SOUTHEASTERN ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE N E W S L E T T E R Volume 52, Number 2 October 2010 Edited by Phillip Hodge, Office of Social and Cultural Resources, TN-DOT 505 Deaderick Street, Suite 900, Nashville, TN 37243 (
[email protected]) SEAC 2010, Lexington, Kentucky Inside This Issue: The 2010 SEAC meeting is almost upon us! The prelimi- nary program can be found in this issue starting on page four. A Letter from SEAC President A searchable PDF version is available on the SEAC website. David G. Anderson 2 The 2010 program will be one of the largest SEAC gatherings in recent memory. There are 368 scheduled papers and post- ers consisting of 17 symposia and 18 general sessions, includ- SEAC 2010 Meeting ing four poster sessions. Five symposia are all day affairs with Information 3 morning and afternoon sessions. In addition, there is an open panel discussion on the role of Tribal consultation in Ken- tucky archaeology, an open forum on public archaeology, and a student workshop on integrating subdisciplinary research. SEAC 2010 Preliminary Special events include a Student Affairs reception, a general Program 4 reception with hors d’oeuvres at Victorian Square, Great Spirits of SEAC, the SEAC business meeting, and the dance Friday night featuring the Sensations Dance Band. Saturday News and Current Research 14 afternoon there are three different tours to regional archaeo- logical and historical sites, including Adena mounds and earth- works, Shakertown and Camp Nelson, and the historic Bour- SEAC Public Outreach 2011 bon Trail. The tours will conclude with a catered dinner and Grant Cycle 16 reception at the Bodley-Bullock House in downtown Lexing- ton.