Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment 11098 Dixe Road City of Brampton Regional Municipality of Peel
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I 2-1 CULTURAL HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT 11098 DIXE ROAD CITY OF BRAMPTON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF PEEL Prepared for Metrus Development Inc. SCARLETT JANUSAS ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HERITAGE CONSULTING AND EDUCATION 269 Cameron Lake Road Tobermory, Ontario N0H 2R0 phone and fax 519-596-8243 cell 519-374-1119 [email protected] June 10, 2011 © I 2-2 ii Table of Contents Project Personnel 6 Acknowledgments 6 Executive Summary 7 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 HISTORIC SUMMARY 4 2.1 Individual Property History 6 2.1.1 East Half of Lot 17, Concession 3 (EHS) 6 3.0 MUNICIPAL CONTACT 10 3.1 11098 Dixie Rd – Category B 10 4.0 PROCESS & POLICIES FOR HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT (HIA) 11 4.1 Applicable Heritage Policies 11 4.2 Process for Determining Heritage Value 11 5.0 ASSESSMENT OF PRINCIPAL BUILDING COMPONENTS 13 5.1 Surrounding Areas 13 5.2 11098 Dixie Road – Building Description 15 5.3 Foundation/Basement 18 5.3.1 Construction 18 5.3.2 Current Condition 22 5.4 Exterior Wall 22 5.4.1 Construction 22 5.4.2 Current Condition 24 5.5 Windows & Doors 24 5.5.1 Description 24 5.5.2 Current Condition 26 5.6 Roof and Eaves 26 5.7 Front Verandah 26 5.8 Interior Doors & Wood Trim 29 5.9 Outbuildings 30 5.9.1 Description 30 5.10 Additional Observations 34 6.0 CULTURAL HERITAGE LANDSCAPES 35 6.1 Land Uses and Activities 35 6.2 Spatial Organization 35 6.3 Vegetation Related to Land Use 36 6.4 Landscape of 11098 Dixie Road 36 I 2-3 iii 7.0 HERITAGE INVENTORY & EVALUATION OF HERITAGE ELEMENTS 38 7.1 Heritage Register – 11098 Dixie Road 38 7.2 Heritage Evaluation of Building – 11098 Dixie Road 39 8.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS 42 8.1 Assessment of Potential Impacts 43 9.0 MITIGATION RECOMMENDED 44 10.0 REFERENCES CITED AND CONSULTED 45 Figures 1. General Location of Subject Property 1 2. Draft Plan of Subdivision Identifying Property 2 3. 1859 George Tremaine Map of Study Area 8 4. 1877 Illustrated Atlas Map of Study Area 9 5. 11098 Dixie Road (ASI 2008) 14 6. Satellite Image of 11098 Dixie Road 37 7. Draft Plan of Subdivision 42 8. 11098 Dixie Road Building Footprint 43 Tables 1. Criteria for Determining Cultural Heritage Value 12 Photographs 1. Front of 11098 facing west 16 2. 11098 facing approximately NNW 16 3. 11098 facing east 17 4. 11098 facing south 17 5. Exterior Entrance to Basement 19 6. Former Access from Basement to Main Floor 19 7. Trapdoor to Main House Basement 20 8. Hewn Logs, Parged Front Walls, Interior Basement 20 9. Late Addition (Rear West), Front, Basement Interior 21 10. Framing of the Floor Above Basement 21 11. Exterior View of Front in Disrepair 22 12. Original Front Wing visible Above Interior Stair 23 13. Wood Framing Above Sill Plate Above Foundation 23 14. Original Wood Siding Visible Beneath Cladding 24 15. Original Front Wind of House – Modified Windows 25 16. Second Floor Windows 25 17. Only Original Window in Bathroom 26 18. Return Eaves 27 19. North Facing Wall – One Return Eave 27 20. Verandah 28 I 2-4 iv 21. Dentillated Fascia 28 22. Doors in Rear Kitchen Wing 29 23. North Facing Interior Wall/Doors 30 24. Rough Framed Shed 30 25. Shed at Rear of House 31 26. Garage to Southwest of House 31 27. Outbuilding Complex 32 28. Garage at Southern End of Outbuildings 32 29. Outbuilding Adjacent to Garage 33 30. Barn 33 Appendices Appendix A - Definition of Key Terms 48 Appendix B – Land Registry Records for 11098 Dixie Road 49 Appendix C – Curriculum Vitaes of Key Personnel 51 I 2-5 v Project Personnel Project Manager Scarlett Janusas, B.A., M.A. Principal Researcher and Report Preparation Historian Patrick Folkes, B.A., M.A. Historic Researchers Peel Region Archives Architectural Analysis AREA Architects, David Eckler Acknowledgments Scarlett Janusas Archaeological & Heritage Consulting & Education (SJAHCE) extends our thanks to Mr. Jason Bottoni and Mr. George Poulias of Metrus Development Inc. for providing maps of the area, and access to the properties. In addition, we wish to thank the tenants of 11098 Dixie Road for allowing us entry into their home to conduct our research. The staff at the Region of Peel Archives has assisted in compiling the research for this document. I 2-6 vi Executive Summary Scarlett Janusas Archaeological & Heritage Consulting & Education (SJACHE) was retained by Metrus Developments to conduct a cultural heritage impact assessment on two properties in the proposed Employment Block (subdivision) located at 11098 Dixie Road in the City of Brampton. This property had been identified as exhibiting potential according to the City of Brampton Heritage Guidelines by Archaeological Services Inc. in 2008, as part of a larger cultural heritage assessment. This property lies within the proposed “Employment Block” subdivision, bordered by Highway 410, Mayfield Road, Dixie Road, and Countryside Road, in the City of Brampton. The cultural heritage impact assessment of these properties included a field visit, archival research, and architectural evaluation. The original historic landscape of the area is rural agricultural. The property located at 11098 Dixie Road has been subject to recent modifications to the landscape (dewatering along Dixie Road, in ground pool, large construction berm to immediate west of property) to diminish the historic landscape. The structures located on 11098 Dixie Road consist of a 1 and 1/2 storey wood frame house with additions and five outbuildings (2 barns, a shed, and another outbuilding). The residence at 11098 Dixie Road is not original to the property, and was moved to this location circa 1900 (personal communication, Mr. Gray, Sr.). The property does not meet any of the criteria of OHA O. Reg. 9/06. The outbuildings lack any heritage value. The following recommended options for the property have been identified: 1. Commemorate the location of 11098 Dixie Road with a plaque and a description of its importance in early adaptive reuse (house located to this location and used as a store/residence, and then residence). 2. Commemorate the early settlers of this property through use of the family name for street names. I 2-7 CULTURAL HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT 11098 DIXIE ROAD CITY OF BRAMPTON, ONTARIO REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF PEEL 1.0 INTRODUCTION Scarlett Janusas Archaeological and Heritage Consulting and Education (SJAHCE) was retained METRUS Development Inc. to conduct a Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment for two properties located in the City of Brampton. This report deals with the property on Lot 16, Concession 3, EHS, former Township of Chinguacousy, Regional Municipality of Peel. This property is located at 11908 Dixie Road (Figures 1 and 2). The current Official Plan designation of the proposed study area is Industrial. There is no Official Plan Amendment required to redesignate this land for the proposed employment purposes. The current zoning of the subject land is Agricultural (A), Agricultural (A-847), and Institutional 2 (12). The proposed Zoning of the subject land is a site specific Industrial One (M1) Zone, along with the Floodplain (F) for the valley feature and Stormwater Management Pond (both distant from the two heritage properties). The Countryside Villages Secondary Plan (SP48a) designates that land as Prestige Industrial, Stormwater Management Facility, Wetland, Terrestrial Features and Valleyland (MacKinnon 2010). Figure 1 General Location of Subject Property I 2-8 2 Figure 2 Draft Plan of Subdivision Identifying Property A cultural heritage study was completed in 2008 by Archaeological Services Inc. (ASI) of a larger geographic area, which included the study area. This report extracts data from the ASI report pertinent to the two properties, including a general historic overview. The purpose of conducting a cultural heritage assessment is to “…Know where the heritage value of the historic place lies; how it fits physically and functionally in its surroundings; and how it was and is important to its larger community past, present and future” (Parks Canada 2003:4). Additional research and field visits were conducted by Scarlett Janusas, B.A, M.A. of SJAHCE and Mr. David Eckler, AREA Architects, with permission of Metrus Development Inc. Curriculum vitaes of key personnel are presented in the appendices. I 2-9 3 This report provides details on the built heritage of this property and its associated cultural heritage landscape. Potential impacts to the property will be examined based on the proposed plans for subdivision and discuss any proposed mitigation measures by the proponent. The results of the cultural heritage impact assessment provides a description of the historical context of the area, the property itself, an evaluation of significant cultural features, and recommendations for adaptive reuse or alternative recommendations. I 2-10 4 2.0 HISTORIC SUMMARY The following historic summary is taken from the ASI (2008:13-14) cultural heritage assessment of a larger geographic area, as pertinent to the property. “Part of the land which encompasses Chinguacousy Township was alienated by the British from the native Mississaugas through a provisional treaty dated October 28, 1818 (Indian Treaties 1891:#19 p.47). The township is said to have been named by Sir Peregrine Maitland after the Mississauga word for the Credit River, and which signified “young pine”. Other scholars assert that it was named in honour of the Ottawa Chief Shinguacose, which was corrupted to the present spelling of “Chinguacousy,” under whose leadership Fort Michilimacinac was captured from the Americans in the War of 1812” (Mika 1977:416; Rayburn 1997:68). The township was formally surveyed in 1818, and the first “legal” settlers took up their lands later in that same year.