Anna M. Cienciala. April 2011. Prefatory Note to Poland and the Western Powers 1938- 1939. the Book – Printed in England
Anna M. Cienciala. April 2011. Prefatory Note to Poland and the Western Powers 1938‐ 1939. The book – printed in England and Canada, so with English spelling ‐‐ is a revised version of my Ph.D. dissertation based on Polish archival, diplomatic documents, also on archival and published western diplomatic documents available at the time. After March 1939 (British guarantee of Polish independence), the Epilogue carries the story up to the German and Soviet attacks on Poland in September 1939. A more detailed account, based on archival and published sources available since 1968, is given in the article “Poland in British and French Policy in 1939: determination to fight – or avoid war?” (The Polish Review, vol. XXXIV, 1989, no.3; reprinted with minor abbreviations in Patrick Finney, ed., The Origins of the Second World War, London, New York, Sidney, Auckland, 1997, pp. 413‐432). There are some errors in the book, written without the benefit of Google and online sources, unavailable at the time. On page 1, note 1, instead of the text, lines 7‐8 on Roman Dmowski: “he spent the last years of his life in exile, returning to die in Poland,” should read: He spent the last two years of his life on his sickbed, dying on January 2, 1939. 1 On page 119, par. 1, line 9 from bottom, (Hitler suggesting Poland agree to ceding Germany a strip of land through the Polish Corridor for the German Autobahn [Highway] and railway line to East Prussia). I misread the letter m in the document; instead of: thirty miles wide, the text should read: thirty meters wide.
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