A Handbook of Chemical Manipulation

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A Handbook of Chemical Manipulation Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol A handbook of chemical manipulation Williams, Charles Greville London, 1857 Index urn:nbn:at:at-ubi:2-3808 INDEX . Acid, acetic, 507 ; vapour density of, Acid, pyrogallic, 506 ; sublimation at various temperatures, 101; of, 246. as solvent, 113. pyromeconic, 506. amides, 505. ricinoleic, 526. anthranilic , 500. rosolic, 501 (note), apophyllic, 513. salicylic, 506. brunolic, 501 (note), succinic, production of, from campholic, 500. asparagine, 502. camphoric, 502. sulphuric, as solvent, 113; di¬ carbolic, 506 ; tested for, 275. stillation of, 226. carbonic, preparation of, 284 ; sulphurous, removed from for¬ collected by displacement, mic acid, 233 ; prepared, 293. 303 ; determined by weight, tantalic, 477. 344. trichloracetic, 507. chloracetic, 507. trinitrocresylic, 501. cholic, 508. trinitrophenic , 508. comenic, 506. valerianic, stoneware still for formic, preparation of, 233. distillation of, 234. gallic, 506. Acids, anhydrous , monobasic, 508 ; hippuric , 499. decomposition of, by metals, hvdriodic, action of, on silver, 509. 481. conjugated, 504. hydrochloric, as solvent, 113 ; derived from the animal king¬ preparation of, 229 ; (gas) dom, 498. prepared , 295. formed by treatment of organic hydrocyanic, stoneware still for substances with nitric acid, distillation of, 234. 501. hydrofluoric, as solvent, 113; ! general remarks on organic, 507; preparation of, 227. roduced by treating organic ilmenic, true nature of, 477. odies with oxidizing agents, lactic, 499 ; transformation of, 500 ; produced by destructive into butyric acid, 503. distillation, 505. malic, 497 ; conversion of, into solubility of metals in, 481 ; vo¬ succinic and acetic acids. lumetric determination of,266. 503. vegetable(fixed), examined, 496. meconic, 506. volatile, examined, 495. muriatic (gas), prepared, 295. Adapters, 218 ; used as condensers, nitric, as solvent, 113. 219 ; cooled, 221. nitrococcussic, 502. Adhesion of precipitates to places nitrophenic, 508. touched by stirring rod, • nitrous, prepared, 295. 128. phenic, 508. Agate mortar, 168; examined, 169. prussic, stoneware still for di¬ Agitation assists precipitation, 128. stillation of, 234. An.’, current of, sublimation in, 570 INDEX. 247 ; residual, in balloon de¬ Apparatus for precipitation, 135. termined , 100. for destructive distillation, 238- Air-pumps, 457. 240. Air-thermometer, GO. for electrolysis, 427. Alcohol, benzoic, 527. Argand gas-burner, 25. caprylic, 526. Arsenic, sublimation of, 248. melissic, 526. Asbestos filters, 149. precipitation by, 128; as solvent, Ash of filters estimated, 70. 116. Aspirator used for combustions, 345, Alcohols, 524. 397. homologous with phenol, 501 Assay balances, 78. (note), Athanor, 10. radicals of the, 534. Atomic weight of non-metallic bodies Aldehyde ammonia, 530. determined, 468 ; of metals, Aldehydes, 525. 486. formed on hydrogen type, 529. Azobenzole, 533. sources from which obtained,530. derivatives of, 530. Balance, 73. Alembic, 202, 211 ; iron, 238 ; stone¬ assay, 78 ; centre of gravity of, ware, 239 ; made in copper by 74 ; equality of arms of, 79. the electrotype, 432. for densities of gases, 105; ful¬ beak made at obtuse angle, 240. crum of,74 ; index,position of, hot-air bath for, 239. 77. Alkalies filtered, 152; precipitation Oertling’s, 77. by, 128; volumetric determi¬ parallelism of knife-edges of, 74. nation of, 269, 275. proofs of good instrument , 73. Alkalimeter, Schuster’s. 71; French , “riders” for, 76. 265. Robinson’s, 75. Alkaline solutions as solvent, 115. weights for, 78. Alkaloids, animal, 513. with hook-and-eye ends, 75, 76. cinchona, 510. Balances, kinds of, 76. organic, 510 ; salts of, 512 ; ge¬ Balloons for vapour densities, 90 ; neral remarks on, 523. supported, 97 ; sealed, 99 ; of opium, 511. cooled for gas densities, 107. vegetable, 510. Barometer, 450. formed by destructive distilla¬ Barometric manometer, 108. tion, 521. Baryta, nitrate of, precipitated by ni¬ Alumina, alkaline solutions as sol¬ tric acid, 125 ; precipitation vent for, 115. by, 125. Aluminium, action of nitric acid on. salts, 129. 482. Bases from the animal kingdom, 513. Ammonia collected by displacement, produced by decomposition of the cyanic andcyanurie ethers, Ammonium, cldoride of, pulverized, 515 ; produced by action of 170. ammonia on hydriodic ethers, Angles of crystals measured, 452. 517. Aniline, 500. Basins, heated, 121 ; evaporating, Antimony, precipitation of, by water, 195; sublimation in, 245. 131 ; by sulphuretted hydro¬ Bath, sand, heated by gas, 29. gen, 131. ether, 45. Apparatus to contain substances water or oil, 45- 48. while being weighed, 71. water, porcelain, 46 ; copper, 46. for obtaining electric spark in steam, Ure’s, 47 ; large, 48. damp rooms, 548. water, simple, 48. IKDEX. 571 Bath, ehloride-of-calcium, for still, Bromide of silver (fused) removed 234. from capsules, 130. Baths, 45—49: for vapour densities, Bromine determined volumetrically, 97, 101. 271. Battery, Bunsen’s, 425. Bulbs blown, 410. Daniell’s, 424. for fluid combustions, 370. Grove’s, 422. “ Bumping” during distillation. Smee’s, 418. 214. Battery gas prepared, 427. Bunsen’s battery, 425. Bayeux evaporating basins, 195. burner, 29. Beale’s gas furnace, 340. method of determining nitrogen, Bee-hive shelf, 297. 384. Benzidine, 533. Burette, Binks’, 263. Benzoic alcohol, 527. Guy-Lussac’s, 262. Benzole, as solvent, 115, 260 ; as sol¬ Mohr's, 262. vent for the purpose of cry¬ Burettes, supported, 160. stallization, 260 ; crystalliza¬ Burner , Remington’s, 27. tion of, 259. Argand, 25. series, obtained from coaltar,531. Bunsen’s, 29. Berzelius’s tube for continuous wash¬ gas and ah’ 26- 30. ing, 145. washing-bottle, 142. Cadmium precipitated by zinc, 130 ; Bichloride of naphthaline crystallized, Stromeyer’s discovery of, 471. Calico filters, 148. Binding-screw for Smee’s battery, Calomel converted into biniodide of 420 ; connexions, 426. mercury, 131. Binitrobenzole, 533. Campholic acid, 500. Binks’ burette, 263. Camphor, conversion of, into cam¬ Biniodide of mercury sublimed,247. phoric acid, 502. Bismuth, crystallization of, 258. pulverized, 170. Bitter almond oil, 527. Caoutchouc-tubes made, 437. Black’s blowpipe, 33. Capillary tubes made, 409, Blast lamps, 41. Capryl, 536. Bleaching of coloured crystals, 259. Caprylene, 536. Blowpipe, Black’s, 33. Capsules, 174. apparatus, 33. for solution, 117. Wollaston’s, 34. Carbolic acid tested for, 275. Cronstedt’s, 34. Carbonate of potash, impurities in, lamp, 35. 278 ; determined by weight, supports for substances before,37. 341. forceps, 40 ; wire with platinum Carbonic acid as precipitant , 183 ; points, 40. preparation of, 284 ; uses of, self-acting, 41. 286 ; collected by displace¬ table, 43. ment, 303. Blue flame, 26- 29. Cement for glass and metal for tem¬ Blue-pots, 22, 173. peratures up to 212°, 548. Boghead coal, fractional distillation Centre of gravity of balance, 74. of naphtha from, 223. Cerium, 492. Boiling-point of fluids for vapour Champagne knot, 449. densities, 97. Charcoal crucibles, 179. Boiling-points of saturated solutions Chauffer, 21. of salts, 49. Chinoline, 512. Bottle, compression, for filling bu¬ Chloride of ammonium, pulverized, rettes, 267. 170. 572 INDEX, Chloride-of-calcium bath for stone- Copper turnings for organic analysis, ware still, 235. 358. -of-calcium-tube, 351. vessels made by electrotype, Chloride of silver (fused) removed 432. from capsules, 130. Cork-borers, 439. of zinc (fused) prepared, 133. Corks, 439 ; for combustions, 354. Chlorine determined volumetrically, Cornish crucibles, 171. 271 ; prepared,292 ; collected Counterpoises for crucibles, 72. by displacement, 302 ; action Creatine, 513. of, on metallic oxides, 485. Creatinine, 514. Chloroform as solvent, 115. Cronstedt’s blowpipe, 34. Cliromate of lead, combustion with, Crucible jacket, 32. 349. operations,20 ; general remarks Chrysene crystallized, 260. on, 178. Clay-supports, 40. Crucibles, counterpoised, 72. Closing of tubes, 408. and operations at high tempera¬ Coal, destructive distillation of, 236. tures, 171, 540. Coal oil, substances separated from, Cornish, 171. 123. Hessian, 173. Cobalt separated from nickel, 132. black-lead, 173. Coliobation over sodium, &c., 244. porcelain, 173. Coke, Staffordshire, 17. platinum , 175. specific gravity of, under differ¬ gold, 178. ent circumstances, 457. silver, 178. Collection and retention of gas, 295. iron, 178. Collidine, 512. charcoal, 179 ; heated, 181 ; Coloured crystals bleached, 259. luted, 182; reductions in, precipitates observed, 127. 185. Combustion with cliromate of lead, sublimation in, 249. 349 ; of substances free from Crystallization as means of purifica¬ nitrogen, 360. tion, 250. of substances containing nitro¬ fractional, separation by, 252. gen, 367. of platinum and silver salts, 252. of liquids, 369. in vacuo, over sulphuric acid, tubes selected, 356 ; tubes made, 252. 357. double decomposition by, 253. furnace, 359. water of, 253. Compression bottle for filling burettes, from mixtures of alcohol and 267. water, 254. pipettes, 547. of substances equally soluble Concussive ebullition, 214. in hot and cold water, 255. Condensation of very volatile fluids, vibration prevented during, 255. 220, 243. of substances contaminated by Condenser, Liebig’s, 217. resinous matters, 255. Condensers, adapters used as, 219. of bodies belonging to homo¬ Conhydine, 514. logous series, 255. Coniine, 515. special instances of, 257. Connectors for stopcocks, 446. impeded by presence of resinous Connexions and binding
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