


Fourteenth session


Memorandum by the Secretary-General

1. The Secretary-General has the honour to circulate herewith the annual memorandum on progress achieved in the field of political rights of women!/ prepared in pursuance of Economic and Social Council resolution 120 A (VI) of 3 March 1948. 2. The present document, in accordance with the suggestion contained in resolution 1 A (XIII) adopted by the Commission on the Status of Homen at its t~rteenth session)Y is a consolidated revision of document A/2692, presented to the ninth session of the General Assembly and succeeding memoranda, and has been brought up to date as of 25 June 1959. It embodies, where available, provisions taken from constitutions, electoral laws and other legal instruments which grant, restrict or deny women the right to vote and to be elected to public office. Information on the eligibility of women for election is included in

accordance with a re~uest of the Commission on the Status of Homen made at its tenth session.l/ 3. In preparing the present memorandum the Secretary-General has also been guided by Economic and Social Council resolution 587 B (XX) of 3 August 1955 by

which the Council re~uested him to include in this report information on all the States which are Members of the United Nations and/or the specialized agencies and/or Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice, .and to include information available to him on States non-members of these organizations

For previous reports, see documents A/619 and Add.l and 2 and Corr.l; A/1163, A/1342 and Corr.l, A/1911, A/2154 and Add.l and 2, A/2462, A/2692 .and Corr.l, A/2952 and Add.l, A/3145 and Add.l, A/3627 and Corr.l and A/3889. ;}./ See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Twenty-eighth Session, Supplement 1\o. 7, document E/3228, para. 30. 3/ E/2850, para. 30. 59-17866 I ... A/4159 English Page 2 and not parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice in Annex II to the report, The designations of' countries and and the arrangement of ~aterial in this document should not be considered as implying any endorsement or other judgement by the Secretariat of the United Nations regarding the legal status of any country or , or of its authorities, or in respect of the delimitation of its boundaries. The texts of the relevant provisions of the legal instruments referred to are given below. 4. In addition to the texts referred to in paragraph 2 above, the following tables are also included in the present memorandum,

I. Countries where women may vote in all elections and are eligible for election on an equal basis with men. II. Countries where the right to vote and/or the eligibility of women are subject to restrictions not imposed on men. III. Countries where women may vote and be elected in local elections only. IV. (a) Countries where women have voting rights but are not eligible for election, (b) Countries where women have no voting rights but are eligible for election. (c) Countries where women have no voting rights and are not eligible for election. V. Countries in which action has been taken since 1945 (signature of' the United Nations Charter) extending full or limited

rights to wo~en. VI. Dates on which women were first granted the right to vote in national elections. VII. Countries where women may vote on equal terms with men, but where suffrage grants originally involved limitations on the ground of sex. VIII. Countries Which have signed, ratified or acceded to the Convention on the Political Rights of' Women as of 25 June 1959.

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5. Reservations to the Convention on the Political Rights of Women and objections to the reservations are contained in annex I to the present report.

AFGHANISTAN - Act of 1931 regarding elections to the National Council

Article 3.

Electors shall satisfy the following conditions: (a) they shall be Afghan subjects; (b) they shall be more than twenty years of age; (c) they shall be domiciled in the electoral district. or have been resident therein for not less than one year immediately preceding the elections.

Article 6.

Candidates for election, that is to say, deputies, shall satisfy the following conditions: (a) they shall be Afghan subjects; (b) if they are of foreign origin, they shall have been resident in Afghanistan for ten years since the acg_uisi tion of Afghan nationality; (c) they shall, as far as possible, be able to read and write; (d) they shall be not less than twenty-five years of age for the first four elections and not less than thirty years of age for elections thereafter, and shall be not more than seventy years of age; (e) they shall be known for their honesty and probity. NOTE: Tt/omen are not allowed to vote or to be elected in Afghanistan.

ALBANIA - Constitution of 4 July 1950

Article 16.

Every citizen, without distinction as to sex, nationality, race, creed, degree of education or residence, who has attained the age of eighteen years, shall be entitled to vote and may be elected to any organ of the State.

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ARGENTINA- Women's Suffrage Act of 23 September 1947

Article 1.

Argentine women shall have the same political rights and be subject to the same obligations as are granted to or imposed on Argentine men by law,

Article 2.

Female'aliens resident in Argentina shall have the same political rights, if any, and be subject to the same obligations as are granted to or imposed on male aliens by law.

Article 3.

The same electoral law shall be applicable to women as to men.

Constitution of 1 May 1853, as amended in 1860, 1866 and 189~/

Article 16.

All its inhabitants (of the Argentine Confederation) are equal before the law, and admissible for employment without any other requisite than fitness. Equality is the basis of taxation and of the public burdens.

Article 36.

The legislative power of the nation shall be vested in a Congress consisting of two Chambers, a Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation and a Senate of the Provinces and Capital.

By a proclamation dated 27 April 1956 the Constitution of 11 March 1949 was repealed and the Constitution of 1 !cay 1853, as amended, brought back into force. (Information provided by the Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations for inclusion in the Yearbook on Human Rights for 1956). A/4159 English Page 5

Article 40.

To be elected a deputy, a person must have attained the age of twenty-five years, have exercised civic rights for four years, have been born in the province or have resided in the province for which he is to be chosen during the two years immediately preceding his election.

Artoicle 47.

To be elected a senator, a Ierson must have attained the age of thirty years, have exercised civic rights for six years, have an annual income of two thousand pesos or an equivalent salary, have been born in the province or have resided in the province for which he is to be chosen during the two years immediately preceding his election.

Legislative Decree No, 4034 of 22 April 1957 (Electoral System)

Article l. (As amended by Legislative Decree No. 15,099 of 15 November 1957)

All natural-born citizens and citizens by option or naturalization of both sexes >

Article 2.

Eligibility to vote shall be established solely on the basis of the Electoral Register drawn up in accordance with the provisions of this Legislative Decree.

Article 14.

All the functions conferred on electors by this Legislative Decree constitute a public duty and may not, therefore, be renounced.

Article 16.

Each electoral office shall maintain a district electoral register, which shall include a card for each elector domiciled in the electoral district. The register shall be divided into two parts 'according to sex and each part shall be further divided into three sub-sections. j ... A/4159 English Page 6

Article 17.

The national register of electors shall be prepared by the electoral magistrate of the Capital of the Republic and shall contain copies of the cards of all the electors in the country, divided into two main categories according to the sex of electors ...

Article 6o. (as amended by Legislative Decree No. 15,099 of 15 November 1957) ·

Within forty days of the issue of the writ ordering an election, political parties shall lodge with the electoral magistrate the lists of their publicly announced candidates. Candidates shall be qualified electors and eligible to hold office ...

AUSTFALIA - The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 1953

Section 39.

(l) Subject to the disqualifications set out in this Part Lof the Ac!7, all persons not under twenty-one years of age, whether male or female, married or unmarried ,,, shall be entitled to enrolment subject to the provisions of Part VII of this Act. (3) All persons whose names are on the roll for any Electoral Division shall, subject to this Act, be entitled to vote at elections of Members of the Senate for the State of which the Division forms part and at elections of Members of the House of Representatives for the Division •••

The Constitution of the Commonwealth, 1900

Section 16. The qualifications of a senator shall be the same as those of a member of the House of Representatives, Section 34. Until the Parliament otherwise provides, the qualifications of a member of the House of Representatives shall be as follows: ( i) he must be of the full age of twenty-one years, and must be an elector entitled to vote at the election of members of the House of Representatives, or a person qualified to become such elector, and must have been for three years at least a resident within / ... i ! \ A/4159 English Page 7

the limits of the Commonwealth as existing at the time when he is chosen; (ii) he must be a subject of the Queen, either natural born or for at least five years naturalized under a law of the United Kingdom, or of a Colony which has become or becomes a State, or of the Commonwealth, or of a State.

AUSTRIA - Electoral law of 18 ~:ay 1949 governing elections to the National Council

Article 22.

All men and women who are Austrian citizens, who have completed their twentieth year of age before the first January of the year in which the elections are held and who are not excluded from the right to vote, are entitled to vote.

Article 47.

All men and women who are Austrian citizens, who are not excluded from the right to vote and who have completed their twenty-sixth year of age before the first January of the year in which the elections are held, may stand for election notwithstanding the provisions cf article 48. NOTE: The provisions of article 48 are irrelevant for the purpose of the present document as they do not affect the electoral rights of women.

BELGIUM - ;c;J c:cto:.:·al Code oT 12 Au~;ust 1928 as &mended by the Act of 27 March 1948

Article l.

In order to ~ualify as an elector in parliamentary elections a person must: (l) be a Belgian citizen by birth or be fully naturalized; (2) have attained the age of twenty-one years; (3) have been domiciled in the same commune for not less than six months. Each elector is entitled to one vote only.

Article 2.

Homen are entitled to vote under the same conditions with respect to age, nationality and domicile.

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Article 223.

In order to be eligible for election to the Chamber of Representatives a person must: (l) be Belgian by birth or fully naturalized; (2) be in possession of his civil and political rights; (3) have attained the age of twenty-five years; (4) be domiciled in Belgium.

Article 224.

In order to be eligible for election as a senator, a person must: (l) be Belgian by birth or fully naturalized; (2) be in possession of his civil and political rights; (3) be domiciled in Belgium; (4) have attained the age of forty years.

BOLIVIA - Supre~e Decree No. 4315 of 9 February 1956 (Organic Electoral Law)

Article L

All Bolivians, men and women, who have attained the age of twenty-one years, shall be deemed to be citizens of the Republic irrespective of their degree of education, their occupation or their income.

Article 2.

Citizens shall have the right (l) to participate, as electors or as elected persons, in the constitution or exercise of the powers of government, subject to the conditions prescribed in this Decree; (2) to have access to public office, provided only that they are not under any disability, except as otherwise provided b~r law.

Article 3.

Every citizen shall b~ bound: 1. to enter his name in the Civic Register; 2. to vote in every election held in his district; 3. to perform such duties and functions in electoral bodies as cannot be refused under the law;

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Article 122.

A candidate for President or Vice-President of the Republic, senator or deputy: must: 1. be Bolivian by birth; 2, know how to read and write; 3. be of the age specified in article 124; 4. have completed his military duties; 5. be entered in the Civic Register; •••

Article 123.

Women may hold all popularly elective offices, provided that they comply with the conditions laid down in the preceding article, save that mentioned under no. 4, which is not applicable to women.

Article 124.

The President and Vice-President of the Republic and senators must have attained the age of thirty years, and deputies the age of twenty-five years on the day of the election.

BRAZIL - Constitution of 18 September 1946

Article 133.

It is obligatory for Brazilians of both sexes to register and to vote, save the exceptions defined by law.

Article 38.

A member of the National Congress must: 1. be a Brazilian ••• ; 2. be in full possession of his political rights; 3. have attained twenty-one years of age for the Chamber of Deputies and thirty-five years for the Federal Senate.

Act No. 1164 amending the Electoral Code of 24 July 1950

Article 2.

Brazilians who are over the age of eighteen years and who register their names in the electoral lists in the manner prescribed by law shall be electors. ; ... A/4159 English Page 10

Article 4.

It is obligatory for Brazilians of either sex to register their nan:es in the electoral lists ar:d to vote 1 with the follcwir:g excer:tions:

(d) women who are not gainfully employed;

Article 46.

Suffrage is universal and direct; voting is compulsory and secret.

BULGARIA - Constitution of 4 December 1947

Article ).

All citizens of the People's Republic who are above eighteen years of age, irrespective of sex, national origin, race, religion, education, profession, social status or mate~ial situation, >rith the exception of those under judicial disability or deprived of their civil and political rights, are eligible to vote and to be elected.

BURMA - Constitution of 24 September 1947

Section 76 ( 4).

No la>rs shall be enacted or continued placing any citizen under disability or incapacity for membership in the Parliament on the ground of sex, race or religion or disqualifying any citizen from voting at elections to the Parliament on any such ground •••


Article 110.

Elections of deputies are universal: all citizens of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic who have reached the age of eighteen, irrespective of race or nationality, sex, religion, educational and residential ~ualifications, social ; ... A/4159 English - Page 11

origin, property status or }ast activities, have the right to vote in the election of deputies and to be elected, with the exception of insane persons and persons who have been convicted by a court of law and whose sentences include deprivation of electoral rights. Every citizen of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic who has reached ·the age of twenty-one, irrespective of race or nationality, sex, religion,

educational and residential ~ualification, social origin, property status or past activities, has the right to be elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Article 112.

Women have the right to elect and be elected on equal terms with men.

CANBODIA - Decree (Kram) No. 65 - NS of 14 January 1956 amending the Constitution of the Kingdom of 6 May 1947

Article 49. (formerly article 48, as amended)

Every Cambodian citizen of either sex who has attained the age of twenty years, provided that he or she has not suffered deprivation of civil rights and fulfils the requirements of the electoral law, shall be an elector •••

Article 50. (formerly article 49, as amended)

Electors of either sex who are not under the age of twenty-five years shall be eligible for election •••

Article 74. (formerly article 70) The Council of the Kingdom shall consist of members who are appointed and members who are elected by restricted suffrage. Members of the Council shall not be less than forty years of age •.•

Article 84. (new)

A Popular Assembly, comprising representatives from all the sub-prefectures ( Sroks) of each province (Kbet), and from all the districts of the capital, shall be established in the capital of each province and in the national Capital. I ... I ) A/4159 English Page 12

The members of these Popular Assemblies shall be elected by universal and direct suffrage by Cambodian citizens of both sexes who are not less than twenty years of age and whc' reside in the sub-prefecture (Srok) or district in question.

Article 85. (new)

All citizens of either sex who are not less than twenty-five years of age and who reside in the province in question or in the national Capital shall be eligible for election to the Popular ASsemblies.

CANADA - Dominion Elections Act of l July 1938 as amended in 1944 and 1948

Article 14.

1. Except as hereinafter provided, every person in Canada, man or woman, is entitled to have his or her name included in the list of electors prepared for the polling division in which he or she was ordinarily resident on the date of the issue of the writ ordering an election in the election district, and is qualified to vote in such polling division if he or she (a) is of the full ~ge of twenty-one years or will attain such age on or before polling day at such election; (b) is a British subject by birth or naturalization; (c) has been ordinarily resident in Canada for the twelve months immediately preceding polling day at such election

Article 19.

Except as this Act otherwise provides, any person, man or woman, who (a) is a British subject; (b) is a qualified elector under this Act; and (c) is of the full age of twenty-one years, may be a candidate at a Dominion election.

CEYLON - Ceylon (Parliamentary Elections) Order in Council 1946

Section 4.

No person shall be qualified to have his name entered or retained in any register of electors in any year if such person (a) is not a British subject, or is, by virtue of his own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or

I ... A/4159 English Page 13 adherence to a foreign Power or State; (b) was less than twenty-one years of age on the first day of June of that year; {Certain other reasons for disqualification are listed/.

Section 6.

Any person not otherwise disqualified shall be qualified to have his name entered in a register of electors in any year if he is able to read and write English, Sinhalese or Tamil and if he has or holds one of the following qualifications Lcertain property qualifications are listei7·

Section 28.

Any person eligible for election as a Member of Parliament may be nominated as a candidate for election.

CHILE - Constitution of 18 September 1925

Article 7.

Citizens with the right to vote are those Chileans who have completed twenty-one years of age, who can read and write, and are inscribed in the electoral registers •••

Article 27 •

To be elected Deputy or Senator it is necessary to possess the requirements for citizenship with the right to vote and never to have been condemned to punishment involving the loss of civic rights. Senators must, in addition, have completed thirty-five years of age.

General Act on electoral registers, as codified by decree of 4 July 1949

Article 14.

The electoral registers designed to serve for the elections of the President of the Republic, of senators and deputies, is divided into an "electoral register of men" and an "electoral register of women"; the same registers supplemented by a "municipal register of aliens" shall serve :!''or the municipal elections. A/4159 English Page 14

CHINA - Constitution of 1 January 1947

Article 130.

Any citizen of the Republic of China, having attained the age of twenty year shall, in accordance with law, have the right of suffrage except as otherwise provided by this Constitution and laws; all citizens having attained the age of twenty-three years shall, in accordance with law, have the right to be elected to office.

Article 134.

In the various kinds of elections, the quotas of women to be elected shall b' fixed, and measures pertaining thereto shall be prescribed by law.

COLOMBIA - Decree of the National Constituent Assembly of 25 August 1954 to amend the Constitution whereby the Right to Vote and to be Elected is Extended to Homen

Article l.

Article 14 of the Constitution shall read as follows: A Colombian who is over the age of twenty-one is a Colombian citizen. Loss of Colombian nationality shall involve loss of Colombian citizenship. Citizenship may also be lost or suspended by virtue of a judicial decision in the cases specified by statute. Persons who have lost their citizenship may apply for the restoration of citizenship rights.

Article 2.

Article 15 of the Constitution shall read as follows: A person may not take part, as an elector or as a candidate, in an election to an office involving political representation, nor hold any public office 'iThich involves the exercise of authority or jurisdiction, unlesl he is in full possession of his citizenship rights.

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Article 3.

Article 171 of the Constitution, in so far as it restricts the suffrage to male citizens, is hereby amended.~/

COSTA RICA - Decree No. 1536 of 10 December 1952 (Electoral Code)

Article l.

All Costa Ricans of either sex over twenty years of age whose names are included in the electoral section of the Civil Register are electors •••

Article 5.

Every elector who can read and write is eligible for election to the offices mentioned in article 3 above, provided that, in each case, he also meets the requirements listed in the following paragraphs: (a) To be President or Vice-President of the Republic, a person must: (l) be a Costa Rican by birth and in possession of his civil rights; (2) be a layman; (3) be over thirty years of age. (b) To be a Deputy to the Legislative Assembly or, should .the case arise, to a National Constituent Assembly a person must: (l) be in possession of his civil rights; (2) be a Costa Rican by birth or by naturalization and, in the latter case, he must have resided in the country for ten years since his naturalization; have completed his twenty-first year. (c) To be a municipal councillor or official, a person must: (l) be over twenty-one years of age; (2) be a layman; (3) be resident in the district in which his duties are to be performed; (4) be a Costa Rican by birth or by naturalization and, in the latter case, be must have resided in the country for four years since his naturalization.

L/ Article 171 of the Constitution of Colombia of 5 August 1885 read as follows: "Article 171. All male citizens shall directly elect councillors, deputies to the departmental assemblies, representatives, senators and the President of the Republic". I ... A/4159 English Page 16

CUBA - Basic Law of 7 February 1959

Article 20.

All Cubans are e~ual before the law. The Republic does not recognize exemptions or privileges. Any discrimination by reason of sex, race, colour or class, and any other kind of discrimination destructive of human dignity, is clecla;_·ec1 illegal and punishable. The law shall establish the penalties for infringements of this provision.

Article 97.

Universal, e~ual and secret suffrage is established as a right, duty and function of all Cuban citizens. This function shall be obligatory and any person who, in the absence of an impediment recognized by law, fails to vote in an election or referendum, shall be subject to the penalties imposed by law and shall be dis~ualified from holding a magistracy or any other public office for two years from the date of the commission of the offence.

Article 99.

All Cubans of either sex who are over twenty years of age are entitled to vote, with the following exceptions •••

CZECHOSLOVAKIA - Constitution of 9 May 1948

Fundamental articles Article IV.

(1) The sovereign People exercise the State power through representative bodies 1-rhich are elected by the People, controlled ry the People and accountable to tte People.

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(2) Repesentative bodies are elected by universal, equal, direct and secret ballot. Every citizen has the right to vote on reachir2e; the ::.gc- of eighteen, Every citizen is eligible for election on reaching the age of hrenty- one ••• Detailed provisions

Section l.

(1) All citizens are equal before the law. (2) Men and women shall have equal status in the family and in the community and shell have equal. ace eGG to eclu.cationJ Bl'ld. tc 8ll pTofessions, offices ancl. honuJ.rs ~

DENMARK - Constitution of 5 June 1953

Section 29 (1).

Any Danish subject whose permanent residence is in the Realm, and who has the age qualifications for suffrage provided for in sub-section (2) of this section shall have the right to vote at Folketing elections, provided that he has not been declared incapable of conducting his own affairs .••

Section 30 (1),

Any person who has the right to vote at Folketing elections shall be eligible for membership of the Folketing, unless he has been convicted of an act which in the eyes of the public makes him unworthy of being a member of the Folketing,

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Constitution of 1 December 1955

Article 13.

Dominican nationals of both sexes over eighteen years of age as well as those who have not yet reached that age, but are or have been married, are citizens.

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Article 14. Citizens have the following rights: 1. The right to vote and; 2. Eligibility for elective office, subject to the limitations set forth in this Constitution.

ECUADOR - Constitution of 31 December 1946

Article 17. Every Ecuadorian, man or woman, who has completed eighteen years of age, knows how to read and write, and is a citizen, may as a general rule, vote and be elected or appointed to public office.

Article 22.

A voter must be in full possession of the rights of citizenship and possess the other qualifications required by law. Subject to these qualifications, the vote in popular elections is obligatory for a man and optional for a woman. The law shall determine the penalty applying to the non-fulfilment of this duty.

Article 44.

A senator must: l. be an Ecuadorian by birth and be in full possession of the rights of citizenship ). have completed thirty-five years of age.

Article 48.

A deputy must: l. be an Ecuadorian by birth; 2. be in full possession of the rights of citizenship; 3. have completed twenty-five years of age .•••

EL SALVADOR - Constitution of 14 September 1950

Article ?2.

All Salvadoreans over eighteen years of age without distinction as to sex, are citizens.

Article 23.

Save for the exceptions specified in the Constitution, it is a citizen's right and duty to vote. I A/4159 English page 19

Article 4o.

The qualifications of a deputy shall be as follows: he must be over the age of twenty-five years, a Salvadorean by birth, and of good repute and education; he must not have 'lost his right of citizenship during the five years preceding election, and must be a native or resident of the electoral district concerned.

ETHIOPIA - Constitution of 4 November 1955

Article 95.

All Ethiopian subjects by birth, of twenty-one years of age or more, who are regularly domiciled or habitually present in any electoral district and who possess the qualifications required by the electoral law, shall have the right to vote in such electoral district for the candidates for such district, as members of the Chamber of Deputies. The system of voting shall be secret and direct. Details of procedure shall be prescribed by law.

Article 96.

To be eligible as a Deputy, a person must be, by birth, an Ethiopian subject 'dho: (a) has reached the age of t1fenty-five years; (b) is a bona fide resident and owner of property in his electoral district, to the extent required by the electoral la>·r; and (c) is not disqualified under any provision of the electoral la><.

NOTE: Eritrea, an autonomous unit federated 1fith Ethiopia under the sovereignty of the Ethiopian Crown, possesses legislative, executive and judicial po1iers in the field crdomestic affairs. Under article 20 of the Eritrean Constitution of 1952 the franchise is limited to men.

FEDERATION OF JVJALAYA - Constitution of 23 August 1957

Article 14. (l) the following persons are citizens by operation of law, that is to say: (a) every person who, irmnediately before Merdeka Day,2/ 1fas a I ... Independence Day: 31 August 1957. A/4159 English Page 20

citizen of the by virtue of any of the provisions of the Federation of Malaya Agreement, 1948, whether by operation of la>r or otherwise; (b) every person born within the Federation on or after Merdeka Day; (c) every person born outside the Federation on or after Merdeka Day whose father is a citizen

at the time of the birth and either ~


at a Malayan Consulate ~

Article 47.

Every citizen resident in the Federation is ~ualified to be a member: (a) of the Senate, if he is not less than thirty years old, (b) of the House of Representatives, if he is not less than t>renty-one years old, , ••

Article 119.

Every citizen vho has attained the age of t>renty-one years on the qualifying date and has been resident in a constituency for at least six months immediately preceding the qualifying date is entitled to vote in that constituency in any election to the House of Representatives or the Legislative Assembly

FINLAND - Diet Act of 13 January 1928

Article 6.

Every Finnish citizen, man or woman, who before the year in whi.ch the election takes place, bas reached twenty-one years of age, shall be an elector

Article 7.

Every elector shall be eligible to become a representative without regard to domicile

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FRANCE - Constitution of 4 October 1958

Article 3.

National sovereignty belongs to the people, which shall exercise this sovereignty through its representatives and by means of referendum ••• Suffrage may be direct or indirect under the conditions stipulated by the Constitution. It shall always be universal, equal and secret. All French citizens of both sexes who have reached their majority and who enjoy civil and political rights may vote under the conditions to be determined by law.

Order No. 58,998 of 24 October 1958 enacting an organic law concerning the conditions of eligibility and grounds of disqualification for election to Parliament

Article 1.

Any citizen who is a qualified elector may be elected to the and to the Senate under the conditions and subject only to the reservations set forth in the following articles.

Article 2.

No one may be elected to the National Assembly unless he has completed his twenty-third year. No one may be elected to the Senate unless he has completed his twenty-fifth ;year.

Article 3.

No one may be elected to Parliament unless he has fully satisfied the statutory requirements in respect of active military service.

NOTE: Decree No. 5856 of 3 July 1958 concerning the preparation and revision of electoral registers in Algeria

Article 1.

In each commune in Algeria a single electoral register shall be drawn up in which the names of all citizens of both sexes shall be included, without distinction as to status, provided that they are domiciled or resident in the commune and that, upon the date on which the registers are closed, they fulfil the conditions laid down by the electoral laws in force. I ... A/4159 English Page 22

GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF - Basic Law of 23 May 1949

Article 3·

(1) All men are e~ual before the law. (2) Men and women have e~ual rights. (3) Ho one may suffer disadvantage or obtain privilege resulting from sex, descent, race, language, homeland or origin, faith or religious and political opinions.

Federal Electoral La~< of 7 May 1956

Section 1. Electoral system.

1. (l) The shall, subject to the exceptions provided for under this Act, consist of 506 representatives. The latter shall be elected by

Germans ~

>~ith proportional representation,

Section 3. Right to vote and to be elected.

12. (1) The right to vote is recognized to any German >~ithin the meaning of article 116 (1) of the Basic La~<, >~ho, on the day of the election: (1) Is twenty-one years of age, (2) Has been domiciled or permanently resident >~ithin the electoral district for not less than three months, and (3) Is not dis~ualified from voting under paragraph 13. 16. (1) Any person m3.y be elected who, en the day of the election: (1) Has been a German national ~~ for not less than ore year, and (2) Is t~

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GHANA - The Ghana (Constitution) Order in Council, 1957, made on 22 February 1957

Section 24. Subject to the prov1s1ons of section 25 of this Order,~/ any person who (a) is a citizen of Ghana,1/ and (b) is of the age of twenty-five years or upwards; and (c) is able to speak and, unless incapacitated by blindness or other physical cause, to read the English language with a degree of proficiency sufficient to enable him to take an active part in the proceedings of the Assembly; shall be qualified to be elected as a Hember of Parliament, and no other person shall be qualified tobe so elected or, having been so elected, shall sit or vote in the Assembly.

Section 69.

(l) Voting for the election of Members of Parliament shall be by secret ballot on the oasis of adult suffrage. (2) Every citizen of Ghana, without distinction of religj.on, race or sex, shall be entitled to be registered as an elector for the election of Members of Parliament.

GREECE - Act No. 2159 of 7 June 1952 granting women the right to vote and to be elected in parliamentary elections

Article l.

(l) The right to vote in parliamentary elections shall be exercised also by >mmen who have completed their twenty-first year of age. The restrictions on the exercise of the voting right provided for in the legislation on parliamentary elections shall also apply to Homen. (2) Homen registered on

Section 25 lists the disqualifications for election to Parliament. It makes no provisions for disqualification on the grounds of sex. 11 Pursuant to section l (1) of the Order ''citizen of Ghana" means any person •·1ho, by the laH of Ghana, has the status of a citizen of Ghana and, pending the enactment of such a law, means a British subject or a British protected person.

; ... A/4159 English Page 24 the electoral rolls or the lists of electors' identity cards of their municipality or regional administrative unit shall be entitled to exercise the aforementioned right. (3) The registration dwomen voters on electoral rolls or lists of electors' identity cards shall be compulsory. (4) The exercise of the voting right shall be compulsory also for women. The penalties provided for men in the act concerning parliamentary elections shall apply also to women who fail to comply with this obligation.

Article 2.

Homen who have completed their h~enty-fifth year of age shall also have the right to be elected in parliamentary elections and shall also be subject to the relevant provisions of the legislation concerning parliamentary elections.

Law No. 3192 of 21 April 1955 "Concerning Public Offices exercised by Homen and their Appointment to Government Posts"

Article 1.

'llomen may exercise all public functions, except ecclesiastical ones and be appointed to all posts of civil servants of the State or Public Law Legal Entities (Public Corporations) on equal terms with men.

Article 2.

In the armed forces of the land, sea and air forces, the Gendarmerie, City Police, Harbours' Corps, Fire Brigade, Forest Service and Coast Guard, women may occupy auxiliary posts, as determined through Royal Decrees to be issued on the proposal of the competent Ministers.

Article 3.

(1) The regulations in force concerning qualifications for occupying a State post or one 'lith a public corporation apply also to vomen, except the one relative to military service. (2) The citizenship of women is established through certificate of the competent Mayor or Community President relative to their entry in the General Register (of citizens) and their age ascertained under the terms of Law 1811/1951 "Concerning Code of status of Administrative

Civil Servants n. j ... I

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Article 4.

(1) The Clauses of Legislative Decree 3075/1954 "Concerning Amendment and Supplementing of Law 5026 concerning 'Court of Assizes'" are maintained in force. (2) Any other general or special clause conflicting •;~ith the present

La<~ is abrogated.

Article 5.

The present la<~ enters in force as from its publication in the Official Gazette.Y

GUATEMALA - Constitution of 1 March 1956

Article 16.

The f'ollo<~ing persons are citizens: (1) male Guatemalans over eighteen years of age; (2) female Guatemalans over eighteen years of age ;rho kno<~ how

to read and <~rite.

Article 17.

The following rights are inherent in citizenship: (a) to vote in elections and be elected to office; (b) to hold public office.

Electoral Law of 21 April 1956 (Congressional Decree No.l069)

Article 1 provides inter alia as follo;rs: The follo<~ing shall have the right to vote: (1) male Guatemalans over eighteen years of age; (2) Guatemalan women over eighteen years of age who are able to read and write.

~/ 21 April 1955: Official Gazette No. 95 of that date.

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GUINEA - Constitution of the Republic of Guinea adopted by Act No. 4/AN/58 of lO November 1958 and promulgated by Order No. 15 of 12 November 1958

Article 4.

Parliament shall consist of a Single National Assembly, ,.,hose members shall be elected on the basiS of a national list for a term of five years and shall bear the title of Deputies.

Article 5.

The method of election, conditions of eligibility and grounds of disqualification of members of the National Assembly, and the number of deputies, shall oe determined by law.

Article 39.

All citizens and persons under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Guinea, without distinction as to race, sex, or religion, shall be entitled to elect and be elected in the manner prescribed by law.

HAI'ri - Constitution of the Republic of 19 December 1957

Article 6.

Any person in possession of civil and political rights shall be deemed to be a citizen

Article 8.

Suffrage is a right and a duty of aJ.l citizens, with the follm1ing exceptions established in this Constitution.

Article 9.

All Haitians, twenty-one years of age, of one or the other sex, exercise political and civil rights, if they fulfil the conditions determined by the Constitution and by the Law.

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Article 16.

All Haitians have the right to take an effective part in the government of their country, .. . regardless of .. . sex ...

Article 48.

Legislative power is exercised by a single Assembly bearing the title of Legislative Assembly.

Article 50.

To be a member of the Legislative body, a person must: (1) be a Haitian and never have renounced his nationality; (2) have completed his tuenty-fifth year; (3) be entitled to exercise his civil and political rights; (4) have resided for at least five years in the electoral district to be represented.

Article 131.

••• To be elected to a communal council, a person must: (1) be a Haitian; (2) have completed his twenty-fifth year; (3) be entitled to exercise his civil and political rights; (4) own property or exercise an occupation or profession in the commune ...

HONDURAS - Constitution of the Republic - Decree No. 21 of 19 December 1957 of the Constituent Assembly

Article 34 ..

Citizenship is a legal status by virtue of which Hondurans have rights and duties of a political and patriotic character.

Article 35.

Every Honduran man and woman over eighteen years of age shall be a citizen.

Article 36.

As regards their rights, citizens shall be entitled to: vote and stand for election .•• I ... A/4159 English Page 28

Article 39·

Suffrage is an essential civic function. Its exercise by citizens is a right which cannot be renounced and a duty the fulfilment of which is compulsory.

Article 173.

Legislative powers shall be vested in a Congress composed of deputies elected by direct suffrage ••.

In order to stand for election as a deputy, a person must be a citizen over twenty-five years of age enjoying the full exercise of his rights, a Honduran by birth or born outside the country of Hondurans by birth who retained their nationality, and a native or resident of the department for >lhich he stands, ·

Article 186.

The election of deputies to the National Congress shall be on the basis of one deputy and one alternate for every thirty thousand inhabitants or for every fraction thereof exceeding fifteen thousand.

HilliGARY - Constitution of 18 August 1949

Article 50.

In the Hungarian People's Republic, 1mmen enjoy equal rights 1-ri th men.

Article 63.

(l) All citizens of the Hungarian People's Republic who are of age have the right to vote. (2) Enemies ofthe working people and those ''ho are unsound of mind are excluded from suffrage by lmq,

Article 65.

All citizens who have the right to vote are eligible for election.

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ICElAND - Constitution of 17 June 1944

Article 33.

Every person, man or woman, who has attained his or her twenty-first year of age at the time of the election and <~ho is an Icelandic citizen and has been domiciled in the country for five years prior to the election, shall have the right to vote. No person shall have the right to vote unless he or she is of unblemished character and financially solvent.

Article 34.

Every citizen who has the right to vote is eligible for the Althing,

INDIA - Constitution of 26 November 1949

Article 16.

There shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters relating to employment or appointment to any office under the State.

No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, des~ent, place of birth, residence, or any of them, be ineligible for, or discriminated against in respect of any employment or office under the State ,,.

Article 84.

A person shall not be qualified for election to Parliament unless he: (a) is a citizen of India; (b) is, in the case of a seat in the Council of States, not less than Thirty years of age, and in the case of a seat in the House of the People, not less than tHenty-five years of age; and (c) possesses such other qualifications as may be prescribed in that behalf by or under any la<~ made by Parliament.

Article 325.

There shall be one general electoral roll for every territorial constituency for election to either House of Parliament or to the House or either House of the of a State, and no person shall be ineligible for inclusion in any such 'roll or claim to be included in any special A/4159 English Page 30 electoral roll for any such constituency on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex or any of them.

The Representation of the People Act, 1951 Act XLIII of 1951 as modified by Act No. LXVII of 1951

Article 62. Right to vote.

(1) No person who is not, and except as expressly provided by this Act, every person who is, for the time being entered in the electoral roll of any constituency shall be entitled to vote in that constituency.

INDONESIA - Provisional Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 15 August 1950

Article 23.

1. Every citizen has the right to take part in the government, directly or by means of representatives freely elected in accordance with a procedure established by law. 2. Every citizen shall be eligible for appointment to any public office.

Article 57.

Members of the House of Representatives are elected in the general elections by citizens of Indonesia who meet the ~ualifications re~uired in accordance with rules to be established by law.

Article 60.

Indonesian citizens who have attained the age of twenty-five years, who have not been debarred from suffrage or the exercise thereof and who have not been deprived of the right to be elected, can be members of the House of Representatives.

NOTE: According to inforrr.ation received from the Indonesian Mission to the United Nations, the term "citizen" is to be interpreted as including men and women.

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IRAN - Constitution of 30 December 1906 as amended to 7 May 1949

Article 2.

The National Assembly is the representation of the whole Iranian nation, associated in political and economic affairs.

Article 3·

The National Assembly is composed of members elected at Teheran and in the provices

Article 45.

The members of the Senate will be chosen from among the enlightened, intelligent, orthodox and respectable persons of the State; thirty persons nominated by His Imperial Majesty, of Hhom fifteen shall be from Teheran and fifteen from the provinces, and thirty persons elected by the nation, fifteen from Teheran and fifteen from the provinces.

Note: I'he Secretariat has received no information to indicate that women have either the right to vote or to be elected to the National Assembly and to the Senate.

IRAQ - Provisional Constitution of 27 July 1958 (in force frcm 13 August 1958)

Article 7•

The people are the source of all povrers.

Article 21.

Legislative powers are exercised by the Council of 11inisters subje~t to / the approval of the Presidential Council.

Article 28.

All laws and regulations in force prior to 14 July 1958 shall continue to be in force. These laws and regulations may however be abrogated, or amended as provided in this provisional Constitution, ; ... A/4:5? E~glisr~ Page 32

Electoral Law of 16 December 1952

Article 2.

Any male Iraqi who has attained the age of twenty years and whose name has been entered on the electoral rolls ••• shall be an elector •••

IRELAND - Constitution of 29 December 1937

Article 16.

(1) Every citizen without distinction of sex who has reached the age of t"~nty-one years, and who is not placed under disability or incapacity by A this Constitution or by law, shall be eligible for membership of Dail Eireann. (2) Every citizen, without distinction of sex, who has reached the age of twenty-one years who is not disqualified by law and complies with the provisions A of the law relating to the election of n•eml:ers of Dail Eire ann shall have the A right to vote at an election for members of Dail Eireann.

Electoral Act, 1923

Article 2.

Every ~<>:'son, without distinction of sex, who is a citizen of A Saorstat Eirear~~ and has attained the age of thirty years and is not subject to any legal incapacity, whether imposed by this Act or otherwise, shall be entitled to be registered as a seanad elector in the constituency in which he or she is registered as a Dail elector.

Article 57.

A (l) Every citizen of Saorstat Eireann without distinction of sex who is of the age of thlrty-fi ve years or upwards and is not subject to any of the disqualifications mentioned in this Section shall be eligible and (subject to compliance with the Standing Orders of Seanad) to sit as a member of the Seanad.

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ISRAEL - Basic law passed by the Knesset on 12 February 1958

Section 4. Method of elections. The Knesset shall be elected by general, national, direct, equal, secret and proportional elections, in accordance with the Knesset Elections Law ...

Section 5. The right to vote.

Every Israel national of or over the age of eighteen years shall have the right to vote in elections to the Knesset unless a court has deprived him of that right by virtue of any law. The Elections Law shall determine the time at which a person shall be considered to be eighteen years of age for the purpose of the exercise of the right to vote in elections to the Knesset.

Section 6. The right to be elected.

Every Israel national who on the day of the submission of a candidate's list containing his name is twenty years of age or over shall have the righ~ to be elected to the Knesset unless a court has deprived him of that right by virtue of any law.

ITALY - Constitution of 27 December 1947

Article 48,

All citizens, male or female, who have attained their majority are electors. The suffrage is personal, equal, free and secret. Its exercise is a civic duty. The right to vote may be restricted only on the grounds of loss of civil rights or by reasons of an irrevocable penal sentence or in cases of moral turpitude specified by law.

Article 51.

All citizens of either sex may hold public offices or elective positions on a footing of equality in accordance with the requirements laid down by law ... I ... A/4159 English Page 34

JAPAN - Constitution of 3 November 1946

Article 44.

The qualifications of members of both Houses and their electors shall be fixed by law. However, there shall be no discrimination because of race, sex, creed, social status, family origin, education, property or income.

Act of l April 1945 for election of members of the House of Representatives

Article 5.

Any Japanese national who is over twenty years of age shall have the right to vote. Any Japanese national who is over twenty-five years of age shall be eligible for election.

Act of 24 February 1947 for election of members of the House of Councillors

Article 3.

ALy person who has the right to vote in the election of members of the House of Representatives shall have the same right in the election of members of the House of Councillors.

Article 4.

Any Japanese national who is over thirty years of age shall be eligible for election of the members of the House of Councillors.

JORDAN - Council of Representatives Electoral Law of 5 April 1947

Article 3·

Every male Jordanian not being a Bedouin, who has completed his eighteenth year of age shall be entitled to elect members of the Council of Representatives.

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Article 30.

Two members of the Council of Representatives shall be elected for the Bedouins.

NOTE: According to article 2, the •mrd "Bedouin" means any male member of the nomadic Bedouins.

Law of 13 December 1949 amending the electoral law

Every Jordanian whose name has been entered on one of the lists of electors can be elected member of the Council of Representatives .••

KOREA, REPUBLIC OF - Law concerning the election of members of the National Assembly, law No. 121 of 12 April 1950 as amended.

Article l.

Any citizen twenty-one full years of age shall have the right to vote.

Article 2.

Any citizen twenty-five full years of age shall be eligible for election to the National Assembly. lAOS - Constitution of the Kingdom of laos (text revised and adopted by the National Congress at its meeting on 29 September 1956).

Article 5.

All citizens of both sexes having reached their majority and enjoying civil and political rights shall be entitled to vote, subject to the conditions prescribed by law.

Article 24.

The National Assembly shall be composed of deputies elected every five years by universal suffrage in accordance with the provisions of the electoral law.

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LEBANON - Election Amendment Act of 24 April 1957

Article 21.

The rolls of electors shall include the names of all Lebanese nationals, male or female, who are over the age of twenty-one years, who are in possession of their civic and political rights and have had their principal and actual domicile in the electoral ward for not less than six months.

Article 6.

A person may not be elected to the Chamber of Deputies unless he is a Lebanese national registered in the roll of electors; is over the age of twenty-five years, is in possession of his civic and political rights and is able to read or >~rite

LIBERIA - Constitution of 26 July 1847, as amended to May 1955

Article l. Declaration of rights

Section 11.

All elections shall be by ballot, and every citizen (male 'and female) of twenty-one years of age possessing real estate shall have the right of suffrage. When applied to voters in the Provinces of the hinterland of the Republic, "possessing real estate" shall be construed to include possessing a hut on which he or she pays the hut tax.

Article 2. Legislative powers

Section 1.

The Legislative power shall be vested in a Legislature of and shall consist of two separate branches, a House of Representatives and a Senate .••

Section 2.

No person shall be a representative who has not resided in the County or Province two whole years immediately previous to his or her election, and I ... A/4159 English Page 37 who shall not when elected be an inhabitant of the County or Province, and who does not own unencumbered real estate of not less value than one thousand dollars in the County in which he or she resides, or who in the Provinces shall not own a hut in which he or she resides and for. which he or she pays the hut tax, and who shall not have attained the age of t>·lenty-three years.

Section 5. ... No person shall be a Senator who shall not have resided three whole years immediately previous to his or her election in the Republic of Liberia, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of the county which he or she represents, and who does not own unencumbered real estate of not less than one thousand two hundred dollars in the County, and who shall not have attained the age of twenty-five years.

LIBYA - Electoral Law for the election of the Libyan Federal House of Representatives, Law No. 5 of 6 November 1951, as modified by Royal decree of 16 November 1955.

Section 3· Every male Libyan who has completed his twenty-first year (Gregorian) shall be entitled to vote unless he is a person who: (a) is a lunatic; or (b) has been declared to be a bankrupt and has not been discharged; or (c) is serving a term of imprisonment.

Section 4.

Subject to the provisions of sections 5 and 23 of this law, every male person who has completed his thirtieth year (Gregorian) and who is inscribed upon the electoral rolls of a District within his Province shall be ~ualified to be a member of the House of Representatives.


NOTE: According to information received by the Secretariat the right to vote and to be elected extends only to men and not to women. I ... ·- a/4159 English Fage 38

LUXE~ffiOURG - Constitution of 17 October 1868

Article 52 (as amended on 15 May 1948 and 15 May 1949)

Electors must: (1) be Luxembourg nationals; (2) enjoy civil and political rights; (3) have completed their twenty-first year; (4) be domiciled in the Grand Duchy. To these four conditions shall be added such other conditions as the law ~ay determine. No property qualification may be imposed. In order to qualify for election, a person must have completed his twenty-fifth year and fulfil the other three conditions enumerated above. No other qualification for election shall be required.

MEXICO - Political Constitution of the United States of Mexico of 5 February 1917 as amended on b October 1953

Article 34.

All men and women who, in addition to being Mexicans, possess the following qualifications are citizens of the Republic: (1) those who have reached the age of eighteen years and are married, or twenty-one if they are not; and (2) those who have an honest means of livelihood.

Article 35.

Privileges of citizens are: (1) to vote in popular elections, (2) to be eligible to all popular elective offices and qualified for any other position or commission, provided they have the qualifications prescribed by law.

MONACO - Constitution of 5 February 1911

Article 56.

The elections to the National Council and the Communal Council shall be governed by articles 6-75 of Act No. 30 of 3 MBy 1920 regarding municipal organization.

Act of 3 May 1920 Article 6.

All male Monegasques who have reached majority and are not under disability as defined by law are electors. A/4159 English Page 39

Supreme Ordinance of 19 May 1945

Women of Monegasque nationality who fulfil the conditions required by the Act of 3 May 1920 are electors and eligible for membership in the Communal Council. NOTE: On 29 January 1959, the Constitution was suspended.

NEPAL - Constitution of 13 February 1959

Part III: Fundamental Rights Article 4.

(1) All citizens are entitled to the equal protection of the laws. (2) In the application of general laws there shall be no discrimination against any citizen on grounds only of religion, sex, race, caste or tribe. (3) In respect of appointments to the service of the Crown there shall be no discrimination against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste or tribe, and in respect of appointments to the service of the Crown which are open to both sexes, there shall be no discrimination on grounds of sex. NOTE: The Permanent Mission of Nepal to the United Nations advises that the term "general law" occurring in the sub-article (2) includeE> electoral laws.

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NETHERLANDS ~ Constitution of 24 August 1815 as amended to 10 September 1956

Article 83.

The members of the shall be elected directly by the inhabitants who are Netherlands citizens or recognized by law as Netherlands subjects and have attained the age prescribed by law, which shall not be less than twenty-three years •••

Article 85.

The shall be composed of fifty members. They shall be elected by the provincial estates according to the prin~iples of proportional representation.

Article 87.

To be eligible as a member of the Lower House, a person is re~uired to be a citizen of the Netherlands or recognized by law as a Netherlands subject; to have attained the age of thirty years, not to be deprived of eligibility or excluded from the exercise of the right to vote •••

Article 91.

In order to be eligible to membership in the Upper House the re~uirements for membership in the Lower House must be fulfilled.

Electoral Act of 7 September 1896

Article 1.

The members of the Second Chamber of the States~General shall be elected by Netherlanders or persons recognized by law as Netherlands subjects who are resident in the Realm and have attained the age of twenty~three years. For the purpose of this Act the test of residence shall be the actual dwelling place.

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NEW ZEALAND - Electoral Act, 1927

Section 28 (2),

Every adult person who has resided for one year in New Zealand, and who has resided in any electoral district for not less than three months immediately preceding the date of his application for registration as an elector of that district, and who is a British subjP~t either by birth or by naturalization in New Zealand, is entitled, subject to the provisions of this Act, to be registered as an elector of that district ,,,

Section 15 ( 2) •

A woman shall not be disqualified by sex or marriage from being elected as a member of the House of Representatives, or from sitting or voting as a member thereof, anything to the contrary in any other Act notwithstanding.

NICARAGUA - Constitution of 1 November 1950 as amended on 20 April 1955

Article 31.

Nicaraguan nationals, of either sex, over twenty-one years of age, Nicaraguan nationals over eighteen years of age who can read and write or who are married, and Nicaraguan nationals under eighteen years of age holding an academic certificate are citizens.

Article 32.

The following are the rights of citizens: to hold public office, to assemble, to associate and to present petitions, in accordance with the law. Women may be elected or appointed to public office,

Article 33.

The following are the obligations of citizens: (1) to register in the electoral register; (2) to vote in popular elections.

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NOR\vAY - Constitution of 17 May 1814, as amended

Article 50.

Norwegian citizens, men and women, who have completed their twenty-first year, have been domiciled in this country for five years and are residents thereof, shall have the right to vote,

Article 61.

No one may be elected as a representative unless he has attained twenty-one years of age, has resided in'the Kingdom for ten years and has the right to vote


NCTE: The Constitution of 29 Februar:, .1956 which came into force on 23 March 1956 was abrogated on 7 October 1958, and under the present transitional constitutional arrangements, electoral rights stand suspended pending the new constituti:>n,

PANAMA - Constitution of l March 1946

Article 97.

All Panamanians of either sex who have attained twenty-one years of age are citizens.

Article 98.

Citizenship includes the right to vote and to be elected to public positions which are filled by popular election, and the capacity to hold official positions with power and jurisdiction

Article 112.

A Deputy to the National Assembly must be an active citizen and have attained twenty-five years of age.

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PARAGUAY - Constitution of 10 July 1940

Article 39,

All citizens have the duty of suffrage on attaining the age of eighteen years •••

Article 68,

A Representative or his substitute must have attained twenty-five years of age and be a native-born citizen. NOTE: According to the report of the Inter-American Commission of Women to the thirteenth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, 1959 (E/CN.6/349, page 15) vo~eb in Paraguay do not have the right to vote.

PERU - Constitution of Peru of 9 April 1933, as amended by Act No. 12391 promulgated on 7 September 1955

Article 84.

All Peruvian men and women who have reached the age of majority, married persons who have attained eighteen years of age and those who have been emancipated are citizens.

Article 86.

Citizens who know how to read and write have the right to vote,

Article 98.

To be a deputy it is necessary to be a Peruvian by birth, to enjoy the right of suffrage, to have completed twenty-five years of age and to be a native of the department to which the electoral circumscription belongs or to have had in it three years continuous residence. To be a Senator it is necessary to be a Peruvian by birth, to enjoy the right of suffrage, and to have completed thirty-five years of age.

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PHILIPPINES - Republic Act No. 180 of 21 June 1947

Article 98.

Every citizen of the Philippines, whether male or female, twenty-one years of age or over, able to read and write, who has been a resident of the Philippines for one year and of the municipality in which he has registered during the six months immediately preceding, who is not otherwise disqualified, may vote in the said precinct at any election.

Constitution of 1935

Article 6.

Section 4.

No person shall be a Senator unless he be a natural-born citizen of the Fhillipines and, at the time of his election, is at least thirty-five years of age, a qualified elector, and a resident of the Philippines for not less than two years immediately prior to his election.

Section 7.

No person shall be a member of the House of Representatives unless he be a natural-born citizen of the Philippines and, at the time of his election, is at least twenty-five years of age, a qualified elector, and a resident of the province in which he is chosen for not less than one year immediately prior to his election.

POLAND - Electoral Law of 24 October 1956

Chapter I.

Article 1 (1).

The elections shall be universal: every Polish citizen, eighteen years of age on the day of the elections, without regard to sex, national and racial appurtenance, creed, education, time of residence in the voting district, social extraction, profession and material circumstances shall have the right to vote. ; ...

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Article 3.

Everyone who has the right to vote is eligible for election if he is twenty-one years of age.

PORTUGAL - Zlectoral Act· No. 2. 015 of 28 May 1946

Article 1.

The following persons shall be entitled to vote in elections for the President of the Republic and the National Assembly: 1. Male Portuguese citizens who have attained their majority or have been emancipated and can read and write Portuguese; 2. Male Portuguese citizens who have attained their majority or have been emancipated, and who, although they cannot read or write, contribute to the State and administrative bodies a sum of not less than 100 escudos in payment of any of the following taxes: property tax, industrial tax, professional tax or tax on the use of capital; ), Female Portuguese citizens who have attained their majority or have been emancipated, possessing the following minimum ~ualifications: (a) general secondary school course; (b) elementary teaching course; (c) courses at schools of fine arts; (d) courses at the National Conservatory or the Oporto Conservatory of Music; (e) courses at industrial or commercial institutes; 4. Female Portuguese citizens who have attained their majority or have been emancipated and who, being heads of families, possess the ~ualifications prescribed in paragraphs 1 and 2 above; 5. Female Portuguese citizens who are married and can read and write Port~guese and pay a sum of not less than 200 escudos property tax on singly or jointly-owned property.

Legislative Decree No. 37.570 of 3 October 1949

Article 7.

Portuguese citizens who are duly registered as voters, can read and write and are not dis~ualified on any of the.grounds enumerated in the following article may be elected members of the National Assembly,

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ROMANIA - Constitution of 25 September 1952, as amended

Article 94.

All working people, citizens of the Romanian People 1 s Republic, who have reached the age of eighteen, irrespective of race or nationality, sex, religion, education, profession or domicile, have the right to vote in the election of deputies, with the exception of in.sane persons, of persons who have been sentenced by a court of law to deprivation of electoral rights, and of persons declared unworthy by law. Any working person, citizen of the Romanian People's Republic, who has reached the age of twenty-three and who has the right to vote, is eligible for election to the Grand National Assembly.

Article 96.

Women have the right to elect and be elected to the Grand National Assembly and the People's Councils on equal terms with men.

SAN MARINO - Electoral Law of 23 December 1958

Article l.

All citizens of San Marino of full age, including naturalized citizens, are entitled to vote, provided that they are not disqualified in accordance with the provisions of article 2.

Article 2.

The following persons shall be disqualified from voting: (a) Persons placed under legal disabilities or incapacitated by reason of infirmity of mind; (b) Persons permanently or temporarily deprived of full legal capacity by sentence of a court or sentenced to criminal penalties for corrupt electoral practices or offences; (c) Persons permanently or temporarily deprived of political rights by sentence of a court.

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Article 4.

The electoral lists, of which there shall be one for each section, shall be compiled officially, in duplicate, men and women being listed separately in alphabetical order and the following particulars being given for each voter: (a) Name and surname and, in the case of married women or widows, husband's surname; (b) Names of mother and father; (c) Place and date of birth; (d) Academic qualifications; (c) Frofession or trade; (f) Place <~here the voter is liYiJOg and, if the vcter resides abroad, State and place of residence and address abroad;

Article 18.

In addition to the general qualifications for voters set out in articles 1 and 2, all persons seeking election must: (a) Be able to read and write; (b) Have completed twenty-five years of age on the day of the elections; (c) Not hold church office; (d) Be domiciled in the Republic; (e) Be of the male sex. NOTE: Article 59 provides that the extension of voting rights to women shall be confirmed by subsequent legislation before 30 April 1959. On 29 April 1959 a law was passed by the Grand Council of the Republic, confirming the extension of voting rights to women and providing that these rights should become effective in 1960.


NOTE: According to article 28 of the Constitution of 1926, "a council shall be organized in the capital under the name of Advisory Council. This should consist of the /,gent-General, his advisers and six notables. The latter must be able and competent pt:.c ~ems, and shall be nominated by His Majesty the King".


NOTE: The National Legislative Assembly (Cortes) is composed of certain ex officio members and of members elected by the national syndicates, by the provincial assemblies, by the royal academies, by the Higher Council of Scientific Research, and by various professional associations. ; ... A/4159 English Pqe~

Act of 17 July 1942 creating the Spanish Cortes as amended by Act of 9 March 194b

Article 3.

To be a member of the Cortes, the following qualifications are required: (1) To be a Spanish citizen and of age; (2) To enjoy full civil rights and not to be under civil. and public inhabilitation consequent to penal sentence.

Decree of 30 September 1948 concerning Rules for Municipal Elections

Article 4.

The following persons shall be electors: (1) For the election of that third of the Council consisting of family representatives, every Spanish citizen, whether male or female, who is resident in the municipal district and has attained twenty-one years of age, or has attained eighteen years of age and is sui juris, and is entered on the electoral roll of heads of families; (2) For the election of that third of the Council consisting of trade union representatives, any Spanish citizen of either sex who is resident in the municipal district and has attained twenty-one years of age, or has attained eighteen years of age and is sui juris, and who, being affiliated with the trade-union organization through direct membership in one of its units established in the municipal district, has been appointed as a delegate for the purpose of such election. (3) For the election of that third of the Council consisting of representatives, of economic, cultural or professional bodies, any person resident in the municipal district who has the qualifications of a councillor elected by the two preceding groups.

Article 7.

Any person shall be eligible for the post of councillor who is a Spanish citizen, whether male or female, is resident in the municipal district, has attained twenty-three years of age, is sble to read and write and has, in addition to these general qualifications, the special qualifications required for one of the following groups of representatives. To be eligible as a family representative, a person must without exception have the status of head of a family. / ... A/4159 English Page 49

To be eligible as a trade-unio~ representative, a person must without exception be affiliated with the trade-union organization through direct membership in one of its units established in the municipal district. To be eligible as a representative of economi,c, cultural or professional bodies established in the municipal district, a person must be a member of such a body, but if, in the absence of any such body in the district, this group must be represented by persons who are not members of such a body, it shall be sufficient if they enjoy prestige in the locality.

Article 9.

The office of councillor shall be obligatory and unremunerated. The office shall not, however, be obligatory for ••• women, •••

SUDA~O/ - Transitional Constitution of 1 January 1956

Article 46.

(1) Sudanese who are not less than forty years of age shall be eligible for membership of the Senate. Provided that Sudanese standing for Southern constituencies shall be eligible if not less than thirty years of age. (2) Sudanese who are not less than thirty years of age shall be eligible for membership of the House of Representatives.

Parliamentary Elections Act of 29 June 1957 (No. 23)

Article 5.

A person shall be ~ualified to vote in a constituency for the House of Representatives if he: (i) is a Sudanese, and (ii) is a male, and (iii) is not less than twenty-one years of age, and (iv) is of sound mind, and (v) has been ordinarily resident in the constituency for a period of not less than six months immediately before the closing of the electoral roll.

~ General elections were held in the Sudan from 27 February to 8 March 1958. The five seats reserved in the former House of Representatives for Graduates' reprcEcLtatives were abolished; these were the only cnec for which women were allowed to vote according to the Self-Government Statute of 21 ~srch 1953. On 17 November 1958 the Transitional Ccnstitution was suspended. / ••• ------~

A/4159 English Page 50

Article 7.

A person shall be qualified to vote in a constituency for the Senate if he: (i) is a Sudanese, and (ii) is a male, and (iii) is not less than thirty years of age, and (iv) is of sound mind, and (v) has been ordinarily resident in the constituency for a period of not less than six months, immediately before the closing of the electoral roll.

Article ll.

(l) Any person who is qualified under the law for the time being in force to be elected as a member of either House of Parliament for a constituency, and who is willing to stand, may be nominated as a candidate for that constituency.

Parliamentary Elections Rules 1957 Part... I 3. "Act" means the Parliamentary Elections Act 1957 "Candidate" in relation to elections shall include a 1mman candidate.

Sv/EDEN - Riksdag Organic Act of 22 June 1866, as amended

Article 16.

Every Swedish citizen irrespective of sex shall have the right to vote provided that he attained the age of twenty-one years during or before the calendar year last preceding.

Article 9.

A man or woiTsn shall not be entitled to be elected a member of the First Chamber unless he or she has attained the age of thirty-five years and is entitled to vote on public matters in the commune.

Article 19.

A man or woman shall not be entitled to be elected a member of the Second Chamber unless he or she has attained the age of twenty-five years and is entitled A/4159 English Page 51 to vote in a constituency or, in the case of a city consisting of more than one constituency, in one of several constituencies.

SHITZERLAND - Federal Constitution of 29 ll.ay 1874

Article 74.

Every S<~iss <1ho has reached the age of b;enty years and <1ho is not excluded from the rights of active citizenship by the legislation of the canton in which he is domiciled has the right to take part in elections and referenda.

Article 75·

Every lay S<~iss citizen entitled to vote is eligible for membership in the National Council. NOTE: S<1iss women do not have the right to vote or to be elected, with the exception of the women of the Canton of Vaud, <1ho may vote and are eligible for election in municipal and cantonal elections and may be elected as CounsellOrs of State as a result of an amendment of the Constitution of the Canton of Vaud which <~as approved by those entitled to vote in the Canton on 1 February 1959. Women may also vote and are eligible for election in municipal elections in certain municipalities of other Cantons.

Article 23 of the Constitution of the Canton of Vaud of 1 March 1885, as amended, reads as follows:

All Swiss men and women who have completed their t<~enty-fifth year, have been established or residing in the Canton for three months and 1


NOTE: The Constitution of Tnailand of 10 December 1932 (as amended up to and including 12 March 1952) was abrogated on 20 October 1958, and until the enactment of a new constitution electoral rights of both men and women are temporarily suspended. Under an interim Constitution of 28 January 1959 a Constituent f'ssembly has been set up for the purpose of drafting the new I ... A/4159 English Page 52

Constitution. Members of the Constituent Assembly are appointed by the King and may be men or women. (Information supplied by the Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United Nations.)

11/ TUNISIA-- - Decree concerning the election to the Constituent National Assembly of 6 January 1956 (22 Jomada I 1375)

Title I - The Electorate

Article 2.

Subject to the exceptions set out below, every male Tunisian who has attained the age of twenty-one years (reckoned according to the Gregorian calendar) living in Tunisia on the date of closure of the final registers of voters shall be entitled to vote.

Title II - Right to be elected

Article 11.

Any voter who can read and write and who has attained the age of thirty (reckoned according to the Gregorian calendar) may stand for election anywhere in the Kingdom, •••

Decree of 14 March 1957 (12 Shaban 1376) constituting municipal law Municipal Councils Constitution of municipal councils

Article 6,

Municipal councillors shall be elected by universal direct suffrage.

Article 7.

Subject to the disabilities prescribed by law, all Tunisians of either sex who have attained the age of twenty years (reckoned according to the Gregorian calendar) shall be entitled to vote if they fulfil either of the two following

The first municipal elections in Tunisia since the ~ttainment.of in~e~en~ence took place on 5 May 1958. The elections were the flrst held ln Tunlsla ln which women enjoyed the right to vote and to be elected. ; ••• A/4159 English Page 53 conditions: (1) That they are genuinely domiciled in the commune or have dwelt there for at least two years; that period, however, is not required of persons whose place of residence is determined by their functions, (2) That, in the year of the election, they have paid for three consecutive years rates or taxes on property situated or on activity exercised within the territory of the commune and, if they do not reside in the commune, that they have made a declaration that they wish to exercise their electoral rights there.

Article 16.

Electors of either sex who have attained the age of twenty-five years (reckoned according to the Gregorian calendar) are eligible for election to the municipal council, subject to the restrictions contained in the following articles.

TURKEY - Constitution of 10 January 1945

Article 10.

Every Turk, man or woman, who has attained twenty-two years of age, has the right to vote in the elections of Turkish deputies.

Article 11.

Every Turk, man or woman, who has attained thirty years of age is eligible for election as deputy.

UKRAINIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC - Constitution of 30 January 1937

Article 115.

Elections of deputies are universal: all citizens of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic who have reached the age of eighteen, irrespective of race, or nationality, sex, religion, educational or residential qualifications, social origin, property status or past activities, have the right to vote in the election of deputies and to be elected with the exception of insane persons and persons who have been convicted by a court of law and whose sentences include deprivation of electoral rights. A/4159 English Page 54

Every citizen of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic who has reached the age of twenty-one, irrespective of race, or nationality, sex, religion, educational or residential qualifications, social origin, property status or past activities may be elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Article 117.

Women have the right to elect and be elected on equal terms with men.

UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA - Electoral Consolidation Act, 1946

Section 3.

Every white person who is a Union national, is of or over the age of twenty­ one years .•• shall, on compliance with the provisions of the Act, be entitled to be registered as a voter.

Section 174 (1).

A white woman shall not be disqualified by sex or marriage from being nominated, elected or from sitting or voting as a Senator or member of the House of Assembly or of a provincial council.

UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS - Constitution of 5 December 1936

Article 135.

Elections of deputies are universal: all citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Repubiics who have reached the age of eighteen, irrespective of race or nationality, sex, religion, education, domicile, social origin, property status or past activities, have the right to vote in the election of deputies, with the exception of insane persons and persons who have been convicted by a court of law and whose sentences include deprivation of electoral rights. Every citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics who has reached the age of twenty-three is eligible for election to the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, irrespective of race or nationality, sex, religion, education, domicile, social origin, property status or past activities.

L______A/4159 English Page 55

Article 137.

vlcmen have the right tc elect and to be elected on eg_ual terms with men.

12 UNITED ARAB REPUBLic / - Provisional Constitution of the United Arab Republic ~~~o~f~5~M~~~r~c~h~l~95~8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Article 7.

All citizens are eg_ual before the law. They are eg_ual in their rights and obligations, without distinction of race, origin, language, religion or creed.

Article 68.

All laws, decrees and regulations in force in each of the two regions of Egypt and Syria at the time this Constitution comes into effect shall remain valid within the regional spheres for which they were intended. These laws, decrees and regulations may, however, be abrogated or amended according to the procedure established in the present Constitution.13/ I

The United Arab Republic consists of two regions: Egypt and Syria (article 58 of the Provisional Constitution). 13/ The relevant provisions at present in force are the follmving: Region of Egypt - Constitution published 16 January 1956; came into operation 24JU:ne 195 Article 19. The State shall make it possible for women to reconcile their public activities with their family duties. Article 31. All Egyptians are eg_ual before the law. They have eg_ual rights and duties without distinction as to race, origin, language, religion or creed. Article 61. Every Egyptian has the right to vote as prescribed by law. Participation in public life is a patriotic duty. Article 67, The National Assembly shall be composed of members elected by secret ballot in public elections. The number of members, the g_ualifications of membership and the electoral procedure and provisions shall be determined by law. Act No. 73 of 3 March 1956 to organize the exercise of political rights Article 1. Every Egyptian man and woman who has attained the age of eighteen years (Gregorian) shall personally exercise the following political rights: (l) the right to vote in any referendum held in accordance with the Constitution; (2) the right to vote in any referendum held to elect the President of the Republic; (3) the right to elect the members of the National Assembly, The above-mentioned rights shall be exercised in the manner and under the conditions... prescribed in this Act • (footnote continued on following page) l A/4159 English Page 56

1l) (continued) Article 4. 'The name of every male person who is in enjoyment of his political rights and of every female person who personally applies for registration shall be entered in the electoral registers. Nevertheless, .persons who acquired Egyptian nationality by naturalization shall not be registered unless at least five years have elapsed since their naturalization. National Assembly Membership Act No. 246 of ll June 1956 Article 3. A candidate for election to the National Assembly shall (l) be an Egyptian national. If he acquired Egyptian nationality by naturalization, not less than ten years shall have been elapsed since his naturalization; (2) be listed in one of the electoral registers; (3) be able to read and write well; (4) not be less than thirty years of age (Gregorian) on the date of the election; (5) not be related to the dynasty that formerly ruled in Egypt. Region of Syria - Constitution of 5 September 1950 Article 38. Electors are Syrian men and women who have completed the eighteenth year of their age, who are listed in the civil census register and who have all other qualifications specified in the electoral law. Article 39. Any Syrian (Souri) may stand for election as a deputy if he qualifies as an elector, if he is educated, has completed his thirtieth year of age and has fulfilled all other conditions specified by the electoral law. Electoral Law No. 17 of 10 September 1949, as amended by Law No. 188 of 2 June 195 Article 7• Every Syrian, male or female, who has attained eighteen years of age at the beginning of January of the year of the elections, shall have the right to vote. Each person shall vote in the electoral district where he is listed in the census register, provided that he enjoys his civil and political rights and that he has not previously been deprived of his right to vote. Homen must have at least a certificate of primary education in order to be allowed to vote. Separate polling booths shall be established for women voters. Article 22, A candidate for parliament must fulfil the following conditions: (a) he must have been a Syrian national for the last ten years at least; (b) he must be a male elector listed in the electoral register; (c) he must have completed his thirtieth year of age at the beginning of January of the year of elections; (d) he must be able to read and write; (e) he must stand for election in one electoral district only.

j ... A/4159 English Page 57


Section l.

(1) The persons entitled to vote as electors at a parliamentary election in any constituency shall be those resident there on the qualifying date who, on that date and on the date of the poll, are of full age and not subject to any legal incapacity to vote and either British subjects or citizens of the Republic of Ireland.

Parliament (Qualification of Women) Act, 1918

1. A woman shall not be disqualified by sex or marriage for being elected to or sitting or voting as a member of the Commons House of Parliament.

Life Peerages Act, 1958

Section l.

(2) A peerage conferred under this section shall, during the life of the perscn on whom it is conferred, entitle him (a) ••• (b) ••. to receive writs of summons to attend the House of Lords and sit and vote therein accordingly, and shall expire on his death. (3) A life peerage may be conferred under this section on a woman. NOTE: Hereditary peeresses are not entitled to sit in the House of Lords.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Constitution of 1789 Nineteenth Amendment of 26 August 1920

The right of the citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Constitution of 1789

Article I

Section 2 (2). No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. / ... A/4159 English Page 58 Section 3 (3). No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

URUGUAY - Constitution of 26 October 1951

Article '77. 14 Every citizen / is part of the sovereignty of the nation; as such he is a voter and eligible for election in the cases and in accordance with the procedure vrhich will be set forth ...

Article 90.

To be a representative it is necessary to be a natural citizen in full exercise of civil rights, or a legal citizen who has exercised his civil rights for five years and, in both cases, to have attained twenty-five years of age._

Article 98.

To be a Senator it is necessary to be a natural citizen in full exercise of

civil rights, or a legal citizen ~

VENEZUELA -Electoral Statute - Decree No. ll8 of 18 April 1951

Article 6.

Venezuelans, of both sexes, over t~

Constitution of ll April 1953

Article 39.

The suffrage is a public function possessed by Venezuelans. Extension of the suffrage of foreigners is not precluded. The lmr shall determine the conditions and manner in ~

Citizens are defined in articles 73, 74, 75 and 76 of the Constitution and >~omen are included. on equal terms >~ith men. ; ... A/4159 English Page 59

Article 73.

A Deputy must be Venezuelan by birth and have attained twenty-one years of age.

Article 74.

A Senator must be Venezuelan by birth and have attained thirty years of age.

VIET-NAM - Constitution of the Republic of Viet-Nam, promulgated on 26 October 1956

Article 5.

All citizens, without any distinction based on sex, are born e~ual in dignity, rights and duties. Ihey shall act towards each other in a spirit of fraternity and solidarity.

Article 18.

In accordance

Article 19.

Every citizen has the right to hold public office, according to his abilities and on a basis of e~uality.

Article 30.

Ihe President of the Republic shall be elected by universal and direct suffrage with secret ballot, in an election in which all electors throughout the country may participate. The procedure of the presidential election shall be laid down by legislative provisions.

; ... A/4159 English Page 6o

Article 49.

The deputies shall be elected by universal and direct suffrage with secret ballot, according to the procedures and conditions prescribed by the electoral law.

Article 50.

A person shall be eligible to the National Assembly if he: (l) has possessed Viet-Namese nationality within the last five years, or recovered Viet-Namese nationality within the last three years; this three-year time limit shall not apply to persons who recovered Viet-Namese nationality before the date of the promulgation of the Constitution; (2) enjoys the rights of citizenship; (3) attained the age of twenty-five years before the date of the elections; (4) fulfils all the other conditions laid down in the electoral lm<.


NOTE: According to information received by the Secretariat, there are no electoral rights in Yemen.

YUGOSLAVIA - Constitution of 31 January 1946

Article 23.

All citizens, regardless of sex, nationality, race, creed, degree of education or place of residence, who are eighteen years of age have the right to elect and be elected to all organs of state authority. 15/

15/ This article was not affected by the provisions of the Fundamental Law of Yugoslavia of 13 January 1953. ; ... A/4159 English Page 61




Countries where women may vote in all elections and are eligible for election on an equal basis with men

( 71 countries)

Albania Czechoslovakia Indonesia Philippines Argentina Denmark Ireland Poland Australia Dominican Republic Israel Romania Austria Ecuado;!?/ Italy SpainV Belgium El Salvador Japan Sweden Bolivia Ethiopia.sf Korea, Republic of Thailand!/ Brazil~ Federation of laos Turkey Malaya Bulgaria Lebanon Ukrainian Soviet Finland Burma Liberia Socialist Republic France Byelorussian Soviet Luxembourg Union of South Africa Socialist Republic Germany, Federal Mexico Union of Soviet Cambodia Republic of Socialist Republics Nepal Canada Ghana United Kingdom of Netherlands Great Britain and Ceylon Greece New Zealand Northern Ireland Chile Guinea Nicaragua United States of China FE.i ti America Norway Colombia Honduras Uruguay Pakistan!Y Costa Rica Hungary Venezuela Panama Cuba Iceland Viet-Nam Peru India Yugoslavia

~ Voting is compulsory for all men and for women who are engaged in gainful occupations. £1 Voting is compulsory for men, optional for women. (Footnotes continued on following page) ; ... ------

A/4159 English Page 62

Footnotes to Table I (continued)

£1 Eritrea, an autonomous unit federated with Ethiopia under the sovereignty of the Ethiopian Crown, possesses legislative, executive and judicial powers in the field of domestic affairs. Under article 20 of the Eritrean Constitution of 1952 the franchise is limited to men. i/ The Constitution of 29 February 1956, establishing equal voting rights for men and women, was abrogated on 7 October 1958, and under the present transitional constitutional arrangements, electoral rights stand suspended pending the new constitution. ~ There are no general elections for the National Legislative Assembly. !/ The Constitution of Thailand of 10 December 1932, as amended, was abrogated on 20 October 1958. Electoral rights of both men and women are temporarily suspended.


Countries where the right to vote and/or the eligibility of women are sub,ject to restrictions not imposed on men

(4 countries)

Guatemala: Homen may vote in all elections and are eligible for election subject to the requirement of literacy which is not applicable to men. Portugal: Homen may vote in all elections and are eligible for

election subject to educational re~1irements not imposed on men or, when fulfilling the same tax qualifications as those prescribed for men, must be heads of families. San JV'.arino: Homen may vote in all elections but are not eligible for election. United Arab Republic Region of Egypt: Women who personally apply for registration may vote in all elections on an equal basis with men and their eligibility for election is subject to certain requirements not imposed on men, Region of Syria: Women rrBy vote in all elections subject to educational requirements not imposed on men, and are not eligible for election. ; ... A/4159 English Page 63


Countries where women may vote and be elected in local elections only

(2 countries)

Monaco: Homen may vote and be elected in municipal elections only,

Tunisia: Homen may vote and be elected in municipal elections only,


(a) Countries where women have voting rights but are not eligible for election San Vsrino

(b) Countries where women have no voting rights but are eligible for election Sudan (c) Countries where women bsve no voting rights and are not eligible for election

(10 countries)

Afgbsn,istan Liechtenstein Iran Paraguay Iraq Saudi Arabia!!!:./ Jordan Swi tzerland£1 Libya Yemen,Y

,Y No electoral rights for men or women. :!2./ Homen may vote and are eligible for election in cantonal elections in the Canton of Vaud and in municipal elections in tbst Canton and in certain municipalities of other Cantons, Homen in the Canton of Vaud may also now be elected as Counsellors of State.

/." A/4159 English Page 64


Countries in which action has been taken since 1945 (signature of the United Nations Charter) extending full or limited rights to women

(39 countries)

Albania: Constitution of 1946 Argentina: Act of 1947 Belgium: Act of 1948 Bolivia: Constitution of 1945 (municipal elections only); full rights by Presidential Decree of 21 July 1952 Bulgaria: Constitution of 1947 Burma: Constitution of 1947 Cambodia: Constitutional Amendment of 1956 Chile: Act of 1949 China: Constitution of 1947 Colombia: Constitutional Amendment of 25 August 1954 Costa Rica: Constitution of 1949 El Salvador: Electoral Act of 1946~ Ethiopia: Constitution of 1955 Federation of Valaya: Constitution of 23 August 1957 Ghana: Order in Council of 22 February 1957 Greece: Act of 7 June 1952 (for all popular elections) E) Guinea: Constitution of 10 November 1958 F.aiti: Constitution of 1950 (municipal elections) Act of 25 January 1957 (all popular elections) Honduras: Presidential Decree of 24 January 1955 Indonesia: Provisional Constitution of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia of I 1949 Israel: Election Ordinance of 1948 Japan: Constitution of 1946 Korea, Republic of Act of 1948 ; ... A/4159 English Page 65 laos: Revised Constitution of 1956 Lebanon: Legislative Decree of 4 November 1952 amending the Elections Act of 10 August 1950 £I Liberia: Constitutional Amendment of 1945 Mexico: Constitutional !Amendment of 1947 (municipal elections only); Constitutional Amendment of 1953 (all popular elections) Nepal: Act of 30 /.'.arch 1951 Nicaragua: Constitutional Amendment of 20 April 1955 Panama: Constitution of 1946 Peru: Constitutional Amendment of 18 August 1955 Romania: Electoral I.mr of 1946 San Marino: Electoral Law of 1958 Sudan: Transitional Constitution of l January 1956 Tunisia Decree of 14 ~hrch 1957 United Arab Republic Region of Egypt: Constitution of 1956Y Region of Syria: Legislative Decree of 1949~ Venezuela: Constitution of 1947 Viet-Nam: Constitution of 1956 Yugoslavia: Constitution of 1946

~ Subject to conditions not required for nen. Full voting rights granted to women by the Constitution of 1950. £/ Women were first granted the right to vote in 1925. It was restricted to municipal elections. £1 Full voting rights granted to women by amenilinent of 18 February 1953 to the Elections Act. Q/ The right to vote and eligibility for election were subject to certain requirements not imposed on men. ~ Subject to conditions not required for men. I ... A/4159 English Page 66


Dates on

Albania 1946 Argentina 1947 Australia 1902 Austria 1919 Belgium 1921 Bolivia 1952 Brazil 1932£/ Bulgaria 1947 Burma l935r;::./ Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic 1917 Cambodia 1956 Canada 1918 Ceylon 1931 Chile 1949 China 1947 Colombia 1951+ Costa Rica 1949 Cuba 1934 Czechoslovakia 1919 Denrrark 1915 Dominican Republic 1942 Ecuador 1929 El Salvador 19116 Ethiopia 1955 Federation of Valaya 1957 Finland 1906 France 1944~/ Germany, Federal Republic of 1919 Ghana 1957~ 1952 Greece I ... A/4159 English Page 67

Table VI (continued)

Guaterrala 1<:!45!1 Guinea 195ef!} F..ai ti 1957 Honduras 1955 Hungary 1920 Iceland 1915 India l935!Y Indonesia 1949 Ireland 1918 Israel 1948 Italy 1945 Japan 1946 Korea, Republic of 1948 laos 1956 Lebanon 1952 Liberia 1945 Luxembourg 1918 Mexico 1953 Nepal 1951 Netherlands 1917 New Zealand 1893 Nicaragua 1955 Non;ay 1913 Pakistan l935.u Panama 1946 Peru 1955 Philippines 1937 Poland 1919

Portugal l04Cj}-' 7 Rorv.ania 1946

San l~~rino l958!Y ; ... A/4159 English Page 68

Table VI (continued)

Spain 1931

S<~eden 1921 Thailand 1932 Turkey 1934 Utrainian Soviet Socialist Republic 1917 Union of South Africa 1930 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1917 United Arab Republic Region of Egypt Region of Syria United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1918

United States of P~erica 1920.!:1 Uruguay 1932 Venezuela 1947 Viet-Nam 1956 Yueoslavia 1946

Information relating to countries <~here the grant <~as not in the first instance on an equal footing with men or <~here grants of municipal franchise preceded the grant of franchise on a national scale can be found in table VII. In the State of Rio Grande do Norte, 1wmen had voting rights previous to 1932, Burma achieved independence in 1947; its Constitution of the same year provides for equal franchise for men and women, which had been previously also granted in the Government of Burw.a Act, 1935. Scme categories of women, however, bad voting rights since 1922. r::.l Decree of Provisional Government 1944; right subsequently confirmed in the 1946 Constitution, and in the 1958 Constitution.

(Footnotes continued on follm,ling page)

; ... A/4159 English Page 69

Footnotes to Table VI (continued)

::..1 Ghana, compr~s~ng the former Non-Self-Governing Territory of the Gold Coast and the former Trust Territory of Togoland under' United Kingdom administration, became an independent State on 6 March 1957. The Ghana (Constitution) Order in Council, 1957, provides for e~ual franchise for men and women which had already previously been granted in the Gold Coast under the Election (Lee;islative Assembly) Ordinance, 1950. In Togoland, the Togoland under United Kingdom Trusteeship (Plebiscite) Order in Council, 1955, provided for equal franchise for men and women in the plebiscite to be held under United Nations auspices in 1956 to determine whether Togoland should be united with the Gold Coast. u Subject to educational ~ualifications not applicable to men. gJ Guinea, comprising the former Non-Self-Governing Territory of French Guinea, became an independent State on 2 Octo'ber 1958 - Article 10 of the Law No. 56.619 of 23 June 1956 provided, inter alia, for the introduction of universal suffrage of both sexes. Between 1919 and 1935, by provincial legislation of seven of the provinces of India (>Thich at that time included India and Pakistan, subsequently in 1947 set up as two independent Dominions), certain categories of >!Omen in those provinces gained voting rights. In 1935, the Government of India Act provided a >Tider measure of enfranchisement. Under the present Constitution of India, e~ual voting rights are established. Between 1919 and 1935, by the provincial lee;islation of seven of the provinces of India (which at that time included India and Pakistan, subse~uently in 1947 set up as t>To independent Dominions), certain categories of women in those provinces gained voting rights. Under the Government of India Act, 1935, as adapted by Pakistan (Provisional Constitution) Order, 1947, voting rights in provincial elections were granted to certain categories of >!Omen. By Acts of 1951 and 1952, full right to vote and to be elected in provincial elections >Tas granted to women. The Constitution of 29 February 1956, establishing e~ual voting rights for men and women, >Tas abrogated on 7 October 1958, and under the present transitional constitutional arrangements, electoral rights stand suspended pending the new constitution. i/ Subject to special ~ualifications, not applicable to men (see table II). '!:.1 Electoral law of 23 December 1958; right subse~uently confirmed by law of 29 April 1959 >Thich provides for the right to become effective in 1960.

(Footnotes continued on follm

I ... A/4159 English Page 70

Footnotes to Table VI (continued)

1/ By virtue of the 19th Amendrr.ent to the federal Constitution adopted in 1920, women throughout the United States obtained e~ual voting rights in all elections, both federal and state. Previous to 1920, by reason of state laws, women already possessed these same rights in the following states: Alaslm (then a territory), 1913; Arizona, 1912; Arlmnsas, 1917; California, 1911; Colorado, 1894; Idal:::o, 1896; Illinois, 1913; Kansas, 1912; !;assachusetts, 1918; Michigan, 1918; Montana, 1914; Nebraslm, 1917; Nevada, 1914; New York, 1917; North lCakota, 1917; Oklahoma, l')l8; Oregon, 1912; Rhode Island, 1917; South rakota, 1918; Texas, l')l8; Utah, 1895; Hashington, 1910; Hyoming, 1869 as a Territory, 1890 as a state. Homen obtained e~ual voting rights


Cour~tries where wcmen rray vote on eqt_:;A.l terrr.s with men, but where suffrage grants originally involved limitations on the ground of sex

Homen were first granted the right to vote in the Province of Santa Fe in . • . . . • 1921 This right

The right to vote in all elections within the province was first granted to vromen in the Province of' San Juan in • • • •

The right to vote in all elections on e~ual terms with men. ;;as grant8d to vromen in •.•

I ... ~~/4159 English Page 71

Table VII (continued)

AUSTRALIA Horr.en were first granted the right to vote in state elections in the following states in the years indicated below:

South Australia • 1894 Hestern Australia 1899 New South Hales 1902 Taswania 1903 Queensland 1905 Victoria 1908

The right to vote in federal elections was granted in the CoiT~onwealth Constitution to persons who had the right to vote in state elections in • • • • . • • . • • • • • . . .

Universal suffrage in federal elections was granted in all states in • • • • • 1902

BELGIUM \iomen were first granted the right to vote in 1921 This right was restricted to municipal elections. '!!;./

'•/omen were granted the right to vote in national elections on equal terms with men in

BOLIVIA 1'/omen were first granted the right to vote in

~Chis right was restricted to municipal elections.

Homen were granted the right to vote in national elections on equal terms with men in 1952

CANADA Homen were first granted the right to vote in provincial elections in the Provinces of Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan in . . . Homen were first granted the right to vote in Dominion elections in ...... • • 1917

This right was temporarily granted to 'dOJr.en in active military service and to certain female relatives of men in such service.

I ... A/4159 English Page 72

Table VII (continued)

CANADA (continued) Federal franchise was granted to women in all provinces in ....•... 1918

The right to vote in provincial elections was granted to women in the other provinces as follows:

Nova Scotia . . . .. • • . 1918 llew Brunswick and Ontario 1919 British Columbia .• 1920 Prince Edward Island 1922 Nevfoundland pj 1925 Quecec • • 1940 CEYLON Homen were first granted the right to vote in 1931 but the age requirement was higher than that for men. The age requirement was rrade equal for men and women in . • • . 1934

CHIL;<; Horoen were first granted the right to vote in ...... 1931 This right was restricted to municipal elections and to women of' twenty-five years of age who could read and v1ri te and either owned real estate in the municipality for which they were paying taxes; or exercised independently a professional, industrial or corr~ercial activity under a municipal licence and paid taxes of not less than 60 pesos annually.

Harren were granted the right to vote in municiral elections on equal terms with men in ...... 1934

Homen were granted the right to vote in national elections on equal terms >dth men in

EL SALVADOR Homen were first granted the right to vote in

This right applied to all elections but women were subject to higher age (twenty-five years as against eighteen for men) and educational requirements (third school grade) than men.

Homen were granted the right to vote in all elections on egual terms with men in .••• 1950 I ... A/4159 English Page 73

Table VII (continued)

GR~ECE Homen were first granted the right to vote in • 1925 This right was restricted to municipal elections and women were subjected to higher age requirements than men (thirty years as against twenty-one for men).

Voting age for women >laS reduced to twenty- five years in • • • • . • • • 1949

\Jomen were granted equal rights with men to participate in all elections in 1952

HAITI \/omen were granted the right to vote in • 1950

'rhis right >laS restricted to r1unici pal elections. Homen were granted the right to vote in all elections on equal terms with men in •• ...... 1957

HUNGARY Homen were first granted the right to vote in 1920

This right applied to all elections but women were subject to higher age requirements (twenty-four years for women as against twenty-one for men).

Voting age was increased to twenty-four years for men and thirty years for women, except for university graduates who could vote at twenty- four, in ...... 1925 T·he right to vote was restricted still further in • . . • • . • . • • • • • . • • • • • , 1938 It was then limited to >>'Omen who had at least six years of schooling and were either self­ supporting or were wives or widows of qualified voters. Homen with at least three living children, who were wives or widmlS of qualified voters were entitled to vote if they were literate. Homen graduates of secondary schools could vote automatically at the age of twenty- six and women university graduates and professional women were entitled to vote on equal terms with men.

\>/omen were granted equal political rights with men in ...... A/4159 English Page 74

Table VII (continued)

ICELAND The right to vote was first granted to women in • ...... This right was restricted to municipal elections.

The right to vote in national elections was granted to women in . • • • • • • • • • • • 1915

IR.i';lAND The right to vote was first granted to women ln ...... 1918 Ireland ''as then part of the United Kingdom and women were subject to higher age requirements than men.

Homen were granted the right to vote on equal terms with men in 1922

MEXICO ~}omen were first granted the right to vote in the following States as follows:

San Luis Potosi£/ and Yucatan in 1923 Chiapas in .•• 1926 Guanajuato in ••••• , •• 1936 In this State, the right was restricted to women who were self-supporting or had a business or profession. Pucbla in • • • • 1939 Homen were granted the right to vote in municipal electiens on equal terms '"i th men in . . . .

Homen were granted the right to vote in all elections on equal terms with men in 1953 NORHAY Homen were first granted the right to vote in

This right .vas restricted to municipal elections and limited to .vomen who paid taxes of an income of at least 300 cro.vns in rural districts and 400 in the cities or .vhose husbands paid the required amount.

The right to vote in national elections was granted to wcmen .vho had che right to vote in municipal elections in , • , • • • , • • • , • 1907 / ... A/4159 English Page 75

Table VII (continued)

NORTtiAY (continued) Homen were granted equal municipal voting rights with men in • • • • • 1910

Homen were granted equal national voting rights with men in • • . • • . 1913

PERU Homen were granted the right to vote in 1933

This right was limited to municipal elections. Homen were granted the right to vote in all elections on equal terms with men in •• -.- 1955

ROHAIUA Homen were first granted the right to vote in 1929

This right was limited to municipal elections.

Homen were granted equal rights with men to vote in all elections in • • 1946

Homen were first granted the right to vote in 1863

This right was restricted to municipal elections and limited to unmarried women who paid a certain amount of taxes.

The right to vote in municipal elections was extended to ~~rried women on the same conditions as unmarried wo~en in ...... Equal voting rights with men iP municipal elections were granted to ,; omen in • • . . . . 1918 Equal voting rights with men in all elections were granted to women in • • . • 1919

TUilKEY 'vlomen were first granted the right to vote in 1930

This right was limited to municipal elections.

Homen were granted the right to vote in all elections in • • • • • • • • • . . 1934

; ... A/4159 English Page 76

Table VII (continued)

UNITED KINGDOM OF Homen were first granted the right to vote in • 1918 GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND This right was applicable to all elections but women were subject to higher age requirements than men.

Women were granted equal political rights with men in •...... 1928 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Wczr.en were first granted the right to vote in the terri tory of Wyoming in • . . • . 1869 This right was restricted to territorial elections only.

'r/omen were granted equal rights with men to participate in all elections, both federal and state, in Hyoming, in • • • • • • • • • • 1890

Equal right to vote was granted to women in 21 additional states and the territory of Alaska before 1920, when this right was assured women in all states by federal action (see footnote j to table VI). ~'hese grants were as follows: Colorado • 1894 Utah •• • 1895 Idaho 1896 Hashing ton 1910 California 1911 Arizona 1912 Kansas 1912 Oregon ••...... 1912 ll~aska (then a terri tory) 1913 Illinois 1913 Montana 1914 Nevada • 1914 Arkansas 1917 Nebraska 1917 New York 1917 North rakota 1917 Rhode Island • 1917 iY'Bssachusetts 1918 Michigan •• 1918 Oklaho!ta •• • 1918 South rakota 1918 Texas • • 1918 Footnotes on following page. I ... A/4159 English Page 77

Footnotes to Table VII

'!!:./ Vlidows or widowed mothers of soldiers or civilians killed in action or by the enemy during the First Horld War as well as women imprisoned for patriotic reasons during the same war, have been entitled to vote in national elections since 1921. E._/ Newfoundland was a Non-Self-Governing Territory under the United Kingdom until 1948, when it became a province of the Dominion of Canada. Up to that time women had been subject to a higher age limit than men when exercising the right to vote. S:.l ~/omen's voting rights were revoked in 1926 in San Luis Potosi.

I ... A/4159 English Page 78


Countries which have signed, ratified or acceded to the Convention on the Political Rights of vlomen as of 25 June 1959 i!}

Date of deposit Date of deposit Date of of instrument of instrument Country signature of ratification of accession

Albania 12 Hay 1955 Argentina 31 March 1953 Bolivia 9 April 1953 Brazil 20 Hay 1953 Bulgaria 17 Harch 1954 Burma 14 September 1954 Byelorussian ,soviet 3ocialist Republic 31 March 1953 ll August 1954 Canada 31 January 1957 Chile 31 March 1953 China 9 June 1953 21 December 1953 Costa Rica 31 March 1953 Cuba 31 Harch 1953 8 April 1954 Czechoslovakia 31 Harch 1953 6 April 1955 Denmark 29 October 1953 7 July 1954 Dominican Republic 31 March 1953 ll December 1953 Ecuador 31 March 1953 23 April 1954 El Salvador 24 June 1953 Ethiopia 31 March 1953 Finland 6 October 1958 France 31 March 1953 22 April 1957 Greece l April 1953 29 December 1953 Guatemala 31 March 1953 Haiti 23 July 1957 12 February 1958 Hungary 2 September 1954 20 January 1955 Iceland 25 November 1953 30 June 1954 India 29 April 1953 I

A/4159 English Page 79 Table VIII (continued)

Date of deposit Date of deposit Date of of instrument of instrument Country signature of ratification of accession

Indonesia 31 March 1953 16 December 1958 Israel 14 April 1953 6 July 1954 Japan l April 1955 13 July 1955 Korea, Republic of 23 June 1959 Lebanon 24 February 1954 5 June 1956 Liberia 9 December 1953 Mexico 31 March 1953 Nicaragua 17 January 1957 Norway 18 September 1953 24 August 1956 Pakistan 18 May 1954 7 December 1954 Paraguay 16 November 1953 Philippines 23 September 1953 12 September 1957 Poland 31 March 1953 ll August 1954 Romania 27 April 1954 6 August 1954 2weden 6 October 1953 31 March 1954 Thailand 5 March 1954 30 November 1954 Turkey 12 January 1954 Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic 31 March 1953 15 November 1954 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 31 March 1953 3 May 1954 Uruguay 26 May 1953 Yugoslavia 31 March 1953 23 June 1954

Reservations to the Convention on the Political Rights of Women and objections to the reservations are contained in Annex I to the present report.

; ... A/4159 English Annex I Page 1 ANNEX I

Reservations to the Convention on Political Rights of Vlomen and Ob,iections to the Reservations

General Reservations

Canada "Inasmuch as under the Canadian constitutional system legislative jurisdiction in respect of political rights is divided between the provinces and the Federal Government, the Government of Canada is obliged, in acceding to this Convention, to make a reservation in respect of right within the legislative jurisdiction of the province." Ob,iections to this reservation None. France "The French Government, having regard to the religious custcms and traditions existing in certain territories, reserves the right to postpone the application of this Convention in respect of women living in those territories who invoke such customs and traditions." Ob,jections to this reservation Pakistan. Mexico "It is expressly understood that the Government of Mexico will not deposit its instrument of ratification pending the entry into force of the amendment to the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States which is now under consideration, providing that citizenship rights shall be granted to Mexican women." Ob,jections to this reservation None.

Reservations to Article I

Ecuador "The Government of Ecuador signs this Convention subject to a reservation with respect to the last phrase in article I, 'without any discrimination' since article 22 of the Political Constitution of the Republic specifies that 'a vote in popular elections is obligatory for a man and optional for a \-reman t. '' Ob,i ect ions to this reservation None.

I ... A/4159 English Annex I Page 2

Reservations to Article III

Denmark "Subject to a reservation with respect to article III of the Convention, in so far as it relates to the right of women to hold military appointments or to act as heads of recruitment services or to serve on recruitment boards." Objections to this reservation None. Finland The instrument of accession contains the folloving reservation vith respect to article III of the Convention: "A decree may be issued to the effect that only men or women can be appointed to certain functions, which because of their nature, can be properly discharged either only by men or by vomen." Ob,iections to this reservation None. India "Article III of the Convention shall have no application as regards recruitment to and conditions of service in any of the armed forces of India or the forces charged with the maintenance of public order in India." Ob,iections to this reservation None. Pakistan "Article III of the Convention shall have no application as regards recruitment to and conditions of services charged vith the maintenance of public order or unsuited to >-ramen because of the hazards involved." Ob,jections to this reservation None.

Reservations to Article VII

Albania "The People 1 s Republic of Albania declares its disagreement with the last sentence of article VII and considers that the juridical effect of a reservation is to make the Convention operative as bet>·Teen the State making the reservation and all other States parties to the Convention, with the exception only of that part thereof to "hich the reservation relates." Ob,jections to this reservation Canada China Denmark Ethiopia Israel Pakistan Philippines Sweden ; ... A/4159 English Annex I Page 3

Bulgaria Reservation is the same as that of Albania Ob,jections to this reservation Canada China Denmark Norway Pakistan Sweden Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic Reservation is the same as that of Albania Ob,jections to this reservation Canada China Denmark Ethiopia Israel Pakistan :ewe den Czechoslovakia Reservation is the same as that of Albania Objections to this reservation Canada China Denmark Ethiopia Pakistan S•o'eden Hungary Reservation is the same as that of Albania Ob,jections to this reservation Canada China Denmark Ethiopia Israel Pakistan Sweden Indonesia " ... the last sentence of article VII ••• does not apply to Indonesia." Ob,jections to this reservation None. A/4159 English Annex I Page 4

Poland Reservation is the same as that of Albania Ob,jections to this reservation Canada China Denmark Ethiopia Israel Pakistan Sweden Romania Reservation is the same as that of Albania Ob,jections to this reservation Canada China Denmark Ethiopia Israel Nonray Pakistan Philippines Sweden Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic Reservation is the same as that of Albania Ob,jections to this reservation Canada China Denmark Ethiopia Pakistan Sweden USSR Reservation is the same as that of Albania Ob,iections to this reservation Canada China Denmark Dominican Republic Ethiopia Israel Pakistan Sweden

! ... A/4159 English Annex I Page 5

Reservations to Article IX

Albania "The People 1 s Republic of Albania does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article IX which provides that disputes between Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention shall at the request of any one of the parties to the dispute be referred to the International Court of Justice for decision, and declares that for any dispute to be referred to the International Court of Justice for decision the agreement of all the parties to the dispute shall be necessary in each individual case." Objections to this reservation China Denmark Ethiopia Pakistan Philippines Sweden Argentina "With reservations with respect to article IX." Objections to this reservation Pakistan Sweden Bulgaria Reservation is the same as that of Albania Objections to this reservation China Denmark Norway Pakistan Sweden Byelorussian SSR Reservation is the same as that of Albania Ob,iections to this reservation China Denmark Ethiopia Pakistan Sweden Czechoslovakia Reservation is the same as that of Albania. Ob,iections to this reservation China Denmark Ethiopia Pakistan Sweden I ... A/4159 English Annex I Page 6

Guatemala "Hith reservations with respect to article IX of the Convention, which will apply, in accordance with the Political Constitution of Guatemala, to women of Guatemalan citizenship." Ob,iections to this reservation Pakistan &

Ob,~jections to this reservation China Demnark Ethiopia Pakistan Sweden Indonesia II ... the whole article IX does not apply to Indonesia". Objections to this reservation None. Poland Reservation is the same as that of Albania Ob,jections to this reservation China Demnark Ethiopia Pakistan &

Ukrainian SSR Reservation is the same as that of Albania Objections to this reservation China Denmark Ethiopia Pakistan &

JSSR Reservation is the same as that of Albania Objections to this reservation China Denmark Dominican Republic Ethiopia Pakistan Sweden

; ... A/4159 English Annex II Page 1 ANNEX II

Information on on countries, non-members of the United Nations or the specialized agencies or non-parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice

Operative paragraph 2 of Economic and Social Council resolution 587 B (XX) invited the Secretary-General to include in an annex to his annual memorandum on progress achieved in the field of political rights for women pertinent information available to him on countries non-members of the United Nations or the specialized agencies or non-parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice. These countries are Eastern Germany and the Mongolian People's Republic. In both these countries women may vote in all elections on the same conditions as men. The text of the relevant provisions follows:

Eastern Germany - Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Germany of 30 March 1949 Article 7. Men and women have equal rights. All laws and provisions contrary to women 1 s equality of rights are repealed. Article 52. All citizens >rho have completed their eighteenth year are entitled to vote. All citizens >rho have completed their twenty-first year are eligible for election.

Mon~olian People's Republic - Constitution of 30 June 1940, as amended

Article 81. Elections of deputies are universal: all citizens of the People's Republic of Mongolia >fho have reached the age of eighteen years may participate in the elections and be elected, irrespective of sex, race, national origin, religion, education, property status, social origin, and irrespective of whether they are ncmads or permanently settled, '-lith the exception of persons convicted by a court >fith deprivation of electoral rights and persons declared to be insane by due process of law. Article 83. Homen have the full right to elect and to be elected on equal terms with men.