Watford Borough Council Held at the Town Hall, Watford on Wednesday 24 June 2015
COUNCIL 24 June 2015 At the Annual Meeting of Watford Borough Council held at the Town Hall, Watford on Wednesday 24 June 2015. Present: The Chairman (Councillor Hastrick) The Mayor (Dorothy Thornhill) Councillors Bashir, Bell, Bolton, I Brown (for minute numbers 23 to 32), J Brown (for minute numbers 23 to 32), Collett, Connal, Counter, Derbyshire, Dhindsa, Ewudo, Haley, Hofman, Johnson, Joynes, Khan, Martins, Mauthoor, Mehta, Mills, Rindl, Rogers, Scudder, Shah, Sharpe, Silver, Taylor, Turmaine, Walford, Watkin, Whitman, S Williams and T Williams Also present: Freemen of the Borough, Mavis Tyrwhitt and Norman Tyrwhitt Officers: Managing Director Head of Democracy and Governance Communications and Engagement Section Head Town Centre Manager (for minute numbers 20 to 31) Democratic Services Manager Member Development and Civic Officer (for minute numbers 20 to 31) Committee and Scrutiny Officer 32. REVIEW OF WARD BOUNDARIES Council received a report of the Head of Democracy and Governance informing Members of the deliberations of the Boundary Review Group, which had met on three occasions in June. The Chairman advised that, with the agreement of Council, she would be suspending standing orders to enable each mover to have up to 10 minutes to present their Group’s proposals. Councillors Mehta, for the Conservative Group, Councillor Khan, for the Labour Group, and Councillor Sharpe, for the Liberal Democrat Group, presented their proposals. The proposals are attached as Appendices 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Members were then invited to vote on each submission. On being put to Council, the Conservative submission, Appendix 3 to these minutes, was LOST. On being put to Council, the Labour submission, Appendix 4 to these minutes, was LOST.
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