DOI:10.24193/tras.56E.5 Published First Online: 02/28/2019 A PROPOSAL FOR A NEW ADMINISTRATIVE-TERRITORIAL OUTLINE OF BUCHAREST-BASED IN-CITY DISCONTINUITIES Radu SĂGEATĂ Radu SĂGEATĂ Researcher, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania Tel.: 0040-213-135.990 E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract Urban development represents a perma- nent challenge for space organization in large cities. Space organization is to be achieved by observing the homogeneity and specifi city of dwelling cores (urban quarters) as premises for urban structure functionality and viability. The administrative boundaries should overlap discontinuity areas in the city, which cause di- vergent population fl ows. The radial-concentric type morphostructure of Bucharest, Romania’s capital-city, is based on the sectorial model of six administrative sectors, in this case. Each sec- tor has both central and peripheral zones, with sharper inter-sectorial than intra-sectorial dispar- ities. Massive industrialization and urbanization in the socialist period led to the development of the housing stock and the individualization of quarter centers as secondary polarization cores in the city. This situation calls for revisiting the current administrative boundaries in the light of city discontinuities and establishing some multi- core sectors by encompassing homogeneous quarters in terms of functionality, specifi city, and social-urbanistic problems, so that administra- tive and local development policies could better match the concrete situations on the ground. Keywords: urban morphostructure, admin- istrative sectors, quarter centers, discontinuities, functionality, Bucharest. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 77 No. 56 E/2019 pp. 77-96 1. Introduction. Targets Urban expansion calls for an ever more complex management of city areas.