Trrfo Rllsllirt
iJirtttOtJl. ROSS, &c. 1!!trrfo rllsllirt. TAILORS Saunders Cornelius, High st Fell Harry Smith, steward to Colonel• Marked thus • are 11.lso Drapera. Scudamore William, High se M eyrick, Goodricb Hill Thomas, fore;nan, Archenfield Cooper Enoch Lloyd, Trenchard st Smith Charles, Alton st J ordon J oseph, organ builder, New st Davies Joseph, We•tun •Taylor Sophia, Walford Laidlar William J. clerk, Doct. at Delahay Thoma~~t Brookend st TIMBER DEALERS. Levi Colman,pawnbroker, Corpse eross st ~lahay Uriah, New st Lewis J obn,slate&timberdlr.Bra.mpton st (See also Jniners ~Builders.) Lewis Wm. post meuenger, Trencbard st •Donne Thomas (and general out- Llew~llin Edwd. sen. bailiff, Brookend st fitter & clothier}, 5 High st Dreley W illiam f& builder) ,Queen !lt Llewelliu Edward1 juu. post messenger,. 'Glorer Wm.(& outfitter), High st Lewis John, Bramptoo st Brookeud st Gretton Philip i\1 iles, New se l\1 org1m John, Punshill Mabe Henry, ballier, Over Ross st James Thomas, Peucraig Pearson & Son (aud builders and Morgan George, relieving officer and •Jones Am os, Broad !>t cor.tractors), the Croft registrar of births and deaths,Conghton Pike George (outfitter), High st Price Philip (and builder and con Morris Daniel, overseer and rate eollee-- 1 tmctor}, Whirchurch tor, H lgh st ' RoperFrederick(& hatter},High st Morris Waiter, secretary to FreebeldLand- •Trottt-r James P. Broad st WardJ oh n, Brook end st,&Qneen st Society, Queen st 1 Waites Edmnnd, Church st TOY DEALERS. Parker William, schoolmaster, Dock st Partridge Wilbam, sawyer, Alton st Weare Josiab, New st Barrett Charles, High st 1 Woolley Peter, Broad st Phipps .John, pump maker, Cburcb st Ryall Thomas, Brookend ~t Powell Thomas, postman, Broadmead TANNERS.
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