" That there is in the said chapelry of for ecclesiastical purposes and that the parish be a church or chapel distant from the parish church henceforth called or known as Pensford with of Stanton Drew about two and a half miles by a . very circuitous route in which church or chapel " That the said chapel and district shall be Divine Service is performed by the Incumbent subject to the same ecclesiastical jurisdiction as of Stanton Drew at considerable inconvenience the said perpetual curacy or vicarage of Publow owing to the distance from the vicarage. is and that the Incumbent of Publow shall have " That baptisms marriages and churchings have the exclusive cure of souls within the limits been from time immemorial and are now solem- shown by a pink colour on the said plan. nized and performed in the church or chapel of " That the tithes of the lands sq proposed to Peusford and burials in the burial ground belong- be transferred to the vicarage of Publow and ing thereto for the parishioners of the parish of which were commuted at the sum of forty-four Stanton Drew with Pensford residing in the pounds eighteen shillings and twopence (of the neighbourhood of Pensford Church. present annual value of thirty pounds or therft- " That the said chapelry or district of Pensford abouts) as set out in the schedule hereto annexed is contiguous to the said parish of Publow forming shall henceforth be received by the of practically one village and the church or chapel Publow but that none of the other endowments1 of the said chapelry is only about half a mile belonging to the said vicarage of Stanton Drew from the church and vicarage of Publow and it with Pensford shall be affected by the proposed could be more easily visited by the Vicar of separation but shall continue to be payable to Publow than by the Vicar of Stanton Drew. the Vicar of Stanton Drew as heretofore. "That the population in the neighbourhood of " That the Vicar of Stanton Drew for the time Pensford is likely to increase very considerably being shall not hereafter be liable to repair or within a short space of time there being at contribute to the repair of the chancel of the Peusford a station on the North Railway said church or chapel of Pensford but that such by which communication with (from and the same liability as now attach to him shall which it is only six miles distant) is made easy, hereafter attach to the perpetual curate or vicar and also owing to the opening of a large mine in of Publow for the time being who shall become the vicinity which will afford employment for a entitled to receive all moneys set aside for such large number of hands while on the other hand repair and obtainable from the trustees of the the parish of Stanton Drew is not very likely Church Lands Charity. to increase to any large extent being almost "That all fees and ecclesiastical dues and entirely an agricultural district. payments (if any) for churchings marriages ' "That the patronage of the said perpetual burials and ecclesiastical offices solemnized. and curacy or vicarage of Publow is vested in myself performed within the parish of Pensford with as' Bishop of Bath and Wells jointly with the Publow in respect of any inhabitants who may Venerable Hilton Bothamley as Archdeacon of reside within the district now proposed to be Bath and the Reverend John Galbraith Vicar of transferred shall belong to the Incumbent and and that the Reverend Henry church officers of the said parish of Pensford Howard Tripp is the Incumbent of the said with Publow. perpetual curacy or vicarage. And the patron- " That the owners and occupiers of any lands age of the vicarage of Stanton Drew with and hereditaments in Pensford ^within the limits Pensford belongs to the said Archdeacon of Bath coloured pink on the said plan shall not hereafter alone in his official capacity, the Reverend John be liable to contribute to the maintenance and Wynn Werninck being the present Incumbent repair of the parish church of Stantou Drew or of such last-mentioned . . to the expenses incidental to the due performance " That it appears to me that under the pro- of Divine service therein but shall be so liable visions of the Pluralities Act 1838 the portion (subject to the provisions of the Compulsory of the said chapeli-y of Pensford adjacent to Church Rates Abolition Act 1868) for or in Publow may be advantageously separated from respect of the said parish church of Publow and the said vicarage and parish church of Stauton the said chapel of Peusford when thereto Drew and be united and annexed to the said annexed. perpetual curacy or vicarage and parish of •' That the owners and occupiers of lauds and' Publow for ecclesiastical purposes as the hereditaments in Pensford within the limits parishioners would then be within half a mile of coloured pink on the said plan shall. not here- the vicarage instead of two and a half miles away. after be entitled to accommodation in the parish " That pursuant to the directions contained in church of Stantou Drew but shall be entitled in the twenty-sixth section of the said Act I have common with the parishioners of Publow to prepared the following scheme which together accommodation in the church of Publow and in with the consents thereto in writing of the the church or chapel of Pensford. patrons and incumbents of the said vicarages of "CONSENTS. '! Publow and Stantoa Drew with Pensford I do submit to your Grace to the intent; that your '•We George Wyndham Lord Bishop-of Bath Grace may if on full consideration and enquiry and Wells Hilton Bothamley Archdeacon of you shall be satisfied with such scheme, certify Bath and John Galbraith Vicar of Chew Magna the same and such consents by your report to the persons or person entit'ed to nominate or His Majesty in Council." present to the perpetual curacy or vicarage and parish church of Pablow in case the same were And whereas the said scheme drawn up by the now vacant and I Henry Howard Tripp Clerk said Bishop, and the Consents referred to in the Master of Arts the Incumbent of the said per-> said Representation, are as follows:— petual curacy or vicarage and parish church of "THE SCHEME. Publow and I the said Hilton Botharaley Arch-, " That the said chapel of Pensford with a deacon of Bath and as such the patron or person district comprising two hundred and fifty-nine entitled to present to the vicarage of Stanton acres or thereabouts of land nearest to the Drew with Pensford in case the same were now parish of Publow set out in the schedule hereto vacant and I John Wynn Werninck Clerk the annexed and coloured pink on the accompanying Incumbent of the said vicarage of Stanton Drew plan shall be separated from the said vicarage with Pensford do hereby severally consent to and parish church of Stanton Drew and be united the scheme above prepared and set forth and to and annexed to the parish of Publow aforesaid every matter and thing therein contained."