You are invited to this week’s activities at Good Shepherd July 21st, Sunday July 25th, Thursday Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Outdoor Worship 9:30AM Yoga Duluth, Minnesota Growing as Disciples - Study 5:30PM Resource Development 9:30AM Worship & Communion 6:30PM OWLS at Huskies Game 10:30AM Coffee Fellowship 7:00PM AA 10:30AM Blood pressure checks In holy baptism, water July 26th, Friday connected to the July 22nd, Monday 7:00 AM Women’s “Son” Rise 8:30AM Jazzercise Bible Word—God’s saving 10:00AM Quilting 8:30AM Jazzercise promise in Jesus Christ - 8:00 PM AA & Al-anon is at the center of the July 23rd, Tuesday 4:30PM Memorial Gifts Team July 27th, Saturday baptismal celebration 6:30PM Prayer Shawl gathering 8:30 AM Jazzercise (FH) (ELW pg. 225) July 24th, Wednesday July 28th, Sunday 6:15AM Men’s Bible Study New Member Welcome! 8:30 AM Jazzercise (FH) 9:30AM Worship & Communion 6:00PM New Member Class 10:30AM Coffee Fellowship Summer Office Hours Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 4:00pm Friday: Closed LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD A Community of Christ Experiencing God, Reaching Out, Nurturing Faith Sixth after Pentecost th 1325 North 45 Avenue East · Duluth MN 55804 Lake Superior Day - Outdoor Service 218.525.1922
[email protected], Lead Pastor David E. Mesner Pastor Timothy P. Berdahl 9:30 AM Worship & Communion Katie Kaiser Rich, Director of Youth & Family Ministry; Debbie Sanders, Director Good Shepherd Choir; Linda Turpening, Organist; July 21st, 2019 Katie Reynolds, Office Manager; Amie Abenth Communications Coordinator; Sydney Fischer, Nursery Director Stef Regenold, Greg Susens , Custodians 12 Welcome to Worship! Please join us for worship focused on learning more about these faith We are happy you have chosen to worship at Lutheran practices with the Gospel of Luke.