'Ta,Pa Section Feb 7 1964 Three's ERALD SIX ,:! '~-'--~~: -----S-..('Ontl CIAI'll L'o.OI(N""
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*BRA~r.: IIrSTORICAI_ SOCIETY 'i·:!tl:~' Ll!l'doln, Nebrl1~kn 'ta,pa Section fEB 7 1964 three's ERALD SIX ,:! '~-'--~~:_-----s-..('ontl CIAI'll l'o.OI(n"". )'RIIi at·...;;;.o;:••;:;o..rt:;;'":::.,-;,;;;;::::::--;;:;::::::;::------::-:-:-:-::-:-::--:-:::-::----::r'--::=::-±-:-:::-::----::--::::':-=---::--t~---------:'C-:'~-=-::- ndum 1~lHiIt"'f! Gu.runttoed "'IIJ·n... S"P....u....O w .... au~:;bl~~ .. 7:ol";.;:~~~~,_~::_..._d:_:-_.,_~~;_-.~-...-~~~-,-----_.._-- 1 ; ! ~fnce" \ Mid-Winter Wayne PTA Goup ,January Is Warmest Eagle Court, Scout Sunda 'j, Set for February 9 I r0' Elec:lOffic rs Month Since 1947 The 87 member Iwayne Senipr The first monthly meeli g of the Remember January of last Dur.-ng Nat.-onal SC'out Wee High Concert Band ~il1 pr'2scnt hs Parent Teachers ASliOcl tion will year? Nineteen consecutive days, I • annual ~Mid·Wjnter .Bana Conc~rt be held Tuesday evening, l'·,~·b. 11, Jan. 12 to Jan. 30, with lows under on Sunday, Feb. 9. The progr~m at 8 p.m., in the High 'choo} Ii zero. In facl, the month's temper- 1----- S<'oull'oop 17.1 will l'l'll"b /lIt· will be held in thc' City A.udilQr- brary. ature average was 7,8 degrees. Cl0ft D hi FOI Wl'l'k MondllY WIth an lo;~~I,' iU~h:Cg~~~~~gUa~d~~30t~~mdjrcctibn f:;~ J:n~~~~~tt~~c:;~~;: V:~~'~ICi~~ Ien~hi~;nat~U~~Y t~:p~;:~ur~s~if~~~ I a I es ;~~~U:'lh~)fa I:J~~~.r ~I~):l;'. of muny lljll\' of ,Don Schumacher, will prc- Uon which will be affili ted with month's average this yl"8r was For Legislature Recelylng the Eagle awud, ~~~% a o~ar;~d :~~,J~~:~e~~~/t~f the national organization ~5.6 degrees wricb is 6.2 :degrees highest In BoV ScoutIng, I. ~b" Program for n.~'xt Tue 'day eve· above normal. Clifford Dahl, Wayne, fih'd for ert Wreldt, Ion of Mr. and n. the!>e are new publications in ~he niDI':: The month also recorded a Coell Wriedt. Duri.RQ 4',1 ve u f"nietled,esOtf wb,.allndbcmtUw~iC,g'Oefatl'ypeCco'na~ (1) Pr<'scntation of ames hy higher temperature this yeu, ~~:'I~('l;~~:~:d11'1~it~~~~~~ri~~t~'utl~~' In the troop, he h.. servod,.as ,rb the ~ nominating ramm Uee for 62 degrees compared to 58 de- patrol loader and sonlor pa1,.1 trasting overturf's, "Orlando Pal- President: 1st Vice Pres dpnt, 2nd greet last year and also a lower dab~hl is the owm'r and admmis leader. In addition, he ea cd andrino", by Jos2ph Haydn, was Vice President, S,:,cre ary and t e m per. t u r 15, -23 devreei Irator of the Dahl R;I'!lrement Cen. the Pro 0150 et Patrla aWAfd for wrltten originally for orchestra Treasurer. Opporll.\.mily )r' nomin- compared to -22 degr.es last ter in Wayne. 'ervlce in Redeemer Luthe an and is a typical example of the ations from the floor will be given year. Th~ difference ~hen, how- Although new to politics at this Church. I Boh',~ classical overture with light, ra· (2) Adoption of By.L ws ever, wu hardly noticeable, II8 h h h Id nldt'r hl'lllhpt', HOIl, aIr' (I H pirlly moving woodwind sections (3) A 15 minute pil'sentation . Harold Alexander, meterologist a:; ~a~:n~1 :~Ic:s fo~~: ~~::~ an /:~I~l~' Il~';:~'~ \\lth llll' Pru Ih'lI ~~~i~i~:,d I~it~o~~reas~lJl:se?;:~ob~~ ~~r: ~~~el,,~fb~SC;~~~I~o;d F;c~~~ ;~rCeh:~,g~~a~~ t~~s ~~~~;~s ~~~~~~ ~ne~nh;e:;"':~;~:I~~o:;'5e~':od~cs. Both Troop 17,1 and 17:) wJII \\'(',11' ~~;~~r~v;~~~rei~ ;ri~~~~" b~IJ~~~d Our Elementary Scho I." They ~_~1IS to be the· warmest January tiori of legislation regarding nun. ~~l'I~{'~n~r;I\::I:I'~::!O~'lilJrl'h Sl.llidil} \ Hon for band frilturing a variety ~i/in:r\~('nih~ac~'ilo:i~tg~ i~~lIe~rarhe~ slr;;reec~~~i~tion was low, howevpr, ins homes in many states. Sl'H'I',1l offl( tal~ of Illl DIlljllOlli1 0Ilf ,I,o"CnleU,'e'O,IOa'. nlo",lm"Plog"'C'O,'cltumrnOO',In' Sc. h.ool. and the. Ilroblc.'rns an.t! dc- recording only _22 inch or U_56 _Ill' has sc'rvpd two terms as nu DJ( k Dl~tlll I llltludlllg Il JII,d J inch below the January normal. tl,onal PI.esIdPn.t ~f, thr>, Amerll,'an Sut'dm( II r dl~Lllt t ,'X( (uLI\ I' /llid thought to the scetleS of the writ- CJ~l(mS that will fa(',· he ?chool Alexander said. Il';ursmg lIollle Assol'lilllOn and IS IlH H( \ (hill AXIIl ,lS~Jstdl1 dl\ er's y,outh. Both rre demanding ~oard before' school op'ns, m t~e JatlUary was a warm month in currt'ntly SI't'\'Ing hls fourth term Itlld lOlllllll~l>lOlHI y,Jlj I<lke pIll io~:~'w~ 0v'a'rm"eb..:>rs and of good musicai I short q.uest!on ('rlOd will Wakefield,:O~t;I~~;::::g:boO:ealso, he said,2~~~~I:t~~~with a I r JIlus~'~~llll l~L'lldl()tl~ta\ U:)~ II1/~Il:'~nkY,llllJIl.'J ~~\Jl::111 ~J:: h Other numbers c featurerj are: (4 ) ,Coffee will be se ved. , : ( ;'~~:P~~~\~), ~'~~~~:i~ f;;r~~~~~',: Vi~~ I~OI:;t~~~da~~";~; m:'~c:;; ~:;~~:t :~e "';~7~~~~ldw;:,}t ,::~,';a:'I":'I:;"d~;~r~,:~o:,:;" . J'OVER. 300 PEO .dnd " d",g:;:" . h H l' h' III "Bolero Espanol," High I i g h t s ber$ of P.T.A. Prcl"ljpitation totaled ,31 inch or ~." '.. ...• '..... I p,m, fuJlowlllR 1I fllrnily ~upncr HI j onar enry e on IS new pas as s a e from "Camelot," "Bandology" • 42 ~anch below normal I th\' Um·h HUUlll of tht, ws~ Slu I,.·.,l~ .director. Here. c is sh~~~~~_i~_~ __ ~r:~~~-.!.i~n (March), "Sta·te Fair Suite," and hi f Jan. 13 was apparenUy the cold. dt'nl ('I'nlpr i I --'~----: .. --D-~rr',-- CI b I . I "Coat of Arms" (March). C.e Dawson t Enter est: d.ay across N~ Nebraska, I TrooJl 171 1111.\ Iw(,tl .~pllns(JrhJ 11.\ '\,' Wayne t. rna u Add 2S New Members Pvt. Jensen to Texos Admission will b·, chacged al Wakpfl"ld h.d a low of ,31; Wall llahn Sch",,' r", ",,,,,,·th,1O "1''1 u,,, Army Pd Jl.u]wll D Jensen, son the door. W"shl'ngton FBI chool hill :had -33; Ewing, -30; Oakdale, ....1... Icr {'('ntu!"y, but 1)('~nlOlllg lhl~ ;~ Ira~~I, ~~b ~~asv;;~:~n~d :~~~~ ~18a;~~.di~~~, ;~~; ;,v:~~lr.oi~~21; ~;I~~I~r;~;:~ '~i!~~7::i;:~~~~~:i;!:~u~~ Casts .Ins.' ,ruclors I.D.uring Cof CDrive; I Beermann N:mes Boys w:yne Police Cqief arlh Daw, , ""1J I " A Md J ,January to the 1st Armored D1VI For Academy Testing 5'on has br,:m acc¢pted to attend Jalnuary precipitation in North· ...~: "'-' j) I ' 1 1~"Y M~,mbe.rshl'p 5JOn ~~ ear :J1'\ , "S'l"'loa e", eo ,; a,.nSOp"rOlcst at 70 1 a,t Fort Ilood l'x Congressman Ralph Beermann, ~~~na~3r~c~~:~~ i~ th a~~~gt~~~ east:Wayne,Nebraska:0,21; Stanton, 0_34; '~¥~ I of NowcontinuousbeginningreghtraH:)O,Its 42nd ltroopiv First Nebraska District, an· Lyons, 0,24; Wakefield, 0.:11; West [174 htll a record of partlelp~tlng e ngaint.t \.YUlll.an.'S 'latus in il 'man's _ T \?n,tY-~I.ve nc~ m ,r I~.b I' r .s, I BuSiness Notes n"nOgunbcOedy.o lh"n Inh'emWeSayOnfelhae,efaOll.~,whO· D.C., starting March 16 1 point, 0.26; BeE'mer, 0.32; Uehl- In nearly every diliotrlct and toun- world is 1)('1Il~ ;~.eIHlJ'('d fOJ" pre· ,.howlng ,<I growing mtelest In " >V In announcing the a~pOintment" '029' 1 ell event um ~ scntatioll by the; 'ayne.Stnte Ura. Wayn(', Jomed the ~ayne Cham- , will compete for appointments to Ch~rles DeFord, speci'l agent in mg,; . ,; Madison, 0,15; Oakda e, orees, el(;;lilti::~ camp, c, mp- \,,1 ma depal'llJ~l'nt. I'h~ play, a Grcek I b~~.o~ COtl,1,~erre dunng thr nlrm-! ,(.,ordon, 31:,,, E U'A,S" 1;~Oe,rcvei~.eChaac,aldeCsmTieus,'ncy, son charge of the J\iebrask -Iowa Di- ~:~~j r\eligh, 0,33, and Norfolk, It ha.~ an lll.:ll\'(' l'i1IllPlll~ pro II' tl"a 'cdy put tnto, lllodl'rn settings b._tshJp dlJ\e, I',hml" Wdyne, repns._nta- vision of the FBI, said the acad,:'-. grtIP all y, '11· ;!ru nl S j r by gROlJinSOIl Jl'~fi/rs, prollllses to Due to this increase in mem- LIve:.. Lutheran Rl'otherhood, of Mrs. Esther Turney, Wakefield. my lasts for a period f 12 weeks btlf§"have t:~IIlP('dIJ(]:JI a·tOI:~~::I;:;I\l)1 ' for ; I" prlH'ide «.n l'xdtil g evcni~g for all. bership and the willingness of It~ua. 1,Ifled for the .1~63., Lc.a...d.c.rs' Naval Academy and Merchant and its purpose is to tr in law en- W~rld Day of Prayer I'vpry month for about a )"1' raIl!; The play's set Iftg is estabhshed most old members to accept a C.lub 0lf the fhrah,?rnal lllQl1r~nce so- Marine Academy: Jim Kern, son tore.ement officers as instructors , Clifford Dahl a half, and Ill!' lroop has ~tmwd h . w. hen. J3S.'.0n r.".'.'UI'n.:; from hiS.