Biodiversity of the Pantanal: its magnitude, human occupation, environmental threats and challenges for conservation Alho, CJR.* Programa de Pós-graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Regional, Universidade Anhanguera – Uniderp, Rua Alexandre Herculano, 1400, CEP 79037-280, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil *e-mail: [email protected] Received October 14, 2010 – Accepted December 13, 2010 – Distributed April 30, 2011

The Pantanal biome is a wetland – a floodplain in a Fish. Fish are an important resource, both ecologically geographic depression – formed by the Paraguay River and and socially. Britiski et al. (1999) listed 263 species for its tributaries from the left bank: Bento Gomes, Cuiabá, the Pantanal. However, a survey carried out in the Negro São Lourenço-Itiquira, Taquari, Negro, Aquidauana- River region of the Pantanal showed that 19% of the species Miranda, Nabileque, and Apa. The Paraguay River and collected are believed to be new to science (Willink et al., its tributaries form the Upper Paraguay Basin and drain 2000). This list does not include species living in the upper into the Pantanal depression, running southward between river . The number of fish species increases from highlands to the west and the upland plateaus to the east, the headwaters (plateau upland region or planalto) to the where the tributaries have their springs. These large rivers base of the drainage (Pantanal). are shaped largely by type of soil, water flow rate, levels Because of the great variety of feeding and reproductive of dissolved oxygen, nutrient loads, temperature, and type niches for fish, the Pantanal harbours high species abundance. of river bed. The rivers are slow moving when they leave Fishing is of fundamental social-economic importance for the upland plateaus surrounding the floodplain and meet local people. In addition, fishing for sport is one of the the flatlands, where they periodically overflow their banks. incentives to bring tourists to the region. Junk et al. (2006) The maze of fluctuating water levels within this discuss more on fish diversity of the Pantanal. sedimentary floodplain, plus annual nutrient cycling Fish resources in the Pantanal have been recognised though biogeochemical cycles with influx of nutrients, according to their use as: particulate material, microorganisms and invertebrates • a fundamental biotic component of the ecosystem, form a dynamic ecosystem, with a complex mosaic of supporting the local biodiversity and being habitats and diverse and abundant wildlife. The four part of it; phases of the hydrological cycle (water rising or flooding, • food for subsistence and income of local people; flood season, receding water or drainage season, and dry • of interest for sport fishing; season) are essential for wildlife. The annual tides of the • a genetic resource; rivers, causing seasonal flooding, result in availability of • an ornamental resource. feeding and reproductive niches for wildlife. Herpetofauna. Compared to other Brazilian biomes, Macroinvertebrates. The diversity of benthonic the Pantanal presents a herpetofauna low in diversity but macroinvertebrates (zoobenthos such as decapods, molluscs, high in abundance. There are 135 herpetofaunal species oligochaetes, insect larvae which feed upon microoganisms living on the plains (40 species of anuran , and algae) were estimated in 70 taxa (Takeda et al., 2000). three species of turtles, 25 species of lizards, two species Zoobenthos are important in the food chain because they of amphisbaenians, 63 species of snakes and two of serve as food for fish, birds, mammals and other crocodilians (Junk et al., 2006). A survey carried out in groups. Ostracoda (aquatic crustacea) and Nematoda the southern Pantanal recorded 41 anuran and 24 reptile (free living non-parasitic roundworms) are the two most species (Strüssman et al., 2000). abundant groups. During the rainy season the region presents vigorous Crustacean diversity. Shrimps and crabs are represented populations of amphibians, thanks to the expansion of by 10 species and the shrimp Macrobrachium amazonicum favourable habitats. Three reproductive activity patterns and the crabs Dilocarcinus pagei, Sylviocarcinus australis, are recognised among the species: continuous, explosive, Trichodactylus borellianus and Valdivia camerani are and prolonged; 50% of the species were explosive breeders found in field surveys (Magalhães, 2000). These decapod (Prado, 2003). crustaceans play an important role in ecological processes Many Pantanal species are distributed throughout of the Pantanal’s aquatic ecosystem since they participate Brazil, such as the rococo-toad Bufo paracnemis and the in the trophic chain as herbivores, predators, decomposers Chaco- Leptodactylus chaquensis, the dwarf-tree and are prey for fish and other animal groups. Hyla fuscovaria; Hyla acuminata, Hyla raniceps, the Plant diversity. Three articles discussing plants of the green-leaf-frog acuminatus, the marbled-tree-frog Pantanal are presented in this volume. Phrynohyas venulosa and the common-washroom-frog

Braz. J. Biol., 2011, vol. 71, no. 1 (suppl.), p. 229-232 Alho, CJR.

Scinax cf. nasicus. The abundant tine green frog Lysapus observed for amphibians, but with difference in local limellus has a semi-aquatic habit, lives on floating plants, abundance, which is more remarkable in the Pantanal for eating insects and other invertebrates (Alho et al., 2002). these species. About half of the anuran species in the Pantanal There is one terrestrial turtle, the red-footed-tortoise live in trees. Some species, such as the spotted-tree-frog Geochelone carbonaria plus one aquatic species, the Hyla punctata, are associated with permanent bodies large-headed-Pantanal-swamp-turtle Acanthochelys of water (rivers and ponds) and others, such as the macrocephala. The caiman Caiman crocodillus is abundant purple‑barred-tree‑frog Hyla raniceps, the green-leaf‑frog and conspicuous, particularly during the dry season, being Scinax acuminatus, the yellow-and-black-tree-frog Scinax one of the symbols of the Pantanal. fuscovarius, tolerate droughts but the population suddenly Twenty species of lizards are known for the region, all grows when flooding comes, usually October to May. preferring dry habitats except for the Pantanal-caiman-lizard Frogs are also more vocal during this period. Dracaena paraguayensis which lives in the water. Two lizard The tiny clicking-frog Lysapsus limellus lives on floating species, Kentropyx viridistriga and Mabuya guaporicola, vegetation and also vocalises by day. Also vocalising on are able to swim and dive to escape predators. Common floating plants are the paradox-frog Pseudis paradoxa geckos, Phyllopezus policaris and Polychrus acutirostris, and the speckled-bellied-frog Physalaemus albonotatus. exploit the branches of bushes. Three lizards can be easily During the rainy season this Physalaemus albonotatus observed searching for prey on the ground or rapidly frog is one of the most conspicuous and vocal when they escaping from intruders: Tupinambis merianae, Ameiva join in sonorous choir, even by day. ameiva and Cnemidophorus ocellifer. The green‑iguana Amphibians with terrestrial habits are the leaf‑toad Iguana iguana is also seen in trees along the rivers or on Bufo typhonius, the frogs Chiasmocleis mehelyi, Leptodactylus riverbanks. elenae, Physalaemus cuvieri, and the arboreal frog Phrynohyas Bird Diversity. There are 444 bird species recorded venulosa. Another tiny frog living in dead tree holes in the only for the floodplains, 665 species when the uplands are forest is Chiasmocleis mehelyi, which has only recently included and 837 species for the Cerrado biome (Tubelis been reported in the Pantanal. Some other species live at and Tomas, 2002; Silva, 1995). the water line between aquatic and terrestrial habitats, such A bird field guide published in Portuguese “Aves do as Pseudopaludicola aff. falcipes, Leptodactylus fuscus, Brasil: Pantanal & Cerrado” and in English, “Birds of Leptodactylus podicipinus, Bufo paracnemis, Bufo granulosus Brazil: Pantanal & Cerrado” (Gwynne et al., 2010) pointed and Elachistocleis cf. ovale. A colourful aposematic species out 740 species for both biomes highlighting the birdlife is Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis. to inspire bird watching to enjoy the biomes’ vibrant Among reptiles, there are more than 30 species of ecosystems and natural heritage, addressing an ecological snake. The yellow-anaconda Eunectes notaeus is very context an conservation messages. common on the plains and is small in size compared to the More discussion on bird diversity is provided by Junk other species, the green anaconda E. murinus that lives at et al (2006). Bird species with aquatic habits are very the edge of the Pantanal and may reach 5 m in size, some common and abundant, including egrets such as species observations reporting a size of 6-8 m. Another large snake of the genera Casmerodius, Egretta, Ardea, Tigrisoma, is the water-queen Hydrodynastes gigas, which occurs Botaurus, in addition to the wood‑stork Mycteria americana, at the borders of gallery forests or patches of savannas the maguari-stork Ciconia maguari and the jabiru Jabiru looking for toads, their preferred food. Small nocturnal mycteria. Kingfishers are present with 5 species of the two snakes, which prey upon frogs, are Thamnodynastes cf. genera Ceryle and Choroceryle. Other aquatic species are the strigilis, Leptodeira annulata and Liophis poecilogyrus. southern‑screamer Chauna torquata, the muscovy‑duck There are four species of poisonous snakes in the Cairina moschata, the fulvous‑whistling‑duck Dendrocygna Pantanal: the Brazilian-lancehead Bothrops moojeni, the bicolor, the white‑faced‑whistling-duck D. viduata, the Neuwid’lancehead B. neuwiedi, the neotropical-rattlesnake black‑bellied‑whistling‑duck D. autumnalis and the Crotalus durissus and the Pantanal-coral-snake Micrurus Brazilian‑duck Amazonetta brasilienses. Among birds tricolor. of prey are the snail-kite Rosthramus sociabilis, the The occurrence of species within the sub-regions of the black‑collared‑hawk Busarellus nigricollis, the Pantanal varies according to the local species composition great‑black‑hawk Butteogallus urubitinga and the Crane‑hawk and distribution, depending on the influence of the nearby Geranospiza caerulescens. Parrots are abundant. I observed biomes such as the Chaco, the Cerrado and the Amazonia. a group of 206 turquoise‑fronted-parrots Amazona aestiva Among the snakes of the northern sub-region of Poconé, in the SESC Reserve at Barão de Melgaço. There are for example, Strüssmann and Sazima (1993) observed 19 species of psitasids including the hyacinth macaw that the most abundant species are Eunectes notaeus, Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus. Helicops leopardinu and Hydrodynastes cf strigilis. While Conservation. The biome’s biodiversity has been the southern sub-region of Nhecolândia presented different impacted by unsustainable socio-economic practices, species composition with Leptodeira annulata, Liophis including: typhlus and Lystrophis mattogrossensis, snakes common • deforestation (conversion of natural vegetation throughout the Brazilian Cerrado. The same pattern is into pastures for cattle, conversion of Cerrado

Braz. J. Biol., 2011, vol. 71, no. 1 (suppl.), p. 229-232 Pantanal’s biodiversity: magnitude and threats

vegetation into crop fields in the uplands where the Pantanal. The working structure of INAU the headwaters are located, charcoal production, facilitates the integration of the Pantanal Research loss and alteration); data on deforestation Center (CPP) and the Universidade Federal de of the Pantanal biome for the period 1976-2008 Mato Grosso (Federal University of Mato Grosso) show about 15% of natural vegetation loss with in Cuiabá; degradation reaching near 60% in the surrounding • NGO’s ACTION PLANS – Different NGOs uplands (Silva et al., 2010); play important role on biodiversity conservation • environmental contaminants (petroleum-based of the Pantanal. For example, the diagnosis inputs of agricultural chemicals, mainly in the entitled “Monitoring Alterations in Vegetation and uplands, mercury contamination in gold mining, Land Use in the Brazilian Portion of the Upper in addition to iron ore, manganese, and calcium Paraguay River Basin” was carried out by the carbonate, sewage and domestic waste from nongovernmental organizations: Ecoa - Ecologia the great majority of the cities surrounding the e Ação, Conservation International, Avina Pantanal); Foundation, SOS Pantanal and WWF ‑ Brasil • infrastructure and unplanned human occupation and received technical support from Embrapa (large cargo convoys navigate the large rivers of Pantanal. The purpose of the study was to make the Pantanal, mainly the Paraguay and Cuiabá a detailed analysis of changes in vegetation rivers, and vessels damage riverbanks with oil patterns and land use that took place in the spills and waste; road kills of wildlife along roads period from 2002 to 2008. The diagnostic study throughout the wetlands); shows that compared to other Brazilian biomes • unregulated tourism (predatory invasion of like the Atlantic Forest formations, the Pantanal waterfowl nesting grounds, sport fishing with is relatively well-conserved although it is very illegal campsites in gallery forests spreading vulnerable especially to impacts occurring in the waste); highland regions of the Upper Paraguay River • fragility of law enforcement (some protected basin. While the lower floodplain region has areas, hunting activities, commercial and sport 86.6% of its natural vegetation cover intact, only fishing, deforestation with soil degradation are 43.5% of the highland plateau areas have their generally out of the control of the environmental original vegetation; agencies, with consequent impacts on habitats and • ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTIONS – Regional biodiversity loss); Universities such as the UFMT (Universidade • introduction of exotic species (there are a Federal do Mato Grosso = Federal University of considerable number of introduced species within Mato Grosso); the UFMS (Universidade Federal the natural habitats, both deliberate and accidental: do Mato Grosso do Sul = Federal University tucunaré fish, feral pig,Limnoperma fortunei of Mato Grosso do Sul), the state Universities mussel and others). for both states, and private universities like The major economic activities in terms of land occupation the Anhanguera-Uniderp (Universidade para are cattle ranching and tourism. Many large ranches have o Desenvolvimento do Estado e da Região do been subdivided into small farms, modifying the original Pantanal = University for the Development of arrangement of extensive cattle ranching. In recent years, the State and the Region of the Pantanal) are over-fishing has been seen to be a major problem in the contributing with academic research including region. thesis and dissertations; Some major projects and studies have been carried out: • CPAP (Embrapa Pantanal = Embrapa Pantanal • The EDIBAP (Study for the Integrated Research Center) of Embrapa (Empresa Brasileira Development of the Upper Paraguay River Basin), de Pesquisa Agropecuária = Brazilian Agricultural between 1977 and 1989; Research Corporation) – The Center was implanted • The PCBAP (Plan for Conservation of the Upper in Corumbá in 1975. Its mission is to make Paraguay Basin), conducted in 1997; technological solutions viable for the sustainable • The ANA/GEF/UNEP/OAS (Strategic Action development of the Pantanal agribusiness with the Program for the Integrated Management of the valorization of nature, including fauna and flora Pantanal and the Upper Paraguay River Basin), conservation; carried out by ANA (Brazilian National Water • There have been different programmes and Agency) in 2005; activities to establish initiatives to identify critical • INAU – Instituto Nacional de Ciência e priorities for the conservation of biodiversity, Tecnologia em Áreas Úmidas (The National including the creation of new protected areas. Institute of Science and Technology in Wetlands). The conservation strategy should consider the This new institute aims to carry out research to Pantanal as a whole biome, connecting all sub- support public policies for the conservation and regions and different ecosystems, with protected sustainable management of natural resources in areas representative of the major sub-region, as

Braz. J. Biol., 2011, vol. 71, no. 1 (suppl.), p. 229-232 Alho, CJR.

well as considering the role of ecological corridors Paulista, Campus de Rio Claro. 150 p. Tese de doutorado em for the dispersion of species and integration of the zoologia. adjacent biomes. SILVA, JSV., ABDON, MM., MORAES, JA., 2010. Desmatamento The challenge for conservation of the magnificent na bacia do Alto Paraguai no Brasil. In Anais 3º Simpósio de biodiversity of the Pantanal increases as time passes and, Geotecnologias no Pantanal. Cáceres, MT, 16-20 de outubro unfortunately, we can testify to the loss of habitats and 2010. Embrapa Informática Agropecuária/INPE, p. 459-467. species, not as a result of natural selection, but because of SILVA, JMC., 1995. Birds of the cerrado region, South America. human disturbance. If on the one hand scientific knowledge Steenstrupia, no. 21, p. 69-92. is fundamental for the implementation of conservation, on the other hand, scientific results alone cannot solve the STRÜSSMAN, C., PRADO, CPA., UETANABARO, M. and FERREIRA, VL., 2000. and reptile survey of selected problems of environmental disruption. However, we are localities in the southern Pantanal floodplains and surrounding convinced that the scientific information available in this cerrado, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. In: Philip W. Willink, special number of the Brazilian Journal of Biology will Barry Chernoff, Leeanne E. Alonso, Jensen R. Montambault and play a vital role in conserving the regional biodiversity Reinaldo Lourival (eds.). A biological assessment of the aquatic of the Pantanal biome. It will add important scientific ecosystems of the Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. RAP knowledge to environmental awareness, providing a basis Bulletin of Biological Assessment 18. Conservation International, for government action and encouraging us all to practise Washington DC. humanitarian values to protect our natural treasures through STRUSSMANN, C. and SAZIMA, I., 1993. The snake assemblage ethical attitudes. of the Pantanal at Pocone, Western Brazil: faunal composition and ecological summary. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and References Environment, vol. 28, no., 3, p. 157-168. TAKEDA, A., PEREIRA, MCF. and BARBOSA, FAR., 2000. ALHO, CJR., STRÜSSMANN, C. and VASCONCELLOS, LS., Zoobenthos survey of the Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. 2002. Indicadores da magnitude da diversidade e abundância In PHILIP, WW., BARRY, C., LEEANNE, EA., JENSEN, RM. de vertebrados silvestres do Pantanal num mosaico de hábitats AND REINALDO, L., Ed., 2000. A biological assessment of the sazonais. Corumbá, MS: Centro de Pesquisa Agro-Pecuária da aquatic ecosystems of the Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. EMBRAPA. Washington, D.C.: Conservation International. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment, 18. BRITISKI, MA., SILIMON, KZ. and BALZAC, SL., 1999. Peixes do Pantanal. Manual de identificação. Corumbá: EMBRAPA- TUBELIS, DP. and TOMÁS, WM., 2002. Caracterização da CPAP. 184 p. avifauna da planicie do Pantanal. Indicadores da magnitude da diversidade e abundância de vertebrados silvestres do Pantanal GWYNNE, JA., RIDGELY, RS., TUDOR, G. and ARGEL, M., num mosaico de hábitats sazonais. Corumbá, MS: Centro de 2010. Aves do Brasil – Pantanal & Cerrado. São Paulo: Wildlife Pesquisa Agro-Pecuária da EMBRAPA. Conservation Society, Ed. Horizonte. 322 p. JUNK, WJ., CUNHA, CN., WANTZEN, KM., PETERMANN, WILLINK, P. et al., 2000. Fishes of the rios Negro, Negrinho, P., STRÜSSMANN, C., MARQUES, MI. and ADIS, J., 2006. Taboco, Aquidauana, Taquari, and Miranda, Pantanal, Brasil: Biodiversity and its conservation in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, diversity, distribution, critical habitats and value. In PHILIP, Brazil. Aquatic Sciences, vol. 68, p. 278-309. WW., BARRY, C., LEEANNE, EA., JENSEN, RM. AND REINALDO, L., Ed., 2000. A biological assessment of the PRADO, CPA., 2003. Estratégias reprodutivas em uma comunidade aquatic ecosystems of the Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. de anuros no Pantanal, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Washington, D.C.: Conservation International. RAP Bulletin of Rio Claro, SP: Instituto de Biociências da Universidade Estadual Biological Assessment, 18.

Braz. J. Biol., 2011, vol. 71, no. 1 (suppl.), p. 229-232