The CARES Exchange Volume I Number 2 CARESCARES AreaArea ofof ConcernConcern LakeLake MalawiMalawi April 2017 CARESCARES ClubClub DataData SubmissionSubmission isis AprilApril 30th!30th! TheThe DirectoryDirectory ofof AvailableAvailable CARESCARES SpeciesSpecies NewestNewest AdditionsAdditions toto thethe CARESCARES TeamTeam NewNew EnglandEngland CichlidCichlid AssociationAssociation CARESCARES 2 Welcome to the The CARES Exchange. The pri- CARES, review the ‘CARES Startup’ tab on the web- mary intent of this publication is to make available a site, then contact Klaus Steinhaus listing of CARES fish from the CARES membership at
[email protected]. to those that may be searching for CARES species. ___________________________________________ This issue of The Exchange was release to coincide It is important to understand that all transactions are with the due date for CARES Member Clubs to make between the buyer and seller and CARES in no way your data submissions. All submissions must be sub- moderates any exchanges including shipping prob- mitted by April 30th in the new file format. Learn lems, refunds, or bad blood between the two parties. more on page 7. This directory merely provides an avenue to which CARES fish may be located. As with all sales, be cer- Pam Chin explains the stressors affecting Lake Ma- tain that all the elements of the exchange are worked lawi. Pay close attention to what is going on there! out before purchasing or shipping. Take your CARES role seriously. Without your ef- forts, the fish we enjoy today might not be around to- No hybrids will knowingly be listed. morrow, There is no cost to place a for sale ad.