Agenda Item (Attachment) Pg No 1. Welcome & Introductions (Present & Apologies)

2. Urgent Business or Late Items

3. Confirmation of CRJO Board Minutes – 14 September 2018 3

4. CRJO Chair’s Report 8

5. GMAC Recommendations 16 5.1 GMAC Draft Minutes 12 October 2018 19

6. CRJO Finance Report 25

7. CRJO Strategic Directions (commencing with a presentation by GMAC) 29

8. Access to ACT Hospitals by NSW Residents 36 9. Natural Funding Disaster Arrangements 37 10. CRJO Advocacy Report 39 11. Report – Department of Premier & Cabinet 44 12. Report – Office of Local Government 47 13. CRJO Action List 49 14. Next Meeting: 21 & 22 February in Canberra

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 1


Bega Valley Shire Council Cr Kristy McBain Leanne Barnes Eurobodalla Shire Council Cr Liz Innes Dr Catherine Dale Goulburn Mulwaree Council Cr Bob Kirk Warwick Bennett Hilltops Council Cr Brian Ingram Dr Edwina Marks Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council Cr Tim Overall Peter Tegart Council Cr John Stafford John Bell Snowy Regional Council Cr John Rooney Mr Peter Bascomb Cr James Hayes OAM Matthew Hyde Council Cr Duncan Gair Ann Prendergast Yass Valley Council Cr Rowena Abbey Sharon Hutch ACT Government David Clapham

ATTENDEES CRJO Executive David Rowe Gabrielle Cusack Angie Jenkins

NSW Government NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet James McTavish Murray Wood Heidi Stratford Office of Local Government Liz Dixon

East Gippsland Shire Council Cr Natalie O’Connell Anthony Basford Wagga Wagga City Council Cr Greg Conkey OAM Mr Peter Thompson Canberra Airport Mr Noel McCann

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 2 CRJO Board Meeting #2: 14 September 2018 MINUTES

Meeting Opened: The meeting opened at 10.00am

1 Welcome and Introductions Member Councils Council Cr Kristy McBain Ms Leanne Barnes Eurobodalla Shire Council Ms Jenny Barrett

Goulburn Mulwaree Council Cr Bob Kirk Mr Warwick Bennett Hilltops Council Cr Brian Ingram Mr David Aber Dr Edwina Marks Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council Cr Tim Overall Mr Phil Hansen Snowy Monaro Regional Council Cr John Rooney Mr Peter Bascomb Upper Lachlan Shire Council Cr Brian McCormack OAM Mr John Bell Yass Valley Council Cr Rowena Abbey (Chair) Ms Sharon Hutch Wingecarribee Shire Council Cr Ken Halstead Ms Ann Prendergast

Associate Members ACT Government Mr Sam Engele Mr David Clapham Wagga Wagga City Council Cr Greg Conkey OAM Mr Peter Thompson Snowy Valleys Council Cr James Hayes OAM Mr Matthew Hyde East Gippsland Shire Council Cr Joe Rettino Mr Gary Gaffney NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet Mr James McTavish Ms Heidi Stratford

Also Present CRJO Mr David Rowe Ms Gabrielle Cusack Office of Local Government Ms Elizabeth Dixon


Eurobodalla Shire Council Cr Liz Innes Dr Catherine Dale Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council Mr Peter Tegart

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 3

2.Confirmation of Minutes – 29 June 2018 The minutes from the CRJO Board meeting #1 of 29 June 2018 were confirmed. J Rooney/T Overall

3. Urgent Items – Late Business Federal Government Funding – Drought Funding. $60 million ($1 million for 60 councils).

RESOLUTION 28/2018 1. That the CRJO write to the Federal Minister for Local Government outlining our need to be included in the drought funding package. 2. That the CRJO liaise with East Gippsland Shire Council regarding their drought program matrix. 3. That the CRJO advocate to State and Federal Governments in relation to the drought funding program. 4. That the CRJO participate with DPC in the development of the South East Drought Package and invite the Drought Coordinator to meet with the CRJO Board. 5. That the CRJO note the Federal Government has also appointed a Drought Coordinator. K McBain/ J Rooney RESOLUTION 29/2018 NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet That the CRJO note the verbal report provided by staff from DPC/OLG. This will now become a more formal process with a standing item on the agenda for each Board meeting.

Office of Local Government That the CRJO note the verbal report on the Integrity Package which is to be released shortly. J Rooney/B Kirk 4 GMAC Recommendations RESOLUTION 30/2018 1. Road Maintenance Contracts: that within the Canberra Region, the CRJO’s formal position is the Road Maintenance Council Contracts (RMCC) administered by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) should remain with the Councils and notification of this decision be made to Executive Director of RMS. 2. LGNSW Correspondence: that individual Councils undertake their own assessment of the value audit supplied by LGNSW. 3. Library Funding: that CRJO encourage individual Councils to consider supporting the NSW Public Libraries Association campaign for a permanent increased funding from the state government for local government managed public libraries. That the CRJO write to the NSW Government confirming our support for additional funding for public libraries. 4. That the GMAC minutes of the 10 August 2018 be noted. 5. That the GMAC minutes of the 31 August 2018 be noted. B Ingram/R Abbey

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5.MoU - ACT Government and the CRJO RESOLUTION 31/2018 That the MoU between the CRJO and ACT be formally adopted. T Overall/K McBain 6.Canberra Airport RESOLUTION 32/2018 1. That the charter be amended to include a category of ‘affiliate’. 2. That the Board note and support the headquarters of CRJO being established at 1/ 24 Richmond Avenue, Fairbairn on premises controlled by Canberra Airport. 3. That the Canberra Airport be thanked for their in-kind sponsorship for the accommodation. 4. That the Canberra Airport be invited as an affiliate member for 2018/2019 at a membership fee of $23,150 which is in recognition of the value of their sponsorship. B McCormack/K McBain 7.CRJO Charter RESOLUTION 33/2018 That the CRJO Charter be adopted with deletion of the last part of the sentence from 3.4d so that the sentence finishes at “…….project/activity.” AND The deletion of 3.5 iv critical matters. K Halstead/R Abbey 8.Code of Meeting Practice RESOLUTION 34 /2018 1. That Code of Meeting Practice CL 1.01.2 be adopted as amended. 2. That CRJO write to the Minister for Local Government and the Secretary of the Office of Local Government suggesting that the Model Code of Meeting Practice be discretionary for joint organisations. B Ingram/T Overall 9.Payment of Expenses, Provision of Facilities and Allowances to Board Members RESOLUTION 35/2018 1. That the policy CL1.01.3 be adopted with Item 5.8.1 be amended to include that the CRJO policy provides that remuneration be paid to the Chair and sitting fees be available, on application, to Mayors or delegates for attendance at meetings in line with other Local Government NSW bodies. 2. That the CRJO Board resolve to amend the budget to include an allocation of up to $10,000 for the expenses in line with a sitting fee of $250 per Board meeting being available for each member. B Kirk/B Ingram

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11.Statement of Regional Priorities (Interim) RESOLUTION 36/2018 1. That the process for developing the CRJO regional priorities as proposed by GMAC be endorsed as outlined below:

a. JO representatives to tour all councils in the upcoming 6 weeks and meet with the executive teams to gather local information and knowledge on key priorities in the local government areas. b. A Workshop with General Managers to be held in November to compile recommendations c. Draft Regional Strategic Priorities and Action Plan to be presented to the December Board meeting for comment and circulation. d. Draft priorities circulated to all Councils for comment. e. On consideration of all feedback, the updated Regional Strategic Priorities and Action Plan be presented to the 2019 February meeting of Board for final adoption.

2. That the CRJO Board endorse the following interim regional priorities for the Chair to raise at the meeting of Chairs in October: 1. Road corridor enhancement and connectivity 2. Water security and safe and secure water 3. Digital connectivity 4. Social infrastructure 5. Waste and recycling 6. Rail line development K McBain/T Overall

12. Regional Delivery of Projects RESOLUTION 37/2018 1. That the Water and Wastewater Prospectus be endorsed. 2. That the development of the Transport Infrastructure Prospectus be supported. 3. That Project Management Delivery proposal be endorsed. 4. The Project Delivery Proposal be referred to Department of Premier and Cabinet, Public Work Advisory and the Infrastructure Working Group and the Regional Infrastructure Coordinator for comment. 5. That the CRJO advocate to Government to fund a pilot Regional Project Management Office and a program of cadets/apprentices. J Rooney/B Ingram

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13.Southern Lights Project RESOLUTION 38/2018 The Board notes that on completion of the business case for the Southern Lights Project consultation will be arranged with the member Councils across the CRJO outlining the opportunities arising from the Business Case. K Halstead/B McCormack 14.Advocacy Report RESOLUTION 39/2018 1. That the Board support continued advocacy with the National Farmers Federation to understand how the CRJO can promote the development of a designated “Fresh Food Precinct” across the region. 2. That the Board supports collaboration with CWA, NRL, NA and other sporting codes to assist the development and implantation of domestic violence and mental health initiatives within our local communities. 3. That the Board note the information in relation to the development of a program for transitioning of defence personnel into regional communities through local government opportunities. T Overall/K McBain 15.JO Establishment and Timeline RESOLUTION 40/2018 That the Board note the timeline for the implementation of the JO and inclusion of additional policies, plans and activities. B Kirk/B McCormack 16. GMAC Action List RESOLUTION 41/2018 That the Board note the GMAC Action List. B Kirk/B McCormack

Next Meeting: 6-7 December 2018 at Merimbula

Meeting Closed 11.20am

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 7 Meeting: CRJO Board Meeting #3 Date: 7 December 2018 Title: Item 4.0 CRJO Chair’s Report Reporting Officer: Cr Rowena Abbey Attachment: Attachment 1: Regional NSW JO Network Meeting - DRAFT Minutes - 21st October 2018 Attachment 2: Regional NSW JO Network Terms of Reference - final


To provide an update to the CRJO Board on meetings and events I have attended representing the Canberra Region Joint Organisation and a summary of the advocacy issues.


That the CRJO Board note the Chair’s Report.

Meetings and Events EVENT/MEETING AUGUST Canberra & District Rugby Attended with CRJO Board Members, NSW Deputy Premier, NSW League – Centre of Parliamentary Secretary for Southern NSW and ACT Deputy Chief Excellence Announcement – Minister; Board members of the Canberra Raiders and Braddon Oval Canberra community members. National Farmers Attended the National Press Club to listen to the address by the Federation National Farmers Federation President, Fiona Simson. Following the address, there have been several discussions regarding a regional agrifood precinct for the Canberra Region. There is a further meeting proposed for late January 2019. SEPTEMBER Canberra Raiders – Mal Along with CRJO Board members, the Board of the Canberra Meninga Medal Dinner Raiders invited CRJO Mayors to attend the Mal Meninga Medal dinner. In his speech, the Chair of the Canberra Raiders, Dr Allan Hawke AC recognised the support of the CRJO and Council’s efforts for the Centre of Excellence. Parliament House Meetings The Deputy Chair and I attended several meetings with Shadow - CBR Ministers, to discuss the CRJO regional infrastructure agenda and the collaboration with the NRL addressing social issues across our communities. The meetings were with The Hon. Anthony Albanese MP and The Hon. Stephen Jones MP.

The CRJO also met with the Office of The Hon. Bridget McKenzie Minister for Local Government, Sport and Regional Health.

CBR Airport – 20 Year As Chair of the CRJO, I was invited to attend the dinner Celebration celebrating 20 years of CBR Airport in the Snow family. Specific acknowledgment of the support and ongoing relationship with the region.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 8 OCTOBER NSW Regional Chairs As Chair of the CRJO, I attended the regional JO Chairs Network Meetings meeting in Albury. This meeting took place prior to the LGNSW regional conference. The meeting was not very productive as many of the other JO’s are not as advanced in their work and results as other JO’s. The next meeting of the Regional JO Chairs Network will be Thursday 7 March 2019; ahead of Country Mayors, which several of the JO’s including CRJO will present briefly on what they have done as projects that could be beneficial to other JO’s. Aged Care Forum The Hon. Pru Goward MP held a forum in Goulburn to look at aged care and discussing problems in regional communities and how they are preparing for the change in demographics across regional NSW. The JO prepared an outline of statistics that were tabled in the forum highlighting the variance across the region. It was a productive meeting and good suggestions that the Minister has taken on board. NSW Governor General Discuss opportunity regarding Chain of responsibility corns for the transport and livestock industry. Agrifutures Dinner- I attended the Agrifutures, Rural Woman of the Year Award Parliament House CBR dinner at Parliament House in October. I had the opportunity to meet and have a brief discussion with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Agriculture. Destination SNSW Meeting to discuss the Southern NSW Destination plan and how the how to collaborate more closely with Visit Canberra. Parliament House Meetings Namoi Unlimited invited the CRJO to present on how the CRJO - CBR functions and outline activities and projects we are working on.

Country Universities Centre were successful in receiving $5.1M in grant funding from the Commonwealth to build on and deliver regional study hubs across NSW. At the invitation of the CUC I attended a meeting with the office of the Minister for Education and highlighted the importance of the CUC model for communities and regions across South East NSW. I also provided a brief outline of the Cadetship program being developed by the CRJO. NOVEMBER Country Mayors At the November meeting of Country Mayors, I was appointed to the Executive. I hope to get the Country Mayors and JO’s working more closely. This will be for a period of 12 months. Canberra Business Chamber Reconfirmed the appointed as the regional representative on the Board of the Canberra Business Chamber at its November Board meeting. The Board were unanimous in having a representative from the regions on the Board as the organisation is looking to shift the focus to be more inclusive of the Canberra Region.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 9 Parliamentary Meetings - In mid-November, the Deputy Chair and I, with EO and Director Sydney (supported by Jillian Kilby of The Infrastructure Collaborative) attended several meetings with Ministers, Secretaries of Departments and Senior officers to provide an update and advocate for funding on specific projects discuss the regional infrastructure projects and advocate for whole-of-region funding.

The meetings included: Ministers + Office The Hon Melinda Pavey MP Office of The Hon. Andrew Constance MP The Hon. Niall Blair MLC The Hon. Bronnie Taylor MLC Office of The Hon Paul Toole MP Office of The Hon. John Barilaro MP Infrastructure NSW – Jim Better - CEO Department of Premier & Cabinet

NSW Dept Industry Simon Draper – Secretary Liz Livingstone – Deputy Secretary - Water Rachel Connell – Executive Direction - Water Zoe de Saram – Deputy Secretary – Economic Development & Skills David Collins – Executive Director - Skills

NSW Regional Commissioner for Planning Miriam Dayhew

Transport for NSW Clare Gardiner-Barnes – Deputy Secretary Tim Raimond – Chief Planner Jim Modrouvanos – Executive Director

The feedback received was that Ministers and NSW Government agencies very impressed with the work done and the fact that CRJO had considered both the requirements of Infrastructure and Infrastructure NSW in relation to achieving our plans and goals and working closely with the State Government. I am happy to provide further feedback at the meeting.

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Canberra Region JO: Cr Rowena Abbey Ms Gabrielle Cusack

Central NSW JO: Cr John Medcalf Ms Jennifer Bennett

Hunter JO: Cr Bob Pynsent Mr Roger Stephan

Illawarra Shoalhaven JO: Cr Gordon Bradbery Mr Jim Fraser

Namoi JO: Cr Jamie Chaffey Mr Max Eastcott

New England JO: Cr Michael Pearce

Northern Rivers JO: Cr Isaac Smith

Orana JO: Ms Belinda Barlow

Riverina and Murray JO: Cr Kevin Mack Mr Ray Stubbs

Riverina JO: Cr Rick Firman Mr Tony Donoghue

Mid North Coast JO: Cr Liz Campbell Mr Craig Milburn

Far North West JO: Cr Lillian Brady Mr Peter Vlatko

Far South West JO: Cr Melisa Hederics

Office of Local Government: Melissa Gibbs Virginia Errington Cameron Templeton

See following pages for the specific agenda items

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 11


Cr Kevin Mack extended a warm welcome to the meeting of the JO Chairs Forum to the Chairs, Deputy Chairs and Executive Officers of the thirteen Joint Organisations from throughout regional and rural NSW.


It was agreed that this meeting be chaired by Cr Kevin Mack Chair of RAMJO.


Apologies were received from the following:- Cr Danielle Mulholland – Chair Northern Rivers JO Cr Doug Batten – Chair Orana JO Tim Williamson – Interim Executive Officer Northern Rivers JO Craig Swift-McNair – Interim Executive Officer Mid North Coast JO Ms Rebel Thomson – Executive Officer Namoi JO Ms Julie Briggs – Interim Executive Officer Riverina JO Mr David Rowe – Executive Officer Canberra Region JO

RESOLVED that the apologies be noted and accepted.


RESOLVED that the Meeting Notes of the JO Chairs meeting held on 16th August 2018 be noted and accepted.


The meeting discussed the various matters set out in the report concerning the governance and operational arrangements for the Joint Organisations Chairs’ Forum, particularly in relation to future meetings and arrangements for convening thereof.

RESOLVED that the amended Terms of Reference document as presented by Namoi Joint Organisation be adopted, including the name NSW Joint Organisations (JO) Chairs’ Forum (a copy of a final document is attached to these Minutes).

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Premier and Cabinet / Office of Local Government be requested to fund the secretarial functions of the JO Chairs Forum, including meeting venue and associated expenses.


The meeting discussed at length the nine strategic priorities as per the agenda reports and how these priorities might be addressed both at an individual JO basis and also potentially on a statewide basis, with specific actions being pursued with the combined support of the Chairs’ Forum.

The meeting agreed that there are a number of potential projects that can be considered in further detail for implementation on a whole of Joint Organisations statewide basis, with the following being mooted:-  Southern Lights Project - LED Street Lighting and Smart Controls  Waste to Energy projects  Crushed glass recycling for road construction materials  Water and wastewater - infrastructure needs and prioritisation analysis  Youth employment strategy programs

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 12

RESOLVED each Joint Organisation refer to their next Board meetings the Summary of Strategic Regional Priorities, for information and discussion as to which priorities can best be supported and collaboratively pursued with the State Government for implementation across the Joint Organisations network.

FURTHER RESOLVED that at the next Chairs’ Forum meeting in early 2019, that a number of Joint Organisations be invited to make a presentation in relation to the following:-

1. Riverina JO – Southern Lights Street Lighting and Smart Controls Project 2. Canberra Region JO – Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Prospectus 3. Illawarra Shoalhaven JO – Youth Employment Strategy (YES) Program 4. New England JO – Waste to Energy Programs – Funding Proposal to Governments 5. Central NSW JO – Best Practice in Aggregated Procurement

(Note:- it is suggested that each of these presentations to the meeting should be no longer than 15 minutes)


Consideration was given to the draft consultation proposal submitted by LGNSW, including proposed membership opportunities and a JO fee structure.

RESOLVED that no action be taken at this stage in relation to the LGNSW consultation proposal for membership of the Joint Organisations with LGNSW; however that LGNSW be advised that the individual Joint Organisations and the JO Chairs’ Forum will continue to maintain dialogue and engage with LGNSW on key matters of mutual Local Government significance and importance.


It was agreed that the next meeting of the JO Chairs’ Forum be held in early 2019 on the Thursday prior to the Country Mayors first meeting in 2019 and that the meeting be convened and chaired by the Chair of Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation Cr Gordon Bradbery, with the Office of Local Government requested to provide secretarial assistance and to facilitate preparation of the Meeting Agenda and to make meeting arrangements.

It was also agreed that the venue for the meeting be Parliament House (if available)

Note:- The meeting schedule being proposed for the November Country Mayors meeting has the first meeting in 2019 scheduled for Friday 1st March 2019. On that basis, the next meeting of the JO Chairs Forum is likely to be Thursday 28th February 2019. Confirmation of the date and venue will be advised as soon as possible.

There being no further business, the meeting concluded at 3.50 pm

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 13 NSW JOINT ORGANISATIONS (JO) CHAIRS FORUM


1. Preamble

Any meetings of the NSW Joint Organisations (JO) Chairs’ Forum are to be guided by this Terms of Reference.

2. Objective

To meet as regional representatives of Joint Organisations to engage and exchange information on best practice and excellence in the pursuit of strategic regional priorities and collaboration activities to achieve value for the Joint Organisation network.

3. Role

 To monitor implementation of the three statutory core functions of NSW Joint Organisations as being:- (i) Strategic planning and priority setting (ii) Intergovernmental relations (iii) Shared successes, leadership and advocacy

 To identify opportunities for best practice, excellence and potential collaboration between the thirteen Joint Organisations

4. Membership

The JO Chairs’ Network comprises the Chairs of the following thirteen (13) Joint Organisations proclaimed by the NSW Government during 2018:- (i) Canberra Region JO (viii) Namoi JO (ii) Central NSW JO (ix) New England JO (iii) Far North West JO (x) Orana JO (iv) Far South West JO (xi) Northern Rivers JO (v) Hunter JO (xii) Riverina and Murray JO (vi) Illawarra Shoalhaven JO (xiii) Riverina JO (vii) Mid North Coast JO

5. Meetings

 The Joint Organisations Chairs’ Forum will meet at least three times per year or as required from time to time;  Meetings of the Forum shall be scheduled for March, August and November of each year and coincide with other Local Government related meetings or events  Meetings shall be held if possible at Parliament House in Macquarie Street, so as to facilitate engagement with the Premier, Deputy Premier, Ministers and Government Officials.  If a Parliament House meeting facility is not available, the Secretariat will arrange an alternative Sydney CBD venue;  For each meeting of the Forum, the Secretariat shall endeavour to arrange attendance by Parliamentarians and Government Officials relevant to the meeting’s business agenda;  The Secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Chief Executive of the Office of Local Government (or their representatives) shall be invited to attend all meetings of the JO Chairs’ Forum.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 14 6. Convenor

 The JO Chairs’ Forum shall appoint a Convenor for each meeting rotating across the regions;  The Convenor shall chair the meeting of the JO Forum.

7. Secretariat

• The Executive Officer of the Joint Organisation from which the Convenor has been appointed shall carry out the administrative functions on behalf of the Forum for the nominated meeting, in liaison with the Office of Local Government.

8. Financial arrangements

• Each Joint Organisation shall meet any expenses of its Chairs in attending meetings and other events associated with the conduct of the JO Chairs’ Forum.

End of JO Chairs Forum - Terms of Reference

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 15 Meeting: CRJO Board Meeting #3 Date: 7 December 2018 Title: Item 5.0 GMAC Recommendations Reporting Officer: David Rowe Attachment: 5.1 GMAC Minutes 12 October 2018


Recommendations below are from the minutes of the GMAC meeting #3 held on the 12 October 2018. Background information on the GMAC recommendations is included in the report below


1. Regional Infrastructure Taskforce & Freight & Transport Taskforce (Ken Gillespie): that the CRJO Board write and thank the Taskforce for their support, advocacy and regional engagement.

2. Code of Conduct Review Panel: That CRJO call for an EOI for the establishment of its own conduct review panel and for member Councils who wish to participate; and the cost of preparation be shared amongst NSW participating Councils.

3. Agrifood Export Hub: That CRJO assist Canberra Airport in coordinating a forum with agencies and stakeholder groups on air freight and agrifood in the region.

4. Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy – CREDS a. That the CRJO fund the development of a CREDS in partnership with the NSW Government and the ACT Government at a cost of $10,000 each. b. That the CRJO share be funded from the CRJO ‘establishment monies’. 5. Waste Levy Wingecarribee Shire Council a. That the Board write to the Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional , The Hon John Barilaro MP; Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government, and Minister for Heritage, The Hon Gabrielle Upton and the Member for Goulburn, The Hon Pru Goward, The Member for Wollondilly, The Hon Jai Rowell seeking their support for an urgent review to reclassify Wingecarribee Shire Council from the "Metropolitan Waste Levy Area" to the “Regional Levy Area" for the purpose of the NSW Waste Levy. b. That CRJO strongly oppose the broadening of the Waste Levy to other LGA’s in the region. 6. Joint Organisations and LGNSW: that the CRJO not be a member of LGNSW as there are no identified operational benefits.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 16 REPORT

The following background information is provided for the Boards information, the item number below correspondence to the recommendation number :

1. 18 GM3 – Item 2.2 Regional Infrastructure Taskforce & Freight & Transport Taskforce (Ken Gillespie) :

Given that the assistance that Taskforce has provided to Canberra Region and the regional NSW and the the taskforce has now completed its journey, GMAC considered that it was appropriate to that the organisation write a letter of thanks

2. 18 GM3 – Item 5.0 Code of Conduct Review Panel

The CRJO Charter provides that any reviewer ‘be selected from the list of approved investigation service suppliers listed under the NSW Government Prequalification Scheme for Performance and Management Services’. Whilst this is acceptable for State Government agencies, we have been advised that local government entities must abide by the requirements of the code and its implementation guidelines. This requires Council or JOs to do there own advertising and establish their own panel. It is therefore proposed to advertise early in the new year and establish a JO panel of reviewers that Councils may choose to use.

3. 18 GM3 – Item 6.0 Agrifood Export Hub:

A funding opportunity arose from the Department of Industry Innovation and Science grant program to support the establishment of various industry export hubs including Food and Agribusiness. Grants were available between $150K and $1M however it required a 50% contribution. RDA, ACT proposed that CRJO joint in partnership in an application that where Councils in the CRJO wold be contributing the 50%. It is recognised that there is a need to South East to identify; skill up and create a pipeline for export and investment-ready businesses throughout the agriculture and food supply chain, however GMAC determined that the CRJO Councils were not ready for the program at this stage. In addition, GMAC believed that the immediate focus would be better placed assisting producers and the Canberra Airport to develop the PAKFRESH freight forwarding enterprise.

4. 18 GM3 – Item 12.0 Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy – CREDS

In 2017 the CBRJO programmed to develop a Canberra Region Development Strategy (CREDS) and to this end held workshops with consultants to develop a scope of work. The project was placed on hold when the NSW Government decided to develop strategies across regional NSW in each ‘functional economic area’. These strategies, known as the REDS (Regional Economic Development Strategies) have been completed and it is now an appropriate time to consider producing the CREDS.

Following the completion of the REDS, the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) South East was requested to investigate as to whether the NSW Government could now fund the preparation of a CREDS. The outcome being that NSW Government and the ACT Government would be prepared to share the cost of the project with the CRJO. The estimated cost of the project is $30,000 and the CRJO, Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) South East and the ACT Government have agreed to co-fund the development of the CREDS at $10,000 each.

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5. 18 GM3 – Item 13 Waste Levy Wingecarribee Shire Council

The NSW Government introduced a Waste Levy for the Sydney Metropolitan Area in 1996/97 and created an Extended Regulated Area (ERA) which included Wingecarribee Shire, Shellharbour, Shoalhaven, Kiama, Wollongong and councils in the Hunter Region.

In 2008 a Regional Regulated Area (RRA) was created to extend the coverage of the Waste Levy to 20 other Councils across the State in Regional Areas. As from the 1 July 2018 the Metropolitan Levy which includes the Sydney Metropolitan Councils and those Councils in the ERA (including Wingecarribee), pay $141.20 as a levy to the NSW government for all waste that is sent to landfill. Councils in the RRA (including Wollondilly) pay $81.30 per tonne.

Wingecarribee Shire Council strongly believes that it should be included in RRA and not the ERA and thereby reducing the cost of the levy by $60 per tonne represents and providing an annual return to ratepayers of Wingecarribee of $400,000.

NOTE: the Illawarra-Shoalhaven JO (ISJO) councils are opposed to the current classification for the waste levy and the Board may wish to consider whether to include ISJO Councils when determining their resolution.

6. 18 GM3 – Item 8.0 Joint Organisations and LGNSW

At the JO Chairs meeting on the 16 September 2018, the issue of membership of LGNSW by Joint Organisations was raised with the President of LGNSW. The response has been the preparation of discussion paper by LGNSW where it suggested a JO’s pay a joining fee of $3,593 if all Councils within the JO are LGNSW members and $14,372 if not all Councils are members. It is evident that there is no support from other Joint Organisations to pay any fee to be a member of LGNSW.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 18 CRJO GMAC Meeting #3 12 October 2018 DRAFT MINUTES

Meeting Opened: The meeting opened at 10.00am

1. Welcome and Introductions Voting Members Bega Valley Shire Council Leanne Barnes (Deputy Chair)

Eurobodalla Shire Council Dr Catherine Dale

East Gippsland Shire Council Gary Gaffney

Goulburn Mulwaree Council Warwick Bennett (Chair)

Hilltops Council Dr Edwina Marks

Queanbeyan-Palerang Peter Tegart Regional Council Snowy Monaro Regional Council Peter Bascomb

Upper Lachlan Shire Council John Bell

Yass Valley Council Sharon Hutch

ACT Government David Clapham

Wingecarribee Shire Council Ann Prendergast

Snowy Valleys Council Matt Hyde

Also in Attendance CRJO David Rowe Gabrielle Cusack WORKSHOP Attendees Jillian Kilby Michael Classeans – RDA ACT Central West Freight/Logistics Taskforce David Saunderson Canberra Airport Noel McCann Office of Local Government Elizabeth Dixon NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet Heidi Stratford

Apologies Wagga Wagga City Council Mr Peter Thompson

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 19 2.0 Late Items or Urgent Business 2.1 Regional Southern Lights Project RESOLVED 1. GMAC note the update of the Regional Southern Lights Project. 2. CRJO prepare a template report for consideration of member councils and offer to coordinate an information presentation to Councils. P Tegart/S Hutch

2.2 Regional Infrastructure Taskforce & Freight & Transport Taskforce (Ken Gillespie) RESOLVED 1. That the CRJO Board write and thank the Taskforce for their support, advocacy and regional engagement. J Bell/L Barnes

3.0 Report – CRJO Economic Development WG RESOLVED 1. That GMAC endorse the EDWG Terms of Reference as amended (attached). L Barnes/C Dale 2. That GMAC receive and note the minutes of the EDWG meeting of the 16 September 2018 and advise that the working group should operate without a GM sponsor however this may be reconsidered as some time in the future. 3. That Peter Tegart to be the GMAC Liaison. C Dale/L Barnes 4. That affiliate member representatives not be entitled to vote at GMAC or any working groups. M Hyde/A Prendergast 5. That GMAC defer consideration of a MoU with Wellington NZ; but will explore individual opportunities as they arise. J Bell/P Bascomb 4.0 Regional Infrastructure Prospectus RESOLVED 1. That GMAC note the presentation and circulate a copy to members 2. That the Water and Waste Water Prospectus and the Local and Regional Roads and Bridge Register be funded by the 11 NSW Councils based on equal cost share per Council 3. That Prospectus’ also be compiled on an electorate basis for presentation to local members 4. That the Transport and Freight Prospectus be funded by the CRJO from the State Government ‘establishment funding’ in an amount up to $35,000, as amended.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 20

5. That each General Manager refer any amendments to the Prospectus’ directly to The Infrastructure Collaborative and cc Peter Tegart and CRJO by Wednesday 17 October 2018. 6. That the GMAC CEO negotiate with the Infrastructure Collaborative over IP rights and development of software of the Infrastructure Prospectus and report back to GMAC.

C Dale/J Bell

4.1 Regional Cadet Strategy RESOLVED 1. That GMAC note the presentation and circulate a copy to members 2. That GMAC support other Councils nominating other cadets/apprentices under this initiative. 3. That GMAC advocate to Government to sponsor and fund the CRJO Cadet Strategy including education under the fee-free apprenticeship, infrastructure legacy program and LG skills strategy. P Tegart/G Gaffney

5.0 Code of Conduct Review Panel RECOMMENDED 1. That CRJO call for an EOI for the establishment of its own conduct review panel and for member Councils who wish to participate; and the cost of preparation be shared amongst NSW participating Councils. 2. That GMAC nominate a panel of 3 representatives to review the EOIs recommend the composition of the panel, being representatives from Bega Valley Shire Council, Snowy Monaro Regional Council and Eurobodalla Shire Council. 3. That it be noted the member Councils then need to endorse the selected Code Panel. E Marks/L Barnes 6.0 Agrifood Export Hub RESOLVED 1. That GMAC note the presentation. 2. That GMAC note the state of preparedness of air freight of Canberra Airport and not to take any further action at this time in the application for the establishment of an ‘export hub’ with RDA ACT. 3. That CRJO assist Canberra Airport in coordinating a forum with agencies and stakeholder groups on air freight and agrifood in the region. 4. That GMAC support a forum led by DPC Regional with the CRJO and the RDA’s to clarify roles and responsibilities regarding economic development in the region. 5. That a report be submitted to GMAC on the outcomes of the Forums. L Barnes/P Bascomb

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 21 7.0 NSW Government Investment Attraction Training RESOLVED 1. That GMAC consider 2-3 nominations from the region for a two-day training session to be held in Sydney on 25 and 26 October 2018. 2. That GMAC nominate Martin Darcy, Sean Haylan and Sarah Cooper. S Hutch/C Dale NB: Following date change representative from Eurobodalla and Snowy Monaro attended 8.0 Joint Organisation, & LGNSW Collaboration & Co-Design RESOLVED 1. That GMAC note the information. 2. That GMAC recommend to the Board that CRJO not be a member of LGNSW as there are no identified operational benefits. 3. That GMAC gather data and prepare a brief to seek quotes from the legal panel members for the provision of IR services and IRC representations on behalf of member Councils on a 12 month retainer. M Hyde/A Prendergast 9.0 Lobbying – Make Issues Local Campaign RESOLVED That GMAC note the initiative and leave to individual Councils to address local issues and work with their members of Parliament. C Dale/S Hutch 10.0 South Coast Marine Tourism Strategy RESOLVED 1. That GMAC note the final draft. L Barnes/C Dale 11.0 Office of Local Government RESOLVED 1. That GMAC receive the verbal report for information noting that – - Councils with an interest in providing case study examples to inform the proposed review of the PPP Guidelines contact Elizabeth Dixon to discuss. - Councils interested in being considered for the OEH Sustainability Program contact Simon Wallace- Pannell for further details (0408 174 292)

- Code of Conduct and Code of Meeting Practice to be proclaimed and released by the end of October 2018 - coming out as an Integrity Package.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 22 - LG Skills Strategy is underspent in the area and there may be an opportunity for Cadetship Program.

- E-learning : Managing Digital Information as a Strategic Asset is soon to be released.

2. That GMAC define the issues of concern to member Councils and will develop a position paper to OLG. These issues include: - Fit for the Future / Audit Office financial ratios - Guidelines on new Accounting Standards - Depreciation and Operating Result Ratio - Performance Management framework - Response to recommendations to Audit Office – Local Government services performance audit. - Rating models and levies – including response to IPART LG rating review - Development of corporate entities S Hutch/L Barnes 12.0 Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy – CREDS RESOLVED 1. That the CRJO fund the development of a CREDS in partnership with the NSW Government and the ACT Government at a cost of $10,000 each. 2. That the CRJO share be funded from the CRJO ‘establishment monies’. 3. That GMAC endorse the draft scope of works and in doing so nominate Peter Tegart (QPRC) for the project control group. 4. That GMAC examine the governance framework for the management of project J Bell/C Dale 13.0 Waste Levy – Wingecarribee Shire Council RESOLVED 1. That GMAC recommend that the Board write to the Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional New South Wales, The Hon John Barilaro MP; Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government, and Minister for Heritage, The Hon Gabrielle Upton and the Member for Goulburn, The Hon Pru Goward, The Member for Wollondilly, The Hon Jai Rowell seeking their support for an urgent review to reclassify Wingecarribee Shire Council from the "Metropolitan Waste Levy Area" to the “Regional Levy Area" for the purpose of the NSW Waste Levy. 2. That CRJO strongly oppose the broadening of the Waste Levy to other LGA’s in the region. 3. That the regional waste strategy examine the risk and mitigation of potential expansion of the Waste Levy into the region.

A Prendergast/L Barnes

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 23 14.0 Resource Recovery & Waste Management WG Meeting RESOLVED

That the minutes of the CRJO Resource Recovery and Waste Management working group be noted. E Marks/J Bell

15.0 GMAC Governance Matters RESOLVED 1. GMAC schedule a Strategic Planning Day: Monday 26 November @ 10am – 5pm @ the Canberra Airport Vibe Hotel o Election commitments (State & Federal) o OLG – issues (accounting/policy/legislation/RIS) o Post-election – one community strategic plan (3 sub-plans)

2. GMAC engage an external facilitator – up to cost of $5000 L Barnes/C Dale

NB: Due unavailability of the Vibe Hotel the workshop was moved to The BoatHouse Grevillea Drive, Russell, ACT 16.0 GMAC Action List RESOLVED That GMAC note the action list update S Hutch/L Barnes 17.0 Next Meeting Thursday 7 and Friday 8 February 2019 - suggested location at Tumut; to be confirmed

Meeting Closed 12.35

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 24 Meeting: CRJO Board Meeting #3 Date: 7 December 2018 Title: Item 6.0 Finance Report Reporting Officer: David Rowe


1. That the November Budget Review Statement adjustments as detailed in the report be adopted and the relevant income and expenditure budget adjustments be approved. 2. That the Board consider implementing a financial strategy in December 2019 to ensure that a minimum cash balance of $200K is retained going forward, recognizing that this may include an increase of membership contribution fees for 2020/2021. 3. That the Office of Local Government be notified of the proposed project expenditure for the $300k establishment funding as detailed in the report.


1.0 November Budget Review Statement

A budget review has been completed as at the 30 November 2018. This is the first budget review since inception. Under normal circumstances, these reports would be a Quarterly Budget Review (QBRS) prepared at the end of each quarter however during the first quarter we were still implementing our systems. The position at 30 November is reported against the budget adopted at the Board meeting on 14 September 2018 and detailed in Table 1. Notes 1-4 below are references to Table 1.

1.1 Significant Variances

The majority of the variances being proposed in this report relate to the reallocation of budgeted expenditure now that the organisation is trading operationally. There is no net movement to these budgets. For example, the adopted budget of the CRJO placed all employment costs under wages. Under the reporting framework that the CRJO must comply with, it is necessary to separate superannuation from wages. This QBRS proposes budget variances to recognise this reallocation of budget, however these variances have no net movements and are not reported as being significant.

Project Type Account Variance Amount Admin Revenue Procurement Rebate $29,000 Note 1 - Recognition of a higher than forecast Procurement Rebate from LGP Admin Revenue Other Revenue $854 Note 2 - Minor Adjustment from the QPRC Handover – relates to GST treatment on Wages transfers Admin Revenue MV Private Use Cont $15,000 Note 3 - Recognition of Private Motor Vehicle contributions from staff accessing CRJO vehicles Admin Expenditure General Expenses $10,000 Note 4 - Increase of $10,000 in budget to account for resolved payments to sitting members. Shown as + $4350 due to an internal adjustment of - $4650

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 25 1.2 Operational Budget Result

As a result of this budget review, the projected year end net operating result is expecting an increase of $35k to a deficit of $491k for 2018/19. As reported to the September meeting the majority of this deficit is a result of the early payment of the Biodiversity program ($145K) and the Hazardous Household Chemical Collection Program ( $150k)

2.0 Transfer of Funds from QPRC

Prior to the 30 June 2018, the CRJO was known as the CBRJO and operated as an unincorporated association and was hosted through Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) including all financial transactions. Under the CBRJO, Kategic P/L were engaged to develop a plan for the establishment of the CRJO as an independently operating organisation and arrange the transfer the CRJO funds that were held by QPRC at the 30 June 2018. Through a review of the 2017/2018 transactions Kategic P/L and QPRC reached agreement on the total amount of funds held by QPRC at 30 June 2018 on behalf of CRJO was $1,060,125.00.

Graham Bradley, the CBRJO 2016/17 audit accountant was recently engaged by CRJO to undertake a due diligence analysis on behalf of the CRJO to verify that this sum transferred to the CRJO was correct. Mr Bradley has confirmed that the sum of monies transferred is correct, however there has been identified a need for clarifications in relation to the payment of Household Chemical Collection contributions to Councils in the 2017/18. There may need for some adjustment in the value of monies transferred once the matter has been clarified. The outcome will be reported to the next Board meeting.

3.0 Long Term Financial Sustainability Strategy

GMAC at its planning day on 26 November 2018, considered options for the long-term financial sustainability of the CRJO. GMAC recognized the need to preserve the current organizational structure with the two senior roles (CEO and Director) to ensure the organisation if best placed to move forward. Therefore, additional income in the order of $150k per annum is required for financial sustainability. In the absence of an alternate source of income (and it is hoped that an alternate source will eventuate) sustainability can be achieved by increasing membership fees in the order of 50%.

GMAC has suggested the following base strategy to achieve long term financial sustainability if alternate income sources are not derived in this next 3 years:

A. Retain a minimum cash balance of $200K to manage cashflow B. 2019/2020 – increase contribution fees by the rate peg C. 2020/2021 – increase contribution fees by 25% D. 2021/2022 – increase contribution fees by 25%

Recognising that the projected cash balance is $500K at 30 June 2019, there is time for the CRJO to derive an alternate source of income without immediately increasing membership fees and impacting on the solvency of the organisation. An analysis of the CRJO financial position in 12 months will determine whether the above strategy will need to be implemented.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 26 3.0 Establishment Grant - $300K

All Joint Organisations have been provided with a $300k grant to assist with the establishment of the organisation and are required to spend the funds by 30 June 2020 and notify the Office of Local Government the proposed expenditure of these funds.

It is proposed that the funds be allocated as follows:

$300K - Proposed Allocations Item Description $,000 1 Video Conferencing Facilities 140 2 Transport and Freight Prospectus 40 3 CRJO Branding 20 4 Office Establishment 30 5 Strategic Plan Development 30 6 Website Development 10 7 Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy 10 8 Strategic Projects – TBA 20 Total 300

All expenditure outlined in the above table is all project based. It is anticipated that further projects will be identified following completion of the Strategic Plan and the Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy (CREDS). Subject to approval of expenditure on the above projects, it expected that the CRJO will have exhausted the grant allocation by 30 June 2019.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 27 TABLE 1 - 30 November 2019 Budget Review

2019 Budget Resolved Approved Proposed Proposed Original Budget Variances Budget YTD Actuals Variance Budget Notes Income from Continuing Operations Revenue Rates and Annual Charges User Charges and Fees Interest and Investment Revenue 270 Interest Income $15,000 $15,000 $0 $0 $15,000 Other Revenues 200 Sales $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 201 Member Contributions $355,064 $355,064 $355,064 $0 $355,064 202 Associate Contributions $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 210 Project Income $220,000 $220,000 $0 $0 $220,000 211 Procurement Rebate $60,000 $60,000 $99,099 $0 $60,000 1 260 Other Revenue $0 $0 $854 $854 $854 2 261 MV Private Use Cont $3,041 $15,000 $15,000 3 Operating Grants 220 Operating Grants $523,510 $523,510 $223,510 $0 $523,510 221 Operating Contributions $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Grants Other Income Net Gains from Disposal of Assets TOTAL INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS $1,173,574 $0 $1,173,574 $681,568 $15,854 $1,189,428

Expenses from Continuing Operations Employee Benefits and On-Costs 477 Wages and Salaries $679,787 $679,787 $161,552 -$68,300 $611,487 478 Superannuation $0 $0 $19,183 $68,300 $68,300 492 Training & Development $0 $0 $972 $2,000 $2,000 493 Travel - National $2,000 $2,000 $589 $500 $2,500 494 Travel - International $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Borrowing Costs $0 437 Interest Expense $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Materials and Contracts $0 402 Audit Fees $11,500 $11,500 $0 $0 $11,500 412 Consulting & Accounting $833,862 $833,862 $210,580 $0 $833,862 441 Legal expenses $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000 473 Repairs and Maintenance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Depreciation $0 416 Depreciation $24,000 $24,000 $0 $0 $24,000 Other Expenses $0 400 Advertising $5,000 $5,000 $43 $0 $5,000 404 Bank Fees $0 $0 $12 $50 $50 408 Cleaning $0 $0 $254 $600 $600 420 Entertainment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 425 Freight & Courier $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 429 General Expenses $88,000 $88,000 $38,894 $4,350 $92,350 4 433 Insurance $0 $0 $3,208 $3,500 $3,500 445 Light, Power, Heating $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 449 Motor Vehicle Expenses $36,100 $36,100 $4,987 -$1,500 $34,600 453 Office Expenses $5,000 $5,000 $4,608 $0 $5,000 461 Printing & Stationery $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000 469 Rent $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 485 Subscriptions $0 $0 $1 $0 $0 489 Telephone & Internet $4,500 $4,500 $531 $500 $5,000 Net losses from disposal of assets $0 TOTAL EXPENSES FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS $1,699,749 $0 $1,699,749 $445,413 $10,000 $1,709,749 $0 OPERATING RESULT FOR THE YEAR -$526,175 $0 -$526,175 $236,155 $5,854 -$520,321

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 28 Meeting: CRJO Board Meeting #3 Date: 7 December 2018 Title: Agenda Item 7.0 CRJO Strategic Directions Reporting Officer: David Rowe


1. That the following list of Draft Regional Priorities be adopted; A. Advocacy Plan for State and Federal Government Linkages B. Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy (CREDS) C. Develop Plan for Legislation Reviews & State Government Policies D. Commercial opportunities investigation E. Support the development of a regional Agrifood Export Precinct F. Develop further infrastructure prospectus – recreation and cultural G. Identified telecommunications blackspots, prioritise and facilitate funding H. Cadet Training Program I. Regional Project Management Model J. Crown Land / Native Title Support K. Biodiversity Support L. Contaminated Land Management Support M. Circular Economy – Regional Opportunities

2. That the following timetable be adopted for production of the Strategic Plan 2019-2022.

DEVELOPMENT OF CRJO STRATEGIC PLAN Date Description Action 07.12.2018 Draft list of Regional Priorities Adopt by Board CRJO develop and circulate to 17.12.2018 Draft Strategic Plan 2019 - 2022 (DSP) Councils, post on website 08.02.2019 Review of DSP Review of DSP by GMAC 22.02.2019 Strategic Plan Adoption Submission to Board

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 29 REPORT

1.0 Introduction

All organisations need to develop a strategic plan to clarify the purpose of their existence, the goals that they want to aspire to and the actions that they want to implement to achieve those goals. The development of a practical and meaningful strategic plan requires an alignment of these key elements with input from the key stakeholders. For the preparation of the CRJO strategic plan, the key stakeholders are Board members. The Local Government Act also specifies legislative requirements to produce a “Statement of Regional Priorities” for Joint Organisations, which is ostensibly the basis of a strategic plan.

2.0 Legislative Requirements for Joint Organisations

Under Section 397H of the Local Government Regulation (General) 2005

(1) A joint organisation must have a statement of strategic regional priorities. (2) The statement must set out the strategic regional priorities for the joint organisation area and the strategies and plans for delivering those strategic regional priorities. (3) The statement is to be prepared not later than: (a) the later of 31 December 2018 or 6 months after the establishment of the joint organisation, and (b) 12 months after each subsequent ordinary election of councillors for all the member councils. (4) A joint organisation must consult with the member councils about the content of a proposed statement of strategic regional priorities.

3.0 CRJO Process for Development of Strategic Regional Priorities

The CRJO Board at its September meeting endorsed the following process:

A. JO representatives to tour all councils in the upcoming 6 weeks and meet with the executive teams to gather local information and knowledge on key priorities in the local government areas. B. A Workshop with General Managers to be held in November to compile recommendations. C. Draft Regional Strategic Priorities and Action Plan to be presented to the December Board meeting for comment and circulation. D. Draft priorities circulated to all Councils for comment. E. On consideration of all feedback, the updated Regional Strategic Priorities and Action Plan be presented to the 2019 February meeting of Board for final adoption.

It is proposed to adhere to the above timing subject to feedback on the draft document.

4.0 Overview of Strategic Direction Activities

Consultations with the executives of Councils and the Mayors of Councils indicate that everyone sees as an organisation that can add value to their council. The benefits of the CRJO as viewed by executive teams had quite an operational focus compared with the elected members who saw greatest opportunities in advocacy to other levels of government.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 30 4.1 Executive Consultations

A summary of issues and opportunities raised by executive teams is as follows:

- Crown Land / Native Title Issues - Biodiversity Impacts understanding - Council staff resources - cadet/ training - Economic Development – CREDS, Agribusiness / export - Advocacy as an agent for Councils - Infrastructure Matrix review and update - Development of regional priorities - Procurement Opportunities - Financial Sustainability of JO - Facilitation role for social issues (eg Domestic Violence) - Regional Waste strategies - Active Working Groups; relevant to needs of Councils - Councils as a centre of excellence (eg strategic land use planning / asset management) - Regional templates (eg Community Strategic Plan (CSP), Asset Project Management) Financial, Risk, Internal Audit, Project Management

4.2 Mayoral Questionnaire

As input to the Strategic Planning Workshop, Mayors were surveyed on how they think the CRJO can add value. The overriding response was one of assisting with advocacy to the State and Federal Government to deliver better regional outcomes however summary of the main topics raised is as follows:

- Leading Advocacy voice - State and Federal Government Linkages - Regional Priorities - Getting major infrastructure projects funded - Regional Infrastructure Planning - Regional Economic Development Strategy - Telecommunications Coverage - Getting more grant funds across the region - Targeting reviews to legislation - Joint procurement

4.3 GMAC Strategic Planning Workshop

A very successful strategic planning workshop was held on the 26 November 2018 facilitated by consultant, Mia Swainson. In attendance were General Managers, all CRJO staff, representatives from DPC, ACT Government, OLG and the CRJO Chair and Deputy Chair for the early sessions.

The day was much an ‘ideas day’ with valuable input from all in attendance. The output of current directions is summarized in the ‘draft Strategic Plan’ at the end of this report.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 31 Warwick Bennett (GMAC Chair) and Leanne Barnes (GMAC Deputy Chair) will provide a presentation on the day’s proceedings.

5.0 Draft Regional Strategic Priorities

Based on the above consultations, issues already before the CRJO and ideas from the workshop the following draft regional priorities are suggested for consideration by the Board

A. Advocacy Plan for State and Federal Government Linkages B. Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy (CREDS) C. Develop Plan for Legislation Reviews & State Government Policies D. Commercial opportunities investigation E. Support the development of a regional Agrifood Export Precinct F. Develop further infrastructure prospectus – recreation and cultural G. Identified telecommunications blackspots, prioritise and facilitate funding H. Cadet Training Program I. Regional Project Management Model J. Crown Land / Native Title Support K. Biodiversity Support L. Contaminated Land Management Support M. Circular Economy – Regional Opportunities

6.0 Next Steps DEVELOPMENT OF CRJO STRATEGIC PLAN Date Description Action 07.12.2018 Draft list of Regional Priorities Adopt by Board CRJO develop and circulate to Councils, 17.12.2018 Draft Strategic Plan 2019 - 2022 (DSP) post on website 08.02.2019 Review of DSP Review of DSP by GMAC 22.02.2019 Strategic Plan Adoption Submission to Board

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 32 CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 33 CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 34 CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 35 Meeting: CRJO Board Meeting #3 Date: 7 December 2018 Title: Agenda Item 8.0 Access ACT Hospitals by NSW Residents Reporting Officer: David Rowe


That the CRJO advocate to both the ACT and NSW Governments to ensure that an appropriate ‘health agreement’ is negotiated between the parties to ensure that there is an equitable access to hospital services in the ACT by both the residents of the ACT and residents of the South East of NSW.


The Canberra Times reported (29 October 2018) considerations by ACT Health that suggested possible cost- cutting measures that could see patients from NSW barred from the elective surgery waiting list.

ACT Health said that “removing patients not geographically associated with the ACT from the wait list would decrease net additions to the waitlist by 237” and “ that at times, it can be more appropriate for the patient to have their surgery closer to home when those services are available; unless there is a clear clinical or social reason for the patient to access specialist treatment in the ACT."

None of the measures outlined by ACT Health have been implemented by the Government and any changes to the cross-border situation would be part of a new MOU between the ACT and NSW regarding Health Services. It is understood that the Health MOU is currently under negotiation between the ACT and NSW. It is also understood that ACT’s position in these negotiations that ACT Health and Southern NSW Local Health District work collaboratively in a ‘best for region approach’ that doesn’t require the ACT Community to fund a disproportionate share of the costs.

The ACT Government has MoU with the NSW Government for Regional Cooperation which aspires to improve community wellbeing in both the ACT and South East NSW. Whilst this document doesn’t apply specifically to any health agreements between the ACT and NSW, the principle of ‘equity of access’ and a borderless approach to the provision of services between the ACT and the CRJO would suggest there should not be any discrimination based on the location in which a person resides.

It is suggested that the CRJO advocate to both the ACT and NSW Governments to ensure that an appropriate ‘health agreement’ is negotiated to ensure that an equitable access to hospital services in the ACT by both the residents of the ACT and residents of the South East of NSW.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 36 Meeting: CRJO Board Meeting #3 Date: 7 December 2018 Title: Agenda Item 9.0 Natural Funding Disaster Arrangements Reporting Officer: David Rowe


1. That Councils carefully consider the financial implications when making their decision whether to ‘opt in’ to the new funding arrangements. 2. That the CRJO advocate to the State Government to renegotiate the guidelines such that the financial burden on Local Government is more equitable. 3. That the CRJO develop a more equitable contribution model for submission to the NSW Government with consideration of a sliding scale contribution based on the ‘Council Category’.


The CRJO has previously taken up the advocacy around the revamping of the funding of the Natural Disasters and had several meetings with Ministers with a particular emphasis on:

- Appropriated timing for approval and payment of funding - The eligibility of Council day labour in the cost of recovery works - The ability to fund betterment works from disaster funding as preventative measures

New arrangements were activated on 1 November 2018. The arrangements do remove restrictions on day labour (including internal plant and equipment hire) for councils that opt-in to Co-Funding Arrangements. The opt-in process is open until 31 January 2019, but only Council’s that have opted-in prior to a specific eligible disaster are eligible to claim under the interim arrangements from 1 November 2018.

There is a catch ……

Access to the funding arrangement for Council’s Day Labour and use of Council plant in restoration and repairs is subject to a council co-contribution:

• Each financial year, a threshold for activating essential public asset funding will be calculated for every local council. This threshold will be the lesser of 0.75% of the council’s total rate revenue in the financial year two (2) years prior or $1 million (excluding GST). • For a council to receive funding for Emergency Works, Immediate Reconstruction Works and Essential Public Asset Reconstruction Works arising from an eligible disaster, the total estimated cost of these works must exceed the council’s threshold. • Council must contribute funding or resources to a level that is equivalent to their threshold or 25% of the cost of these works, whichever is lower.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 37 • A council’s contribution for Emergency Works, Immediate Reconstruction Works and Essential Public Asset Reconstruction Works arising from all declared eligible disasters in a financial year will be capped at 2% of their total rate revenue in the financial year two (2) years prior to the financial year in which the eligible disasters occurred.

Full details of the arrangements are detailed in the NSW Natural Disaster Essential Public Asset Restoration Guidelines – 19 October 2018 Essential-Public-Asset-Restoration-Guidelines-FINAL-19Oct2018.pdf

And a four page fact sheet has been provided for local councils DRFA 2018: Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements production/20181009232603/OEM_DRFA_factsheet-September-2018.pdf

In the case of an incident one local Council in our region (Eurobodalla Shire) has indicated that this 0.75% funding contribution will increase their contribution over five times what they currently pay under the existing arrangements.

This is another example of cost shifting to local government and with the increasing frequency of natural disasters the cost burden will be significant. It is viewed that there needs to be a campaign to get the arrangements to be amended so that they are more equitable. Perhaps it is as simple as dropping the percentage co-contribution to a reasonable level. Eurobodalla Shire has provided a submission that the contribution should be dropped from the 0.75% to 0.25 % would be tolerable even though it would represent a 30% increase in what they currently pay.

In September 2018, the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia lodged a submission on the draft guidelines identifying equity concerns with the proposed 0.75% formula for Council contribution. Clearly the submission didn’t have any impact which identifies a need for a coordinated campaign.

The 0.75% formula will assist Councils with a very low rate base. Any Councils with a rate base less than $3.87 M will benefit from the new formula however there would be less than 20 Councils in this category. Local Government cannot afford this cost shifting.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 38 Meeting: CRJO Board Meeting #3 Date: 7 December 2018 Title: Agenda Item 10.0 CRJO Advocacy Report Reporting Officer: Cr Rowena Abbey & Gabrielle Cusack

PREAMBLE This report provides a detailed outline of the advocacy by the CRJO chair as outlined in agenda item 4.0 – Chair’s Report.

RECOMMENDATION That the CRJO Board note the Advocacy Activities.

REPORT Advocacy is a continual role of the CRJO, primarily undertaken by the Chair and coordinated by the Director of the CRJO. This report summarises the key advocacy activities carried out including outcomes.


Type Meeting & follow up telephone calls

Who National Farmers Federation – President Fiona Simson

Request For the Canberra Region to be considered in the National discussion identified as a Fresh Food Precinct – particularly for export – nationally and internationally via CBR Airport + PAK Fresh.

Outcome NFF to consider opportunity for Canberra Region as a ‘hub’

Status CRJO to finalise meeting with President of NFF & Chair for January 2019


Type Meeting

Who Chair DSNSW + General Manager

Request Ensure collaborate and engagement between CRJO member Councils regarding Strategy

Outcome Input was provided into the Canberra Strategy being developed by DNSW

Status CRJO to review draft ‘Canberra Strategy’ when released by DSNSW

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 39 Item 3 CRJO Representation on the Board of the Canberra Business Chamber

Type Meeting + AGM

Who Board of the Canberra Business Chamber

Request Enhance engagement with CRJO

Outcome The CRJO will be represented at Board meetings by the Chair and will have a standing item providing the Chamber with regional events/activities across the Canberra Region.

Status CRJO to prepare a report for February CRJO Board meeting on Business Chamber changes relevant to the CRJO


Type Meeting

Who Chairs of the 13 Joint Organisations + Executive Officers Office of Local Government Request Provide the network with an outline of how our JO operates, focus on infrastructure framework for Water and Wastewater and Freight & Logistics

Outcome The purpose and function of this network is still evolving

Status CRJO Chair to present on infrastructure projects at the March network meeting

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 40 Item 5 MNISTERIAL & GOVERNMENT AGENCY MEETINGS – 12 & 13 November 2018

Type Meetings & Presentations

The Chair & Deputy Chair of the CRJO had 10 meetings over two days in Sydney.

The meetings were to provide an update and advocate for funding on specific projects: 1. CRJO Regional Water and Waste Water Infrastructure framework 2. CRJO Regional Freight & Transport Prospectus 3. CRJO Regional Roads and Bridges Register 4. CRJO Regional Project Manage Office 5. LG-NSW cadetship program 6. Regional Telecommunications 7. Southern Lights Project 8. Using Sport to address social issues 9. Proposed ‘Regional Fresh Food Precinct’ & Export Hub @ CBR Airport

Meetings PORTFOLIO COMPREHENSIVE BRIEF The Hon. Melinda Pavey MP Freight & Maritime Service The Hon Niall Blair MLC Water, Agriculture, Trade The Hon. Bronnie Taylor MLC Parliamentary Secretary SNSW Office of The Hon. John Barlilaro MP Deputy Premier, Skills Office of The Hon Andrew Constance Transport & Infrastructure MP Jim Betts CEO Infrastructure NSW Gary Banes Deputy Secretary DPC Simon Draper Secretary Dept Industry WWW Prospectus + Cadets Program Liz Livingstone Deputy Secretary Water – Dept of Industry Rachael Collins Executive Director Water Industry CADETSHIP + SKILLS Zoe de Zaram Deputy Secretary – ED & Skills – Dept of Industry David Collins ED – Skills Dept of Industry FREIGHT/LOGISTICS + ROADS & BRIDGES Clare Gardiner-Barnes Deputy Secretary Transport Tim Raimond Chief Planner Transport Jim Modrouvanos Executive Director – TfNSW CROWN LANDS Office of The Hon. Paul Toole Crown Lands NSW Dept of Premier & Cabinet Chris Hanger Executive Director - DPC

Other than Minister Constance, the NSW Deputy Premier’s Office and meeting with The Hon. Bronnie Taylor MLC, all follow-up is portfolio specific.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 41 Item 6 FUNDING FOR WATER SECURITY + ENGINEERING CADETS

Type Meeting

Who The Hon. Niall Blair MLC - Minister for Agriculture, Water & Trade Simon Draper – Secretary Department of Industry Liz Livingstone – Deputy Secretary Department of Industry (Water) Rachael Collins Request The CRJO prepared a comprehensive meeting brief outlining the water and wastewater prospectus, and funding for a cadetship program for engineers.

Outcome The feedback from the Minister was positive. The format for the type of scope and project framework for water and waste water is what the Government is looking to utilise and potentially replicate across the NSW Regional JO Network.

The CRJO also took the opportunity to raise the ‘Regional Fresh Food Precinct & Export Hub’ for the Canberra Region with the Minister.

CRJO to provide the Department with background planning studies supporting request for a regional water strategy. Status CRJO to provide Minister Blair with a formal letter of request for funding for the Water and WasteWater projects as well as engineering cadets

CRJO to provide the Minister’s office with an overview of the ‘Regional Fresh Food Precinct & Export Hub’ for the Canberra Region @ CBR Airport. Item 7 CROWN LANDS SUPPORT OFFICER

Type Parliamentary Meeting

Who Office of Hon Paul Toole MP

Request That the NSW Government provide funding for a 3-year pilot program across the CRJO Local Government areas. The funding would be $150,000 pa ($450,000 over 3 years).

Outcome CRJO provided with OEH contacts.

Status Contact made with OEH awaiting further feedback.


Type Meeting

Who Zoe de Zaram & David Collins

Request Consideration regarding the proposed Cadetship program

Outcome NSW Department of Industry supportive of concept, but it appears there are no current funding programs to support the CRJO proposal.

Status Finalise proposal for cadetship program and continue to liaise with the Department.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 42 Item 9 FUNDING FOR ROADS & BRIDGES

Type Meeting

Who The Hon Melinda Pavey MP – Minister for Roads & Maritime Services Jim Betts – CEO Infrastructure NSW Clare Gardiner-Barnes – Deputy Secretary Tim Raimond – Chief Planner Jim Modrouvanos – Executive Director

Request When the NSW Government is updating the 2056 Transport Plan, inclusion of the key items in the CRJO Regional Transport & Freight Infrastructure Prospectus be included.

The JO provided an outline of the proposed Roads & Bridges Register across the 11 Councils. Initial work undertaken by The Infrastructure Collaborative identified 143 projects; being 104 roads and 39 bridges.

The JO also raised the freight corridors required to get produce/product to Canberra Airport for Export – highlighting the Talking 2030 report.

Outcome CRJO to provide Minister Pavey with a formal letter of request for funding for the Roads & Bridges Register.

CRJO to provide the Minister’s office with an overview of the ‘Regional Fresh Food Precinct & Export Hub’ for the Canberra Region @ CBR Airport. Status The Infrastructure Working Group to finalise information for the roads & bridges register.


Upper Lachlan Shire Council Wombeyan Caves Road Grabbine Road Reconstruction & Sealing Project Bega Valley Shire Council Merimbula Airport – Commercial, Tourism & Aviation Precinct

National Parks Wombeyan Caves Tourism Project

ACT Government Commonwealth Government: Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Export Hubs Wagga Wagga City Council QANTAS Pilot Academy

National Rugby League (NRL) Sport to address social issues: Voice Against Violence & State of Mind

Australian National University Support for the Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology (CEAT) (ANU)

Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Export Hubs

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 43 Meeting: CRJO Board Meeting #3 Date: 7 December 2018 Title: Agenda Item 11 Department Premier and Cabinet South East, Regional NSW Update Reporting Officer: Heidi Stratford


Providing an update of key DPC projects in the South East.


That the information be noted.


The DPC has a Regional focus to deliver service coordination, regional development, regional growth funds, regional economic development strategies with various initiatives underpinning these functions. In the Canberra Region these include:

1.0 Goulburn Place-Based Initiative

Through FACS funding has been secured under the Futures Direction Program targeting at risk young people to improve their experience living on housing estates which is aimed at: - Improving aspirations for young people (primarily 9 to 13 years) living on the estates in Goulburn, in particular Bradfordville and Marysmount. - Improving relationships for young people living on the estates and a stronger community connectedness to the wider community. A Project Control Group (the Control Group) has been established and meets monthly in Goulburn to develop key actions and view the progress of the initiative.

2.0 Wellbeing and Health In-reach Nurse (WHIN) Coordinator Initiative – , Tumut and Young

For Young, Tumut and Cooma, a two-year pilot has been established for the placement of a Wellbeing and Health In-reach Nurse (WHIN) Coordinator to facilitate an improved identification and coordinated response to health, wellbeing and social needs of school-age children and young people as an in-reach service in schools. The positions are based in a school location and provide outreach to other schools within the surrounding community. Initial data is showing a positive response to the pilot with the referral rate to these nurses and an increase in young people and families accessing support services under a more coordinated approach.

Note: Cooma and Tumut pilot is funded by Snowy Hydro and the Young pilot is funded by the Local Health District.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 44 3.0 The Whole of Eden Project

a. Port of Eden Development - The Breakwater Wharf in under construction will be completed in February 2019. Dredging (Stage 1) has been completed and the Marine Structures (Stage2) is nearing completion b. Eden Foreshore Concept Plan - A Concept Plan for redevelopment of the Port of Eden landside is complete and work is now underway to access further funding to develop a business case and key studies including successful funding to construct a Welcome Centre adjacent to the Breakwater Wharf which is planned for completion by 2019/2020 cruise season. c. Eden Safe Harbour Project The Eden Safe Harbour Project will provide a safer harbour for local and visiting vessels and improve the protection of existing maritime infrastructure within Snug Cove through the construction of a wave attenuator. d. Solution Brokerage Accord An Accord was developed between Eden Local Aboriginal Land Council (Eden LALC) and key government agencies to deliver a number of key projects for local Aboriginal communities :  Aboriginal Land Agreement – Due to be finalised and signed late 2018, early 2019.  Transfer of Davidson Whaling Station - NPWS is leading the work on the revocation on the land which has now been identified.  Tourism Opportunities – work continues to pursue tourism opportunities for the Eden Local Land Council e. Eden Place Plan The Eden Place Plan is a FACS delivered initiative that’s forms part of the Future Directions for Social Housing in NSW strategy. Work has commenced on improving access to education, training and employment, specifically around improving transitions to employment and training for young people. f. Bundian Way Project DPC is supporting the ELALC seeking funding to develop a business case for Node1 of the Bundian Way. Bega Valley Shire Council has established a steering committee to develop branding strategy for the Bundian Way. The website is currently underway (funded by DPC, Snowy Monaro and Bega Valley Councils).

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 45 4.0 Snowy 2.0

a. Social and Economic Challenges A consultant (Wolf Peak) was commissioned to investigate the social and economic challenges and opportunities of the project and the report has identified the need for further work on:  Workforce and Labour Market Analysis.  Workforce Accommodation Study.  Government Services Study.

Challenges identified by Agencies and via the report consultation process included:

Resources – demand for human resources will exceed supply available. Accommodation – a shortage has already been raised identified. Government Services – additional demand for emergency response, training and development, council services, tourism and education. Expectation – there is a need to manage expectations on what Snowy 2.0 will deliver to the community and how it will impact on the tourism industry.

b. Futures Strategy

NSW Government in collaboration with the Commonwealth, Snowy Valleys and Snowy Monaro Councils is looking to develop a strategy that will position the region to take advantage of the opportunities and respond to the challenges arising from the Snowy 2.0 Project. An RFQ is now out in market for this piece of work with submissions due by 12 December 2018.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 46 Meeting: CRJO Board Meeting #3 Date: 7 December 2018 Title: Agenda Item: 12.0 Office of Local Government - Joint Organisation Update Reporting Officer: Elizabeth Dixon – Office of Local Government

PREAMBLE An update on the Joint Organisations.


That the information be noted.

REPORT Eighty-five councils are now members of 13 joint organisations. This means that ninety per cent of councils in regional NSW are now full voting members of a joint organisation. The NSW state government has provided $300,000 in seed funding for the 11 joint organisations – a total of $3.3 million – to help establish the new regional bodies.

Some activities of each joint organisation are outlined below:

Namoi Joint Organisation - The Namoi Joint Organisation (known as Namoi Unlimited) has adopted three key strategic priorities as well as its key governance policies as part of its establishment activities. The JO is actively seeking investment into local economy and has received visits from potential foreign investors. Another key priority is improving road networks and Namoi is working closely with Transport and Roads to complete future assessment studies.

New England Joint Organisation - The New England Joint Organisation is arranging a collaborative workshop to decide on key strategic priorities for the region.

Northern Rivers - Northern Rivers Joint Organisation (NRJO) had held three workshops to finalise NRJO’s strategic priorities, developed its website, and started recruitment process for its Executive Officer. NRJO has identified ten regional priority areas transport planning, water management, biodiversity, housing, waste management, sustainable agriculture, telecommunications, health services, renewable energy and tourism.

Mid North Coast Joint Organisation - Mid North Coast Joint Organisation (MNCJO is actively engaging with State Government agencies to seek funding and other assistance to make progress on the priorities. Since May 2018, the MNCJO has held four Board meetings and has conducted a facilitated workshop to develop a Statement of Strategic Regional Priorities, which is now in first draft form.

Hunter Region Joint Organisation - The JO has adopted a statement of Regional Priorities, Charter, Expenses and Facilities Policy, Code of Conduct and Sponsorship Policy. The recruitment process for the EO underway. The JO is working closely with the Hunter Regional Leadership Executive.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 47 Orana Joint Organisation - is finalising its regional priorities and has identified several potential projects. Note: Dubbo has not joined the JO.

Central West Joint Organisation - met with the Deputy Prime Minister and other Federal Members to discuss opportunities for regional projects funding. Note: Lithgow has not joined the JO.

Far West Region North and South - Two joint organisations have formed. Brewarrina Shire Council has resolved not to participate in a JO at the present time. The JO’s are in receipt of funding for tourism and cultural projects, and have begun scoping those projects with DP&C. The Chairs of the JOs have been offered a seat at the Regional Leadership Forum.

Riverina Murray Joint Organisation - The Riverina Murray Joint Organisation has held its first planning day to establish its regional priorities completing a statement of strategic priorities background paper.

Riverina Joint Organisation - The Riverina Joint Organisation held its first meeting in October. Wagga Wagga council has not joined a JO, and Snowy Valleys Council is seeking to join the Canberra Region JO.

Canberra Region Joint Organisation - The Canberra Region Joint Organisation Board (CRJO) is working with the ACT Government and associate members to finalise the key priorities for the region. CRJO has adopted a Regional Waste Strategy and a Water and Waste Water Framework prospectus and is progressing a Freight and Transport Prospectus for the region. CRJO is also progressing with the development of an Infrastructure Cadet Training Program.

Illawarra Shoalhaven Region - Illawarra-Shoalhaven Joint Organisation (ISJO) met at Parliament House on 20 September and had an audience with the Premier, Deputy Premier and a range of senior Ministers. The JO used this opportunity to raise the profile of local priorities and address issues of importance to the region. Priority areas of work for ISJO include the Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan, Illawarra Youth Employment Strategy, 360 Economic Outlook Study, South Coast Marine Tourism Strategy, Regional Adaptation Strategy and a Regional Sports Facility Plan.

CRJO Board Meeting #3 - 7 December 2018 Page 48 CRJO ACTION LIST

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18GM3– 2.1 SOUTHERN LIGHTS 2. CRJO prepare a template report for CEO Under preparation consideration of member councils and offer to coordinate an information presentation to Councils.

18GM3– 3.0 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORKING GROUP 5. That GMAC defer consideration of a MoU CRJO No Action required but with Wellington NZ; but will explore decision to be noted individual opportunities as they arise.

18GM3– 4.0 REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROSPECTUS 2. That the Water and Waste Water CRJO COMPLETED Prospectus and the Local and Regional Roads and Bridge Register be funded by the 11 NSW Councils based on equal cost share per Council 3. That Prospectus’ also be compiled on an electorate basis for presentation to local members 4. That the Transport and Freight Prospectus be funded by the CRJO from the State Government ‘establishment funding’ in an amount up to $35,000, as amended. 18GM3– 4.1 REGIONAL CADET STRATEGY 1. That GMAC note the presentation and CRJO IWG Currently reviewing circulate a copy to members proposal 2. That GMAC support other Councils nominating other cadets/apprentices under this initiative. 3. That GMAC advocate to Government to sponsor and fund the CRJO Cadet Strategy including education under the fee-free apprenticeship, infrastructure legacy program and LG skills strategy.

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18GM3– 5.0 CODE OF CONDUCT REVIEW PANEL 1. That CRJO call for an EOI for the CEO EOI to be advertised early establishment of its own conduct review in 2019 panel and for member Councils who wish to participate; and the cost of preparation be shared amongst NSW participating Councils. 2. That GMAC nominate a panel of 3 representatives to review the EOIs recommend the composition of the panel, being representatives from Bega Valley Shire Council, Snowy Monaro Regional Council and Eurobodalla Shire Council. 3. That it be noted the member Councils then need to endorse the selected Code Panel. 18GM3– 8.0 JO’s AND LGNSW COLLABORATION 3. That GMAC gather data and prepare a CEO EOI to be undertaken in brief to seek quotes from the legal panel 2019 members for the provision of IR services and IRC representations on behalf of member Councils on a 12 mth retainer.

18GM3– 12.0 CANBERRA REGION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY CEO Quotations currently being 3. That GMAC endorse the draft scope of sought works and in doing so nominate Peter Tegart (QPRC) for the project control group. 4. That GMAC examine the governance framework for the management of project 18GM3– 15.0 CANBERRA REGION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY CEO COMPLETED – a successful 1. GMAC schedule a Strategic Planning planning day was held on th Day: Monday 26 November 26 November 2. GMAC engage an external facilitator – up to cost of $5000

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18BD2-Min28 DROUGHT FUNDING GMAC 1. That the CRJO write to the Federal + GMs Completed - Letter written Minister for Local Government outlining advocating for all affected our need to be included in the drought Councils receive the $1M funding package. assistance package 2. That the CRJO advocate to State and Federal Governments in relation to the drought funding program. 3. That the CRJO participate with DPC in the development of the South East Drought Package and invite the Drought Coordinator to meet with the CRJO Board. 18BD2-Min30 ROAD MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS that within the Canberra Region, the CRJO’s CEO Completed formal position is the Road Maintenance Council Contracts (RMCC) administered by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) should remain with the Councils and notification of this decision be made to Executive Director of RMS

18BD2-Min32 CANBERRA AIRPORT 1. That the charter be amended to include a Chair Completed - awaiting category of ‘affiliate’. response from Canberra 2. That the Board note and support the Airport headquarters of CRJO being established at 1/ 24 Richmond Avenue, Fairbairn on premises controlled by Canberra Airport. 3. That the Canberra Airport be thanked for their in-kind sponsorship for the accommodation. 4. That the Canberra Airport be invited as an affiliate member for 2018/2019 at a membership fee of $23,150 which is in recognition of the value of their sponsorship. 18BD2-Min33 CRJO CHARTER CEO That the CRJO Charter be adopted with Completed deletion of the last part of the sentence from 3.4d so that the sentence finishes at “…….project/activity.” AND The deletion of 3.5 iv critical matters.

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18BD2-Min34 CODE OF MEETING PRACTICE 2. That CRJO write to the Minister for Local CEO Completed – OLG Government and the Secretary of the responded indicating that Office of Local Government suggesting for ‘transparency’ reasons that the Model Code of Meeting Practice JOs will be required to adopt the model code be discretionary for joint organisations.

18BD2-Min35 PAYMENT OF EXPENSES, PROVISION OF FACILITES AND ALLOWANCES TO BOARD CEO Completed MEMBERS 1. That the policy CL1.01.3 be adopted with Item 5.8.1 be amended to include that the CRJO policy provides that remuneration be paid to the Chair and sitting fees be available, on application, to Mayors or delegates for attendance at meetings in line with other Local Government NSW bodies. 2. That the CRJO Board resolve to amend the budget to include an allocation of up to $10,000 for the expenses in line with a sitting fee of $250 per Board meeting being available for each member.

18BD2-Min36 STATEMENT OF REGIONAL PRIORITIES (INTERIM) CEO In progress – report to 1. That the process for developing the CRJO Board meeting 7.12.2018 regional priorities as proposed by GMAC be endorsed as outlined below:

a. JO representatives to tour all councils in the upcoming 6 weeks and meet with the executive teams to gather local information and knowledge on key priorities in the local government areas. b. A Workshop with General Managers to be held in November to compile recommendations c. Draft Regional Strategic Priorities and Action Plan to be presented to the December Board meeting for comment and circulation.

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Ref Action Who Status d. Draft priorities circulated to all Councils for comment. e. On consideration of all feedback, the updated Regional Strategic Priorities and Action Plan be presented to the 2019 February meeting of Board for final adoption Government NSW bodies

18BD2-Min37 REGIONAL DELIVERY OF PROJECTS 4. The Project Delivery Proposal be referred DGRS Advocacy undertaken, to Department of Premier and Cabinet, proposals now resting with Public Work Advisory and the IWG for fine tuning Infrastructure Working Group and the Regional Infrastructure Coordinator for comment. 5. That the CRJO advocate to Government to fund a pilot Regional Project Management Office and a program of cadets/apprentices

18GM2– 7.0 CBRJO WINDUP CEO No specific advice provided by OLG. That the CRJO obtain advice from Office of Local Government regarding the windup of SEROC and CRJO need to consider CBRJO and the transfer of appropriate assets and what action if any ( to be discussed at GMAC in Feb liabilities to CRJO, having regard to any 2019) contingent liabilities that may remain with Eurobodalla Shire Council and Queanbeyan- Palerang Regional Council.

If the advice is that resolutions of councils are required, that the advice include a standard resolution for each Council to adopt to ensure consistency.


2. The Board consider the 2018/19 Draft Budget 1. COMPLETED prepared in accordance with the LG Accounting Standards. 2. COMPLETED – report to Board 7.12.2018 3.That GMAC undertake a workshop in November to consider the strategic priorities identified by 5. February 2019 the member Councils for the purpose of developing the forward budgets with a zero or

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surplus net operating result; with a view to making provision for relevant strategy and project activities of the CRJO which may require project contributions from member councils.

5.That GMAC present the strategic priorities and forward budgets to the Board at its February 2019 meeting.


That the cost apportionment strategy be deferred + GMs Considered at 26 for consideration by GMAC at its November November Workshop – to workshop, with the exception of Water and Sewer be formalised into a “protocol” Infrastructure, which is to be apportioned equally amongst contributing Councils, with each Council to confirm their participation by Friday 7 September 2018. 18GM2 – 10 CONTAMINATED LANDS OFFICER

1.The following recommendation be distributed to CEO Applications lodged , still General Managers for approval within 14 days. awaiting feedback

Endorse the grant applications for the two clusters of Councils. GMs Individual Councils confirm that, if the grant applications are successful, they will contribute in- kind as required and financial contributions to CRJO of around $ 8,227 per year.

Subject to confirmation from all Councils that they are willing to provide the financial contribution, GMC? commence the recruitment process.

2.Submissions be made to State Government to fully fund this activity. CEO


1 Transport and Freight Prospectus - that GMAC endorse compilation of the transport and GMAC Completed freight prospectus having regard to the CRJO and SEATS submissions, for the purpose of QPRC advocacy and grant/election funding, lead role comprising: a. A brief prospectus prepared by

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September by QPRC/Infra Collab to identify projects for election advocacy and funding –

further details Refer GMAC#2 Minutes , b. Funding and apportionment to be determined at November workshop

1. Regional Water Security Advocacy – that GMAC prepare an advocacy paper promoting the work of the IWG in compiling

the water security framework to present to Governments for the purpose of promoting GMAC additional government investment in water and sewer infrastructure in the region, leveraging other legacy initiatives including cadets/traineeships 18GM1 – Project Management Delivery

Presentation 4. GMAC recommend the Project Management GMAC Proposal for an RPMO Delivery proposal to CBJO Board currently being reworked 4. The Proposal be referred to DPC Regional, by IWG with input from PWA and IWG for comment PWA 4. The Proposal be referred to Regional Infrastructure Coordinator for comment 4. The Board advocate to Government to fund pilot (RPMO and cadets/apprentices) 4. GMAC continue tabulating and mapping prioritised projects, by state for readiness, for presentation to Board and Government by November 2018.

18GM1– 4.4 Hot Desk Arrangements

1. Members be requested to provide periodic Completed – to be ‘hot desking” of CRJO employees in their arranged on a case by case DGRS organisation basis with relevant organisation/council 2. A procedure be developed to enable hot desking

18GM1– 4.5 CRJO Transition Arrangements

1. That CRJO in the next 12 months put their CEO Review July 2019 banking services out for tender

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the following issues be added to the timeline: To be programmed  Gifts and Sponsorship Policy CEO  Long term Financial Plan  Framework for Quarterly Budget Reviews  Projects contributions Policy  Risk Management Framework  Review of Strategic Plan including Value Proposition  Review of Regional Procurement opportunities  Status of IT and Systems implementation 18GM1– 9.0 FUTURE DIRECTIONS

1.Regional information gathering sessions be To be organised for October supported DGRS 2. Members identify possible timeframes to allow mutually convenient visits to be programmed 3. GMAC Strategic Workshop be held prior to the GMAC November 2018 GMAC meeting 18GM1– 11.0 REGIONAL NSW 20 YR VISION

1.GMAC invite State Government to make a DGRS presentation on the 20 Year Economic Vision for NSW. 2.Consider the framework in the development of the Canberra Region Economic Development GMAC Strategy and the Statement of Regional Priorities

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