Japan Trust Fund (JTF) through IPPF aimed at improving the sexual and repro- ductive health (SRH) and rights of refugee communities by pro- viding accessibility to SRH services including family planning.

The project started by engaging refugee community leaders to lay the groundwork for communication and cooperation. Healthcare workers and outreach workers were then recruit- ed from the community to facilitate clinical services and to conduct outreach activities. Subsequently, orientation pro- grammes, capacity building sessions and sensitization work- shops were provided to the outreach and healthcare workers, as well as to service providers from the Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan FPA (S&WP FPA). At the same time, information, A doctor attending to a refugee client in a S&WP FPA education and communication (IEC) materials were translated clinic in Selangor. and printed for distribution. To fulfil the unmet needs of the community, S&WP FPA clinics started to provide SRH services to refugees in June 2009; and as of the end of 2009, some 832 refugees have accessed these services.

There have been many challenges throughout the imple- mentation of the project, the greatest being the security of the outreach and healthcare workers. Despite support from the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, local enforcement authorities continued to harass and/or arrest the outreach and healthcare workers. The other major challenge is the language barrier: most of the refugees could not understand the local language and/or English when accessing services. In this respect, out- reach and healthcare workers played a pivotal role in bridg- A volunteer doctor caring for a refugee client assisted ing the language gap, ensuring better understanding of the by a healthcare worker and a nurse. needs and concerns of the communities.

Despite the challenges, the increasing number of refugee ac- cessing services in the clinics has shown that the project has gained trust and support from the community. This has in- deed provided the much needed boost to FRHAM and S&WP FPA to continue to reach out to more refugees in order to fulfil their unmet SRH needs.

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At an exhibition held in conjunction with the UNHCR A refugee outreach worker explaining the influence of Refugee Health Awareness Day, a refugee learns the custom and culture during a group work session. correct way of putting on a condom.

One population that is often overlooked politically, so- cially, economically and culturally, even though they have very specific SRH needs, are the transgender people. To FRHAM, transgenders are human beings and de- served to be treated with respect and dignity; thus, we con- tinue to take affirmative action to promote the SRH and rights of transgender people. In Malaysia, transgendered persons, especially those involved in sex work, often engage in risky behaviour and do not usually have the means or knowledge to reduce their risks to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. Melaka FPA recognized the need to provide interventions for this vulnerable population and with funding from MOH through Malaysian AIDS Council, has embarked on a project to promote safer sex behaviours among this com- munity. Among the major interventions are outreaching to transgender people, providing SRH information and educa- Transgender people were routinely included in Melaka tion, promoting and distributing condoms and IEC materi- FPA’s group education sessions. als and most importantly, providing access to SRH services, including appropriate management of STIs and confidential HIV counselling services.

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Improving Access of Sexual and Reproductive Health to All Communities

FRHAM is committed to prioritizing access to all community including the most underserved groups who for reasons such as poverty, geographically inaccessibility, marital status, culture, age, gender or sexuality are not adequately served by established SRH service delivery programmes. Towards this end, FRHAM and the State MAs continue to educate women and men about their bodies, reproduction, and the health and economic benefits of contra- Negeri Sembilan FPA carried out a road A health campaign sponsored by the ception via a variety of approaches. show on health awareness to reach out Soroptomist International Kuantan for to the underserved communities. the suburban population in Pahang.

Pahang FPA provided a variety of health In conjunction with Women’s Day, Perak Johor FPA organised a talk on breast and services at a Rotary Club of Kuantan FHA held an exhibition on SRH aware- cervical cancers for workers in a factory. health campaign for a rural FELCRA set- ness, information and education at a tlement. shopping centre.

Various health services were provided At the Program Citrasihat jointly organ- ReHA Kelantan has a Breast Care Centre during the Nur Sejahtera health pro- ised with the Malaysian Health Promo- that serves as a resource centre for breast gramme jointly organised by the State tion Board in Kuala Terengganu, a Ter- cancer information, education and sup- Welfare Department and Perlis FPA. engganu FPA staff demonstrating breast port. self examination to visitors.

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Empowering Youths through Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge

FRHAM believes that empowering young people by providing them with sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information, education and services, is critical to achieving their individual development, safe- guarding their own health and well being, and enabling them not only to become the decision makers of the future, but to be active citizens today. This year, FRHAM and the State MAs conducted a total of 114 adoles- cent SRH-related campaigns, exhibitions, camps, seminars, forums, workshops, talks for young people throughout the country. Using the peer education approach in most of these activities – trained peer trainers and educators are mo- bilised to reach out to their peers in ways that adults cannot, in an effort to ensure that young people really received the SRH information and education that enable them to make safe and responsible decisions.

A “SRH and Family Planning” exhibition held in a private college in Young volunteers responding to questions from school students at a Selangor received overwhelming responses from the students. SRH exhibition held in a secondary school in Wilayah Persekutuan.

During an exhibition in a private college in Cyberjaya, a young Primary school students attending a SRH talk given by a vol- volunteer explains the “rhythm method” to foreign students. unteer from Pahang FPA.

Young volunteers having fun at a SRH workshop in Penang. Secondary schools students in Penang getting a closer look at some of the SRH materials after a SRH talk.

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Strengthening Youth Friendly Services and Information in All State Member Associations

In addition to SRH information and education, young people are also in need of youth-friendly SRH services. Despite a wide network of government and private hospitals and clinics, young people’s access to SRH services, including contraception, is still limited. FRHAM, recognising that young people need a safe environment with youth-friendly health- care services, has prioritised this particular need through a project funded by the Dutch Government’s SALIN Plus funds (through IPPF): “Strengthening Youth Friendly Services and Information in All State Member Associations by Setting Up Youth Friendly Centres”.

The project not only aims to enhance the quality of SRH in- formation and services to young people, it also emphasises youth involvement and participation, where young people are involved in every stage of the project, from design of the youth friendly project, to outreach activities targeting mar- ginalised young people. With so much youth involvement, it is envisaged that the project would contribute to increasing young people’s participation and leadership at the State MAs.

All State MAs undertook the project with eight State MAs (Melaka, Kelantan, NS, Perak, Penang, Sabah, Sarawak and Se- langor and WP) starting the project implementation in 2009 while the remaining State MAs will start with recruitment of young people as volunteers/peer educators. With a very tight deadline of two years to complete the implementation, both FRHAM and all the State MAs are extremely hard pressed for time to recruit young people to set up the centres, provide all the necessary training and education on SRH, carry out out- reach activities to reach out to young people as well as start providing services to young people in need. It is our hope that through this project we can meet the rights of young people to SRH services, thus fulfilling part of our ICPD commitment.

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Reaching Out to Disadvantaged Youths to Address Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs and HIV Prevention through Peer Education

This 5-year UNFPA-funded project “Reaching Out to Disadvantaged Youths to Address Sexual and Re- productive Health Needs and HIV Prevention through Peer Education” strives to empower young people who are confined to institutions or juvenile rehabilitation schools/homes with SRH information through peer education to ensure that they adopt healthy lifestyles and responsible behaviours. This project uti- lises the “tried and tested” peer education approach which involves trained peer trainers providing SRH information and education to peer educators in the homes, who are then tasked to share their knowledge on SRH and HIV/AIDS with their fellow residents. Through this approach, peers act as a trusted and credible source of information since they share similar experiences and social norms and are therefore better placed to provide relevant, meaningful, explicit and honest information.

In its third year, this UNFPA-funded project made its mark at Sekolah Tunas Bakti (STB) Jerantut, Pahang, Taman Seri Putri (TSB) Batu Gajah, Perak and Raudhatus Sakinah Selangor Shel- ter Home. Learning from the previous year’s experience, this year, courtesy visits and sensitization for caretakers were con- ducted in all the above locations before the actual activities and trainings were carried out. Baseline and end-line assess- ments were conducted before and after trainings to measure SRH and HIV/AIDS knowledge levels to ensure effectiveness of programmes as well as to provide additional inputs on pro- gramme planning.

In addition to the 3 new sites, follow-up activities were also being conducted at STB Marang, Terengganu and STB Jer- antut, Pahang to monitor the peer educators in the homes, who have been tasked to meet and shared their knowledge on SRH and HIV/AIDS with their fellow residents. As for the 2008 project sites of STB Sg. Lereh, Melaka and STB Taiping, Perak, since most of the peer educators have been released, trainings were provided to a new batch of peer educators by Melaka FPA and Perak FHA respectively.

In addition, a total of 4 training of trainers (TOT) sessions were Counsellors, caretakers and staff from the conducted to 126 youth volunteers from universities and col- Welfare Department were trained on SRH leges in Melaka, Perak, Sarawak and Terengganu with funding and sensitized on the SRH needs of the resi- from Ministry of Health through Malaysian AIDS Council. Us- dents in juvenile schools/homes. ing the training manual developed specifically for this project, “Perjalanan Kehidupan” (“Life’s Journey”), these young volun- teers or peer trainers have been mobilized to the homes to train residents there.

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Advocating Increasing Access to Reproductive Health and Rights at ICPD+15 Policy Dialogue and Country Report

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Devel- opment (ICPD), a seminal gathering of health, wom- en’s rights, and development leaders held in Cairo in 1994. The ICPD 20-year Program of Action (PoA), en- dorsed by the Malaysian Government, recognized that women’s empowerment, gender equality, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are critical to achieving sustainable development, reducing pov- erty and meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). To assess Malaysia’s progress in implementing the ICPD PoA, FRHAM, in collaboration with Reproduc- tive Rights Advocacy Alliance Malaysia (RRAAM) held a high level policy dialogue on “Increasing Access to the A total of 46 participants from both government and non-gov- Reproductive Rights to Contraceptive Information and ernmental agencies were invited to attend the FRHAM-RRAAM Services, SRHR Education for Youths and Legal Abortion” dialogue on “Increasing Access to the Reproductive Rights to Contraceptive Information and Services, SRHR Education for in May. A total of 46 participants from government and Youths and Legal Abortion”. non-governmental agencies were invited to attend this dialogue to provide inputs and to agree on specific ac- tions that need to be taken by both government and non-governmental agencies in order to realise Malaysia’s ICPD PoA on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for all women irrespective of marital status and age. At the end of the dialogue, all participants concluded that the dialogue provided clear directions for actions as both government and non-governmental stakeholders were FRHAM’s “ICPD+15 – ICPD able to critically analyse the pertinent issues identified. Third Country Report of Malaysia: NGO Perspective” In order to appraise the country-level implementation of has been completed and is the ICPD PoA as well as to focus on the MDG of improv- expected to be published in 2010. ing maternal health, FRHAM has obtained funding from UNFPA to produce a report “ICPD+15 – ICPD Third Coun- try Report of Malaysia: NGO Perspective”. The 112-page report has since been finalised and is due for publication in the following year.

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Advocating Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Young People through the Media

In August, Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali, Chairman of FRHAM was invited by a private radio station, BFM89.9, to address young people’s reproductive health in the segment “The Bigger Picture”. The radio interview touched on young peo- ple’s sexual and reproductive health needs and successfully highlighted the pressing issues of (the lack of) comprehensive sexuality education in schools, as well as presenting to the public FRHAM’s roles in promoting and responding to sexual- ity education. The interview has attracted widespread atten- tion and received very positive feedback from the public. Dr. Kamaruzaman has received further invitation from the radio station to do more radio interviews in the following year. Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali (left) interviewed by BFM89.9 on the topic of young people’s sexual and reproduc- tive health needs.

Advocating Contraception and Reproductive Health through World Contraception Day

For third year in a roll, FRHAM partnered with Bayer Co. (M) Sdn. Bhd. to promote World Contraception Day on 26 September 2009. This year, the campaign centred on young people’s sexuality and contraception practices to in- crease awareness on contraception. Acting on the findings of the first ever multinational survey exploring young people’s attitude towards sex and contraception “Talking Sex and Con- traception: What Young People Around the World Told Us”, this year’s theme “Your Life, Your Voice: Talk Contraception” called on Malaysian youths to be responsible for their own bodies and lives by talking to people they trust to acquire accurate and correct information in order to make informed choices in areas related to their reproductive health. (From left to right) Ms JV Leong from FRHAM, Dr. Premitha, Prof. Dr. Jamiyah, Dr. Shunitra and Mr. Andy Siow from Bayer Co. (M) Sdn Bhd launched World Contraception Day 2009.

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Ensuring Access to Prevention, Care, Support and Services

For HIV/AIDS, the major gains in the past 30 years have been in both knowledge and care: from the identification of the virus to development of diag- nosis and treatment. Despite these gains, preju- dice, discrimination and stigmatization of people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS continue to hamper efforts to tackle the epidemic. It is undeni- able that the extent of stigma and discrimination against those infected and affected by HIV has been constantly underestimated – they continue to experience ostra- cism, eviction, lost or restricted access to employment and education. It is therefore imperative that part of the A “Leading the Way towards Positive Living” workshop funding for HIV/AIDS be used to lend support to those held in Tuaran, Sabah. infected and affected by HIV, ensuring that they receive the information, care and services they need. With the support of the Ministry of Health (MOH)/Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC), some of the major deliverables were “Leading the Way towards Positive Living” – workshops for housewives infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, “Breaking the Silence” to support families infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, “Hospital Peer Support Programme” to provide emotional and practical support to those newly diag- nosed to be HIV-positive, and “Maycare Drop-In Centre” which provides counselling, skill workshops, job referrals, food and resting place for people living with HIV, their families and caregivers. Penang FHDA’s Maycare Drop-In Centre organised activi- ties for children as well.

Children having fun playing the red ribbon giant floor Young volunteers of the Selangor and WP FPA “demon- game at the International AIDS Memorial Day event strating” against stigmatization and discrimination of in Penang. people living with HIV during an HIV awareness event.

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Linking HIV/AIDS with Sexual and Reproductive Health of Vulnerable Populations

In general, sex workers are more vulnerable to contracting HIV because of their livelihood. The stigma and discrimination experienced by them impedes their access to appropriate HIV prevention, treatment and care services. The difficulty with this vulnerable group is that their risky sexual behaviour is usually not accepted within social norms. This poses further hurdle to them accessing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, including HIV prevention. In addition, laws against sex work also hamper effort to reach this group. Thus, despite the acknowledgement that sex workers remain one of the keys to addressing the ongoing HIV/AIDS epidemic, tackling the above problems is ham- pered by their exclusion from access to prevention, treatment and care. However, HIV/AIDS funding bodies can help to improve the situation of this population, not only by providing funds directly, but also ensuring that agencies working in HIV/AIDS act to improve the health of this population.

It is undeniable that the correct and consistent use of condoms remains one of the most important responses to the HIV/ AIDS epidemic. Therefore, condom demonstration constituted an important part of outreach work on HIV prevention.

UNFPA and FRHAM have been at the forefront linking core In 2009, MAC also provided funding to FRHAM and SRH services and HIV services by increasing and improv- the State MAs of Kedah, Kelantan, Melaka, Penang and ing access and utilization of SRH information and services, Sarawak to implement the “Safer Sex Education” outreach particularly HIV prevention to those involved in sex work. programme to reach out to sex workers to create aware- The 5-year UNFPA project “HIV and Sex Work” started in ness of HIV infection, unintended pregnancies and sexu- 2008 with the expected outcome of increasing access ally transmitted infections (STIs). Complemented by the and utilization of SRH, including HIV, information and serv- UNFPA project, sex workers were also offered on-site SRH ices among the targeted group of sex workers. In order services as well as access to other SRH services in the State to accomplish this, the background work on the Situation MA clinics. It is undeniable that the HIV/AIDS epidemic Analysis on Sex Work in Malaysia, including Directory of remains a crisis that still requires many other responses Research, Research Study and Framework for Plan of Ac- in order to halt and reverse the trend; and FRHAM, work- tion, were completed in 2009. Armed with the required ing on one of these responses of increasing access and background knowledge, the State MAs began to reach out utilization of SRH services (including HIV prevention) by to the sex workers at their workplace to provide SRH and those involved in sex work, ultimately hopes to be able to HIV prevention, information and services and to pave the contribute to this cause. way for them to access SRH services. As of the end of 2009, through the concerted efforts of Penang, Sarawak and Se- langor and WP State MAs, SRH and HIV services were made available to a total of 555 sex workers.

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Advocating for Women’s Right to Contraception and Abortion

Despite the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo 15 years ago, wom- en’s access to contraceptive and abortion services is not widely recognised as a woman’s reproductive right in Malaysia. As such, FRHAM collaborated with Reproductive Rights Advocacy Alliance Malaysia (RRAAM) to conduct two seminars on “Reproductive Health, Reproductive Rights and Abortion” in Pahang and Sabah to advocate for wom- en’s rights to access to legal, safe and affordable contraceptive and abortion services. With support from the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), various topics related to human rights, reproductive health and rights, safe abortion and legality of abortion were presented and discussed in these seminars. Over-whelming re- sponses, especially from the medical professionals to both seminars indicated that there is still a huge need for provision of correct information to both the public and private sector service providers in order to dispel the prevalent miscon- ception on Malaysia’s abortion laws. Lastly, the seminars’ affirmation of women’s rights to have abortions has recognised that all women should be able to exercise control, freedom and choice in their sexual and reproductive health as a core human rights practice.

Strengthening Provision of Abortion-Related Services in the State MAs

Although the State MA clinics do not provide abortion services, FRHAM and the State MAs have incorpo- rated abortion-related services as an integral part of SRH services. In 2009, in an effort to strengthen the provi- sion of abortion-related services in all the State MA clinics, FRHAM’s Medical Committee have finalised the “Guidelines on Pre- and Post-Abortion Counselling”. Following National Council’s approval, these guidelines have been circulated to all the State MAs. These long awaited guidelines are expected to provide the much needed support to the service providers while carrying out abortion-related services.

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Capacity Building

In ensuring that the right to SRH information and services are made available to all especially to the marginalised in a non-discriminatory environment, FRHAM, through Reproductive Health Association of Kelantan, embarked on the IPPF/Ford Foundation “Sexual Rights for All” project. In order to increase the capacity of FRHAM and State MA service providers (staff and volunteers), the IPPF’s Declaration of Sexual Rights was translated into Bahasa Malaysia. The principles of the Dec- laration were integrated into the existing programmes. Fi- nally, national and state level capacity building workshops were carried out to provide information and skills needed Some 40 participants hard at work at the national level IPPF/ to promote and implement the provision of non-discrimi- Ford Foundation “Sexual Rights for All” capacity building natory services. workshop.

In August, 8 FRHAM and State MA staff and volunteers attended the 9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and The Pacific (9th ICAAP) in Bali, Indonesia. The fact that almost all the participants to this congress re- ceived full or partial scholarships from the congress organizers provided solid evidence that the staff and volunteers have progressed beyond relying on sponsorships from our funders and donors, but have instead used their experience and knowledge to obtain financial support in their effort to acquire new knowledge from international forums.

Along with more than one thousand participants from around the world, 11 FRHAM and State MA staff and volunteers attended the 5th Asia Pacific Confer- ence on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights (5th APCRSHR) held in Beijing, China. Prior to the con- ference, the Youth Forum called for extending the reach of reproductive health programmes to include young people, regardless of their marital status. The conference reviewed the progress made by countries in the Asia Pacific region in implementing the ICPD PoA. Apart from offering opportu- nities for participating countries to share and discuss SRH experiences and strategies for the attainment of MDGs, the conference also reaffirmed governments’ commitments FRHAM’s Community Education Officer, Ms Kuek Yen Sim and strategies for achieving universal access to reproduc- (second from right), shared her experience working with tive health by 2015 in the Asia Pacific region. disadvantaged youths at the 5th APCRSHR’s Youth Forum.

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Under the IPPF/SALIN Plus project, FRHAM spon- sored 16 staff and youth volunteers to participate in the 9th International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH) World Congress held in Kuala Lumpur. The IAAH Congress was an intersectoral collaboration be- tween the Malaysian Pediatric Association, Malaysian Asso- ciation for Adolescent Health, Ministry of Health, National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB/LPP- KN) and FRHAM. This congress brought all the stakehold- ers of adolescent health and medicine under one forum, and has projected adolescent health to the forefront to create awareness about their issues. All the youth partici- pants to the congress had the opportunity to participate Ms Wong Li Leng, FRHAM/IPPF’s Regional Youth Represent- in the public forum, the youth debate and youth commen- ative spoke on Youth Response to Sexual and Reproductive taries after each plenary session. Health and Rights at the 9th IAAH Congress.

Resource Mobilization

The grim state of the global economy in 2009 has further threatened the funding to SRH programmes. Therefore, efforts to strengthen resource mobilization and self-sustainability have become even more im- perative at these times. In this regard, the FRHAM SRH Training Centre has made some major strides this year.

Apart from the Reproductive Health of Adolescents Module (RHAM) workshops and collaboration with Bayer Co. (M) Sdn. Bhd. on Public Awareness Creation and Education Programme on Contraception/Family Planning and Reproduc- tive Health, the SRH Training Centre obtained funding from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UN- HCR) in Malaysia to offer training courses for the refugee community health workers. A total of RM51,930 was provided by UNHCR to conduct 3 comprehensive SRH training courses.

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The other major achievement under FRHAM’s resource mobilization is the Chevron Malaysia Limited Caltex Body Works programme on reproductive health for secondary school students. Under their “Energy for Learning” initiative, Chevron Malaysia Limited approved a total of RM151,000 to FRHAM in late 2009, to conduct sensitization workshops for teachers and counsellors, RHAM workshops and SRH awareness campaign in public schools in Selangor, Perak, Melaka, Kelantan and Terengganu. This project will formally take off in the following year and is expected to last about 8 months.

A group of refugee teachers attended a SRH training funded (Left) Mr. Jeremy Oh, Country Chairman, Chevron Malaysia by UNHCR. Limited handed over a mocked cheque to Dr. Kamaruza- man Ali, FRHAM Chairman, to officially launch the Caltex Body Works programme.

One of the major resource mobilization drives at the State MA level was the Negeri Sembilan FPA Raffle Draw, where the State MA managed to raise RM23,000 to aid its community service projects. Over at Sarawak, the Japanese Government extended a financial grant totaling RM75,670.62 to the Sarawak FPA to purchase a ultrasound machine to be used in its Women’s Clinic.

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19 – 21 January IPPF Global Fund Training, Kuala Lumpur Ms Yeap Meng Chee (FRHAM) Ms Mary Pang (FRHAM) Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM)

30 January MAC/APCASO Capacity Building Workshop on Code of Good Ms Mary Pang (FRHAM) Practices for NGOs Responding to HIV/AIDS, Kuala Lumpur Ms Leong Jen Voon (FRHAM)

26 – 28 February Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) CEDAW Shadow Report Writing Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Training, Petaling Jaya

1 – 7 March JOICEFP/IPPF Join Workshop: Advocacy for Resource Mobilization, Dr. Mary Huang (FRHAM) Japan Ms Mary Pang (FRHAM) Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (FRHAM)

15 – 17 March ARROW ICPD +15 Research Writing Workshop, Kuala Lumpur Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (FRHAM)

16 – 20 March IPPF Global Indicators and Service Statistics Workshop, Mr. A Ramasami (FRHAM) Kuala Lumpur Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM)

23 – 27 March IPPF Inter-regional Gender, Rights and Sexuality Focal Points Meeting, Ms Wong Mei Lin (Kelantan ReHA) New York, USA

30 – 31 March MAC M&E Database and Audit Training Workshop, UMMC, Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM), Kuala Lumpur Ms Noor Yasmin (Kedah FPA) Ms Wong Mei Lin (Kelantan ReHA) Mrs. Mehalah Lingam (Melaka FPA), Ms Saminah (NS FPA) Ms Sakunthala Thevy (Pahang FPA) Ms Christine Low (Penang FHDA) Ms Yee Hong Kim (Perak FHA) Ms Ashley Goh (Sabah FPA) Ms Annie Tan (Sarawak FPA) Ms Zunita Othman (Terengganu FPA)

2 – 6 April FRHAM Orientation Programme for Services Providers and Outreach Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (FRHAM) Workers in Sarawak - HIV and Sex Work Programme, Kuching, Bintulu and Limbang, Sarawak

7 – 9 April MAC HIV and Sex Work: Size Estimation Study Mapping Workshop, Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) Kuala Lumpur

13 – 17 April Institute of Public Health National Family Planning – Training of Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Trainers, Melaka Ms Cecilia Choong (Sabah FPA)

21 – 22 April FRHAM Orientation Programme for Services Providers and Outreach Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (FRHAM) Workers in Penang - HIV and Sex Work Programme, Penang Mr. Mohd Arrifin (FRHAM) Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM)

20 – 24 April IPPF ESEAOR Winds of Change - Youth Skills Building Workshop, Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM) Kuala Lumpur Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Mr. Zainal Aziz (Kelantan ReHA) Ms Wong Li Leng (Perak FHA) Ms Chang Hui Kee (Sarawak FPA) Ms Chong Sook Mei (S/WP FPA) Ms Hema Peribanayakhan (S/WP FPA)

23 May Pahang FPA/RRAAM Seminar on Reproductive Health, Reproductive Ms Mary Pang (FRHAM) Rights and Abortion, Kuantan, Pahang Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Ms Wong Li Leng (Perak FHA)

23 May MWFCD Seminar Menangani Keganasan Terhadap Wanita, Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM) Kuala Lumpur

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27 May FRHAM/RRAAM High Level GO-NGO 15 Policy Dialogue - Increasing Dr. Mary Huang (FRHAM) Access to the Reproductive Right to Contraceptive Information and Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM) Services, SRHR Education for Youth and Legal Abortion, Selangor Mr. A Ramasami (FRHAM) Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Ms Wong Li Leng (Perak FHA) Mr. Yeo Jason (Johor FPA)

30 – 31 May FRHAM IPPF/JTF Project: Orientation Programme for Project Team Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (FRHAM) Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Staff, volunteers, outreach and healthcare workers from S/WP FPA

11 – 13 June MAC Training of Trainers Workshop, Kuala Lumpur Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM) Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM)

26 – 27 June NPFDB Training of Trainers on “I’m In Control” Module, Awana Resort, Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM) Genting Highlands Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Ms Hema Peribanayakhan (S/WP FPA) Ms Nurul Syima

4 – 5, 11 – 12, FRHAM Training of Outreach Workers from Refugees Communities, Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (FRHAM), 18 July FRHAM Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Ms Sin Yin Chi (FRHAM) Ms Wong Bee Chin (FRHAM) Mr. Shyam Kumar(FRHAM) Staff, volunteers, outreach and healthcare workers from S/WP FPA

18 – 19, KYRSS (Knowledge and Rights with Young people through Ms Noor Siha (Penang FHDA) 25 – 26 July Safer Spaces) Sexuality Rights Training of Trainers Workshop for Beginners, Kuala Lumpur

28 – 29 July AIDS Action and Research Group Workshop on Counseling and Mdm. Noriza Arshad (Penang FHDA) HIV/AIDS, USM, Penang

30 July – MAC Mapping/Size Estimation Workshop, Kuala Lumpur Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) 1 August Ms Noor Yasmin (Kedah FPA) Mr. Mohd Nor Azam (Kedah FPA), Mr. Azali (Kelantan ReHA) Mr. Puvaneswaren Letchumanan (Melaka FPA) Mr. Sathyaseelan S Nadaraja (Melaka FPA) Ms Christine Low (Penang FHDA), Ms Goh Guay Eng (Penang FHDA) Ms Noor Siha (Penang FHDA), Ms Annie Tan (Sarawak FPA)

3 – 5 August The Malaysia SPRINT Country Team SPRINT Training on Sexual and Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (FRHAM) Reproductive Health in Crises, Kuala Lumpur

10 – 11 August LPPKN Conference on Population and Development 2009 Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (FRHAM) “Harnessing the Resource”, Kuala Lumpur

9 – 13 August 9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and The Pacific, Bali, Dr. Mary Huang (FRHAM) Indonesia Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM) Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) Datin Salmah Mohd Noor (FRHAM) Mrs. Mehalah Lingam (Melaka FPA) Ms Pushpabathy Suppiah (Melaka FPA) Ms Tan Su Lan (Melaka FPA) Ms Noriza Arshad (Penang FHDA)

11 – 13 August Women’s Refugee Commission Regional Livelihoods Workshop, Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Bangkok, Thailand

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 28 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 29 MAJOR EVENTS


17 – 18 August Kelantan ReHA IPPF Declaration of Sexual Rights - Capacity Building Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (FRHAM), Workshop, Kota Bahru, Kelantan Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM)

25 – 26 August SUHAKAM National Workshop for the development of the ASEAN Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) NHRI Forum Protocol Against Trafficking of Women and Children, Kuala Lumpur

26 – 28 August IPPF ESEOAR SALIN Plus Fund Workshop, Kuala Lumpur Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM) Mr. A Ramasami (FRHAM) Ms Nur Jasmina (FRHAM)

15 September UNESCAP Asia-Pacific High-level Forum on ICPD at 15: Accelerating Dr. Mary Huang (FRHAM) Progress Towards ICPD and the Millennium Development Goals, NGO Forum, Bangkok, Thailand

16 – 17 UNESCAP Asia-Pacific High-level Forum on ICPD at 15: Accelerating Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali (FRHAM) September Progress Towards ICPD and the Millennium Development Goals, Bangkok, Thailand

28 September MAC Mapping/Size Estimation Final Workshop, Kuala Lumpur Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) Ms Noor Yasmin (Kedah FPA) Mr. Mohd Nor Azam (Kedah FPA) Mr. Azali (Kelantan ReHA) Mr. Ahmad Nazir (Kelantan ReHA) Mr. Puvaneswaren Letchumanan (Melaka FPA) Ms Sara (Melaka FPA) Ms Goh Guay Eng (Penang FHDA) Ms Noor Siha (Penang FHDA) Ms Annie Tan (Sarawak FPA)

6 – 7 October MAC and Department of Safety and Health (DOSH) HIV/ADS in the Ms Leong Jen Voon (FRHAM) Workplace Workshop, Kuala Lumpur

6 – 10 October Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum Asia) Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) 2nd Asia Pacific Consultation on Refugee Rights, Bangkok, Thailand

9 October UNHCR Consultation with UNHCR on Mixed Migration in the ASEAN Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) Region, Bangkok, Thailand

9 October FRHAM IPPF/Ford Foundation Project: Sexual Rights for All - All FRHAM staff National Capacity Building Workshop, FRHAM 27 Staff and volunteers from State MAs

9 – 11 October MAC Training of Trainers II, Kuala Lumpur Ms Sara (Melaka FPA)

10 – 11 October FRHAM SALIN Plus Fund Project: Sensitization Cum Orientation All FRHAM staff Workshop, FRHAM 27 Staff and volunteers from State MAs

17 October 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM) Rights, Youth Forum, Beijing, China Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Ms Chang Hui Kee (Sarawak FPA)

18 – 20 October 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali (FRHAM) Rights, Beijing, China Dr. Mary Huang (FRHAM) Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (FRHAM) Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM) Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Datin Dr. Selva Malar (Pahang FPA) Ms Yeap Meng Chee (Penang FHDA) Ms Mable Wong (Perak FHA) Ms Low Chyen Bee (Melaka FPA) Ms Annie Tan (Sarawak FPA) Ms Chang Hui Kee (Sarawak FPA)

26 – 30 October UNFPA/JOICFP Regional Training on Skills for Reviewing Existing Mrs. Doris John (S/WP FPA) Behavioural Change Communication Interventions, Tokyo, Japan

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 30 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 31 MAJOR EVENTS


28 – 30 October International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH) 9th World Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM) Congress on Adolescent Health, Kuala Lumpur Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) Mr. Loh Boon Hun (FRHAM) Ms Nur Jasmina (FRHAM Mr. Mohd Syukrin (Kelantan ReHA) Mr. Satyaseelan S Nadaraja (Melaka FPA) Mr. Dinesh Martin (Melaka FPA) Ms Lee Jin Koo (NS FPA) Mr. Cheng Yen Siong (Penang FHDA) Mr. Lam Chee Kiang (Penang FHDA) Ms Yew Su Ern (Perak FHA) Mr. Jeffrey Lam (Perak FHA) Ms Chang Hui Kee (Sarawak FPA) Ms Syaliza (S/WP FPA) Ms Syahida (S/WP FPA)

19 November Institute Sosial Negera Seminar on HIV/AIDS: Stigma and Ms Nur Jasmina (FRHAM) Discrimination, Kuala Lumpur Mrs. Tan Heng Mei (NS FPA)

22 – 25 NCWO 3rd ACS Asia Regional Training, Bangkok, Thailand Ms Wong Mei Lin (Kelantan ReHA) November

23 – 25 MAC M&E Standardized Workshop, Kuala Lumpur Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) November Mr. Azali (Kelantan ReHA) Mr. Mohd Nor Azam (Kedah FPA) Ms Sara (Melaka FPA) Ms Annie Tan (Sarawak FPA)

24 – 26 IPPF Training on Impact Evaluation, Kuala Lumpur Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) November Ms Nur Jasmina (FRHAM)

30 November MAC Media Sensitization Workshop - Media’s Commitment for Mr. Loh Boon Hun (FRHAM) World AIDS Day 2009: Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise - Universal Access and Human Rights, Kuala Lumpur

5 – 6, 12 – 13 FRHAM VCT Training, FRHAM Ms Lim Shiang Cheng (FRHAM) December Ms Leong Jen Voon (FRHAM) Ms Kuek Yen Sim (FRHAM) Ms Tan Sok Teng (FRHAM) Ms Low Sam Ling (FRHAM) Ms Nur Jasmina (FRHAM) Ms Tan Siew Choon (Melaka FPA) 7 staff and volunteers from S/WP FPA

19 December NCWO Training of Trainers on SRH and HIV/AIDS, Kuala Lumpur Ms Nur Jasmina (FRHAM)

20 December Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Seminar on Mr. Loh Boon Hun (FRHAM) Reproductive Health, Reproductive Rights and Abortion, Ms Nur Jasmina (FRHAM) Klang, Selangor

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 30 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 31 SERVICE STATISTICS

Total Number and Type of Client Served

TYPE OF CLIENT NUMBER OF CLIENT PERCENTAGE Family Planning 74,362 73% Reproductive Health 18,129 18% Menopause 3,634 4% Male SRH 3,695 4% Youth SRH 1,846 2% TOTAL 101,666 100%

4% 2% 4%

73% 18% Family Planning Male SRH

Reproductive Youth SRH Health


1% 1% 7% 73% 9%

Contraceptive Methods 10%

METHOD PERCENTAGE Oral Pills 73% Condoms 10% Injectables 9% IUCDs 7% Implants 1% Spermicides 1% TOTAL 100% Oral Pills IUCDs

Condoms Implants

Injectables Spermicides

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 32 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 33 SERVICE STATISTICS

Reproductive and General Health Services

NO. TYPE OF SERVICE NUMBER OF CLIENT 1 Pap smear 27,280 2 Breast examination 98,297 3 Menopausal management/counselling 3,634 4 Male sexual and reproductive health 3,695 5 Youth sexual and reproductive health 1,846 6 Ante-natal care 1,413 7 Post-natal care 10 8 Ultrasound services (ante-natal & breast wellness management) 6,367 9 Treatment of reproductive tract infections 3,935 10 Pregnancy test 3,294 11 Sub-fertility investigation 377 12 Electro-cardiogram 647 13 Bone mineral density 612 14 Immunization 193 15 Bood screening 10,299 16 General check-up 127,283 TOTAL 289,182

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 32 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 33

Yaz consumer A5 (21cmW x 15cmH).indd 1 5/17/10 8:25:00 AM FINANCIAL OVERVIEW

Financial Overview of the FRHAM Secretariat and State MAs for Year 2009

Income 2009 (Total RM8,745,590) 5.2% Income RM % 12.1% 5.5% IPPF Grant 454,150 5.2 18.4% External Sources 483,425 5.5 6.3% National Sources 1,607,495 18.4 Contraceptives Income 2,773,032 31.7 20.8% Clinic Income 1,817,435 20.8 Activities Income 549,903 6.3 Investment Income 1,060,150 12.1 TOTAL 8,745,590 100%

IPPF Grant Contraceptives Investment Income

External Sources Clinic Income

31.7% National Sources Activities Income

Expenditure 2009 (Total RM8,549,214) 12.2% Expenditure RM %

Access 5,157,067 60.3 5.8% Advocacy 201,701 2.4 Adolescents 407,506 4.8 4.2% AIDS/HIV 740,537 8.7 1.2% Abortion 33,519 0.4 0.4% Capacity Building 101,181 1.2 Resource Mobilization 363,241 4.2 Knowledge Management 497,240 5.8 8.7% Governance & Accreditation 1,047,222 12.2 TOTAL 8,549,214 100% 4.8% 2.4% Access AIDS/HIV Resource Mobilization 60.3%

Advocacy Abortion Knowledge Management

Adolescents Capacity Governance & Accreditation Building

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 34 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Statement By Council Members Of Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia

We, Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali and James Harold Brodie, being two of the Council Members of the Federation of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia (formerly known as Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia) (“the Federation”), do hereby state that, in the opinion of the Council, the financial statements set out on pages 35 to 52, are drawn up in accordance with International Planned Parenthood Federation accounting policies and the provisions of the Societies Act, 1966 so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Federation as at 31 December 2009 and of its results and cash flows for the financial year ended on that date.

On behalf of the Council

Dr. Kamaruzaman Ali Chairman

James Harold Brodie Honorary Treasurer-General

Kuala Lumpur

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia ANNUAL REPORT 2009 35 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the financial statements of Federation of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2009, statement of income and expenditure, changes in undesignated fund balance and cash flow statement for the financial year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explana- tory notes, as set out on pages 35 to 52.

Council Members’ Responsibility for the Financial Statements The Council Members of the Federation are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with International Planned Parenthood Federation accounting policies and the provisions of the Societies Act 1966 in Malaysia. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies, and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.

Auditors’ Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with approved standards on auditing in Malaysia. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial state- ments. The procedures selected depend on our judgment, including the assessment of risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consider internal control relevant to the Federation’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Federation’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements have been properly drawn up in accordance with International Planned Parenthood Federation accounting policies and the provisions of the Societies Act, 1966 in Malaysia so as to give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Federation as of 31 December 2009 and of its financial performance and cash flows for the financial year then ended.

Other Matters This report is made solely to the members of the Federation, as a body, in accordance with International Planned Parenthood Federation accounting policies and the provisions of the Societies Act 1966 and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility to any other person for the content of this report.

Crowe Horwath Firm No: AF 1018 Chartered Accountants

Kuala Lumpur

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 36 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 37 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 80 92 66 83 70 036 524 634 587 536 ,5 ,4 ,2 ,6 ,2 2, SD 28, 17, 17, 37, U Total 132 666 862 172 175 ,0 8 1 2008 095 576 616 000 151 153 248 387 730 97 , 8, 1, 2, RM Total 466, 607, 616, 343, 031, 647, 2, 3, 3, 4 9 48 9 6 6 6 62 09 56 42 491 444 340 964 023 987 2, 1, 2, 4, 24, 70, 72, otal 944, 207, 379, T 1, 1, -- 2 - 1 - 1 1 -- - 1 1 d 747 747 747 D 359, 359, 359, US Donor Restricte 4 d 94 68 26 62 491 697 276 340 964 240 ,0 ,5 ,4 2, 11 12 14 224, 584, 847, 170, 172, 020, 1, Unrestricte 2009 94 84 99 93 43 42 35 453 562 000 ,0 ,0 ,3 ,4 ,4 ,5 ,0 38, 43, 50, 78 90 99 273 183 783 Total 3, 4, 4, -- 7 - - --- 5 9 5 884 884 884 246, 246, 246, RM James Harold Brodie 1, 1, 1, Donor Restricted (Honorary Treasurer-General) 094 399 493 658 151 9, 38,453 43,562 50,000 778,084 590, 599, 936, 536, , 2 2,026,559 3, Unrestricted 4 5 6 7 Note s s Lim Shiang Cheng (Acting Executive Director) At bank and in hand Interest-bearing deposits ASSETS Current assets Cash:- Inventories Receivable Loan receivable Total current asset Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Security deposits Total non-current assets TOTAL ASSETS The annexed notes form an integral part of these financial statements. BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2009

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 36 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 37 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 7 2 2 2 2 6 4 12 91 76 36 l 08 14 03 03 70 52 50 ,8 ,9 ,2 ,5 9, 9, SD 91 20 10 Tota U 131, 131, 452, 443, 906, 037 1, 2008 950 142 806 131 810 708 708 702 437 270 978 31, 32, 73, 36, RM Total 322, 460, 460, 591, 559, 187, 647, 1, 1, 3, 3, - 75 69 69 99 19 18 87 219 503 172 , ,5 ,4 ,4 ,6 ,8 ,5 ,9 7, 9, 79 otal 280 406 406 480 492 973 ,3 T 2 7 7 1 -- 3 9 - - - - 75 47 47 17 74 ,5 ,7 ,7 D 9, 80 59 59 359, US Donor Restricted 22 3 3 -- 2 7 - d 03 99 19 18 40 219 72 72 ,5 ,6 ,8 ,5 ,2 9, 6, 6, 37 20 480 492 973 ,0 Unrestricte 00 4 4 5 1 2009 - 11 52 04 984 472 412 82 82 215 03 ,1 ,9 ,1 08 31 29, 66 972, 274, 408, 408, 374, 783, ,7 ,6 Total 1, 1, 3, 4, - - - - 1 -- 1 1 72 12 84 84 84 ,4 ,4 ,8 ,8 ,8 72 74 46 46 46 RM ,2 ,2 ,2 James Harold Brodie Donor Restricted (Honorary Treasurer-General) 2 66 1 1 5 1 1 -- 9 2 - 84 95 93 93 21 15 ,9 1, 3 29 161, 161, 374, 536, 1,708,111 1,666,104 3, 3, Unrestricted a) b) 8 1 9 11 10 12 9 ( 9 ( Note e s Lim Shiang Cheng S (Acting Executive Director) LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIE Tenant deposit Total current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL FUND BALANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Current liabilities Payables and accruals Deferred incom - IPPF - Others FUND BALANCES Designated fund Undesignated fund Inventories fund The annexed notes form an integral part of these financial statements. BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2009 (cont'd)

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 38 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 39 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5 - - - - - 11 027 604 856 983 839 462 886 3, SD otal 47, 27, 31, U 180, 109, 127, 527, 2008 - - - - - 11 00 00 l T 765 447 891 081 795 ,6 ,0 ,0 90 12 RM Tota 604 365, 424, 156, 106, 759, 1, 886 588 000 992 884 917 279 004 435 000 160 512 657 2, 1, 72, 20, 42, 14, 43, 33, 14, otal 1 131, 240, 161, 888, T 7 1 - - 86 91 588 000 884 279 000 218 ,8 D 1, 2, 0, 4, 3, 42,992 40, US 114,160 161,512 724, Donor Restricted ---- 7 2 - - 2 - -- 1 - 2 1 4 d 04 435 439 ,0 1 , 4 , 33 13 16 Unrestricte 2009 69,448 51,930 10,070 41,579 454,150 254,397 841,200 150,000 398,305 563,514 151,000 115,151 Total 3,100,744 - - d 448 930 070 579 200 000 305 514 000 443 69, 51, 10, 41, 254,397 841, 150, 398, 563, 151, 531, RM James Harold Brodie Donor 2, Restricte (Honorary Treasurer-General) ------115,151 454,150 569,301 Unrestricted Lim Shiang Cheng F D O C (Acting Executive Director) Grant income IPPF IPPF/JT IPPF/SALIN (Netherlands Government) IPPF/Ford MWFC UNFPA UNHCR MA RRAAM WH Chevron (M) Ltd Release of inventories fund Total grant income STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 38 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 39 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - - 195 842 661 582 SD otal 23,897 48,949 22,056 59,502 (7,356) U 527,886 677,214 8 200 - - - l T 650 2,807 2,200 79,577 73,446 RM Tota 163,000 198,140 (24,495) 2,255,120 1,759,795 - - - 186 826 2,150 26,050 51,075 14,488 11,209 otal 888,657 661,664 T (332,977) ------D US 724,218 391,241 (332,977) Donor Restricted d - - - - 186 826 2,150 26,050 51,075 14,488 11,209 164,439 270,423 Unrestricte 2009 - - - 650 2,880 7,500 90,890 50,550 39,108 178,200 Total 3,100,744 2,304,116 (1,166,406) d ------RM James Harold Brodie Donor 2,531,443 1,365,037 (1,166,406) Restricte (Honorary Treasurer-General) - - - - 650 2,880 7,500 90,890 50,550 39,108 569,301 178,200 939,079 Unrestricted e Lim Shiang Cheng E (Acting Executive Director) : Total grant income Other Income Training/other services Income Rental income Interest income Subscriptions Miscellaneous income Donation Fund raising Advertisement income Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment Less:Transfers to Deferred Incom Translation di erence TOTAL INCOM STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 (cont'd)

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 40 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 41 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS l SD 12,898 62,162 72,159 12,793 48,269 59,530 33,313 79,460 U Tota 171,430 130,079 682,093 2008 42,950 42,600 RM 570,862 206,999 240,288 433,163 160,739 198,235 110,931 264,602 Total 2,271,369 9,501 10,053 12,876 92,466 17,188 29,590 25,425 56,045 otal 193,626 171,013 617,783 T - - - - - D 2,886 5,794 73,436 20,088 US 391,241 127,525 161,512 Donor Restricted d 9,990 9,501 9,501 9,502 66,101 10,053 19,030 11,394 25,425 56,045 226,542 Unrestricte 2009 35,078 44,926 33,148 59,971 88,709 Total 675,559 322,613 596,662 103,237 195,540 2,155,443 d - - - - 10,070 20,216 70,086 RM Donor 444,933 256,218 563,514 Restricte 1,365,037 James Harold Brodie 35,078 34,856 66,395 33,148 33,148 39,755 33,151 88,709 230,626 195,540 790,406 (Honorary Treasurer-General) Unrestricted n H r s Family Planning and SRH Service (FP&SRH) Women's Development (WD) Advocacy Young People and SR (YP & SRH) HIV/AIDS Abortion Related Services Sta and Voluntee Development (SVD) Resource Mobilization Planning, Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluatio (PRME) Governance, Management and Administration (GMA) 05/1 05/2 05/3 05/4 05/5 05/6 05/7 05/8 05/9 05/10 Lim Shiang Cheng (Acting Executive Director) e Total project expenses Project expenses:- Access Advocacy Adolescents AIDS/HIV Abortion Capacity Building Resource Mobilization Knowledge Management Governanc and Accreditation STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 (cont'd)

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 40 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 41 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SD otal (4,880) U 682,093 682,093 471,057 443,526 (22,651) 8 200 - l T RM (16,250) Tota 2,271,369 2,271,369 1,575,687 1,559,437 5,412 43,881 otal 617,783 617,783 443,526 492,819 T - - - - D US 391,241 391,241 Donor Restricted d 5,412 43,881 226,542 226,542 443,526 492,819 Unrestricte 2009 - 148,674 Total 1,708,111 2,155,443 2,155,443 1,559,437 - - - - d RM James Harold Brodie Donor 1,365,037 1,365,037 Restricte (Honorary Treasurer-General) - 790,406 790,406 148,674 1,559,437 1,708,111 Unrestricted R Lim Shiang Cheng (Acting Executive Director) Total project expenses TOTAL EXPENSES (De cit)/Surplus of income over expenses Undesignated fund balance as at 1 January Translation dierence UNDESIGNATED FUND AS AT 31 DECEMBE STATEMENT OF INCOME, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 (cont’d)

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 42 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 43 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

CASH FLOW STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 Note 2009 (RM) 2008 (RM) CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Surplus/(Deficit) of income over expenses 148,674 (16,250)

Adjustments for: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 26,118 26,455 Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipments (39,108) - Interest income (50,550) (73,446) Transfer from deferred income - (57,140) (63,540) (104,131)

Surplus/(Deficit) of income over expenses before working capital changes 85,134 (120,381)

Decrease in inventories 60,123 77,557 Decrease in other receivables 30,054 92,666 Increase in trade and other payables 948,112 105,390 1,038,289 275,613

CASH FROM OPERATIONS 1,123,423 155,232 Interest received 50,550 73,446 NET CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 1,173,973 228,678

CASH FLOWS FROM/(FOR) INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceed on disposal of property, plant and equipments 39,579 - Purchase of equipment (9,835) (4,102) Inventories fund received (36,131) (32,808) Designated fund received 74,403 (216,497) NET CASH FROM/(FOR) INVESTING ACTIVITIES 68,016 (253,407)



Approved by

Lim Shiang Cheng James Harold Brodie (Acting Executive Director) (Honorary Treasurer - General)

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 42 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 43 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS



The Federation is a not-for-profit organisation formed with the objective of promoting and providing family planning and sexual and reproductive health services through its Secretariat Office in Subang Jaya and its 13 Member-Associations/State MAs.

Principal sources of revenue are grants from IPPF, UNFPA, the Malaysian Government and non-governmental agencies and local fund raising activities.

In order to meet its objective, the Federation carries out the following tasks:

(a) Promoting sexual and reproductive rights for women, men and young people; (b) Removing all barriers to sexual and reproductive health and related services; (c) Ensuring active participation and involvement of young people in meeting their sexual and reproductive health, rights and responsibilities in family life within a youth-friendly atmosphere at all levels of the Federation; (d) Empowering women to be in control of their lives; (e) Promoting men’s commitment and responsibility in gender issues and sexual and reproductive health; (f) Promoting the integration of family development, reproductive health, family planning with population, environment and sustainable development; (g) Providing accurate and relevant information and education on sexual and reproductive health including family planning; (h) Expanding sexual and reproductive health services including family planning to all those who need and want them including youth; (i) Maintaining high-quality and sustainable sexual and reproductive health programmes; (j) Increasing the representation of under-represented constituent groups on the decision-making bodies of the Federation; (k) Strengthening the leadership and governance potential of volunteers and increasing management proficiency throughout the Federation; (l) Seeking new sources of government funding, increasing contributions of existing donors and expanding non- governmental support of the Federation; (m) Improving planning and reporting procedures, and expanding the evaluation capacity and capabilities of the Federation; and (n) Instituting cost-saving measures for optimal utilisation of the Federation’s resources.

The address of the registered office of the Federation is as follows:

81B, Jalan SS15/5A 47500 Subang Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 44 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 45 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention and presented in accordance with IPPF accounting policies as stated below which have been applied consistently.


(a) Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation except for the following:

(i) Property, plant and equipment donated as gifts by IPPF are stated at IPPF’s value; and

(ii) Property, plant and equipment which cost less than RM1,000 each are written off in the year of purchase.

Freehold land is not depreciated. Other property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis to write off the cost of the assets over their estimated useful lives. The principal annual rates used for this purpose are:-

Buildings 10% Furniture and fittings 20% Office equipment 20% Clinic equipment 20% Motor vehicles 20% Air-conditioners 20%

The depreciation method, useful life and residual values are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each balance sheet date to ensure that the amount, method and period of depreciation are consistent with previous estimates and the expected pattern of consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in the items of the property, plant and equipment.

The value of the property, plant and equipment donated is credited to a Property, Plant and Equipment Fund, and thereafter released into income over the assets’ estimated useful lives.

(b) Inventories

Inventories are stated on the following basis:

(i) Inventories purchased locally are stated at cost; (ii) Inventories donated by IPPF are stated at landed cost of inventories at the port of entry. Customs clearing and forwarding charges are expensed off during the year of acquisition; and (iii) Inventories donated by third party donors are capitalised at their estimated fair market value if determinable, or estimated replacement cost or current IPPF commodity prices.

The value of inventories donated is credited to the Inventories Fund and released into income when consumed.

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 44 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 45 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

(c) Translation of Foreign Currencies into Ringgit Malaysia (“RM”)

The financial statements are maintained in RM.

Transactions in foreign currencies are converted into RM at exchange rates ruling at transaction date. Foreign currency assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date are translated into RM at exchange rates ruling at that date. Exchange differences are dealt with through the income and expenditure account. US Dollar funds received from IPPF have been converted into local currency in a manner which is in compliance with local foreign exchange regulations and practices.

All assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date are converted into US Dollars at the year-end exchange rate. Income and expenditure items are translated at the average rate of exchange prevailing during the year except for grants received from IPPF which are converted at rates ruling at the date of receipt of the grants.

These exchange differences are dealt with in the movement of the fund balances. The rates of translation used are as follows:-

2009 2008 Balance sheet - year-end rate USD 1 = RM3.466 USD 1 = RM3.516 Income and expenditure - average rate USD 1 = RM3.489 USD 1 = RM3.330

(d) Receivables

Receivables are carried at anticipated realisable value. Bad debts are written off in the period in which they are identified. An estimate is made for doubtful debts based on a review of all outstanding amounts at the balance sheet date.

(e) Payables

Payables are stated at cost which is the fair value of the consideration to be paid in the future for goods and services received.

(f) Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand, bank balances and demand deposits that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 46 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 47 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

(g) Income Recognition

(i) Grant Income All grants are recognised on an accrual basis. Where income from donors is restricted for specific activities, the income is deferred and released into revenue when the funds are expended on those specific activities.

(ii) Rental and Interest Income Rental and interest income are recognised on an accrual basis.

(h) Employee Benefits

(i) Short-Term Benefits Wages, salaries, paid annual leave and non-monetary benefits are accrued in the period in which the associated services are rendered by employees of the Federation.

(ii) Defined Contribution Plans The Organisation’s contributions to defined contribution plans are charged to the income statement in the period to which they relate. Once the contributions have been paid, the Federation has no further liability in respect of the defined contribution plans.

(i) Government Grants

Grants from the government are recognised at their fair values where there is a reasonable assurance that the grants will be received and all attached conditions are complied with.

Government grants relating to costs are deferred and recognised in the income statement over the period necessary to match them with the costs that they are intended to compensate.

Government grants relating to the purchases of assets are included in non-current liabilities as deferred income and are credited to the income statement on the straight-line basis over the expected lives of the related assets.

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 46 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 47 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


2009 2008 RM USD RM USD At Cost:- IPPF contraceptives grant 38,453 11,094 98,576 28,036

None o fthe inventories is carried at net realisable value.


2009 2008 RM USD RM USD IPPF 1,326 383 1,326 377 Non-IPPF donors - - 4,735 1,347 Accrued interest 4,260 1,229 5,372 1,528 Accrued rental 20,280 5,850 28,800 8,191 Advance to sta 8,061 2,326 1,433 407 Receivables from State MAs 6,635 1,914 5,531 1,573 Fund raising 3,000 866 10,000 2,844 Prepayment for insurance - - 4,419 1,257 TOTAL 43,562 12,568 61,616 17,524


2009 2008 RM USD RM USD Loan receivable from State MAs/FHFM: - not later than one year 50,000 14,426 62,000 17,634

The amount owing is unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand.

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 48 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 49 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


AT DEPRECIATION AT NET BOOK VALUE ADDITION 1.1.2009 DISPOSAL CHARGE 31.12.2009 RM RM RM RM Freehold land and buildings 576,837 - (471) - 576,366 Office equipment 6,898 9,835 - (5,622) 11,111 Air-conditioners 2,101 - - (1,640) 461 Motor vehicles 21,317 - - (18,856) 2,461 TOTAL 607,153 9,835 (471) (26,118) 590,399

AT COST ACCUMULATED NET BOOK RM DEPRECIATION VALUE RM At 31.12.2009 Freehold land and buildings 1,438,876 (862,510) 576,366 Office equipment 219,095 (207,984) 11,111 Furniture and fittings 161,763 (161,763) - Air-conditioners 163,784 (163,323) 461 Motor vehicles 101,958 (99,497) 2,461 Clinic equipment 233,610 (233,610) - TOTAL 2,319,086 (1,728,687) 590,399

At 31.12.2008 Freehold land and buildings 1,439,347 (862,510) 576,837 Office equipment 209,260 (202,362) 6,898 Furniture and fittings 161,763 (161,763) - Air-conditioners 163,784 (161,683) 2,101 Motor vehicles 168,545 (147,228) 21,317 Clinic equipment 233,610 (233,610) - TOTAL 2,376,309 (1,769,156) 607,153

The market value of the freehold land and buildings at 81 Jalan SS15/5A, Subang Jaya was last estimated by surveyors on 19 April 1985 at RM1,900,000 (USD703,704).

The freehold land and buildings at 56 (A, B1, B2) Jalan Genting Kelang, Setapak were valued for the purpose of the government acquisition of part of the land in 1986 by surveyors at a market value of RM774,360 (USD286,800).

These valuations have not been incorporated into the financial statements.

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 48 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 49 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


2009 2008 RM USD RM USD Amounts owing to State MAs 34,229 9,876 26,296 7,479 Payables and accruals 80,005 23,083 280,219 79,698 Audit fee - accruals 15,750 4,544 16,295 4,635 TOTAL 129,984 37,503 322,810 91,812


2009 2008 RM USD RM USD (a) IPPF Fund balance at 1 January 32,142 9,142 32,142 9,609 Funds received during the nancial year 1,165,045 336,135 - - Translation dierences - 132 - (467) Total funds available 1,197,187 345,409 32,142 9,142 Less:- Expenditure during the nancial year (224,715) (64,834) - - Fund balance as at 31 December 972,472 280,575 32,142 9,142

(b) Others Fund balance at 1 January 73,806 20,991 130,946 39,147 Funds received during the nancial year 231,930 66,916 32,000 9,101 Translation dierences - 303 - (1,904) Total funds available 305,736 88,210 162,946 46,344

Less:- Expenditure during the nancial year (31,324) (9,038) (89,140) (25,353) Fund balance as at 31 December 274,412 79,172 73,806 20,991

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 50 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 51 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4 60,486 60,486 45,042 RM Total 119,444 105,528 1,591,702 1,771,632 1,666,10 - - - - - 02,088 602,088 602,088 RM Fund Development Volunteer/Staff 9 6 - 44,556 45,042 89,598 266,123 119,444 385,567 295,96 RM Fund Contraceptive ff RM Sta Fund Trust 13,184 15,930 29,114 29,114 ------0,000 50,000 50,000 RM Fund Equipment 4 5 - - - - - ff 138,274 138,274 RM Sta 138,27 Fund Contingency - - - - 12,828 44,556 57,384 57,384 RM Fund Member Assistance 15,930 15,930 RM TED FUND 449,396 449,396 Fund Special 433,466 Reserve ------59,809 59,809 RM 59,809 Fund Vehicle/ Equipment s TEMENT OF CHANGES IN DESIGNA A Transfer to other fund Transfer from other fund Purchase of contraceptives by State MA Purchase of contraceptives ST . . Fund balance as at 31 December 2009 10 Fund balance as at 1 January 2009 Add: Less:

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 50 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 51 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


2009 2008 RM USD RM USD Fund balance at 1 January 1,559,437 443,526 1,575,687 471,057 Surplus/(Deficit) of income over expenses 148,674 43,881 (16,250) (4,880) Translation differences - 5,412 - (22,651) Fund balance at 31 December 1,708,111 492,819 1,559,437 443,526


2009 2008 RM USD RM USD Fund balance at 1 January 36,131 10,276 68,939 20,610 Add: Inventories donated during the financial year 79,020 22,799 73,273 20,840 115,151 33,075 142,212 41,450

Less: Amount released to income during (115,151) (33,004) (106,081) (31,856) the financial year Translation differences - (71) - 682 Fund balance at 31 December - - 36,131 10,276


For the purpose of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise the ollowing:-f

2009 2008 RM USD RM USD Cash:- 778,084 224,491 466,151 132,580 At bank and in hand Interest-bearing deposits 3,273,443 944,444 2,343,387 666,492 TOTAL 4,051,527 1,168,935 2,809,538 799,072

The effective interest rate of the interest-bearing deposits was 1.93% (2008 – 3.02%) per annum. The maturity periods of the interest-bearing deposits range from 30 days to 180 days (2008 - 30 days to 365 days).


The Federation and its member associations have been exempted from income tax under Section 127(1)(b) of the Income Tax Act, 1967. However, under the Finance Act, 1986, this exemption had been withdrawn with effect from year ended 31 December 1987 (year of assessment 1988).

On 24 October 1990 and 15 December 1990, approvals were obtained from the Director General of Inland Revenue for the Federation and its member associations to be exempted from income tax with effect from year of assessment 1988 under Paragraph 13 Schedule 6 of the Income Tax Act, 1967 (as amended). Hence, no provision for taxation has been made in the financial statements of the ederationF for the years of assessment 1988 to 2009.

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 52 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 53 STATE MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS

Johor Family Planning Association Negeri Sembilan Family Planning Sabah Family Planning (Johor FPA) Association (NS FPA) Association (Sabah FPA) 10-A Jalan Abiad Satu No. 3 Jalan Dr Krishnan Council of Management Taman Pelangi 70000 Seremban 613 Jalan Family Planning Centre 80400 Johor Bharu Negeri Sembilan Off Jalan Kebajikan Johor Tel: 06-762 2969 88000 Kota Kinabalu Tel/Fax: 07-333 7772 Fax: 06-763 5778 Sabah E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 088-245 209 Manager: Ms Shanti Subramaniam Manager: Mrs. Tan Heng Mei Fax: 088-210 813 E-mail: hqsfpa@gmailcom Manager: Ms Yong Su Fong Kedah Family Planning Association Pahang Family Planning Association (Kedah FPA) (Pahang FPA) 2 Jalan Kampong Baru B-1582 Tingkat Atas Sarawak Family Planning 05000 Alor Setar Jalan Beserah Association (Sarawak FPA) Kedah 25300 Kuantan Jalan P Ramlee Tel/Fax: 04-732 1280 Pahang P.O. Box 788 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 09-566 6403 93716 Kuching Manager: Puan Noor Yasmin Abdul Hamid Fax: 09-566 8707 Sarawak E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 082-426 982 / 244 629 Manager: Ms Sakunthala Thevy Fax: 082-418 981 Reproductive Health Association E-mail: [email protected] of Kelantan (ReHAK) Manager: Ms Annie Tan 4261-F Jalan Kebun Penang Family Health Development 15350 Kota Bharu Association (Penang FHDA) Kelantan 333 Jalan Perak Selangor/Wilayah Persekutuan Tel: 09-743 2407 11600 George Town Family Planning Association Tel/Fax: 09-748 3323 Penang (Selangor/WP FPA) E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 04-282 5191 / 281 3144 2B, Lorong Syed Putra Kiri Manager: Ms Wong Mei Lin Fax: 04-281 9380 P.O. Box 10710 E-mail: [email protected] 50722 Kuala Lumpur Manager: Ms Engie Ng Lai Kin Tel: 03-2274 3489 / 2272 5817 Melaka Family Planning Association Fax: 03-2273 8901 (Melaka FPA) E-mail: [email protected] 2A-3, 1st Floor, Dewan Hang Tuah Perak Family Health Association Manager: Mrs. Doris John Jalan Hang Tuah (Perak FHA) 75300 Melaka No. 60A Regat Sri Cempaka Tel: 06-284 4475 Taman Cempaka Terengganu Family Planning Fax: 06-281 3969 31400 Ipoh Association (Terengganu FPA) E-mail: [email protected] Perak 12G Jalan Engku Pengiran Anom 2 Manager: Mrs. Mehalah Lingam Tel: 05-547 7849 20300 Kuala Terengganu Fax: 05-546 7633 Terengganu E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 09-622 1763 Manager: Ms Yee Hong Kim Tel/Fax: 09-624 8071 E-mail: [email protected] Manager: Puan Zunita Othman Perlis Family Planning Association (Perlis FPA) 140 Persiaran Jubli Emas 01000 Kangar Perlis Tel/Fax: 04-976 0739 Manager: Mrs. Betty Lim Kim Eng

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 52 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 53 GLOSSARY

The following definitions should apply unless the context otherwise required.

1. AIDS Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome 27. MAY CARE Me And You Continuous Health Activities, 2. APCASO Asia Pacific Council of AIDS Support Organizations Referrals and Education 3. APCRSHR Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual 28. MDG Millennium Development Goal Health and Rights 29. MOH Ministry of Health 4. ARROW Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women 30. MWFCD Ministry of Women, Family and Community 5. ASEAN The Association of Southeast Asian Nations Development 6. CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of 31. NCWO National Council of Women’s Organizations Discrimination Against Women 32. NGO Non-government organization 7. COMCEFP Community Clinic Extension Family Planning 33. NPFDB/LPPKN National Population and Family 8. FFPAM Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia Development Board 9. FHA Family Health Association 34. PLHIV People living with HIV/AIDS 10. FHDA Family Health Development Association 35. ReHA Reproductive Health Association 11. FPA Family Planning Association 36. RHAM Reproductive Health for Adolescents Module 12. FRHAM Federation of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 37. RRAAM Reproductive Rights Advocacy Alliance Malaysia 13. HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus 38. SALIN Strategic Alliance for International NGOs 14. IAAH International Association for Adolescent Health 39. SPRINT Sexual and Reproductive Health Program in Crisis 15. IAMD International AIDS Memorial Day and Post-Crisis Situations in East, Southeast Asia 16. ICAAP International Congress on AIDS in Asia and The Pacific and the Pacific 17. ICPD International Conference for Population and Development 40. SRH Sexual and reproductive health 18. IPPF International Planned Parenthood Federation 41. STI Sexually transmitted infection 19. IPPF ESEAOR International Planned Parenthood Federation, East & 42. SUHAKAM Human Rights Commission of Malaysia South East Asia and Oceania Region 43. UMMC University Malaya Medical Centre 20. IUCD Intra-uterine contraceptive device 44. UNESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission 21. JOICEFP Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in for Asia and the Pacific Family Planning 45. UNFPA United Nations Population Fund 22. JTF Japan Trust Fund 46. UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 23. KYRSS Knowledge and Rights with Young people through 47. USM University Science of Malaysia Safer Spaces 48. VCT Voluntary counselling and testing 24. LPPKN/NPFDB National Population and Family Development Board 49. WAD World AIDS Day 25. MA Member Association 50. WAO Women’s Aid Organization 26. MAC Malaysian AIDS Council

Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia 54 ANNUAL REPORT 2009

Federation of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia (Formerly known as Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia)