Patented May 31, 1887
(No Model.) 4. Sheets-Sheet 1. A. M. COYLE. METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR DISTILLING WATER. No. 364,199, Patented May 31, 1887. N. Peters, Photo-Lithographer, washington, D. c. (No Model.) 4. Sheets-Sheet 2. A. M. COYLE. METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR DISTILLING WATER, No. 364,199. Patented May 31, 1887. t g 4. I A. W T N E S S E S T NVENTO O6. a stattorn 44.7 6. N. PETERs, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D.C. (No Model.) 4. Sheets-Sheet 3. A., M. COYLE. METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR DISTILLING WATER, No. 364,199, Patented May 31, 1887, 7374 928) it losses -4. 2/ 62" ZZ %. 27. 44-4- 33 4a &letotic - M. PETERS. Photo-linographer. Washington, D.C. (No Model.) 4. Sheets-Sheet 4. A. M. COYLE, METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR DISTILLING WATER, No. 364,199, Patented May 31, 1887. o W------ tri------------ ...i.4.--------- --W 928i-tv coco 3-1-uovkov Z4.7%M S3 a <-totic(ázar ace), N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, d. c. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ANDREW M. COY LE, OF WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. METHOD OF AN APPARATUS FOR DISTING WATER. SPECIFICATION forming part of letters Patelet No. 354,199, dated May 31, 1887. 8 Application fied Decemb, r 7, 1 SSG. Serial No. 220,941. (No model.) To aid twil O7, it inct? concert. discharge pie is connected with the jacket Beit known that I, ANDREW M. Coy LE, of and carried up outside of the condenser and Washington, in the District of Columbia, have retort to the proper height to maintain the 55 invented certain new and useful Improvements desired water-level in the jacket, and also in in the Method of and Apparatus for Distilling the letort or distilling-drum, as is presently Water and other Fluids, of which the follow described.
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