July/ Jui/let 2003

LET RIGHT PREVAIL Barreau The Law Society of du Haut-Canada

Special Conseil Convocation extraordinaire

The conferring of La remise de dip!Omes accordes ii titre an honorary degree and honorifique et l'assermentation des diplomes the call to the bar of the graduates et diplomees du Cours de formation of the bar admission course professionnelle CONTENTS

LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE 10 London. Tuesday, July 8, 2003 2:30 p.m.

OTTAWA CONGRESS CENTRE 12 , Ontario Thursday, July 10, 2003 10:00 a.m.

CENTRE DES CONGRES D'OTTAWA Ottawa (Ontario) Le jeudi l 0 juillet 2003 10 h 00

ROY THOMSON HALL / 6 , Ontario Tuesday, July 15, 2003 2:30 p.m.

ROY THOMSON HALL 20 Toronto, Ontario Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:00 a.m.

ROY THOMSON HALL 23 Toronto. Ontario Thursday, July 17. 2003 2:30 p.111. MESSAGE FROM THE TREASURER LE MESSAGE DU TRESORIER 2

am writing to you as my term as Treasurer of the on mandat de tresorier du Barreau du Haut­ l Law Society of Upper Canada draws to a close. I MCanada tire a sa fin. Je suis honore d'avoir eu la am honoured to have been afforded the opportunity to chance de servir ma profession et j ' apprecie, en serve my profession and appreciate, in particular, the particulier. Jes occasions que j ' ai eues de rencontrer de opportunity that my office afforded me in meeting nombreux etudiants et etudiantes, et des candidats et with many students and candidates for Call to the Bar. candidates a I' assermentation. Of all my experiences in the office of Treasurer, l De toutes mes experiences comme tresorier, je shall remember with particular fond ness th e many penserai avec une affection particuliere a toutes Jes Call to the Bar ceremonies that I perfo rmed . The Call ceremonie' d' assermentation que j' ai presidees. to the Bar is a historic ceremony steeped in our L"assermentation est une ceremonie historique traditions as a law society and as members of an impregnee des traditions du Barreau et des membres ancient and noble profession. d'une profession aussi noble qu'ancienne. You have all worked very hard to arrive at this point Yous avez tous et toutes travail le tres fort pour en today when you shall receive the degree of Barrister­ arriver ace point aujourd'hui au moment oi:1 vous at-Law. You have made many sacrifices along the way. recevez votre dipl6me d'avocat plai dan t. Yous avez fait Your families and friends have supported you en route de nombreux sacrifices. Vos families et amis vous ont to th is day. You are entitled to celebrate together in appuyes durant ce voyage. Yous etes en droit de the finest traditions of the Bar. You should take pride celebrer ensemble dans la pl us pure tradition du in your accompli shments and take your place as the barreau. Yous devriez YOUS sentir fiers de VO S reussites newest members of the Bar with grace and dignity. et prendre votre place comme nouveaux membres du barreau avec grace et dignite. You must uphold the values of this honourable profession - by hel ping to ensure access to justice for Yous devez respecter Jes valeurs de cette honorable all, maintaining the independence of the Bar and profession - en travaillant a assurer I' acces a la justice preserving the rule of law. pour tous et toutes, en maintenant l'independance du barreau et en soutenant la regle de droit. Francis Bacon said that every person is a debtor to his or her profession. l am confident that you wi ll serve Francis Bacon a dit que chacun etait redevable a sa your community and profession with honour and profession. Je suis sGr que vous saurez servir votre integrity. communaute et la profession avec honneur et integrite. I wish you well in your professional lives and Je vous souhaite la reussite dans votre vie happiness in your personal lives. professionnelle et le bonheur dans votre vie personnell e. f~ Le tresorier, Professor Vern Krishna. Q.C. Treasurer Prn1:::!::: CALL TO THE BAR ADMISSION AU BARREAU 3

he ceremony of Call to the Bar takes place in e ceremonial entourant I' admission au barreau Ttwo separate procedures. First, the Benchers L se deroule en deux temps. En premier lieu, le of The Law Society of Upper Canada, who are tresorier, qui est chef de la direction du Barreau, responsible for the governance of the legal ouvre un Conseil extraordinaire sur l'estrade des profession in Ontario, are called to order on the conseillers du Barreau du Haut-Canada, qui sont stage in a Special Convocation by the Treasurer, responsables de I' administration de la profession who is the head of the Society. The candidates d'avocat en Ontario. Une representante ou un will be presented by a representative of the representant du Comite du perfectionnement Professional Development, Competence and professionnel, de la competence et des admissions Admissions Committee to the Treasurer who will presente Jes candidats et candidates au tresorier confer on them the degree of Barrister-at-Law and qui leur remet le diplome d'avocat-plaideur ou call them to the Bar of Ontario. Convocation will d' avocate-plaideuse et Jes rec,:oit au barreau de then adjourn and a Special Session of the Court of !'Ontario. La seance du Conseil est alors levee Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of et le greffier convoque une session extraordinaire Justice will be convened by the Registrar. The de la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario et de la Cour Chief Justice of Ontario or his designate will superieure de justice. Le juge en chef de !'Ontario, preside over the administering of the Oath of OU la personne qu'il designe, preside a la prestation Allegiance, the Barristers Oath and the Solicitors du serment d' allegeance, du serment des avocats­ Oath, to the newly called members of the Bar. The plaideurs et de celui des procureurs par Jes Court will then adjourn. Upon completion of these nouveaux membres rec,:us au barreau. La seance de two ceremonies the graduates become Barristers la Cour est al ors levee. A 1·issue de ces deux and Solicitors, authorized to practise law in the ceremonies, Jes dipl6mes et dipl6mees deviennent Province of Ontario. avocats-plaideurs ou avocates-plaideuses et procureurs OU procureures, et Sont autorises a exercer le droit clans la province de l' Ontario. BENCHERS OF MEMBRES DU CONSEIL DU THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA BARREAU DU HAUT-CANADA 4

Treasurerfhesorier Gavin MacKenzie Appoillfed Benclzersl The Hon. Edwin A. Frank N. Marrocco. Q.C. Ronald D. Manes Membres 110111mes Goodman. P.C.. O.C.. Frank N. Marrocco. Q.C. Andrea J. Alexander Q.C. Elected Benchen/ Robert Martin Abdul A. Chahbar Howard G. Ha111pton Melllbres <5/us W. A. Derry Millar Andrew F. Coffey Charles A. Harnick. Q.C. Robert B. Aaron Ross William Anne Marie Doyle Professor Vern Constance Back.house Mum1y. Q.C. W. Paul Dray Krishna. Q.C.. FCGA Larry Banack Tracey O'DonneJJ Sy Eber The Hon. Allan f<. Lawrence. P.C.. Q.C. Gordon Bobesich Laurie Pattillo Richard L.J. Filion Laura L. Legge. Q.C. Peter N. Bourque Laurie H. Pawlitza Allan Gotlib Daniel J. Murphy. Q.C. John A. Campion Julian Porter, Q.C. Brendan O'Brien. Q.C. Kim A. Carpenter-Gunn Judith M. Potter Er-Officio Be11chers/ The Hon. Alan W. James R. Caskey Heather Joy Ross Membres d'office Pope. Q.C. Earl A. Cherniak. Q.C. Clayton C. Ruby The Hon. John D. Arnup. Q.C.. LSM The Hon. Sydney L. Paul Copeland Joanne St. Lewis Robins. Q.C.. LSM Carole Curtis Alan G. Silverstein The Hon. Allan M. Todd Ducharme Willia111 J. Ronald W. Rock. P.C.. Q.C. Cass. Q.C.. LSM Abraha111 Feinstein. Q.C. Simpson. Q.C.. LSM Arthur R. A. Scace. Q.C. John T. Clement. Q.C. Neil Finkelstein Gerald A. Swaye. Q.C. Ian G. Scott. Q.C. Austin M. Cooper. Q.C. Alan D. Gold Beth Symes The Hon. Norman E. Susan Elliott Gary Lloyd Gottlieb. Q.C. Robert C. Topp Sterling Gordon H. T. Holly Harris Bonnie R. Warkentin Harvey T. Strosberg. Q.C. Farquharson. Q.C.. LSM Thomas Giles Heintzman Bradley H. Wright J. James The Hon. George D. Wardlaw. Q.C.. LSM George D. Hunter Finlayson Roger D. Yachetti, Q.C. The Hon. James Flaherty The Hon. David S. Young Patrick Garret Furlong. Q.C .. LSM

Ho110rarr Be11chers/Me111bres lz011oraires His Royal Highness Prince Charles. Prince of Wales The Right Honourable Margaret Thatcher Kenneth P. Jarvis. Q.C.. RCA The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander. Q.C. OATHS SERMENTS 5

OATH OF ALLEGIANCE SERMENT D 'ALLEGEANCE You do swear that you will be faithful and bear true Yous jurez fidelite et allegeance a Sa Majeste la allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Reine Elisabeth IL a ses heritiers, heritieres, Second, Her heirs and successors according to law. successeurs et successeures conformement a la loi. So help you God. Ainsi Dieu vous soit en aide.

BARRISTERS OATH SERMENT DES AVOCATS-PLAIDEURS You are called to the Degree of Barrister-at-law to Le dipl6me d'avocat-plaideur/d'avocate-plaideuse protect and defend the rights and interest of such vous est confere pour que vous protegiez et citizens as may employ you. You shall conduct all defendiez les droits et inten~ts de vos concitoyens cases faithfully and to the best of your ability. You et concitoyennes qui font appel a vos services. shall neglect no one's interest nor seek to destroy Dans toutes Jes causes qui vous seront confiees, any one's property. You shall not be guilty of vous agirez loyalement et de votre mieux. champerty or maintenance. You shall not refuse Yous ne negligerez Jes interets de qui que ce soit causes of complaint reasonably founded, nor shall ni ne chercherez a detruire ses biens. Yous ne you promote suits upon frivolous pretences. You participerez a aucun pacte de q11ota litis ni ne shall not pervert the law to favour or prejudice any soutiendrez une partie sans interet legitime. one, but in all things shall conduct yourself truly Yous ne refuserez pas de defendre des causes and with integrity. In fine, the Queen's interest and raisonnablement fondees ni n' intenterez d' actions the interest of citizens you shall uphold and frivoles. Yous ne tournerez pas la Joi pour favoriser maintain according to the constitution and law of ou defavoriser qui que ce soit, mais, en toutes this Province. All this you do swear to observe and choses, vous agirez avec loyaute et integrite. En perform to the best of your knowledge and ability. bref, vous respecterez et defendrez les interets de la So help you God. Reine et de vos concitoyens et concitoyennes conformement a la constitution et aux lois de cette SOLICITORS OATH province. Yous jurez d ·observer et d'appliquer You also do sincerely promise and swear that you toutes ces rcgles en votre ame et conscience. will truly and honestly conduct yourself in the Ainsi Dien vous soit en aide. practice of a solicitor according to the best of your knowledge and ability. So help you God. SERMENT DES PROCUREURS Yous promettez de meme sincerement et jurez d · exercer avec loyaute et honnetete votre profession de procureur/procureure, en votre ilme et conscience. Ainsi Dieu mus soit en aide. PRIZES PRIX 6


The Treasurer's Medal for the student attaining the La medaille du Tresorier, decernee al' etudiant OU highest grades in the Bar Admission Course a I' etudiante qui se classe au premier rang au Cours de formation professionnelle The Law Society's First Prize for the student attaining the second highest grades in the Bar Le premier prix du Barreau, decerne al' etudiant Admission Course OU a J' etudiante qui Se c]asse au deuxieme rang au Cours de formation professionnelle The Law Society's Second Prize for the student Le deuxieme prix du Barreau, decerne l 'etudiant attaining the third highest grades in the Bar a OU a ]'etudiante qui Se classe au troisieme rang au Admission Course Cours de formation professionnelle

The Law Society's Third Prize for the student Le troisieme prix du Barreau, decerne a l'etudiant attaining the fourth highest grades in the Bar OU a ]'etudiante qui Se c]asse au quatrieme rang au Admission Course Cours de formation professionnelle

The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Le prix Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal Prize for the twenty-five students attaining the History, decerne aux vingt-cinq etudiants et highest grades in the Bar Admission Course etudiantes ayant obtenu Jes meilleurs resultats dans le cadre du Cours de formation PRIZES - NAMED FOR INDIVIDUALS professionnelle The S. J. Birnbaum Q.C. Scholarship First Prize PRIX PORT ANT DES NOMS DE PERSONNES for the student attaining the highest grade in Estate Planning La bourse S.J. Birnbaum, c.r. (premier prix), decernee a J' etudiant OU a J' etudiante qui Se c)asse The S. J. Birnbaum Q.C. Scholarship Second Prize au premier rang en Droit successoral for the student attaining the second highest grade La bourse S.J. Birnbaum, c.r. (deuxieme prix), in Estate Planning decernee a I' etudiant OU a l' etudiante qui se classe au deuxieme rang en Droit successoral The S. J. Birnbaum Q.C. Scholarship Third Prize for the student attaining the third highest grade in La bourse S.J. Birnbaum, c.r. (troisieme prix), Estate Planning decernee a I' etudiant OU a I' etudiante qui se classe au troisieme rang en Droit successoral The William Belmont Common, Q.C. Prize for Criminal Law for the student attaining the second Le prix William Belmont Common, c.r., de droit highest grade in Criminal Law penal, decerne a [' etudiant OU a [' etudiante qui Se classe au deuxieme rang en Droit penal 7

The Ronald 0. Daly Scholarship for the student La bourse Ronald 0. Daly, decernee a l'etudiant OU attaining the highest grades in the Bar Admission a I' etudiante qui se classe au premier rang au Course Cours de formation professionnelle

The Beverley Genest Prize for the student attaining Le prix Beverley Genest, decerne a l'etudiant OU a the highest grade in Family Law at London l 'etudiante qui se classe au premier rang en Droit de la famille a London The Herbert Egerton Harris Advocacy Scholarship for the student attaining the highest grade in Civil La bourse Herbert Egerton Harris de plaidoirie, Litigation decernee a l'etudiant OU a J'etudiante qui Se classe au premier rang en Contentieux civil The Herbert Egerton Harris Advocacy Scholarship La bourse Herbert Egerton Harris de plaidoirie, for the student attaining the second highest grade decernee a l' etudiant OU a l' etudiante qui se classe in Civil Litigation au deuxieme rang en Contentieux civil

The Margaret P. Hyndman, O.C., Q.C., D.C.L. Le prix Margaret P. Hyndman, O.C., c.r., D.C.L., Prize donated by the Alpha Mu Chapter, Kappa offert par le chapitre Alpha Mu, Kappa Beta Pi Beta Pi Legal Association for the student attaining Legal Association, decerne a l'etudiant OU a the second highest grade in Business Law l' etudiante qui se classe au deuxieme rang en Droit commercial The Samuel Lerner, Q.C. Prize in General Advocacy for the student attaining the highest Le prix Samuel Lerner, c.r., de plaidoirie generale, combined grades in Civil Litigation, Public Law, decerne a J' etudiant OU a J' etudiante qui Se classe and Family Law au premier rang dans I' ensemble des matieres suivantes : Contentieux civil, Droit public et Droit The Isadore Levinter Prize donated by The de la famille Advocates' Society for the student attaining the highest grade in Public Law Le prix Isadore Levinter, offert par The Advocates' Society, decerne a l'etudiant OU a l'etudiante qui se The Isadore Levinter Memorial Award for the classe au premier rang en Droit public student attaining the second highest grades in the Bar Admission Course Le prix commemoratif Isadore Levinter, decerne a l'etudiant OU a J'etudiante qui Se classe au deuxieme rang au Cours de formation The Edwin George Long, K.C. Memorial professionnelle Scholarship for the student attaining the highest grades in the Bar Admission Course 8

The Edwin George Long, K.C. Memorial La bourse commemorative Edwin George Long, Scholarship for the student attaining the second c.r., decernee a J'etudiant OU a J'etudiante qui se highest grades in the Bar Admission Course classe au premier rang au Cours de formation professionnelle The E. J. McGrath Prize for the student at London who has most clearly demonstrated excellence in La bourse commemorative Edwin George Long, the skills required in Criminal Practice C.r., decernee a J' etudiant OU a J' etudiante qui Se cl asse au deuxieme rang au Cours de formation The Margaret McNulty Award for the student who, professionnel le among the graduates of the Faculty of Law, Le prix E.J. McGrath, decerne l'etudiant OU University of Western Ontario, attained the highest a a J'etudiante de London qui a le mieux demontre son grades in the Bar Admission Course excellence dans !es habiletes requises en procedure penale The Vera L. Parsons Prize for the student attaining the highest grade in Criminal Law Le prix Margaret McNulty, decerne a l'etudiant OU a l'etudiante qui se classe au premier rang au The Arthur Wentworth Roebuck Award donated by Cours de formation professionnelle parmi Jes friends of the late Senator Roebuck for the student diplomes de la faculte de droit de l'Universite attaining the highest grade in Family Law Western

The Joseph Sedgwick, Q.C. Prize for Criminal Le prix Vera L. Parsons, decerne a I' etudiant OU a Law for the student attaining the highest grade in l 'etudiante qui se classe au premier rang en Droit Criminal Law penal

The Elisabeth Slasor Prize donated by Gowling Le prix Arthur Wentworth Roebuck, offert par Jes Lafleur Henderson LLP for the student attaining amis du feu Senateur Roebuck, decerne a I' etudiant the highest grade in Estate Planning at Ottawa OU a J' etudiante qui Se ciasse au premier rang en Droit de la famille The Stuart Thom Prize donated by Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt for the student attaining the highest grade Le prix Joseph Sedgwick, c.r., de droit penal, in Business Law decerne a J' etudiant OU a ]' etudiante qui Se classe au premier rang en Droit penal PRIZES NAMED FOR FIRMS/ORGANIZATIONS Le prix Elisabeth Slasor, offert par le cabinet The Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Prize for the Gowling Lafleur Henderson, s.r.l.. decerne a student attaining the highest grades in the Bar l 'etudiant OU a I' etudiante qui se classe au premier Admission Course at Ottawa rang en Droit successoral a Ottawa 9

The Harcourts Advocacy Award for the student Le prix Stuart Thom, offert par le cabinet Osler, attaining the highest combined grades in Civil Hoskin et Harcourt, decerne a I' etudiant OU a Litigation, Family Law and Criminal Law l'etudiante qui se classe au premier rang en Droit commercial The International Academy of Trial Lawyers Plaque for the student attaining the highest grade PRIX DE CABINETS OU D'ORGANISATIONS in Civil Litigation Le prix Gowling Lafleur Henderson, s.r.l., decerne a I' etudiant OU a I' etudiante qui Se classe au The McCarthy Tetrault Business Law Prize premier rang au Cours de formation donated by McCarthy Tetrault for the student professionnelle attaining the highest grade in Business Law at Toronto Le prix Harcourts de plaidoirie, decerne a I' etudiant OU a I' etudiante qui se classe au premier The McCarthy Tetrault Business Law Prize rang dans !'ensemble des matieres suivantes : donated by McCarthy Tetrault for the student Contentieux civil, Droit de la famille et Droit penal attaining the highest grade in Business Law at La plaque de I' International Academy of Trial Ottawa Lawyers, decernee a ]' etudiant OU a I' etudiante qui se classe au premier rang en Contentieux civil The McCarthy Tetrault Business Law Prize donated by McCarthy Tetrault for the student Le prix McCarthy Tetrault de clroit commercial, attaining the highest grade in Business Law at decerne a I' etudiant OU a ]' etudiante qui se classe London au premier rang en Droit commercial a Toronto

The Harrison Pensa Prize for the student attaining Le prix McCarthy Tetrault de droit commercial, the highest grades in the Bar Admission Course at decerne a I' etudiant OU a I' etudiante qui se classe London au premier rang en Droit commercial a Ottawa

The Practitioners' Prize in Real Estate for the Le prix McCarthy Tetrault de droit commercial, student attaining the highest grade in Real Estate decerne a l'etudiant OU a l'etudiante qui Se classe au premier rang en Droit commercial a London

Le prix Harrison Pensa, clecerne a I' etudiant OU a l'etudiante qui se classe au premier rang au Cours de formation professionnelle a London

Le prix de droit immobilier, decerne a l'etudiant OU a l'etudiante qui se classe au premier rang en Droit immobilier LONDON


LONDON PROCESSION CONVENTION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and PRESENTATION OF PRIZES CENTRE Benchers enter the Opera. The Treasurer, The Treasurer will present the prizes won by the London. Ontario Frank N. Marrocco, Q.C., will open Convocation. graduates of the Bar Admission Course. The Tuesday. candidates will be introduced by Diana Miles, July 8, 2003 CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE Director of Professional Development & 2:30 p.111. The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor Competence. of Laws, honoris causa, upon Chief Roberta Jamieson, LL.B., LL.D., C.M.. Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal from Six Nations of the Grand River Territory History Prize; The Margaret McNulty Award; and The Harrison Pensa Prize ADDRESS Kimberlev May Thompson Chief Roberta Jamieson will address Convocation. Awarded a share of The E.J. McGrath Prize Emily Kate Jansenberger LONDON

CALL TO THE BAR The candidares for call to the bar 1rill be presented to rhe Treasurer bra represemaril'e of the Professional Derelop111e11t. Competence and Admissiom Commirtee. I I

Heather Carol Allen Elizabeth Marie DeBoer Catherine Ann Mc Intosh Jason William Neyers Melinda Jane Baxter Marc Anthony Robert .James Jr. Belinda Pagliaroli Nadia Riaz Bhatti Di Girolamo McGowan Alexander Bishara Paul Kirstie Bloomfield Kimberly Ann Farrington Shelley Julie Anita Paula Marie Platero McGuire Benjamin Michael Booker Edgar Francis Craig William Sigurdson Jeffrey Richard Mellow Jennifer Jane Breithaupt Kimberly Ann Gribble Marcella Smit Lisa Jane Metselaar Allison Elizabeth Brook Zane Richard Handysides Angela Sordi Pamela Susanne Miehls Kimberly Dustine Chalk Nancy Kaur Lisa Nicole Stein Jammu-Taylor Margaret Jean Mill Frances Elizabeth Kimberley May Chapman Emily Kate .Tansenberger Melissa Rachelle Murray Thompson Mysty Sybil Clapton Rebecca Moira Jaremko Severin Nkolla Ndema Trevor Joel Waterman Bromwich Moussa Patricia Ann Cornei Charles Yih Kelly Ann Kavanaugh Renate Nemes Jessica May Dawson Denise Marie Kocher Nicholaus Andreas De Koning Mark Antonius Marie Kok

CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Special Sitting of the Courr of Appeal j(1r Omario and the Superior Court of Justice The Honourable Mr. Justice Roland J. Haines, Superior Court of Justice. will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. THE COURT WILL RISE OTTAWA


OTTAWA PROCESSION ENTREE SOLENNELLE CONGRESS The audience will ri se when the Treasurer and L' assistance se !eve lorsque le tresorier et !es CENTRE Benchers enter the Opera. The Treasurer, conseillers entrent dans !'Opera. Le tresorier, Ottawa, Ontario Frank N. Marrocco, Q.C., will open Convocation. Frank N. Marrocco, c.r., ouvre le Conseil. Thursday, July 10, 2003 CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE GRADE HONORIFIQUE JO:OO a.m. The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor Le tresorier confere le grade de Docteur en droit, of Laws, honoris causa, upon honoris causa, au CENTRE DES Professor Michael Trebilcock, LL.B., LL.M. Professeur Michael Trebilcock, LL.B., LL.M. CON GRES D'OTTAWA ADDRESS ALLOCUTION Ottawa (Ontario) Professor Michael Trebilcock will address Le professeur Michael Trebilcock prononce une Lejeudi Convocation. allocution devant le Conseil. JO juillet 2003 JO h 00 PRESENTATION OF PRIZES REMISE DES PRIX The Treasurer will present the prizes won by Le tresorier remet !es prix ctecernes aux dipl6mes the graduates of the Bar Admission Course. et aux dipl6mees du Cours de formation The candidates will be introduced by Terrance J. professionnelle. Le chef du perfectionnement du McCarthy, Head, Program Development (Ottawa). programme (Ottawa), Terrance J. McCarthy, presente !es candidats et Jes candidates. Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Prize; The Gowling Lafleur Henderson Le prix Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal LLP Prize; a share of The Herbert Egerton Harris History, le prix Gowling Lafleur Henderson, s.r.I., Advocacy Scholarship (highest grade); a share of une partie de la bourse Herbert Egerton Harris de The International Academy of Trial Lawyers plaidoirie (premier rang), une partie de la plaque Plaque; and The Harcourts Advocacy Award de !'International Academy of Trial Lawyers et le Melissa Ann Ernewein prix Harcourts de plaidoirie sont decernes a I' etudiante suivante : Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal Melissa Ann Ernewein History Prize; a share of The Vera L. Parsons Prize; and a share of The Joseph Sedgwick, Q.C. Prize Le prix Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal Bradley Donald Procter History, une partie du prix Vera L. Parsons et une partie du prix Joseph Sedgwick, c.r., sont decernes al' etudiant suivant : Bradley Donald Procter OTTAWA


Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal Le prix Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Prize, and The Isadore Levinter Prize History et le prix Isadore Levinter sont decernes a Katherine Marie van Heugten I' etudiante suivante : Katherine Marie van Heugten Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Prize, and a share of The Herbert Egerton Le prix Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal Harris Advocacy Scholarship (second highest History et une partie de la bourse Herbert Egerton grade) Harris de plaidoirie (deuxieme rang) sont decernes Meaghan Courtney Sunderland a I' etudiante suivante : Meaghan Courtney Sunderland Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Prize, and The McCarthy Tetrault Business Le prix Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal Law Prize (Ottawa) History et le prix McCarthy Tetrault de droit Al-Nawa-::. Zulfikar Nanji commercial (Ottawa) sont decernes a I' etudiant suivant : Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal Al-Nawa-::. Zuljikar Nanji History Prize Jennifer Elisabeth Marshall Dt!ff Le prix Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History est decerne aI' etudiante suivante : Awarded The Elisabeth Slasor Prize, and a share of Jennifer Elisabeth Marshall Duff The S.J. Birnbaum Q.C. Scholarship Third Prize Matthew MacGregor Roy Le prix Elisabeth Slasor et une partie de la bourse S.J. Birnbaum, c.r. (troisieme prix) sont clecernes a l'etudiant suivant : Awarded The Arthur Wentworth Roebuck Award Matthew MacGregor Roy Marie Kim Nicole Patenaude

Awarded a share of The E.J. McGrath Prize Le prix Arthur Wentworth Roebuck est clecerne a l'etudiante suivante : Jennifer Grace Keating Marie Kim Nicole Patenaude

Une partie du prix E.J. McGrath est decernee a I' etucliante suivante : Jennifer Grace Keating OTTAWA

CALL TO THE BAR ADMISSION AU BARREAU The co11didares j(Jr call to the bar H'ill be prese11ted U11e representm1te ou w1 represe/lfa/lf du Comite du pe1fectionne111ent to the Treasurer bra representatil'e of the Professio11al prof'essio111zel. de la competence et des admissions prese/lfe au 14 Derelopmellf. Compete11ce and Admissicms Committee. tresorier /es ca11didats et ca11didates ii /'ad111issio11 au barreau.

Shelby Lee Ander,on Adam Peter Dubas Alison Lorraine Jones Ronald Joseph Loder Stephanie Esther Baker Joel Michel Dubois Karin Kaan Jamie George Lucien Jacqueline Beckles Angele Dutrisac Franc;ois Kasenda Monte Thomas Gordon Perla Bejjani Stephanie Jane Edwards Kabemba MacGregor Louis Robert Joseph Lone Krista Eriksen Damir Karaturovic Peter John MacTavish Benoit Melissa Ann Ernewein Alexandru Dan Kaufman Mark Dominic Magro Kiran Kaur Bhinder Jennifer Olivia Kay Jennifer Grace Keating Maryse Mahy Annette Carla Bouzi Fairfax Alana Michelle Sharon Jennifer Elisabeth Michael Robert Barry Shari Lyn Marion Fisher Klein Marshall Duff Boyce Jennifer Lee Francis Sonia Kociper Teresa Madeline Martin Michael John Bozic Melanie Anik Fraser Gregory James Koster Leanne Michelle Mascolo Melanie Leslie Breen Daniel Jean Gervais Krystyna Louise Peter Alphonse McGrath James Meric Brown Alexandra Kouri Stephanie Hope Gibson Jason Paul Thomas Paul Ronald Lalonde McKenzie Diego Brundia Helen Jean Gray Julie Marie-Helene Amy Beth McKinnon Natasha Janet Calvinho Vanessa Tonia Gruben Lambert Cherie Maureen Metcalf Susan Choi-Ling Chao Marjolaine Guay Melanie Anne Lapointe Joseph Walter Mik Nicole Charalambous Merwane Riad Harik Marie Chantale Janie Karen Dawn Miller Marie-France Chartrand Patrick Andrew Leo Larocque Barry Edward Christoff Hayes Kiran Noor Mohammad Lynn Susan Larson Mubarak Sally Rachel Clark Michelle Shelly Henry Carol) n Jean Beverley Stirling Moore Pierre-Alexandre Joseph Meredith Leigh Holmes LeCheminant Chandy Moira Jean Moore Philippe Cyr Melanie Lynn Hopper Robert Andrew James Leckey Patrick Neil Murphy Matthew Paul de Vlieger Ayana Carla Thompson Ann Desormeaux Hutchinson Marc Warren Legare Jodi Michelle Murray Diana-Carla Drappel Raphael Ali Jean-Pierre Paul Adrian Lewandowski Marie Ghislaine Lissa Mussely Barry Douglas Dryland Sandeep Kumar Jindal Glen David Linder OTTAWA


Al-Nawaz Zulfikar Nanji Tracy Lee Pybus Vicky Diane Satta Martin James Thompson Ariel Nahum Neuer Mathieu Eric Quesnel Natalie Ann Schoenfeld Wilson Scott Douglas Amy Lynn Nicholson Brandon Lewis Quinn Crystal Ann Schulz Thurlow Joanne Sandra Norman Seetha Lakshmi Marta Anna Siemiarczuk Marlisa Claire Tiedemann John Edward Norman Ramanathan Valerie Gorete Silva Heather Loraine Totton Sabin Alexandre Ozga Elena Reshetnikova Daniel George Arthur Sarah Suzanne Trach Shane Robert Parker Julian Christopher Sipes Tanya Lisa Trak Robertson Erica Ann Pashley David Michael Sloan Vinh Quoc Tu Ramona Gertrude Violet Mariane Small Witold Jan Tymowski Marie Kim Nicole Rothschild Patenaude Harold Earl Smith Katherine Marie van Alain Antoine Roussy Natalie Geraldine Martin Yvon St-Onge Heugten Marie Isabelle Roy Jocelyne Phipps Deanna Vicki Sun Andina Jean Van Isschot Matthew MacGregor Roy Julie Lise Micheline Meaghan Courtney Sarah Jane Vowles Poirier Odette Rwigamba Sunderland Kimberley Julia Walker Mark Clifford Power Susan Carol Elizabeth David Alan Tait Tannis Allison Waugh Ryan Jean-Frarn;:ois Frederic Natalie Rosa Marie Talbot John Paul Zubec Pre gent Kasim Salim Josee Marie Rejeanne Lawrence David Zuker Bradley Donald Procter Catherine Maryse Thibodeau Raija Ilona Pulkkinen Cristelle Sary

CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN LA SEANCE DU CONSEIL EST LEVEE Special Sitting o(the Court of Appeal for Ontario Session e.rtraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de and the Superior Court of Justice /'Ontario et de la Cour superieure de justice The Honourable Mr. Justice W. J. Lloyd Brennan, L'honorable juge W.J. Lloyd Brennan de la Cour Superior Court of Justice. will preside over a special superieure de justice, tient une session extraordinaire de sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario et de la Cour superieure de Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the justice afin de faire preter serment aux dipl6mes et graduates and admit them as solicitors. dipl6mees et de !es aclmettre comme procureurs. THE COURT WILL RISE LA SEANCE DE LA COUR EST LEVEE TORONTO


ROY PROCESSION Awarded The Law Society's First Prize: The THOMSON The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Prize; HALL Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, The Isadore Levinter Memorial Award; The Edwin Toronto, Ontario Frank N. Marrocco, Q.C., will open Convocation. George Long, K.C. Memorial Scholarship (second TuesdaY. highest grade); a share of The William Belmont Julr 15. 2003 CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE Common, Q.C. Prize; a share of The Margaret P. 2:30 p.111. The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Hyndman, O.C., Q.C., D.C.L. Prize; and a share of Laws, honoris causa, upon The S.J. Birnbaum Q.C. Scholarship Third Prize Professor Peter W Hogg, O.C., Q.C., L.S.M., Linda Irene Knot F.R.S.C. Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal ADDRESS History Prize, and a share of The S.J. Birnbaum Professor Peter W. Hogg wi ll address Convocation. Q.C. Scholarship First Prize Sarah Powell Bradley PRESENTATION OF PRIZES Dale John Osadchuk The Treasurer will present the prizes won by the graduates of the Bar Admission Course. The Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal candidates will be introduced by Diana Miles, History Prize; a share of The William Belmont Director of Professional Development & Common, Q.C. Prize; and a share of The Margaret Competence. P. Hyndman, O.C., Q.C., D.C.L. Prize Jacob H C Lee Awarded The Treasurer's Medal; The Ronald 0. Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal Daly Scholarship; The Edwin George Long, K.C. History Prize Memorial Scholarship (highest grade); The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Prize; Katina Kalliopi Saoulli Loucaides The Stuart Thom Prize; a share of The William Peter James Mac Donald Belmont Common, Q.C. Prize; and The McCarthy Samantha Lee Traub Tetrault Business Law Prize (Toronto) Katherine Jo\' O'Brien TORONTO

I 7

Awarded a share of The Margaret P. Hyndman, O.C., Q.C., D.C.L. Prize, and The McCarthy Tetrault Busi ness Law Prize (London) Danial K. Ho Lam

Awarded a share of The Vera L. Parsons Prize, and a share of The Joseph Sedgwick, Q.C. Prize Richard Lawrence Neary Alexander Rozenblyum

Awarded The Beverley Genest Prize Stephen Anthony Martin

Awarded a share of The William Belmont Common, Q.C. Prize Matthew Jeffrey Cumming

Awarded a share of The S.J. Birnbaum Q.C. Scholarship Third Prize Candice Michaella Arnold TORONTO

CALL TO THE BAR The candidates.for call to the bar 11·i/I be presellted to the Treasurer bY a represe11tati1·e of the Professional De1·e/op111e11t, Competence 18 and Admissions Committee.

Zachary Joshua Abella Natalie Ann Cuffl ey Christina Marie Gural Natalia Krayzman Mario Marinus Abrioux Matthew Jeffrey Michael Charles Benjamin La Borie Veronica Cecelia Jean Cumming Henriques M ia Jacqueline Lalonde Alexander Rajesh Kumar Datt Paula Amy Hewitt Danial K. Ho Lam Anusha Sabrina Alikhan Scott Earl Davidson Amer Hindi Paul Anthony Lamarre Derek Conrad Al len Joseph Romano De Luca Salim Mahedi Maherali Laura Ashley Latta] Hi1ji-Lalani Lisa Ann Armstrong Penny Samantha Kingsley Lance Laurin DeBora-Worth Edward Hiutin Sarah Jane Armstrong Jacob H C Lee Candice Michaella Arnold Michelle Rachel Demone Melanie Christina Hoad Sylvia Winnie Lee Varinder Dhaliwal Viktor Serhey Hohots Jason Josh Ball Meighan Elizabeth Leon Derek William Ballard Andrea Lynn Di Battista M ichael Solomon Wendy-Anne Lerer Hollinger Laura Elizabeth Barnett Carlo Alberto Di Giovanni Sheri Rosanne Levitt Andrew George Cassar Andrea Michelle Bell Gaspare Di Salvo Erica Lien Holywell Shelley Ann Black Alexandra Jane Dostal Steven Jay lndig Maryann Jennifer Liscio Simone Ava Boxen Matthew Tarquin Duffy Rachel Karen lscove Jennifer Faye Longhurst Steven M ichael Dykstra Sarah Powell Bradley Katina Kalliopi Saoulli Caroline Mi-Hwi Philop John Brissette Alison Stephanie Engel Loucaides Jagemann Nicole Annette Brown Iana Ermak Michael Graham Isaac Zoryanna Nadia Diana Escobar Lubin Stefanie Dana Brull Jakibchuk Jessica Robyn Lumiere Tara Lisa Brun-Hayne Jacqueline Mary Esmonde Christine Keitha Jenkins Derek Robert James Bulas Jennifer Martha Estrela Peter Walter Clifford Harpreet Singh Luthra Scott Stephen Burrows Andrew Steven Faith Johnson Christian King Lyons Nancye Katharine Bush David Mario Farmani Rebecca Jones Peter James Mac Donald Colleen Elizabeth Butler David Leslie Feld Virginia Haley Lynne Eunice dos Reis Machado Mary Eli zabeth Byberg Neil Alan Fineberg Jones Eric Gregory Mah Monica Elizabeth Caceres Christopher Francis Fiore Nanci Ruth Karrandjas Michael James Mahoney Tudor Bogdan Carsten Denis James Fleming Karen Rifka Karvat Elyse Jodi Mallins Rebecca Elswyth Case Rachel Marie Furey Nicholas William David Alexander Mandell Kaschuk Antonella Ceddia David Edward Gall agher Benj amin Lee Marshall Catherine Margaret Nina Gandhi Nana Kato Stephen Anthony Martin Chamberlain Gurpreet Kaur Gil l Randie Tamar Katz Hyder Arif Masum Alexander Chi-H o Chan Darlene Michelle Christopher Ian Keay Rosa Lucia Mauro Ryan Kenneth Coll ier Gil liland Molly Ann Keays Craig Thomas Mazin Emmet Paul Connolly Noah Siskind Gitterman Sonia Keuroghlian David Sean Mc Garrity Julie Cordeiro Brenda Joy Gosselin Jason Michael Kimelman Jennifer Susan Nicola Mario Covelli Tara Leigh Gracie Linda Irene Knol McCormick Paul Alexander Eric Thomas Gresham Cynthia Krista Kontra John Richard Stetson Crum-Ewing Serf Grewal Maria Kotsopoulos Mcfarlane TORONTO


Glenda Dawn McLeod Paul Silas Rand Maureen Carolyn Frances Andrea Lynn Unikowsky Vivek Mehra Prem Rawal Smith Beatrice Johanna van Dijk Mary Kate Misurka Matthew King Rea Raffaele Sparano Marc Reuben Vaturi Jason Michael Joseph Owen Maxwell Rees Shmuel Zanvel Stern John Venneri Mitschele Rod Raymond Refcio Lisa Stevenson Angela Vivolo Ladan Moj addad William Nicholas Rolls Avrahom Yitzchok Sugar Judith Anne Walsh Shahrooz Joseph Leo Romano Karyn Ursula Sul livan Mary Catherine Walsh Leonardo Andrea Zev Meyer Rosenzweig Brian Gregory Sunohara Allison Melissa Weiss Mongillo Joanna Michelle Rosser Diana Svalina Margaret Emily Wente Brad Robert George Brodie Christopher Swartz Moore Clare Roughneen Sean Neal Werger Stacy Erin Swartz Kevin Alan Moore Alexander Rozenblyum Melisse Louise Willems Sebastian Szemplinski Ryan Latham Morris Michael Rubin David Michael Willer Leigh Somerville Taylor Robert Michael Mullin Jessica Ann Rufrano Joanna Beth Winter Jeanette Ju Cheun Teh Jeffery Dale Murray Anna Felicity Sarah Gail Kwai Yee Wong Russell Nicole Danielle Tellier Anandi Devi Naipaul Pauline Way ling Wong Michele Sabusco Ari Stefan Tenenbaum Ishwar Narine Narayan Samuel Jung Yoon Marina Elizabeth Miriam Faigie Tepperman Estefanfa Navascues Anita Miriam Zagorski Sampson Robert Tomovski Ri chard Lawrence Neary Veronica Gabriela Zanfir Sameer Sandhu Jason Joseph Trainor Lindsay Anne Neidrauer Maan Joseph Zayouna Aaron Mitchel Sawchuk Samantha Lee Traub James Randolph Earl Andrew James Zur Barbara Caran Schechter Nelson Stefano Giuseppe Tripodi Adam Mitchell Zwicker Peter Roy Schneider Katherine Joy O'Brien Banu Ozlem Una! Andrew Karel Zyp Melissa Jacqueline Scott Bradley O'Neill Schyven Dale John Osadchuk Gillian Sidney Gail Scott Brena Marlena Parnes Jennifer Michelle Searle CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Laila Parvez Jonathan David See Kruti Patel Jenna Bennett Seguin Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and Shane Bradley Pearlman Kether Allan Shemie the Superior Court of Justice Ryan Sanjeev Persad Lisa Gaye Marie Shields The Honourable Justice Rosalie S. Abella, Court of Rebecca Elizabeth Peters Shahzad Fuzail Siddiqui Appeal for Ontario. will preside over a special sitting of Mark Paul Pindera Elise Mara Sieradzki th e Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court Prathima Surojnie Prashad Mariana Teresa Silva of Justice to administer the oaths to the graduates and Cullen Frederick Price Richard Bradley Simpson admit them as solicitors. Christian Provenzano Paul lnder Singh Elise Mira Pulver THE COURT WILL RISE Abbey Kateregga Sirivar Bradley Sam Rafauli Argirula Litza Smirnakis Kavita Ramamoorthy TORONTO


ROY PROCESSION Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal THOMSON The audience will rise when the Treasurer and History Prize. and a share of The Practitioners· HALL Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, Prize Toronto, Ontario Frank N. Marrocco, Q.C., will open Convocation. Jennifer Lee Marston Thursdar, Julr 17. 2003 ADDRESS Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal 9:00 a.111. The Treasurer will address Convocation History Prize Sandv Pui Shan Yeung PRESENTATION OF PRIZES Awarded a share of The Vera L. Parsons Prize, and The Treasurer will present the prizes won by a share of The Joseph Sedgwick, Q.C. Prize the graduates of the Bar Admission Course. The candidates will be introduced by Diana Miles, Karen Diane Bellinger Director of Professional Development & Catrina Marion Card Competence. Awarded a share of The Practitioners' Prize Awarded The Law Society's Third Prize, and The Brigitta Dorit Tseitlin Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Prize Awarded a share of The William Belmont Justin David Young Common. Q.C. Prize Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal Anna Maria Martin History Prize; a share of The Practitioners' Prize; and a share of The S.J. Birnbaum Q.C. Scholarship Third Prize Spyridon Alexandre Spyridakis TORONTO

CALL TO THE BAR The candidates.for call ro rhe bar 1ri// be presented to the Treasurer /Jy a represe11tari1·e of the P1

Melva Janet Aarons Catrina Marion Card Julia Falevitch Laurie Bridget Jessome Michelle Adamowicz Marlene Ann Cashin Nicos Hans-Josef Fassler Colin Beal Johnston Boniface Uhunmwarabona Sylvana Sui-Yin Chan Alison Janine Nadia Nabi Khattak Ahunwan Kirsten Maria Chapman Feeney-Rodgers Garth Bruce Knox Laurie Lee Aitchison Nancy Theresa Stacey Marie Ferrara Chad Kopach Cristina Alaimo Charbonneau Paula Marie Ferre Savvas Kotsopoulos Jennifer Sarah Dick Chien Fen Chen Erin Elizabeth Finlay Mona Kumar Andres Melody Chia-Yin Chen Rosa Firsten Emilie Roseanne Kydd Stee-Marto Asbjornsen Nga Ling Cheung Daniela Francesca Tyler Jay Langdon Ario Daniel John Awrey Follegot Tanya Sze Wing Chow Michelle Ann Lanie! Jaime Erin Balaban Alison Forrest James Albert Thomson Perry Jason Lao Michael Jonathan Baum Clare Penelope Ann Fortier Adam Jonathan Larry Julie Lynne Beeton James Ryan Dante Clark Laughlin David Fox Aubrey Michael Lasky Paul William Belanger Alejandro Colangelo Shiraz Kelly Gheyara Gordon Douglas Lee Karen Diane Bellinger Craig Richard Sheherazade Ghorashy Eli Leibowitz Robert Michael Ben Collins-Williams Joe John Giuliana Charles Andrew Corlett Derek Michael David Robert Beneteau Jeffrey Neil Goldglass Leschinsky Craig Loman Coughlan Joyce Margaret Bernasek Elissa Mara Goodman Colin James Levere Rachel Alexandra Craig Jonathan Raimey Hirsch Scott Alexander Gracie Jeffrey Llewellyn Lewis Bernstein Jan Aldington Daley Steven Michael Zachary Kristina Francine Megan Louise Berntt Armando D' Andrea Green Lipscombe Andrea Aziza Boctor Keya Dasgupta Joseph Jacques Christian Suzana Alexandra Araujo Robert Craig Bottomley Michael De Lellis Guerette Lobo Keith Renwick Bradbury Shayna Andrea Delovitch Omar Paul Hamam Daniel Thomas Rodolphe Darnel Alexander Brandes Adrian Mark Di Giovanni Scott Emerson Hamilton Loucks Joseph Edward Briante Sarah Kim Diamond '\/iamh Bridget Harraher Debra Lovinsky Amy Kathleen Brown Michael Nicholas Dineen Amy Eleanor Harvey Ivan Anthony Luksic Keely May Estelle Brown Jean Marie Angela Dixon Fayrouse Hassaan Kathleen Stevenson Mac Donald Hilary Joy Evans Sylwia Katarzyna David Alexander Heath Cameron Domaradzki Eric Brendan Heath Stacy Michelle MacCormac Mary Cindy Cameron Ajay Pal Singh Duggal Barbara Jean Hicks Sharon MacKay Catherine Barbara Rafa! Dzegniuk Melissa Margaret Hogg Mark Anthony MacNeill Campbell Camilla Helena Jennifer Anita Jackson Ryan Alexander Maharaj Ian Marshall Campbell Dzikowski Sarah Jane Jackson Lisa Mantello Michelle Louise Campbell Babek Ebrahimzadeh Vishal Singh Janda TORONTO


Hristos Markou Scot Edward Patriquin Andrew Christopher Kathryn Ann Wells Anna Louise Marrison Sini Jayaraj Pengat Spurling Karen Patricia Jennifer Lee Marston Helena Pociurko Spyridon Al exandre Wenckebach Spyridakis Alexandra Mary Martin Rosalyn Ellen Principe Amy Victoria Westland Christine Helen Staley Anna Maria Martin Simon Jimmy Proulx Kerry Daniel Williams David Thomas Strong Tatiana Maria Olha Parthasaradhi Pu ttagunta Amy Lynn Wilson Masnyk Gregory John Michael Jason Adam Witteveen Warren Dave Ragoonanan Draper Sullivan Sean Lindsay Maxwell Deanna Marion Wol fe Balbir Singh Rai Matthew Jochen Keen Denise Clare Mc Connick Trevor Mi chael Rajah Sullivan Mee Ling Wong Simon Alexander Nikolas Milan Rajkovic David Robert Sunday Nicholas Jo Lie Wong McGrath Monica Rakhinshteyn William Matthew Sutcliffe McLean Jamieson Wood Leslie Rose Middaugh Julie Ralhan Nicole Symeonides Micah Victor Wood Jeremy Charles Millard Allison Gail Ralph Taha Habib Tawawala Barry Lyle Yellin Emma Jean Morley Miller Daniel Adam Jennifer Dawn Louise Sandy Pui Shan Yeung Christopher Scott Mitchell Rechtshaffen Teskey Catherine Mary Youdan David Moon Dean Fredrick Ring Piramindhan Thillainathan Justin David Young Jason Andrew Morische Christopher Struan Ross Brigitta Dorrit Tseitlin Kathryn Anne Yung Kenneth John Morris Robertson Rachel Anne Turnpenney Jennifer Dorothy Zdriluk Alice Vera Mrozek Darcy William Romaine George Vlahakis Laura Barbara Zeleznik Lesley Stacey Munk Michael James Rombis Jason John Wakel y Sandy Sandra Zisckind Rosa Mary Muscolino James Andrew Round Adam Neal Weisberg Derek Edward Daniel Zulianello Bibi Aissa Nauthoo Kiran Sah Geoffrey Charles Le Tuyet Dieu Nguyen Hershel Jacob Sahian Wells Ly Tuong Nguyen Marie Fauberte Saintil Diya Sneholata Nijhowne Natasha Lynn Savoline Deann Bernice Nixon Ernest Andrew Schirru Mindy Deena Noble Kellie Robin Seaman Dejan Obrado\ic Jennifer Holly Sernaker CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Gregory Kevin Amrit Elizabeth Sidhu Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and O'Donohue Jason Daniel Singer the Superior Court of Justice Andrea Larissa Ormiston Hanninder Kaur Singh The Honourable R. Roy McMurtry, Chief Justice of Bruce O'Toole Somchine Si\'ilay Ontario, will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice Tanya Kim Padberg George Spartinos Neil Anthony Paris to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. THE COURT WILL RISE TORONTO


PROCESSION Awarded a share of The Herbert Egerton Harris ROY The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Advocacy Scholarship (highest grade), and a share THOMSON Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, of The International Academy of Trial Lawyers HALL Frank N. Marrocco, Q.C., will open Convocation. Plaque Toronto, Ontario Melissa Ragsdale Thursdm', ADDRESS Juky 17. 2003 The Treasurer will address Convocation. Awarded The S.J. Birnbaum Q.C. Scholarship 2:30 p.111. Second Prize PRESENTATION OF PRIZES Karen Lin Ballantvne The Treasurer will present the prizes won by the graduates of the Bar Admission Course. The Awarded a share of The Herbert Egerton Harris candidates will be introduced by Diana Miles, Advocacy Scholarship (second highest grade) Director of Professional Development & Duane Roger Milot Competence. Awarded a share of The William Belmont Awarded The Law Society's Second Prize; The Common, Q.C. Prize Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Prize; Sarah Emily Loosemore and a share of The William Belmont Common, Justin Ninan Parappal!y Q.C. Prize Terry Jason Tustin Alexander Steven Ross

Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Prize, and The Samuel Lerner, Q.C. Prize Phillip Kent Armstrong

Awarded The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Prize Donna Michelle Aronson James Peter Cavanagh Onofrio Dino Fer!isi Christopher Jonathan McKihbin TORONTO

CALL TO THE BAR The candidmes for call to the bar ll'i/I be presented to the Treasurer bY a representatii·e of the Professional Dei·e/opment. Competence 24 and Admissions Committee.

Janine Masako Gyongyver James David Bunting Megan Elizabeth Ferrier Angela Shirley James Acsai Mary Katherine Burke Matthew T.A. Fleming Presho Jesuthasan Holly Nadine Agnew James Fraser DeWitt Margaret Cecilia Forbes Bess Langhord Joffe Justice Kwabena Osei Bushell Jason Richard Forget Sonia Kalia Agyemang Sapna Butany-Goyal Kevin Bruce Forrest Victor Emmanuel Kasowski Alia Maryam Ahmed Giuseppe Jr. Campisi Cory Joseph Freed Sylvia Klasovec Geoffrey Scott Allen Eugenia Cappellaro Angelene Joanne lda Galway loulia Kolovarskaia Andrew Carlisle Alleyne De Posada Estee Lisa Gartin Jason Richard Koskela Subha Anand James Peter Cavanagh Michael Alan Gauthier Steven Ivan Kresak John Robert Edgar Robert Lance Ceaser Melinda Anne Gayda Evangelia Kriaris Archibald Ian Chai Carrie Lynn Gerstein Tamara Kuzyk Jennifer Irene Armstrong Nai Shun Nelson Chan Matthew John Gervan Eli lvar Laius Phillip Kent Armstrong Albert Chang Eric Lawrence Gilman Edward Stephen Lane Donna Michelle Aronson Alexander Anthony Chmel Julie Lynne Gingras Scott Nicholas Latimer Lori-Lynn Lynn Aylwin Janice Kyong Chung Jacob Chaim Glick Nancy Ann Laton Ryan Matthew Azotini Tanya Cianfarani Ian Israel Goldberg Keith Lau Matthew Douglas Baer Mary Theresa Collins Lauren Colleen Bale Victor Sean Gomes George Alexander Joseph Thomas Rene Leibbrandt Karen Lin Ballantyne Comeau Judith Ann Graham Sarah Rochelle Liberman Aviva Rae Basman George Corsianos Sabrina Grando George Limberis Tanya Elizabeth Heikki Cox-Kikkajoon Jana Mary Ingleton Hall Mathias Link Anne-Marie Baytor Erin Kathleen Crawford Lindsay Tremayne Hamilton Marc James Little Faisal Ahmed Bhabha LeeAnn Lorraine Cupidio Courtney Jayne Harris Tina Marie Lococo Karen Andrea Biderman Salma Dar Susan Eli1abeth Harris Rosamaria Longo Jan Kilmartin Bies Natasha De Cicco Katherine Suzanne Hensel Sarah Emily Loosemore Alexander Myles Christopher Damian Jaxa Megan Margaret Hill Billingsley Debicki Daniel Mark Himelfarb Darren Gerard Lund Christina Jona Lynch Jessica Sharon Bookman David Roger Dinner Shauna Edith Hoare Amy El izabeth Bottos Mark Willison Donohue Jeffrey Carl Hopkins Laura Ann Malloni Liza Jane Bowman Jason Antunes Dos Santos Karen Pamela Hulan Melissa Sue Mandel Anthony Orian Ke\'in Carolyn Mary Linden Bryce Austin Edwards Lynn Anne !ding Boyd Maniaci Ariane Marie FmTell Andrew Allan Iler Cindy Jean Boyd Shahina Nina Mapara Ayanna Doris Helen John Pritchard Jl li ngv.,-orth Vaska Bozinovski Martin Paul Marcone Ferdinand Paul Gregory Jachymek Gorden Arthur Edward Cherie Lynn Brant Onofrio Dino Ferlisi Salma Moez Jaffer Marsden Nicol e Shelley Bucher Michelle Cabrita Fernando 25

Raffaele Masellis Karen Sunhyon Park Frank Attilio Sarlo Kristian Tot Natalie Suzanne Matecki Sanjay Pati l Laura Katherine Schatz Tiffany Kirsten Lorraine Craig Robert Daniel Maw Denise Joyce Payne Cara Lynne Sharness Turnbull Liam Matthew Mc Alear Angela Dawn Peck Melanie Tara Shulman Terry Jason Tustin Catherine Anne McAteer Andrew Leigh Peel Debra Elizabeth Singer Kara Lynn Vakiparta Derek Douglas McBean Andres Alberto Pelenur Denis Charles Joseph Sloan Sarah Elizabeth Valair Charles Stewart Brian Jamie Pereira Marianne Margaret Smith William Charles Van Horne McCarragher Kurt Kane Pereira Michael Andrew Smith Nickolas Vlitas Marcy Taylor McKee Mercedes Perez Suzanne Marie Smith Carolyn Susan Wainman Christopher Jonathan Lai la Nicole Perruzza Sanjit Singh Sodhi McKibbin Janet Lea Walker Catherine Lan Pham Ngoc Randall Lee Stephenson Megan Beth McPhee Christopher Gregory Cassandra Beverley Erin Michelle Stoik Walsh Catherine Louise Meade Marija Priede Jennifer Dianne Suess Leigh Alyson Walters Rogelio Jameson John Paul Provart Brasilei\o Mercado Natalia Natasha Yasmin Obadiah Waikwa Ty ler Jackson Puddy Sultan Heather Lynne Meredith Wanyoike Melissa Ragsdale Kanwal Chandi Syed Dave Anthony Messam Brian George Wasyliw Chad David Rawn Marcia Joanne Taggart Sarah Grace Lorraine Jennifer Weinberger Millar Allan Scott Reid Bradley Christopher Tate Christopher Josef Andrew Duane Roger Milot Ju lie Elaine R ic hardson Robert Norman Thomson Williams Diana Kathleen Moffat Eric Bruce Robb Karen Ann Thrasher Saara Matja Johana Wilson Brian Romeiro Moreira Julie Marie Robbins Arwen Irene Tillman Lara Anne Yourkevich Stephen Gilbert Morgan Nadine Susan Rockman Nadine Anne To bin Diane Yu Rikin Rasik Morzaria Jova Victoria Romero Geary Sean Tomlinson Ricky Moscone Pauline Andrea Rosenbaum Douglas Andrew Moshoian Alexander Steven Ross Anna-Marie Musson David Vernon Rows Elena Gabriela Nagy CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Rakhi Ruparelia Michal Jacek Niemkiewicz Special Sitting of the Court (){Appeal for Ontario and Fara Rupert M. Hanif Nori the Superior Court of Justice Mark Kevin John Rushton Karina Anna Nowak The Honourable Dennis R. O'Connor, Associate Chief Bernadette Saad Rafa! Antoni Nowak Justice of Ontario, will preside over a special sitting of James Matthew Sack Melissa Gay Panjer the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court Karyn Louise Sales Monica Giesela Papendick of Justice to administer the oaths to the graduates and Alba Maria Sandre Taylor Justin Ninan Parappally admit them as solicitors. Gemma Este lle Sang THE COURT WILL RISE LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE London, Ontario Tuesday, July 8, 2003 2:30 p.m.

OTTAWA CONGRESS CENTRE Ottawa. Ontario Thursday, July I 0, 2003 10:00 a.m.

CENTRE DES CONGRES D'OTTAWA Ottawa (Ontario) Le jeudi 10 juillet 2003 10 h 00

ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Tuesday, July 15, 2003 2:30 p.m.

ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:00 a.m.

ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Thursday, July 17, 2003 2:30 p.m. LONDON


LONDON The following candidate will be present to receive his CONVENTION call during this ceremony: CENTRE London, Ontario John Martin Woodbury Jr Tuesdov July 8. 2003 2:30 p.111.