Yo. Cu M«k. DOLLARS Witk Ym Cu Main I CENTS Bj U>iaf DOLLARS WitW Th« CUi.ified CENTS By U«i., AdrertiiemenU THE WESTFIELD LEADER Th. Clarified THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY FOKTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 26 WESTF1KLD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2. 1932 16 Pages—S Cent! GIRL SCOUTS TO HOLD COUNTY CHORAL PETDOM AGOG OVER ;ioo HAVE^ ;TW0 YOUTHS HURT FESTIVAL TO BE H.D-WmTER RALLY Events of the Month R1IRFAn 122 Merit Badges Will ANNUAL SHOW AT SERVICE BUREAU| ACC,DENm B March 4 Afternoon-Evening HELD HERE MAR. 10 Awarded At Event ' Much interest Shown In New HERE MARCH 11 Pet and Poultry Club Show, ARMORY FRIDAY Organization Launched Saturday Night Westfield Armory. STRAY BULLETS plans Completed For Event Last Week Groups Arrange For Talk By 428 Specimens Of Prize Win- In Which 1000 Students Boys Injured By Others Shoot- One hundred and twenty-two mer- Curator On Animals March 4—Evening ning Calibre Pruning Will Participate it badges will be presented at the Approximately 100 uf the leading ing At Targets. Police And Reptiles Dance Event, Miss Isabella ' For Exhibit business and |)!\I,V.-;HKIIM1 nit'ii and Annual Mid-Winter Girl Scout Rally Mansun. Masonic. Temple. | To Curb U»e which will be held in the Junior High Thi' Union County Choral Festival, other prominent residents of (lie town School Saturday evening at 7:15 "Our Animal Friends and Foes"' is in which 1,000 students from the Final plan.* i'*>r the Fifth Annual have joined the IMter business Serv- Police Chief John C. lioseerans has p. m. the interesting topic chosen by Dr. March 7—8:15 P.M. IVt and Poultry Show, which will be Union County schools will take part, ice itureau in the wvcl; that has is-ued cirdcrs to hi* men to rigidly en- Mrs. O. N. Coombe, chairman of Raymond L. Ditmars, curator of Mum- Co-operative Group Plan," hclil Friday afternoon and oveninK wil] lie held at the Roosevelt Junior elapsed since the movement was the Court of Awards for the West-[ mals and Reptiles at the New York Dr. James F. llosic, Teachers' in t he Westiield Armory, are prac- force ordinance relating to the High School on Thursday afternoon College, Columbia University. launched last Tuesday. field Council, will present the badges, | Zoological Gardens, for his coming tically completed. The figures state use of firearms and has instructed and evening, March 10. Grant School. assisted by Mrs. Charles E. Bingham,, lecture on Friday evening, March 11 that there are 128 pets entered in Within a fev days those who have the olliceis to confiscate all rifles and At the afternoon concert, 500 sel- the show this ye»r, exceeding all pre- commissioner. I at the Roosevelt Junior High School. already signed will nieel lo I'm ma 1- revolvers of various calibre, air guns ected voices from the third to sixth March 11—Evening vious records. The pets entered in- grades will give a well-chosen pro- Members of Troop 1, Girl Scouts,! In this lecture Dr. Ditmars shows ly organize. At that time ullicers and similar weapons as well as blank Lecture, Dr. Raymond L. Dit- clude 115 dojis. (U cats, ss (>f The organization has for its main bined two-part songs. : ' Many Knots." As in this pie- gineer, cutting down trees, repairing Holy Name Meeting, Holy 1 alligator, 1 salamander, 2 snails purpose the establishing of honesty a result nf two noys having been The program of the evening eoneon-- |tU1'1'' thl' sl;"uts »nrawl » ' Trinity Auditorium. Speaker, and 4 animalcule. in business anil the support f local painfully, but not seriously wound- A. Longfellow Fiske. ill be given b y another chores The VM'ioits committees have work- independent merchants in (be belief through accidental shootings on ed hard to assume the success of the that this is the most forward move-' Saturday. March 15—Evening show. Many pupils have given vent ineiii that can be made lo betlcr: Joseph Stern, son of Mrs. Randall Ninth Annual Banquet, West- ! to their imagination and have made the welfare of all residents of Wesl- «,.,,,.„ ,,f .,o2 .Stanley avenue, was shot field Board of Realtors wild some attractive postern for (lie show (u'"'- through the left arm shortly before three-r lUisini'ss Men. F.Iks Club, Elm three interesting playlets which will which will also be nn exhibition. Applicants tin- membership .sign n U o'clock Salui'ilay afternoon as he with a mixed four-part chorus. Street. be given at the rally. Thirty-live cups have been donated pledge which sets down various pol- uas passing a vacant field near the Towns in Union County taking No admission fee will be charged by friends nf the cltih and animal icies which thi' organization is fos- end of Kairmouut avenue. A group part in the Choral Festival include: but it is hoped that each scout and lovers and these are now on display Icring. Aiming these arc "to trade ;uf hoys were apparently at target Plainfield, Scotch Plains, Westiield. EXHIBIT TO SHOW scout parent and friends will bring in the window of K. Uninner's jew- wheiievi'i- possible with local inde- piacl ire and it i believed that a Garwood, Cranford, Roselle, Kosellc ' s one" small ran of food which will be elry store oil Kast Broad street. The pendent merchants and to employ the J stray bullet .'truck the Sterna lad. Park, Elizabeth, Linden, Rahway, WORK OF WOMEN collected in large baskets and turned cups have been donated by U. S. Sen- professional services of local people" He was taken to (he ollico of Dr. Summit. Hillside, Mountainside, New over to the Welfare Council for dis- Handwork To Be Shown At ator Hamilton F. Kenn, (low A. Har-aud lo ".support an educational cam- diaries T. Pecker on Kim street Providence, Clark Township and tribution. An invitntion is extended ry Mooro, Albert. Tnyson Terhuue. paign of a constructive nature to fur-, where the wound was treated and .Springfield. i to all to attend Ibis rally, lioy Scout YWCA Assembly Room Iher the retention in Wesllield of a later removeMdI lo his home by his 1 Dr. Gordon Losee, Roger Stephens, Then will be directors presort and (iirl Scout fathers are especially March 18 Dr. J. H. Kngol, Miss Frances I'eirce, largo percentage if I he net profit mother. arising out of the from various parts of the county urged. Mary Armsf rong, Mrs. Kohert (J. •eluil trade of the liieul. John J. Somers was dis- community." The schools of the county have been On tin1 afternoon and evening of (iris'wold, Kdwiinl Miller, A. V. Hav- patched on the cull and Patrolman (jiving ardent attention to the prep- | Friday, March IK, there will be an ens, Paul {}. Oliver, l>r. Frank I,. Iln- Members uf the orgiini/.af ion will ,u,| Koutill and the I'olter j '' I'onliclent of its slice 7 o'clock Saturday night. Miss K. Elizabeth Ingalls of West- In ,,„., n0 appropriations will be re-! the large r monkeys, especially at that every piece of jewelry her pu-, studios' of Westfield. Mr. Rough's < — • Patrolman Elmer Nead was dis- field, is president, is as follows: How- ; qut-Klcd for anv new post office build- meal timetil: , when knives, forks, spoons ; pils make is perfect in workmanship, | ]Mj7(, w,]| [„. a ,.rnyon drawing of patched on tho call and learned that ard S. Savage of Plainfield, chair- 22 NEW FAMILIES ings whatever. and cups are used with the greatest Ihe exhibition in the lobby of (he YW ; ()„, lnilst interesting entry from Ilio the shots had come from the direc- man; Mrs. Mabel Stephens of Hill- John W. Philip, fourth assistant ease as a result of a little training. CA at the end of her first course of Mrt;Kt's point of view, and'the Potter APPLY FOR RELIEF tion of Center street, (iarwood. He side and Miss Ellen Hall of Union. postmaster general, explained: "Those | Then follows a series of vivid mo-''csson.s *""''' fascinating rings, stmiioK offers to take a photograph cominunicaLed with the Gnrwood po- lice and wan told by Lieut. Johnston Brewer that Special Marshalls Robert Sargent and Joseph McOinnis were in that vicinity, having revolver prac-

R y chasi of aius aml Ulu __ _ tice. Stray bullets from their guns a hearty believer in music for every , , t ction has not yet been! rattlesnake, pun" adder, spectacled ' women make for pleasure or pastime. I Carroll, Mrs. II. W. Roberts, Traynor , Worker, submitted at the meeting of had struck the lad it was thought. nu nt of cons rU ln The boy wita given treatment by Dr. c'lil(l' made by Congress. It is not possi-; cobra, king cobra and other types Professional work willl probably be j & Sons, Morris Carroll, Florence StnStn -i j ,° Social Welfare Council of the j To obtain his unii|iie pictorial roc-! barred. welry, lamp shad, rug,; dele, Irene Williams, Mr. and Mrs. C. 1/. (!. Newman and Police Commis- Pupils from Westfield who are t y j To obtain his unii|iie pictorial roc-! barred. Jewelry, lamp shades, rugs,; dele, Irene Williams, Mr. and Mrs. C. i District Nursing Association held last 1)lspecifip t()c snappropriationy at tl)is tims e wilusl t bewheI mad1 e ords of animal life, Dr. Ditmars some ! pillows, quilts, dresses, lace, needle- j Scoville, Miss Jolianne de Wolff, Mrs. "ight in the association's rooms on sioner John C Grindlay of Garwood :lm y takinSeniog parr Higt areh School—Mau: d Burnes, . ifi iti ilili b ]] _d j d f | il lif jjcarsdaleD D , N. Y.,: wor! ilk kl o ff al ll lkinds kiilt d, chairsd hi , photographlht dhyl [ A[j . C. ilBelll M, PerciP Jyl GG. FosterdF Wlf, fI.... ItutM. h ''"igh strnett in .th There associe appeara s to he no ., , .,_.„ fu f r theh w p]acc] s bubt t we snaII lin( cnv years |lR() )uj]l a( came to thh eW Westlinld police head- Cornelia Csrtter, Leonora Kvane, |o r to r < j^r'-'second assistant chairman lion- ii colored ld , threth e UU. SS. whilehit , oneA A us- the ordinance on all firearms, includ- ey, Florence Glover, Janice Haviland, j --•--••• - ...... •• • .

ige. Harkradcr, John Hopkins, Jeanette ; I)ANCE nine foot cobra, for instance i . j .'S781 ;Mrs. F. II. Herzsch, Mrs. Ray: Frank Nigreen and Trvin Gehret; Cross fund, $r>0.22; District Nursing Cameron, Shirley Thompson, Everett, n "I have given the officers of thc dia's most deadly'serpent struck re- 'Harcnmbe, Mrs. Russell Graham, Mrs.; paeons, Chester West, Robert 'fay- Association Emergency Relief Fund, police department strict orders to Holland, Robert Hililer and Leslie | peatedly at the' Camera, this scene IJ- S- B'^'fy. MipB Beatrix Budell and ; l,,r; rabbits, Alfred Nelson and Jos- j $1)1)7.0!); and the Emergency Relief Watts. i I confiscate all weapons found in the The dance, with all its charm and having been reproduced, the YWCA, Wostficld 2-1841. ! cph Urcuoli; guinea pigs, John Van-. Fund in charge of the State admin- McKinlcy School—Joy Kates, Ros- j possession of boys and I feel that i grace, will be exemplified in the j ._ j il come to Westfield ! der Veer, Jr. and Thomas Hastings; istrator, $222..10. Miss Dawson prais- I'Ha Purvis and Marie Mauriello. Dl D tmnrs wi parents should be held responsible," March Forth" dance event, which i . j , f the Benjamin!'SCHOOL ART EXHIBIT i chickens, bantams and ducks, John (1 tho worork of th(» four volunteer! Franklin School —• Billy Gardner, j umier tht ausp c( K o the Chief added. ill be held on the evening of Fn-, K|.ank|ini Gl.ant ,md Washington P.- OPENS MARCH 7 \ Davenport and Ross lieyer; birds, who arc iiKsiMlinj?' her. Slie reported Mavis Parker, Miriam Fetzer, Isabel i that ',',22 jrnrmontH h:u\ beon diHtrib- in the Temple T. A. A committee of women from | James Bicker and Wesley M. Graff, Hovendon, William Wallace, Carolyn j iit(.'d through the clothing bureau. under the direction each school is handling the sale of The school exhibit under the aus- !"'"•» fish and rats, Herbert Wright ROBERT W. HARDEN Gill, Winifred MacQuillan, Louise am The VnnDoren Laundry has Riven Manson. tickets for this worth-while lecture. picos or the Westfield Art Association ! ' William Sims; miscellaneous, Gil- Gordon, George Staats, Willard Far- ; bere l Foster anand MlKCMike DiCavalcante. • valuable num and Jeanette Hubbard. Miss Manson will be assisted by a tion will open with a private view to I " '-l *™w « "i^avaicanie. , valuable service in collecting clothing IN RADIO TALK number of her pupils in the various the members of the Art Association ' c>""h <""! programs will be sold by and furniture and bringing it to the Lincoln School—Francis Hill, Rob- th( ir Robert W. Harden, president of i numbers which will include taps, cre- and their friends this Saturday eve-] -' i.-siu-i-tivo committees. | rlislribution depot. the Now Jersey Banker's Association ert James, Allan Cartter, Betty Tho- ative, comic, exhibition, ballroom and 1 mas, Robert Tomson, Joyce Clarke, i WILL DINE MARCH 15 ning in the gallery at 7 Elm street. The judges include the following: __,,."—~~ and vice-president of the Westfield musical comedy. A feature of the The reception is in charge of Mrs.; William Ilobbs, William Meyers, Wil- COLLINS' PETITIONS Trust Company, will be heard this Carolyn Kuennc, Albert Graff, Janice J program will be a "study in balance" Goodman and Billy Sowerwine. ! Harry A. KnifTin nnd Mrs. Chnunccy li.'im Briggs, Mrs. F. L. Washburn, BEING CIRCULATED evening nt S o'clock over WJZ in nn created by Miss Manson. The ninth annual banatiet of the and William I*. Steucrnngel. Columbus School — Lena Sierra, j M. F. Egel, Mrs. George Conic, Jr., address under the auspices of the Miss Joan Baylis and Miss Marion Westfield Board of Realtors nnd Jane Patterson, Mary Ponturo nnd | Mrs. Haskell MacCowatt and the Nominating petitions supporting! American Taxpayers' League. This Krugler will appear in a sparkling Business Men's Conference will be Misses Beatrix and Hortense Budell. •'aul Rufitano. ' ! held Tuesday evenintr, March 15 in the candidacy of Under-Rheriir C. I1 H ono °^ " Sl"r'''s "I" broadcasts that military tap. Miss Alberta Manson The president, the officers nnd theCHURCH WOMEN PLAN will be given each week. Mr. Harden Washington School—Jane Bowden, ' and Stanley Malek will present an the Elks Club. H22 Elm street, be- I members of the art committee are, as Wesley Collins of Westiield for the Helen Simpson, Yvonne Sterling, May PEACE MEETING SUNDAY oflice nf sheriff at the May primaries has been actively interested in this exhibition waltz of nn unusual type, irinmngat G:.'IO o clock. Judge Lloyd !„,_ n]s0 a t of thc rcception McMillan and Alfred Evans. a fanciful conception of the familiar Thompson will be the toastmaster: were put in circulation yesterday. movement for some timo nnd was waltz. Thc same couple will also ap- On Sunday evening, March (I, at 8 The candidacy of Mr. Collins was an- recently made chairman of the Mem- and the speakers will include This exhibition of the work of the lt rn ) pear in a South American version of Thompson. W'ho will talk on "Out-; o'clock the women's organizations ofjnoiineed at a recent meeting of the ' ' '''l Committee. lie has hud lirst- ALL POLICE SEARCH p'resid'e'nt iellillIrtJ n in tho schools will be open j the Protestant churches of the town j Young Men's Republican ' Club of hand opportunity to observe the fin- a ballroom tango. A rhythmic soft- look"; William M. I to lho llWic on nci!tl FOR LINDBERGH BABY shoe number will be given by Jack Trust Company " Mnndny, March 71 will conduct a peace meeting in the j Union County. He was appointed " status of various municipali- i of the West field tioH 1 tll( Sacacool of Summit. Another var- . 'jand will continue afternoons from 2-, Methodist Church. This meeting, under-sheriff by Sheriff Frank R. Em-1 '"''""f-'' '"' relation with bank- of tap. entitled "modernistic , vice pres-dent of the Peonies Bank J5 and evenings from 7 to !) until Sat-1 takes tho place of the regular Sun- inmis of Plainfield, when tho latter '"*-' institutions and is therefore in 11 urday evening, March in. day evening services in the partici-: assumed ollice throe years ago. position to comment constructively '& Trust Company, tonic, "Couraire : on municipal finnncn. Harry Tavlor. provident °f the New pating churches. While the ni''etingi • — Jersey Association of Real Estate NEW JERSEY CENTRAL is sponsored by the women of the D. A. R. LUNCHEON This broadcast by Mr. Harden will Boards on "Realtors in Relation to EMPLOYS MORE MEN churches it is planned as an expres SHACKAMAXON provide an opportunity for New Jer- Property Owner?.,': Robert R. Snev- sion of the desire for world penci sey taxpayers to hear an exnose of among all church groups, therefore • j Slate (ax problems by a resident nnd jMnth old son of Colonel and Mrs. Strut numbers usually appeal to ilv of the Bankers Mortgage & Ouar- Announcement was made today by Charles A. Lmdbcrgh who was taken antee Comnanv, who will discuss young and old, men nnd women, arc tomorrow afternoon the Westfield I taxpayer of the Garden State his an audience and this type of dance the Central Railroad of New Jersey • llrKC,(| to attend Chaplor, I). A. R., will celebrate the om crib in the nursery of hi? "Mortgages"; Slate Senator Arthur of the employment of 1 0T> additional The American Taxpayers' League, Parents' ], n u ar wi], 1)(1 cxcmv\\(\cd by Miss Kruglcr. ^ ^ r , ; twelfth anniversary of Hie founding nmoa t opcwe i nC N. Pierson will sneak on "The Com-men in their maintenance of equip- evening, Mrs national in scope, has had a tremen- A group number entitled "The Man- L ">e Bpeaker of the nnceton, last night. sonettes." will show off to good ad- munity of Westfield." j ment departmenp t yyesterday. The '1"!"1. I'"rfus01!' '? kn0W1? ln »" th d religiou1 s organizations for her breadth !i .luncheon, at, the, Shackamaxo.... n ,Conn-. ,, -! \ ?"" JL?.i» ,,.'" . »,.'^1^^ "" h >«•' disannearance was discovered vantage the musical comedy form The various subjects to be discuss- i management stated further that fur- r]n T the results thus far obtained have 5' Mrs. Lin(!1, e • • I, • , !tiy iJuh. /be chapter wi be liiL^hlv icrgh at 10 o'clock nml:whi(;n has bccn so popuiar wjth the ed will be of vital interest, not onlylther increases in force would of ne- more than justified its activities. Ita primary objective is to make every nn disclosed a window of the I ttas. j t" realtors and business men, but to ! cessity depr-nd upon the future trend »> composers of famous opere ! 1 1 l n gr 0 01 was open. proncrly well, An invi-inf business, but that it was hoped; Council of Women for Home Ml*Mis- - ri^. ,' '"l''"?" .°!J" " ?' .! J " "'"! taxpayer "tax-conscious"—to reduce n ar m This group will include the -Misses owners general, and Mrs. C. Kdward Mu lr v ',, ' _ was received at 10. ^ity police were immcili- Women. She will be one of the I ernment to convince taxpayers that ff]y placei d mer, Alberta Manson nnd Mrs. Ellen chnrge of nrraneements is composed j Ihe force now employed not only in and ferry en- Slocum. of James F. Bush, chairman; Herbert the maintenance of equipment depart- speakers at the World Sunday School bond issues are first mortgages on u,,'""'.5 a"d ordered to search all Conference to be held next year in I I "or C,,,,,l Win •)hnilCFi — Cull future toxcs.'to encourage economy, Miss Manson's contributions to theC. McVoy, II. Clav Friedrichs, Geo. ment but tho other departments as ['lalnllplil Ii-(i7f!1, Amorlcnn Hhai llie buys' work and the—e stone, the president who directed the '•. council. 1 ls man of the boys' work cuininillee of [|uf esting. Not only will this model as- Club, gave an interesting history of ««»" <''"' everything is being done to Ti. • c: sembly clarify the procedure at a the activities of the ilub and staled interest (he boy ,n high type and 'I I council meeting, but extracts will be that the club has grown from ;i Email worthwhile things. tic [ presented from verbatim records of group of pupils into one of the most I'r. (leorge S. Laird, chairman of ! the meetings of October, 1031, atfains seventeen of Mr. Eddy's can- popular of the outside activities of lh'.> student loan committee, gave a' r.i l"i 'uoney. 'which the Manehurian crisis was dis-vusst-s, opened on Monday and may the Junior High School. The man- comprehensive report on what has, —- I cussed. The United .States was at be viewed until March 12. CLUB VIEWS FILMS ner in which the lad delivered bis already been accomplished. The fund -—Patronize LEADER Advertisers-— I that: time represented by Prontiss Gil- OF GREAT INDUSTRY talk impressed Ms audience ami they WHS utiuteit about two years ago. Dr. 'they are reliable- Two canvasses in the exhibit are | bert, whose part will be taken by Mrs.of singular beauty, they are "Brix- William L. Spalding. The rest of ham Harbor" and "Brixham, South More than 3 00 members of the I the cast includes: a Devon." In "Hrixham Harbor" presbyterian Men's Club attended th« : Sir Eric Drummoiid, secretary-gen- grouj) of trawlers are shown under u social meeting held Thursday night eral, Mrs. J. Herbert Leighton; M. soft and deep blu:1 sky, which Hriand, president and representing -• - . • . in the old parish house and heard a An* Prvpured pears above to become overcast with interesting talk on "Arteries of DR. JAMES F. HOS1C France, Mis. Kdward Ellsberg; Mr. mo>jt to serve you with Quality Foods at llie loweat possible prices. , , ,. , 1 ., 1 , • • 1 Yoshizawa, Japan, Miss Aileen Trim- rain clouds building up in the west; jncjustry," delivered by Henry Hat the green fields, the blue hills and I(;jr> a fleld engineer of a large steel Sludy iliese prices—I hey speak for themselves—then do to be discussed by the plan's ongma- j b)(!. Dr ^ ^^ Mrs E „ Kmi(h. your food chopping at your nearest Royal Scarlet Store. tor, Dr. Jame.s l'\ Ho.sic, before the Viscount Cecil, (Ireat Britain, Mrs. the ancient buildings of the town are tube manufacturing concern, Mr Grant School I'arent-Teaeher Asso- William II. Thomas; representative also 1.0 be seen. The weather-beaten nar)ey j-howed several reels of mo^ Knk of Jin,,,,I.,,, Mnr.k 3rd <» Wuilmday, Hank M of Germany, Mrs. Brewsler Beach; sails of the craft are tanned a deep tion pjcutrea jn which various opera- 8:15, in the school auditorium. Dr. reddish brown and adds to the beauty tions in the manufacture of steel tub- representative of Italy, Miss Anna of the Hosic, who is head of the depart- M. Cooper; representative of Guate- ing were depicted. Following the ment of elementary education of; maia> Mrs. Kdward A. I'lumer; reprc- Mr, Kddy's mastery of reproduc- talk a social hour was held in charge tion of water is demonstrated in of Fred R. Doerrer and his commit, FREE—1 cak* MILLO SOAP with avary purchot* of on* pockaga Tcachers College, Columbia Uinvi-r- R Wiliiam T. Little; representative fishing boat is shown beached at the _ edge of the creek. With the tide at STUDY GROUPS TO BRILLO "THE ALUMINUM CLEANER" nco. 14 coming to Columbia, he had many|of Norway Mrs. E. I'omeroy Staats; years of experience in educational: r t,prEscnlaliv0 l)f I>nriair,a> Mrs. Wil- low ebb, much mud and many pools MPPTT MARCH 9 work at the Illinois State Normal ]iam j Mey(;ra. re,)resentative of l>o- are seen shining in the afternoon LAROI School in Chicago. Dr. Hosic has lan(1> Mr3 Np]lie „ perkin8; repri> sunslight. The study group of the Grant and MCO. written a number of books and pam-! Rcnlalive of Jug0 SIllvia Miss Helen KIRKMAN POWDER IT Ovorgang Brixham is a study of Frank]in schooig wii, meet at ,h phlets on educational subjects, umi;Newcom, M!Orelary) Mrs, Kulh A. the ancient buildings of that town hom(J of Mrs H_ G_ Kossbartt, m has devotetl much 01 Ins spare time j,jjt| j e recently to lecturing on his co-op, along the quay and steps, up which Fnira(.rcs nvcnue, on Wednesday aft- A review of the activities of the William of Orange is said to have ,, . BEAN HOLE BEANS § 25 ernlive group plan of teaching. Thc League of Nations with regard to the rmion> March 9 at 3:30 O o]oek Grant School I'arent-Tuacher Associ- relations between China and Japan walked, arc shown in the painting, j Mhs Gprtrude Stadtmueller,'edu- ation extends an invitation to all those Two paintings of the ancient town cational director of Burton School, SPAGHETTI or C since October will he presented by|of Avignon are also included in the will present the subject, "Children 9OZ. interested in modern methods of ed- Mrs. Tucker, thus bringing events up collection. One shows the "Palace Leisure" to mothers of first, second MACARONI MCOI. ucation to hear Dr. Ilosic tomorrow to date. of the Popes," an immense building and third grades. MUELLER'S 25 evening. The class rooms will be open for inspection and films of Grant "A DELICIOUS CEREAL School activtiies will bo shown for FULL OF YEAST VITAMINS" those who wish to remain to see them YEASTIES 15' after the lecture. YOUTHS' SOCIETIES TO MEET SUNDAY A union meeting, of the Young People's Societies of the town is be- PRESERVES ing held Sunday afternoon at 4 p. m. •OVAL KUUUT in thc men's lounge of the YMCA. The topic which will bo discussed PEANUTBUTTER at this meeting will be: "The Viilue and Vlace of Inter-Church Activities JOHNSON'S WMOit WHCAT Among the Young People of West- field." Walter Luke, boys' work sec- SALTINES retary of the YMCA, will lead the dis- •OTM.KWUT cussion. Representatives from the several 1 Li. young peoples' organizations will take ULTRA VACUUM COFFEE CAN part in the devotional part of the program. The committee in charge of prep- •OVAL SCARLET _ ROYAL SCARLET c arations consists of Theodore Nnnz, PANCAKE SYRUP "r23 JEUYKER-2!»?,r.?£p...^w*5e chairman; Maria Cabanellas, Mal- colm Wright nnd Robert Nanz. •OVAL tCAHLTT ROYAL SCARLET 2O oi. QC After the meeting, refreshments CORN MEAL J Pkg. O will be served by the girls. All young c r e DE LORO. IMPORTED, •TMIOHT or ROLLED BROWNIVINEGAE BRANR DX&Z w.'J.VStw. 19 people of the town of high school C ANCHOVIES *?.V1O PICKLES M7.V5 age and over are cordially invited C to attend this meeting. ROYAL SCARLET ROYAL SCARLET •fiSft* 25 SPINACH i PEA BEANS Q :> <_ .:::•.-. '. i c Lu-i- s A Ijrii- -11 i-r • 1 :T: 1 is It! loiter I'.'ltIM' Il>| opei'il. II is a 'I 11111:1 nlllr U is sun-

Inslenil "t li"iv: - !'•• BEARDSLEY'S CODFISH SHREDDED PKG. TABLE CAIT ROYAlSCARU T INJOT IH1JI ONI-DAY n •#*l»liK tfHkl FREE RUNNING OUTINGSH AT LOW lOUND-tair r«m» mm WE RECOMMEND BOND BREAD—"SUNSHINE" VITAMIN D H Philadelphia SIINI1AV, MA11CII (l(h ROYAI SCARLET STORES l.rnvra l'L\IM 111.11 S:37 A. .11., Illll A.M., 10:11 A. ill. mill Illll A.M. lledlriiliiK: ilrki'tN K4MMI «n nny Now Consult Phone Book for Local Addresses .r«>rN«v C'cnlrlii triiin mi ilntp of Miilr. Similar exnirMlonH Sumln.vN, .Iliircli •Jdlli mill A|irll aril. I'niiKiilt tlvfcfl A General Electric Bridgeton Vineland OWJUNCTION LANDI ii in and puts it over . MINOTOLA WHEAT ROAD NORMA ROSENHAYN AND OAI ;ON ROAD SUNDAY, MMUI1 For thirty-two years Whidfeldt's Market has been the LrnrrK WKSI'KIIII.II Ilidll A. Jl. ChtHiK*' vnr« lit l<:ilylilielli|i(ir(. Iti— headquarters of Quality foods for Westfield and vicin- turuftiK. 11-nln le»vi'N llrlilui'liMi llt:il) Twist the dial and you have your program. What's more, you 1". Jl. i!ml Vlnrlnml TUU I'. II. Slm- ity. We have always endeavored to give our customers llnr |.\I'UTNIIIII Suinili.v, April :trki*t nKcnlN lor fart-* mill keep it. General Electric radio employs super-control tubes, and every possible price advantage—just so long as we did Ni'hi'ilulrK, not have to sacrifice Quality. 25 Long Branch automatic volume control. Then there is tone—the one thing It gives us great pleasure to announce to those of our . Asbury Park which General Electric believes most important, and to which

friends and customers that have not visited our store S) i:\ t'.nv M MI.\\ they have given greatest thought. How well they have succeeded recently, (hat we have now become affiliated with the liCiivfM wicsrKiKi.n it: Sj1,'> nnd A.M. (hnnitr enrn nt 1511ro- iiDrt. llrfuritlnu. tlfUrtN uitud BAMBERGER'S for RADIOS—Eighth Floor —WINDFELDT MARKET. ny Npw JprNcy C'rnlrnl Irnln nil vt Mnli' hut, (Irki'tM »rt- nol »>« Thr IlltH" 1'titnrt. For fiir- Infiirnmtlun tflfj> limit* Iitonl W'fllI 2-0150. L Bamberger & Co., Newark Phone Westfield 2-1900 THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1932 Page Tkra*

tators in order to watch the blue ' quarters on Center street. The cloth- Realtors Support Mortgage Iduced by Assemblyman Karcher of and white basketball game. After i ing which is being given out hag been {Middlesex. The bill amends the mort- the preliminary skills of the jump donated by residents of the borough. Legislation At irenton SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL NEWS and reach, passing and shooting, both gage act to provide that only when Written by the Student* j teams assembled for a passing tilt, GARWOQD NEWS Indorsement in principle of Senat* market value of property is reduced with the blues scoring ahead at the YOUTHS AMATEUR PLAYS Bill 77 creating a building and loan can a mortgagee sue upon bond to end of the first quarter. Both teams emergency credit bureau to preserve recover loss ami limits recovery to OUR OWN WHO'S WHO in the Pacific coast and in these coun- AID RELIEF FUND actual loss. tries. bbattled steadily in the next quarter Ii cial liquidity_ of associations. . . . ,, and bringing the score to a tie at the A very successful performance was various measures designed to improve I I'nion County Choral, Theodore The connections are made quickly. BORO BITS Visit to Transatlantic Tele- half. A close contest ensued for the given by The Bradford Avenue Ama- the mortgage situation in tht' state CHANGE HOUR OF Nar.z: Any telephone in the United States enthusiastic supporters of each team teur Theatrical .Society, Saturday, have been approved by the legisla- Ptation, Alfred Sehroeder; Art may be connected with one in Eur- The White Arrow A. C. held ii P.-T. A. MEETING Exhibit, Bryee Delesdy in the Westfield Art Asso- en by the pirls of the Westfield High C Christensen: center, M. Snevily; were played and refreshment * were (umes and stage direction were by one counties uf the state, 1u follow Neubauer will talk to the mothers ciatinn rooms at 7 Elm street. School on Friday evening, February side center, B. Hillman; guards, J. served. Ru*h Chnk and Dorothy Vaiden. The through on its committee action, about methods of college admission. ,--25,, •.. - th• e Roosevel- t Junior High Eldridge. F. Wheeler and M. Rearle. proceeds amounting to $5.30 were which effects numerous measures. The The High School is very well rep- School, closed in a tie for the Blue Hlues: Forwards, F. Snevily, M. The Garwood Republican Club, given to the relief fund of 'he Pis- Inc., held a curd party in its head- committee is especially eiithusia.sl it- Westfleld Leader" Suscribe NOW resented by the pen and ink, pastel |an(j white teams. The gymkhana, Grove, B. Scaly; centers, C. Jones, tl'iet Nursing Association. ill support of Assembly Hill -18 intro- $2.00 a year. and charcoal drawings, decorative an Anglo-Indian word meaning com- I). Beardsley; side center, R. Van quarters on North avenue, Friday masks, and oil paintings, as well as g . . night. by several model stage settings. petitive group work, was judged by|Leuven; guards, O. Sehroeder, C. Mis. William F. Little of Railway, The High School P.-T. A. will spon- Miss Dorothy Gibling of Trenton Hannefelser. Referee, Miss Elislui stale president of the P.-T. A. was State Teachers College, Miss Molly Phillip. the speaker Thursday night at the sor an exhibition in May of High Goodwing of Todhunter School, New j gy 1 School students work and is offering The gymkhana was held for tin meeting of the Garwood V. -T. A. York City, and Miss Yeend of New! benefit of the High School Athletic held in the Franklin School. A pro- prizes for the best representation in York University. Assttciation under the leadership of the different types. gram in keeping with the Washing- Figure marching in which all the Miss Gertrude M. Swift, supervisor ton bicentennial and also Founders WHEN YOU SUGGEST TO A BYSTANDER. girls clad in the blue gymnasium un- of physical education for girls, as- Day, was presented. THAT YOU *DUCK THIS DUMB PARTY'-AND PHYSICS CLASS VISITS iform exhibited marching, counter sisted by Miss Becker, Miss Dodds, TELEPHONE STATION marching, forming crescents, and Miss Doten, Miss Drake, Miss Foutz,. Miss Koxana B. Love of Plainfield HE SAYS HE CAN'T - AS WES THE MOST/ finally forming the large W and sing- Miss Hewitt, Miss Hill and Miss Pel- gave an organ recital Friday eve- The physics class of the Westfield ing the school song, opened the per-ton. The musical accompaniment was ning in the I'resbyterian Church, as- High School was shown through the formance. rendered by the school orchestra un- sisted by Miss Marion Brash, con- powerful short wave transatlantic der the direction of Miss K. Kliza- tralto, of Montelair. The occasion Fall activities were next denion- marked the anniversary of the in- broadcasting station at Lawrenceville strated by the girls in an exhibition; belli Ingalls. The Journalism Club, stallation of the organ. on Wednesday, February 25, by Mr.of the technique of soccer, the bounce headed by Mrs. Carolyn Phillips and Schocnherg who W. E. Johnson, Jr., kick, dribble, heading and pass and aided by Miss Agnes I. Allardice, The Woman's Guild of St. Mark's the physics teacher, discovered was drive. A clever hockey clog, Bingo, took charge of the publicity; the art Kpiscopal Church met yesterday aft- one of his former teachers. which illustrated all the fine points department, under the direction of ernoon iti the parish hall. The safety devices used in this sta- of hockey preceded skillful vaults, Miss Harriet Howard, supplied the The M. H. Club will hold a lunch- tion in handling high voltages were leaps and stands on the horse, buck, posters and program cover design, eon-bridge in the home of Mrs. Fred among the most interesting things superintended Cowoll on Pine avenue, March 30, box and parallels. i ticket sales wero Tlie meeting scheduled for this week there. All switches and apparatus Following these activities colorful V. Blair Hogers. has been postponed. using these high voltages are enclosed Annie Rooneys made their appearance in large locked metal cages which Mis. ywtliur Riley, Kr., of Locust j in sweat shirts and amusing hats and VIA THE ROUND ROBIN avenue will give a card party Fri- cannot be unlocked until the current tapped a snappy and effective dance. day afternoon for the benefit of St. is shut down. Stunts were next on the program I News comes to us from across the Mark's Episcopal Church. In conjunction with the short wave and two stunt teams composed of ocean, by way of the Uound Robin, Another curd party for the bene- Spring Coat Cleaning Sale receiving station at Netcong nni' theblue and white members, struggled that Peggy Pillalt and Edna Ten fit of the church will be held March Ladies' Spring Coats, Plain or Fancy, Thor- central office in New York, one mayfor superiority in a collection of Eycl;, former W. 11. S. girls, now 11 by Mrs. I'harles Bradshaw. talk directly to anyone in Kurope, amusing and intricate stunts from the'students at the Sorbonne, are having oughly Cleaned and Reshaped, lor Australia or South America, who has familiar somersaults and cart wheels'wonderful experiences in interesting- a telephone. 91 per cent of all the to the more difficult feat of diving Nancy, France. RELIEF GROUP telephones in the world are in direct over six people, ending with the ever According to their descriptions, the OPENS DEPOT $1.5O communication with each other. The popular pyramid. A military taps.homes over there are old, picturesque, other '.I per cent, which are in China number with all the girls participate frame buildings. Peggy describes The emergency relief committee of j A Bargain Price for "Quality" Cleaning and Japan, are expected to join the ing, followed the stunts, after which hers us being particularly attractive, Gacwood has opened a depot for the Until March 12th. chain with the completion of stations the girls once again joined the spec-1 On one side is a lovely balcony which distribution of clothing to the needy. The depot is located in the vacant store next to the Democratic head- Out of Town Patrons Call WX 2100 - No Toll Charge.

proves very useful at night when the girls come in lute. The girls have but one key to the house so when MRS. G.O.KELLER,Inc the door is locked at night, a girl who may be out late attracts the at- "THE OR.IQINAL KELLER. " tention of the others upstairs by throwing pebbles at the window. Then from the balcony, encircling CLEANERS AND DYERS the room, the key is cautiously thrown MAIN OFFICE & PLANT, Cor. SOUTH & LELAND AVE. down. A quiet entrance is made and the one key has served its purpose PLAINFIELD, NEW JER5EY again. Downtown Office, 129 Park Avenue Peggy also mentions their attrac- tive backyard with its lovely flowers, bird bath, and a small summer house where they eat when the weather per- mits, a tunnel with its unexplored regions at the bottom of the yard. Their house overlooks a canal which flows near by. take your Children to Edna tells of the very thrilling ex- perience she had in climbing an Alp. She had hoped to get a little way up but to her astonishment she fonnd herself at the top. HOSPITALITY: PRICES REDUCED These girls are getting much cn- New York poyment out of their year of study Our branch stores arc just large We are happy to announce the lowest March Coal Prices for many years abroad. Peggy is a junior at Mt. ITolyoke and Ktlnn at Vassar. enough to give you a most complete PHI BETA KAPPA HONOR NEW THRIFT PLAN EFFECTIVE Ruth Siebenmorgan, Westfield H. selection of the latest apparel. Yet S. graduate, has been elected to th they arc just small enough so that to T IS definitely recognized by Tuttle In order to meet the requirements Phi Beta Kappa honorary fraternity I Bros, that there are two general at. Onucher College. we can extend that old fashioned classes of buyer—The Thrifty or Cash of both types of buyer, the following Buyer—and those who prefer the con- schedule of prices is in effect as of hospitality which makes for much venience of ten to thirty days credit. March first. Lehigh Valley Service more pleasant shopping. SbopP THRIFT PLAN CONVENIENCE PLAN Cash with order or to driver on 50c per ton discount 10 days or NIAGARA PrtsUtnt delivery. Net 30 days. These spring ctepe de chines arc at the Best branches, among scores of CASH CREDIT FALLS other new things for spring. This .00 spring you can do the children's EGG per ton 12 EGG per ton 13 or BUFFALO shopping as easily as the morning .25 marketing. Pile them in the car 25 13 Round STOVE per ton 12 STOVE per ton give them a little ride, use our big .00 $, .00 12oo NUT . per ton NUT . per ton 13 Trip in parking space and finish up in jig 11.50 COACHES time. 10 SO 6 PEA . per ton PEA per ton Round Trip .75 1O-25 Including COKE 11 COKE per ton per ton PULLMAN If Carried, Add 50c per Ton. 10 Lower Berth Subject to change without notice. SATURDAY 1. In the Thrift Plan you gain 2. The Convenience Plan meets the need the advantage, not only of the of the customer who wishes invoices ren- MARCH 12 lowest prices for March in years dered after delivery and would prefer to but also all savings effected by settle either on the 10-day discount or 30- Leave Newark (i:iiz.an,i us through elimination of book- dny net basis. The additional price on Meeker.lies.) 9:00 P. M. keeping and its incidental ex- this plan represents merely our cost of ren- A Mack patent penses. dering this additional service. Leave South Plainfield Cherries on her pump with a cen- spri lift str.-t w I ter lmi:klctifistcad 9:18 P.M. 1) r o w n, navy, of the very youiljf 'PHONE YOUR ORDER FOR TUTTLE QUALITY COAL TODAY. Returning Sunday. bei^c or narurjl bumiii. Si/cs 12' J straw. Shn 20Ji (o3, 4.00; 3'i tn Further information at Divi- to 22 in. 3.75 Convenient Parking Space at •ion Paiscnger Agent's Of- 0, 5.IK) fice, 24 Branford Place, Newark, or Lehigh Valley Printed crepe de thine in Plain crepe t!c chine in Ticket Offices. crecn, hcniu, hluc. Also Spanish rj(,c, Copenha- in solid colors; Spanish gen, or liinl jjretMi with rose, Gipcnh;i/;cn or bud white collar. Sizes 6 to Co Xehigh^felley green. Sizes 6 to 12. 5.95 12 years. 5.95 William and WiishingtonSls.i'astOf a nge PHONE 1492 Railroad CHic Route of The Black Diamond "WHERE FIFTH AVENUE REACHES THE SUBURBS" Page Four THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1932 |C. N. R. OFFICIAL GARDEN EXPERT The Bloodstone For Those Born in March TO ADDRESS CLUBMEN TO ADDRESS CLUB The Men's Brotherhood of the First Arthur Herrington will [ie B> K aquamarine has 1(-s affinity Hy- M. Ii. Church will meet Tuesday eve- | speaker Tuesday afternoon at the catin*- of ilna tu.<::~or in your n:ng in the chapel at which time meeting of the Garden Club of ' nalun''» IO it rri£inl- pHf-anit'iiU you should a fluid in the home of Mrs. Walter L, eta in p.MJ. d.'Jtk quurt'-rs. (•<>• ': rejii-estiitative oi the Canadian Na- 11* -ii rlr it rnliii Of Uay ui the Boulevard. Mr, Herring, EACH BUSINESS AND >d. ti n • t ill" .rit»- lU'itiK an.] v.uikihK Throu^' tional Railways* will be the principal ton will speak on "Flowering and i'v or if .., r «* <• in- V PROFESSIONAL MAN or (•r.L.-lli mi c i speaker, The talk will supple- \ Berry-Bearing Shrubs?." Ma rs. I he minted motion! The Executive Board held its meet, MUST DEFEND FOR AP- : pictures. The dub uxlunO....s a cordia. l , is Monday afternoon in the home PRECIATION UPON AC- • inv-iution to the wives and friends of ; of Mrs. William McL. Bristol, Jr. 0I : its members to be guests that eve- I GKimball Circle. COMPLISHMENTS RATH- ! nine. - fi>} I h ER THAN ANY PUBLISH- caim- int (.• DeMOLAY CHAPTER FULL SIZE GARAGE Crurtiui ; ED CREED OF INTEN- Of Hiv Siivir.r <|ni>pi-.| upon a piece CONFERS DEGREE 12 x 18', Of t rei-fi !n.-|>.'tr u( I h»- fool of i he built as low as TIONS. Cross Tills tt-ri'Jt-f tuulition pn'« '198 rl«e In the MMiiii- Aj-"-n to thn h«- | Three candidates reccvicd the sec-' on easy time payments. lltjf th;ii iht; titootistooM cnul'J stop r.f th. i ond decree at the nieetinfr of Sir Gal- hernorrhn^t'fi u nrj history «*•( ID. Hy Its pure i ii | ahad Chapter, Order of JJeMoIuy, at SCREENING and REPAIR rec-c)i*jH UII ln.st;j.ru':i* when th« life } Wili* IllUC h u ii in- h- • its meeting la.st niirht in the Musonic Of th«* MogniplitM VIIHHTI wax saved I lt*ns( tt md !o In,. 'Temple. ])ele|;ations from the chap- WORK at Low Cost. by « piece of hioodHi sll|i|i.U irrt a (. <1 OMUMIJ enoufch, modern in*-ilU'lm- -.n-i u;il.y prized hit, d.pjiiit.ii.t hi, i and Kearny were present and cnter- does Hfop hemorrhages by using an TtilH et I tainment was provided by the Howl- Call M. KISS Jtringnnf COinpn.Mi-d of the Iron 111*.* tfil: Itowai lo {>ifs. ' ers. Refreshments and a social hour Cranford 6-20S5-W xtdp which th« hioodsto'w con rul roto f]w ur Uncial II. (,| ure'TI n f,.I followed the meeting". tains lu n In Mmrh IIr,-.-