COMP SS PARK a Lasting Legacy of Care, Education and Lifetimelifetime Homes,Homes, Withinwithin a New Garden Community
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COMP SS PARK A lasting legacy of care, education and lifetimelifetime homes,homes, withinwithin a new garden community. Developing the Vision: Revision A 29.01.2019 Compass Park | Little Bushey Lane | Hertsmere Contents 1. Introduction 2. The Planning Case 3. The Masterplan 4. Settlement Analysis 5. Technical Notes 3 1 Introduction COMP SS PARK Compass Park | Little Bushey Lane | Hertsmere 1 Introduction Introduction These representations are submitted to Hertsmere The representations draw upon material already Borough Council on behalf of the Masonic provided to the Borough Council, but also provide Charitable Foundation (MCF) in formal response to further technical evidence, which has been the current consultation on the “Potential Sites for prepared as part of the ongoing development of Housing and Employment” Document, which has the proposals. Specifically, these representations been published as the next stage in the preparation address the “Challenges and Constraints” identified of the new Local Plan for Hertsmere. in the site analysis contained in the Consultation Document and provide further information to The representations are submitted in support of support the “Benefits and Opportunities” that are the strategic housing site identified as Site B2 in set out in the document. the Consultation Document, which is described as Land north of Farm Way, Bushey and which is The representations contain a comprehensive being promoted by the MCF as a potential Garden review of the Green Belt Assessment (both Stages Community to be known as ‘Compass Park’. I and II) that have been undertaken by Ove Arup & Partners Ltd. on behalf of the Borough Council, in The MCF consider that the Compass Park proposals respect of both the Compass Park site and other represent the most sustainable solution for meeting potential strategic housing sites in the Borough. Hertsmere’s housing needs in the Bushey area, providing the opportunity to achieve an exemplar The representations also contain a planning and development that is a genuine Garden Community, sustainability assessment of the Compass Park containing the social and community infrastructure proposals in comparison to other potential strategic that meets the needs of its residents. The MCF is housing sites across the Borough, but notably in the working collaboratively with the Borough Council Bushey area. and other stakeholders to ensure that the Compass Park proposals can gain the widest level of support with the Borough Council and the local community. 7 Compass Park | Little Bushey Lane | Hertsmere 1 Introduction Compass Park: The Most Sustainable Solution The Compass Park site is within the Bushey Area • New homes that meet the highest levels of • Additional tree planting to enhance the of Search for New Garden Suburbs, as previously sustainable construction, energy efficiency environmental qualities of the development, identified within the Issues and Options document and water resource management, with particularly within the new housing areas (Autumn 2017). The proposal meets the emerging opportunities for self-build housing; and along the key vehicular and pedestrian Local Plan’s requirements for securing growth boulevards across the development; • A cohesive Design Code approach to the through a new Garden Community. We use the design and layout of all aspects of the • A strategy that will encourage and enhance term “Garden Community” rather than Garden Compass Park development, which will give biodiversity throughout the development; Suburb, because that more accurately describes the community its own identity and sense of what Compass Park will be – a new sustainable • High standards of public realm provision place, and which will respect the important community set within a landscape-led development throughout the development, with an emphasis architectural characteristics of the Bushey area; framework. Green infrastructure will establish the on attractive pedestrian spaces that discourage parameters for all built development, residents and • A new Two Form Entry (2FE) Primary School, and reduce the impact of vehicles; visitors will live and work in an environment with with Early Years provision, to meet the needs • A sustainable transport strategy that provides sustainability at its heart. of children living within the new development a direct bus link to Bushey Town Centre and and elsewhere in the locality; We note in the current Consultation Document, at Railway Station and encourages cycling within paragraph 1.11 that, with regard to Growth through • Enhancements to local Secondary School the community; new garden suburbs, “there was general support provision to meet the needs of students living • Local highway network improvements to for this approach, provided they are well located within the development; and able to support the infrastructure needs of mitigate the impacts of vehicular traffic the new and existing residents”. This is exactly the • A new neighbourhood centre, to serve as a generated by the development; and community hub for the new development, with rationale for Compass Park, and no other site in • The provision of NHS medical outreach facilities retail facilities, community facilities and flexible Hertsmere fulfils the criteria for creating a successful to support the needs of the new community workspace to provide new local employment Garden Community more than Compass Park. and nearby residents. opportunities; It will provide: Compass Park represents the most sustainable • A Green Infrastructure network (including parks, solution of all the comparable sites in Hertsmere • A full range of housing choice – with around green spaces and other natural features) that to secure a new Garden Community, which will 850 new homes to meet the needs of all groups will provide the framework for pedestrian and deliver the Council’s aspirations and expectations seeking new homes in the Bushey area, from cycle routes throughout the development and for achieving high quality, sustainable growth young to old, and particularly including the beyond, to encourage sustainable movement in the period up to 2034. Our comparative site provision of assisted living units; within the community and reduce unnecessary assessments shown later in this document car usage; • Affordable homes with a range of size and demonstrate how Compass Park out-performs all tenure options to meet, in full, the Borough • Incorporation of all the important existing trees other sites in Hertsmere in meeting the key criteria Council’s policy requirements for affordable and woodland copses within the new Green that are the foundations for truly sustainable housing; Infrastructure network; developments. 8 Compass Park | Little Bushey Lane | Hertsmere 1 Introduction Compass Park: The Most Sustainable Solution Compass Park will be an exemplar development, The Compass Park site is extremely well situated to A number of these studies have already been with the unique benefit that it will be planned and the existing urban area of Bushey to represent the presented to the Borough Council, but further partly delivered by the existing landowner, the MCF, most logical extension to it, whilst safeguarding the technical notes specifically prepared to address the in order to maintain and continue their important open, attractive Green Belt that lies beyond. A key current consultation are included as Annexes to this legacy of high quality development within the advantage of the site, and its single ownership, is document. Bushey area, which has contributed so much to that it provides the opportunity to define and put in All of the technical evidence prepared to support the local environment and its community. It will be place a long-term strategic boundary that will ensure the Compass Park proposals demonstrates that the epitome of what a new Garden Community is that Compass Park is not a precedent for any further there are no overriding constraints that will prevent intended to achieve. development to the north and east, thereby setting the site being brought forward for development a clear limit to Bushey’s ultimate development in The MCF fully support the Borough Council’s in the short-term. These technical studies will that area, and avoiding the risk of any unplanned emerging strategy for meeting the Borough’s continue during 2019, in order to present the and unwanted development. These are important growth requirements. The Borough Council Borough Council with a robust evidence base that considerations for the Borough Council to take into already recognises that it will require a combination can be used to support a formal Site Allocation in account in establishing the Spatial Strategy for this of approaches, from maximising the use of urban the Pre-Submission Local Plan, which is expected part of the Borough up to 2034 and beyond and brownfield land opportunities, supporting the towards the end of 2019, and of course to support a will provide certainty to the Council and the Bushey larger rural communities and the development of future planning application. community that the necessary growth is being new Garden Suburbs. accommodated in a planned and managed way. The MCF recognises the importance of working Within the Bushey area, the opportunities for alongside the Borough Council in producing a The site has few constraints. There are no issues further brownfield development are extremely Local Plan proposal that is available, suitable and with land assembly, agricultural tenancies, active limited,