Blockchain and The
NOTES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS INDEX Notes Introduction 1. The manifesto dates back to 1988. See Timothy May, “The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto” (1992), https:// www . activism . net / cypherpunk / crypto - anarchy . html. 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid. 4. Ibid. 5. Ibid. 6. Timothy May, “Crypto Anarchy and Virtual Communities” (1994), http:// groups . csail . mit . edu / mac / classes / 6 . 805 / articles / crypto / cypherpunks / may - virtual - comm . html. 7. Ibid. 8. For example, as we wi ll describe in more detail in Chapter 1, the Bitcoin blockchain is currently stored on over 6,000 computers in eighty- nine jurisdictions. See “Global Bitcoin Node Distribution,” Bitnodes, 21 . co, https:// bitnodes . 21 . co / . Another large blockchain- based network, Ethereum, has over 12,000 nodes, also scattered across the globe. See Ethernodes, https:// www . ethernodes . org / network / 1. 9. See note 8. 10. Some blockchains are not publicly accessible (for more on this, see Chapter 1). These blockchains are referred to as “private blockchains” and are not the focus of this book. 11. See Chapter 1. 12. The Eu ro pean Securities and Market Authority, “Discussion Paper: The Dis- tributed Ledger Technology Applied to Securities Markets,” ESMA / 2016 / 773, June 2, 2016: at 17, https:// www . esma . europa . eu / sites / default / files / library / 2016 - 773 _ dp _ dlt . pdf. 213 214 NOTES TO PAGES 5–13 13. The phenomena of order without law also has been described in other con- texts, most notably by Robert Ellickson in his seminal work Order without Law (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1994). 14. Joel Reidenberg has used the term “lex informatica” to describe rules imple- mented by centralized operators online.
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