
July/ Jui/let 2003 LET RIGHT PREVAIL Barreau The Law Society of du Haut-Canada Upper Canada Special Conseil Convocation extraordinaire The conferring of La remise de dip!Omes accordes ii titre an honorary degree and honorifique et l'assermentation des diplomes the call to the bar of the graduates et diplomees du Cours de formation of the bar admission course professionnelle CONTENTS LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE 10 London. Ontario Tuesday, July 8, 2003 2:30 p.m. OTTAWA CONGRESS CENTRE 12 Ottawa, Ontario Thursday, July 10, 2003 10:00 a.m. CENTRE DES CONGRES D'OTTAWA Ottawa (Ontario) Le jeudi l 0 juillet 2003 10 h 00 ROY THOMSON HALL / 6 Toronto, Ontario Tuesday, July 15, 2003 2:30 p.m. ROY THOMSON HALL 20 Toronto, Ontario Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:00 a.m. ROY THOMSON HALL 23 Toronto. Ontario Thursday, July 17. 2003 2:30 p.111. MESSAGE FROM THE TREASURER LE MESSAGE DU TRESORIER 2 am writing to you as my term as Treasurer of the on mandat de tresorier du Barreau du Haut­ l Law Society of Upper Canada draws to a close. I MCanada tire a sa fin. Je suis honore d'avoir eu la am honoured to have been afforded the opportunity to chance de servir ma profession et j ' apprecie, en serve my profession and appreciate, in particular, the particulier. Jes occasions que j ' ai eues de rencontrer de opportunity that my office afforded me in meeting nombreux etudiants et etudiantes, et des candidats et with many students and candidates for Call to the Bar. candidates a I' assermentation. Of all my experiences in the office of Treasurer, l De toutes mes experiences comme tresorier, je shall remember with particular fond ness th e many penserai avec une affection particuliere a toutes Jes Call to the Bar ceremonies that I perfo rmed . The Call ceremonie' d' assermentation que j' ai presidees. to the Bar is a historic ceremony steeped in our L"assermentation est une ceremonie historique traditions as a law society and as members of an impregnee des traditions du Barreau et des membres ancient and noble profession. d'une profession aussi noble qu'ancienne. You have all worked very hard to arrive at this point Yous avez tous et toutes travail le tres fort pour en today when you shall receive the degree of Barrister­ arriver ace point aujourd'hui au moment oi:1 vous at-Law. You have made many sacrifices along the way. recevez votre dipl6me d'avocat plai dan t. Yous avez fait Your families and friends have supported you en route de nombreux sacrifices. Vos families et amis vous ont to th is day. You are entitled to celebrate together in appuyes durant ce voyage. Yous etes en droit de the finest traditions of the Bar. You should take pride celebrer ensemble dans la pl us pure tradition du in your accompli shments and take your place as the barreau. Yous devriez YOUS sentir fiers de VO S reussites newest members of the Bar with grace and dignity. et prendre votre place comme nouveaux membres du barreau avec grace et dignite. You must uphold the values of this honourable profession - by hel ping to ensure access to justice for Yous devez respecter Jes valeurs de cette honorable all, maintaining the independence of the Bar and profession - en travaillant a assurer I' acces a la justice preserving the rule of law. pour tous et toutes, en maintenant l'independance du barreau et en soutenant la regle de droit. Francis Bacon said that every person is a debtor to his or her profession. l am confident that you wi ll serve Francis Bacon a dit que chacun etait redevable a sa your community and profession with honour and profession. Je suis sGr que vous saurez servir votre integrity. communaute et la profession avec honneur et integrite. I wish you well in your professional lives and Je vous souhaite la reussite dans votre vie happiness in your personal lives. professionnelle et le bonheur dans votre vie personnell e. f~ Le tresorier, Professor Vern Krishna. Q.C. Treasurer Prn1:::!::: CALL TO THE BAR ADMISSION AU BARREAU 3 he ceremony of Call to the Bar takes place in e ceremonial entourant I' admission au barreau Ttwo separate procedures. First, the Benchers L se deroule en deux temps. En premier lieu, le of The Law Society of Upper Canada, who are tresorier, qui est chef de la direction du Barreau, responsible for the governance of the legal ouvre un Conseil extraordinaire sur l'estrade des profession in Ontario, are called to order on the conseillers du Barreau du Haut-Canada, qui sont stage in a Special Convocation by the Treasurer, responsables de I' administration de la profession who is the head of the Society. The candidates d'avocat en Ontario. Une representante ou un will be presented by a representative of the representant du Comite du perfectionnement Professional Development, Competence and professionnel, de la competence et des admissions Admissions Committee to the Treasurer who will presente Jes candidats et candidates au tresorier confer on them the degree of Barrister-at-Law and qui leur remet le diplome d'avocat-plaideur ou call them to the Bar of Ontario. Convocation will d' avocate-plaideuse et Jes rec,:oit au barreau de then adjourn and a Special Session of the Court of !'Ontario. La seance du Conseil est alors levee Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of et le greffier convoque une session extraordinaire Justice will be convened by the Registrar. The de la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario et de la Cour Chief Justice of Ontario or his designate will superieure de justice. Le juge en chef de !'Ontario, preside over the administering of the Oath of OU la personne qu'il designe, preside a la prestation Allegiance, the Barristers Oath and the Solicitors du serment d' allegeance, du serment des avocats­ Oath, to the newly called members of the Bar. The plaideurs et de celui des procureurs par Jes Court will then adjourn. Upon completion of these nouveaux membres rec,:us au barreau. La seance de two ceremonies the graduates become Barristers la Cour est al ors levee. A 1·issue de ces deux and Solicitors, authorized to practise law in the ceremonies, Jes dipl6mes et dipl6mees deviennent Province of Ontario. avocats-plaideurs ou avocates-plaideuses et procureurs OU procureures, et Sont autorises a exercer le droit clans la province de l' Ontario. BENCHERS OF MEMBRES DU CONSEIL DU THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA BARREAU DU HAUT-CANADA 4 Treasurerfhesorier Gavin MacKenzie Appoillfed Benclzersl The Hon. Edwin A. Frank N. Marrocco. Q.C. Ronald D. Manes Membres 110111mes Goodman. P.C.. O.C.. Frank N. Marrocco. Q.C. Andrea J. Alexander Q.C. Elected Benchen/ Robert Martin Abdul A. Chahbar Howard G. Ha111pton Melllbres <5/us W. A. Derry Millar Andrew F. Coffey Charles A. Harnick. Q.C. Robert B. Aaron Ross William Anne Marie Doyle Professor Vern Constance Back.house Mum1y. Q.C. W. Paul Dray Krishna. Q.C.. FCGA Larry Banack Tracey O'DonneJJ Sy Eber The Hon. Allan f<. Lawrence. P.C.. Q.C. Gordon Bobesich Laurie Pattillo Richard L.J. Filion Laura L. Legge. Q.C. Peter N. Bourque Laurie H. Pawlitza Allan Gotlib Daniel J. Murphy. Q.C. John A. Campion Julian Porter, Q.C. Brendan O'Brien. Q.C. Kim A. Carpenter-Gunn Judith M. Potter Er-Officio Be11chers/ The Hon. Alan W. James R. Caskey Heather Joy Ross Membres d'office Pope. Q.C. Earl A. Cherniak. Q.C. Clayton C. Ruby The Hon. John D. Arnup. Q.C.. LSM The Hon. Sydney L. Paul Copeland Joanne St. Lewis Robins. Q.C.. LSM Marion Boyd Carole Curtis Alan G. Silverstein The Hon. Allan M. Todd Ducharme Willia111 J. Ronald W. Rock. P.C.. Q.C. Cass. Q.C.. LSM Abraha111 Feinstein. Q.C. Simpson. Q.C.. LSM Arthur R. A. Scace. Q.C. John T. Clement. Q.C. Neil Finkelstein Gerald A. Swaye. Q.C. Ian G. Scott. Q.C. Austin M. Cooper. Q.C. Alan D. Gold Beth Symes The Hon. Norman E. Susan Elliott Gary Lloyd Gottlieb. Q.C. Robert C. Topp Sterling Gordon H. T. Holly Harris Bonnie R. Warkentin Harvey T. Strosberg. Q.C. Farquharson. Q.C.. LSM Thomas Giles Heintzman Bradley H. Wright J. James The Hon. George D. Wardlaw. Q.C.. LSM George D. Hunter Finlayson Roger D. Yachetti, Q.C. The Hon. James Flaherty The Hon. David S. Young Patrick Garret Furlong. Q.C .. LSM Ho110rarr Be11chers/Me111bres lz011oraires His Royal Highness Prince Charles. Prince of Wales The Right Honourable Margaret Thatcher Kenneth P. Jarvis. Q.C.. RCA The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander. Q.C. OATHS SERMENTS 5 OATH OF ALLEGIANCE SERMENT D 'ALLEGEANCE You do swear that you will be faithful and bear true Yous jurez fidelite et allegeance a Sa Majeste la allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Reine Elisabeth IL a ses heritiers, heritieres, Second, Her heirs and successors according to law. successeurs et successeures conformement a la loi. So help you God. Ainsi Dieu vous soit en aide. BARRISTERS OATH SERMENT DES AVOCATS-PLAIDEURS You are called to the Degree of Barrister-at-law to Le dipl6me d'avocat-plaideur/d'avocate-plaideuse protect and defend the rights and interest of such vous est confere pour que vous protegiez et citizens as may employ you. You shall conduct all defendiez les droits et inten~ts de vos concitoyens cases faithfully and to the best of your ability. You et concitoyennes qui font appel a vos services.
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