Eastern Kentucky
~-- • ----;-r -- - () - -------------~.::.:...::.,.~~....:.~~..:::.;::..:;;~~::.......;.;..:.;__.;__..,.,'1/q/g1Oct. 3 1988 'rl ';)'/l-'fk :JO - I~ . 0 If .:i.o I ~ MSU Clip Sheet CCI- A rmpllq of ncent artlcla of lllterat to Morehad State Ualvcnlty MEDIA RELATIONS • MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY • UPO BOX 1100 • MOREHEAD, KY 40351-1689 • 606-783-2030 ~EXINGTON,HERAlEl-LEAElER, ~NGTQN;,KY.,.·SAJURpA'!',·OCTQBEIH,,19811 rrn9iversrtres· ·. want~'·"oigger•,>•p1_e:, ~- ,., · -llte- fonnula· estab)ished a ra tional, formal basis for splitting the .·n·or~ratrer·~srrces state funding pie, she said. It is a .1 ' 1·. k~d- .,. ·- -.i:,...,.;o.,..,..:."";il Robert Bell,- chairtnan' ·of' Ken'~ !=Qmpl!,Jf, .5e! of components. used to ' By··oal'll181•r..'t1C V. • tucky Advocates for f!igher Edu~ calciiliife how much money each Her~td.-Le.a~er education write.r, - . ~ · tion, ,urgi;d, the .council tQ ~p up scliooLneeds 'to carry out its mis , -" IP 'corifrast to "the bi~, ~ its review quickly 311d begm ~ sfoil, coinpared ,with average fund, · divisive .l>irth· of formula ftm.dm~ paring for .a sJ:M.!(:ial l~la~v~.~- . ing at.1simitar:"schools in. other . s~·years ago, Kentucky's,,publi~ sion that Gov. Wallace I W11kirison stafes.,The-main component of the . universities have shown strong um has promised for, early next year. fo!ii;i~,is ~llment. : - ,' ty. as}he fonnula ~derg<M:5 its first Though Wilkinson has said he · :,·· The:·state• provides about 84 formal-review, offioals said;yester- does not plan to .put higher educa percent, of: the money needed to tion on the agenda;; Belr said 'the : daY;,~; real issue m: edu~tio~ \~ universities must be ready to push - fpn9;W,ej~rmu1a fullr.
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